Electrical Machines Lab 4rd Sem-1
Electrical Machines Lab 4rd Sem-1
Electrical Machines Lab 4rd Sem-1
Laboratory Manual
Course Faculty:
Dr. Likith Kumar M V
Dr. R Chidanandappa
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
DM1: Impart quality education in electrical and electronics engineering through theory and its
applications by dedicated and competent faculty.
DM2: Nurture creative thinking and competence leading to innovation and technological growth
in the overall ambit of electrical engineering.
DM3: Strengthen industry-institute interaction to inculcate best engineering practices for sus-
tainable development of the society.
PEO1: Graduates will be competitive and excel in the electrical industry and other organization.
PEO2: Graduates will pursue higher education and will be competent in their chosen domain.
PEO3: Graduates will demonstrate leadership qualities with professional standards for sustain-
able development of society.
Our Electrical and Electronics Engineering graduates will have the ability to:
PSO1: Apply the knowledge of Basic Sciences, Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Com-
puter Engineering to analyze, design and solve real world problems in the domain of
Electrical Engineering.
PSO2: Use and apply state-of-the-art tools to solve problems in the field of Electrical Engineer-
PSO3: Be a team member and leader with awareness to professional engineering practice and
capable of lifelong learning to serve society.
PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fun-
damentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering prob-
PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of math-
ematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and
design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety and the cultural, societal and environmen-
tal considerations.
PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and re-
search methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and
synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and mod-
ern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering
activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to as-
sess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate the knowledge of and
need for sustainable development.
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or
leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the en-
gineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member
and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage
in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change
List of Experiments
Course Outcomes:
On the successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1 3 3 1 - - - - - - - - - 3 - -
CO2 3 3 1 - - - - - - - - - 3 - -
CO3 3 2 3 - - - - - 3 3 - 1 3 - 2
1. Bimbhra, P. S., & Garg, G. C. (2014). Electrical Machines-I. KHANNA PUBLISHING HOUSE.
2. Kothari, D. P., & Nagrath, I. J. (2004). Electric machines. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
3. Hussain, A. (2005). Electrical machines. Dhanpat Rai and Co., Educational and Technical Publishers, Delhi.
General Safety Precautions and Instructions
1. While performing experiments in the Electrical Machine Laboratory, you must follow
stringent safety rules and precautionary measures for your own safety as well as for
safety of your co-workers. Always remember that you are working at voltage levels much
higher compared to normal working voltage.
2. Don’t attempt to enter the lab except when asked for and accompanied by concerned Lab
Staff / Instructors.
3. Every student should obtain a set of instruction sheets entitled manufacturing processes
4. The student should take the permission and guidance of the Lab Staff / Instructors be-
fore operating any machine. Do not attempt to operate any equipment yourself without
permission of the concerned teachers / instructors. You should never be in casual while
in the lab. Be careful that you don’t operate any button etc. by mistake: it may lead to
serious mal operation and hazards. Unauthorized usage of any machine without prior
guidance may lead to fatal accidents and injury.
5. Always maintain sufficient distance from the live objects to avoid electrical shock due to
6. Before taking entry in the lab, always double check that all the apparatus and equipment
are disconnected from supply and are properly grounded.
7. The students must submit Laboratory report on next working week. These have associ-
ated some grades.
Experiment 01
Open circuit and Short circuit test on a single-phase transformer
To conduct the open circuit and short circuit test on given single phase transformer and prede-
termine its efficiency and regulation at different loads.
Apparatus Required:
The open circuit and short circuit test are performed for determining the parameter of the
transformer like their efficiency, voltage regulation, circuit constant etc. These tests are per-
formed without the actual loading and because of this reason the very less power is required
for the test.
The purpose of the open-circuit test is to determine the no-load current and losses of the trans-
former because of which their no-load parameters are determined. This test is performed on
the primary winding of the transformer. The wattmeter, ammeter and the voltage are con-
nected to their primary winding. The nominal rated voltage is supplied to their primary wind-
ing with the help of the ac source.
The secondary winding of the transformer is kept open, and the voltmeter is connected to
their terminal. This voltmeter measures the secondary induced voltage. As the secondary of
the transformer is open, thus no-load current flows through the primary winding.
The value of no-load current is very small as compared to the full rated current. The copper
loss occurs only on the primary winding of the transformer because the secondary winding is
open. The reading of the wattmeter only represents the core and iron losses. The core loss of
the transformer is the same for all types of loads.
The short circuit test is performed for determining the below mention parameter of the trans-
1. It determines the copper loss occur on the full load. The copper loss is used for finding
the efficiency of the transformer.
2. The equivalent resistance, impedance, and leakage reactance are known by the short
circuit test.
The short circuit test is performed on the secondary or high voltage winding of the trans-
former. The measuring instrument like wattmeter, voltmeter and ammeter are connected to
the high voltage winding of the transformer. Their primary winding is short-circuited by the
help of thick strip or ammeter which is connected to its terminal.
The low voltage source is connected across the secondary winding because of which the full
load current flows from both the secondary and the primary winding of the transformer. The
full load current is measured by the ammeter connected across their secondary winding.
5. Variac output voltage is gradually increased until the value corresponds to the rated
voltage of the LV winding.
4. Variac output voltage is gradually increased until the rated current flows in HV winding.
Tabular Column:
Model Graphs:
5. Shunt Reactance (referred to LV Side) = X o(lV ) = Im
N HV 2
³ ´
6. Shunt resistance (referred to HV Side) = R o(HV ) = NLV R o(LV )
N HV 2
³ ´
7. Shunt Reactance (referred to HV Side) = X o(HV ) = NLV X o(LV )
8. Equivalent resistance at HV side = R eq(HV ) =
I sc 2
9. Equivalent impedance at HV side = Z eq(HV ) = I sc
10. Equivalent reactance at HV side = X eq(HV ) = Z eq(HV ) 2 − R eq(HV ) 2
³ ´
11. Equivalent resistance (referred to LV Side) = R eq(LV ) = N HV R eq(HV )
³ ´
12. Equivalent Reactance (referred to LV Side) = = X eq(LV ) = N HV X eq(HV )
Performance Evaluation:
1. Predetermination of Efficiency:
The transformer efficiency at x times the full load and power factor = cos φ o is given by :
x. kV A × 1000 × cos φ o
ηx =
x. kV A × 1000 × cos φ o + Wi + x2 Wcu
Calculate efficiency at various fractions of full load and power factor say y as given by
the course instructor.
Power factor = y
Fraction of Load (x) % Efficiency
2. Predetermination of Regulation:
The percentage regulation at x times the full load and power factor = cos φ o is given by:
x. I FL(LV ) ¡
R eq(LV ) cos φ o ± X eq(LV ) sin φ o × 100
kV A ∗ 1000
I FL(LV ) =
Calculate % regulation for a given x (fraction of load) value and at different values of
power factor.
Fraction of Load = x
Power factor (x) % Regulation at % Regulation at
lagging power factor Leading power factor
Students should write the results obtained in not more than 2 lines.
Experiment 02
Sumpner’s Test
To conduct Sumpner’s test on given two identical single-phase transformers and to predeter-
mine the regulation and efficiency of the transformer.
Apparatus Required:
The full load test on a small transformer is very convenient, but on the large transformer, it is
very difficult. The maximum temperature rise in a large transformer is determined by the full
load test. This test is called, back-to-back test, regenerative test or Sumpner’s test.
The two identical transformer is used for the back to back test. The primary windings of the
transformers are connected parallel to each other. The nominal rated voltage and frequency is
supplied to their primary winding. The voltmeter and ammeter are connected on their primary
side for the measurement of the input voltage and current.
The secondary winding of the transformer is connected in series with the each other but
with opposite polarity. The voltmeter V2 is connected to the terminal of the secondary winding
for the measurement of the voltage.
The series opposition of the secondary winding is determined by connecting there any two
terminal; the voltmeter is connected across their remaining terminals. If it is connected in se-
ries opposition, the voltmeter gives the zero reading. The open terminal is used for measuring
the parameter of the transformer.
3. Output position of the variac is set to zero and both the DPST Switches are kept open
4. DPST switch S 1 is closed to apply rated voltage to the parallel connected primary wind-
5. Voltage across each of the secondary is observed which should be equal and in phase
opposition. This is confirmed by observing the reading of the voltmeter V which should
indicate zero (Otherwise, the DPST switch S 1 is opened the connection of one of the
secondary winding terminals are inter changed then the DPST switch S 1 closed.)
6. DPST switch S 2 connected to the two secondary side is closed and then variac output is
adjusted to drive rated secondary current in the secondary
Tabular Column:
Model Graphs:
Iron loss per transformer = Wo = 2
Full load copper loss per transformer = Wsc = 2
6. Shunt Reactance (referred to LV Side) = X o(lV ) = Im
7. Equivalent resistance = R eq(HV ) =
I sc 2
8. Equivalent impedance = Z eq(HV ) = 2× I sc
9. Equivalent reactance = X eq(HV ) = Z eq(HV ) 2 − R eq(HV ) 2
Performance Evaluation:
1. Predetermination of Efficiency:
The transformer efficiency at x times the full load and power factor = cos φ o is given by :
x. kV A × 1000 × cos φ o
ηx =
x. kV A × 1000 × cos φ o + Wi + x2 Wcu
Calculate efficiency at various fractions of full load and power factor say y as given by
the course instructor.
Power factor = y
Fraction of Load (x) % Efficiency
2. Predetermination of Regulation:
The percentage regulation at x times the full load and power factor = cos φ o is given by:
x. I FL(LV ) ¡
R eq(LV ) cos φ o ± X eq(LV ) sin φ o × 100
kV A ∗ 1000
I FL(LV ) =
Calculate % regulation for a given x (fraction of load) value and at different values of
power factor.
Fraction of Load = x
Power factor (x) % Regulation at % Regulation at
lagging power factor Leading power factor
Students should write the results obtained in not more than 2 lines.
Experiment 03
Speed Control of Three-phase Induction Motor
To obtain Speed characteristics of three phase slip ring Induction motor by following methods:
Apparatus Required:
1. Stator Voltage Control: This method involves varying the magnitude of the stator
voltage to control the motor’s speed. By reducing the stator voltage, the flux and torque
produced by the motor decrease, resulting in lower speed. Conversely, increasing the
stator voltage boosts the speed. Stator voltage control is achieved using techniques such
as autotransformer-based voltage control or solid-state devices like thyristors or silicon-
controlled rectifiers (SCRs) to adjust the voltage supplied to the motor.
2. Rotor Resistance Control: In this method, the rotor circuit of the induction motor is
equipped with external resistors. By changing the resistance in the rotor circuit, the
torque and speed characteristics of the motor can be altered. Increasing the rotor resis-
tance reduces the slip and decreases the speed, while decreasing the resistance increases
the slip and raises the speed. Rotor resistance control is typically achieved using exter-
nal resistors that can be switched or adjusted as needed.
3. Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs): VFDs are widely used for speed control of induc-
tion motors. They provide variable frequency and voltage to the motor, allowing precise
control of the motor speed. By adjusting the frequency, the motor’s synchronous speed
can be varied, enabling a wide range of speed control.
4. Pole Changing: This method involves changing the number of poles in the motor’s
stator winding. By switching between different pole configurations, the motor’s speed
can be adjusted. However, this method is limited to a few discrete speed settings and
requires mechanical switching, making it less flexible.
3) The external rotor resistance is kept in zero position, the three -phase autotransformer
is adjusted to a voltage of about 60 V. The mechanical load is kept in released position.
4) By closing TPST, the supply is given to the stator of induction motor through three-phase
autotransformer. The auto-transformer output voltage is increased and brought to the
rated voltage of the Induction motor.
5) The mechanical load on Induction motor is increased and it is adjusted to about 50% of
rated load.
6) Reading of applied voltage and speed are noted down. The applied voltage is decreased
in steps and at each step the applied voltage of motor and corresponding running speed
is to be noted down. At each step, it is ensured that the load remains constant at 50%
rated value.
1) Continuing from step no.6 the voltage applied to the motor is brought back to its rated
2) The external rotor resistance is increased in steps and at each step the value of external
rotor resistance and the corresponding running speed of the motor are noted down. It is
ensured that at each step the load of the motor remains constant at 50% rated value.
3) The mechanical load on the motor is released to zero value, the external rotor resistance
is brought to zero value, the auto transformer is brought to zero output position, the
TPST is opened and supply is turned off.
Tabular Column:
b) Rotor resistance control:
Model Graphs:
Students should write the results obtained in not more than 2 lines.
Experiment 04
V and inverted V curves of Synchronous Motor
To determine the characteristics of Armature current Vs Field current (V curve) and Power
factor vs Field current (Inverted V curve) at constant power output of a synchronous motor.
Apparatus Required:
The performance characteristics of a synchronous motor are obtained by v-curves and inverted
v-curves. Synchronous machines have parabolic type characteristics (the graph drawn is in
the shape of parabolic). If the excitation is varied from low (under-excitation) to high (over-
excitation) value, then the current Ia also changes i.e., becomes minimum at unity PF and
then again increases. But at starting lagging current becomes unity and then becomes leading
in nature. V-curves and inverted V-curves of a synchronous motor are used to analyze efficiency
on no-load and on-load conditions.
If the armature current Ia is plotted against excitation or field current for various load condi-
tions, we obtain a set of curves known as ’V-Curves’ clue to their shape similar to english letter
V. V-Curve of a synchronous motor shows how armature current Ia changes with excitation for
the same input, at no-load, half full-load, and full-load.
From V-Curves it is observed that the armature current has large values both for low and
high values of excitation (though it is lagging for low excitation and leading for higher exci-
tation). In between, it has a minimum value corresponding to the unity power factor (normal
Inverted V-Curves of Synchronous Motor :
If the power factor is plotted against excitation for various load conditions, we obtain a set
of curves known as Inverted V-Curves. The inverted V-Curves of synchronous motor shows
how the power factor varies with excitation. From inverted V-curves, it is observed that the
power factor is lagging when the motor is under excited and leading when it is over-excited. In
between, the power factor is unity.
2. TPST and DPST switches are kept in open position. SPST switch is in closed position
and the autotransformer is in zero output position.R f is in cut in position.
3. TPST switch is closed and with the help of three phase autotransformer, about 60% of
the rated voltage is applied to the stator of the motor to start the induction motor.
4. The field winding of the synchronous motor is energized by closing the DPST switch, by
which the motor runs as synchronous motor.
6. The field current, I f is increased in steps by cutting out the rheostat R f and at each
step, the readings of all the meters are noted down. It is to be noted that in the process
the armature current as read by the ammeter A 1 decreases from a maximum value,
reaches a minimum value & then further increases to the maximum value. The point
corresponding to the minimum armature current has to be noted accurately by recording
from the ammeter A 2 after opening the SPST switch.
7. With the increase in the field current, the armature current starts decreasing and reaches
a minimum value.
8. The correct reading of the minimum armature current is read by opening SPST across
the ammeter A 2 .
9. After noting the minimum current, SPST switch is closed and the readings are noted in
ammeter A 1 .
10. The field rheostat is further cut-out and readings of all the meters are noted down in
steps. The armature current which had reached a minimum value, starts increasing.
11. Sufficient number of readings are taken in the region where armature current starts
increasing with the increase in the field current.
12. The field rheostat R f is brought to cut in position. The auto transformers brought to zero
output position. The DPST and TPST are opened.
13. The readings are tabulated and a plot of Armature current I a vs Field current I f and
a plot of power factor vs Field current I f at a constant power output of the motor are
plotted, which resembles the alphabet "V" and inverted "V" respectively.
Tabular Column:
Model Graphs:
Power factor cosφ = p
3 × V × Ia
Plot I a and I f and cosφ vs I f .
Students should write the results obtained in not more than 2 lines.
Experiment 05
Circle Diagram of Three-Phase Induction Motor
To conduct no load test and blocked rotor test on delta connected Induction motor and prede-
termine its performance indices by drawing the circle diagram.
Apparatus Required:
A phasor diagram gives relation between current and voltage only at a single circuit condi-
tion. If the condition changes, we need to draw the phasor diagram again. But a circle diagram
may be referred to as a phasor diagram drawn in one plane for more than one circuit conditions.
We have to perform no load and blocked rotor test in an induction motor. In no load test,
the induction motor is run at no load and by two watt meter method, its total power consumed
is calculated which is composed of no load losses only. Slip is assumed to be zero. From here no
load current and the angle between voltage and current required for drawing circle diagram
is calculated. The angle will be large as in the no load condition induction motor has high
inductive reactance.
In block rotor test, rotor is blocked which is analogous to short circuiting secondary of
a transformer. From this test, we need to calculate short circuit current and the lag angle
between voltage and current for drawing circle diagram. Also, we need rotor and stator copper
No Load Test:
3. The TPST switch is kept open and the output of three phase variac is kept zero.
4. Supply switch is closed and the variac output is gradually increased until the rated volt-
age of the motor is applied to the stator winding.
5. Readings of all the meters and speed of the motor are noted down.
2. The TPST switch is kept open & the output of three phase variac is kept zero.
4. Supply switch is closed and the variac output is gradually increased until the rated cur-
rent of the motor flows through the stator winding.
Tabular Column:
Calculations: Construction of Circle Diagram
µ ¶
φ o = cos p
3 × Vo × I o
2. Calculate short circuit current corresponding to normal rated voltage
µ ¶
3. Draw the vector I SN = OB at an angle:
µ ¶
φSC = cos p
3 × VSC × I SC
4. Join AB and draw a horizontal line from the tip of vector OA. AB represents the output
line of the motor.
5. Draw the perpendicular bisector of the line AB to meet the horizontal line drawn from A
to C.
WSC − 3 × I 2sc ph × R 1
¡ ¢
BF Rotor Cop per loss
= =
3 × I 2sc ph × R 1
¡ ¢
FD Stator Cop per loss
( I SC )Line I Line
NOTE: For a Delta connected machine, ( I sc ) ph = p = p
3 3
For a Star connected machine, ( I sc ) ph = ( I SC )Line = I Line
WSN = × WSC is equival ent to Length o f BE in Circl e D iagram
WSN in watts
P ower scal e (3 − phase) = watt/ cm
BE in cm
9. Joint points A and F. The line AF is known as torque line which gives the torque devel-
oped by induction motor.
Determination of various quantities for the given the operating condition given
x is the operating condition (p.u value of load) at which the performance of the machine
is to be determined.
P out
11. Extend the vertical line EL to EL′ such that BL′ =
P ower Scal e
12. From the point L'draw the line L'L parallel to output line which intersects the semicircle
at L.
13. From L drop a perpendicular line on x-axis which meets the X-axis line at K and inter-
sects various lines at points M,N and J.
14. Joint O and L. OL gives the input current for the given operating condition. And the
angle made by line OL with Y-axis gives the power factor angle at which the motor is
15. The other quantities are given as following:
BF × power scale
= Starting Torque in N-m
2π N s
Output Power LM
= = Efficiency
Input Power LK
Rotor Copper Loss NM
= = Operating Slip in p.u.
Power Transferred to the Rotor LN
cos φ = = Operating power factor
LN × power scale
= Operating Torque in N-m
2π N s
Maximum Torque:
Draw a line tangent to the circle and parallel to the Torque line. This line intersects the
circle at point Q. From Point Q draw a perpendicular line intersecting torque line at Q'.
QQ ′ × power scal e
Maximum Torque in N-m =
2π N s
Draw a line tangent to the circle and parallel to the output line. This line intersects the
circle at point P. From Point P draw a perpendicular line intersecting output line at P'.
PP ′ ∗ power scal e
Maximum Output power in watts =
2π Ns
Students should write the results obtained in not more than 2 lines.