Flyer Apsic Rev 10012023 1
Flyer Apsic Rev 10012023 1
Flyer Apsic Rev 10012023 1
Chairperson: Chairperson:
Dr. dr. Ida Safiitri, Sp.A, Subsp.lPT dr. S.H. Manullang, Sp.B(K), FICS
Co-chairperson: Co-chairperson:
Dr. dr. Andaru Dahesihdewi, SpPK(K), MKes Dr. dr. Agung Dwi Widodo, MSi., M,KedKlin, Sp.MK
Member: Member:
Dear Colleagues,
GREETING Dr. dr. Ratni lndrawanti, SpAK
dr. lka Puspitasari, Ssi, Msi, Apt
dr. Yanri Wijayanti, PhD, KPTI
DR. Elis Puji Utami, S.Kep, Ns. MPH
Ns. Siti Rohani, S.Kep, CVRN, MKM
dr. Yuniarti Arsyad, Sp.KK, M.Kes
dr. Rizka Humardewayanti, SpPD-KPTI
dr. Eggi Arguni, PhD, Sp.A, Subsp.lPT
On Behalf of the Organizing Committee, I welcome all professionals and experts doctors to this signature event of
dr. Riot El Khair, SpPK
the year, the 11th International Congress of the Asia Pasific Society of Infection Control in cultural and historical
Prof. dr. Titik Nuryastuti, PhD, SpMK
Jogjakarta, Indonesia on July 25 th - 28 th, 2024.
dr. Devie Kristiani, MSc, SpAK
Building on the success of previous meetings, the theme for 2024 is IPC for All: Future Challenge and Tri Hartati, SPd, MKes
Implementation at Every Healthcare Facilites and Community, and I look forward to learning the latest results Ryantinah, SKep, Ns
from top industrial, government, and doctors on these topics and everything else that is presented. Khoirul Bariyah, SKep, Ns
The program has already shaped up to be excellent, and the networking opportunities will be indeed outstanding. Timuryani Nugraheni, SKep, Ns
The scenery of the beautiful city of Jogjakarta will add to the pleasure of the meeting and provide lasting
memories beyond the science. Among the country's 38 provinces in Indonesia, only two were granted 'special region' status: Aceh and
I add my best wishes for a successful and fruitful conference and my thanks to all organizers. Yogyakarta. For the latter, that means recognition and certain autonomies are still given to the monarchy
We're looking forward to an excellent meeting with great scientists from different countries around the world and ofYogyakarta, despite being part of the Republic of Indonesia. That leaves city planning, governance, and
sharing new and exciting results in the impact of COVID-19 on Infection Prevention and Control, which will be held cultivation of culture in the hands of centuries-old tradition carried on by the monarchy. It's impossible to
in Indonesia, from July 25 th - 28 th, 2024.
talk about Yogyakarta without mentioning the majestic ancient temples within or nearby its territory.
I will see you soon in Jogjakarta, Indonesia!
Despite the Yogyakarta sultanate being officially Muslim now, the region still testifies to the
height of influence from Buddhism and Hinduism during its earlier civilisations.
Prof. Dr. dr. Hindra lrawan Satori, Sp.A, Subsp.lPT , MTropPaed
Chairperson Borobudur Temple, the largest Buddhist sanctuary in
the world, is unmissable proof of that episode in
history. The temple complex actually falls under
the region of Central Java, but Yogyakarta
remains the most popular hub for
temple-hopping in the area. Plus,Yogyakarta
and Central Java used to be one under the
Prof. dr. Djoko Widodo, Sp.PD, Subsp.PTI, DTM&SH Chairperson:
Prof. Dr. dr. Kuntaman, Sp.MK(K) (PAMKI) dr. Liliana Kurniawan, MSc, DTMH, MHA Mataram empire so the heritage tends to be
dr. Paul Haryanto, Sp.PD, Subsp.PTI very similar. Another notable temple in
dr. S.H. Manullang, Sp.B(K), FICS Co-chairperson: Yogyakarta is the Prambanan Temple. Built
dr. Sudirman Katu, Sp.PD, Subsp.PTI, FINASIM
in the 9th century, this temple honours the
Member: Hindu gods, but mostly Shiva, the god of
dr. Fera Ibrahim, MSc, PhD, Sp.MK(K) destruction. The complex
dr. H. I. Firmansyah, SH, MH, Sp.PD, Subsp.PTI, FINASIM comprises hundreds of
Chairperson dr. Pratiwi Andayani, Sp.A, Subsp.lPT
Prof. Dr. dr. Hindra lrawan Satori, Sp.A, Subsp.lPT , MtropPaed dr. Mulya Rahma Karyanti, Sp.A, Subsp.lPT , MSc I
individual stone temples and
dr. Lilik lndrawati, Sp.PK shrines, with ornate stone
Co-chairperson Dr. dr. Agung Dwi Widodo, MSi., M,KedKlin, Sp.MK carvings all over them. For
dr. Liliana Kurniawan, MSc, DTMH, MHA Dr. dr. Muchlis Achsan Udji Sofro, Sp.PD, Subsp.PTI, FINASIM
those who want to see history
dr. Ridha Wahyutomo, M.Arch, SpMK, FISQua
Treasurer Yohana Fransisca Wapini, BN, MARS come alive, stay until dusk to
dr. Titi Sundari, Sp.P(K), FISR Bernadetta lndah Mustikawati, Amd.Kep., SKM., M.Kes watch the glorious Ramayana
Sujiasih, SKp, M.Pd dr. Rizka Humardewayanti, Sp.PD, Subsp.PTI ballet performed in the temple's
dr. Eggi Arguni, PhD, Sp.A, Subsp.lPT
dr. Anis Karuniawati, PhD, SpMK(K)
dr. Pancho Hekagery Amilo Kaslam, DRM, MSc