Statistika Untuk Analitika Data
Statistika Untuk Analitika Data
Statistika Untuk Analitika Data
NIM : 225221001
Mata Kuliah : Statistika untuk analitika data
Dosen : 1. Mhd. Zamal Nasution, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph. D.
2. Dr. M. Fariz Fadillah Mardianto, M.Si
3. Dr. Ardi Kurniawan, M.Si
4. Dr. Toha Saifudin, M.Si
Saya peserta UAS mata kuliah “Statistika untuk Analitika Data “ menyatakan dengan
sebenarnya bahwa makalah yang dikerjakan adalah hasil kerja sendiri bukan bantuan
dari orang lain.
1. Please explain the survey research process from beginning to end, and
how you choose the right survey design?
2. Please create a small survey (pooling) that suitable with human resources management,
connect a theoretical concept to a small survey question. You may create new questions or apply
the existing questions from former research design
Source: Design
Research Rockstar
Training Documentation:
1. Schedule
Kick - Off 2. Project
3. Sampling
Plan Questionaire
4. Data analysis Approval
dan Testing
Data anlaysis
And Data
Visualization and Redeliver No
Report and data OK? Finish
1. Documentation: Start with make schedule, project management plan, sampling and data
analysis plan.
3. Programming and testing: after questionnaire acceptable we can program and test the
survey result to see the various factor this test to ensure that question are clear, unbiased
and effective in collecting the desired information
4. Pre-testing and data collection: before we analysis make sure that the data include all that
will be analysis. In this step we can see that the data can update automacilly.
5. Analysis, Visualization and Syncronization: this step doing analysis with analysis
researcher want and visualization to easy explain to audience.
6. Report and data output: After analysis all the result must be report.
2. Small Survey
Apply the existing questions from former research
“Pengaruh ethical leadership dan green human resource management terhadap employee
green behavior pada karyawan PT. XZ yang bergerak dibidang Industri Manufaktur” Willy
Firdaus, Universitas Trisakti
Anda diminta untuk memberikan pendapat mengenai Ethical Leadership, Green Human
Resource Management, Employee Green Behavior. Pilih satu angka dengan memberikan tanda (√)
yang mewakili persepsi anda mengenai pernyataan dibawah ini.
Question: On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate your overall job satisfaction at XYZ Company.
Answer: The respondent selects a rating between 1 and 5, where 1 represents low satisfaction and
5 represents high satisfaction.
Sample Size Calculation Formula for Unknown Population:
To calculate the sample size for an unknown population, HR can use the following formula:
n = (Z^2 * p * (1 - p)) / E^2
Where: n = required sample size Z = z-value corresponding to the desired level of confidence (e.g.,
1.96 for a 95% confidence level) p = estimated proportion of the population with a particular
characteristic (if unknown, you can use 0.5 as a conservative estimate) E = desired margin of error
(expressed as a decimal)
Example Calculation:
Let's assume HR want to estimate the job satisfaction of employees in a large organization. HR
want a 95% confidence level (Z = 1.96) and a margin of error of 0.05 (E = 0.05). Since HR don't
have an estimated proportion (p) for job satisfaction in the population, HR can use the conservative
estimate of 0.5.
n = (1.96^2 * 0.5 * (1 - 0.5)) / (0.05^2) n = (3.8416 * 0.25) / 0.0025 n = 0.9604 / 0.0025 n = 384.16
Rounding up to the nearest whole number, the required sample size is approximately 385.
4. Dataset human resources management
[1] J. Ponto, “Understanding and Evaluating Survey Research,” J. Adv. Pract. Oncol., vol. 6,
no. 2, pp. 168–171, 2015.
[2] N. D. & Purnama and L. C. Nawangsari, “Pengaruh Green Human Resource Management
Terhadap Sustainability Business : Pendekatan Konsep,” Pengaruh Green Hum. Resour.
Manag. terhadap Sustain. Bus., pp. 32–39, 2019.