Hotel Human Resource Organizational Structure
Hotel Human Resource Organizational Structure
Hotel Human Resource Organizational Structure
Hotel Human Resource Organizational Structure
HR Director
HR Assistant
➢ HR Director - Creates a workplace culture that is consistent with the values and goals of the organization. Should also ensure that the organization's
policies and programs adhere to labor laws and regulations.
➢ HR Assistant - Organizing meetings, maintaining the employee database, and posting job advertisements. Responsible for maintaining effective
communication and prompt response to requests and inquiries.
➢ Recruitment - Carefully analyzing the requirements of an open post, recruiting qualified individuals for the opportunity, carefully screening, and selecting all
applicants, and smoothly integrating new hires and roles into the company.
➢ Compensation and Benefits - Refer to the pay, financial, and intangible advantages that a company offers to its employees. It is a crucial tool that human
resource managers employ to assist people in realizing their full potential at work.
➢ Employee Relation - Concerned with creating and maintaining a positive working environment for all employees. To put policies and benefits in place that
support a healthy workplace.
➢ Training and Development - To enhance the performance and skills of its employees. Employees may hone their current skills, pick up new ideas, and
perform better to this training tool's knowledge and instructions.
➢ Workforce Safety - Lowering or eliminating the possibility of illness or accidents among employees. To ensure workplace safety, policies, procedures, and
specific hazard control techniques are implemented.