An Android Application To Manage House Rental
An Android Application To Manage House Rental
An Android Application To Manage House Rental
ABSTRACT The impact of COVID-19 outbreak was felt across all real estate management. A slowdown in the house rental and maintenance
management system can be anticipated, as a result of the lock-down and limitations in financing. T here i s a s evere i mpact o n h andling t he relationship
between the house owners, tenants, and the handymen. Property management is a crucial component of being a landlord, but it is far from straightfor-
ward. An appropriate methodology was carried out by the researchers to identify all the problems regarding real state property management through
quantitative and qualitative data gathering procedures such as semi-structured interviews, face-to-face interviews, questionnaires, and direct observation
of the selected sample. After analyzing, the house owner must screen tenants, collect rental fees, handle complaints, and keep tenants satisfied, among
other things. In this pandemic situation, tenants faced more difficulties s uch a s d ifficulty in fin ding a b et ter hou se, pay ing mon thly pay ments, paying
utility bills, loss of connection with house owners, and finding t he n earest h a n dymen. H andymen s uffered a l ot m ainly b ecause o f t he i nability t o find
works. Researchers’ main aim is to give an appropriate solution for Sri Lankans. By examining the responses this investigation shows that a mobile
application would be a better solution than implementing a web application. Iterative waterfall methodology was used for implementing this application.
The researchers decided to develop this application using android studio and to enhance the effectiveness of the system by using 360 VR photography,
Machine learning (ML)-based technologies, OTP/Fingerprint for User Verification and Geo location, and Geo-tagging.
INDEX TERMS: House Rental Maintenance Management, 360 VR Photography, Machine Learning
Serious implications have happened with the Sri Lankan 3. Analyzing the opinion on implementing mobile ap-
economy with the global crisis. The real state sector is the plications and designing an architecture for imple-
main sector affected due to this pandemic situation. Owing menting a mobile application.
to the changes in the rental market, landlords complained
of low rental income and increased risk of losing renters. It is especially important to keep an efficient commu-
There are some issues for renters in finding the most suit- nication between the landlord, tenant, and the handyman,
able house. Compared to other handymen are the people hence the use of mobile phone applications for contact
who suffer more from not having a job during these days, tracing during the COVID-19 pandemic is vital. Accord-
even they cannot afford to find money to complete their ingly, the researchers have identified that implementing a
daily work.// mobile application is more efficient than developing a web
Therefore, the main aim of the research was to identify application.
the challenges faced by the tenants, handymen, and house
owners in the current real estate management systems and To appropriately determine the processes and house
give them a solution by implementing an android applica- rental and maintenance system user’s requirements, quant-
tion for house rental and maintenance management in Sri itative and qualitative methodologies are applied. House
Lanka.// owners, tenants, and handymen are the primary sources of
Their main objectives of the research were, collecting data. Data are collected by conducting semi-
structured interviews, face- to-face interviews, question-
1. Analysing the challenges faced by users in current naires, and direct observations of the selected sample. Sec-
house rental and maintenance management. ondary data were collected through a survey conducted by
house owners and tenants. Factors found to be influen-
2. Examine the current and existing developments which cing the real estate of Sri Lanka have been explored us-
have been done regarding house rental and mainten- ing websites and literature of current and past decades.
ance management in both Sri Lankan and worldwide Technologies that were used were 360-degree VR photo-
graphy in which users interact with and manipulate a sim- they were given a list of major software characteristics and
ulated real or imaginary environment. Geo-Location & asked to rate how important each one was when choosing
Geo Tagging which are helpful to find a nearby handy- their current program. Reporting capabilities, ease of
man using a variety of location-specific information and use, technical support, security processes, flexibility,
to identify the geographic location of the handyman, es- communication capabilities, scalability, data storage and
pecifically near the specific house that needs repairing and retrieval, maintenance activities, and software cost were
maintenance service at trying times such as the recent pan- all high-ranking qualities. However, it was recognized
demic. OTP/Fingerprint for User Verification, is advantage- as one of the areas in which property managers were the
ous when it comes to paying rental payments, utility bills, least satisfied and had issues. The issue was discovered to
handyman payments requests because fingerprint identific- be not with the technical support service itself, but with
ation is unique, highly accurate, and simple to use. Accord- the difficulties of contacting the technical support service.
ingly, identifying all the problems and difficulties faced by In the past two decades, number of researchers [2] have
Sri Lankans, the researchers proposed an appropriate hous- sought to determine rent house management systems with
ing rental and maintenance management application. basic technologies. Existing systems have basic features
such as using the command buttons to manipulate the
database, having the ability to add deleting viewing, and
inserting data. The role of object-oriented programming
and the role of relational database management system
The secondary objective of this research is to examine
managing mostly important task. The systems have very
examining the existing developments which have been
simple interfaces only with the details of the tenant and the
done regarding house rental and maintenance management
property owner.
in both Sri Lankan and worldwide context. Researchers
used research papers and websites to review the existing
developments which have been done regarding house The evidence of the research [3] resulted in the cre-
rental and maintenance management in both Sri Lankan ation of a web-based housing management system. The
and worldwide contexts. Here in this literature review, system’s purpose is to manage senior staff housing and
researchers have analyzed the existing developments which to make it easier to apply for and update housing. It also
have been done regarding house rental and maintenance enables the housing unit to gain simple access to data,
management in both Sri Lankan and worldwide contexts. boost productivity, and reduce manufacturing costs. The
approaches utilized in this study were Adobe Creative
With the advancement of technology in Sri Lanka, most Suite 5, which was used to construct the front end, while
of the fields involved in the use of automated systems CorelDraw Version 15 was used to design the visuals on
to enhance the performance and the efficiency of the the pages, and XAMMP Server version 5.3.5, which had
tasks of organizations. However, the usage of automated PHP and MySQL applications, that were used to make
systems for the real estate sector is low when compared the site pages dynamic. Housing management systems
with other developed countries. Nonetheless, it is possible are intended to handle data, keep track of it, and enable
to argue that recognizing possibilities from challenges quick access to accommodation applications. This is
and transforming obstacles into opportunities is the most necessary to establish decision-making procedures and
strategic course of action in the country’s real estate sector institutional arrangements. However, suggestions for
at this critical juncture. further enhancement were given, such as including a
mobile alert and payment system notification. Problems
And with the COVID-19 pandemic [19] the need for of the existing system were typically characterized by
automated systems has arisen than the previous era. A paper-based information management practices. The
considerable amount of literature has been published on advantages which have been identified by maintaining a
property management systems all around the world and in web-based application were easy deployment, security,
Sri Lanka in past few years. This study [1] examined the highly economical, cross-platform compatibility, and easy
current use of computer softwares in the New Zealand res- access to the database.
idential property management industry, as well as property
managers’ perspectives and experiences with the program. These studies discussed the study of the implementation
Property management software solutions handled a wide of android applications for housing society management.
range of tasks, including tenant database management, Throughout the android platform, this project mainly used
rent roll and payment processing, vacancy management, “Push notification Technology”. This study [4] shows that
maintenance of record keeping, financial accounting and the disadvantages of the existing system such as unreach-
reporting, and tenant communication. To find out what able information, lack of authenticity and reliability and
factors were most significant to survey respondents when high time consumption. This paper proposes a smarter
choosing their company’s property management software, way of communication, fruitful solutions for day-to-day
problems. This application-based on the mobile platform it preferences based on shallow learning, which could be
uses MVC architecture. applied to ease the task of locating the desired things
online. AR and Vuforia are also used to visualize the space.
The most obvious finding that emerged from this study The system was designed as an internet application victim-
is [5] researchers establish a web application that helps the ization handlebar for the front-end and Nodes-ExpressJs
user to register an individual home or apartment to assist for Back-end. The system performs better than existing
you to find the perfect rental home or property for search algorithms and predicts better in a memory-based approach.
view in your target area. Understanding how exhausting
it is to contact individual property agents, schedule ap- Recent evidence [12] suggests the solutions for proving
pointments, and supply better service this application was adequate public rental housing (PRH) with decent quality
designed. This website is designed to fulfill all the needs and desirable location. This study utilized a machine
from buying property, selling property, leasing the property. learning technique called long short-term memory (LTSM)
to construct a set of housing price prediction models which
This study of the application [6] focuses on build- indicate the proximity to impact on nearby housing prices
ing a better relationship between buyers and sellers by at the city. The approach taken by the study can facilitate
simplifying many tasks such as mainly focusing on the improving the PRH policies and programs.
nearest location prediction, identifying the vacant places,
sending automatic rent reminders, package notifications, The first serious discussions and analyses of the study
utility bills, emergency info, location information. In [13], technologies that were used to improve the efficiency
the extended system added the GPS in build and gave a of real estate management applications emerged during
live chat online option. Java script technology was used 2019. Disruptive digital technologies are a necessary
for implementation. The suggested approach supposes part of today’s reality. These technologies are converting
security mechanisms using a distance-vector algorithm traditional industries into more innovative and adaptable
including the message exchange and updates message ones around the world. The situation of global real estate,
security authentication mechanism without introducing on the other hand, has failed to improve and it is currently
significant network overheads and complexity. falling behind the technological curve. As a result of
this latency, the relevant information is either not made
A considerable amount of literature has been published available to end-users or is shared too late, resulting in
on mobile applications for real estate management in an increased risk. Users of internet real estate platforms
various countries. These studies [7] presented a model have expressed their concerns. As a result, there are more
mobile application to the automated monitoring system to vacancies and post-occupancy regrets among the service
determine the quality of housing to check the performance providers.
of low and medium costing and its assessment. The study
briefed about the transformation of empirical housing The Big9 technologies, which include drones, the
data into the integrated software to determine housing internet of things (IoT), clouds, software as a service
quality. This study identifies the design quality indic- (SaaS), big data, 3D scanning, wearable technologies,
ators and parameters for affordable housing in Karachi virtual and augmented realities (VR & AR), and artificial
Pakistan. The context of quality indicators for housing intelligence and robotics, are assessed and identified as the
design are classified under various segments of housing new technologies that are used for real estate management.
design components. Using mobile applications in housing
sector has been advantage for proposing a conceptual The RESTAM framework, which focuses on online
model for the building designing, proposing a model for platform-based real estate users, is expected to lay the
selection of interior furnishing and floor covering materials groundwork for introducing the missing technology ac-
and developing an automated building element selection ceptance model for real estate stakeholders, so the real
system. estate business is transforming traditional to smart real
estate because of Big9 disruptive technologies. This will
This research [8] extends knowledge on recent develop- lessen real estate service users’ post-occupancy regrets
ments for locating the available handyman services within and improve relationships amongst diverse real estate
a locality identifies the advantage of having a mobile ap- stakeholders.
plication that helps in streamlining the process of acquiring
a handyman. This study applied agile methodology as soft- The empirical study [11] found new methods for
ware technology. handyman location details were obtained creating information-rich interactive 3D environments
by GPS. The study [9] has confirmed a recommendation that are increasing in demand as virtual reality (VR)
system that allows the users to hold out a preference-based and the corresponding 3D documentation and modeling
cooperative filtering search on rental properties which technologies evolve into increasingly powerful and proven
tools for numerous applications in architecture, monument The second objective of the research was to examine the
preservation, conservation/restoration, and the presentation current and existing developments which have been done
of cultural heritage. The researcher discusses the creation regarding house rental and maintenance management in
of an immersive virtual reality application for the Imperial both Sri Lankan and worldwide contexts. Then researchers
Cathedral in Königslutter, in which 360° panoramic review research papers and websites. The analysis of those
pictures were merged as a novel and complementary papers was mentioned in the above literature review.
method of visualization within the virtual world. So those
empirical studies which were published open a path for a The researchers used several kinds of research strategies
researcher to establish this implementation. such as conducting surveys on the identified audience,
understanding the grounded theories and algorithms which
Referred [20] shows that the details on the real state app were used, clearly understanding the current scenario, and
development companies in Sri Lanka. The architecture and focusing on the best solution for recovering the problems in
the design that there used are much valuable for this re- the current situation. Researchers use an interactive inquiry
search. technique that combines collaborative problem-solving
with data-driven collaborative analysis or research to
III METHODOLOGY uncover underlying causes and make predictions about
personal and organizational transformation in the future.
For an explicit research methodology, adapting the research Background investigation, habits, lifestyle, behavior,
onion model for this study is much efficient for the re- mutual differences, and the different perceptiveness of
searchers. Research philosophy of this research is based on the clients are some parameters used in the investigation
finding the best-suited android application for house rental of the ethnography. Time horizon takes a major part in
maintenance management of Sri Lanka. As an ongoing research for a while, here a cross-sectional time frame was
research, it adheres to the view that only factual knowledge used to conduct this research at one point in time using
is gained through the observations and measurements, different samples of a selected group of people and the
the researcher conducts a positivism research philosophy. snapshots of a given point in time change at a societal level.
A deductive approach was conducted by the researchers Requirements for the mobile-based feedback system are
through this research, by through examining the existing collected during the literature review by observing similar
application on real estate management of Sri Lanka which types of systems and fact-finding techniques. This system
was invented and used by the expertise. is technically feasible as most of the house owners, tenants,
and handymen have a smartphone.
As the researcher mentioned previously, the first object-
ive of this research is to identify and analyze the challenges The system is developed using android studio, Android
faced by users in current house rental and maintenance SDK, and NetBeans. The server-side language is Java and
management. And the third objective of the research was to database is based on cloud technology. The Google Play
analyze the opinion on implementing mobile applications store sells Android apps, and researchers are use the Google
and designing an architecture for implementing the mobile Pay API to integrate them. The developer even set it up to
application. accept credit cards. The researcher will define the google
pay API version to request a payment token for the payment
To realise both above mentioned objectives researcher provider. Then developer should define the supported pay-
identified a specific set of people for the data collection. ment card networks and describe all allowed payment meth-
The specified audience were Sri Lankan tenants, handy- ods. Moreover, should create the PaymentClient instance
men, and house owners. Researchers decided that the by determining the readiness to pay with the Google Pay
best way of collecting data from a specified audience was API. Then the developer should create a PaymentDataRe-
through a mobile survey. Then the researcher conducted a quest object for registering event handler for user gesture to
mobile survey among a specific group of people. Moreover, handle the response object. Iterative waterfall methodology
the researcher used to have some observations made on is used during the development of the system as it reduces
the current situation and took some ideas from users by the developers’ effort and time required to detect and cor-
meeting them directly through video conferencing. The rect the errors.
firsthand attitudes of the community were collected by
using primary sources mainly from semi-structured inter- A Sample Population
views, face-to-face interviews, questionnaires, and direct
observation of the selected sample. Personal records, client The population of this research to gather data through ques-
histories, and service records gave additional information tionnaire was selected normally from the people older than
on existing systems. 20 years. People have been classified into three categor-
ies as house owners, tenants, and handymen. Thus, a non-
random sampling method was used to select the covering Table 1. Confirmation Statement 1
several provinces in Sri Lanka. Among the identified popu-
lation, about 134 sample participants was selected to elab-
orate and collect the data while some data was collected
through the research papers. In order to maintain high data
accuracy, a formal way has been used in collecting data.
• View the details & contact the handyman.
• Pay house rental fees and utility bills through the app.
experience for tenants can optimize 360 player experiences function should be used to access system users to log into
for mobile applications, The application supports all pan- the system. Users should already be with their usernames
oramic images. Images can be captured with a 360 camera and passwords.
such as Ricoh Theta, Gopro MAX, Insta 360, or DSLR.
Images can be rendered using 3D software. House owners
could upload and share on the application. The efficiency B Administration Module
of the application is increased as VR photography keeps The administrator has the authority to access all the house
human interaction intact which users interact with and ownersâ C™ details, property details, handyman details,
manipulate a simulated real or imaginary environment. and tenant details. Admin can access the system by adding,
editing, and deleting, and removing the users.
The sole purpose of the smartphone app is to make our
lives easier. As a result, when developing an Android
application to provide the best handyman service, it’s C House Rental Procedure Module
critical to consider the consumers’ ease in locating the
handymen who are the closest to them. As a result, the
most significant feature in this application is the ‘Find
Nearby Handyman’ option. Along with the location
selection, it assists users in the following ways.
D Handymen Service Module and handymen payments. House owners should be notified
of rental payment, tenants, and handyman’s requests. The
The main function given by the application is handyman
handyman should get reminders on their scheduled works,
can add their service details to the system on their own.
tenants’ requests to be accepted or ignored.
Tenants can go through the relevant service category, and
they can find the handyman who can fulfill their request
and contact them through using the given handyman de- After designing the flow of the application, researchers
tails. The availability of the option of nearest handyman, will implement this application. The application should
prediction is very helpful during the current situation. The be tested on a sample population and encouraging those
handyman who is available for the chosen service category users to provide their feedback and suggestions for this
will be shown on the map with their location. application.
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MTA Wickramasinghe
is a 4th year Information
Technology Undergradu-
ate of Faculty of Com-
puting, General Sir John
Kotelawala Defence Univer-
SHIDN de Silva is
a 3rd year Information
Technology Undergradu-
ate of Faculty of Com-
puting, General Sir John
Kotelawala Defence Univer-