Pud 1 Decimo
Pud 1 Decimo
Pud 1 Decimo
O.EFL 4.1 Identify the main ideas, some details and inferences of written texts, in order to produce level-appropriate critical
analysis of familiar subjects and contexts.
O.EFL 4.4 Develop creative and critical thinking skills when encountering challenges in order to promote autonomous learning
Topic: People and decision making.
Unit Nº 1 Around the world O.EFL 4.6 Write short descriptive and informative texts related to personal information or familiar topics and use them as a
means of communication and written expression of thought.
Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.4.1. Compare and contrast oral traditions and literature from Ecuador and
EFL 4.1.1 Compare and contrast oral traditions, myths, folktales and literature from beyond in order to manifest an understanding of the relationship between cultural
Ecuador and international regions and cultures and identify similarities and perspectives and practices and by sharing cross cultural experiences.
differences and universal cultural themes. CE.EFL.4.5. Display an appreciation of and demonstrate respect for individual and group
EFL 4.1.4 Demonstrate mindfulness, empathy, tolerance and an overall respect for differences by establishing and maintaining healthy and rewarding relationships based on
the integrity of cultures in daily classroom activities. communication and cooperation.
Oral Communication
EFL 4.2.1 Understand phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediate CE.EFL.4.6. Listening for Meaning: Understand and follow the main idea in spoken texts
priority within the personal and educational domains, provided speech is clearly and set in familiar everyday contexts, provided speech is clear and articulate, and deduce the
slowly articulated. (Example: daily life, free time, school activities, etc.) meanings of unfamiliar words and phrases using context clues and/or prior knowledge.
EFL 4.2.4 Deduce the meanings of unfamiliar phrases and words from a context Inviting a student speaker to class and asking and answering questions about his/her
containing familiar elements. (Example: colloquial greetings, exclamations, culture/country.
interjections, etc.)
Reading CE.EFL.4.13. Apply learning strategies such as using prior knowledge and Reading a
EFL 4.3.6 Apply learning strategies to examine and interpret a variety of written story about another culture and responding to the main ideas with a short opinion.
materials using prior knowledge, graphic organizers, context clues, note taking and CE.EFL.4.14. Display an ability to interact and engage with a wide range of ICT and
finding words in a dictionary. classroom resources and texts by selecting and evaluating them in order to strengthen
EFL 4.3.9 Demonstrate an ability to interact and engage with a wide range of ICT literacy skills and promote acquisition.
and classroom resources in order to strengthen literacy skills and strategies. Countries and Nationalities, Descriptions and Appearance, Personal Experiences, Free
Time and Hobbies.
Recognize that various types of writing require different language, formatting and
special vocabulary. (Example: a description about yourself, a letter, etc.) (Ref. EFL CE.EFL.4.17. Show an ability to convey and organize information through the use of
4.4.5) facts and details and by employing various stages of the writing process, while using a
Make and use a simple print or digital learning resource to compare and contrast range of digital tools to promote and support collaboration, learning and productivity.
information in order to demonstrate understanding and command of a topic. (Ref. EFL
TRANSVERSAL AXES: Responsibility, Honesty, Respect, Peace, Justice, etc. PERIODS: 20 START WEEK: