Lab Glassware Disposal Guidelines
Lab Glassware Disposal Guidelines
Lab Glassware Disposal Guidelines
Non-chemical Containers
! Broken laboratory glassware must be fully decontaminated, thoroughly rinsed and air dried before being placed
in broken glass containers. Extreme care must be exercised when handling broken glassware. Always wear
necessary personal protection.
! Laboratory glassware must be allowed to air dry before being placed in broken glass containers. Cardboard
containers will not hold its integrity when wet.
! Disposal responsibili"ies remain wi"D "De genera"or of broken glassware. I" is "De genera"or’s responsibili"y "o
remove the broken glass containers from the laboratory and placed them in the solid waste dumpsters located
at the loading docks. Always wear eye protection while disposing of broken glassware containers.
! Broken glassware containers are not to be placed in hallways or means of egress. Broken glassware containers
are to remain in the laboratory until the time of disposal. Custodial personnel will not remove nor dispose of
broken glass containers.
! Broken glass containers are for the exclusive disposal of broken glassware. Do not mix broken glassware with
laboratory equipment manufactured from any other material of construction.
! Unbroken glass containers must be fully decontaminated and thoroughly rinsed before being placed in the
dumpsters. Do not place empty glass containers in hallways or means of egress.
! Exercise extreme caution when placing glass containers in metal dumpsters. Glass may cause injuries due to
shattering at the time of contact with the hard metal surface. Always wear eye protection while placing glass
containers in the dumpsters.
Chemical Containers
! Chemical glass bo""les mus" mee" "De defini"ion of “RCRA emp"y” as deemed by 40 CFR 261.7:
o All chemicals have been removed that can be removed from the container
! Any solvent rinsate from listed p-listed or u-listed chemical containers must be collected and
disposed of as hazardous waste
o No more than 2.5 centimeters of residue remains on the bottom of the container
o No more than 3% by weight of the total capacity of the container remains in the container if the
container is less than or equal to 119 gallons in size
o No more than 0.3% by weight of the total capacity of the container remains in the container if the
container is greater than 119 gallons in size
! Prior to disposal, the cap must be removed and the bottle label must be crossed out with a permanent marker.
Emp"y con"ainers mus" also be labeled “EMPTY”.
For more information regarding these guidelines, contact the Department of Environmental Health and Safety at (305)
348-2621 or