Lesson Plan Template Sample

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Effective Lesson Plan Template Sample

By: Khritish Swargiary

1. A sample template for a detailed lesson plan in mathematics:

Lesson Title: Addition of Fractions Grade Level: 5th Grade Duration: 60 minutes

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to add fractions with like

denominators and solve word problems involving addition of fractions.


• Whiteboard and markers

• Fraction manipulatives (circles, squares, etc.)

• Worksheets on addition of fractions

• Word problem cards

• Calculators (optional)


Time Teacher's Actions Students' Actions Assessment/Interaction

1. Begin the lesson by writing

the objective on the board: "To
add fractions with like Teacher checks for prior knowledge
denominators and solve word Students read the by asking students to recall what
5 problems involving addition of objective and prepare fractions are and how to identify the
mins fractions." for the lesson. numerator and denominator.

2. Introduce the concept of

adding fractions with like
denominators using visual aids Teacher observes students'
(fraction manipulatives). Model Students watch and understanding through their responses
10 the addition of fractions step-by- actively engage in the and participation. Encourage
mins step on the whiteboard. demonstration. questions and discussions.

3. Distribute worksheets on Students solve the Teacher circulates around the

15 addition of fractions with like problems on the classroom, providing assistance and
mins denominators. Students work worksheets. clarifying any doubts. Monitor
Time Teacher's Actions Students' Actions Assessment/Interaction

individually to solve the students' progress and identify

problems. common misconceptions.

4. Review the answers to the Teacher assesses students'

worksheet as a class. Ask Students participate in understanding by asking probing
students to explain their the discussion and questions, addressing
10 reasoning for solving each share their solutions misconceptions, and providing
mins problem. and strategies. feedback.

5. Introduce word problems

involving addition of fractions Students read and
with like denominators. Provide analyze the word Teacher observes students' problem-
students with word problem problems, applying solving skills and provides guidance
10 cards and ask them to solve the their knowledge of as needed. Encourage students to
mins problems individually. adding fractions. justify their answers.

Students collaborate,
6. Allow students to share and compare their Teacher listens to group discussions,
discuss their solutions to the solutions, and explain assesses students' comprehension,
5 word problems in small groups their reasoning to each and addresses any misconceptions
mins or pairs. other. that arise.

7. Conclude the lesson by

summarizing the key concepts
and strategies for adding Teacher assesses the overall
fractions with like understanding of the class through a
denominators. Emphasize the Students listen to the brief recap and asks a few students to
5 importance of showing work summary and take share their key takeaways from the
mins and justifying answers. notes if necessary. lesson.

Extension/Enrichment (optional): For advanced students, provide additional word

problems that involve mixed numbers or denominators that require simplification.
Homework (optional): Assign additional practice problems related to the lesson's

objective, either from the textbook or online resources. Encourage students to show
their work and submit their answers the next day.

Note: Adjust the timings and activities according to the specific needs and abilities of
your students.
2. A sample template for a detailed lesson plan in chemistry:

Lesson Title: States of Matter Grade Level: 9th Grade Duration: 60 minutes

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Define and differentiate between the three states of matter: solid, liquid, and

2. Explain the properties and characteristics of each state of matter.

3. Identify examples of substances in each state of matter.

• Whiteboard and markers

• Visual aids (diagrams, pictures)

• Substance samples (water, ice, air)

• Worksheets on states of matter

• Safety goggles


Time Teacher's Actions Students' Actions Assessment/Interaction

1. Begin the lesson by writing the Students read the Teacher checks for prior
objective on the board: "To objective and knowledge by asking students to
5 understand the three states of matter prepare for the define matter and give examples of
mins and their properties." lesson. substances they encounter daily.

2. Introduce the concept of states of

matter by presenting visual aids and
defining each state (solid, liquid, Students observe the Teacher encourages students to ask
10 gas). Discuss the arrangement and visual aids and listen questions and engage in
mins movement of particles in each state. attentively. discussions about the topic.

3. Conduct a demonstration using Students observe the Teacher asks students questions
15 substance samples (water, ice, air) to demonstration and during the demonstration to assess
mins illustrate the different states of take notes. their understanding. Encourage
Time Teacher's Actions Students' Actions Assessment/Interaction

matter. Show the transformation students to predict what will

from solid to liquid to gas by heating happen next.
and cooling the samples. Discuss the
changes in the arrangement and
movement of particles during each
phase change.

4. Distribute worksheets on states of

matter. Students work individually to Teacher circulates around the
complete the worksheet, identifying classroom, providing assistance
examples of substances in each state Students work on and clarifying any doubts. Monitor
10 of matter and describing their the worksheet students' progress and identify
mins properties. independently. common misconceptions.

5. Review the answers to the

worksheet as a class. Discuss the Teacher assesses students'
examples given and have students Students participate understanding by asking probing
explain the properties and in the discussion and questions, addressing
10 characteristics of each state of share their answers misconceptions, and providing
mins matter. and explanations. feedback.

6. Conduct a hands-on activity where

students can explore the changes in
states of matter. Provide materials Students actively
such as ice cubes, beakers, and participate in the
Bunsen burners. Guide students activity, make Teacher moves around the
through the activity, allowing them observations, and classroom, observes students'
5 to observe and record their record their actions, and provides guidance and
mins observations of the phase changes. findings. feedback.

Teacher assesses the overall

7. Conclude the lesson by understanding of the class through
summarizing the key concepts of the Students listen to the a brief recap and asks a few
5 states of matter and their properties. summary and take students to share their key
mins Emphasize the importance of notes if necessary. takeaways from the lesson.
Time Teacher's Actions Students' Actions Assessment/Interaction

understanding these concepts in

various real-life applications.

Extension/Enrichment (optional): For advanced students, discuss the concept of

plasma as a fourth state of matter and its unique properties.

Homework (optional): Assign a research project where students can investigate real-

world applications of the different states of matter. Encourage them to create

presentations or posters to share their findings with the class.

Note: Adjust the timings and activities according to the specific needs and abilities of
your students. Ensure that proper safety precautions are followed during

demonstrations and hands-on activities.

3. A sample template for a detailed lesson plan in history:

Lesson Title: Causes of the American Revolutionary War Grade Level: 8th Grade
Duration: 60 minutes

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Identify and explain the key causes that led to the American Revolutionary War.

2. Analyze the significance of these causes in shaping the course of American


3. Engage in critical thinking and discussion about the motivations and grievances
of the American colonists.

• Whiteboard and markers

• Visual aids (maps, images)

• Primary and secondary source documents (e.g., excerpts from historical

speeches, letters, or newspapers)

• Graphic organizers or worksheets

• Index cards or sticky notes for an interactive activity

• Textbooks or other supplementary resources


Time Teacher's Actions Students' Actions Assessment/Interaction

Teacher initiates a brief class

1. Begin the lesson by writing the discussion to gauge students' prior
objective on the board: "To Students read the knowledge about the American
understand the causes of the objective and Revolutionary War. Encourage them
5 American Revolutionary War and prepare for the to share what they already know or
mins their significance." lesson. have heard about the causes.

10 2. Introduce the topic by providing Students pay Teacher encourages students to ask
mins an overview of the causes of the attention to the questions and engages them in a
Time Teacher's Actions Students' Actions Assessment/Interaction

American Revolutionary War. Use presentation and brief discussion about the historical
visual aids such as maps and images take notes. context and the tensions between the
to depict the thirteen colonies and colonies and Great Britain.
their relationship with Great

3. Distribute primary and secondary

source documents related to the
causes of the American
Revolutionary War. Assign Students work in Teacher circulates among the
students to small groups and groups, read and groups, monitoring their progress,
provide each group with different analyze the assigned and providing guidance as needed.
documents. Ask them to analyze the documents, and Observe their interpretation of the
15 documents and identify key causes discuss their documents and facilitate
mins of the war. findings. discussions.

4. Conduct a whole-class
discussion based on the group
findings. Ask groups to share their
identified causes, and as a class,
create a list of the main causes on Students actively
the whiteboard. Facilitate a participate in the Teacher assesses students'
discussion to deepen understanding discussion, share understanding through their
and encourage critical thinking their findings, and participation, responses, and ability
10 about the causes and their contribute to the to analyze and evaluate the causes of
mins significance. class list. the war.

5. Provide graphic organizers or

worksheets for students to organize Students complete
their notes and thoughts about the the graphic
causes of the American organizers, Teacher circulates around the
Revolutionary War. Students fill organizing the classroom, checking students' work,
10 out the graphic organizers causes and noting providing feedback, and addressing
mins individually or in pairs. their significance. any questions or misconceptions.
Time Teacher's Actions Students' Actions Assessment/Interaction

6. Engage students in an interactive

activity. Provide each student with
an index card or sticky note. On one
side, ask them to write down a
cause of the American
Revolutionary War, and on the
other side, write down the
significance of that cause. Have
students exchange their cards with Students participate
a partner, discuss the cause and in the interactive
significance, and then switch activity, exchanging
partners. Repeat this process and discussing the Teacher observes students'
several times to ensure students causes and engagement in the activity, listens to
5 interact with various causes and significances with their discussions, and provides
mins significances. multiple partners. guidance and feedback as needed.

7. Conclude the lesson by

summarizing the main causes of the
American Revolutionary War and Teacher assesses the overall
their significance. Emphasize the understanding of the class through a
impact these causes had on Students listen to the brief recap and asks a few students to
5 American history and the eventual summary and take share their key takeaways from the
mins quest for independence. notes if necessary. lesson.

Extension/Enrichment (optional): Assign a research project where students can delve

deeper into one of the causes of the American Revolutionary War. They can present
their findings through a poster, oral presentation, or a written report.

Homework (optional): Assign students to research and write a short essay discussing
the causes of the American Revolutionary War and their significance in shaping

American history.
Note: Adjust the timings and activities according to the specific needs and abilities of

your students. Encourage students to think critically, analyze primary sources, and
engage in meaningful discussions about historical events.
4. अवश्यं करोति: संस्कृितवषयस्य सरलः पाठयोजना नमूनां ियारतयिं आचक्ष्व ।
यथा संस्कृिे पाठस्य तववरणातन समूतििं शक्तः स्वीतियिाम् ।

पाठशीर्षकम्: संस्कृतव्याकरणम् - कारकप्रयोगः अध्यायः : प्रथमः अध्यायः समयविवियोगः : 60 वमिटावि

लक्ष्यम्: पाठान्ते, छात्ाः कारकप्रयोगे संस्कृतव्याकरणस्य महत्त्वं ज्ञात्वा स्वतन्त्रेण िाक्यावि रचवयतं शक्ाः

भविष्यन्तन्त ।


• सफेदबोर्ष एिं माकषसष

• वचत्ावण

• व्याकरणप्रयोगाः वियमपवत्काः
• ग्रामकाषर्षसवहताः कायषपवत्काः

• संस्कृतव्याकरणपस्तकावि
• सहायकपस्तकावि िा अन्य साधिावि

वियाः :

समयः अध्यापकस्य कमम छात्रस्य कमम मूल्ांकनम्/सन्वादः

अध्यापकः पूिषज्ञािं जाञातं

1. पाठस्य महत्त्वं प्रवतपादयन्तन्त छात्ाणां सविस्तरं

5 प्रवतवलप्यवत: "संस्कृतव्याकरणस्य छात्ाः प्रवतवलप्यन्तन्त च प्रश्नप्रवतिचिादीवि

वमिटावि कारकप्रयोगः " वशक्षािभूवतं करोवत प्रयोगकरोवत

2. विर्यं प्रदशषयन्तन्त वचत्ावण योजयन्तन्त च अध्यापकः प्रश्नप्रवतिचिे

10 । अत् कारकप्रयोगस्य महत्त्वं छात्ाः प्रदवशषतावि वचत्ावण योग्यावि प्रश्नावि पूछवत तथा
वमिटावि व्याख्यायन्तन्त । ध्यायन्तन्त च विर्ये च चचाां समथषयवत

3. व्याकरणप्रयोगाि् (वियमपवत्कायाः छात्ाः सहकाये सहभाग्यं

अंशाि्) वितरन्तन्त । छात्ाः छोटग्रपेर् ितषन्ते, पठन्तन्त च अध्यापकः छात्ाणां कायषवसन्तधं

15 विभक्ाि् विद्यामिावि प्रयोगाि् वियमपवत्कां , विश्लेर्यन्तन्त विरीक्षवत, प्रश्नकरोवत च एिं

वमिटावि विश्लेर्यन्तन्त । च अन्यावि छात्ावि संिादं वियन्त्रयवत
समयः अध्यापकस्य कमम छात्रस्य कमम मूल्ांकनम्/सन्वादः

4. पूिषग्रपाणां द्वारा विधाषररतावि कारणावि

सिे वचन्तयन्तन्त, पाठन्तरं करोवत । संपूणे

च छात्संघे कारणसूचीं वलखावम शब्दािां छात्ाः सब्रीमाणा पाठन्तरं अध्यापकः छात्ाणां समग्रं

10 रूपावण िोत्तेजयन्तन्त तथा पाठन्तरं करोवत पूणषयन्तन्त एिं चचाां व्यापारं विरीक्षवत एिं

वमिटावि । प्रारम्भयन्तन्त अिभिान्तन्त

5. छात्ाि् व्याकरणप्रयोगेर् स्वतन्त्रेण

िाक्यावि रचयन्तन्त वचन्तयन्तन्त च । छात्ाः छात्ाः िाक्यावि रचयन्तन्त, अध्यापकः छात्ाणां कायषवसन्तधं

10 एकवटप िा यग्मवटप द्वारा विश्लेर्यन्तन्त, चचाां विरीक्षवत, िाक्यावि वचन्तयवत

वमिटावि कारकप्रयोगसवहतं िाक्यं रचयन्तन्त । प्रारम्भयन्तन्त । एिं प्रश्नप्रवतिचिावि करोवत

अध्यापकः छात्ाणां सभायां

6. सभायां सहायकपस्तकाि् िा साधिावि छात्ाः सभायाम् प्रवतभागं सहकायां पूणषयवत, प्रवतवियां

5 उपयोवगतं प्रेरयन्तन्त । एकवटपस्य ग्रहन्ततत, प्रश्नप्रवतिचिं किषवत, प्रश्नप्रवतिचिावि

वमिटावि सभायाम् समालोचिं करोवत । करोवत । सधारयवत

अध्यापकः समान्ततं
7. पाठस्य समापिं करोवत, विरीक्षवत, पाठस्य संक्षेपं

कारकप्रयोगस्य महत्त्वं संग्रहायवत । करोवत, कछ छात्ाि्

5 छात्ाः सारांशं श्रियन्तन्त, िोट् सम्पादयन्तन्त आमन्त्रयवत तत्

वमिटावि यवद आिश्यकं । उक्प्रश्नावि प्रवतिचन्तन्त ।

प्रसारण/आग्रह (ऐन्तिकं): छात्ािां एकम् अभ्यासपत्ं योजय । ते तत् पाठे प्रयक्ावि उदाहरणावि

व्याख्यातं शक्ाः भविष्यन्तन्त ।

गृहकायषम् (ऐन्तिकं): छात्ाि् आम्नायं वदिान्तरे संस्कृतव्याकरणे पररचयपस्तकं पवठतं प्रोत्साहय ।

ध्यािदीपक: पाठयोजिा अिकूलताम्, अध्यापकस्य आिश्यकतां पूणषयवत, छात्ाि् स्वतन्त्रं सोचिायाः

प्रेरकं स्थािं प्रदवत । व्याकरणप्रयोगेर् स्वाध्यायं आरम्भयन्तन्त वचन्तयन्तन्त च । प्रश्नप्रवतिचिावि किषन्तन्त ।

िाक्यावि स्वतन्त्रेण रचयन्तन्त । सामान्यतोऽवप, प्रत्येके अध्यापकस्य समयसारं विवितं भिवत ।

एक प्रभािशाली पाठ योजिा िमूिा तैयार करिे के वलए वहंदी विर्य के वलए विस्तृत तावलका में वलखेंगे।
5. अध्याय: किानी - प्रेमचंद की किानी 'गोदान' तवषय: किानी तवश्लेषण
समयावति: 60 तमनट

लक्ष्य: पाठ के अंतगषत, छात्ों को प्रेमचंद की कहािी 'गोदाि' के महत्वपूणष पहलूओं को समझिे और
विश्लेर्ण करिे की क्षमता प्रात होिी चावहए।

• काल्पविक कहािी के प्रवतिद (सफेद बोर्ष और माकषर)

• 'गोदाि' कहािी की प्रवतयााँ (छापी हुई)

• प्रेमचंद की पस्तक 'गोदाि' (यवद संभि हो तो)

• विशेर्ज्ञ विद्यालय की पस्तकालय से अवतररक् संदभष पस्तकालय सामग्री (जैसे विद्यापीठ द्वारा
प्रकावशत शोध लेख, विश्लेर्ण आवद)

वियाएाँ :

समय अध्यापक कायम छात्र कायम मूल्ांकन/संवाद

1. पाठ का महत्व बतािा - छात्ों से वचट्ठी

5 वलखिाकर "कहािी विश्लेर्ण का महत्व" छात् वचट्ठी वलखकर अध्यापक उत्तर प्रदाि करें , महत्वपूणष
वमिट जाििे का अिरोध करें उत्तर दें वबंदओं को सारांवशत करें

बोर्ष पर वलखे गए प्रवतिद को चचाष

10 2. 'गोदाि' कहािी के प्रवतिद को सफेद करें , महत्वपूणष घटिाओं को

वमिट बोर्ष पर वलखें छात् बोर्ष पर वलखें हाइलाइट करें

15 छात् प्रवतयााँ पढें और विशेर्ताओं को विश्लेर्ण करें , प्रश्नों

वमिट 3. 'गोदाि' की प्रवतयााँ वितररत करें ध्याि दें का उत्तर दें

15 4. प्रेमचंद की पस्तक 'गोदाि' की कछ छात् पठिे के साथ

वमिट पाठे वदखाएं (यवद संभि हो तो) विश्लेर्ण करें प्रश्नों का उत्तर दें

5. विद्यापीठ द्वारा प्रकावशत शोध लेख,

10 विश्लेर्ण आवद की संदभष पस्तकालय छात् सामग्री को पढें

वमिट सामग्री को साझा करें और विश्लेर्ण करें प्रश्नों का उत्तर दें

समय अध्यापक कायम छात्र कायम मूल्ांकन/संवाद

छात् सारांश सिें,

5 6. पाठ समान्तत, महत्वपूणष वबंदओं को िोट् स बिाएं यवद

वमिट संक्षेप में सारांवशत करें आिश्यक अध्यापक सारांश प्रदाि करें , प्रश्न पूछें

प्रसार/आग्रह (िैकन्तल्पक): छात्ों को विर्य के अंतगषत एक कथा पस्तक या कहािी पढिे के वलए प्रेररत
करें । िे पस्तक से पठिे और विश्लेर्ण करिे का प्रयास करें गे।

घर का कायष (िैकन्तल्पक): छात्ों को घर पर आमंवत्त करें और उन्हें वहंदी के अंतगषत एक विबंध वलखिे
के वलए प्रोत्सावहत करें ।

ध्यािदीपक: पाठ योजिा विर्य के अिकूल होिा चावहए, अध्यापक की आिश्यकताओं को पूरा करिा
चावहए, छात्ों को स्वतंत् सोचिे के प्रेरणा दे िा चावहए। विश्लेर्ण और प्रश्नों का उत्तर दे िा चावहए। विवभन्न

संदभष सामग्री से भी छात्ों को अिगत कराएं । पाठ के संक्षेप में महत्वपूणष वबंदओं को सारांवशत करें ।
6. এটা একটট প্রভাবশালী পাঠ পরিকল্পনা নমুনা তৈরি করিবলল আরম
আসামীযা রবষযয একটট রবস্ৈৃৈ টটরবলৈ রলরিব।

অধ্যায়: কাথাপুৰুষ শংকৰদেৱ বিষয়: কাথাপুৰুষ শংকৰদেৱৰ জীৱন ও কৃবিত্ব সময়কাল: ৬০


লক্ষ্য: এই পাদের অন্তর্দি,

গ ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰীক অসমীয়া বিষদয় কাথাপুৰুষ শংকৰদেৱৰ জীৱন ও
কৃবিত্ব বিষদয় গুরুত্বপূৰ্ বেকগুবল
গ িুঝি আৰু বিদেষৰ্ কবৰ পাবৰি।

• ভঙ্গীি কাথা নক্ষ্ত্ৰ (সাো ি’ৰ্গ আৰু মাকগাৰ)

• কাথাপুৰুষ শংকৰদেৱৰ ককান গ্ৰন্থ (সম্ভি হ’কল)

• বিদশষজ্ঞ িইপথি থকা অবিবৰক্ত সংেভগ গ্ৰন্থ (কেদন কেদন বিশ্ববিেযালয় গ্ৰন্থার্াৰৰ

িইসমূহ, র্দিষৰ্া প্ৰিন্ধ, বিদেষৰ্ ইিযাবে)


সময রশক্ষযকি কাম ছাত্ৰীি কাম মূল্াাংকন/সাংলাপ

১. পােৰ গুৰুত্ব িযাখ্যা কবৰি -

ছাত্ৰছাত্ৰীক প্ৰাথীৰাৰ িাদি এখ্নকক বশক্ষ্কছাত্ৰসকলৰ উত্তৰ

"কাথাপুৰুষ শংকৰদেৱৰ জীৱন ও ছাত্ৰছাত্ৰীসকলৰ প্ৰোন কৰক, গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ গ

৫ কৃবিত্বৰ গুৰুত্ব" বলবখ্ লর্া এদনকক বিচাৰাধ্ীন প্ৰবিঝিয়া বিষয়সমূহ সংদক্ষ্দপ উদেখ্

বমবনট জানি চািকল আহ্বান কৰক বেয়া কৰক

বলখ্া গ্ৰন্থদটা চলক আদলাচনা

১০ ২. কাথাপুৰুষ শংকৰদেৱৰ ককান কৰক, গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ গ ঘটনাসমূহ

বমবনট গ্ৰন্থ সাো ি’ৰ্গি বলখ্ক ছাত্ৰছাত্ৰীসকলৰ বলখ্ি আদলাচনা কৰক

১৫ ৩. কাথাপুৰুষ শংকৰদেৱৰ গ্ৰন্থ ছাত্ৰছাত্ৰীসকলৰ গ্ৰন্থ বিদশষিাসমূহ বিদেষৰ্

বমবনট বিিৰৰ্ কৰক পব়ি আৰু লক্ষ্য কৰক কৰক, প্ৰশ্নৰ উত্তৰ োওক

১৫ ৪. কপ্ৰমচন্দৰ ককাদনা গ্ৰন্থ (েবে সম্ভি ছাত্ৰছাত্ৰীসকলৰ পেন

বমবনট হয়) কেখ্ুৱাওক সহ বিদেষৰ্ কৰক প্ৰশ্নৰ উত্তৰ োওক
সময রশক্ষযকি কাম ছাত্ৰীি কাম মূল্াাংকন/সাংলাপ

৫. বিশ্ববিেযালয়ৰ প্ৰকাবশি র্দিষৰ্া

১০ প্ৰিন্ধ, বিদেষৰ্, ইিযাবেৰ সন্দভগ পুবথ ছাত্ৰছাত্ৰীসকলৰ পড়ক

বমবনট ভার্ কৰক আৰু বিদেষৰ্ কৰক প্ৰশ্নৰ উত্তৰ োওক

ছাত্ৰছাত্ৰীসকলৰ সাৰাংশ
৬. পােৰ কশষ কৰক, গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ গ কশানা বেয়া, কনাটিই

৫ বিষয়সমূহ সংদক্ষ্পি আৰু তিয়াৰ কৰক েবে বশক্ষ্কছাত্ৰসকলৰ সাৰাংশ

বমবনট সাৰাংবশি কৰক প্ৰদয়াজন প্ৰোন কৰক, প্ৰশ্ন কৰক

মূলযাংকন: ছাত্ৰছাত্ৰীৰাৰ কাম আৰু সংলাপৰ মাধ্যদম উত্তৰ প্ৰোন কৰক। বিবভন্ন সময়ি
ছাত্ৰছাত্ৰীৰাৰ কামৰ উন্নবি আৰু অসমীয়া িযাকৰৰ্ৰ প্ৰয়াসসমূহ মূলযাংকন কৰক।

গ সমসযা: েবে ককওক সমসযা পাইদছ অথিা অনয ককাদনা সমসযাৰ িাদি উপায় কদমন্ট
কৰদি চাওক, কিদন আপুবন মেে কবৰি পাদৰাোঁ।
7. ஒரு தகவல் பாடத்தின் சரியான பாடத்திட்டம் மாதிரி
வடிவமமப் மப மாதிரி ஒரு விரிவான அட்டவமையில்
உருவாக்குவவாம் .

பாடம் : உலகப் புவியியல் பாடம் பயன் படுத்தும் முறை: முறைப் பாடம்

காலம் : 60 நிமிடங் கள்

இலக்கணம் :

• சிலம் பூக்கல் வடிவறமப்பு (பை் றி ததரிந்துதகாள் வது,

பயன் பாடுகளும் )

• பதிவுகள் , மாதிரிகள் , தமாழிகள் பை் றி பயன் படுத்துவது

பயன் பாடுகள் :

• பதிவு தெய் யும் முறைறய அறியலாம்

• மாதிரி எழுத்துக்கள் பயன் படுத்துவது

• தமாழிகறள அறியலாம்

முயை் சி: இந்த பாடத்தில் , மாண்புமிகு அல் லது அரசுப் பாணியமான

பார்றவயில் உலகப் புவியியல் பை் றியறமப்புகள் மை் றும் அதன்

பயன் பாட்றட புரிந்துதகாள் ள முக்கியமானது. மமலும் , இறவகறள

தநருங் கியதாக பார்க்க உள் ளது. இது மாதிரியான உயர் மதிப்பீடு

முறைகறள அறிந்துதகாள் ளலாம் . மமலும் , உலகப் புவியியல் பை் றி
பாடம் ததாகுப்றப அறியலாம் . காலம் கறடபிடித்தால் , பாடம் முடியும் .

மாடலாக, பாடத்தின் முதன் றமயான பகுப்புகள் என் னதவன் ைால் :

1. உலகப் புவியியல் என் பதன் அர்த்தம் மை் றும் அதன்

முக்கியத்துவம் என் னதவன் று அறிவு தபறுவது.

2. மாண்புமிகு அல் லது அரசுப் பாணியமான பார்றவயில் உலகப்

புவியியல் பை் றியறமப்புகள் மை் றும் அதன் பயன் பாடு பை் றி

அறிவு தபறுவது.
3. மாதிரி எழுத்துக்கள் பயன் படுத்துவது மை் றும் அதன்

உபமயாகத்றத அறிவு தபறுவது.

4. தமாழிகறள அறியலாம் மை் றும் அறவகறள பயன் படுத்துவது.

இறவ அடிப்பறட பகுப்பாய் வு மை் றும் ஆராய் ெ்சியின் மூலம்

உருவாக்கப்பட்டன. மமலும் விவரங் கறளயும் மமமல தகாடுக்கப்பட்ட

விரிவான அட்டவறணயில் உள் ளன.

மாடல் :

பாடம் பயன்பாடுகள் காலம்

உலகப் புவியியல் பாடம் ததாகுப்பு 60 நிமிடங் கள்

வறகப்படுத்தல் :

• சிலம் பூக்கல் வடிவறமப்பு (அறிய, பயன் பாடுகள் )

• பதிவுகள் , மாதிரிகள் , தமாழிகள் (பயன் படுத்துதல் )

முயை் சி: இந்த பாடத்தில் , உலகப் புவியியல் பை் றியறமப்புகள் மை் றும்
அதன் பயன் பாட்றட புரிந்துதகாள் ள முக்கியமான முதல் பகுப்புகறள

அறிந்துதகாள் ளலாம் . இதனால் , உலகப் புவியியல் பை் றிய

முழுறமயான புள் ளிவிவரங் கறளக் தகாடுக்க முடியும் . இந்த பாடம்

நிறலயாக முடிந்ததால் , அதறன நீ ங் கள் பார்க்கலாம் .

8. એક અદ્યયન પાઠની માટે નું કાયયપ્રણાલી સમપયક ટે મ્પલેટ ઉત્પાદન કરો.

પાઠ: આર્થિકશાસ્ત્ર પાઠનો ઉપયોગપાત: પાઠનો સંચાલન કરવામાં સમય: ૬૦ ર્મર્નટ


• આર્થિકશાસ્ત્રની સારાંર્શક અથિનીર્ત (સમજવા, ઉદાહરણો અને અપનાવવા)

• આર્થિક પર્રર્સ્થર્ત અને સંબંર્િત મુદ્દાઓ ર્વશે અધ્યયન કરવું

• પાઠની પ્રવૃર્િને સંચાર્લત કરવું

• ઉદાહરણો અને માર્િક્સોનો ઉપયોગ કરવો

• આર્થિક પર્રર્સ્થર્તને સમજવું

અભ્યાસ: આ પાઠમાં, આર્થિકશાસ્ત્રની સારાંર્શક અથિનીર્ત અને તેનું ઉપયોગ મુખ્ ય ર્વષયો તરીકે
સમજાવવામાં આવે છે . આપેલી ર્વવરણીઓને સમજીને, આપને આર્થિક પર્રર્સ્થર્ત અને સંબંર્િત

મુદ્દાઓ પર આિાર રાખવું પડશે. આવા આર્થિક પર્રર્સ્થર્ત અને મુદ્દાઓને સમજવા માટે ,
ઉદાહરણોનો ઉપયોગ કરીને ર્વવરણ આપવા પડશે.

પાઠ સમય:
1. પર્રચય અને પૂવાિગ્રહ (૧૦ ર્મર્નટ)

2. આર્થિકશાસ્ત્રની અથિનીર્ત (૨૦ ર્મર્નટ)

3. ઉદાહરણો અને માર્િક્સ (૧૫ ર્મર્નટ)

4. મૂલયાંકન અને અભ્યાસ (૧૫ ર્મર્નટ)


• આર્થિકશાસ્ત્રની સારાંર્શક અથિનીર્ત સમજવાનો ક્ષમતા ર્વકસાવવો.

• આર્થિક પર્રર્સ્થર્ત અને મુદ્દાઓ સમજવામાં સક્ષમ થવો.


• આર્થિકશાસ્ત્રની સારાંર્શક અથિનીર્ત ર્વવરાંકન કરો.

• ઉદાહરણો અને માર્િક્સોનો ઉપયોગ કરીને સમજાવો.
• આર્થિક પર્રર્સ્થર્તને મૂલયાંકન કરો અને અભ્યાસો સમાપ્ત કરો.

મુકામાં પર્રક્ષણ:
• આર્થિકશાસ્ત્રની સારાંર્શક અથિનીર્ત પર્રક્ષણ કરો.

• આર્થિક પર્રર્સ્થર્તને મૂલયાંકન કરો.

નોંિ: આપે પાઠમાં આપેલી માર્હતીનો પરીક્ષણ કરી શકશે અને ર્વદ્યાથીઓને આર્થિકશાસ્ત્રની બિી

વિારે સારાંર્શક અથિનીર્ત અને આર્થિક પર્રર્સ્થર્તને સમજવા માટે નું સમય આપવું જોઈએ.
‫‪.‬تصميم قالب خطة درس فعال لمادة اللغة العربية في جدول مفصل‪9.‬‬

‫مادة الدرس‪ :‬اللغة العربية هدف الدرس‪ :‬فهم مفهوم المصادر اللغوية وتطبيقها الزمن‪ 60 :‬دقيقة‬

‫‪:‬محتوى الدرس‬

‫•‬ ‫شرح مفهوم المصادر اللغوية (المعجم‪ ،‬القاموس‪ ،‬النحو والصرف‪ ،‬البلاغة)‬
‫•‬ ‫تطبيق المصادر اللغوية في أمثلة عملية‬

‫•‬ ‫دراسة حالات للاستفادة من المصادر اللغوية في التواصل اليومي‬

‫‪:‬الموارد المطلوبة‬

‫•‬ ‫مصادر لغوية متنوعة مثل معاجم وقواميس‬

‫•‬ ‫أوراق عمل وأمثلة‬

‫‪:‬خطوات الدرس‬
‫مقدمة واستعراض المحتوى (‪ 10‬دقائق) ‪1.‬‬

‫شرح المصادر اللغوية ودورها في اللغة العربية (‪ 20‬دقيقة) ‪2.‬‬

‫تطبيق المصادر اللغوية في أمثلة عملية (‪ 20‬دقيقة) ‪3.‬‬

‫مناقشة الاستفادة من المصادر اللغوية في التواصل اليومي (‪ 10‬دقائق) ‪4.‬‬


‫•‬ ‫تعزيز فهم الطلاب لمفهوم المصادر اللغوية‬

‫•‬ ‫تشجيع الطلاب على تطبيق المصادر اللغوية في حياتهم اليومية‬

‫•‬ ‫تعزيز مهارات التواصل والكتابة باللغة العربية‬

‫‪:‬مراجعة الدرس‬

‫•‬ ‫إعادة التأكيد على مفهوم المصادر اللغوية‬

‫•‬ ‫مراجعة أمثلة الاستفادة من المصادر اللغوية في التواصل اليومي‬

‫ملاحظات‪ :‬يجب توفير المصادر اللغوية المناسبة للدرس وتشجيع الطلاب على استخدامها في‬

‫‪.‬مختلف جوانب حياتهم اليومية‬

10. An effective lesson plan template for the English subject in a
detailed table:

Lesson: English Language Lesson Objective: Enhance students' understanding and

application of vocabulary building strategies Duration: 60 minutes

Lesson Content:
• Introduction to effective vocabulary building techniques

• Engaging activities to practice and reinforce vocabulary skills

• Application of vocabulary strategies in real-life scenarios

Required Resources:
• Vocabulary building materials (word lists, flashcards, online resources)

• Worksheets and exercises

• Reading materials (books, articles, short stories)

Lesson Steps:
1. Warm-up and Introduction (10 minutes)

• Engage students in a discussion about the importance of vocabulary in

language learning.

• Introduce the concept of effective vocabulary building strategies.

2. Vocabulary Building Techniques (20 minutes)

• Present various vocabulary building techniques, such as using context

clues, word families, and mnemonic devices.

• Provide examples and explain how each technique can be applied.

3. Vocabulary Practice Activities (20 minutes)

• Conduct engaging activities like word association games, crossword

puzzles, or vocabulary bingo.

• Assign vocabulary worksheets or online exercises to reinforce the newly

learned words.
4. Application of Vocabulary Skills (10 minutes)

• Engage students in real-life scenarios where they can apply their

vocabulary skills.

• Provide prompts or discussion topics related to everyday situations,

encouraging students to use the newly learned words.

Lesson Wrap-up:
• Recap the vocabulary building techniques covered during the lesson.

• Provide additional resources or suggestions for students to continue practicing

and expanding their vocabulary outside the classroom.

Notes: It's important to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment,

encouraging students to actively participate and collaborate with their peers during

vocabulary activities. Provide feedback and guidance to help students improve their
vocabulary skills effectively.

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