Best Practices On Financial Management A Collabora
Best Practices On Financial Management A Collabora
Best Practices On Financial Management A Collabora
Cotabato City State Polytechnic College
Cotabato City, Philippines
Finance has been described as a great challenge for every organization and
considered the lifeblood of every institution which is used to finance its programs
and services. The study determined the best financial management practices and
the implementation in the local government unit of Cotabato City, Mindanao,
Southern Philippines. It also identified the gaps in financial management in its
covered local community. Interview guides and document analysis were used
in the study. Using descriptive method, it was found out that the financial
management of the local community was properly managed. Hence, there was a
good financial management in terms of finances of the communities in Cotabato
City as a basis of receiving the award of the seal of good housekeeping. It has
JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research
been highly recommended to engage more trainings on the same field with the
involvement of the second liner young officials. This study provides empirical
data to the agency administrators managing the community. There will also be
an identification of strategies to be adapted in the programs for implementation.
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services, the visitors of the city could safely spend their vacation and attend
seminars. The city government of Cotabato may benefit from their own financial
management practices as they are assured of sustainability in public office which
could also give pride for being the credible and accountable public officials;
students may be provided with good models of financial management which they
could experience and easily verify. Moreover, the best practices of the Cotabato
City government could be an appropriate and realistic springboard for classroom
discussion; and the general bank of knowledge for a good model worth sharing to
others for them to apply in their own places or local government units.
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International Peer Reviewed Journal
JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research
Wales also added that budget management means managing the sources
of funding and allocating those resources in line with agency priorities. Thus,
effective budget management happens when priorities are based on a clear
understanding of financial performance expectations. Financial control follows
the rules, processes, and procedures that address risks and assure that financial
resources are being recorded and used in the right way, for the right purpose, and
at the right time.
Another strong financial management practice is value management that
measures, prioritize and allocates financial resources based on the expected value
for service to be derived. Value management is sometimes called “performance
management.” Value management occurs within public entities and throughout
the whole government. It includes those practices referred to as “strategic
financial management” and makes transparent how well financial management
are transformed into services, outputs, and outcomes.
Lastly, governance and accountability of workers’ roles, responsibilities,
delegations, and decision-making structures through which strong financial
management can be introduced, practiced, and overseen and is implied in
financial management. Without structures and processes in an agency to make
decisions at the right level, managing financial performance is more difficult and
prone to risk (Kotloff & Burd, 2012).
Research Design
This study used the descriptive method on the programs of financial
management in the local government unit and its contributions to the
achievement of good financial housekeeping.
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Sampling Technique
The researchers used the non-probability sampling method. The purposive
sampling was applied, there are a total of 30 respondents which were derived
from the three groups such as the administrators, local officials, and beneficiaries.
Research Instruments
The study utilized the review of records technique to get the historical data
of the locality. The documentary review includes the background of the program
and its purposes. The Key Informants Interview was also done to know personally
the mechanics of the implementation and the challenges of the program
implementers in delivering the program. The Focus Group Discussion method
was used to surface the data on effects of the program to the beneficiaries.
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Most of the respondents were females with 26 or 97% this is due to financial
transactions done by women in the district. According to a new Gallup Poll, 700
million people or 70% of full-time workers do not feel engaged or emotionally
connected at work. That is a staggering number. But of the percentage that does
not just go through the motions at work, women have the highest rating. The
poll found that 33% of women feel actively engaged, versus 28% of men.
Intriguingly, women report more work engagement than men do. Despite
barriers to workplace equality--such as hiring, pay, and promotion. As supported
by Fondas (2013), women were more likely to feel committed to jobs than
men because women use flexible time and work arrangement more than men.
Flextime improves well-being which makes employees more effective at jobs and
also makes it feel more connected towards employers.
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In this research, it is evident that most of the respondents were high school
graduate (15 or 50%) but they possessed good level in Arabic education.
Kaplan University in Santa Barbara provides high school graduates who are
qualified for office clerks and can work different kinds of administrative tasks
daily, equipped with a wide skill set as well as the ability to adapt to daily changes
in their responsibilities. Office clerks typically need communication, computer
and general office skills. Keep reading to learn more about these abilities, as well
as some advanced skills that might be required.
This figure shows that the majority responses during the key informant
interview that programs in the community were properly observed. It implies
that the issues identified above have significantly contributed to the community
level. Therefore, if the leaders are capacitated, it will further develop their services
to the community. Thus, the community also becomes progressive. These
findings were supported by the situation analysis conducted by US Government
Accountability Office that preparing budget plans and regular updating of the
expenditures are at the core of economic and public sector reform programs
in most nations around the world and evidently the best methods for effective
financial management. Trecker (1977), explained that regular visit of the
monitoring team particularly on the financial performance of an agency can
greatly help the financial management of the organization as it assures the proper
delivery of social services among recipients.
On the other hand, respondents shared during the interview that there had
been a slightly low in attending seminars because it required financial counterparts
and some participants are being afraid of the requirements given by the speakers.
However, other countries despite not attending seminars like South Australia
secured administrative and employee development through offering Financial
Management Capability (FMC) Program at University of Adelaida that aims to
ensure staff with financial responsibilities, supported and developed in effective
financial practices that meet organizational requirements (Al Shami, 2012).
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short- and long-term through strong support of leaders and active involvement
of stakeholders, (B) Monitoring, keeping an eye on what is happening in the
finances and taking action when things deviate from the plan, and (C) Reporting,
having a comprehensive roadmap of how your unit performed financially in the
last period (month, quarter, half year or year) for transparency, using that to
make decisions and put plans in place for the next period.”
In addition, faith-based is also practiced because it is imbedded in the
culture of community. This is related to Dr. Jabnoun’s (2012) statement that
organizations should guide their people as to what is expected from them before
they are made responsible for choosing either. As evident, Allah (SWT) the
Almighty High guides people as to what is right and wrong before holding them
responsible for their deeds.
Based on the findings of the study, the researchers concluded that there was
a good financial management in terms of funding the local government units in
Cotabato City as a basis of compliance by the modernization program of every
government. The seal of good housekeeping applied to and by every city was
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grounded with sound financial system in the operation of its districts. The strong
practices applied to achieve the award were effective planning and leadership,
transparency, communicating the vision through consultation, good values in
reporting and liquidation as well as technology adaptation. The implication of
these efforts provided more preparations to the local officials in managing the
affairs of the community.
The participants’ experiences in establishing a seal of good financial
housekeeping was a great task. They have to use a high diplomatic approaches
in working out requirements towards achieving the award. Manifestations of
opposition they managed especially in dealing with co-workers were supporters
of the previous administration. Everybody is involved in the process along the
way of communicating the vision with clear explanation.
Given the findings of this study, the need to institutionalize a good financial
housekeeping is relevant and applicable to every local community both in urban
and rural areas.
As such, the findings of this study would create the positive environment of
financial management that will lead to a profound advancement in every local
government unit. Moreover, there has been a ground for crafting a standard
system of intervention using what has transpired in this research through
sustainable community-based programming that is supported by legislations
and public enunciation. The sustainable programming should be transmitted in
different levels which served as the continuity of the process.
The educators should pursue more innovative and creative advocacy on
popularization of good financial management using creative media, information
and instructional materials written in local dialect for the community to
properly understand the core message. The academe must continue this model
of collaboration through replicating into other universities and colleges through
conducting trainings and seminars for faculty members and administrators.
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Fondas, W. (June 21, 2013). Women Are More Likely Than Men to Be Engaged
in Their Jobs. Published by The Atlantic Points. Retrieved from https://www.
Kotloff, L. J., & Burd, N. (2012). Building stronger nonprofits through better
financial management: Early efforts in 26 youth-serving organizations. New
York: The Wallace Foundation. Available online at http://www.
wallacefoundation. org/knowledge-center/after-school/financial-management-
FinancialManagement. pdf.
International Peer Reviewed Journal
Kanfer, R., & Ackerman, P. L. (2004). Aging, adult development, and work
motivation. Academy of management review, 29(3), 440-458. https://doi.
List of cities with good financial management. PSGC Interactive. Quezon City,
Philippines: Philippine Statistics Authority. Retrieved 12 November 2016.