Distillation Tower Piping Training File of UHDE, Germany

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ELE TRAINING MANUAL- PIPING DOC No. : 29040-PI-UPS-1003 Dato: PIPING STUDY et Uhde India Limited COLUMN PIPING Page 1 CONTENTS Page 09 Cover Sheet 1 List of drawings 2-3 1.0, Introduction 4 20 Distitation 4-6 30 Required Information 6-7 | 40 Sequence of column Pining Study 79 50 Nozzle Orientation and Level 9-10 6.0 Access and Maintenance Facility 10 7.0 Platfotms and Ladders " “Fiest Edition: RO Prepared: AKB Checked: TNG Date: Date: ‘Sorver: “File Name: LB1003.—— PUNE: "| Approved: RUD Date: KO: KUMUS 205 :: KUMUS 207 TRAINING MANUAL- PIPING DOC No. : 29040-PLUPS-10 CEE PIPING STUDY Fev. _:R0 Unde India Limited COLUMN PIPING Page: 2 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS SRNO. PWG.NO. DESCRIPTION cory ISCHEMATIC- PROCESS OF DISTILLATION TOWER 2 TeLP2 [RUDE DISTILLATION OF PRODUCTS — ACROSS) ___HTEMPERATURE RANGE 3 fours FLOW DIAGRAM OF ABSORPTIONSTRIPPING SYSTEM) FOR HYDROCARBON RECOVERY FROM GASEOUS, IMOXTURE = [errs 5 Ps je jeLre ITRAVED TOWER je pers PRAYED Tos 7 err PACKED TOWER | 3 (crs ICOUNTER FLOW (SIEVE & VALVE PLATE DISPERSORS) | [79 joLPo —|eROSS FLOW-TRAYDETALS SOS [70 joLPi0 TRAV TYPES BY LIQUID PATHS 11 CLPIt " [PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM IN TOWER AREA 42 (CLP12 SAMPLE PIPING AND INSTRUMENTATION” DIAGRAW| ___[AROUND a coLuMN ie 3 |CUPIg- EVALUATION. OF THE FLOW DIAGRAM FOR” A lDIsTLATION COLUMN. TO VISUALISE AN. ORDERLY| [ARRANGEMENT OF PIPING ° 14 CLPi@ TYPICAL PIPIERACK CROSS-SECTION OF A TO AREA 75 cLPis CAL NOZZLE LOCATION AND PLATFORM Balls ELEVATIONS 76 (CLPi6 PLATFORM WIDTH REQUIREMENTS 47 (CLP? |TYPICAL PLATFORM ORIENTATION 18 |CLPi@ DETAILS OF CIRCULAR PLATFORM BRACKET SPACINGS 19 |oLPia TOWER PLATFORM AND LADDER ELEVATION] ___ REQUIREMENTS — | 20 |CLP20 TYPICAL PLATFORM ARRANGEMENT 21 |CLP2t DETAILS OF A TYPICAL DISTILLATION COLUMN 2 |CLP22 DETAILS OF TOWER SKIRT Sa 2S |CLP23_TYPICAL_TOWER AREA DWV VARIOUS} | | Facutes 24 ocPa# ~~ TYBIGAL TOWER PIPING SUPPORT 25 |CLP25 [TYPICAL ARRANGEMENT OF EXTERNAL PIPING AROUND| ~ | coLumn eee 26 |GLP26- [TYPICAL RELIEF VALVE SYSTEM OPEN AND CLOSED) - IsysTeM 27 |CLP27 PIPING G.A. FOR COLUMN REBOILER PUN 28 |CLP26 NOTES FOR PIPING GA FOR COLUNIN REBOILER PUMP TRAINING MANUAL- PIPING DOC No. : 29040-PI-UPS-1003 TEES PIPING STUDY Ren) Bo Uhde India Limited COLUMN PIPING Page 3 'SR.NO. DWG.NO. DESCRIPTION 2)_|GLP29___ |TYPIGAL OPERATOR ACCESS 30 |CLP30 NET POSITIVE SUCTION HEAD (NPSH) OF BOTTONG| "pup nie 31 |GLP31 TYPICAL TOWER PIPING ARRANGEMENT @2_|OLP32____TYPIGAL PLAN AND ELEVATION VIEW OF TOWER AREA 33 ~«(CLP33— REBOILER CONNECTION — | 34 |CLP34. ARRANGEMENT FOR KETTLE REBOILERS ~ 36 (CLP35. [TYPICAL INSTRUMENT VESSEL = 36 [6LP36 [TYPICAL ARRANGEMENT FOR LEVEL INSTRUMENT] 37 |OLP37 TYPICAL TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE INSTRUMENT i INozzLE LOCATION - | "38 [CLP8 TYPICAL TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE INSTRUMENT _|ARRANGEMENTS —_| 39 |GLP30— TYPICAL COMMON — BRIDLE-LEVEL INSTRUMENT] _|aRANGEMENT 40 |CLP40 TYPICAL TOWER DAVIT ARRANGEMENT #1 |GLPa?_[TVPIGAL TOWER TROLLEY BEAM ARRANGEMENT — Uhde India L TRAINING MANUAL- PIPING DOG No. :29040-P-UPS-1008 | PIPING STUDY Rov, 3R0 ited COLUMN PIPING Page: 4 190 14 20 INTRODUCTION Piping study for the column should start after complete understanding of the following document: 2) Technical specification of the column ») PaID ¢) Unit Plot Plan 4) Basic Engineering document highlighting the specific process requirement, platform requirement and guidelines for the general arrangement of piping around the column, @) Details of internal arrangements e.g for packed type - the packing height, packing support and manhole / hand hole focations, and for tray type - the nos. of tray, type of tray, downcomer location, manhole location ete. Instrument data sheet, @) Line list with operating / design conditions of the fluid Some understanding of the process function wil faciltate the piping study to meet the requirements of operation, maintenance, safety and the aesthetics. Various types of column with their varying functions are in use for refinery and Petrochemical industry. Generally they are distinguished based on the specific operation for mass transfer viz. Distilation, Absorption - stripping or Fractionation ete. DISTILLATION The distillation is separation of the constituents of a liquid mixture via partial vaporisation of the ‘mixture and separate recovery of vapour and residue. Various kinds of devices called plates or trays are used to bring the two phases into intimate contact. The trays are stacked one above the other and enclosed in a cylindrical shell to form a column, ‘The feed material, which is to be separated into fractions, is introduced at one or more points along the column shell. Due to difference in gravity between liquid and vapour phases, the liquid runs down the column, cascading from tray to tray, while vapour goes up the column contacting the liquid at each tray. The liquid reaching the bottom of the column is partially vaporised in a heated reboiler to provide reboll vapour, which is sent back up the column. The remainder ofthe bottom liquid is. Withdrawn as the bottom product. ‘The vapour reaching the top of column is cooled and condensed to a liquid in the overhead condenser. Part of this liquid is returned to the column as reflux to provide liquld overflow and to control the temperature of the fluids in the upper portion of the tower. The remainder of the overhead stream is withdrawn as the overhead or distilate product, The Typical distillation process tower is illustrated In Fig.CLP-1 and crude products across temperature range is illustrated in Fig.CLP-2. istilation of o TRAINING MANUAL- PIPING DOC No. : 29040-PI-UPS-1003, Unde tndia Limited COLUMN PIPING Poge fs 2.1 ABSORPTION AND STRIPPING Many operations in petrochemical plants require the absorption of components from gas streams into lean olls or solvents, The resultant rich oil is then stripped or denuded of the ‘absorbed materials. The greatest use of this operation utlises hydrocarbon materials, but the principles are applicable to other systems provided adequate equilibrium data is available. ‘A typical flow diagram of absorption-stripping system for hydrocarbon recovery from gaseous ‘mixture is ilustrated in Fig. CLP-3. 2.2 FRACTIONATION A fractionation column is a type of stil. A simple sill starts with mixed liquids, such as alcoho! and water produced by fermenting grain etc. and by boiling produces a distilate in which the concentration of alcohol is many times higher than in feed. In petroleum industry, mixtures of ‘not only two but a lot many components are dealt with. Crude oll is a typical feed for a fractionation column and from it, the column can form simultaneously several distillates such as wax distilate, gas ol, eating ol, naptha and fuel gas. These fractions are termed cus The feed is heated in a furnace before it enters the column, As the feed enters the column, Quantities of vapour are given off by flashing due to release of pressure on the feed. As the vapours rise up the column, they come into intimate contact with down flowing liquid, During this contact, some of the heavier components of the vapour are condensed and some of the higher components of the down flowing liquid are vaporised. This process is termed refluxing. If the composition of the feed remains the same and the column is kept in steady operation, a temperature distribution establishes in the column. The temperature at any tray Is the boling Point ofthe liquid on the tray. ‘Cuts’ are not taken from every tray. The P&ID will show cuts that are to be made, including alternatives. Nozzles on selected trays are piped and nozzles for alternate operation are provided with line blinds or valves, ‘The fractionator tower is ilustrated in Fig.CPL-4, ‘The typical vacuum tower and stripper is illustrated in Fig.CLP-5. Stripper is used to strip lighter materials from bottom of a main or a vacuum tower distiling crude bottom residue under 23 INTERNALS Columns based on internal details are often called as either Plato Columns or Packed Columns, Plate Column: The lighter hydrocarbons vaporise and flow up through the holes in the tray plate, making contact with the liquids on that tray. Tray types are: Bubble Cap trays, Valve trays, Sieve trays Bubble Cap Trays: Bubbling action effects contact. Vapour rises up through ‘risers’ into bubbie cap, out through slots as bubbles into surrounding liquid on tray. Liquid flow over caps, ‘outlet weir and downcomer to tray below. TRAINING MANUAL- PIPING DOC No. : 29040-PL-UPS-1003 GEES pe sruby en Ro COLUMN PIPING Page 56 Unde Indi Valve Trays: Commonly used valve trays are stamped out by big press and these trays come with small valves attached to them which allow vapour traffic. Sieve Trays: Sieve trays are perforated flat plates. They are inexpensive for small diameter vessels but large diameter towers must have extensive supports for these trays, Sieve trays are used for heavy hydrocarbon fractionation, All trays have foam on top of liquid. The height of the foam will vary with the process. Fosm may rise a foot or more above the tray liquid. Liquid-gas contacting is made effective through the above trays by cross-flow or counter flow. In counter flow plates, liquid and gas utilise the same openings for flow, thus there are no downcomers. Perforated plate with liquid cross flow (sieve plate) is the commonly specified tray. These two types of flow is illustrated in Fig.CLP - 8 ‘The two most commonly used types of tower viz. the trayed and packed arrangements are llustrated in Fig.CLP-6 and Fig.CLP-7 respectively 3.0 REQUIRED INFORMATION ‘The basic document listed in Cl.1.0 shall be studied thoroughly for conceptual arrangement of piping around a column, 3.1 The basic layout and general engineering specifications describe The minimum access, walkways, platforms width and headroom requirements. Handling facilities for tower internals, manhole covers, line blinds, relief valves, Maximum rise of ladders. Pipe-system requirements, such as open or closed relieving systems, Minimum tine-size and required hose-stations. ‘Access to valves and instruments. 3.2. Design Standards show: + Details of ladder dimensions + Ladder and platform position (Step through or side step landings) + Toe-plate, handrail and safety-gate details. 3.3 PID and Technical specification of column provide + Process data showing interconnected equipment and piping, + Pipe sizes and pipeline components. + Steam tracing and insulation thickness. + Tower elevations and differences in related equipment levels, 3.4 Plot Plan gives: +The physical location of a column and its relationship to other equipment. + Main access. * Main pipe run o pipe rack, ‘+ Location of pumps. ‘A typical cross-section of a piperack running through the tower area of a refinery type plant is illustrated in Fig.CLP-14, CEE Senaeney Ren RO ‘Uhde India Limited COLUMN PIPING Pogo 7 TRAINING MANUAL- PIPING DOC No. 35 36 49 44 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 ‘A typical plan of equipments located in the refinery type of plants highlighting the maintenance access is illustrated in Fig.CLP-32. Instrument standard shows: * The location of instrument connections to tower for gauges, level controllers and level alarms. * Location of pressure and temperature connections without orientation. * The instrumentation systems around the tower are depicted in the P&ID. Fabrication drawing / detail dimensional drg. of column provides ‘+ Diameter and height of column. Details and dimensions of internals. Manhole Process-piping connections in elevation (without orientation) Drum, pump, exchanger drawings giving details of adjacent process equipment or equipment supported on column itself ‘An integrated piping study should be developed from the above information, The piping study should take care of all the general recommendations of piping arrangement around the column and its related equipment and facilities as illustrated in Fig.CLP-25 "Typical arrangement of external piping around column" SEQUENCE OF COLUMN PIPING STUDY All available information / data from Equipment specification and P&ID shall be written on the ‘lovation view of the column as ilustrated in Fig.CLP-12, CLP-13 & CLP-15, ‘The designer now starts thinking about the proper orientation of nozzles and provisions for access to the points of operation and maintenance. Considerations of the pipeline leaving the tower area and the adjacent piping shall be visualised. ‘The first step is to orient the manholes preferably all in same directions, Normally, manholes shall be oriented towards dropout area within a 30° segment of column as this facitates the lowering of tower internals to the main access way. The manhole segment of platform should not be occupied by any piperack. A break in ladder rise (normal 5m, maximum 7m) will occupy another segment of column for platform. ‘The levels of platforms are to be decided on the elevation view based on the manholes and access to relief valves, instrument for viewing, Al platform levels in the proper segments of the tower with ladder location should be drawn on plan view. The manhole shall be shown in proper segment with the angle of orientation, and the space for the swing of manhole cover taking davit hinge as centre. Layout should be started from the top of the column with the designer visualising the layout as a whole. There will be no difficulty in dropping large overhead line straight down the side of a column, and leaves the column at a high level and crosses directly to the condenser. This clears a segment at lower elevations for piping or for a ladder from grade level to the first platform. CEE pie sto Ren Ro Uhde India Limited COLUMN PIPING Page: 8 49° Flexibility and thermal load connected with the large-dia overhead lines to the condenser at grade level or higher level shall be considered. The relief valve protecting the tower is usually connected to the overhead line. A relief valve discharging to atmosphere should be located on the highest tower platform, In a closed relief-line system, the relief-valve should be located on the lowest tower platform above the relief -systern header. This will result in the shortest relief-valve discharge leads to the flare header. The entire relietline system should be self-draining, 4.10 From layout point of view, itis preferable to space the platform brackets on the tower equally and to align the brackets over each other for the entire length of the tower. This will minimise interferences between piping and structural members. 4.11 Nozzles and piping must mest process requirements while platforms must satisly maintenance and operating needs. Access for tower piping, valves and instruments influence placement of ladders. 4.12. In routing pipelines, the problem is faced to interconnected tower nozzles with other remote points. The tentative orientation of a given tower nozzle is on the line belween tower centre and the point to which the line is supposed to run. Segments for piping going to equipment at grade 8.9. condenser and reboiler lines are available between ladders and both sides of manhole, See the Fig. CLP-21 / 31 for overall orientation of a distillation column, Line approaching the yard/piperack can tum loft or right depending on the overall arrangement Of the plant. The respective segments of these lines are between the ladders and 180°. The segment at 180° is convenient for lines without valves and instruments, because this is the point farthest from manhole platforms, The sequence of lines around the tower is influenced by conditions at grade level. Piping arrangements without lines crossing over each other give a neat appearance and usually a more convenient installation. 4.13 The correct relationship between process nozzles and tower internals is very important. An angle is usually chosen between the radial centroline of internals and tower-shell centrelines, By proper choice of this angle (usually 45° or 90° to the piperack) many hours of work and future inconvenience can be saved. Tower piping, simplicity of internal piping and manholes access into the tower are affected by this angle. After this, the information produced by the designer results in selecting the correct orientation of tower nozzles. 4.14 A davit usually handles heavy equiment such as large-size relief valves and large-diameter blinds. If the davit is at the top of the tower, it can also serve for lifting and lowering tower internals to grade. Clearance for the lifting tackle to all points from which handling is required, and good access should be provided, 4.15. Very often, interpretation of process requirements inside a tower is more exact than for exterior piping design. The location of an internal part determines, within strict physical limits, the location of tower nozzles, instruments, piping and the steshvork. The layout designer have to concentrate on a large-scale drawing of tower-internal detalls and arrangement of process piping to finalise the piping study. 4.16 Access, whether internal or extemal is very important. This includes accessibility of connections from ladders and platforms and internal accessibility through shell manholes, handholes or removable sections of trays. A manhole openings must not be obstructed by intemal piping TRAINING MANUAL- PIPING DOC No. : 29040-P-UPS-1003 TRAINING MANUAL- PIPING DOC No. : 29040-PI-UPS-1003, PIPING STUDY Fey = Unde India Limited COLUMN PIPING Poe 48 47 418 50 64 62 53 Reboiler-line elevations are determined by the draw off and retumn nozzles and the'r orientation Is influenced by thermal flexibility considerations, Reboller lines and the overhead lines should be as simple and direct as possible. Fig.CLP-23 shows the segments of tower circumference allotted to piping, nozzles, manholes, platform brackets and ladders as normally recommended to develop a well-designed layout, NOZZLE ORIENTATION AND LEVEL Nozzles are located at various levels on the tower to meet the process and intstrumentation requirements. MANHOLES Nozzles are to be oriented Keeping provision for maintenance and operation neads. Manholes are usually located at bottom, top and intermediate sections of tower. These access nozzles must not be located at the downcomer sections of the tower or the seal pot sections of the tower. Where internal piping is arranged over a tray, manhole shall be provided but it should be ‘ensured that the internals do not block the maintenance access through the manhole, Possible location of manhole and handholes within the angular limits of b* are illustrated in dotal-2 of Fig.CLP-21 REBOILER CONNECTIONS Reboiler connections are normally located at the bottom section of the tower. Detail-1 of .CLP-21 shows reboiler draw-off connections for single-low tray. This connection can be very important for arranging tray orientation, The simplest, most economical location for reboller connections with the alternative location within the angular limits of a° is shown. The angle a depends on the size of reboiler draw off nozzle and the width of the boot (dimension b) at the tray down flow. The return connection from the thermosyphon reboilers is shown in detall-1 of Fig.CLP-21 ‘These lines should be as simple and as direct as possible, consistant with the requirements of thermal flexibility, For horizontally mounted thermosyphon reboiler, the draw off nozzle is located just below the bottom tray and for vertically mounted recirculating thermosyphon reboiler, the draw off nozzle is located at the bottom head. For both the systems, the return nozzles are located just above the liquid level as shown in Fig.CLP-33, REFLUX CONNECTIONS Reflux nozzles are provided with internal pipes that discharge the liquid into the sealpot of the tray below. Detail 3 of Fig.CLP-21 shows the reflux connactions. Care must be taken that the horizontal leg of the intemal pipe clears the tops of bubble caps or weirs. It must be ensured that the internal pipe can be fabricated for easy removal through a manhole or can be fabricated inside the tower shell ChE TRAINING MANUAL- PIPING DOC No. : 29040-PI-UPS-1003, PIPING STUDY ny ene Unde India Limited COLUMN PIPING Pope: 10 54 65 56 60 64 62 63 OVERHEAD CONNECTIONS ‘The vapour outlet nozzle is usually a vertical nozzie on the top head of tower. In addition, the vent and relief valve could be located on the top head with a typical platform arrangement for access to vent, instrument connections and top manhole. In a closed relief line system, relief valve should be located on the lowest tower platform above the relief system header. This will result in the shortest relief valve discharge leads. The entire reli ine system should be self draining. BOTTOM CONNECTIONS “The liquid outlet is located on the bottom head of the tower. If the tower is supported on skirt, the nozzle is routed outside the skirt as shown in Fig.CLP-22. The elevation and orientation Of this line is generally dictated by the pump NPSH requirement and the pump suction line flexibility. (see Fig.CLP-30) VEL INST! ‘The temperature and pressure instrument connections are located throughout the tower. The temperature probe must be located in a liquid space and the pressure connection in a vapour space as shown in Fig.CLP 37. ‘The level instruments are located in the liquid section of the tower usually atthe bottom. Tho elevation of the nozzles is decided by the amount of liquid being éontfolled or measured and by standard controller and guage glass lengths. Level controllers must be operable from grade or platform and level guages / switches may be from a ladder if no platform is available. Fig.CLP-35, 36, 37, 38, 39 lusirates a few instrument connections on tower. ACCESS AND MAINTENANCE FACILITY ‘Access whether internal or extemal is very important, This includes accessibility of connections from ladders and platforms and internal accessibility through shell manholes, handholes or removable sections of trays. Tower maintenance is usualy limited to removal of exterior items (e.g. relief or control valves) and interior components (e.9. trays or packing rings) Handling of these items is achieved by fixed devices (e.g. davits or trolley beams) or by mobile equipment (e.g. cranes). When davits or beams are used, they are located at the top of the tower. accessible from a platform and designed to lower the heaviest removable item to a specific drop out area at grade level. When mobile equipment is used, a clear space must be provided at the back (side opposite to piperack) ofthe tower that is accessible from plant auxiliary road. CLP-16, 25, 29, 32 illustrates the access and maintenance facies to be considered in the piping arrangement around a tower. (On free-standing columns, access for major maintenance to insulation or painting will usually require the erection of temporary scaffolding. Space for scaffolding at grade level and provision of cleats on the shell to facilitate scaffold erection should be considered. Ustity stations of two services viz. steam and air are usually provided on maintenance platforms. Steam and air risers should be located during piping study to keep adequate cleats for support. (see Fig.CLP-20) TRAINING MANUAL- PIPING DOC No. : 29040-PI-UPS-1003, CoE fon PIPING STUDY Unde tndia Limited COLUNN PIPING Poe: ul 7.0 PLATFORMS AND LADDERS 7.4 Platforms on towers are required for access to valves, instruments, blinds and maintenance accesses. Platforms are normally circular and supported by brackets attached to the side of the tower. Generally, access to platforms is by ladder. Fig.CLP-19 illustrates the platform roquirements, 7.2 Platform elevations for towers are set by the items that require operation and maintenance. ‘The maximum ladder run should not exceed 7m. 7.3. Platform widths are dictated by operator access. The clear space on platform width shall be ‘min. 900mm. For platforms with control stations, the width of platform shall be 800mm plus the width of control station. ‘The platform for manholes and maintenance access, adequate space for swing the cover flange flange must be provided. 7.4. Top-head platforms for access to vents, instruments and relief valves are supported on head by trunions, 7.5 Recess between towers may be connected by common platforming. 7.6 tis preferrable to space platform brackets on tower equally and to align brackets over each ‘other over the entire length of shell. This minimises the structural design and interferences. ftom piping, 7.7 On very wide platforms or those that support heavy piping loads, knee bracing is required in addition fo the usual platform steel. The potential obstruction immediately under the knee. brace must be kept in mind during platform design. 7.8 Fig.CLP 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 ilustrates a few platform considerations. TE Unde India Limited TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DOC NO. : 29040-P1-UPS-1003 Rev. :RO PIPING STUDY COLUMN PIPING Page :10F1 DWG:NO. CPE [DISTILLATION SCHEMATIC PROCESS OF DISTILLATION TOWER | RECTIACATION SECTION “STRIPPING SECTION: — | —_2 —- DIRECT STEAM TO BorroNs Pa ‘CONDENSER n REFLUX ‘VAPOUR PRODUCT iv ue RECEIVER ORUM DISTILLATE PRODUCT ___Feep TRAY REBOWLER a BOTTOMS PRODUCT ‘BOTTOMS PUMP Tor Unde India Limited TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING Doc No. PIPING STUDY COLUMN PIPING Rev. Page 29040-PLUPS. 1003 Ro 10F1 CRUDE DISTILLATION OF PRODUCTS ACROSS 2 CRUDE OL TEMPERATURE RANGE oo BUTANE AND a LIGHTER GAS 80°F.200 STRAIGHT RUN, (ECOG) GASOLINE 20076215 __NAPHTHA. (o4"G-167°6) S1SF-450°F KEROSENE (srexT oy 450°F-650°F __uGHT GAS (eres) OL HEAVY GAS. OL 00" STRAIGHT RUN (are RESIDUE DWG.NO. -GLP2 \WITH WE RISE IN TEMPERATURE OF CRUDE OI, INITIAL BOILING PONT IS REACHED. ‘THE LIGHTEST MATERIAL, BUTANE PRODUCED FIRST, JUST BELOW T00"F (28°C) ‘THE HEAVIEST MATERIALS ARE PRODUCED BELOW 800° (427°C) ‘THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE DIFFERENT PRODUCTS AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURE RANGES ARE SHOWN ABOVE. TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING boc No, 29040-P/LUPS-1003 Ro PIPING STUDY Ubde India Limited COLUMN PIPING Pege 31 0F1 (WG.NO, 7 LPS ABSORPTION & STRIPPING FLOW DIAGRAM OF ABSORPTION-STRIPPING SYSTEM FOR HYDROCARBON RECOVERY FROM GASEOUS MIXTURE OFFA zo a PREHEATER (CONDENSOR IBSORAER, ‘COOLER RAW GASOLINE id pac on : Lee [—stRippinc STEAM TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DOC NO, : 29040-PLUPS-1003 JUHDE} fen PIPING STUDY Ubde India Limited COLUMN PIPING Page 1 0F1 DWG.NO. : CLP FRACTIONATION SCHEMATIC PROCESS OF FRACTIONATION TOWER oF ‘sms a ‘STU 00°F sma iF Conoenser ‘sTuL2 wor aoe ose ove REFLUX RETURN LINE eo REE L YHyyy LY Yj gZ Lill” PRopucr BorroMs SOFC) fr de India imiced TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DOC No. Rev. PIPING STUDY COLUMN PIPING Page VACUUM TOWER & STRIPPER T lela | f vacuum Towen | | L ~ 1 | L oa 21 I? t Pine I As 4 9 9 —- | © a 9| El | I q : ' JLo) JL lol | | { 29040-PLUPS-1003, UHDE| TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DOC NO. :29040-PLUPS-1003 Fev RO PIPING STUDY Uhde India Limited COLUMN PIPING Page 10F1 On Wo Tee TRAYED TOWER oN ed }: | sux ray MAINTENANCE -] “ recess Hep ormnorr , — exer reeo— +—e fenouen RerOnt ~ Leven ements Tors TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DOC NO, : 29040-Pi-UPS-1003 Rev, -RO PIPING STUDY Uhde India Limited COLUMN PIPING Poge 1 0F1 DWGNO CPF PACKED TOWER Sc teva. wsmeuvenrs C-| QUID DISTRIBUTOR PACKING F-}-+— MAINTENANCE ACCESS (TYP) casinter —_--] au ourter TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DOC NO. :29040-PLUPS-1003 PIPING STUDY Ubde India Limited COLUMN PIPING Page :10F1 DWG.NO. guste coma | Te | ie | fearon TT = t 1 ELEVATION TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING PoE nen Fo PIPING STUDY ‘Unde India Limited COLUMN PIPING Page 91 0F1 DOG NO. : 29040-P1-UPS. in| evo arroras wy Fife DAT FEO TH RESUFEVENTS | jt = L | Lanne | | — (CONGESTED PLATFORM WIDTH REQUIREMENTS Larronu mom ARE DEDIDED AG PER OPERATOR AGGEGS FOR RATEROM WTI GONTADLSLDGATEO AT She SE OF PLATFOn Te MDTHIAIST BE Soa PLUS THE WOTHOF THe CONTROLS ORPRO SECTIONS One MANTENACE baw Resource sasorneens _f | MAINTENANCE ACCESS ARRANGEMENTS. AT Manire44CE ACCESS PLATFORM ADEQUATE SPACE TO SWING INE ACCESS COVER FLANGE TOBE PROVIDED. ‘TopeAD MANTENANGE ACCESS MUST BE FREE FROM THREE IDES firs PIPING STUD’ TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DOC NO. : 29040-P1-UPS-1003 Unde India Limited COLUMN PIPING Page :10F 1 Rey. :RO YY DWG.NO.:CLPIT TYPICAL PLATFORM ORIENTATION PLATEORM EC ooo" PLATFORM EL.109-0" TO 139-0" 102.740 111.890, PLATFORM aL e5:0" PLATFORM EL.169-0" TO 178' 121.030 123.800 PLATFORM ali PLATFORM EL.139-0" TO 169-0" 114.890 121.030 TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DOC NO, 25040-2-UPS-1003 Crs Rew PIPING STUDY “ ‘Unde India Limited COLUMN PIPING Page 10F1 Dwo-WO cure DETAILS OF CIRCULAR PLATFORM BRACKET SPACINGS 2 eMaNHOLE. INSIDE, a0, srTose ecient [ugg exer ater wee [ele] sup To 7m Tae | ae TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DOC NO. :29040-PLUPS-1003 PIPING STUDY Unde Inia Limited COLUMN PIPING Page :10F1 DWE.NO. :cLPIa TOWER PLATFORM AND. LADDER ELEVATION REQUIREMENTS [MAINTENANCE ACCESS PLATFORMS WITH [MINIMUM CLEARANCE INDICATED, ‘TOP HEAD PLATFORM VENT ACCESS ancrenoce Senos Ls eel in PLATFORM, aye) I - | rewrerature & va PRESSURE POINT ACCESS BY I ADDER OR PLATFORM ines [e607 2020) LapoeR: NO ACCESS REQUIRED MAINTENANCE & VALVE ACCESS (S0°T0 5.0" INTERMEDIATE PLATFORM ‘Tosurr wound TRODER RUN ALTERNATE VALVE. ‘AGcESS WTH OF {WITHOUT STEM EXTENSION | i BIR enna {—conTRou NsTRUMENT & aT iaINTENANCE ACCESS #-0" (300) TaN eve, Gause access ——~ if ‘BY {ADDER OR PLATFORM DRAIN VALVE ACCESS ‘PROM GRADE Fors Unde India Limited TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING OC NO. : 29040-PL-UPS-1003 PLATEORM eLors" ‘0270 Rev. RO PIPING STUDY COLUMN PIPING Pago :40F1 DWG.NO. .cLPeO TYPICAL PLATFORM ARRANGEMENT PLATFORMS ARE REQUIRED ON TOWERS FOR ACCESS TOVALVES, INSTRUMENTS, BLINDS AND MAINTENANCE ACCESS. PLATFORWS ARE USUALLY CIRCULAR AND SUPPORTED BY BRACKETS ATTACHED TO "THE TOWER. ACCESS TO PLATFORM IS GENERALLY BY LADOER. — PREFERRED LOCATION PING ‘ACCESS NOT REQUIRED PAST STANDPIPE ‘BINGTRUMENTS LEVELINSTRUMENTS, — tanner To UPPERLEVEL LADDER CAGE —— PLATFORM supPoRT BRACKETS, MAINTENANCE ACCESS TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DO NO. :29040-P-UPS. Rev. 2 PIPING STUDY Unde India Limited COLUMN PIPING _ Ps 1OF1 DETAILS OF A TYPICAL DISTILLATION COLUMN omenrarion rane (morrays ar frozueo TeePncnG) svapourour E @ *| bs. I ‘8, SIMPLEST REFLUX PIPE b, REFLUX PIPE MUST CLEAR — [BUBBLE CAPS AND Wr * PS ETALS [DETAIL 3 : REFLUX CONNECTIONS | @ SEE DETAL 28 im > . t al I t M7 “et tf © ‘SIMILIAR TO DETAIL-3 TRAY AREAS _-f =j Fp cn : ZI E J oumnowarer |” ILO a ou. Se ! ©. I | sce pera LL " Y scauroraren NO is © | Ad ! —y 4 SINGLE FLOW TRAY ».00UBLE FLOW TRAY »| DETAIL 2 : MANHOLE LOCATIONS | °| 8" REBOILER ORAWOFF | 1 DRAN =, 7 wef oH a \— Secor Wy ‘uQuD tae, , ® orton tray ——. —# | @emwoes — Tesorromout ' Ie AREROILER DRANOFF sesouenserumn | | -tRarour oor Nowe SINGLE LOW TRAY DETAIL 1 : REBOILER CONNECTIONS TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DOC NO. : 29040-P1.UPS-1003 FEET a PIPING STUDY Uhde India Limited COLUMN PIPING Page OFT Owe. NO. LPH DETAILS OF TOWER SKIRT jee ‘00 wor ohare rons 18708 | ancenr une [| | | Los eo mmone ; 4} ‘esis NE OpeNING l + vent hoe el? L SE somou - i = ton Riamasa one 7 a aes K 7 i __ SKIRT ACCESS OPENING hs A een | Soeare | : se | omge | ae : socrwoues | 7\ | co j é STFFENING ANG ft f SASE RNG I ‘VE et 100-0" - te OF SUPPORT wore ‘8000 EET Uhde India Limited TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING PIPING STUDY COLUMN PIPING DOC NO. :29040-PI-UPS-1008 Rev. Page Ro 1081 TYPICAL TOWER AREA DIVISION FOR VARIOUS FACILITIES PREFERRED AREAS FOR PIPING, PLATFORMING AND LADDERS TO BE LOCATED IN CONJUCTION WITH "TRAY, NOZZLE AND PLATFORM ORIENTATION, DWG.NO, -C1Pz PIPE RACK fo} — -— -—-— fp EA | | | # VERTICAL PIPING AREA Ha} — - —-—-— 4+] PLATFORM OPERATING & WAINTENANCE AREA for Unde India Limited TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING PIPING STUDY COLUMN PIPING DOG NO. ; 29040-P1-UPS-1003 Rev, RO. Page 21 0F4 DAG NO CuPea TYPICAL TOWER PIPING SUPPORT "ADEQUATE SPACE BETWEEN BACK OF PIPING AND ‘TOWER SHELL TO FACILITATE INSTALLATION OF PIPE SUPPORTS, £1400 MALE {FINSULATION SH 1200 ‘COMMON BoP TOEATED PIPING. \ RADIAL LOCATED 4 BING se f Untiry Princ > «1100 OVERHEAD YabOUR UNE S]_h, 9 -— rrurwon | iA supose | 4 7 —vesser ce cue TES ‘Unde India Limited TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING: PIPING STUDY COLUMN PIPING DOG NO. : 29040-P1-UPS-1003 Rev. Page RO 10F1 TYPICAL ARRANGEMENT OF EXTERNAL PIPING AROUND COLUMN | ONS “A ouraronioouis a? saver never vaive: INDPRESSURE) wee ——l — —— | NEAR FRACTIONS) joer ‘MANHOLE (FOR, f sae KI —™™ HEAVY CUT Lise mI oe | SikxouiN) } saute on ET. ‘Unde India Limited TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING PIPING STUDY COLUMN PIPING ferwaresocanen TYPICAL RELIEF VALVE SYSTEM OPEN AND CLOSED SYSTEM (OPEN TO ATMOSPHERE RELIEF VALVE SYSTEM LOCATED ON ‘THE TOP OF TOWER CLOSED RELIEF VALVE SYSTEM TOBE. LOCATED AT A MINIMUM DISTANCE ABOVE THE RELIEF HEADER, DISTANCE ATMOSPHERIC RELIEF VALVE PREFERRED LOCATION tapoer ve) PLATFORM — (ne) OVERHEAD UNE ‘CLOSED SYSTEM RELIEF VALVE PREFERRED LOCATION (CLOSEST AVAILABLE PLATFORM ‘ABOVE RELIEF VALVE HEADER) | | ety rer ve | Tobe | | TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DOC NO. : 29040-P1-UPS-1003 CES Ren 80 PIPING STUDY ‘Unde India Limited COLUMN PIPING Page :10F1 DWO.NO.ciPz PIPING GA. FOR COLUMN-REBOLER PUMP rons oars Soiree tar cen ATEN EE ‘Unde India Limited TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING PIPING STUDY COLUMN PIPING Page :10F1 DOC NO. : 29040-PL-UPS-1003. Rev. :RO 1DWG.NO..cLPam ‘GA. FOR COLUMVREBOUER 21 moe ont aU usc oc no Toman ACTON Pt noe eon sus SCE rouse manna oaruaese ove, TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DOC NO. : 29040-P-UPS-1003 Tors fen 0 PIPING STUDY ‘Unde India Limited COLUMN PIPING Page :10F1 DWO.NO, CLP TYPICAL OPERATOR ACCESS ‘TYPICAL MAINTENANCE ACCESS “THE CLEARANCES FOR TE OPERATOR ACCESS | dno iuinrehanee Access cancoMe Ines, Be {THE OUDELINES FOR TOWER BOTTOM ELEVATION j EGET Unde India Limited TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DOC NO. :29040.P-UPS-1003 Rev PIPING STUDY COLUMN PIPING Page Ro 10F1 NET POSITIVE SUCTION HEAD (NPSH) OF BOTTOM PUMPS ‘Min NPSH REQUIREMENT IS A EY FAGTOR IN DECIDING THE ELEVATION OF THE TOWER. WG. NO, iP TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DOC NO. : 29040-F1-UPS-1003 UHDE} Ree no PIPING STUDY ‘Unde India Limited COLUMN PIPING Page 10F1 DW.NO. cima TYPICAL TOWER PIPING ARRANGEMENT THE PIPING ARRANGEVENT ARE TO BE DESIGNED BASED OW PROCESS VESSEL SKETCH, TRAY OSTAKS, NOZZLE ELEVATION. | ova g ah (COWNCOMER: oT pea , guapoer/ - ae 4 a; contmot stant sa CERSPKCENT clea fy recur oruntoie PLAN EL.169-0" TO 178-1" 100.000 117.89, 111.890 127.030 NOTE : REF.CLP12 FOR TYPICAL P&l DIAGRAM. TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DOC NO. : 29040-PI-UPS-1003 PIPING STUDY COLUMN PIPING Pege 1 0F1 Uhde India Li DWG.RO GPR TYPICAL PLAN AND ELEVATION VIEW OF TOWER AREA oversea. Sonbencens ul [ ye lam cootens: aa | | 7 | 2 2 ELEVATION PIPE RACK MAINTENANCE ‘ACCESS WAY jprereicononen ; ———— sy ® : a q 4 t t f 1 + I sorrous Puues! REFLUX PUPS. TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DOC NO. : 29040-P-UPS-1003, Re RO PIPING STUDY COLUMN PIPING Page 101 DWG.NO, -CLPIS REBOILER CONNECTION — a HORIZONTAL REBOILER | Hic tauio LeveL ALTERNATE {=f segs etic q CZ essai TOWER | a.vermicat Resour | vowncouen se sce fet tse hes wat car ORAWOFF rE TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING Doc NO, Rov Ro PIPING STUDY Uhde COLUMN PIPING 1 | PIPING G.A. FOR COLUMN-REBOILER PUMP | oven, eNsTH ovens c — WEIR HEIGHT APPRX. icon SSO RESOUER paren ‘SURGE VOLUME BY PROCESS, [-800 san (SHOWN ON DATA SHEET) ao vapor 4 5} ‘ALTERNATE LOCATIONS OF NOZZLES q Sn. ae srecieoey nyernocess 3| Bisneceeee ant as (Shown on onra SHEET) a ne Fema. inoue g| 5 g -OUNOATION: HIGH PowT OF FINSHED SURFACE ee Meoiuw our THERMOWELL TEMP INDICATOR \PUMP AND OR COOLER POSSIBLY BETWEEN REBOLER [AND CONTROL VALVE DIAGRAMMATIC ELEVATION (FOR USUAL ARRANGEMENT SEE PLAN BELOW) NOTES: ‘THIS ARRANGEMENT FOR KETTLE REBOILERS, WICH I THE TYPE MOST ‘COMMONLY USED, HAS MIEMIUM LIQUID HELD IN COLUMN AND ‘OPERATING SURGE IS IN KETTLE 1) SET KETTLE AT MIN, ELEV. TO SUIT PRODUCT LINE PRESSURE DROP (OR PUMP SUCTION REQUIREMENTS, 2) WEIR HEIGHT DEPENDS ON REBOILER SELECTION. '3) HEAD EQUALS NORMAL PRESSURE OROP FOR LINES AND REBOILER. 4) HEAD AT MAX. LEVEL GIVES 100% SAFETY OVER NORMAL, 5) USUALLY TRAY SPACING + 1SOMMM, PROCESS WILL SPECIFY, 6) PROCESS WL SET DIMENSION, 7) LGAND LC NOT REQUIRED ON COLUMN FOR THIS HOOKUP. 8) SET SKIRT HEIGHT TO SATISFY NOTES 1.2AND 3. 8) ANCHOR LOCATION DEPENDS ON RELATIONSHIP OF RESOILER WITH ‘COLUMN ANCHOR ONE END ONLY. 10) SURGE VOLUME IS NORMALLY A MIN. OF 2BUNUTES. 11) IF THIS THE COLUMN DRAM, PIPE TO DRAIN FUNNEL. TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DOC No. Rev. PIPING STUDY COLUMN PIPING Page 29040-PLUPS-1003, Ro 10F1 DWG.NO. :CLPR5 ‘TYPICAL INSTRUMENT VESSEL SKETCH Ths TANGENT UNE ‘THD= THREADED RE RAISED FACE Joy 2S, suet UHDE} Uhde India Limited TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DOC NO.» 29040-PLUPS-1003, Rev. Ro PIPING STUDY COLUMN PIPING Page :10F1 WG WO, /CLP36 TYPICAL ARRANGEMENT FOR LEVEL INSTRUMENT (COVER SWING AREA PLAN LeveL swires PLAN LeveL CONTROLLER GISHTHAND env oR@2 — so" 10 6-9" 300 TO 2080 ELEVATION SINGLE MOUNTED LEVEL CONTROLLER ELEVATION ‘SINGLE MOUNTED LEVEL GAUGE AND SWITCH TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING Tr PIPING STUDY Ubde India Limited COLUMN PIPING DOC NO, : 28040-P-UPS-1003 Rev, RO Pago 1 0F1 DAG NO. / CUPS? TYPICAL TEMPERATURE & PRESSURE INSTRUMENT NOZZLE LOCATIONS. PRESSURE. SPACE PRESSURE INSTRUMENT — Neate SeerATONS ORIENTATIONS TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DOC NO. : 29040-PI-UPS-1003 PIPING STUDY Ubde India Limited COLUMN PIPING Page: 10F1 L ‘TYPICAL TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE INSTRUMENT ARRANGEMENTS: DOMINCOMER AREA \" PRESSURE GAUGES Loewy wousten ‘iA THERMOMETER tae _t t mr) Prone WHEN oR ENING TEMPERATURE NOZZLES: iam heck FoR ADEQUATE Boaro MoureD GlEgmance oF Prove SRemnccoune = conpurr Wir DOWNCOMER WALL, TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING PIPING STUDY COLUMN PIPING DOC NO. : 29040-PI-UPS-1003, Rev. RO Page :10F1 TYPICAL COMMON BRIDLE-LEVEL INSTRUMENT ARRANGEMENT 5" STANDPIPE: DWG.NO. 1 UPS TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING DOC NO. | 29040-P/-UPS-1003 oavir Rev. :RO PIPING STUDY ‘Unde Inds Limited COLUMN PIPING Page :10F1 DWO.NO. TYPICAL TOWER DAVIT ARRANGEMENT ALTERNATIVE DAVITLOCATION ‘SUPPORTED FROM PLATFORM Be 10.08" avir supPORT Fromvesse. —} ELEVATION Carr Uhde India Limited TRAINING MANUAL - PIPING OG NO. : 29040-P-UPS-1003 Rev: RO PIPING STUDY COLUMN PIPING Page 1OF1 DG. WO, “GPT TYPICAL TOWER TROLLEY BEAM ARRANGEMENT Troueveea lz % eon ‘TRouey BEAM SUPPORTS i ELEVATION

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