b0860cr F 2
b0860cr F 2
b0860cr F 2
User’s Guide
*B0860CR* *F*
B0860CR, Rev F
November 2019
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DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
Table of Contents
Preface ...............................................................................................................7
Revision Information.........................................................................................7
Related Documents..........................................................................................7
Schneider Electric Products Mentioned in this Document ....................................7
Global Customer Support .................................................................................8
We Welcome Your Comments...........................................................................8
Chapter 1: DCS Advisor Services ..................................................................9
Chapter 2: Data Acquisition System ............................................................10
50 Series DAS for Solaris Stations...................................................................10
Manually Running DAS .............................................................................10
Transferring Data Files..............................................................................10
Changing the IP Address of the Server .......................................................10
70 Series DAS - for Pre-I/A Series v8.5 ............................................................ 11
RW_WinExec_Service.............................................................................. 11
Log File ...................................................................................................13
Event Viewer............................................................................................13
RW_WinExec Service Probe Script Execution ............................................15
70 Series DAS - for I/A Series v8.5 through v8.8 and for Control Core
Services v9.x .................................................................................................16
RW_DasExec Service...............................................................................16
Log File ...................................................................................................19
Event Viewer............................................................................................19
RW_DasExec Probe Execution .................................................................20
Off-Platform for Non-I/A Series Stations ...........................................................21
Log File ...................................................................................................21
Event Viewer............................................................................................22
RW_DasExec Probe Execution .................................................................22
Off-Platform DCS Advisor DAS Configuration Manager ...............................24
Fist Host........................................................................................................26
Station Prefix .................................................................................................27
Additional DAS Information .............................................................................27
Chapter 3: DCS Advisor Applications ..........................................................28
File Services ..................................................................................................28
ISTARService ................................................................................................30
ISDBService ..................................................................................................33
ISFERService ................................................................................................35
NextNine Virtual Support Engineer ..................................................................36
Station Access Manager .................................................................................36
NetOp Remote Control .............................................................................36
Remote Desktop on Windows 7 and Windows XP .......................................36
Remote Desktop and NetOp Compatibility Issues .......................................36
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DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
4 B0860CR, Rev F
Preface DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
This document explains the EcoStruxure™ DCS Advisor v6.0 software, details how it
operates, and provides some common troubleshooting tasks.
DCS Advisor v6.0 is a service tool used for proactive monitoring and troubleshooting
of a Distributed Control System (DCS). DCS Advisor monitors the health of the DCS,
but not the process it controls. Examples of parameters that are monitored include
disk space of the Application Workstation (AW) and Workstation Processor (WP),
station network counters, Control Processor (CP) loads, and so forth.
When certain parameters in the DCS exceed their predefined threshold values, DCS
Advisor generates alerts in the customer service center where DCS Advisor engineers
can react to the issues. DCS Advisor provides the ability for the engineers to log in to
the customer's site remotely and troubleshoot the problem in an efficient manner.
Revision Information
For this revision of the document, the following changes were made:
Related Documents
In addition to the information presented herein, you should be familiar with the
following Foxboro DCS and I/A Series documents:
• DCS Advisor v6.0 Upgrade Guide (B0860BR)
• DCS Advisor v6.0 Data Acquisition System (DAS) Installation Guide (B0860BT)
• DCS Advisor v6.0 Station Access Manager v5.3 User’s Guide (B0860BG)
• DCS Advisor v6.0 Release Notes (B0860RS)
• DCS Advisor v6.0 LocalWatch User's Guide (B0860BS)
• DCS Advisor v6.0 LocalWatch Release Notes (B0860RV)
Find the latest version of these documents on the Global Customer Support (GCS)
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DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide Preface
8 B0860CR, Rev F
Chapter 1: DCS Advisor Services DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
The NextNine Virtual Support Engineer (VSE) transfers the data on the DCS Advisor
Server to the Global Customer Support Center where the data is processed to check
for any values that exceed the predefined thresholds. If so, alerts are generated in the
NextNine interface where a DCS Advisor engineer can react to the issue. The
engineer can log in to the Server using the NextNine interface and from the Server,
can login to an AW or WP using the Station Access Manager (SAM) to troubleshoot
any issues.
In summary, the key components of DCS Advisor are:
• Data Acquisition System (DAS)
• Global Customer Support (GCS) Website
• File Services (IFS)
• LocalWatch (LW)
• NextNine Virtual Support Engineer (VSE)
• Station Access Manager (SAM)
The following chapters provide additional detail about the individual components:
• Chapter 2: Data Acquisition System, page 10
• Chapter 3: DCS Advisor Applications, page 28
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DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide Chapter 2: Data Acquisition System
10 B0860CR, Rev F
Chapter 2: Data Acquisition System DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
The RW_WinExec_Service can be started, stopped, paused and resumed from the
Service Control Panel. The Service Control Panel can be accessed by right-clicking
My Computer and selecting Manage > Services and Applications > Services.
When RW_WinExec_Service is selected, the various functions can be executed. The
figure shows the selected RW_WinExec_Service. When any of these actions are
taken, a log entry is added into the RW_WinExec_Service.log file located in the
Tools\DAS\Logs subdirectory - if logging is enabled (refer to Log File, page 19).
When the service is installed, it is also registered with the Service Control Panel and is
started automatically. The service also starts automatically on reboot of the
Configuration of the RW_WinExec_Service and how it executes the probe scripts can
be accomplished by editing two files: RW_WinExec.ini and tasklist.csv. The file
RW_WinExec.ini is located in the DAS\cfg directory. The file is read once upon
startup of the service. If configuration changes are required, the service must be
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DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide Chapter 2: Data Acquisition System
stopped (not paused) then started again for the changes to take effect. The contents
of a sample ASCII text RW_WinExec.ini file are shown in the figure.
NOTE: If the RW_WinExec_Service is waiting for a script to finish executing while
the “stop” action is triggered via the Service Control Panel, it may take some time
(up to several minutes depending on the script being run at the time for the
service) to actually stop. During this time, the Control Panel will have timed out
because it has not received a response back from the service. This is acceptable.
The service will stop eventually. Check the log file (refer to Log File, page 19) to
see when the service actually stops. The service checks for Control Panel actions
before executing a probe script.
The ini file is broken down into sections delimited by the text with the square brackets.
A description of these sections is detailed in the table.
Section Description
TASK_FILE_PATH Location of the tasklist.csv file. This file contains the list of probe
scripts to be executed.
CPULIMIT The percentage of the CPU that each DAS probe should utilize during
their execution. The limit is defaulted to 100% but can be set to any
percentage between 1% and 100%. When executing, the DAS probe
may temporarily utilize up to 100% of the CPU, but the overall average
utilization will be what is set here.
12 B0860CR, Rev F
Chapter 2: Data Acquisition System DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
Log File
When logging is enabled, the RW_WinExec_Service.log file is updated with time-
stamped lines of text. These lines contain Service Control Panel actions such as
pausing and resuming the service and indications of what probe script is currently
running. It includes an indication of how the script process terminated - normally
(good) or had to be aborted (bad) because the script did not finish within the time
configured (see “Timeout Value” in RW_WinExec Service Probe Script Execution,
page 15). The log file is clamped at 3 Mb in size. If an entry puts the log over 3 Mb, the
log file is overwritten. The file overwrite occurs when a new log entry is to be added.
When the overwrite takes place only the new entry is written to the log.
Note that every time the RW_WinExec_Service is “started”, the log file is overwritten
with a single entry indicating that the service has been started with a delay time (or no
delay). A sample log file is shown in tasklist.csv Comma Separated Fields, page 15.
The long lines that go out of view to the right are the full paths to the scripts that are
being executed at that moment. These lines can be easily viewed using any text
editor. Additionally, the command tail -f RW_WinExec_Service.log can be used in a
command window to the view the log file as it is being updated.
Event Viewer
The RW_WinExec_Service also logs certain events to the Windows Event Viewer
(specifically Application Events). You may open the Event Viewer by right-clicking My
Computer then selecting Manage > System Tools > Event Viewer > Application.
Service Control Panel actions to the RW_WinExec_Service are logged to the
Application Event Log as well as the RW_WinExec_Service.log file. Additionally, if a
probe script times out and is aborted, this is logged to the Application Event Log as a
detected error. Successful completions of probe scripts are not logged to the Event
Log. Event Viewer with RW_WinExec_Service Entries, page 14 shows the Application
Event Log with two entries from the RW_WinExec_Service. RW_WinExec_Service
Application Event Log Entry, page 14 shows one of the entries opened.
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DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide Chapter 2: Data Acquisition System
14 B0860CR, Rev F
Chapter 2: Data Acquisition System DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
Field Description
Task File Path This is the full path location of the probe script to be
executed as shown here: d:\opt\fox\bin\remote\tools
\das\probes\diag_disk.vbs. It is this line of text that
appears in the log file when the script is executing.
Execution Type Periodic or Daily as shown here: periodic,0,4,
comment. When periodic, the script runs once for every
Execution_Interval as defined in RW_WinExec_Service.
ini. When daily, the script runs once per day if the
Execution_Interval is at least 60 minutes. If the interval
is less for example 10 minutes instead of 60, the script
executes every 10 minutes while the current hour is the
same as the Run Hour.
Run Hour When the Execution_Type is daily, this field indicates at
what hour of the day (0-23 where 0 is midnight) the
script will execute as shown here: daily,3,6,comment
In this example the Execution_Type is daily and the Run
Hour is 3 which means the script executes once during
the 3am hour as long as the Execution_Interval defined
in RW_WinExec_Service.ini is at least 60 minutes. The
Run Hour value is in whole minutes.
For periodic execution types the Run Hour must be set
to 0 as shown here: periodic,0,4,comment. If the value
is anything other than 0, a detected error occurs and this
script is not executed.
Timeout Value As shown: daily,3,6,comment. The script must execute
within the time configured (6 minutes in this example),
otherwise it is aborted. This value is in whole minutes
and can be adjusted as necessary. If the value
configured is greater than 15 minutes or less than 1
minute, the value is internally set to 15 minutes.
Comment As Shown: daily,3,6,comment. Not Used.
If it is desired not to execute a particular probe script, the script can be “commented
out” by placing a '#' character as the first character in the line. For example, the
Version 6.x (Windows NT®) I/A Series workstation does not support the “Opsys”
probe. So for the Windows NT version of tasklist.csv, this line is commented out as
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DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide Chapter 2: Data Acquisition System
Note that after the 70_Series_DAS installation takes place there are two .csv files
located in the bin directory: tasklist.csv and tasklistNT.csv. The NT version is
specifically for Version 6.x workstations and is copied to “tasklist.csv” during the
installation. The RW_WinExec_Service always executes using tasklist.csv.
The probe scripts themselves are installed in the D:\opt\fox\bin\remote\tools\DAS
\probes directory. These probes run various utilities to collect the information and
then format the data as XML and place it in the XmlOut subdirectory. The XML files
are then transferred to the DCS Advisor Server by copying them to a mapped network
drive. Unlike the 50 Series probes, the 70 Series probes can be executed individually
from a command window. All of the probe scripts add entries into the file Probes.log
which is located in the D:\opt\fox\bin\remote\tools\DAS\Log directory. So if a
particular probe is not executing properly, it may have added some information (or
some information may be conspicuously missing) to the probes.log file.
The VBScript that transfers the collected information files to the DCS Advisor Server
is located in the bin subdirectory. This script (send_data.vbs) must be the last entry
in tasklist.csv.
70 Series DAS - for I/A Series v8.5 through v8.8 and for Control Core
Services v9.x
The 70 Series DAS is a collection of VBScripts that are executed under a Windows
based Service. When used with I/A Series software v8.5 through v8.8, the 70 Series
DAS consists of two parts:
1. The RW_DasExec.exe
2. The data collection probes
70 Series DAS is installed in the D:\opt\fox\bin\remote\tools\DAS directory. The
Service application that executes the probes is located in the bin subdirectory under
DAS. The probes that collect the data are in the probes subdirectory under DAS.
These probes run various utilities to collect information then format it into XML files
and place the files in the XmlOut subdirectory.
The XML files are then transferred to the DCS Advisor Server using File Transfer
Protocol (FTP). Unlike the 50 Series probes, the 70 Series probes can be run
RW_DasExec Service
The RW_DasExec service can be started, stopped, paused and resumed from the
Service Control Panel. The Service Control Panel can be accessed by right-clicking
My Computer and selecting Manage > Services and Applications > Services.
When RW_DasExec service is selected, the various functions can be executed. The
figure shows the selected RW_Das Exec service. When any of these actions are
taken, a log entry is added into the RW_DasExec.log file located in the Tools\DAS
\Logs subdirectory - if logging is enabled (refer to Log File, page 19). When the
service is installed, it is also registered with the Service Control Panel and is started
automatically. It will also start automatically on reboot of the workstation.
16 B0860CR, Rev F
Chapter 2: Data Acquisition System DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
Configuration of the RW_DasExec service and how it executes the probe scripts can
be accomplished by editing two files: RW_WinExec.ini.xml and tasklist.xml. The file
RW_WinExec.ini.xml is located in the DAS\cfg directory. The file is read once upon
startup of the service. If configuration changes are required, the service must be
stopped (not paused) then started again for the changes to take effect.
NOTE: If the RW_DasExec_service is waiting for a probe to finish executing while
the “stop” action is triggered via the Service Control Panel, it may take some time
(up to several minutes depending on the script being run at the time for the
service) to actually stop. During this time, the Control Panel will have timed out
because it has not received a response back from the service. This is acceptable.
The service will stop eventually. Check the log file (refer to Log File, page 19) to
see when the service actually stops. The service checks for Control Panel actions
before executing a probe.
The RW_WinExec.ini.xml configuration file defines the following configuration
parameters as child elements of the root element, cfg, as detailed in the table.
Configuration Definition
Parameter (Child
taskFilePath The full directory path for the directory containing the
Task File, tasklist.xml.
startDelay units= The number of minutes to wait after the waitForProcess
“minutes” process is started, before the data acquisition starts to
collect data, i.e. execute the program defined in
executionInterval units= The period of the data acquisition collection cycle, i.e.
“minutes” every 60 minutes.
logging If “enabled” operational messages are written to the d:
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DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide Chapter 2: Data Acquisition System
Configuration Definition
Parameter (Child
startupLog If “enabled” startup messages (i.e. waiting for a specific
process to start, etc.) are written to the d:\opt\fox\bin
procCmdLineLog Not used.
waitForProcess The name of a process that has to be running before
starting data acquisition.
waitForProcAttempts The number of iterations to check for waitForProcess to
start. There is a 60 second delay between each
command The command element contains child elements that
define what command (or shell) to use (i.e. cscript, cmd,
etc.) to execute a file based on the file’s extension (i.e.
vbs, cmd, etc.).
Configuration Definition
Parameter (Child
fileExtension File extension of the program file (i.e. vbs, cmd, etc.).
shell Command shell, including full path, used to execute this
file extension type, i.e. cscript for vbs file extension, cmd
for cmd file extension.
arguments Arguments that the shell command may require (i.e. /c
for cmd and //B for vbs).
18 B0860CR, Rev F
Chapter 2: Data Acquisition System DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
Log File
When logging is enabled, the RW_DasExec.log file is updated with time-stamped
lines of text. These lines contain Service Control Panel actions such as pausing and
resuming the service and indications of what probe script is currently running. It
includes an indication of how the script process terminated - normally (good) or had to
be aborted (bad) because the script did not finish within the time configured (see
“Timeout Value” in tasklist.csv Comma Separated Fields, page 15). The log file is
clamped at 10 Mb in size. If an entry puts the log over 10 Mb, the log file is
overwritten. The file overwrite occurs when a new log entry is to be added. When the
overwrite takes place only the new entry is written to the log.
Note that every time the RW_DasExec service is “started”, the log file is overwritten
with a single entry indicating that the service has been started with a delay time (or no
delay). A sample log file is shown in the figure.
Event Viewer
The RW_DasExec service also logs certain events to the Windows Event Viewer
(specifically DCS Advisor Events).
To open the Event Viewer, right-click My Computer then select Manage > System
Tools > Event Viewer > RemoteWatch. Click Event Viewer in the Search Results.
On Windows 7, Server 2008 and Server 2016, click Start and type Event Viewer in
the search box.
Service Control Panel actions to the RW_DasExec service are logged to the
Application Event Log as well as the RW_DasExec.log file. Additionally, if a probe
script times out and is aborted, this is logged to the DCS Advisor Event Log as a
detected error.
The figure shows the DCS Advisor Event Log with two entries from the RW_DasExec
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DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide Chapter 2: Data Acquisition System
Configuration Definition
(Child Element)
command The full path name of the data processing or collection
program, including file extension
sked Indicates if the program is executed on each service
data collection/processing cycle (periodic) or once a day
run-hour If the sked application is daily, then run_hour specifies
the hour of the day during which the program will
executionTimeOutSecs Specifies the length of time in seconds to wait for the
program to complete before stopping program execution
comment Used as comment in configuration file. Not used by the
RW_DasExec service
20 B0860CR, Rev F
Chapter 2: Data Acquisition System DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
<comment>gets disk info</comment>
<comment>get "fist" type data, i.e. MAC Address, NSAP, Station
type, etc.</comment>
Log File
When logging is enabled, the ..\das\logs\RW_DasExec.log file is updated with
timestamped lines of text. These lines contain Service Control Panel actions such as
pausing and resuming the service and indications of what probe script is currently
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DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide Chapter 2: Data Acquisition System
Event Viewer
The RW_DasExec service also logs certain events to the Windows Event Viewer
(specifically DCS Advisor Events).
To open the Event Viewer, right-click My Computer, then select Manage > System
Tools > Event Viewer > RemoteWatch. Service Control Panel actions to the RW_
DasExec service are logged to the Application Event Log as well as the RW_
DasExec.log file. Additionally, if a probe script times out and is aborted, this is logged
to the DCS Advisor Event Log.
The figure shows the DCS Advisor Event Log with two entries from the RW_DasExec
22 B0860CR, Rev F
Chapter 2: Data Acquisition System DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
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DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide Chapter 2: Data Acquisition System
24 B0860CR, Rev F
Chapter 2: Data Acquisition System DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
a. Click the Browse button and a Windows Login form will appear.
b. Enter the User name and Password to be used for the service.
A domain account can be used by adding it before the username followed by
a backslash: <domain>\RwDasService username.
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DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide Chapter 2: Data Acquisition System
Fist Host
Since the probe to collect Fist (Find Station) information requires a lot of network
resources, it should be limited to running once per day on a single station per node.
This station's letterbug is indicated in the FistHost.txt file, located in the cfg
subdirectory. If the letterbug of the Fist host is changed in this file, it must be changed
in the FistHost.txt for all of the AW/WPs that are running DAS. Each station checks
the FistHost.txt file and if the letterbug in the file is the same as the station's
letterbug, it will run the Fist probe. An example of the FistHost.txt file is shown.
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Chapter 2: Data Acquisition System DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
Station Prefix
A station prefix and site prefix are the same and are required under these conditions:
1. The site plans to use DCS Advisor Event Messaging.
2. The DCS Advisor Server is monitoring two or more Foxboro DCS or I/A Series
systems that contain the same I/A station name (letterbug).
3. A single DCS Advisor Server is monitoring multiple systems that need to upload
separate FERRET files.
The format of site/station prefixes are:
• If the site plans to use DCS Advisor Event Messaging, the format of the station
prefix MUST BE Site_<alphacode>_, for example, Site_BL8_.
• Optionally, the site can use station prefixes that are helpful to you.
Both the 50 Series and 70 Series DAS have the ability to add a prefix to station
letterbugs contained in file names and in the xml elements of data files. The prefix is
used to display sites with multiple disconnected (not on the same I/A Series control
network) systems. Each system is displayed under its own prefix to avoid a conflict
with duplicate letterbugs.
Before implementing station prefixes at a site check with GCS DCS Advisor support
for the proper usage at your site.
The station prefix is configurable for these files:
• 70 Series stations in the dasFiles.cfg file
• 50 Series station in the setvars file
When adding a station prefix, it must be added to all dasFiles.cfg and setvars files
on a system. These files are located in the cfg folder.
The dasFiles.cfg file contains a line:
• StationPrefix =
To specify a station prefix, add it after the equal sign with a space between the equal
sign and the prefix as shown in this example:
• StationPrefix = Site_BL8_
The setvars file contains a line:
• rtTARPREFIX="" ; export rtTARPREFIX # By default a blank prefix
To specify a station prefix, enter the prefix between the quote as shown in this
• rtTARPREFIX="Site_BL8_" ; export rtTARPREFIX # By default a blank prefix
Only alphanumeric characters and dash (-) and underscore (_) characters are allowed
in the station prefix.
NOTE: When a Station prefix has been modified, you must clean out all old-
named data collected by DAS in the AW and the DCS Advisor directories.
B0860CR, Rev F 27
DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide Chapter 3: DCS Advisor Applications
The LocalWatch application provides you with a view of the data collection by the
DCS Advisor Data Acquisition Systems (DAS) installed on I/A Series application
workstations and stored in the LocalWatch database (DB).
The LocalWatch user interface is documented in DCS Advisor v6.0 LocalWatch
User’s Guide (B0860BS).
File Services
The File Services (IFS) is a collection of software used to process data received from
I/A Series stations' DAS.
The processing of the received data includes:
• Extraction of data files from tar files sent by 50 Series station
• Extraction of data files from 7z archive files sent by 70 Series stations
• Conversion of raw data files received from 50 Series stations' DAS to xml data
• Insertion of resource data into the LocalWatch database
• Insertion of FERRET collection data into the LocalWatch database
• Conversion of counter type resource values into a rate value
The IFS used for the processing of the resource data are:
• ISTARService - Extract tar and 7z input data archives
• ISFService - Convert 50 Series Raw data to XML
• ISDBService - Insert data files into DBs (LocalWatch)
• ISFERService - Insert FERRET Data in LocalWatch DB
• ISWatchdogService - Monitors other IS services for detected failures and restarts
them, if needed
These services are all "file watcher" services and use the Microsoft .NET FileWatcher
function to monitor for new files and files being modified. The operation of each
service, that is, directory to monitor and action to take when a file is created or
modified, is defined in the isconfig.xml file located in the d:\resource_das\bin
directory. Each of these services, with the exception of the ISWatchdogService, uses
the same xml structure to define operation. The xml elements for the ISTARService,
ISFService, ISDBService, and ISFERService services in isconfig.xml have the
following format:
28 B0860CR, Rev F
Chapter 3: DCS Advisor Applications DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
<sourcedir>[name of directory to monitor]</sourcedir>
<destdir>[destination directory]</destdir>
<loglevel>[severity of alarms that are sent to ISLOG event log]
<dispatcher waitsecs="[dispatch delay]" procwaitsecs="[check for
complete delay]" retries="[number of]">
<filepattern>[regular expression match pattern]</filepattern>
<command>[name of program]</command>
<param name="[parameter passed to program on startup]"/>
• ServiceName - the name of the services that the sub-element is for, that is,
ISTARService, ISFService, and so forth
• sourcedir - is the name of the directory root that services monitors, that is, D:
• destdir - the destination directory
• lastevent - not used, leave as is
• threadsleepsecs - leave at 10, internal 10 ms delay
• mineventtime - leave at 60, used for event filtering, i.e. debounce
• loglevel - note the following severities: Error, FailureAudit, Information,
SuccessAudit and Warning
• dispatcher waitsecs - the delay before the program specified by the dispatcher
sub-element is executed
• procwaitsecs - the delay before testing to determine the specified command has
• retries- times to retry to determine if the specified command has completed, the
period specified by check for complete delay is applied between each retry. If a
program does not complete, the service will stop execution of the program and
send an event to the ISLOG event log.
• filepattern - regular expression match pattern
• command - the name of program to execute on match
• lastevent - parameter passed to program on startup
B0860CR, Rev F 29
DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide Chapter 3: DCS Advisor Applications
The ISTARService service extracts data files from tar files and 7z input data archives
received from I/A Series stations.
ISTARService monitors folders below D:\ftproot\resource_das\data for new or
updated files. When a file is created or updated, if the file name is a match the Regular
Expression Pattern then the appropriate program is executed. If there is no match to
the file, no program is executed to process the file.
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Chapter 3: DCS Advisor Applications DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
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DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide Chapter 3: DCS Advisor Applications
The ISFService service converts 50 Series Raw data files to XML data files.
ISFService monitors folders below D:\ftproot\resource_das\data for new or updated
files. When a file is created or updated, if the file name matches the Regular
Expression Pattern then the appropriate program is executed. If there is no match for
the file, no program is executed to process the file.
32 B0860CR, Rev F
Chapter 3: DCS Advisor Applications DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
The ISDBService service inserts data contained in XML data files into the LocalWatch
ISDBService monitors folders below D:\resource_das\data for new or updated files.
When a file is created or updated, if the file name matches the Regular Expression
Pattern then the appropriate program is executed. If there is no match for the file, no
program is executed to process the file.
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DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide Chapter 3: DCS Advisor Applications
34 B0860CR, Rev F
Chapter 3: DCS Advisor Applications DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
The ISFERService service inserts FERRET Data in LocalWatch database using the
fer2db.exe program.
The ISWatchdogService service monitors the following IFS services for detected
failure, that is, the service(s) stops processing data files: ISTARService, ISFService,
ISFERService, and ISDBService. The ISWatchdogService runs at the interval
specified in the isconfig.xml. The <ISWatchdogService> element’s sub-element
is <IntervalInMinutes>; the default is 50 minutes.
On startup, the ISWatchdogService service writes to the following files:
• D:\resource_das\data\ISDBService.test
• D:\ftproot\resource_das\data\ISFService.test
• D:\ftproot\resource_das\data\ISTARService.test
• D:\resource_das\wrk\FERRET_data_upload\ISFERService.test
Each of these files contains the text, “UNTESTED”.
The ISTARService, ISFService, ISFERService and ISDBService services are
configured to use srvc_processtest.vbs to process these files. The srvc_
processtest.vbs script updates UNTESTED to TEST_OK in the specific service file
during startup of the corresponding service:
• D:\resource_das\data\ISDBService.test
• D:\ftproot\resource_das\data\ISFService.test
• D:\ftproot\resource_das\data\ISTARService.test
• D:\resource_das\wrk\FERRET_data_upload\ISFERService.test
After the delay specified by the <IntervalInMinutes> tag in the isconfig.xml file,
ISWatchdogService reads the text in each of these files and verifies that it is equal to
• If the text is TEST_OK, the text is rewritten to UNTESTED. If the text is
UNTESTED, the ISWatchdogService service logs an event in the ISLOG event
• In addition, if the <RestartServicesOnError> tag in the ISWatchdogService
elements is true, then the IFS services, ISTARService, ISFService,
ISFERService, and ISDBService are restarted
This action is repeated every number of minutes specified by the
<IntervalInMinutes> tag in the isconfig.xml file.
B0860CR, Rev F 35
DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide Chapter 3: DCS Advisor Applications
Additional Information
Refer to DCS Advisor v6.0 Station Access Manager v5.3 User’s Guide (B0860BG) for
more information. This document contains installation, configuration, and operational
information for the SAM application.
36 B0860CR, Rev F
Chapter 4: LocalWatch Database Maintenance Plan DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
B0860CR, Rev F 37
DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide Chapter 4: LocalWatch Database Maintenance Plan
6. Click OK.
7. Click Next on the Select Plan Properties screen.
38 B0860CR, Rev F
Chapter 4: LocalWatch Database Maintenance Plan DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
9. Click Next.
B0860CR, Rev F 39
DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide Chapter 4: LocalWatch Database Maintenance Plan
10. On the Select Maintenance Task Order screen, move the Back Up Database
(Full) entry to the top and click Next.
40 B0860CR, Rev F
Chapter 4: LocalWatch Database Maintenance Plan DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
11. For each of the next four (4) screens, select the LocalWatch database and click
Next. Leave all other default settings. The next four screens are:
a. Define Back Up Database (Full) Task
b. Define Database Check Integrity Task
c. Define Shrink Database Task
d. Define Rebuild Index Task
12. On the Define History Cleanup task screen, leave all the following default settings
and click Next.
a. Backup and restore history
b. SQL Server Agent job history
c. Maintenance plan history
d. Remove historical data older than 4 Weeks
13. On the Define Maintenance Cleanup Task screen leave all the following default
settings and click Next.
a. Delete files of the following type: Backup files.
b. File location: Search folder and delete files based on an extension.
c. File Age: Delete files based on the age of the file at task run time.
d. File Age: Delete files older than 4 Weeks.
B0860CR, Rev F 41
DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide Chapter 4: LocalWatch Database Maintenance Plan
14. On the Select Report Options screen, leave all default settings and click Next.
15. On the Complete the Wizard screen, click Finish.
Once you click Finish, SQL Management Studio will create the plan. You should
see the Success status for all the tasks in the Maintenance Plan Wizard Progress
42 B0860CR, Rev F
Chapter 5: DCS Advisor Server Hardware DCS Advisor v6.0 User’s Guide
C16 B0700EG Hardware and Software Specific Instructions for Model P90
(R710 Gen II)
C17 B0700DW Hardware and Software Specific Instructions for Model P91
(T610) Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition Operating
C18 B0700EH Hardware and Software Specific Instructions for Model P91
(T710 Gen II)
C20 B0700EN Hardware and Software Specific Instructions for Model H90
(HP DL380) Windows Server 2003 Operating System
C20 B0700GK Hardware and Software Specific Instructions for Model H90
(HP DL380 Gen9) Windows Server 2008 Operating
C21 B0700EP Hardware and Software Specific Instructions for Model H91
(HP ML350) Windows Server 2003 Operating System
C22 B0700GK Hardware and Software Specific Instructions for Model H90
(HP DL380 Gen9) Windows Server 2008 Operating
C22 B0700GZ Hardware and Software Specific Instructions for Model H90
(HP DL380 Gen9) Windows Server 2016 Operating
B0860CR, Rev F 43
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