Sost 107 Geography 2

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Visca, Baybay City, Leyte,
VOIP:565-0600 local 1037


Course No. SoST 107

Course Title Geography 2


1. Vision of the University

A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental


2. Mission of the University

Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific

knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and

3. VSU Quality Policy Statement

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
V02 11-14-2022
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
4. Quality Goals of the College of Education

 Provide essential professional preparation for teachers in the basic and

higher education.
 Undertake relevant research that can be utilized to improve the teaching and
learning process.
 Extend relevant community services to uplift people’s lives

5. Quality Objectives of the Department of Teacher Education

 Produce graduates equipped with pedagogical and 21st century skills.

 Develop among prospective teachers’ strong commitment for teaching and a
real concern for the welfare and development of the learners.
 Provide students the opportunity to conduct research on relevant areas in
basic and higher education.
 Provide students the opportunity to conduct extension and community
involvement activities


1. Name of the Program Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social Studies

2. CHED CMO Reference CMO No.75, s.2017
3. BOR Approval BOR Res. No.68, s.2018

4. Program Educational Objectives and Relationship to Institution Mission

Program Educational Objectives
a b c
1. Employ principles of sustainable development in teaching and learning. / / /
2. Display qualities of an innovative teacher who has mastery of the subject / / /
*a - development of a highly competitive human resource, b - cutting-edge scientific
knowledge, c - innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment


1. Course Code SoST 107

2. Course Title Geography 2
3. Pre-requisite None
4. Co-requisite None
5. Credit 3 units
6. Semester Offered Second Semester
7. Number of hours 3 hours a week
8. Course Description The course guides the students to demonstrate knowledge of basic
geographical skills and tools utilized in understanding the
geography of the Philippines and the world. It also leads them to
demonstrate knowledge on the spatial characteristics of the various
natural phenomena associated with the Earth’s hydrosphere,
biosphere, atmosphere, and lithosphere.

9. Program Outcomes (POs) in relation to the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Program Outcomes (POs) Program Educational
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
V02 11-14-2022
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
1 2 3 4 5
Demonstrate leadership skills that will help in teaching
a or training students who will empower their / / / / /
Employ principles of sustainable development in
b / / / / /
teaching and learning.
Display the qualities of an innovative teacher who has
c / / / / /
mastery of the subject matter.
Integrate local and global perspectives in teaching the
d / / / / /
principle of the common good.
e Show scholarship research and further learning. / / / / /
Apply a wide range of teaching skills (including
curriculum development,
f / / / / /
a. lesson planning, materials development, and
educational assessment and teaching approaches.
Practice the professional and ethical requirements of
g / / / / /
the teaching professions.
Facilitate learning of diverse type of learners, in diverse
h type environments, using a wide range of teaching / / / / /
knowledge and skills;
Reflect on the relationship among teaching process
skills, the learning processing in the students, the
nature of the content/subject matter, and the broader
i / / / / /
social forces encumbering the school and educational
process in order to constantly improve their teaching
knowledge, skills and practices;
Demonstrate a deep and principled understanding of
j how educational processes relate to historical, social, / / / / /
cultural, and political process.
Exhibit willingness to continue learning in order to
k / / / / /
better fulfill their mission as teachers.

10. Course Outcomes (COs) and Relationship to Program Outcomes (POs)

After completing this course, Program Outcomes Code

the student must be able to
a b c d e f g
perform the following COs:
CO1 Demonstrate an
understanding of the geography
of the Philippines and the world E E E E E E E
applying the basic geographic
skills and tools; and
CO2 Demonstrate and
understanding on the spatial
characteristics of the various E E E E E E E
phenomena associated with the
spheres of the Earth.
CO3 Discuss the importance of
identifying the different E E E E E E
resources in each E
region/province of the
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
V02 11-14-2022
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Legend: I – Introductory, E – Enabling, D – Demonstrative
Each letter indicates the expected level of competency that each CO should provide for
each PO.

11. Course Content and Plan

Teaching and
Learning Learning Activities
Week Topics nt Tasks
Outcomes Teaching Learning
Activities Activities
Class Orientation
OBE Course Syllabus Q & A for Note- Oral
(including VSU Vision clarification taking recitation of
Mission, and Quality , setting of the VSU
Policy Statement) expectatio Download Mission,
ns, and ing and Quality
Class Policies Internalize the getting-to- resource Policy
vision, mission, know-each materials
Requirements and course other
policies of the Poster-
Grading System and university; Class making
Activities interaction
Learning Guide / Sharing of
Instructional Workbook / Ideas
Laboratory Manual
Submission of

Values Integration:

CO1: Demonstrate an understanding of the geography of the Philippines and the world
applying the basic geographic skills and tools; and
2-5 Module No. 1 Dynamic Recitation Group
Introduction and lecture and Output
Orientation of the Interactive Written Presentatio
Course and Quiz n
Discuss the
Concepts of
Lesson 1: Concept of tive Learning
Environmental discussion Task #1
Geography Fishbone
Identify the Gross KWL
Lesson 2: Gross (Know, relationsh
Features of the
Features of the earth Want to ip of
Know, Environm
Lesson 3: Environment Learned) / ent to
Define and Social
and the Social Sciences Buzz
explain the
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
V02 11-14-2022
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Lesson 4: relations of Group Sciences
Environmental Problems Environment and
the Social Active
Lesson 5: Objectives of Sciences; Class
Environmental Participatio Learning
Geography Explain the n/Role Play Task #2
effects of the effects Info-
Environmental of Video
Problems to Environme Group
Values Integration: Human Life; and ntal Output -
Care for the Problems The
Environment Discuss the to Human environm
Objectives of Life ental
Environmental issues
Geography. Peer affecting
Teaching Human

CO2: Demonstrate and understanding on the spatial characteristics of the various phenomena
associated with the spheres of the Earth.
6-12 Module No. 2 Spheres Dynamic Learning Presentatio
of the Earth lecture and Task #3 n of Poster
Define the Interactive Realia of Slogan
Lesson 1: The Different Spheres and the
Atmosphere of the Earth collabora- different Writing/Refl
tive spheres ection
- The Hydrosphere Illustrate and discussion of the Paper
discuss the Earth (Man’s
- The Lithosphere Layers of the Film Impact on
and the Earth’s Atmosphere; Viewing Learning the
Processes Task #4 Spheres of
Analyze the Infographic Poster/Sl the Earth)
- The Biosphere, significance of s ogan/
Ecology and Balance Pamphlet Presentatio
Ecosystem Ecosystem; / n of Social
Brochure media
Lesson 2: The Human Explain the Making Campaigns
Sphere and Population significance of (The
Growth Human Sphere Populatio
and its Implication n and the
to Population Earth)
Lesson 3: Major
Environmental Problems: Growth; and
Some Possible Solutions Learning
Discuss on the Task #5
positive and Create a
- Population Explosion
negative effects Social
of the major Media
- Pollution of Air, Water campaign
and Land environmental
problems against
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
V02 11-14-2022
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
- Industrialization and the Major
Urbanization Environm
en tal
-Solid Waste Disposal problems

Value Integration:

Critical Thinking and

13 Midterm Examination
CO3: Discuss the importance of identifying the different resources in each region/province of
the Philippines.
14 -17 Module No. 3 The Identify the size Dynamic Learning Reading/
Philippines, Its and shape of the lecture and Task #6 Critique of
Geography, Physical Philippines and Interactive Buzz the Essay
and Natural Resources its location on the and Group about the
world map collabora- (Climate Implication
Lesson 1: Geographic tive vs of Industrial
Resources Explain the discussion Weather) Developme
meaning of (Location, nt to
a. Location, Size and climate and Size and Learning Human life
Shape weather shape of Task #7
b. Climate and Weather the Preparing Presentatio
c. Landforms and Explain the Philippines an n of
Resources significance of ) economic Song/Jingle
d. Water forms and natural resources map /Rap
Resources to human life composition
e. Forest and Mineral Learning s
Resources Discuss the AV Task #8
f. Agricultural Resources importance of Presentatio Compositi Presentatio
and Industrial agricultural n o n of n of
Development resources on the Song/Jing economic
way of living of le/ Rap map
Lesson 2: the Filipinos. (Regional
Regionalization and iz ation Essay
Resources Identify and Writing
regions/provinces Resource (Implication
of the Philippines s) of Industrial
a. Northern and Central and the distinct Developme
Luzon resources in each Learning nt to
b. NCR and Southern region; Task #9 Human life)
Luzon Group
c. The Visayan Island Present an activity :
d. Mindanao economic map (Regional
e. Sulu Island which depicts the Resource
diverse s
resources, crops, Chart/Eco
Values Integration: products and n omic
Patriotism industries of each Map)
Task #10
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
V02 11-14-2022
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
activity :
n of
18 Finals Examination
* VSUEE/VC – VSU E-Learning Environment/ Virtual Classroom

12. Life-long Learning Opportunities

In this course, the students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the geography of
the Philippines and the world. This will enable them to learn the earth systems that affect
everyday life and the role of the society to a balance ecosystem. It will develop students’
spatial awareness, build awareness on cultural diversity, and strengthens understanding the
interdependence between people and environment making the student become global citizens.

13. Contribution of Course to Meeting the Professional Component (%)

General Education:
Major Course: 100_%
Professional Education:

14. References and Other Learning Resources

Ditan, C. D. (2012). Earth sciences. Mandaluyong City. National Bookstore

Duka, C. D. (2008). World geography. Manila. Rex Bookstore
Maguigad, R. B. & Ponciano, P. D. (2012). Fundamentals of world geography with geography
and natural resources of the philippines. Manila.
Libro Filipino Enteprises Mostiero, A. P. (2012). Environmental science-protect our planet.
Manila. Educational Publishing House
Marshall, T. (2016). Prisoners of geography: Ten maps that explain everything about the world
(Politics of Place)
Ordonez, J. A. (2003). Environmental biology. Mandaluyong City,National Book Store

15. Course Assessment and Evaluation

The performance of students will be assessed and evaluated based on the following:
40 % Midterm + 60 % Final Term = 100% (Overall Final)
Percentage No. of Times in Individual Task %
Assessment Tasks Contribution the Semester Contribution
(1) (2) (1/2)
1 Quizzes 20 9 2.22%
2 Learning Task 20 7 2.85%
3 Learning Assessment 20 10 2.00%
4 Term Examinations 40 2 20.00%
… 100%

COs Assessment Tasks Weight in Minimum Target and

Percent Average for Standards
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
V02 11-14-2022
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Assignment 1 2.00 %
Assignment 2 2.00 %
60 %
CO 1 Activity 1 2.85 %
Activity 2 2.85 %
Quiz 1 2.22 %
Quiz 2 2.22 %
Quiz 3 2.22 %
Quiz 4 2.22 %
Quiz 5 2.22 %
Assignment 3 2.00 %
Assignment 4 2.00 %
Assignment 5 2.00 %
CO 2
Assignment 6 2.00 %
Activity 3 2.85 % 60 %
Activity 4 2.85 %
At least 70% reach
Quiz 6 2.22 %
the60% passing
Quiz 7 2.22 %
Quiz 8 2.22 %
Quiz 9 2.22 %
Activity 5 2.85 %
Activity 6 2.85 %
Activity 7 2.85 %
CO 3 60 %
Assignment 7 2.00 %
Assignment 8 2.00 %
Assignment 9 2.00 %
Assignment 10 2.00 %
At least 70% reach
TOTAL 40% 60 % the60% passing

Grading System (% Passing: 60% )

Range Grade Range Grade
100 1.00 65 – 69.99 2.75
95 – 99.99 1.25 60 – 64.99 3.00
90 – 94.99 1.50 59 - below 5.00
85 – 89.99 1.75
80 – 84.99 2.00
75 – 79.99 2.25
70 – 74.99 2.50

16. Course Policies

1) The VSU E-learning Environment will be used as an alternative classroom. A class

orientation will be done in relation to the use and navigation of the platform.

2) Some requirements will be submitted preferably through the VSUEE or email.

3) Some quizzes are set on VSUEE - VC. All quizzes are announced and will open
after a topic has been discussed.

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
V02 11-14-2022
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
4) The learning guide is our official instructional material in this subject. It will serve as
your guide for the whole semester. Whether you have internet connection or not, use it.

5) If you have any inquiries/clarifications, you may contact the course

during official class schedule; Monday to Friday only.

6) All students are reminded to observe all policies, regulations, and rules of the
university and other related laws of the land and are advised to read, understand, and
practice the provisions of the VSU Student Manual.

7) Lastly, as we embark in this “new normal”. Let us have an open mind and heart as
adjust in this new way of delivering the teaching-learning process and still continue to
aim for quality in education.

This class policy serves as our written agreement for the whole semester. If there are any
changes to enhance the class learning opportunity within the semester, it will be
communicated accordingly.

17. Course Materials and Facilities Available

Computer, Video Clips, PowerPoint Presentations

18. Revision History

Revision Date of Date of Highlights of Revised by
number Revision implementatio Revision
00 N/A March 15, 2021 ISO OBE format & Jay C. Bansale
Teaching- Learning
Activities on New
01 February 17, 2nd Semester, VSU OBE Syllabus Honeylyn Bitanghol
2023 S.Y. 2022-2023 Updating of activities
Revision on Course
Assessment and
Evaluation, Grading
System, Course

19. Preparation
Name Signature Date Signed
Prepared by
HONEYLYN A. BITANGHOL 02 – 20 - 2023


1. Name of Instructor/Professor Honeylyn A. Bitanghol

3. Telephone/Mobile Numbers 09096276706
4. Email Address
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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
V02 11-14-2022
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
5. Consultation Time 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Monday and Thursday

20. Department Instructional Materials Review Committee:

Committee Name Signature Date Signed


Chairperson: JOEL Q. MABALHIN

Name Signature Date Signed

Verified by: BAYRON S. BARREDO
College Dean
Validated by: NANCY H. ABUNDA
Head, IMD
1) The number of POs will depend on each degree program offered
2) COs and Relationship to POs
a. (I) - Introductory – an Introductory Course to an outcome
b. (E) - Enabling – an Enabling Course or a course that strengthens the
c. (D) - Demonstrated – a Demonstrative Course or a course demonstrating an

(3) Distribution of copies: OHIMD, Department, Faculty

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Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge
V02 11-14-2022
and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.

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