Lab 5 7
Lab 5 7
Lab 5 7
Indang, Cavite
I. Objectives
a. To determine the particle size of fine aggregates by using different
sieve sizes.
b. To determine the particle size of coarse aggregates by using different
sieve sizes.
II. Apparatus
a. Standard sieves with pan and cover
b. Oven with temperature control
c. Balance and weights
III. Procedure
The sieve analysis is made on the material coarser than No. 20 sieve after
performance of wash test. However, if the aggregates appear sufficiently clean,
the sieve analysis may be done on the original material without a wash test, as
in the case of coarse aggregates from processing plants or if obtained under
water in rivers.
1. Dry sample of proper weight to constant weight at a temperature of
about 105-degree Celsius.
2. Cool to room temperature and weigh.
3. Pass sample through a nested set of sieves.
4. Weigh materials retained on each sieve.
5. Calculate cumulative percentage passing or retained on each sieve on
the basis o the oven-dry weight of the original sample
IV. Discussion
V. Conclusion and Recommendation
VI. References
VII. Sketch of Apparatus Used
Experiment Date :
Note: Maximum error is 1%
If the % error exceeds the maximum, the test must be rerun
Otherwise, add the error to the largest amount tested as retained
Weight passing
% 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 = × 100%
Weight Original
Note: Maximum error is 1%
If the % error exceeds the maximum, the test must be rerun
Otherwise, add the error to the largest amount tested as retained
Indang, Cavite
I. Objectives
a. To be able to produce a true slump
b. To create a concrete cylinder
II. Apparatus
a. Mold in the form of lateral surface of frustum with a top diameter of 102
mm (4 in), bottom diameter of 203 mm (8 in.) and height of 305 mm.
(12 in.)
b. Tamping rod with a length of 0.60 m (24 in.) diameter of 16 mm (5/8
in.) rounded ends
III. Procedure
1. Mix concrete either manually or with mechanical mixer.
2. Dampen the mold and place it, with its larger base at the bottom, on a
flat, moist, non-absorbent rigid surface.
3. Hold the mold firmly in place by standing on the two-foot pieces.
4. Immediately fill the mold in three layers, each approximately 1/3 of the
volume of the mold. Note that 1/3 of the volume is equivalent to a depth
of 67 mm, whereas two thirds of the volume is equivalent to 155 mm.
5. Rod each layer 25 strokes using the tamping rod. Uniformly distribute
the strokes over the cross-section of each layer. Rod the second and
top layers each throughout its depth so that the strokes penetrate the
underlying layer.
6. After the top layer has been rodded, strike off the surface of the concrete
by means of a screening and rolling motion of the tamping rod.
7. Remove the mold immediately from the concrete by raising it upward
carefully without lateral or torsional motion. The slump test must be
completed within 2.5 minutes after taking the sample.
8. Measure the slump by determining the vertical difference between the
top of the mold and the displaced original center of the top of the
9. Record the slump value.
IV. Discussion
V. Conclusion and Recommendation
VI. References
VII. Sketch of Apparatus Used
Weight/Volume of Water
Weight/Volume of Sand
Weight/Volume of Gravel
Weight/Volume of Cement
No. of trials
Slump (mm)
Weight/Volume of Water
Weight/Volume of Sand
Weight/Volume of Gravel
Weight/Volume of Cement
No. of trials
Slump (mm)
Indang, Cavite
I. Objectives
a. To be able to make and cure concrete cylinders
b. To subject the cylinder to compressive strength test
II. Apparatus
a. Cylindrical molds made of steel; 152 mm (6 in) in diameter and 304
mm (12 in) in height.
b. Tamping rod with a length of 0.60 m. (24 in), dimeter of 16 mm (5/8 in)
and rounded ends.
c. Miscellaneous items such as scoop, trowel and shovel
III. Procedure
1. Measure the required amount of aggregates Portland cement and
2. Mix the materials either manually or with mechanical mixer for 3 to 5
3. Check the slump value.
4. For cylindrical specimens, place concrete into the mold using a scoop
or trowel. Fill the cylinder in three equal layers and rod each layer 25
times. Tap the outside of the cylinder 10-15 times after each layer is
rodded. Strike off the top and smooth the surface.
5. Cover the mold with wet cloth or any material that will prevent
6. Remove the mold after 16 to 32 hours.
7. Cure the specimen by submersion in water.
V. Discussion
IV. Conclusion and Recommendation
V. References
VI. Sketch of Apparatus Used