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Factors Affecting the Mary the Queen College of Pampanga's Senior High School
Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
March 2023
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
platforms have created a significant shift in consumer behavior and purchasing habits.
The growth of e-commerce platforms in recent years has transformed the way
consumers make purchases by providing them with a more convenient and accessible
avenue. One of the leading e-commerce platforms in the Philippines and other countries
is Shopee, which has gained immense popularity among consumers of all age groups,
including senior high school students. With Shopee's user-friendly interface and diverse
product offerings, consumers can easily browse, compare, and purchase products from
the comfort of their homes, without the need to physically visit stores. This convenience
factor has contributed significantly to the rise of Shopee's popularity among consumers,
especially in the younger age groups who are often more tech-savvy and prefer online
shopping site that also provides a classic web experience. It is a Southeast Asian-focused
platform that blends payment and logistical support with the integrity of a customer-to-
customer (C2C) marketplace. In fact, Shopee is a popular name on the list of top e-
Asia. It sells a range of goods, from groceries to electronics, and has an adequate monthly
their ease of accessibility, which reduces the time spent on shopping, as noted by Jiang et
al. (2013: 192). Likewise, customers benefit significantly from online shopping,
including avoiding crowded physical stores, not waiting in cashier queues, and having the
freedom to shop whenever and whatever they want (Jiang et al., 2013: 206). Despite the
convenience and accessibility that Shopee offers, students' purchase intentions on the
specifically focusing on the rapid growth of Shopee in the Philippines. Bulacan et al.
(2022) addressed this gap in their research by examining how four factors - price, time,
trust, and convenience - impact consumers' online shopping behavior on Shopee. With
Afrianto and Irwansyah (2021) stated that Shopee, which operates in Southeast
and Thailand, is the initial online marketplace to offer free, secure, and enjoyable online
buying and selling transactions. The primary product categories on Shopee are fashion
and home goods. In 2020, the community showed a significant interest in and relied on
interest in buying the item. The level of interest is determined by the perceived benefits
and pleasure that the product offers, which then motivates the individual to acquire the
item by paying for it or exchanging it for money. According to Salfiana and Gusri (2018),
intention that characterizes the actions of consumers who have a strong preference for
specific products, and exploratory intention that describes the actions of consumers who
seek information about a product they are interested in. While determining whether to
buy a product or service, people take price into serious consideration. Online shoppers
frequently invest time in studying discounts offered by online retailers and other sales
incentives like coupons, freebies, free delivery certificates, and other vouchers that may
be redeemed and used during the checkout process. Customers are particularly impacted
by flash sale discounts or events that put time pressure on potential customers, forcing
acknowledgment of certain actions taken. Chao and Liao's (2016) study proposes three
indicators: Firstly, offering affordable pricing, which enables customers to save money
such as the ability to make cheap purchases. Lastly, offering customers something of
value to highlight the worth of the goods and services provided by the business and to
Yang et al. (2016) state that online reviews serve as a crucial source of
information that assists online customers in evaluating the quality of products and
services. One of the primary purposes of these reviews is to reduce the risk and
at home after finishing all of their household chores. When they receive an email with a
good offer, they are drawn to it and might make a purchase. Paid search advertising will
be more effective for men purchasing online. While consumers discover products, an
enhanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO) will effortlessly list the items and websites,
while pop-up ads will take care of the necessary tasks while they browse generally.
Men and women have different product preferences, and they approach fulfilling those
preferences in various ways. Although gender roles have become more ambiguous and
product categories, many goods and services are still inherently intended for either men
The primary purpose of this research is to explore and analyze the various factors
that influence the purchase intention of men and women on Shopee, a popular e-
commerce platform. The study aims to identify the differences between the two genders
in terms of their attitudes, preferences, and perceptions towards online shopping. The
findings of this research will help e-commerce companies, marketers, and retailers to
develop targeted marketing strategies that can effectively engage their male and female
It also aims to examine the impact of different factors on the purchase intent of
men and women on Shopee. Some of the factors that will be considered in this study
include product quality, price, brand reputation, delivery time, convenience, and online
security. By analyzing the influence of these factors on the purchase intent of men and
women, the study will provide insights into the specific needs and expectations of each
gender. These findings can help e-commerce companies to improve their offerings and
This study aims to assess the factors affecting the Senior High School students’ intent
to purchase in Shopee.
1.1. Sex
2. How does the Senior High School students describe the factors that affects their intent
3. Is there a significant difference between the intention to purchase of male and female?
Theoretical Framework
frequently used in scientific research, has been developed in order to explain the
behaviors of individuals according to their own will and desires. According to this theory,
of the person and the subjective Norm (influence) (Koç ve Turan, 2014).
This theory is relevant to the present study since this study will provide insight
into how students make decisions and take action in relation to the factors in shopping
online and how it affects their intent to purchase. The findings of this study can be used
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
to develop interventions to help consumers manage their time and focus while still being
able to enjoy
online shopping. The study will contribute to the literature on online purchasing behavior
students make decisions and take action in relation to their online shopping behavior.
by researchers. For males, the relationship between gratitude and total spending is
significant and positive, but for females, it is insignificant. Similarly, females have a
significant and positive influence on the amount paid, whereas males do not. According
to the authors, males have more product knowledge, which influences product gratitude
and purchase. Females, on the other hand, are influenced by social aspects related to
obligation. Other research indicates that gender has no influence on the relationships
perceived ease of use, subjective norm, and perceived credibility (Kim, 2016).
Furthermore, European research has found that gender has little influence on organic food
Conceptual Framework
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Figure 1 the conceptual paradigm for this research project is illustrated above. The
approach pinpoints the factors, such as discount vouchers, rating reviews, and price of the
product, and the intent to purchase in Shopee. In the paradigm, the factors mentioned are
the dependent variables while the intent to purchase in Shopee is the independent
variable. This study aims to determine the factors affecting the intent to purchase in
Shopee of senior high school students of Mary the Queen College of Pampanga.
This research study aims to provide information about the factors that affect the
intention to purchase in Shopee of the Senior High School Students in Mary the Queen
College of Pampanga.
Furthermore, the result of this study will greatly benefit the following:
Shopee Sellers. This study will demonstrate the factors affecting the students’
intention to purchase, which will benefit Shopee sellers by helping them in attracting
Shopee Consumers. It will benefit Shopee users in variety of ways since this
study will determine the perception of Shopee consumers especially the students in
Students. This study will provide data for students to learn about customers'
perceptions of purchasing products online with a discount voucher. This could also be
Future Researchers. This study would serve as a great guide for future
researchers if they would want to conduct a study regarding the same topic.
The scope of this study is to determine the factors affecting Senior High School
focusing on knowing and identifying the factors that affect the intention to purchase,
whether male or female, of 240 senior high school students of Mary the Queen College of
Pampanga, grades 11 and 12, under all strands in the academic year 2022-2023, have
significant difference. Additionally, this study will restrict itself to factors such as
discount vouchers, rating review, and price and will not attempt to measure variables in a
different setting.
Definition of Terms
which students are required to go through and choose according to their needs, interest,
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
and capability (Department of Education, 2016). As used in this study, it pertains to the
Shopee. An online market platform that connects sellers (business owners) with
kitchen, and fashion (Konigle, 2023). In this study, Shopee is used as a variable where it
concentrated on something or some end or purpose. In this study, the word intent is used
or its equivalent. In this study, purchase is the acquisition of product online and is used as
an independent variable.
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
This chapter presents the research methodologies and procedures that will be
employed in the conduct of the study. It also includes the discussion of research design,
Research Design
The researchers will employ a quantitative approach as the major research design,
namely a survey-based descriptive to examine the factors that affect the Senior High
may be used to forecast, evaluate causal linkages, uncover patterns and averages, and
what, where, when and how. A descriptive research design uses a variety of research
methodologies to study one or more variables. In this research design the researchers
Descriptive research design will be used in this research study as the researchers
will aim to determine the factors that affect the purchasing intentions of Senior High
School students of Mary the Queen College of Pampanga. Hence, descriptive research is
The respondents of this study will be the Grades 11 and 12 students of Mary the
Queen College of Pampanga from all the academic strands. Moreover, to identify the
sample size of the study, the researchers will use the Raosoft Calculator. There are
approximately 1220 Senior High School students in Mary the Queen College of
Pampanga, and by using the Raosoft Calculator, the expected number of respondents are
424. Following this, the researchers will use stratified random sampling technique to
select the respondents of this study by categorizing them into strata depending on their
year level and strand. According to Parson (2017), stratified random sampling is a
method in which the elements that make up the target population are divided into discrete
groups or strata, and within each stratum, the elements are relevant to one another in
In order to collect the knowledge and data needed to conduct this study, the
will be validated by the validators to determine its reliability and validity. It will consist
questions for the respondents in this study to assess the factors affecting senior high
school students', whether there is a significant difference between male or female, intent
to purchase in Shopee. Google Form will be used to complete the online survey. It will be
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
distributed to the respondents through the social media platforms. In addition to this, the
questionnaire is classified into three parts, the first part will determine the demographic
profile of the respondents in terms sex. The second part will identify how the Senior High
School students describe the factors that affects their intent to purchase in Shopee in
terms of: discount vouchers, rating reviews, and price. And the third part will examine the
Moreover, in the study, the questionnaires are on a five-point Likert scale. The
= strongly agree}.
The following techniques will be utilized by the researchers to gather the data needed to
1. To establish the population size, the researcher will submit a letter to the
registrar's office, signed by the instructor, requesting the total number of grade 11 and 12
2. The population now will be pared down to a smaller subset of respondents using
3. As soon as the sample has been verified, the researcher will propose a letter to the
4. After the principal has given permission, the data will be collected.
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
5. Upon receiving the letter of approval, the researchers will construct a consent
6. The questionnaires will be drafted and be sent to the research adviser for review
8. To obtain a complete list of students from each class, the researchers will get in
9. Each section, together with the randomly selected respondents will be added to a
10. Before conducting the survey, the researchers will assure the respondents are clear
11. After responding to the survey, the researchers will ask the participants to send a
screenshot as verification that they have finished filling out the survey forms.
12. Thus, after answering the survey, the researchers will express their gratitude and
appreciation for completing the survey and will inform them to leave the group chat.
13. The researchers will gather and examine responses to ensure if it is adequate and
14. Finally, the researchers will comprehend and examine the findings using
statistical tools.
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Data Analysis
The following statistical analysis will be used in computing the collected data.
Frequency. This statistical formula will be used in identifying the number of the
Mean. The mean will be calculated and used as a measure of central tendency in
measure the variability of a dataset, providing insight into the spread of the data and the
Likert Scale. The Likert scale will be used to sum up the values of each selected
Percentage. The Percentage will be used to determine the population of the study.
Ethical Consideration
Researchers will guarantee that the research ethics will be taken into consideration
throughout the undertaking. The researchers will ask permission to conduct the study
from the principal, strand coordinators, advisers, and the senior high school students. The
researchers will assure that all the respondents will participate voluntarily and will be
well-informed about the study that they are taking part in and their contribution to it. The
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
respondents consent will be obtained, and proper authorization will be granted, including
the use of their data. For the safety of the respondents, the researchers will make sure that
the information gathered will be kept private for confidentiality to avoid leaking of
information. The results will be respected by the researchers, and will not attempt to alter
the outcome.
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Afrianto, A. P., & Irwansyah, I. (2021). Eksplorasi Kondisi Masyarakat Dalam Memilih
Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational behavior and human
Belanja Online Melalui Shopee Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Indonesia. Jurnal
Bulacan, J. E., Milan, B. C., & Fernandez, R. (2022). Impact of Price, Time, Trust, and
Chao, R., & Liao, P. (2016). The Impact of Brand Image and Discounted Price on
Jiang, L. A., Yang, Z., & Jun, M. (2013). Measuring consumer perceptions of online
Mosteller, J., Donthu, N., & Eroglu, S. (2014). The fluent online shopping experience.
11. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118445112.stat05999.pub2
Phrabu. (Jul 23, 2015). Men vs Women : Shopping Behaviour and Buying Habits.
Salfina, L., & Gusri, H. (2018). Pengaruh citra merek, kualitas produk dan harga terhadap
minat beli pakaian anak-anak studi kasus Toko Rizky dan Afdal Pariaman. Jurnal
Schiffman, L. G., & Wisenblit, J. (2015). Consumer Behavior, 12th Global Edition.
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Appendix A
We are the Group 2 of Accountancy Business and Management Grade 12- Daniel,
currently conducting a Preliminary Survey for our research entitled “Factors Affecting
the Mary the Queen College of Pampanga's Senior High School Students' Intent to
Purchase in Shopee.” This Preliminary Survey questionnaires will identify the factors that
affecting the senior high school intent to purchase in Shopee. We humbly asking your
participation to answer our Preliminary Survey.
Yes or No
Do you use the Shopee App?
☐ Yes
☐ No
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
1 2 3 4 5
1. I use discount vouchers such as free shipping and
cashbacks when I purchase product in Shopee.
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Yes or No
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Appendix B
Dear Respondents,
We, the Senior High School students of Mary the Queen College of Pampanga
Incorporated, are currently conducting research on “Factors Affecting the Mary the
Queen College of Pampanga's Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in
Shopee.” These Survey questionnaires sough to identify the factors that affecting the
senior high school intent to purchase in Shopee. We, humbly ask you to answer our
survey form. Your participation is highly appreciated.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this study at 09086685396
or reach us through our email at aguilustriciamae461@gmail.com.
Name (Optional):
☐ Female
☐ Male
PART 2: Factors that Affecting Senior High School Students’ Intent to Purchase in
1 = Strongly Disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Neutral
4 = Agree
5 = Strongly Agree
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Appendix C
Theoretical Framework
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Conceptual Framework
Definition of Terms
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Data Analysis
Ethical Consideration
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Appendix D
Educational Background
Personal Information
Date of Birth: August 1, 2005
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Name of Father: Conrado Aguilus Jr.
Name of Mother: Maylene Aguilus
Language Spoken: Filipino
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Educational Background
Personal Information
Date of Birth: February 15, 2005
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Name of Father: Roger Alvarez
Name of Mother: Risyll Despuig
Language Spoken: Filipino
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Educational Background
Personal Information
Date of Birth: May 17, 2005
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Name of Father: Melanio David Jr.
Name of Mother: Lotis David
Language Spoken: Filipino
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Educational Background
Personal Information
Date of Birth: January 29, 2005
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Name of Father: Sonny Lariosa
Name of Mother: Lizel Mercado
Language Spoken: Filipino
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Educational Background
Personal Information
Date of Birth: September 13, 2005
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Religion: Christian
Citizenship: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Name of Father: Robert Macaspac
Name of Mother: Haydee Macaspac
Language Spoken: Filipino
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Educational Background
Personal Information
Date of Birth: March 29, 2005
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Name of Father: Gregorio Manalansan
Name of Mother: Meriam Manalansan
Language Spoken: Filipino
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Educational Background
Personal Information
Date of Birth: August 22, 2003
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Name of Father: Jesus Manansala Jr.
Name of Mother: Analiza Manansala
Language Spoken: Filipino
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Educational Background
Personal Information
Date of Birth: January 6, 2005
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Name of Father: Henry Nipay
Name of Mother: Queeny Nipay
Language Spoken: Filipino
Factors Affecting Senior High School Students' Intent to Purchase in Shopee
Appendix E
Consultation Log
Name of Adviser: Ms. Rosemarie Farro Term and School Year: 2nd Sem 2022-2023
Signature of
Date of Mode of Remarks Adviser/
Advising Advising Panelist/
March 17
March 24
March 26
(Note: Print this form and attach it on your appendix. Use extra sheets as necessary.)