CJW 044
CJW 044
CJW 044
Advance Access publication 10 June 2016
Original Article
Correspondence to: Madhur Upadhyay, Division of Orthodontics (L-7060), Department of Craniofacial Sciences, University
of Connecticut Health, 263 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, CT 06030, USA. E-mail: maupadhyay@uchc.edu
Background: Our previous understanding of V-bend mechanics is primarily from two-dimensional
(2D) analysis of archwire bracket interactions in the second order. These analyses do not take into
consideration the three-dimensional (3D) nature of orthodontic appliances involving the third
Objective: To quantify the force system generated in a 3D two bracket set up involving the molar
and incisors with vertical V-bends.
Materials and methods: Maxillary molar and incisor brackets were arranged in a dental arch
form and attached to load cells capable of measuring forces and moments in all three planes
(x, y, and z) of space. Symmetrical V-bends (right and left sides) were placed at 11 different
locations along rectangular beta-titanium archwires of various sizes at an angle of 150 degrees.
Each wire was evaluated for the 11 bend positions. Specifically, the vertical forces (Fz) and
anterio-posterior moments (Mx) were analysed. Descriptive statistics were used to interpret the
Results: With increasing archwire size, Fz and Mx increased at the two brackets (P < 0.05).The vertical
forces were linear and symmetric in nature, increasing in magnitude as the bends moved closer to
either bracket. The Mx curves were asymmetric and non-linear displaying higher magnitudes for
molar bracket. As the bends were moved closer to either bracket a distinct flattening of the incisor
Mx curve was noted, implying no change in its magnitude.
Conclusions: This article provides critical information on V-bend mechanics involving second
order and third order archwire-bracket interactions. A model for determining this force system is
described that might allow for easier translation to actual clinical practice.
© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Orthodontic Society. All rights reserved.
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M. Upadhyay et al. 203
and rotations. However, the fundamental challenge is the difficulty molar and incisors with simple V-bends placed at specific locations
in implementing this knowledge and the corresponding requirements along beta-titanium archwires of different sizes. It was our intention
in clinical practice. The force system generated by such appliances to generate a set of graphs/data through which the force system in
is complex and statically indeterminate. One way of circumventing any V-bend situation could be predicted for clinical purposes. We
this problem is to reduce the multi-bracket system into less compli- hypothesized that in a 3D set up, the force system does not show
cated basic units. The smallest basic unit that one can study is the symmetry between the two brackets, that is when the V-bend is
‘two-teeth segment’ of an arch (1–4). This offers a basic building moved across the mid point of the inter-bracket span the force sys-
block for understanding more complex force systems from multi- tem developed is specific for each bracket.
bracketed appliances.
Previously, this has been studied in a two-dimensional (2D) set up Materials and methods
involving either a straight wire in two non-collinear brackets (1, 2)
It was determined that in order to study the orthodontic force sys-
or a wire with a V-bend in collinear brackets (3, 4) such that the wire
tem in 3D, one would need force sensors capable of measuring 3D
and the bracket interact specifically in the ‘second order’. Depending
forces and moments, that is a multi-axis force transducer or load cell
on where these bends are placed, a variety of force systems can be
(8–10). A load cell is a mechanical device that can measure the forces
Figure 1. Force system produced by a V-bend in two collinear brackets. Note: Once the bend crosses the midline and moves toward bracket B the same pattern
will repeat, that is there is complete symmetry between bracket A and B (the picture is not drawn to scale).
204 European Journal of Orthodontics, 2017, Vol. 39, No. 2
Bonferroni’s Multiple Comparison Test (P < 0.01) were used to com- with increasing wire size both Fz and Mx increased at the two brackets
pare each wire against the other, but only those comparisons, which (Figure 3 and Table 2). As the bend was moved towards the center of
examined the specific variables, were recorded. the interbracket distance (L), there was a reduction in the force and
moment generated at the individual brackets (Figure 3). Analysis of
the Fz curves showed linear symmetry for both the molar and inci-
Results sor brackets. However, the Mx curves (Mxi and Mxm) did not reveal
For each individual wire sample, 50 readings over a 5-second period a symmetrical relationship. The magnitude of Mxm was greater than
were recorded for each component at each sensor. Any variations Mxi when V-bends were placed close to any of the two brackets. Also,
among the 50 values in a particular set were negligible (P > 0.05) as Mxm curves were linear but asymmetric; while the Mxi curves were
they represented very minute fluctuations in the electronics of the sen- both non-linear and asymmetric, that is they showed flattening at the
sor or software program. The standard deviations for the mean values extremes where the bends were close to the brackets (Figure 3B).
were <0.75 g for the forces and <5 g.mm for the moments. A com- The hypothesis was accepted. No symmetry was found between
parison of the effect of archwire size on the force system showed that the force system at S1 and S2, that is they were not interchangeable.
Figure 3. Graphical representation of the force system produced. (A) Vertical forces (Fz) and (B) moment in the transverse plane (Mx). The dotted vertical lines
indicate dissociation point for molar (blue), neutral point (black), and dissociation point for incisor (green).
206 European Journal of Orthodontics, 2017, Vol. 39, No. 2
Fz Mx
Figure 4. Archwire bracket interaction in the second order with the molar
The present study differed from the previous analyses of V-bend tube (left) and in the third order with the incisor bracket with V-bend placed
mechanics in many ways. This was the first time an actual experiment in proximity to (A) incisor bracket (a/L < 0.3), (B) molar bracket (a/L > 0.6), and
was performed rather than employing computer models (1–4) or (C) neutral point (a/L = 0.4–0.5). Note: Reversal of the moment is observed
finite element method (7). Not only bending moments (second order only in (A), at the molar tube.
wire bracket interactions) but also torsional moments (third order
interactions) were analysed at the two brackets. No boundary condi-
tions were imposed. Lastly, eleven different V-bend positions were
evaluated for four different archwires. Therefore, it did not come as
a surprise when the results showed significant deviations from the
previous data. In symmetrical brackets (Figure 1), the critical contact
angle for creating a moment due to a couple is similar as the brack-
ets are oriented in the same order. However, in our set up the molar
bracket was engaged in the second order while the incisor was in
the third order, thereby differing significantly in their critical contact
angles (12–14). This asymmetry was primarily responsible for the
asymmetrical nature of the force system between the two brackets.
When the V-bend was moved toward the incisor bracket
(a/L < 0.5) as expected the moment at that bracket (Mxi) increased
while at the molar bracket (Mxm) it decreased (Figure 3B). At an a/L
of 0.3, point of dissociation for the molar was obtained (Mxm = 0).
Any further decrease in the a/L ratio resulted in the reversal of the Figure 5. a/L ratios (red dots) projected on the arch length (yellow dots).
direction of Mxm, that is it was now in the same direction as Mxi, Each measurement next to a yellow dot represents the distance between two
similar to the results of previous studies (2–4). It is important to adjacent yellow dots (in mm). Distance between any two adjacent red dots is
3.8 mm. The arch length is what an operator sees in a patient’s mouth from a
remember that the reversal of moment is a result of the bending
bucco-lingual direction. The dissociation point of molar at a/L ratio of 0.3 (in
properties of the wire in the second order (3, 7). Bending close to the
blue) translates to a distance of 11.4 mm (0.3 mm × 38 mm) from the incisor
incisor bracket causes the wire to reverse its direction of curvature bracket along the curvature of the archwire but along the arch length it is
as it enters the molar tube (Figure 4A). Interestingly, as the V-bend only 5.4 mm (in blue). Similar inferences can be made for the neutral point
approached closer to the incisor bracket (a/L < 0.3) even the magni- (in black) and dissociation point of incisor (in green).
tude of the moments became similar. In fact, with thicker archwires
Mxm exceeded Mxi. This was a surprising outcome. According to placed sufficiently close to it so that the couple forces are very high,
the 2D models, Mxi should have been greater than Mxm because the partially offsetting the lack of distance between them. However, high
bend was closer to the incisor bracket. This discrepancy is due to the magnitude of couple forces within the bracket slot can increase the
second order engagement of the archwire in the molar tube versus local stress on the archwire causing permanent deformation of the
third order engagement in the incisor bracket. The moments created anterior leg of the archwire. This was reflected in our experiment by
at either bracket are a function of the couple forces at the edges of the flattening of the Mxi curve for all archwires. Also, moment due
the bracket and the distance between them. This distance is much to a couple tends to increase with an increase in the angle of entry of
greater for the molar bracket (bracket length) as compared to the the archwire into the bracket slot (3, 4, 7). The bends placed at a/L
incisor (bracket depth) because of their orientation. This precludes of 0.0–0.3 do not appreciably change the angle of entry of the wire
the incisor bracket to have a smaller moment unless the bend is into the incisor bracket as the bends are primarily in the transverse
M. Upadhyay et al. 207
plane (x-axis) as opposed to the anterio-posterior plane (y-axis) due this data into three distinct force systems provides critical insight into
to the curvature of the wire (Figure 5). the clinical application of torque/moment over the incisor and molar
When the bend was moved progressively closer to the molar (Figure 6). For example, any bend placed upto 15 mm mesial to the
bracket (a/L > 0.5), Mxm increased while Mxi decreased. The point of molar bracket will not produce any significant moment due to couple
dissociation for the incisor was observed at an a/L of approximately at the incisor bracket for the purpose of tipping or torque control.
0.6. However, a point of reversal was not observed, that is Mxi never
reversed in direction as predicted by the 2D model. Instead it became Limitations
flat (nonlinear) and remained close to 0 g.mm through a/L of 0.6–1 There were some limitations of this study. The force system was eval-
(Figure 3B). In other words, the moment on the incisor decreases uated in vitro. Factors such as saliva and occlusion were not simu-
considerably as the bend is moved away from it, but never reverses lated. However, studies aiming at clinically measuring F/M system
in direction (Figure 4B). Perhaps a more acute bend (<150 degrees) and the corresponding tooth movement are not feasible at this point
placed very close to the molar bracket is required to reverse the as biomechanical sensors capable of making intra-oral measure-
moment direction at the incisor bracket. ments are not available. Laboratory based simulations are the best
The neutral point was found at a/L of 0.4–0.5 for all the arch- option. The slight error/variation in the curves can be attributed to
wires, displaying a tendency to be located towards the incisor bracket methodological constraints, errors from the device, sensor sensitivity,
(Figure 3). Equal and opposite moments in such a set up are only and human error in: wire activation, bending, ligation, shape, etc.
created when the bend is moved closer to the incisor bracket so that However, regardless of the variations, the system was found to be
the wire is able to engage the edges of the incisor bracket in the third in equilibrium (Supplementary Text). The vertical forces (Fz) along
order and generate a moment opposite in sense to that on the molar the z-axis were equal and opposite at the two brackets (Figure 3A)
bracket (Figure 4C). Interestingly, a projection of the 3D two-bracket and the sum of all the moments (Mx) around the x-axis was zero
set up on a 2D plane further exaggerates this ‘off centering’ of the (Supplementary Figure).
V-bend (Figure 5). An a/L ratio of 0.5 when viewed from a buccal Another limitation was that only beta-titanium archwires with a
perspective is actually located 11.3 mm from the incisor bracket and 150° bend were tested. Future studies should focus on different arch-
18.2 mm from the molar bracket. This has never been taken into con- wire types with varying degrees of V-bends. These variations coupled
sideration in previous renderings of a similar set up (3, 6). with the mechanical properties of archwire–bracket interaction can
have significant impact on the force system. It will be interesting to
Clinical relevance see whether the model described above still holds true with these
The ratio of the moment at the incisor (Mxi) and molar bracket variations.
(Mxm) presented with some interesting patterns (Figure 3B). Any
bend placed at an a/L ratio of 0.0–0.3 had Mxi and Mxm in the same
direction (Mxi/Mxm > 0). From a/L of 0.3–0.6 the moments were Conclusions
opposite in direction (Mxi/Mxm < 0). Any bend placed at an a/L of 0.6 The force system obtained through the 3D analysis of a two bracket
or greater created a very small moment at the incisor and a relatively set up involving a molar and an incisor bracket is significantly dif-
larger moment at the molar tube (Mxi/Mxm = 0). The synthesis of ferent from the previous 2D interpretation of the same. The vertical
208 European Journal of Orthodontics, 2017, Vol. 39, No. 2
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