Explorer Verner Home With African Curios
Explorer Verner Home With African Curios
Explorer Verner Home With African Curios
· · • •• 7
Brings Mr. Otabenga, a· Dwarf,
to Act as His, Valet~
1. .
I· S. P. Verner, the explorer, has returned
f to New York, after spendirig a. year and
Ia half in travel through Afrlca. !\·Ir. Ver•.
plorer 'finally reached Liverpool. They I
were walking in that ctty one day wh~n
I Otabenga attracted, through his strange
! tongue, the attention of persons pass1ng
I by. The dwarf misunderstood the curlos~
ity of t)ie whft.e people and thought he
was 1n danger.
The little black man, four feet and two
I; Finally
Inches high, soon l\ad a crowd about htni.
the throng became so large thii,t
, the poUce had to he]p the pair to escape .
. For this reason Mr. Verner has not been
seen on the street with the dwarf tn this
• c;fty.
Otabengn's capacity to convey his Im-
. pressions •is limited. He lacks a basis:
1for comparison. He spends his days in
· a wonderful place filled with strange
1 gods, its •entrance guarded by the great 1
: God of Playtime. The rest of the city i
: does not Interest him. He sums it up in I
i this way: I
, "At
home the trees are very tall and
the houses small. Here the houses are
very tall and the trees small.''