RPPF (English)
RPPF (English)
RPPF (English)
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For use from May/November 2018
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The completion of this form is a mandatory requirement of the EE. It must be submitted together with the completed
EE for assessment under Criterion E. As per the ‘Protocols for completing and submitting the Reflections on
planning and progress form’ section of the EE guide, a mark of 0 will be awarded by the examiner for criterion E if
the RPPF is blank or the comments are written in a language other than that of the accompanying essay.
Supervisor: You must have three reflection sessions with each candidate, one early on in the process, an interim meeting
and then the final viva voce. Other check-in sessions are permitted but do not need to be recorded on this sheet. After each
reflection session candidates must record their reflections and as the supervisor you must indicate the month that the
reflection session took place, the candidate’s year of DP study at that time and initial this form.
At first, I did not know how could I make and create a research question I would like to research about without getting tired.
This is why I thought of a subject I really liked and for me that is American football. That is why I started investigating what
subjects of psychology connected to American football and this is when I found out how motivation is an important factor in
the daily life of an American football athlete. So I started investigating how motivation is connected to football and by
investigating about motivation I found out that there are different types of motivation such as extrinsic, intrinsic and family. I
decided to choose intrinsic motivation because it is the same motivation that I get while practicing football and that
motivation is just about of the love of it and not about materialistic rewards.
Interim reflection
Candidate comments:
During the past month I have been researching and starting to make and write my extended essay I have already written all
the introduction as well as a part of the body, I have a clear idea and focus of how my essay will go and how I will go forward
with ideas as well as connecting those ideas with proof and research. Through this month I have been reading articles as
well as magazines from famous writers and authors. These magazines, more than as an obligation, I read these magazines
for fun and as a way to feed my knowledge from things I like. I will be working on my essay the following weeks and will start
to apply all the knowledge I have gained by reading and applying them to my essay to make a rich and fun essay for myself
rather than for the school or for my grades.
Supervisor comments:
Supervisor: By submitting this candidate work for assessment, you are taking responsibility for its authenticity. No piece of candidate work
should be uploaded/submitted to the e-Coursework system if its authenticity is in doubt or if contradictory comments are added to this form. If
your text in the box below raises any doubt on the authenticity of the work, this component will not be assessed.