Seismic Assignement-1

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Directorate of Engineering
School of Science, Engineering and Environment
College of Science & Technology

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

Elastic Analysis of Cantilever Balcony

Prepared by:
Alshemeri Abdulaziz

Submitted at 7 December 2022

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

Table of Contents
Prepared by..........................................................................................................................................1
Submitted at 7 Dece.............................................................................................................................1
ELASTIC ANALYSIS OF CANTILIVER BALCONY..............................................................................3
1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................................3
2. Scope of Work.................................................................................................................................3
3. Given Problem.................................................................................................................................4
4. Loads Calculation............................................................................................................................5
5. Stiffness Factor Calculation.............................................................................................................6
6. Distortion Factor Calculation...........................................................................................................6
PROPPED CASE.......................................................................................................................................6
1. Hand Calculations............................................................................................................................7
a) Fixed end moment calculation.....................................................................................................7
b) Distribution table.........................................................................................................................8
c) Propped force calculation............................................................................................................8
2. Linpro Software.............................................................................................................................10
3. Ansys Software..............................................................................................................................10
UNPROPPED CASE................................................................................................................................12
1. Hand Calculations..........................................................................................................................12
a) Fixed end moment calculation...................................................................................................13
b) Distribution table.......................................................................................................................13
c) Sway force calculation...............................................................................................................13
2. Linpro Software.............................................................................................................................15
3. Ansys Software..............................................................................................................................15
FINAL STATE.........................................................................................................................................17
1. Hand Calculations..........................................................................................................................17
2. Linpro Software.............................................................................................................................18
3. Ansys Software..............................................................................................................................18
SECTION ADEQUACY...........................................................................................................................19
1. For Beams......................................................................................................................................19
a) Design for Shear........................................................................................................................20
b) Design for Bending....................................................................................................................20
2. For Columns..................................................................................................................................21

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

a) Design for Slenderness..............................................................................................................22

b) Design Axial Flexural Buckling Compression...........................................................................22
c) Design for Major Axis Buckling................................................................................................22
JOINT DESIGN.......................................................................................................................................23
a) Shear and Tension......................................................................................................................24
b) Weld..........................................................................................................................................24

Table of Figures
Figure 1- Frame 3D view.............................................................................................................................5
Figure 2- 2D central view section................................................................................................................6
Figure 3- Propped case model.....................................................................................................................8
Figure 4- Linpro software propped model bending moment diagram........................................................11
Figure 5- Ansys software propped model bending moment diagram.........................................................12
Figure 6- Unpropped case model...............................................................................................................13
Figure 7- Linpro software unpropped model bending moment diagram....................................................16
Figure 8- Ansys software unpropped model bending moment diagram.....................................................17
Figure 9- Final state case model................................................................................................................18
Figure 10- Linpro software final state model bending moment diagram...................................................19
Figure 11- Ansys software final state model bending moment diagram....................................................20
Figure 12- Beam column section...............................................................................................................25

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering


1. Introduction

Iterative procedures form a powerful class of methods for analysis of indeterminate

structures. These methods after elegant & simple procedure of analysis, that are adequate for
usual structures.

These methods are based on the distribution of joint moments among members connected
to a joint. The accuracy of the solution depends upon the number of iterations performed; usually
three or five iterations are adequate for most of the structures.

The moment distribution methods were developed by Hardy Cross in 1930’s & by
Gasper Kani in 1940’s. These methods involve distributing the known fixed moments of the
structural members to the adjacent members at the joints, in order to satisfy the conditions of the
continuity of slopes & displacements.

Though these methods are iterative in nature, they converge in a few iterations to give
correct solution.
2. Scope of Work
This study analyse a given cantilever balcony system using moment distribution method,
this method is widely used for the analysis of intermediate structures.
First the structural system is reduced to its kinematically determinate form, this is
accomplished by assuming all the joints to be fully restrained. The fixed end moments are
calculated for this condition of structure. The joints are allowed to deflect rotate one after the
other by releasing them successively. The unbalanced moment at the joint shared by the
members connected at the joint when it is released.
This analysis will be performed by hand calculations and then verified using Linpro and
the finite element software ANSYS.

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

3. Given Problem
Given the following 2 bay portal frame with a sloping member for the roof.

Figure 1- Frame 3D view

Dimensions -> A=2; B=2; C=0.5; D=4; E=5; F=3.25; G=0.8

W=2 KN ---> Live load
P=2 KN ---> Dead load

Dead load Live load

Floor 1 1.5 2.25
Floor 2 1.9 2
Roof 0.5 0.3

Joint 1 Fixed

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

Joint 2 Pinned
Joint 3 Pinned

Column 305*305*137 ---> I = 32800 cm4.

Beam 254*146*43 ---> I = 6560 cm4
E: Elasticity modules = 210000 N/mm2
Note: multiply dead loads and live loads by 1.35, 1.5 respectively (combination factors)
4. Loads Calculation
F1= 2E*(DL*1.35 + LL*1.5)
= 2*5*(1.5*1.35 + 2.25*1.5)
= 54 KN/m.

F2= 2E*(DL*1.35 + LL*1.5)

= 10*(1.9*1.35 + 2*1.5)
= 55.65 KN/m.

FRoof= a*2E*(DL*1.35 + LL*1.5)

= 4.03*10*(0.5*1.35 + 0.3*1.5)
= 45.35 KN/m.
Figure 2- 2D central view section

Moment at P
Mp = f*d*1.35 = 3.25*2*1.35 = 8.775 kN.m

5. Stiffness Factor Calculation

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

Formulas used: K= 3EI/L (Pinned), K=4EI/L (Fixed)

K(1-4) = 4EI/L= 1377600000
K(2-5) = 3EI/L= 1033200000
K(3-6) =3EI/L= 1025221502
K(4-5) =4EI/L= 1.3776*1010
K(5-6) = 4EI/L= 1.3776*1010

6. Distortion Factor Calculation

Formula used: DF =Ka / (ka+kb +kc).
DF(4-1) =K(4-1) /( K(4-1) + K(4-5) )= 677/22077= 0.09
DF(4-5) = K(4-5) /( K(4-5) + K(4-1) )= 0.91
DF(5-4) = K(5-4) /( K(5-4) + K(5-2) + K(5-6) )= 0.4819
DF(5-2) = K(5-2) /( K(5-2) + K(5-4) + K(5-6) )= 0.0362
DF(5-6) = K(5-6) /( K(5-6) + K(5-4) + K(5-2) )= 0.4819
DF(6-5) = K(6-5) /( K(6-5) + K(6-3) )= 0.93
DF(6-3) = K(6-3) /( K(6-3) + K(6-5) )= 0.07


FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering



1 -55.65 4

Figure 3- Propped case model

-54.00 -8.78
0 0 3

1. Hand Calculations
a) Fixed end moment calculation
Case: CASE1, Units:
FEM kN-m
(1-4) = FEM (1-4) “Fixed Uniform load” = W*L /12 = 54*16/12 = 72 kN.m

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FEM (5-2) = FEM (5-2) “Uniform load” + FEM (5-2) “Point load”

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

FEM (5-2) “Pinned Uniform load” = W*L2/8 = 55.65 * 16 / 8 = 111.3 kN.m

FEM (5-2) “Pinned Point load” = (p/L2)(b2a + a2b /2) = 0.768 kN.m
FEM (5-2) = 112.068 kN.m
b) Distribution table
Joint 3 6 5 4 1 2
Member 3--6 6--3 6--5 5--6 5--2 5--4 4--5 4--1 1--4 2--5
DF 0 1 0.07 0.93 0.48 0.04 0.48 0.91 0.09 0 1 1 0
FEM         0 112 0 0 72 -72   0
CO -54 -4.06 -54 -65.5 -6.48 72 0
Relax -27 -33 -27 -3.24 -2.03
CO 1.89 25.1 15.8 1.19 16 24.57 2.43 3.24 2.028
Relax 0.945 7.89 12.6 1.01 12 7.894 1.215 0.593
CO -0.95 0 -0.55 -7.34 -12 -0.94 -12 -7.18 -0.71 -1.22 -0.59
Relax 0 -0.28 -6.23 -3.67 -0.3 -3.6 -6.23 -0.36 -0.47
CO 0.276 0.436 5.79 3.64 0.27 3.64 5.669 0.56 0.355 0.468
Relax 0.218 1.82 2.9 0.23 2.83 1.821 0.28 0.137
CO -0.22 -0.13 -1.69 -2.87 -0.22 -2.9 -1.66 -0.16 -0.28 -0.14
SUM -0.89 0.887 1.646 -1.65 -38 109 -71 -67.6 57.6 -74.1 74.1 0 0

c) Propped force calculation

Vertical reaction at support 1

M (1-4) - M (4-1) – 4R1 – F1D2/2 = 0

-74 + 58 – 4R1 – 54*4*4/2 = 0
RV1 = 113 kN
Vertical reaction at support 2

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

- M (5-2) – 4R2 – F2D2/2 – W*(D-G) = 0

109 - 4R2 – 55.65*42/2 – 3*(4-0.8) = 0
RV2 = 86.45 kN

Horizontal reaction at joint 6

M (6-5) - M (5-6) – 2RH6 = 0
-38-1.6-2RH6 = 0
RH6 = -2.7 kN

Vertical reaction at support 3

M (3-6) - M (6-3) + C*RH6 + D*RV3 = 0
1.65+0.89-0.5*2.7+4*RV3 = 0
RV3 = -0.2975 kN

Propping force calculation

P + RV1 + RV2 + RV3 + F1D + F2D + FRoof + W = 0
P + 113 + 86.45 -0.2975 -54*4 -55.65*4 – 45.35 – 3 = 0

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

P = 287.7975 kN
2. Linpro Software

Figure 4- Linpro software propped model bending moment diagram

3. Ansys Software

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

Figure 5- Ansys software propped model bending moment diagram

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering



1 1 4

0 0 3

ase: CASE1, Units: kN-m Figure 6- Unpropped case model

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FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

1. Hand Calculations
a) Fixed end moment calculation
Consider frame swaying ∆ vertically

Fixed end moment (FEM) calculation:

3 E I beam ∆
For pinned end FEM (4-1) =
6 E I beam ∆
For fixed end FEM (4-1) = 2

Assuming that ∆ at joint 4 = 1 cm

6 E I beam ∆
FEM (4-1) = 2 = 51.66
3 E I beam ∆
FEM (2-5) = FEM(5-2) = 2 = 25.83

The deflection at joint 6 has two components

∆6-3 = ∆√ C2 + D2/D =1.007782219
∆6-5 = ∆.C/D = 0.125
3 E I beam ∆6−3
FEM (6-3) = 2 2 =25.63
C +D
6 E I cols ∆6−5
FEM (5-6) = FEM (6-5) = 2 =6*17500*387.2*1.5/(4.4*5560*2.52)
= 129.15 kN.m

b) Distribution table
Joint 3 6 5 4 1 2
Member 3--6 6--3 6--5 5--6 5--2 5--4 4--5 4--1 1--4 2--5
DF 0 1 0.07 0.93 0.48 0.04 0.48 0.91 0.09 0 1 1 0
FEM 0 25.63 -129 -129 25.8 0 0 51.7 51.66 0
CO 0 7.246 96.3 49.8 3.74 50 -47 -4.65 -51.7 0
Relax 3.623 24.9 48.1 -24 24.89 -2.32 1.87
CO -3.62 -1.74 -23 -12 -0.89 -12 -22.7 -2.24 2.325 -1.87
Relax -0.87 -5.93 -12 -0.94 -11 -5.93 -1.12 -0.45
CO 0.871 0 0.415 5.52 11.5 0.86 11 5.401 0.53 1.12 0.446
Relax 0 0.208 5.74 2.76 0.22 2.7 5.744 0.267 0.431
CO -0.21 -0.4 -5.34 -2.74 -0.21 -2.7 -5.23 -0.52 -0.27 -0.43
Relax -0.2 -1.37 -2.67 -0.22 -2.6 -1.37 -0.26 -0.1
CO 0.201 0.096 1.27 2.65 0.2 2.65 1.246 0.12 0.258 0.103
Relax 0.048 1.33 0.64 0.05 0.62 1.325 0.062 0.1
CO 0.048 -0.09 -1.23 -0.63 0 -0.6 -1.21 -0.12 -0.06 -0.1
SUM -2.71 2.806 31.15 -31 -43 28.6 15 -44.8 44.8 48.29 -48.3 0 0

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

c) Sway force calculation

Vertical reaction at support 1

M (1-4) - M (4-1) – 4RV1' = 0

48.3 + 45 – 4RV1' = 0
RV1' = 23.325 kN

Vertical reaction at support 2

- M (5-2) – 4R2 = 0
29 - 4RV2' = 0
RV2' = 7.25 kN

Horizontal reaction at joint 6

M (6-5) - M (5-6) – 2RH6' = 0
-31-43-2RH6 = 0
RH6' = -37 kN

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

Vertical reaction at support 3

M (3-6) - M (6-3) + C*RH6 + D*RV3' = 0
2.81+31.2 -0.5*37+4*RV3' = 0
RV3' = 13.1275 kN
Sway force calculation S= 43.7
2. Linpro Software

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

Figure 7- Linpro software unpropped model bending moment diagram

3. Ansys Software

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

Figure 8- Ansys software unpropped model bending moment diagram

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering




1 -55.65 4

-54.00 -8.78
0 0 3

Figure 9- Final state case model

se: CASE1, Units: kN-m

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FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

1. Hand Calculations
Correct the unpropped case by multiplying its values by the correction factor P/S
P/S=287.7975/43.7= 6.58
Joint 3 6 5 4 1
Member 3--6 6--3 6--5 5--6 5--2 5--4 4--5 4--1 1--4
Propped -0.9 0.89 1.65 -1.6 -38 109 -71 -68 58 -74 74.1
Unpropped -2.7 2.81 31.2 -31 -43 29 15 -45 45 48.3 -48
Unpropped corection 17.77 -18.5 -205 204 283 -191 -98.7 296.1 -296 -318 316
Final State 16.87 -17.6 -204 202 245 -82 -169.7 228.1 -238 -392 390

2. Linpro Software

Figure 10- Linpro software final state model bending moment diagram

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

3. Ansys Software

Figure 11- Ansys software final state model bending moment diagram

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

1. For Beams
From the previous analysis the critical bending beam is floor one beam.
MEd = 410.06 kN.m & VEd = 272 kN

Beam 254x146x43:
h: section depth = 259.6 mm
b: width of section = 147.3
tw: thickness of web = 7.2 mm
tf: thickness of flange = 12.7 mm
Wpl,y: plastic modulus = 566 cm3
izz = 3.52 cm

for S275  =
√ 235
= 0.92

Flange element (c/t) = 5.8 < 9

Web element (c/t) = 30.4 < 72 → section is Class 1 plastic

a) Design for Shear

Av = htw = 259.6*7.2 = 1869.12 mm2
Vc,Rd = Av fy/(√ 3γM0) = 1869.12 * 275/(1000√ 3) = 296.76 kN
V Ed
= 272/296.76 = 0.91 < 1
V c ,Rd

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

b) Design for Bending

V Ed
Since < 0.5
V c ,Rd

Wpl,y – ρ Aw2/(4tw)
V pl , Rd = Av fy / γM0 = 275*1869.12 = 514.008 kN

2 V Ed
ρ=( - 1)2 = (2*275/(514008)-1)2 = 0.997
V pl ,Rd

W = Wpl,y – ρ Aw2/(4tw)
cm3 552.3 = )7.2(2/4)12.7*259.6-2(*7.2(2)1-)1869.12*275(/272*2( – 566000 =

By taking lateral torsional bulking effect, Mb, Rd = XLT Wpl, y fy/γM1

LLTB = 4, λ z = LLTB/izz = 400/3.52 = 113.63
For steel λ LT = λ z / 98 = 1.16
h/b= 259.6/147.3 = 1.762 < 2
Using the lateral torsional buckling capacity reduction factor graph (curve b) we get: XLT = 0.7
Then Mb, Rd = XLT Wpl, y fy/γM1 = 0.7*552316.6*275= 106.32 kN.m

M Ed
= 410.06/106.32 = 3.85 > 1 → Failure for bending
M b ,Rd

2. For Columns
From the previous analysis the critical compression element is floor two column.
MEd = 217.84 kN.m & VEd = 211.8 kN

Column 305*305*137:
h: section depth = 320.5 mm
b: width of section = 309.2 mm
tw: thickness of web = 13.8 mm
A = 174 cm2

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

tf: thickness of flange = 21.7 mm

Wpl, y: plastic modulus = 2297 cm3
izz = 7.83 cm
Flange element (c/t) = 7.12 < 9

Web element (c/t) = 17.9 < 72 → section is Class 1 plastic

a) Design for Slenderness

Story height = 2 m
LE/180 = 0.85*2000/180 = 9.44 mm = 0.94 cm
izz ≥ LE/180 OK
b) Design Axial Flexural Buckling Compression

The limiting slenderness λ L = π

√ √E

= 86.8

Lcr 0.85∗2000
λ= = =¿ 0.25
i zz λ L 78.3∗86.8

h/b = 320.5/309.2 = 1.03 ≤ 1.2

tf = 21.7 ≤ 100 mm → use curve c
From the axial flexural buckling capacity reduction factor graph curve c X=0.95

N b , Rd = XAfy/ γM1 = 0.95*0.0174*275000=4545.75 kN

N Ed
= 211.8/4545.75 = 0.0466 < 1 OK
N b , Rd

c) Design for Major Axis Buckling

The column will be subject to moments due to load eccentricity:
Major axis eccentricity, eyy = h/2 + 100 = 320.5/2 + 100 = 260.25 mm
Ultimate limit state bending moment, My, Ed = Veyy = 88.65 * 260.25 = 23.07 kN.m
Assuming end plates given plan torsional restraint
LLTB 0.85∗2000
λZ = = =¿ 21.711
i zz 78.3

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

For S275 λ LT = λ Z/96 = 0.226

h/b = 320.5/309.2 = 1.03 < 2 use buckling curve b for rolled sections
Using the lateral torsional buckling capacity reduction factor graph curve b we get: X LT = 1
Then Mb, Rd = XLT Wpl, y fy/γM1 = 2297*275 = 631.675 kN.m
M Ed
= 217.84/631.675 = 0.29 < 1 → OK for bending
M b ,Rd

N Ed M y , Ed
+ = 0.29+ 0.0466 = 0.3366 OK for bending and compression
N b , z , Rd M b , y , Rd

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering


The beam applies a shear force VEd = 88.56 kN and a tension force TEd = 146.68 kN on the
Choose 4 No M20 grade 8.8 bolts in 22mm diameter holes; 160x160x8mm thick S275
plate; 6mm fillet welds to both sides of the beam web.

Figure 12- Beam column section

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering

a) Shear and Tension

The shear capacity of a bolt
Fv,Rd = αv fub A / yM2 = 0.6*800*245/(1.25*103) = 94.1 kN
The tension capacity of a bolt
Ft, Rd = k2 fub A / yM2 = 0.9 * 800*245/(1.25*103) = 141.1 kN
Shear per bolt = VEd / 4 = 88.56/4 = 22.14 kN
Tension per bolt = TEd /4 = 146.68/4 = 36.67 kN
VEd/Fv,Rd + TEd/(1.4Ft,Rd)= 22.14/94.1 + 36.67/(1.4*141) = 0.421 < 1 OK
b) Weld
Weld leg length, s = 6 mm and throat thickness a=6/√ 2= 4.2 mm
Weld shear strength, fvw,d = fu / (√ 3Bw yM2) = 410/(√ 3 *0.85 *1.25) = 223 N/mm2
Weld resistance Fw,Rd = fvw,d * a = 223*4.2 = 946 N/mm
run of weld length of profile weld 2h = 2*160 = 320 mm
Two stops 2(s+s)= 2(6+6)= 24 mm
Net length of weld = 320 – 24 = 296 mm
Capacity of weld, Fw,Rd = 946 * 296 / 103 = 280 kN

Resultant applied action

FEd = √ V 2Ed + T 2Ed = √ 88.562 +146.682= 171.34 kN

F Ed
= 171.34/280 = 0.61 < 1 6 mm fillet weld OK
F w , Rd

FE Analysis with Seismic Engineering


The results obtained from the moment distribution method are not far from the results
obtained from the Linpro and Ansys analysis.
Member Hand Calculation Softwares Variation
1-4 -392 -410 8
4-1 -238 245.91 7
4-5 228 254.69 16
5-4 170 124.46 46
5-6 245 205.75 40
6-5 202 217.84 15
3-6 -18 0 18
6-3 -204 -205.75 1.75
2-5 0 0 0
5-2 82 93.39 11

The margin of difference increases in vertical members, since moment distribution

method doesn’t consider axial forces, while on the other side software analysis do. This lead us
to the conclusion that distribution method is great, but it’s more accurate when used for beams
instead of frames.


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