Lesson Plan Template Sample
Lesson Plan Template Sample
Lesson Plan Template Sample
Lesson Title: Addition of Fractions Grade Level: 5th Grade Duration: 60 minutes
Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to add fractions with like
• Calculators (optional)
Students collaborate,
6. Allow students to share and compare their Teacher listens to group discussions,
discuss their solutions to the solutions, and explain assesses students' comprehension,
5 word problems in small groups their reasoning to each and addresses any misconceptions
mins or pairs. other. that arise.
objective, either from the textbook or online resources. Encourage students to show
their work and submit their answers the next day.
Note: Adjust the timings and activities according to the specific needs and abilities of
your students.
2. A sample template for a detailed lesson plan in chemistry:
Lesson Title: States of Matter Grade Level: 9th Grade Duration: 60 minutes
1. Define and differentiate between the three states of matter: solid, liquid, and
• Whiteboard and markers
1. Begin the lesson by writing the Students read the Teacher checks for prior
objective on the board: "To objective and knowledge by asking students to
5 understand the three states of matter prepare for the define matter and give examples of
mins and their properties." lesson. substances they encounter daily.
3. Conduct a demonstration using Students observe the Teacher asks students questions
15 substance samples (water, ice, air) to demonstration and during the demonstration to assess
mins illustrate the different states of take notes. their understanding. Encourage
Time Teacher's Actions Students' Actions Assessment/Interaction
Homework (optional): Assign a research project where students can investigate real-
Note: Adjust the timings and activities according to the specific needs and abilities of
your students. Ensure that proper safety precautions are followed during
Lesson Title: Causes of the American Revolutionary War Grade Level: 8th Grade
Duration: 60 minutes
3. Engage in critical thinking and discussion about the motivations and grievances
of the American colonists.
• Whiteboard and markers
10 2. Introduce the topic by providing Students pay Teacher encourages students to ask
mins an overview of the causes of the attention to the questions and engages them in a
Time Teacher's Actions Students' Actions Assessment/Interaction
American Revolutionary War. Use presentation and brief discussion about the historical
visual aids such as maps and images take notes. context and the tensions between the
to depict the thirteen colonies and colonies and Great Britain.
their relationship with Great
4. Conduct a whole-class
discussion based on the group
findings. Ask groups to share their
identified causes, and as a class,
create a list of the main causes on Students actively
the whiteboard. Facilitate a participate in the Teacher assesses students'
discussion to deepen understanding discussion, share understanding through their
and encourage critical thinking their findings, and participation, responses, and ability
10 about the causes and their contribute to the to analyze and evaluate the causes of
mins significance. class list. the war.
deeper into one of the causes of the American Revolutionary War. They can present
their findings through a poster, oral presentation, or a written report.
Homework (optional): Assign students to research and write a short essay discussing
the causes of the American Revolutionary War and their significance in shaping
American history.
Note: Adjust the timings and activities according to the specific needs and abilities of
your students. Encourage students to think critically, analyze primary sources, and
engage in meaningful discussions about historical events.
4. अवश्यं करोति: संस्कृितवषयस्य सरलः पाठयोजना नमूनां ियारतयिं आचक्ष्व ।
यथा संस्कृिे पाठस्य तववरणातन समूतििं शक्तः स्वीतियिाम् ।
लक्ष्यम्: पाठान्ते, छात्ाः कारकप्रयोगे संस्कृतव्याकरणस्य महत्त्वं ज्ञात्वा स्वतन्त्रेण िाक्यावि रचवयतं शक्ाः
भविष्यन्तन्त ।
• व्याकरणप्रयोगाः वियमपवत्काः
• ग्रामकाषर्षसवहताः कायषपवत्काः
• संस्कृतव्याकरणपस्तकावि
• सहायकपस्तकावि िा अन्य साधिावि
वियाः :
10 । अत् कारकप्रयोगस्य महत्त्वं छात्ाः प्रदवशषतावि वचत्ावण योग्यावि प्रश्नावि पूछवत तथा
वमिटावि व्याख्यायन्तन्त । ध्यायन्तन्त च विर्ये च चचाां समथषयवत
च छात्संघे कारणसूचीं वलखावम शब्दािां छात्ाः सब्रीमाणा पाठन्तरं अध्यापकः छात्ाणां समग्रं
10 रूपावण िोत्तेजयन्तन्त तथा पाठन्तरं करोवत पूणषयन्तन्त एिं चचाां व्यापारं विरीक्षवत एिं
अध्यापकः समान्ततं
7. पाठस्य समापिं करोवत, विरीक्षवत, पाठस्य संक्षेपं
प्रसारण/आग्रह (ऐन्तिकं): छात्ािां एकम् अभ्यासपत्ं योजय । ते तत् पाठे प्रयक्ावि उदाहरणावि
लक्ष्य: पाठ के अंतगषत, छात्ों को प्रेमचंद की कहािी 'गोदाि' के महत्वपूणष पहलूओं को समझिे और
विश्लेर्ण करिे की क्षमता प्रात होिी चावहए।
• काल्पविक कहािी के प्रवतिद (सफेद बोर्ष और माकषर)
• विशेर्ज्ञ विद्यालय की पस्तकालय से अवतररक् संदभष पस्तकालय सामग्री (जैसे विद्यापीठ द्वारा
प्रकावशत शोध लेख, विश्लेर्ण आवद)
वियाएाँ :
5 वलखिाकर "कहािी विश्लेर्ण का महत्व" छात् वचट्ठी वलखकर अध्यापक उत्तर प्रदाि करें , महत्वपूणष
वमिट जाििे का अिरोध करें उत्तर दें वबंदओं को सारांवशत करें
वमिट पाठे वदखाएं (यवद संभि हो तो) विश्लेर्ण करें प्रश्नों का उत्तर दें
वमिट संक्षेप में सारांवशत करें आिश्यक अध्यापक सारांश प्रदाि करें , प्रश्न पूछें
प्रसार/आग्रह (िैकन्तल्पक): छात्ों को विर्य के अंतगषत एक कथा पस्तक या कहािी पढिे के वलए प्रेररत
करें । िे पस्तक से पठिे और विश्लेर्ण करिे का प्रयास करें गे।
घर का कायष (िैकन्तल्पक): छात्ों को घर पर आमंवत्त करें और उन्हें वहंदी के अंतगषत एक विबंध वलखिे
के वलए प्रोत्सावहत करें ।
ध्यािदीपक: पाठ योजिा विर्य के अिकूल होिा चावहए, अध्यापक की आिश्यकताओं को पूरा करिा
चावहए, छात्ों को स्वतंत् सोचिे के प्रेरणा दे िा चावहए। विश्लेर्ण और प्रश्नों का उत्तर दे िा चावहए। विवभन्न
संदभष सामग्री से भी छात्ों को अिगत कराएं । पाठ के संक्षेप में महत्वपूणष वबंदओं को सारांवशत करें ।
6. এটা একটট প্রভাবশালী পাঠ পরিকল্পনা নমুনা তৈরি করিবলল আরম
আসামীযা রবষযয একটট রবস্ৈৃৈ টটরবলৈ রলরিব।
• ভঙ্গীি কাথা নক্ষ্ত্ৰ (সাো ি’ৰ্গ আৰু মাকগাৰ)
বমবনট বিিৰৰ্ কৰক পব়ি আৰু লক্ষ্য কৰক কৰক, প্ৰশ্নৰ উত্তৰ োওক
ছাত্ৰছাত্ৰীসকলৰ সাৰাংশ
৬. পােৰ কশষ কৰক, গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ গ কশানা বেয়া, কনাটিই
মূলযাংকন: ছাত্ৰছাত্ৰীৰাৰ কাম আৰু সংলাপৰ মাধ্যদম উত্তৰ প্ৰোন কৰক। বিবভন্ন সময়ি
ছাত্ৰছাত্ৰীৰাৰ কামৰ উন্নবি আৰু অসমীয়া িযাকৰৰ্ৰ প্ৰয়াসসমূহ মূলযাংকন কৰক।
গ সমসযা: েবে ককওক সমসযা পাইদছ অথিা অনয ককাদনা সমসযাৰ িাদি উপায় কদমন্ট
কৰদি চাওক, কিদন আপুবন মেে কবৰি পাদৰাোঁ।
7. ஒரு தகவல் பாடத்தின் சரியான பாடத்திட்டம் மாதிரி
வடிவமமப் மப மாதிரி ஒரு விரிவான அட்டவமையில்
உருவாக்குவவாம் .
இலக்கணம் :
பயன் பாடுகள் :
• தமாழிகறள அறியலாம்
மாடல் :
வறகப்படுத்தல் :
முயை் சி: இந்த பாடத்தில் , உலகப் புவியியல் பை் றியறமப்புகள் மை் றும்
அதன் பயன் பாட்றட புரிந்துதகாள் ள முக்கியமான முதல் பகுப்புகறள
• પાઠની પ્રવૃર્િને સંચાર્લત કરવું
અભ્યાસ: આ પાઠમાં, આર્થિકશાસ્ત્રની સારાંર્શક અથિનીર્ત અને તેનું ઉપયોગ મુખ્ ય ર્વષયો તરીકે
સમજાવવામાં આવે છે . આપેલી ર્વવરણીઓને સમજીને, આપને આર્થિક પર્રર્સ્થર્ત અને સંબંર્િત
મુદ્દાઓ પર આિાર રાખવું પડશે. આવા આર્થિક પર્રર્સ્થર્ત અને મુદ્દાઓને સમજવા માટે ,
ઉદાહરણોનો ઉપયોગ કરીને ર્વવરણ આપવા પડશે.
પાઠ સમય:
1. પર્રચય અને પૂવાિગ્રહ (૧૦ ર્મર્નટ)
મુકામાં પર્રક્ષણ:
• આર્થિકશાસ્ત્રની સારાંર્શક અથિનીર્ત પર્રક્ષણ કરો.
નોંિ: આપે પાઠમાં આપેલી માર્હતીનો પરીક્ષણ કરી શકશે અને ર્વદ્યાથીઓને આર્થિકશાસ્ત્રની બિી
વિારે સારાંર્શક અથિનીર્ત અને આર્થિક પર્રર્સ્થર્તને સમજવા માટે નું સમય આપવું જોઈએ.
.تصميم قالب خطة درس فعال لمادة اللغة العربية في جدول مفصل9.
مادة الدرس :اللغة العربية هدف الدرس :فهم مفهوم المصادر اللغوية وتطبيقها الزمن 60 :دقيقة
:محتوى الدرس
• شرح مفهوم المصادر اللغوية (المعجم ،القاموس ،النحو والصرف ،البلاغة)
• تطبيق المصادر اللغوية في أمثلة عملية
:الموارد المطلوبة
:خطوات الدرس
مقدمة واستعراض المحتوى ( 10دقائق) 1.
:مراجعة الدرس
ملاحظات :يجب توفير المصادر اللغوية المناسبة للدرس وتشجيع الطلاب على استخدامها في
Lesson Content:
• Introduction to effective vocabulary building techniques
Required Resources:
• Vocabulary building materials (word lists, flashcards, online resources)
Lesson Steps:
1. Warm-up and Introduction (10 minutes)
Lesson Wrap-up:
• Recap the vocabulary building techniques covered during the lesson.
vocabulary activities. Provide feedback and guidance to help students improve their
vocabulary skills effectively.