Visual Comfort in The Organic Architecture of An I
Visual Comfort in The Organic Architecture of An I
Visual Comfort in The Organic Architecture of An I
Abstract. Organic architecture is based on unity with the natural context. Moreover, the natural
environment in all its diversity has a positive effect on humans. Visual comfort is one of the
necessary components of the sustainable architecture of an individual home. And visual
auspiciousness as one of the aspects of environmental friendliness is gradually beginning to be
included in the number of components of "green design". The article discusses and analyzes the
relationship of the principles of organic architecture with techniques for ensuring visual comfort
of the architectural space of an individual residential building.
1. Introduction
The modern design of an individual residential building is distinguished by the breadth and diversity of
architectural creativity. However, when developing design solutions with a high level of comfortable
functioning of the space of a residential building, often not given due attention to visual comfort.
Nevertheless, the visual organization of space is constantly in interaction with a person, exerting a
certain influence on him.
Visual comfort is one of the necessary components of the sustainable architecture of an individual
home. And visual auspiciousness as one of the aspects of environmental friendliness is gradually
beginning to be included in the number of components of "green design" [1].
Based on the analytical comprehension of modern "green" trends, focusing on the favorable visual
interaction of architecture and the surrounding space, a significant role should be given to organic
architecture. This direction arose at the end of the 19th century, and finally established itself in the 30s
- 50s of the 20th century. Currently, the principles of organic architecture continue to be embodied in
modern methods and techniques for the formation of environmentally friendly buildings, combining
high technological effectiveness and close interconnection with the visual natural aspect.
and sparseness of visible objects. Also, in the architectural solution, it is necessary to provide a direct
relationship with the surrounding natural space [2-4].
The demand for organic architecture by the beginning of the 21st century is associated with the
development of technology and, at the same time, a craving for individual housing, in which
architectural forms can be a continuation of nature. According to the plan of the architect F.L.Wright,
the founder of the organic trend, the dwelling was supposed to combine modern achievements and
tradition, be an integral part of the environment, organically fit into the natural environment and be
intended for the landscape in which it was created [5-7].
Modern organic architecture also has at its core the interaction of a residential building with a natural
context. The conceptual model of such a house provides for alternative energy supply systems, the use
of ecological materials and the provision of a comfortable architectural environment in conjunction with
nature. An example of an individual residential building in the style of new organic architecture can be
the Villa Shell in Karuizawa by ARTechnic architects. Interesting examples of organic architecture in
Russia can be an individual house in the village of Vartemyagi, a house in the village of
Aleksandrovskaya, Wright Style House in Moscow (IK-architects), a house in the village of Zhukovka
(Fig. 1).
Siberian Industrial Days International Forum IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 944 (2020) 012020 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/944/1/012020
3. Research results
From the point of view of visual comfort and the relationship with the natural environment in organic
architecture, the following principles should be distinguished:
Interaction with the landscape is one of the most important techniques, which provides for
a strict fit of the building into the natural environment, which allows you to create a single
composition of the architectural object and the surrounding space.
The use of natural materials - materials should be used with a minimum of finishes,
preserving the natural look as much as possible. This technique provides interconnection and
integration into the natural environment.
The unity of architecture with nature - architectural compositions with the placement of
terraces, open interior spaces, a large glazing area allows you to visually connect the interior
and exterior.
A variety of decorative solutions – is aimed at enriching the architecture of the house with
various decorative elements.
The individuality of the appearance of the house. This technique is manifested in the
uniqueness of each building, reflecting the visual image of the area, traditions, inner world
and preferences of the inhabitants of the house.
The table illustrates the role of organic architecture principles in providing visual comfort to the
individual home environment (Fig. 2).
4. Conclusion
At the present time, when environmental problems are aggravated and a person is often cut off from
nature, it is especially important to form a favorable natural environment in architecture. The
relationship with nature provides visual comfort and a positive visual perception of the architectural
space, which is absolutely necessary for a modern person and should be an integral part of modern
design (Fig. 3).
The organic direction in architecture successfully solves the problem of ensuring a favorable
perception of the space of an architectural object. This architectural style is quite modern and
interconnected with environmental design. Thus, this study of the relationship between the principles of
Siberian Industrial Days International Forum IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 944 (2020) 012020 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/944/1/012020
organic architecture and methods of ensuring visual comfort in design can help to increase the level of
environmental comfort in an individual residential building.
Fig.3. The scheme of methods for providing visual comfort in the architecture
of an individual residential building
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