Leadership Skills

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strength and
The following are the weakness
responsibilities of a Coaches and Resolve
1 team leader except develop skills Master Guide conflict initiate work 4
Leadership can be
2 skewed to be an act of Influence Dominion Democracy Stewardship 1
One of the following
shows how leaders As families
3 emarge grow From Eden By birth Education 3
As Roman rule Faded
away, leadership was
characterised by the Dewindling Leadership
4 folowing ecept Violence Banditory Commerce style 4
One of the following is Transefer of
a characteristics of power to the
5 Renaissance age parliment Absolutism Socialism Freudalism 1
Published Social
6 Contract in what year 1775 1762 1761 1736 2
The development of
social contract,
established that The
7 authority comes from God Monarchs Parliment The People 4
how best to
identify those
who are
What was the task of naturally fit
leadership by the end Protect the Create more Build for
8 of the 19th century people Leaders Democracy leadership 4
19th and 20th Monarchical
century, witnessed to Authoritarian
the movement Democratic to Democratic Feudalism to
9 societies from government democratic to Socialism socialism 1
England brought
about broadening of
political franchise with
10 the reform act of 1831 1636 1836 1832 4
Virtual leadership was Max weber ) Kahai and Isaac Nelson
11 defined as “ social and Daniel Dodge Newton and Mandela and 2
Influence process” by Nicolas Richard
one of the following Bolton Smith
Leadership in the 21th participation Greater
century includes the globalization by individual industrializat accountabilit
12 following except using IT organizations ion y 3
Norris and Porter,
suggests that from the
Leadership is now Top to leaders to Bottom to
13 operated from bottom horizontally the public top 3
Researchers take the
following into
cognizance while
defining Leadership
14 except . Trait attitude influence occupation 2
The function of a
leader does not
include one of the communicati division of
15 following Initiative on Goal Setting Labour 2
The following includes
the characteristics of a
successful leader, with
the exception of one
16 of the following: Integrity Respect Influence initiative 2
Different dynamics to
life throws up a leader being a being able to
this includes with the leadership change enlisting
17 exception of Achievement team agent cooperation 2
Leadership theory is a What makes
discipline that focuses successful what makes
on one of the leaders what makes a matured what stands
18 following succeed leader excel leaders out leaders 1
Trait or great man
theory of leadership
states that the
following makes a Good
19 leader personality drive desire influence 1
One of the criticisms
of Trait or Great man
theory of leadership is the effect of
that it failed to Situation on Good
20 reorganized leadership ) initiative qualities Flexibility 1
The following are not Thomas Kelly Thompson Max weber
proponents of and Oliver Oliver and and Bernard Nicola Bass
21 Transformational branch Karl Max Bass and Karl Max 3
leadership theory
Max Weber and
Bernard Bass, failed to
individuality in
production process Transformati
when they Transactional Trait and onal
propounded which leadership Great man Path- goal Leadership
22 theory of leadership theory theory theory theory 1
The foremost
proponent of path- Abraham Robert J.
23 goal theory is Lincoln House Martin Evans Max Weber 3
method can it can be
fail in the counter
face of a productive
The following are the Decisions leader’s due to
criticism of Path goal making is noticeable It is not dependence
24 theory except rational flaws democratic on a leader 1
The concept of
leadership was Charles James V. Kelvin
25 initially introduced by Dwain Isaac Newton Downton Hobson 3
Spears and spears
consider the following
to be attributes of a
26 servant leader except listening healing intelligence persuasion 3
The characteristics of
leadership includes of intellectual individualized inspirational
27 the following stimulation consideration Motivation Proactive 4
One of the following is Organization
an element of al
transformational idealized Entertain consciousnes
28 leadership influence inspiration new ideas s 1
one of the following
authors, identified the
Responsibilities of a
29 team leader Chris 2019 Jones 2020 James 2018 Max 2011 1
The qualities of a
team leader include being
30 one of the following self-aware empathy persuasion committed 1
The origin of
leadership can be
traced from one of
the following Bible . Matt. mark 17: 23- John 10:11- Romans 4: 1-
31 verses 20:25-28 22 12 8 1
The washing of the
disciples’ feet by Jesus Galatians 4: Colossians Romans
32 could be found in: 1-17 4:1-17 13:4-17 John 13:4-17 1
Servant Leadership is
a leadership style that
33 focuses on the needs Animals Christians Musilms of others 1
The following authors
argued that servant
leadership is about stone & Irving
34 the lead except James 2014 Laub 1999 others 2004 2005,2006 1
one of the following
authors, saw servant
leadership from the
angle of vision,
credibility, trust ,
service, modeling,
appreciating others
35 and empowerment Weber 2001 Russell 2002 Russell 2001 Max 2004 1
One of the following
authors discussed the
dimension of Agape
love, humility,
altruism, vision, trust,
empowerment and
service, to be the
essentials of a servant Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson
36 leader 2003 2020 2011 2005 1
As part of benefits,
servant leadership
brings with it the
37 following except one growth progress persuasion Success 1
one of the following
combination of
authors, opined that
Servant leaders create Babuto and
bond relationship with Wheeler, Adebite and Vermer and Lesswell and
38 followers 2006 Ugwu 2014 Deby 2001 Spenser 1
According to Ayim,
2021, one of the
following is
prerequisite for
39 servant leadership . Empathy sympathy Love Trust 1
Which type of issues
are first level
managers routinely Long range short range Shareholder Strategic
40 influenced by? issues Issues issues Issues 2
which of these is
ageneral component Financial Production information
41 external enviroment? aspects activity Political system 3
who utilizes Who is
human and expected to
material inspire and Who uses Develops and
resources to motivate command communicate
Which of the achieve subordinates and force to s vision that
following is NOT true organization to attain influence his is devoid of
42 about a good leader al goal results sobordinates ambiguity 3
does not
take place When people
within a operate as
hierarchical leaders, their
Regarding leadership, structure of role is clearly Not every
which statement is an established leader is a All of the
43 false organization and defined manager above 2
Passive and independenc
puts the e in team by
What are qualities The group In responsibility promoting Provide little
that define a leader planning and of decision- motivation autonomy
who uses laissez- in decision making to and and self-
44 faire? making others. creativity. motivation. 2
Before the middle Birth and the
ages, leaders were direct
appointed based on instruction of Might and Technical
45 their: Experiences God powers knowledge 2
When did the scholars
start paying attention
to leadership as a
subject of study, In the In the In the
which also emerged beginning of beginning of beginning of
many Leadership the 20th the 19th During the the 21st
46 Theories? century century Middle ages century. 1
In the 20th century,
most societies moved Democratic Authoritarian Colonial to
from ----------------to --- to to Independenc Military to
47 ---------------- Authoritarian Democratic e Civilian 2
What change the face
of leadership in the Accountabilit
48 21st century y Sociology Globalization Training 3
According to the
transactional theorist,
people are motivated Max Weber Handwork
by ---------------and ----- and Bernard Reward and Reward and and
49 ----- Bass consideration Punishment perseverance 3
Charismatic leaders
believe that two of Task Motivation
these are all that is orientation and
needed to convince and empowerme Grace and Reward and
50 followership. observation nt Charm Punishment 3
One of the proponent
of charismatic Robert J. Martins
51 leadership theory is House Evans Bernard Bass Max Weber 1
The two types of Communicati Customer Oriented Task
leadership suggested on Oriented Oriented and and Oriented and
by behaviorists were - and Listening leadership Employee Accomplishm
------------ and ----------- Oriented Oriented Oriented ent Oriented
52 --- Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership 3
Universally effective
leadership behaviors
are discovered
53 through-----------------. Observation Talking Listening Teaching 1
Autocratic leadership Management Laissez-faire Free-Rein Participative
54 style is also known as Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership 1
Which leadership style
is friendly and Management Participative Supportive Directive
55 approachable? Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership 3
Characteristics of
servant leadership
that emphasized on
accountability and Respect
transparency is --------- team
56 ---------------- Stewardship Integrity members Mediator 1
Training of successor,
Eliminating bottle
neck, and Assigning
Safeguarding the responsibiliti Rewarding Effective
health of the leader is es to the the communicati
57 the outcome of subordinates subordinates on skills Stewardship 1
An equal
In the Old testament opportunity
leadership was for An all-mail An all female Neither of
58 predominantly leadership affair affair the above 2
59 Responsive and David Moses Adam Goliath 2
characterized -----------
---------module of
Christ modeled
leadership and taught
his disciples to follow
60 His example Command Servant hood Control Power 2
Ethics derives its
definition from the Accountabilit
61 Greek word: Leadership Model Ethics y 3
Ethics derives its
definition from the Code of
62 Greek word: conduct Mores Customs Ethos 4
“A process to develop
a strategy to achieve
desired objectives, to
solve problems, and
to facilitate action” is Communicati
63 called Indicator Estimate Planning on 3
Short Term, Specificity, Breadth,
Breadth Medium Frequency of Time Frame
The major type of Strategic and Term and use, and and
planning relating to Operational Long Term Strategic frequency of
64 their durations are: Planning Planning Planning use Planning 2
Long-term planning
displays how a
government or Continued Specific
organization can be Period of Less period of period of period of
65 successful over a time time time time 3
Management is based
on how many
66 principles? 4 3 6 5 4
Which of the
following best
describe a vision
67 statement Destination Road Map Synergy Planning 1
The type of decision
making that entire
members must agree Group Consensus Autocratic Collective
on the same decision decision decision decision decision
68 is making making making making 2
Hierarchy of human
needs is based on how
69 many major needs? 5 7 6 4 5
In making decisions, Background
leaders have information Origin of the Alternative Futuristic
70 information on of the issue problem choices events 3
Who developed
administrative theory
that focused on
managerial functions
of organizing,
controlling and Chuck Robbins and Marx
71 staffing Williams Henri Fayol Coutler Frederick 2
All but one, are
important features of Better
Management by Underestima Clarity of Communicat
72 Objectives tion goals in Motivation 1
Basic fact of human
association that has to
do with every kind
and degree of
relationship entered
by men not minding
whether it is
73 organized or not Resources Society Constitution Cultures 2
Cultural Cultural Cultural
value and norms and value and High Culture
Two components of standards of rules for right Cultural and Mass
74 culture are: desirability or wrong norms culture 3
Which of these
denote the word
function, task and
75 discipline? Management Leadership Motivation Productivity 4
76 Find-the-odd-one-out charismatic democratic oligachy autocratic 3
It does not
enhance the
capacity to
learn and
The following are Quality of Improves It is morally appreciate
importance of cultural problem chances of and ethical others norms
77 diversity except solving team competition thing to do and values 4
All but one are the
core values of Accountabili
78 Babcock University Execellent Integrity ty Leadership 4
Leader hands Leader Leader Leader
79 What is Laissez -faire? off interfare Dictate Controls 1
Which type of
managers are Executive Second level
80 responsible for Employee Managers managers Managers 2
reporting to middle
One of the following is
not a characteristic of
bureaucracy as Record Sphere of Confidentiali
81 identified by Weber Keeping Competence ty Formality 2
The ability to
recognize gender
issues and most
recognition of both
men’ and women’ Gender Gender Gender Gender
82 differences sensitivity issues Specific redistributive 2
Women have Leadership
been at a role should
disadvantage entail
relative to working
Being gender sensitive men to towards Men should
in decision making, Men and control over increased be at the
the leader in an women have the equity, head, after
organisation should differences resources, equality and all God
put into consideration and special welfare… empowerme created the
83 the following except needs among others nt. first 3
How many are Henri
Fayol principles
84 chains? 15 14 13 12 2
When the receiver
reads and
understands and
understand the
message, Lateral Effective Formal
communication is said Communicat communicati communicati communicati
85 to be ed on on on 3
According to
Newstrom (2011),
there are --------- steps
in the communication
86 process 2 4 6 8 4
Which one is not a
recognised key skill of Conceptual Technical
87 management? Skills Human Skills Skills Writing skills 4
Interferences that
emanates from
human emotions,
values, and poor
listening habits is Personal Physical Semantic Communicati
88 called barriers barriers barriers on barriers 1
89 Esprit de corps means Spirit of unity Corps Strength Spirit of Love 1
The following are
traditional types of Economical Legal Professional Political
accountability except - Accountabilit Accountabilit Accountabili Accountabilit
90 ---------- y y ty y 1
England brought
about broadening of
political franchise with
91 the reform act of 1831 1636 1836 1832 4
Virtual leadership was
defined as “ social Isaac Nelson
Influence process” by Newton and Mandela and
one of the following Max weber ) Kahai and Nicolas Richard
92 combinations and Daniel Dodge Bolton Smith 2
Leadership in the 21th participation Greater
century includes the globalization by individual industrializat accountabilit
93 following except using IT organizations ion y 3
Norris and Porter,
suggests that from the
Leadership is now Top to leaders to Bottom to
94 operated from bottom horizontally the public top 3
Researchers take the
following into
cognizance while
defining Leadership
95 except . Trait attitude influence occupation 2
The function of a
leader does not
include one of the communicati division of
96 following Initiative on Goal Setting Labour 2
Different dynamics to
life throws up a leader being a being able to
this includes with the leadership change enlisting
97 exception of Achievement team agent cooperation 2
Leadership theory is a What makes
discipline that focuses successful what makes
on one of the leaders what makes a matured what stands
98 following succeed leader excel leaders out leaders 1
Trait or great man
theory of leadership
states that the
following makes a Good
99 leader personality drive desire influence 1
One of the criticisms the effect of
10 of Trait or Great man Situation on Good
0 theory of leadership is leadership ) initiative qualities Flexibility 1
that it failed to
The following are not
proponents of
Transformational Thomas Kelly Thompson Max weber
10 leadership theory and Oliver Oliver and and Bernard Nicola Bass
1 except branch Karl Max Bass and Karl Max 3
Max Weber and
Bernard Bass, failed to
individuality in
production process Transformati
when they Transactional Trait and onal
10 propounded which leadership Great man Path- goal Leadership
2 theory of leadership theory theory theory theory 1
The foremost
10 proponent of path- Abraham Robert J.
3 goal theory is Lincoln House Martin Evans Max Weber 3
method can it can be
fail in the counter
face of a productive
The following are the Decisions leader’s due to
10 criticism of Path goal making is noticeable It is not dependence
4 theory except rational flaws democratic on a leader 1
The concept of
10 leadership was Charles James V. Kelvin
5 initially introduced by Dwain Isaac Newton Downton Hobson 3
Spears and spears
consider the following
10 to be attributes of a
6 servant leader except listening healing intelligence persuasion 3
The characteristics of
10 leadership includes of intellectual individualized inspirational
7 the following stimulation consideration Motivation Proactive 4
One of the following is Organization
an element of al
10 transformational idealized Entertain consciousnes
8 leadership influence inspiration new ideas s 1
one of the following
authors, identified the
10 Responsibilities of a
9 team leader Chris 2019 Jones 2020 James 2018 Max 2011 1
The qualities of a
11 team leader include being
0 one of the following self-aware empathy persuasion committed 4
Ethics derives its
11 definition from the Code of
1 Greek word called conduct Mores Customs Ethos 4
What model of
11 leadership did Christ
2 teach his disciples? Command Servant hood Control Power 2
who utilizes Who is
human and expected to
material inspire and Who uses Develops and
resources to motivate command communicate
Which of the achieve subordinates and force to s vision that
11 following is not true organization to attain influence his is devoid of
3 about a good leader? al goal results sobordinates ambiguity 3
does not
take place When people
within a operate as
hierarchical leaders, their
In relation to structure of role is clearly Not every
11 leadership, which an established leader is a All of the
4 statement is false organization and defined manager above 2
Passive and independenc
puts the e in team by
What are qualities The group In responsibility promoting Provide little
that define a leader planning and of decision- motivation autonomy
11 who uses laissez- in decision making to and and self-
5 faire? making others. creativity. motivation. 2
Before the middle Birth and the
ages, leaders were direct
11 appointed based on instruction of Might and Technical
6 their Experiences God powers knowledge 2
Scholars started
paying attention to
leadership as a subject
of study that led to In the In the In the
the emmergence of beginning of beginning of beginning of
11 many leadership the 20th the 19th During the the 21st
7 theories century century Middle ages century. 1
In the 20th century, Democratic Authoritarian Colonial to
11 most societies moved to to Independenc Military to
8 from Authoritarian Democratic e Civilian 2
What changed the
11 face of leadership in Accountabilit
9 the 21st century? y Sociology Globalization Training 3
According to the
transactional theorist, Max Weber Handwork
12 people are motivated and Bernard Reward and Reward and and
0 by Bass consideration Punishment perseverance 3
Charismatic leaders Task Motivation
believe that all that is orientation and
12 needed to convince and empowerme Grace and Reward and
1 followership are observation nt Charm Punishment 3
One of the proponent
12 of charismatic Robert J. Martins
3 leadership theory is House Evans Bernard Bass Max Weber 1
Communicati Customer Oriented Task
on Oriented Oriented and and Oriented and
The two types of and Listening leadership Employee Accomplishm
12 leadership suggested Oriented Oriented Oriented ent Oriented
4 by behaviorists were Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership 3
Universally effective
leadership behaviors
12 are discovered
5 through Observation Talking Listening Teaching 1
12 Autocratic leadership Management Laissez-faire Free-Rein Participative
6 style is also known as Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership 1
Which leadership style
12 is friendly and Management Participative Supportive Directive
7 approachable? Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership 3
Characteristics of
servant leadership
that emphasized on Respect
12 accountability and team
8 transparency is Stewardship Integrity members Mediator 1
Training of successor,
Eliminating bottle
neck, and Assigning
Safeguarding the responsibiliti Rewarding Effective
12 health of the leader is es to the the communicati
9 the outcome of subordinates subordinates on skills Stewardship 1
An equal
In the Old testament opportunity
13 leadership was for An all-mail An all female Neither of
0 predominantly leadership affair affair the above 2
Responsiveness and
13 characterized this
1 module of leadership David Moses Adam Goliath 2
13 Leadership can be
2 skewed to be an act of Influence Dominion Democracy Stewardship 1
One of the following
13 shows how leaders As families
3 emarge grow From Eden By birth Education 3
As Roman rule Faded
away, leadership was
13 characterised by the Dewindling Leadership
4 folowing ecept Violence Banditory Commerce style 4
One of the following is Transefer of
13 a characteristics of power to the
5 Renaissance age parliment Absolutism Socialism Freudalism 1
13 Published Social
6 Contract in what year 1775 1762 1761 1736 2
The development of
social contract,
13 established that The
7 authority comes from God Monarchs Parliment The People 4
how best to
identify those
who are
What was the task of naturally fit
13 leadership by the end Protect the Create more Build for
8 of the 19th century people Leaders Democracy leadership 4
19th and 20th Monarchical
century, witnessed to Authoritarian
13 the movement Democratic to Democratic Feudalism to
9 societies from government democratic to Socialism socialism 1
England brought
about broadening of
14 political franchise with
0 the reform act of 1831 1636 1836 1832 4
Virtual leadership was
defined as “ social Isaac Nelson
Influence process” by Newton and Mandela and
14 one of the following Max weber ) Kahai and Nicolas Richard
1 combinations and Daniel Dodge Bolton Smith 2
Leadership in the 21th participation Greater
14 century includes the globalization by individual industrializat accountabilit
2 following except using IT organizations ion y 3
Norris and Porter,
suggests that from the
14 Leadership is now Top to leaders to Bottom to
3 operated from bottom horizontally the public top 3
Researchers take the
following into
cognizance while
14 defining Leadership
4 except . Trait attitude influence occupation 2
The function of a
leader does not
14 include one of the communicati division of
5 following Initiative on Goal Setting Labour 2
The following includes
the characteristics of a
successful leader, with
14 the exception of one
6 of the following: Integrity Respect Influence initiative
Different dynamics to
life throws up a leader being a being able to
14 this includes with the leadership change enlisting
7 exception of Achievement team agent cooperation 2
Leadership theory is a What makes
discipline that focuses successful what makes
14 on one of the leaders what makes a matured what stands
8 following succeed leader excel leaders out leaders 1
Trait or great man
theory of leadership
states that the
14 following makes a Good
9 leader personality drive desire influence 1
One of the criticisms
of Trait or Great man
theory of leadership is the effect of
15 that it failed to Situation on Good
0 reorganized leadership ) initiative qualities Flexibility 1
The following are not
proponents of
Transformational Thomas Kelly Thompson Max weber
15 leadership theory and Oliver Oliver and and Bernard Nicola Bass
1 except branch Karl Max Bass and Karl Max 3
Max Weber and
Bernard Bass, failed to
individuality in
production process Transformati
when they Transactional Trait and onal
15 propounded which leadership Great man Path- goal Leadership
2 theory of leadership theory theory theory theory 1
The foremost
15 proponent of path- Abraham Robert J.
3 goal theory is Lincoln House Martin Evans Max Weber 3
method can it can be
fail in the counter
face of a productive
The following are the Decisions leader’s due to
15 criticism of Path goal making is noticeable It is not dependence
4 theory except rational flaws democratic on a leader 1
The concept of
15 leadership was Charles James V. Kelvin
5 initially introduced by Dwain Isaac Newton Downton Hobson 3
Spears and spears
consider the following
15 to be attributes of a
6 servant leader except listening healing intelligence persuasion 3
The characteristics of
15 leadership includes of intellectual individualized inspirational
7 the following stimulation consideration Motivation Proactive 4
One of the following is Organization
an element of al
15 transformational idealized Entertain consciousnes
8 leadership influence inspiration new ideas s 1
one of the following
authors, identified the
15 Responsibilities of a
9 team leader Chris 2019 Jones 2020 James 2018 Max 2011 1
The qualities of a
16 team leader include being
0 one of the following self-aware empathy persuasion committed 4
The origin of
leadership can be
traced from one of
16 the following Bible . Matt. mark 17: 23- John 10:11- Romans 4: 1-
1 verses 20:25-28 22 12 8 1
The washing of the
16 disciples’ feet by Jesus Galatians 4: Colossians Romans
2 could be found in: 1-17 4:1-17 13:4-17 John 13:4-17 4
Servant Leadership is
16 a leadership style that
3 focuses on the needs Animals Christians Musilms of others 4
The following authors
argued that servant
16 leadership is about stone & Irving
4 the lead except James 2014 Laub 1999 others 2004 2005,2006 1
one of the following
authors, saw servant
leadership from the
angle of vision,
credibility, trust ,
service, modeling,
16 appreciating others
5 and empowerment Weber 2001 Russell 2002 Russell 2001 Max 2004 3
One of the following
authors discussed the
dimension of Agape
love, humility,
altruism, vision, trust,
empowerment and
service, to be the
16 essentials of a servant Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson
6 leader 2003 2020 2011 2005 1
As part of benefits,
servant leadership
16 brings with it the
7 following except one growth progress persuasion Success 3
one of the following
combination of
authors, opined that
Servant leaders create Babuto and
16 bond relationship with Wheeler, Adebite and Vermer and Lesswell and
8 followers 2006 Ugwu 2014 Deby 2001 Spenser 1
According to Ayim,
2021, one of the
following is
16 prerequisite for
9 servant leadership . Empathy sympathy Love Trust 4
strength and
The following are the weakness
17 responsibilities of a Coaches and Resolve
0 team leader except develop skills conflict initiate work 4
17 The concept of all of the
1 leadership is as old as Mankind the orbit individual options 1
One of these is an
indices to measure
attainment of
17 development in
2 society today Money leadership books instagram 2
One of these is
17 paramount to the decision none of the
3 concept of leadership making disloyalty reality show options 1
17 Leaders are found in all of the
4 one of the followings home-front businesses politics options 4
One of these is the they create
consensus on the vision and
17 definition and theory They create mobilize
5 of a leader vision they mobilize others they lead out 3
Who said leadership
“is an act of getting
someone else to do
something you want
17 done because he Nelson Dwight Thomas
6 wants to do it" Aristotle Mandela Eisenhower Columbus 3
Leadership is seen as leader, leader,
17 complex because it leader and leader and follower and follower and
7 involves follower situation situation skills 3
In examining who a
17 leader is, one of these ability to
8 is germane belief system shout wealth coerciveness 1
What makes a
17 difference in leaders cognitive all of the
9 are issues of traits values ability options 4
The control of one of
these items is a
18 success into gaining temperamen none of the
0 leadership role sleeping education t options 3
It is better to gain
18 leadership position controntatio
1 through Coercion elimination consensus n 3
goal and
Goal and decision
Two ways to classified building goal and task making
18 the function of a oriented task oriented oriented oriented
2 leader is function function function function 1
18 Goal setting is an act
3 expected of a follower boss authority leader 4
18 The primary function direction guidance and guidance and
4 of a leader is to give alone alone guidance motivation 3
The ability to co-
ordinate various
interests of people in
18 an aggregated sum is Interest interest interest none of the
5 refer to as motivation alignment articulation options 3
18 One of these is a division of all of the
6 function of a leader laour goal setting initiative options 4
One of these
18 characteristics is
7 needed from a leader empathy scoulding cunning nepotism 1
One of these
characteristics of a
leader has become a
18 scarce commodity in
8 our world today motivation integrity corruption articulation 2
One of these is a way
18 in which leader belief-system status-based none of the
9 emerge leader leader religion options 2
A leader needs to be a brutish and
19 change agent because Competitive dynamic in an nasty in
0 society is in nature nature organization nature 2
19 A charismatic leader is traits to is born speak out a all of the
1 one that emerge naturally lot options 1
A leader that emerges
through ranks and
files of the group
19 structure can be consensus compromisin corporate candid
2 referred to as a candidate g candidate candidate candidate 1
The kind of leadership
style practised during
the monarchical
19 regime is synonymous natural born charismastic contract long life
3 to leader leader leader leader 1
The origin of
19 leadership can be Garden of Family
4 traced to Greek times Roman times Eden institution 3
During the Middle insulated
19 ages, leaders were from all of the
5 generally seen as authoritative demanding follower options 1
Chief Obafemi
19 Awolowo was seen as Lackadaisical authoritarian charismatic lassire faire
6 a leader leader leader leader 3
19 Rule by kings can be
7 referred to as Aristocracy Monarchy Egalitarian Colonial 2
One of these is not a
19 temperament meant verbal none of the
8 for a leader manipulation hot temper rebuke options 4
One of these makes a
19 leader different form the way they act of taller than
9 follower dress direction and others behaviour 2
According to Sharma
(2010), two
classification of leader effective and
20 was identified which good and ineffective tall and task and goal
0 are bad leader leaders short leaders leaders 2
process of
A complex organised
form of act of group
social influence towards
20 Leader can be defined problem over other accomplishm all of the
1 as solving people ent of goals options 4
These two basic facts
20 are needed by a vision and mission and vision and
2 leader money objective mission just vision 3
The concept of group
dynamics is Social
20 synonymous with one Anthropolog Political
3 of these profession y Sociology Psychology Science 2
pick on who
A democratic leader consult and control his to relate with
20 exhibits one of these involves group with confrontatio in group
4 traits subordinates coercion nal structure 1
An autocratic
leadership style can
20 lead followers into a argumentatio
5 state of frustration harmony happiness n 1
makes the
intention of
Communication is an improves motivates the the leader
20 effective traits needed knowledge of individual in know to all of the
6 by a leader because it the follower group setting followers options 4
The use of
communication by
20 leaders is not effective
7 when there is no agitation negotiation feedback consensus 3
20 One major problem in
8 Nigeria is that of resources state creation leadership grassroot 3
Leaders at all times
20 must be one of this to
9 his followers antagonistic adorable accountable progenitor 3
A subordinate can
21 also be referred to as all of the
0 a follower disciple junior options 4
Social Contract by
21 Rousseau was
1 published in 1972 1772 1762 1818 3
21 The last emperor of Kaiser Giuseppe Kaiser
2 German was Wilhelm Mazzini Karl Marx Mazzini 1
One of these names is
21 a great leader of 19th Abraham Giuseppe Kaiser none of the
3 and 20th century Liberal Mazzini Williams options 2
One of these is an act
21 of forecasting the
4 Future? Organising Directing Staffing Planning 4
21 The Cold War ended
5 at the end of 1980s 1990s 1970s 1999 1
The face of leadership
in the 21st century
21 has been highly
6 influenced through globalization war trade dipolmacy 1
These are some of
the social medias used
21 now by organization all of the
7 leadership Instagram Facebook Twitter options 4
during this COVID era
many organiations
21 have adopted one of shutting virtual none of the
8 these approaches down engagement restructuring options 2
Sharing of personal
information by
21 leaders on social act of act of act of
9 media establishes bonding gossiping meeting act of neglect 1
Facebook as of June
22 2020 has a number of
0 active users up to 1.70 billion 1.79 billion 1.80 billion 1.89 billion 2
22 Leadership is often
1 associated with change consistency paper work planning 1
A democractic
leadership style
22 assumes one of these Dictatorial
2 charcteristics Split power leader autocratic Aroggant 1
One of these is not
22 the quality of a team
3 leader Committed proactive humility unclear vision 4
22 Leadership originated
4 in Eden Capanaum Athens Galilee 1
22 The Social Contract
5 was written by' J.J Rousseau Aristotle Plato Socrate 1
22 Another name for initiative Intellectual Great man
6 trait theory is Drive theory theory theory theory 4
Reward and Invole staff in
Participatory Employee's punishment decision
22 Leadership has which Success from clear chain of motivate making
7 of the characteristics? leaders command staff process 4
One of the proponent
22 of charismatic
8 leadership theory is R.J House John Locke Kelvin Owen Jeff Hardy 1
Task drive
22 Autocratic leadership management managent strict Management
9 can also be called leadership leadership autocratic Leadership 1
Which Leadership
23 Style is friendly and Supportive Dictatorial Autocratic Directive
0 approachable leadership leader Leadership Leadership 1
One of these is the
most rational and
23 efficient form of an
1 organisation. Management Regulation Bureaucracy Rules 3
Workers desire to be
treated as humans
rather than being
viewed as robots, this
23 is an assumption of Maslow Human Human
2 what theory Theory Relation Resource Behavioural 2
23 Answerabilit
3 Accountability means Delegation Responsibility y Authority 3
23 Trait theory was Thomas Thomas
4 propounded by Carlyle Hobbes John Locke Marx Weber 1
Ability of a manager
to interpret
organisational plan
23 without supervision or Technical Managerial Conceptual Decisional
5 interpretation is? Roles Skill Skill Role 3
The art of influencing
people to strive
23 willingly towards
6 achieving a goal is? Controlling Autonomy Organisation Leadership 4
Efficiency is the
means of getting work
23 done with a minimum Harold Williams
7 effort according to Koontz Chuck Max Weber Mark White 2
management theory
pointed at two Production
23 principles in the and Motion and Time and Machine and
8 performance of Productivity Time Production Motion 2
physical tasks, they
23 Every organogram has Apex and Peak and and Beginning
9 one of these Wide Bottom Peacock Organogram and End 1
24 First step in decision implementat
0 making process Evaluation Analysis ion identification 4
Which of the Creating
24 following is not a part Setting departmenta Conducting
1 of planning? Setting goals Objectives l goals meetings 4
Henry Fayol belongs
24 to which school of Modern Classical Early
2 management. Neoclassical School School perspective 3
Principles of and Experiences
24 management are Rule of experimentat of Experiment
3 formed by thumb ion Customers in science 2
Who of the folowing
24 was an industrial Frederick
4 philanthropist? Taylor Henry Ford James Bond Max Weber 1
At what level of an
organisation does a
24 corporate manager Operational
5 operate? Top Level Middle Level Level Functional 1
Which one is not a
24 recognised key skill of Conceptual Technical
6 management? Skills Human Skills Skills Writing skills 4
According to the
theorists, people are
24 by_______________ Reward and joy and Reward and Reward and
7 and ____________ Punishment Punishment insult hatred 1
leadership postulated
that subordinates
takes order from
24 their______________ game
8 _ Leaders followers players helpers 1
One of the four path-
goal types of
24 leadership behaviour
9 is homely Travelling Reading Directive 4
Directive leadership
style tell the
25 subordinates his
0 expectations with dictates laws curses Advice 4

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