CheatSheet Python BWS

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Python Cheat Sheet: Keywords 

Keyword  Description  Code example 

False​, ​True  Data values from the data type Boolean  False​ == (​1 ​> ​2​), ​True​ == (​2 ​> ​1​)

and​, ​or​, ​not  Logical operators:  x, y = ​True​, ​False

(x ​and​ y)​ → both x and y must be True  (x ​or​ y) == ​True​ ​# True
(x ​or​ y)​ → either x or y must be True  (x ​and​ y) == ​False​ ​# True
(​not​ x)​ → x must be false  (​not​ y) == ​True​ ​# True

break  Ends loop prematurely  while​(​True​):

​break​ ​# no infinite loop
print(​"hello world"​)

continue  Finishes current loop iteration  while​(​True​):

print(​"43"​) ​# dead code

class Defines a new class → a real-world concept  class​ ​Beer​:

(object oriented programming)  ​def​ ​__init__​(self)​:
self.content = ​1.0
def  Defines a new function or class method. For latter,  ​def​ ​drink​(self)​:
first parameter (“self”) points to the class object.  self.content = ​0.0
When calling class method, first parameter is implicit. 
becks = Beer() ​# constructor - create class
becks.drink() ​# beer empty: b.content == 0

if​, ​elif​, ​else  Conditional program execution: program starts with  x = int(input(​"your value: "​))
“if” branch, tries the “elif” branches, and finishes with  if​ x > ​3​: print(​"Big"​)
“else” branch (until one branch evaluates to True).  elif​ x == ​3​: print(​"Medium"​)
else​: print(​"Small"​)

for​, ​while  # For loop declaration # While loop - same semantics

for​ i ​in​ [​0​,​1​,​2​]: j = ​0
print(i)  while​ j < ​3​:
j = j + ​1

in  Checks whether element is in sequence  42​ ​in​ [​2​, ​39​, ​42​] ​# True

is  Checks whether both elements point to the same  y = x = 3

object  x​ ​is​ ​y​ ​# True
[​3​] ​is​ [​3​] ​# False

None  Empty value constant  def​ ​f​()​:

x = ​2
f() ​is​ ​None​ ​# True

lambda  Function with no name (anonymous function)  (lambda​ x: x + ​3)(3)​ ​# returns 6

return  Terminates execution of the function and passes the  def​ ​incrementor​(x)​:
flow of execution to the caller. An optional value after  ​return​ x + ​1
the return keyword specifies the function result.  incrementor(​4​) ​# returns 5 Copyright © BWS Inc.

Page 2 of 9

Python Cheat Sheet: Basic Data Types 

Description  Example 

Boolean  The Boolean data type is a truth value, either  ## 1. Boolean Operations
​ alse​. 
True​ ​or F x, y = ​True​, ​False
print(x ​and​ ​not​ y) ​# True
The Boolean operators ordered by priority:  print(​not​ x ​and​ y ​or​ x) ​# True
not​ x​ ​ → “if x is False, then x, else y” 
x ​and​ y​ → “if x is False, then x, else y”  ## 2. If condition evaluates to False
x ​or​ y​ ​ → “if x is False, then y, else x”  if​ ​None​ ​or​ ​0​ ​or​ ​0.0​ ​or​ ​''​ ​or​ [] ​or​ {} ​or​ set():
​# None, 0, 0.0, empty strings, or empty
These comparison operators evaluate to ​True​:  ​# container types are evaluated to False
1​ < ​2​ ​and​ ​0​ <= ​1​ ​and​ ​3​ > ​2​ ​and​ ​2​ >=​2​ ​and
print(​"Dead code"​) ​# Not reached
1​ == ​1​ ​and​ ​1​ != ​0​ ​# True 

Integer,  An integer is a positive or negative number  ## 3. Arithmetic Operations

Float  without floating point (e.g. ​3​). A float is a  x, y = ​3​, ​2
positive or negative number with floating point  print(x + y) ​# = 5
precision (e.g.​ ​3.14159265359​).  print(x - y) ​# = 1
print(x * y) ​# = 6
The ‘​//​’ operator performs integer division.  print(x / y) ​# = 1.5
The result is an integer value that is rounded  print(x // y) ​# = 1
toward the smaller integer number   print(x % y) ​# = 1s
(e.g. 3​ ​ // ​2​ == ​1​).  print(-x) ​# = -3
print(abs(-x)) ​# = 3
print(int(​3.9​)) ​# = 3
print(float(​3​)) ​# = 3.0
print(x ** y) ​# = 9

String  Python Strings are sequences of characters.  ## 4. Indexing and Slicing

s = ​"The youngest pope was 11 years old"
The four main ways to create strings are the  print(s[​0​]) ​# 'T'
following.  print(s[​1​:​3​]) ​# 'he'
print(s[​-3​:​-1​]) ​# 'ol'
1. Single quotes print(s[​-3​:]) ​# 'old'
'Yes' x = s.split() ​# creates string array of words
2. Double quotes print(x[​-3​] + ​" "​ + x[​-1​] + ​" "​ + x[​2​] + ​"s"​)
# '11 old popes'
3. Triple quotes (multi-line)
## 5. Most Important String Methods
We Can"""
y = ​" This is lazy\t\n "
4. String method
print(y.strip()) ​# Remove Whitespace: 'This is lazy'
str(​5​) == ​'5'​ ​# True 
print(​"DrDre"​.lower()) ​# Lowercase: 'drdre'
5. Concatenation
print(​"attention"​.upper()) ​# Uppercase: 'ATTENTION'
"Ma"​ + ​"hatma"​ ​# 'Mahatma' 
print(​"smartphone"​.startswith(​"smart"​)) ​# True
print(​"smartphone"​.endswith(​"phone"​)) ​# True
print(​"another"​.find(​"other"​)) ​# Match index: 2
These are whitespace characters in strings. 
print(​"cheat"​.replace(​"ch"​, ​"m"​)) ​# 'meat'
● Newline \​ n
print(​','​.join([​"F"​, ​"B"​, ​"I"​])) ​# 'F,B,I'
● Space ​ s
print(len(​"Rumpelstiltskin"​)) ​# String length: 15
● Tab ​ t
\ print(​"ear"​ ​in​ ​"earth"​) ​# Contains: True Copyright © BWS Inc.

Page 3 of 9

Python Cheat Sheet: Classes 

Description  Example 

Classes  A class encapsulates data and functionality: data as  class​ ​Dog​:
attributes, and functionality as methods. It is a blueprint  """ Blueprint of a dog """
for creating concrete instances in memory. 
# class variable shared by all instances
species = [​"canis lupus"​]

def​ ​__init__​(self, name, color)​: = name
self.state = ​"sleeping"
self.color = color

def​ ​command​(self, x)​:

if​ x ==
elif​ x == ​"sit"​:
Instance  You are an instance of the class human. An instance is a  self.state = " ​ sit"
concrete implementation of a class: all attributes of an  else​:
instance have a fixed value. Your hair is blond, brown, or  self.state = " ​ wag tail"
black--but never unspecified. 
def​ ​bark​(self, freq)​:
Each instance has its own attributes independent of  for​ i ​in​ range(freq):
other instances. Yet, class variables are different. These  print(​"["​ +
are data values associated with the class, not the  + ​"]: Woof!"​)
instances. Hence, all instance share the same class 
variable ​species ​in the example. 
​ black"​)
bello = Dog(​"bello"​, "
Self  The first argument when defining any method is always  alice = Dog(​"alice"​, "​ white"​)
the ​self ​argument. This argument specifies the 
​ black
print(bello.color) #
instance on which you call the method. 
print(alice.color) #​ white
self ​gives the Python interpreter the information about 
the concrete instance. To ​define ​a method, you use ​self bello.bark(​1​) ​# [bello]: Woof!
to modify the instance attributes. But to ​call ​an instance 
method, you do not need to specify ​self​.  alice.command(​"sit"​)
print(​"[alice]: "​ + alice.state)
Creation  You can create classes “on the fly” and use them as  # [alice]: sit
logical units to store complex data types. 
class​ ​Employee()​: print(​"[bello]: "​ + bello.state)
pass # [bello]: wag tail
employee = Employee()
employee.salary = ​122000 alice.command(​"alice"​)
employee.firstname = ​"alice" # [alice]: Woof!
employee.lastname = ​"wonderland" # [alice]: Woof!

print(employee.firstname + ​" " bello.species += [​"wulf"​]

+ employee.lastname + ​" " print(len(bello.species)
+ str(employee.salary) + ​"$"​) == len(alice.species)) ​# True (!)
# alice wonderland 122000$ Copyright © BWS Inc.

Page 4 of 9

Python Cheat Sheet: Functions and Tricks 

Description  Example  Result 

A map(func, iter)  Executes the function on all elements of  list(map(​lambda​ x: x[​0​], [​'red'​, [​'r'​, ​'g'​, ​'b'​]
D the iterable  'green'​, ​'blue'​]))
A map(func, i1, ..., Executes the function on all k elements of  list(map(​lambda​ x, y: str(x) + ​' '​ + [​'0 apples'​, ​'2
ik)  the k iterables  y + ​'s'​ , [​0​, ​2​, ​2​], [​'apple'​, oranges'​, ​'2
C 'orange'​, ​'banana'​])) bananas'​]
string.join(iter)  Concatenates iterable elements  ' marries '​.join(list([​'Alice'​, 'Alice marries Bob'
D separated by ​string  'Bob'​]))

F filter(func, Filters out elements in iterable for which  list(filter(​lambda​ x: ​True​ ​if​ x>​17 [​18​]
U iterable)  function returns ​False​ ​(or 0)  else​ ​False​, [​1​, ​15​, ​17​, ​18​]))
C string.strip()  Removes leading and trailing  print(​" \n \t 42 \t "​.strip()) 42
T whitespaces of string 
O sorted(iter)  Sorts iterable in ascending order  sorted([​8​, ​3​, ​2​, ​42​, ​5​]) [​2​, ​3​, ​5​, ​8​, ​42​]
sorted(iter, Sorts according to the key function in  sorted([​8​, ​3​, 2 ​ ​, ​42​, ​5​], key=​lambda [​42​, ​2​, ​3​, ​5​, ​8​]
key=key)  ascending order  x: ​0​ ​if​ x==​42​ e​ lse​ x)

help(func)  Returns documentation of ​func  help(str.upper()) '... to uppercase.'

zip(i1, i2, ...)  Groups the i-th elements of iterators ​i1, list(zip([​'Alice'​, ​'Anna'​], [​'Bob'​, [(​'Alice'​, ​'Bob'​),
i2, ...​ together  'Jon'​, ​'Frank'​])) (​'Anna'​, ​'Jon'​)]

Unzip  Equal to: 1) unpack the zipped list, 2) zip  list(zip(*[(​'Alice'​, ​'Bob'​), [(​'Alice'​, ​'Anna'​),
the result  (​'Anna'​, ​'Jon'​)])) (​'Bob'​, ​'Jon'​)]

enumerate(iter)  Assigns a counter value to each element  list(enumerate([​'Alice'​, ​'Bob'​, [(​0​, ​'Alice'​), (​1​,
of the iterable  'Jon'​])) 'Bob'​), (​2​, ​'Jon'​)]

T python -m http.server  Want to share files between PC and phone? Run this command in PC’s shell. <P> is any port number 0–65535. Type < 
R <P>  IP address of PC>:<P> in the phone’s browser. You can now browse the files in the PC directory. 
C Read comic  import​ antigravity Open the comic series xkcd in your web browser
Zen of Python  import​ this  '...Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is ...'

Swapping numbers  Swapping variables is a breeze in Python.  a, b = ​'Jane'​, ​'Alice' a = ​'Alice'

No offense, Java!  a, b = b, a b = '​ Jane'

Unpacking arguments  Use a sequence as function arguments  def​ ​f​(x, y, z)​:​ return​ x + y * z
via asterisk operator *. Use a dictionary  f(*[​1​, ​3​, ​4​]) 13
(key, value) via double asterisk operator **  f(**{​'z'​ : ​4​, ​'x'​ : ​1​, ​'y'​ : 3
​ ​}) 13

Extended Unpacking  Use unpacking for multiple assignment  a, *b = [​1​, ​2​, ​3​, ​4​, ​5​] a = ​1
feature in Python  b = [​2​, ​3​, ​4, 5​]

Merge two dictionaries  Use unpacking to merge two dictionaries  x={​'Alice'​ : ​18​} z = {​'Alice'​: ​18​,
into a single one  y={​'Bob'​ : ​27​, ​'Ann'​ : ​22​} 'Bob'​: ​27​, ​'Ann'​: ​22​}
z = {**x,**y} Copyright © BWS Inc.

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Python Cheat Sheet: 14 Interview Questions 

Question Code Question Code

Check if list l = [​3​, ​3​, ​4​, ​5​, ​2​, ​111​, ​5​] Get missing def​ g​ et_missing_number​(lst):
contains print(​111​ ​in​ l) ​# True  number in ​return​ set(range(lst[len(lst)​-1​])[​1​:]) - set(l)
integer x [1...100] l = list(range(​1​,​100​))
print(get_missing_number(l)) ​# 50 

Find duplicate def​ f ​ ind_duplicates​(elements): Compute def​ i ​ ntersect​(lst1, lst2):

number in duplicates, seen = set(), set() the res, lst2_copy = [], lst2[:]
integer list ​for​ element ​in​ elements: intersection ​for​ el ​in​ lst1:
​if​ element ​in​ seen: of two lists ​if​ el ​in​ lst2_copy:
duplicates.add(element) res.append(el)
seen.add(element) lst2_copy.remove(el)
​return​ list(duplicates)  ​return​ res

Check if two def​ i​ s_anagram​(s1, s2): Find max l = [​4​, ​3​, ​6​, 3
​ ​, ​4​, ​888​, ​1​, ​-11​, ​22​, ​3​]
strings are ​return​ set(s1) == set(s2) and min in print(max(l)) # ​ 888
anagrams print(is_anagram(​"elvis"​, ​"lives"​)) ​# True unsorted list print(min(l)) # ​ -11 

Remove all lst = list(range(​10​)) + list(range(​10​)) Reverse def​ ​reverse​(string):

duplicates from lst = list(set(lst)) string using ​if​ len(string)<=​1​: ​return​ string
list print(lst) recursion ​return​ reverse(string[​1​:])+string[​0​]
# [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]  print(reverse(​"hello"​)) ​# olleh

Find pairs of def​ f ​ ind_pairs​(l, x): Compute a, b = ​0​, ​1

integers in list pairs = [] the first n n = ​10
so that their ​for​ (i, el_1) ​in​ enumerate(l): Fibonacci for​ i ​in​ range(n):
sum is equal to ​for​ (j, el_2) ​in​ enumerate(l[i+​1​:]): numbers print(b)
integer x ​if​ el_1 + el_2 == x: a, b = b, a+b
pairs.append((el_1, el_2)) # 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ...
​return​ pairs 

Check if a def​ ​is_palindrome​(phrase): Sort list with def​ ​qsort​(L):

string is a ​return​ phrase == phrase[::​-1​] Quicksort ​if​ L == []: ​return​ []
palindrome print(is_palindrome(​"anna"​)) ​# True algorithm ​return​ qsort([x ​for​ x ​in​ L[​1​:] ​if​ x< L[​0​]]) + L[​0​:​1​] +
qsort([x ​for​ x ​in​ L[​1​:] ​if​ x>=L[​0​]])
lst = [​44​, ​33​, ​22​, ​5​, ​77​, ​55​, ​999​]
# [5, 22, 33, 44, 55, 77, 999] 

Use list as # as a list ... Find all def​ ​get_permutations​(w):

stack, array, l = [​3​, ​4​] permutation ​if​ len(w)<=​1​:
and queue l += [​5​, ​6​] ​# l = [3, 4, 5, 6] s of string ​return​ set(w)
smaller = get_permutations(w[​1​:])
# ... as a stack ... perms = set()
l.append(​10​) ​# l = [4, 5, 6, 10] ​for​ x ​in​ smaller:
l.pop() ​# l = [4, 5, 6] ​for​ pos ​in​ range(​0​,len(x)+​1​):
perm = x[:pos] + w[​0​] + x[pos:]
# ... and as a queue perms.add(perm)
l.insert(​0​, ​5​) ​# l = [5, 4, 5, 6] ​return​ perms
l.pop() ​# l = [5, 4, 5] print(get_permutations(​"nan"​))
# {'nna', 'ann', 'nan'} Copyright © BWS Inc.

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Python Cheat Sheet: NumPy 

Name  Description  Example 

a.shape The shape attribute of NumPy array a keeps a tuple of  a = np.array([[​1​,​2​],[​1​,​1​],[​0​,​0​]])
integers. Each integer describes the number of elements of  print(np.shape(a)) ​# (3, 2) 
the axis. 

a.ndim The ndim attribute is equal to the length of the shape tuple.  print(np.ndim(a)) ​# 2

*  The asterisk (star) operator performs the Hadamard product,  a = np.array([[​2​, 0

​ ​], [​0​, ​2​]])
i.e., multiplies two matrices with equal shape element-wise. b = np.array([[​1​, 1​ ​], [​1​, ​1​]])
print(a*b) ​# [[2 0] [0 2]]

np.matmul(a,b), a@b  The standard matrix multiplication operator. Equivalent to the  print(np.matmul(a,b))
@ operator.  # [[2 2] [2 2]]

np.arange([start, ]stop, Creates a new 1D numpy array with evenly spaced values  print(np.arange(​0​,​10​,​2​))
[step, ])  # [0 2 4 6 8]

np.linspace(start, stop, Creates a new 1D numpy array with evenly spread elements  print(np.linspace(​0​,​10​,​3​))
num=​50​)  within the given interval  # [ 0. 5. 10.]

np.average(a)  Averages over all the values in the numpy array  a = np.array([[​2​, ​0​], [​0​, ​2​]])
print(np.average(a)) ​# 1.0

<slice> = <val>  Replace the <slice> as selected by the slicing operator with  a = np.array([​0​, ​1​, ​0​, 0
​ ​, ​0​])
the value <val>.  a[::​2​] = ​2
print(a) ​ [2 1 2 0 2]

np.var(a)  Calculates the variance of a numpy array.  a = np.array([​2​, ​6​])

print(np.var(a)) ​# 4.0

np.std(a)  Calculates the standard deviation of a numpy array  print(np.std(a)) ​# 2.0

np.diff(a)  Calculates the difference between subsequent values in  fibs = np.array([​0​, 1
​ ​, ​1​, ​2​, ​3​, ​5​])
NumPy array a  print(np.diff(fibs, n=​1​))
# [1 0 1 1 2]

np.cumsum(a)  Calculates the cumulative sum of the elements in NumPy  print(np.cumsum(np.arange(​5​)))

array a.  # [ 0 1 3 6 10]

np.sort(a)  Creates a new NumPy array with the values from a  a = np.array([​10​,​3​,​7​,​1​,​0​])
(ascending).  print(np.sort(a))
# [ 0 1 3 7 10]

np.argsort(a)  Returns the indices of a NumPy array so that the indexed  a = np.array([​10​,​3​,​7​,​1​,​0​])
values would be sorted.   print(np.argsort(a))
# [4 3 1 2 0]

np.max(a)  Returns the maximal value of NumPy array a.  a = np.array([​10​,​3​,​7​,​1​,​0​])

print(np.max(a)) ​# 10

np.argmax(a)  Returns the index of the element with maximal value in the  a = np.array([​10​,​3​,​7​,​1​,​0​])
NumPy array a.  print(np.argmax(a)) ​# 0

np.nonzero(a)  Returns the indices of the nonzero elements in NumPy array  a = np.array([​10​,​3​,​7​,​1​,​0​])
a.  print(np.nonzero(a)) ​# [0 1 2 3] Copyright © BWS Inc.

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The Ultimate Python Cheat Sheet
Keywords Basic Data Structures
Keyword Description Code Examples Type Description Code Examples

Boolean The Boolean data type is ## Evaluates to True:

False, Boolean data type False == (1 > 2)
either True or False. 1<2 and 0<=1 and 3>2 and 2>=2 and 1==1
True True == (2 > 1)
Boolean operators are and 1!=0
ordered by priority:
Logical operators ## Evaluates to False:
not → and → or
and, → Both are true True and True # True bool(None or 0 or 0.0 or '' or [] or
or, → Either is true True or False # True {} or set())
not → Flips Boolean not False # True
Rule: None, 0, 0.0, empty strings, or empty container
1, 2, 3 types evaluate to False
break Ends loop prematurely while True:
break # finite loop Integer, An integer is a positive or ## Arithmetic Operations
Float negative number without x, y = 3, 2
continue Finishes current loop iteration while True: decimal point such as 3. print(x + y) # = 5
continue print(x - y) # = 1
print("42") # dead code A float is a positive or print(x * y) # = 6
negative number with print(x / y) # = 1.5
class Defines new class class Coffee: floating point precision print(x // y) # = 1
# Define your class such as 3.1415926. print(x % y) # = 1
print(-x) # = -3
def Defines a new function or class def say_hi(): Integer division rounds print(abs(-x)) # = 3
method. print('hi') toward the smaller integer print(int(3.9)) # = 3
(example: 3//2==1). print(float(3)) # = 3.0
if, Conditional execution: x = int(input("ur val:")) print(x ** y) # = 9
elif, - “if” condition == True? if x > 3: print("Big")
else - "elif" condition == True? elif x == 3: print("3") String Python Strings are ## Indexing and Slicing
- Fallback: else branch else: print("Small") sequences of characters. s = "The youngest pope was 11 years"
s[0] # 'T'
String Creation Methods: s[1:3] # 'he' Slice [::2]
for, # For loop # While loop does same
while for i in [0,1,2]: j = 0 1. Single quotes s[-3:-1] # 'ar'
print(i) while j < 3: >>> 'Yes' s[-3:] # 'ars' 1 2 3 4
print(j); j = j + 1 2. Double quotes
>>> "Yes" x = s.split() 0 1 2 3
in Sequence membership 42 in [2, 39, 42] # True 3. Triple quotes (multi-line) x[-2] + " " + x[2] + "s" # '11 popes'
>>> """Yes
is Same object memory location y = x = 3 We Can""" ## String Methods
x is y # True 4. String method y = " Hello world\t\n "
[3] is [3] # False >>> str(5) == '5' y.strip() # Remove Whitespace
True "HI".lower() # Lowercase: 'hi'
None Empty value constant print() is None # True 5. Concatenation "hi".upper() # Uppercase: 'HI'
>>> "Ma" + "hatma" "hello".startswith("he") # True
lambda Anonymous function (lambda x: x+3)(3) # 6 'Mahatma' "hello".endswith("lo") # True
"hello".find("ll") # Match at 2
return Terminates function. Optional def increment(x): Whitespace chars: "cheat".replace("ch", "m") # 'meat'
return value defines function return x + 1 Newline \n, ''.join(["F", "B", "I"]) # 'FBI'
result. increment(4) # returns 5 Space \s, len("hello world") # Length: 15
Tab \t "ear" in "earth" # True

Complex Data Structures

Type Description Example Type Description Example

List Stores a sequence of l = [1, 2, 2] Dictionary Useful data structure for cal = {'apple' : 52, 'banana' : 89,
elements. Unlike strings, you print(len(l)) # 3 storing (key, value) pairs 'choco' : 546} # calories
can modify list objects (they're
Reading Read and write elements by print(cal['apple'] < cal['choco'])
and specifying the key within the # True
Adding Add elements to a list with (i) [1, 2].append(4) # [1, 2, 4] writing brackets. Use the keys() cal['cappu'] = 74
elements append, (ii) insert, or (iii) list [1, 4].insert(1,9) # [1, 9, 4] elements and values() functions to print(cal['banana'] < cal['cappu'])
concatenation. [1, 2] + [4] # [1, 2, 4] access all keys and values of # False
the dictionary
print('apple' in cal.keys()) # True
Removal Slow for lists [1, 2, 2, 4].remove(1) # [2, 2, 4]
print(52 in cal.values()) # True
Reversing Reverses list order [1, 2, 3].reverse() # [3, 2, 1]
Dictionary You can access the (key, for k, v in cal.items():
Sorting Sorts list using fast Timsort [2, 4, 2].sort() # [2, 2, 4] Iteration value) pairs of a dictionary print(k) if v > 500 else ''
with the items() method. # 'choco'
Indexing Finds the first occurrence of [2, 2, 4].index(2)
an element & returns index. # index of item 2 is 0 Member- Check with the in keyword if basket = {'apple', 'eggs',
Slow worst case for whole list [2, 2, 4].index(2,1) ship set, list, or dictionary contains 'banana', 'orange'}
traversal. # index of item 2 after pos 1 is 1 operator an element. Set membership print('eggs' in basket) # True
is faster than list membership. print('mushroom' in basket) # False
Stack Use Python lists via the list stack = [3]
operations append() and pop() stack.append(42) # [3, 42] List & set List comprehension is the l = ['hi ' + x for x in ['Alice',
stack.pop() # 42 (stack: [3]) comprehe concise Python way to create 'Bob', 'Pete']]
stack.pop() # 3 (stack: []) nsion lists. Use brackets plus an # ['Hi Alice', 'Hi Bob', 'Hi Pete']
expression, followed by a for
Set An unordered collection of basket = {'apple', 'eggs', clause. Close with zero or l2 = [x * y for x in range(3) for y
unique elements (at-most- 'banana', 'orange'} more for or if clauses. in range(3) if x>y] # [0, 0, 2]
once) → fast membership O(1) same = set(['apple', 'eggs', Set comprehension works
squares = { x**2 for x in [0,2,4]
'banana', 'orange']) similar to list comprehension.
if x < 4 } # {0, 4}
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Python Cheat Sheet: Complex Data Types

Description Example

List A container data type that stores a l = [1, 2, 2]

sequence of elements. Unlike strings, lists print(len(l)) # 3
are mutable: modification possible.

Adding Add elements to a list with (i) append, (ii) [1, 2, 2].append(4) # [1, 2, 2, 4]
elements insert, or (iii) list concatenation. [1, 2, 4].insert(2,2) # [1, 2, 2, 4]
The append operation is very fast. [1, 2, 2] + [4] # [1, 2, 2, 4]

Removal Removing an element can be slower. [1, 2, 2, 4].remove(1) # [2, 2, 4]

Reversing This reverses the order of list elements. [1, 2, 3].reverse() # [3, 2, 1]

Sorting Sorts a list. The computational complexity [2, 4, 2].sort() # [2, 2, 4]

of sorting is superlinear in the no. list

Indexing Finds the first occurrence of an element in [2, 2, 4].index(2) # index of element 2 is "0"
the list & returns its index. Can be slow as [2, 2, 4].index(2,1) # index of el. 2 after pos 1 is "1"
the whole list is traversed.

Stack Python lists can be used intuitively as stack = [3]

stacks via the two list operations append() stack.append(42) # [3, 42]
and pop(). stack.pop() # 42 (stack: [3])
stack.pop() # 3 (stack: [])

Set A set is an unordered collection of unique basket = {'apple', 'eggs', 'banana', 'orange'}
elements (“at-most-once”). same = set(['apple', 'eggs', 'banana', 'orange'])

Dictionary The dictionary is a useful data structure for calories = {'apple' : 52, 'banana' : 89, 'choco' : 546}
storing (key, value) pairs.

Reading and Read and write elements by specifying the print(calories['apple'] < calories['choco']) # True
writing key within the brackets. Use the keys() and calories['cappu'] = 74
elements values() functions to access all keys and print(calories['banana'] < calories['cappu']) # False
values of the dictionary. print('apple' in calories.keys()) # True
print(52 in calories.values()) # True

Dictionary You can access the (key, value) pairs of a for k, v in calories.items():
Looping dictionary with the items() method. print(k) if v > 500 else None # 'choco'

Membership Check with the ‘in’ keyword whether the basket = {'apple', 'eggs', 'banana', 'orange'}
operator set, list, or dictionary contains an element. print('eggs' in basket) # True
Set containment is faster than list print('mushroom' in basket) # False

List and Set List comprehension is the concise Python # List comprehension
Comprehens way to create lists. Use brackets plus an l = [('Hi ' + x) for x in ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Pete']]
ion expression, followed by a for clause. Close print(l) # ['Hi Alice', 'Hi Bob', 'Hi Pete']
with zero or more for or if clauses. l2 = [x * y for x in range(3) for y in range(3) if x>y]
print(l2) # [0, 0, 2]
Set comprehension is similar to list # Set comprehension
comprehension. squares = { x**2 for x in [0,2,4] if x < 4 } # {0, 4} Copyright © BWS Inc.

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Complexity appears in Project Lifecycle Cyclomatic Complexity Runtime Complexity

• Project Lifecycle
“A whole, made up • Code Development
of parts—difficult to • Algorithmic Theory
analyze, understand, • Processes
or explain". • Social Networks
• Learning & Your Daily Life

→ Complexity reduces productivity and focus. It’ll consume your precious time. Keep it simple!

80/20 Principle Pareto Tips Minimum Viable

1. Figure out your success metrics.
Majority of effects come 2. Figure out your big goals in life. Product (MVP)
from the minority of causes. 3. Look for ways to achieve the same A minimum viable
things with fewer resources. product in the
4. Reflect on your own successes software sense is code
5. Reflect on your own failures that is stripped from
6. Read more books in your industry. all features to focus on
7. Spend much of your time the core functionality.
improving and tweaking existing How to MVP?
products • Formulate
8. Smile. hypothesis
9. Don't do things that reduce value • Omit needless
Maximize Success Metric: features
#lines of code written • Split test to validate
each new feature
Clean Code Principles Unix Philosophy • Focus on product-
1. You Ain't Going to Need It 1. Simple’s Better Than market fit
2. The Principle of Least Surprise Complex • Seek high-value and
3. Don't Repeat Yourself 2. Small is Beautiful (Again) low-cost features
4. Code For People Not Machines 3. Make Each Program Do One Performance Tuning 101
5. Stand on the Shoulders of Giants Thing Well Premature Optimization
1. Measure, then improve
6. Use the Right Names 4. Build a Prototype First "Programmers waste enormous 2. Focus on the slow 20%
7. Single-Responsibility Principle 5. Portability Over Efficiency amounts of time thinking about […] 3. Algorithmic optimization
8. Use Comments 6. Store Data in Flat Text Files the speed of noncritical parts of their wins
9. Avoid Unnecessary Comments 7. Use Software Leverage programs. We should forget about 4. All hail to the cache
10. Be Consistent 8. Avoid Captive User small efficiencies, say about 97 % of 5. Solve an easier problem
11. Test Interfaces the time: premature optimization is version
12. Think in Big Pictures 9. Program = Filter the root of all evil." – Donald Knuth 6. Know when to stop
13. Only Talk to Your Friends 10. Worse is Better
14. Refactor 11. Clean > Clever Code “… the source code of ultimate human performance" – Kotler
15. Don’t Overengineer 12. Design Connected Programs Flow
Flow Tips for Coders
16. Don’t Overuse Indentation 13. Make Your Code Robust
1. Always work on an explicit
17. Small is Beautiful 14. Repair What You Can — But
practical code project
18. Use Metrics Fail Early and Noisily
2. Work on fun projects that
19. Boy Scout Rule: Leave Camp 15. Write Programs to Write
fulfill your purpose
Cleaner Than You Found It Programs
3. Perform from your
Less Is More in Design How to Simplify Design? 4. Big chunks of coding time
1. Use whitespace 5. Reduce distractions:
2. Remove design elements smartphone + social
3. Remove features How to Achieve Flow? (1) clear 6. Sleep a lot, eat healthily,
4. Reduce variation of fonts, read quality books, and
font types, colors goals, (2) immediate feedback, and
exercise → garbage in,
5. Be consistent across UIs (3) balance opportunity & capacity. garbage out!

Focus 3-Step Approach of

Efficient Software Creation
You can take raw resources and 1. Plan your code
move them from a state of high 2. Apply focused effort
entropy into a state of low entropy— to make it real.
using focused effort towards the 3. Seek feedback
attainment of a greater plan.
Figure: Same effort, different result.

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