Al., 1972 Lawhon and Cater, 1971 Lin Et Al., 1974)

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Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 4 (4): 250-256, 2005

ISSN 1680-5194
© Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2005

Processing Effects on Some Antinutritional Factors and In vitro Multienzyme

Protein Digestibility (IVPD) of Three Tropical Seeds: Breadnut (Artocarpus altilis),
Cashewnut (Anacardium occidentale) and Fluted Pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis)

T.N. Fagbemi1, A.A. Oshodi2 and K.O. Ipinmoroti2

Food Science and Technology Department, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria
Chemistry Department, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria

Abstract: Mature seeds of breadnut, cashewnut and fluted pumpkin were processed in the laboratory into
the raw dried, boiled, fermented, germinated and roasted seeds. Differently processed seeds were dried
at 50oC, ground and sieved through 500Fm sieves. The seed flours were evaluated for trypsin inhibitor
activity, tannin, phosphorus compounds and in vitro multienzyme protein digestibility (IVPD). The results
show that processing significantly (P = 0.05) affected the antinutritional factors in the seed flours. Breadnut
flours contain 2.8-5.3g/kg phytic acid, 5.8-9.2g/kg tannin and 0.9-8.1mg/g flour of trypsin inhibitor activity.
Cashewnut flours contain 6.0-9.9g/kg phytic acid, 5.1-13.3g/kg tannin and 0.8-2.5mg/g flour of trypsin inhibitor
activity. Fluted pumpkin seed flours contain 2.8-13.8g/kg phytic acid, 7.5-19.1g/kg tannin and 0.0-11.0mg/g
flour of trypsin inhibitor activity. Fermentation is the most effective processing method to reduce phytic acid
and trypsin inhibitor activity while boiling is most effective in reducing the tannin content. The result of IVPD
of the seeds generally show that the boiled samples are the most digestible followed by the fermented
samples while the raw dried/germinated samples are the least. The order of digestibility of the three seeds
is fluted pumpkin (72.0 - 86.0%) > cashewnut (74.3 - 82.9%) > Breadnut flour (71.3 - 78.3%). Processing
techniques used reduced the antinutritional factors in the seeds and improve its IVPD when compared with
the raw dried seed flours.

Key words: Processing antinutritional factors, in vitro protein digestibility, breadnut flour, fluted pumpkin

Introduction (BV), True Digestibility (TD) and Net Protein Utilization

The utilization of seed flours and plant proteins as (NPU) values of rats fed on fermented soybean
functional ingredients in food system continue to be of compared with the heat treated unfermented seeds.
research interest especially on soybean, peanuts, Breadnut, cashewnut and fluted pumpkin seeds are
cottonseed and sunflower (Mcwatters, 1978; Rooney et underutilized and may contain some antinutritional
al., 1972; Lawhon and Cater, 1971; Lin et al., 1974). factors. There is limited information on processing
Some of the seeds are high in antinutritional factors, effects on the antinutrients in the seeds especially our
which can limit their utilization in food system (Moran et traditional food processing practices.
al., 1968; Wu and Inglett, 1974). Moran et al. (1968) The aim of the study was to investigate processing
showed that our traditional processing technique could effects on the antinutrittional factors and invitro protein
effectively reduce the antinutritional factors in legumes digestibility of the seed flour in order to provide
and oil seeds. They also showed that Heat used in the information that can enhance the utilization of the seeds.
commercial processing of seed products improves
protein quality by destroying certain antinutritional Materials and Methods
factors. Seed collection and processing: Mature fruits of
Sprouting or germination has been reported to improve breadnut were freshly harvested from a private garden at
vitamins and protein quality of some cereals and Okuta Elerinla, Akure. Cashewnuts were obtained from
legumes with reduction in antinutritional factors, (Kyler commodity support service (CSS), Ilesha Road, Akure,
and McCready, 1975; Asiedu et al., 1992). All over the while fluted pumpkin fruits were harvested from private
world, fermented food provide an important part of farms in the University campus. The seeds were
human diet. Fermented foods and beverages provide extracted and processed as follows: The seeds were
about 20-40% of human food supply Campbell-Platt dehulled, adhering testa were removed, sliced, washed
(1994). Traditional food fermentation is capable of and dried. Part of the sliced seeds before drying were
improving the nutrients of the food, preserve it by boiled for 1hour as described by Giami and Bekebain
generating acidic condition, detoxify and reduce cooking (1992) and dried. Parts of the boiled seeds were
time of the food, Steinkraus (1995). Zamora and Veum fermented naturally and oven dried Achinewhu, (1982).
(1979) reported an increase in weight, biological value Fresh seeds were germinated as described by Giami

Fagbemi et al.: Antinutritional factors and in vitro protein digestibility of some tropical seeds

and Bakebain, (1992) and the seeds with sprout of Total phosphorus was determined
about 1cm were dehulled, sliced, washed and dried Part spectrophotometrically (Pye Unicam) by the phosphor
of the raw dried seeds was roasted in an open cast iron vanado molybdate method, AOAC (1990).
at temperature of 75-85oC. The differently processed
seeds were all dried at 50oC, milled, sieved to pass Determination of tannin content of the seed flours: The
through 500µm sieves and packaged in polyethylene tannin content of the seed flours was determined by
containers for further analysis. modifying the procedure of Makkar (1994). The seed
flours were defatted using diethyl ether, ground and
Determination of trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA): The sieved through 500µm sieve. 0.2mg of the defatted flour
trypsin inhibitor activities were determined using the was extracted with 10ml of 70% aqueous acetone Aletor,
procedure of Kakade et al. (1969), as modified by Smith (1993) for 2 h in water bath at 30oC. The extract was
et al. (1980). Benzoyl-DL-arginine-P-nitro anilide centrifuged at 3,500 rpm for 20 min and 0.05ml of the
hydrochloride (BAPNA) obtained from Zefa Labor Service supernatant was used.
Germany was used as substrate. Crystalline porcine Increasing concentration of standard tannic acid was
pancreatic trypsin (type ZF 93615.0025) 40mg prepared and 0.5ml folin-Ciocalteu reagent was added
(Boehinge Bellane lowes) was obtained from Zefa labor and their absorbance measured at 725nm against
service Germany and dissolved in 0.001M HCl such that distilled water, using spectrophotometer. The
standard trypsin solution contains 40µg trypsin. absorbance of the various tannic acid concentrations
was used to obtain a regression equation that was used
Extraction of trypsin from flour samples: 1.0g of finely to determine tannic acid in each sample extract. The
ground and sieved sample of each seed flour was regression equation obtained was
defatted for 3 h using n-hexane. The sample was mixed Y = 0.021x - 0.01; r = 0.996
with 50ml of 0.01M NaOH and the pH was adjusted to Y = absorbance; x = tannic acid (µg)
9.5 using 0.1M NaOH or 0.1M HCl. The mixture was Tannic acid from each sample was determined and
macerated in warring blender for 2 min and centrifuged expressed as g/kg of the flour sample.
for 10 min at 1,000 rpm. The extract from each sample
was diluted with distilled water to obtain a dilution In vitro multienzyme protein digestibility (IVPD)
whereby 1ml extract produced trypsin inhibition activity of determination: The IVPD of the seed flours was
between 40- 60%. Such dilution was used. determined using the procedure of Hsu et al. (1977) .The
enzymes used include porcine pancreatic trypsin (Z.F
Trypsin inhibitor activity determination: Each sample 93615.0025) bovine pancreatic chymotrypsin (ZF.
dilution was used with BAPNA substrate and trypsin 27270) and porcine intestinal peptidase (Z.F.
solution as described by Kakade et al. (1969) at 37oC. 77163.0500) were purchased from Zefa laboservice
The reaction was allowed to take place in water bath for GMBH Germany. The activity of the enzymes was initially
10 min and their absorbance read at 410nm against determined before use by using them to digest casein.
each sample blank. All the samples i.e. breadnut, cashewnut and fluted
pumpkin seed flours were ground to fine powder and
Trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA) was calculated as: sieved. About 1.62g of each of the breadnut flours, 1.12g
TIA = [2.632 x D x A1]/S = mg pure trypsin/g sample of each of cashewnut flour and 1.08g of fluted pumpkin
D = Dilution factor seed flours were each dissolved in 50ml-distilled water
A1 = change in absorbance (pure trypsin and sample to give sample suspension of 6.25mg protein/ml. Each
extract) sample suspension was adjusted to pH 8 and
S = sample mass (g) incubated in water bath at 37OC with constant stirring.
Fresh multienzyme solution was prepared to contain 1.6
Determination of phosphorus compounds: The phytic mg trypsin, 3.1mg chymotrypsin and 1.4mg peptidase
acid content of the seed flours was determined by dissolved in 1ml distilled water. The pH of enzyme
extraction and precipitation as described by Young and solution was maintained at 8.0, 5ml of the multi enzyme
Greaves, (1940) modified by Wheeler and Ferrel (1971). solution was added to each sample suspension with
8.0g of each flour sample was soaked in 200ml of 2% constant stirring at 37oC. The pH of each sample
HCl for 3 h. The mixture was filtered and 50ml of the suspension was recorded at 10 min and 15 min
filtrate was titrated against standard FeCl3 (0.00195 Fe3+ respectively after adding the enzyme solution. The IVPD
g/ml) using 0.3% ammonium thiocyanate indicator until was calculated using the equation proposed by Hsu et
a bluish yellow colour persisted. The iron in the al. (1977).
precipitate was determined by the method of Makower Y = 210.464 - 18.103 x
(1970). A 4:6 Fe/P molecular ratio was used to calculate Y = In vitro protein digestibility (%)
phytin phosphorus and phytic acid content. X = pH of sample suspension after 10 min and 15 min

Fagbemi et al.: Antinutritional factors and in vitro protein digestibility of some tropical seeds

Table 1: Processing Effects on the Antinutritional factors in full fat Bread nut seed Flours**
Antinutritional Factors B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
Tannin (g/kg) 99.2±0.03a 5.8±0.02c 6.8±0.02b 7.2±0.02b 6.1±0.02c
(% Change*) (37.0) (26.1) (21.7) (36.7)
Trypsin inhibitor Mg/g 8.1±0.22a 6.5±0.18b 0.9±0.03c 8.1±0.22a 6.0±0.16b
(% Change) (20.4) (88.7) (0.9) (26.8)
Phytic acid (g/kg) 5.3±0.01a 3.6±0.01c 2.8±0.01d 3.6±0.01c 4.6±0.01b
(% Change) (32.1) (47.2) (32.1) (13.2)
*% change due to processing. ** Values with different subscript on the same row are significant (P< 0.05). B1 = Raw dried breadnut; B2
= Boiled breadnut B3 = Fermented breadnut. B4 = Germinated breadnut B5 = Roasted breadnut

Table 2: Processing Effects on the Antinutritional Factors in full fat Cashewnut Flours
Antinutritional Factors C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
Tannin (g/kg) 13.3±0.04a 5.1±0.01e 6.7±0.02d 11.5±0.03b 8.5±0.02c
(% Change*) (61.7) (49.6) (13.5) (36.1)
Trypsin Inhibitor (mg/g) 2.5±0.07a 1.1±0.03c 0.8±0.02d 1.7±0.05b 1.0±0.03c
(% Change*) (57.1) (67.1) (34.5) (58.7)
Phytic acid (g/kg) 9.9±0.03a 6.3±0.02c 6.0±0.02c 7.1±0.02b 6.4±0.02c
(% Change*) (36.4) (39.4) (28.4) (35.4)
* % change due to processing. ** values with different subscript on the same row are significant (P< 0.05). C1 = Raw dried Cashewnut;
C2 = Boiled Cashewnut C3 = Fermented Cashewnut. C4 = Germinated Cashewnut C5 = Roasted Cashewnut

Table 3: Processing Effects on the antinutritional factors in full-fat Fluted Pumpkin seed Flours **
Antinutritional Factors F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Tannin (g/kg) 19.1±0.05a 7.5±0.02d 9.8±0.03c 14.0±0.04b 9.9 ±0.03c
(% Change*) (60.7) (48.7) (26.7) (48.2)
Trypsin Inhibitor (mg/g) 11.0±0.03a Ndc Ndc 0.7±0.02b NDc
(% Change) (100) (100) (94.0) (100)
Phytic acid (g/kg) 13.8±0.04a 4.3±0.01c 2.8±0.01d 6.4±0.02b 6.0±0.02b
(% Change) (64.8) (79.7) (53.6) (56.5)
* % change due to processing. ND=Not detected (0.05µg). ** values with different subscript on the same row are significant (P< 0.05)
F1 = Raw dried Fluted Pumpkin ; F 2 = Boiled Fluted Pumpkin seed F 3= Fermented Fluted Pumpkin seed. F 4= Germinated Fluted Pumpkin
seed F5 = Roasted Fluted Pumpkin seed

All the other reagents used (BDH) chemicals Ltd Poole range of values reported for peanut (1.36%),Fardiaz and
England were of analytical grade Markakis (1981) and the value reported for dehulled and
whole soybeans (1.07-1.65)%, Sutardi and Buckle
Statistical analysis: Determinations were made in (1985); Paredes-Lopez and Harry (1989) but it is higher
triplicates; errors were calculated as standard errors of than the (0.18%) value reported for raw locust beans ,
the mean (SEM) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) in (Eka, 1980).
SPSS 10 computer programme was used to analyze the Considering the processing effects on the phytic acid
results. Means were separated using Duncan multiple content of the seed flours, boiling, fermentation,
range. Significance was accepted at the 0.05 level of germination and roasting reduced the phytic acid
probability. contents of breadnut, cashewnut and fluted pumpkin
seed flours by 32.1, 47.2, 32.1 and 13.2%; 36.6, 39.4,
Results and Discussion 28.3 and 35.4%; 64.8, 79.7, 53.6 and 56.5% respectively.
Table 1, 2 and 3 show the processing effects on some From the above results, processing significantly (P<
antinutritional factors in breadnut, cashewnut and fluted 0.05) reduced the phytic acid content of the three seeds.
pumpkin seed flours respectively. Fermentation is the most effective processing technique
that reduced phytic acid in the seed flours. The result
Phytic acid: The phytic acid content of breadnut, agreed with the report of Amoa and Muller, (1976) who
cashewnut and fluted pumpkin seed flours ranged reported 31.1% reduction in phytic acid content of kenkey
between 2.8-5.3g/kg, 6.0-9.9g/kg and 2.8-13.8g/kg (fermented maize) and 45.5% reduction reported by
respectively. Comparing the phytic acid contents of Sudarmadji and Markakis, (1977) in fermentation of
cashewnut, and fluted pumpkin seed flours with the common beans to tempe. It is also consistent with the
phytic acid content of some oil seeds, it is within the result of Fardiaz and MarKakis, (1981) and Sutardi and

Fagbemi et al.: Antinutritional factors and in vitro protein digestibility of some tropical seeds

Table 4: Processing effects on the total phosphorus, phytin phosphorus and percentage of total that is phytin and
digestible phosphorus in breadnut flours
Samples Total Phytin P Phytic Phytin P as Digestible P as
phosphorus (g/kg) acid % of total % of total
(g/kg) (g/kg) phosphorus phosphorus
B1 6.7±0.01b 1.5±0.03 5.3±0.02a 22.4±0.3a 77.6±0.3e
B2 5.2±0.02c 1.0±0.01 3.6±0.02c 19.2±0.2c 80.8±0.5c
% Change* (22.4) (33.3) (32.1) (14.1) (4.1)
B3 7.8±0.03a 0.8±0.01 2.8±0.02d 10.3±0.2e 89.7±0.1a
% Change (16.4) (46.7) (47.2) (54.2) (15.6)
B4 6.0±0.06bc 1.0±0.06 3.6 ±0.02c 16.7±0.6d 83.3±0.2b
% Change (10.5) (33.3) (32.1) (25.5) (7.4)
B5 6.4±0.02b 1.3±0.01 4.6±0.01b 20.3±0.3b 79.7±0.6d
% Change (4.5) (13.3) (13.2) (9.3) (2.7)
* % change due to processing. ** values with different subscript on the same row are significant (P< 0.05). B1 = Raw dried breadnut; B2
= Boiled breadnut B3 = Fermented breadnut. B4 = Germinated breadnut B5 = Roasted breadnut

Table 5: Processing effects on the total phosphorus, phytin phosphorus and percentage of total that is phytin and
digestible phosphorus in cashewnut flours
Samples Total Phytin Phytic Phytin P as % Digestible P as
phosphorus P (g/kg) acid of total % of total
(g/kg) (g/kg) phosphorus phosphorus
C1 4.9±0.02b 2.8±0.01 9.9±0.03a 57.1±0.3a 42.9±0.2d
C2 4.1±0.01d 1.8±0.05 6.3±0.03b 43.2±0.2b 56.8±0.6c
% Change* (16.3) (36.8) (36.4) (33.3) (32.6)
C3 5.2±0.01a 1.7±0.05 6.0±0.12b 32.7±0.3d 67.3±0.5a
% Change (6.1) (39.3) (39.4) (42.8) (57.0)
C4 4.6±0.06c 2.0±0.0.01 7.1±0.04b 43.5±0.2b 56.5±0.3c
% Change (6.1) (28.7) (28.3) (23.9) (31.9)
C5 4.5±0.05c 1.8±0.03 6.4 ±0.01b 40.0±0.2c 60.0±0.5b
% Change (8.2) (35.7) (35.4) (30.0) (40.0)
* % change due to processing. ** values with different subscript on the same row are significant (P< 0.05). C1 = Raw dried Cashewnut;
C2 = Boiled Cashewnut C3 = Fermented Cashewnut. C4 = Germinated Cashewnut C5 = Roasted Cashewnut

Buckle, (1985) who reported 48-96.3% and 54.77% 61.7, 49.6, 13.5 and 36.1%; 60.7, 48.7, 26.7 and 48.2%
reduction in phytic acid content of peanut and soybeans respectively. Boiling was the most effective processing
respectively. Processing especially fermentation has technique to reduce the tannin content of the seed flours.
been reported to reduce phytic acid content of cereals, Reddy and Pierson (1994), reported that dehulling and
legumes and tubers as a result of the activity of cooking eliminated more than 90% of the tannin content
the endogenous phytases from both raw ingredient and in soybean due to their predominance in seed coats,
inherent micro organisms which hydrolyse phytic acid in while dehulling, cooking and fermentation were
many fermented food preparation into inositol and generally reported to reduce tannin content of cereals
orthophosphate (Reddy and pierson, 1994; Sandberg and other foods, Salunkhe et al. (1990). Reduction in
and Andlid, 2002). When the three seeds are compared tannin due to processing might have been caused by the
for phytic acid content, fluted pumpkin (2.8-13.8g/kg)> activity of polyphenol oxidase or fermented micro flora on
cashewnut (6.0-9.9g/kg)> Breadnut (2.8-5.3g/kg). tannins (Reddy and Pierson, 1994).
Comparing the three seeds, the tannin content of fluted
Tannin: The tannin content of breadnut, cashewnut and pumpkin, (7.5-19.1g/kg) > cashewnut (5.1-13.3g/kg)>
fluted pumpkin flours ranged between 0.6-0.9g/kg; .5.1- breadnut (5.8-9.2g/kg).
10.3g/kg and 7.5-19.1g/kg respectively. The tannin
content of the seed flours is within the range of the Trypsin ihibitor ativity (TIA): The TIA of breadnut,
values reported for some undehulled common beans cashewnut and fluted pumpkin (Table 1, 2 and 3) ranged
0.95%, Paredes-Lopez and Harry, (1989). Boiling, between 0.9-8.1mg/g; 0.08-2.5mg/g and 0-11mg/g
fermentation, germination and roasting reduced the respectively. Boiling, fermentation, germination and
tannin content of breadnut, cashewnut and fluted roasting, reduced the trypsin inhibitor activity of the seed
pumpkin seed flours by 37.0, 26.1, 21.7 and 36.7%; flours by 20.4, 88.7, 0.9 and 26.8%; 57.1, 67.1, 34.5, and

Fagbemi et al.: Antinutritional factors and in vitro protein digestibility of some tropical seeds

Table 6: Processing effects on the total phosphorus, phytin phosphorus and percentage of total that is phytin and
digestible phosphorus in fluted pumpkin seed flours
Samples Total Phytin P Phytic Phytin P as Digestible P as
phosphorus (g/kg) acid % of total % of total
(g/kg) (g/kg) phosphorus phosphorus
F1 10.0±0.2b 3.9±0.02a 13.8±0.2a 39.0±0.2a 61.0±0.6d
F2 5.6±0.02d 1.2±0.01c 4.3±0.01c 21.4±0.2c 78.6±0.6b
% Change* (44.0) (69.2) (68.8) (45.1) (28.8)
F3 11.5±0.08a 0.8±0.01cd 2.8±0.02d 7.0±0.02e 93.0±0.3a
% Change (15.0) (79.5) (79.7) (82.1) (52.5)
F4 6.3±0.3d 1.8±0.01b 6.4±0.02b 28.6±0.4b 71.4±0.4c
% Change (37.0) (53.8) (53.6) (26.7) (17.7)
F5 8.5±0.28c 1.7±0.01b 6.0±0.02b 20.0±0.6d 80.0±0.1b
% Change (15.0) (56.4) (56.5) (48.7) (31.1)
* % Change due to processing. ** Values with different subscript on the same row are significant (P< 0.05). F1 = Raw dried Fluted
Pumpkin; F2 = Boiled Fluted Pumpkin seed F 3 = Fermented Fluted Pumpkin seed. F =4 Germinated Fluted Pumpkin seed F = 5Roasted
Fluted Pumpkin seed

58.7%; 100, 100, 94 and 100% respectively. phosphorus. During germination, phytase and
Fermentation was the most effective processing phosphatase activities increased, Ologhobo and Fetuga,
technique to reduce the TIA in the seed flours. The (1984), thereby decreasing the phytin phosphorus while
results obtained in this work agreed with the most of the phytin phosphorus was reported to be
observations of the previous workers (Paredes- Lopez located at the sprouts Asiedu et al. (1993), thereby
and Harry, 1989; Roozen and De Groot, 1985) on cooked reducing the amount present in the seeds. Processing
and fermented soybeans and common beans where significantly increased the digestible or available
reduction in TIA of between 91.4 - 99.9% and 52% were phosphorus in the seed flours. The raw dried seeds
reported for fermented soybean and hot soaked cowpea have the least digestible phosphorus while the
respectively. Comparing the three seeds for TIA, Fluted fermented seeds had the highest. Thus, boiling,
Pumpkin (0.0-11.0mg/g) > Breadnut (0.9-8.1mg/g) > germination, fermentation and roasting may be used to
Cashewnut (0.8-2.5mg/g) flour. reduce phytin phosphorus in the seeds but the most
effective method is fermentation.
Phosphorus compounds: Table 4, 5 and 6 show that
phytin phosphorus, as a percentage of the total In vitro multi-enzyme protein digestibility (IVPD): From
phosphorus in the raw dried seed flours was very high Table 7, 8 and 9 the IVPD of breadnut, cashewnut and
when compared with the processed samples. This may fluted pumpkin flours ranged between 71.3 - 78.3%, 74.3
make the phosphorus in the raw dried seeds - 82.4% and 72.0-86.5% respectively. Processing
indigestible to humans due to their inability to synthesize affected the IVPD of the three seed flours. Boiled
phytase enzyme, Balogun, (1989). Processing affect the samples have the highest digestibility values while the
phosphorus compounds in the seed flours. Boiling, raw or the germinated samples have the least.
germination and roasting reduced the total phosphorus The IVPD of the oil seeds, cashewnut and fluted
content of breadnut, cashewnut and fluted pumpkin by pumpkin compared favourably with the digestibility of
22.4, 10.5 and 4.5%; 16.3, 6.1 and 8.2%; 44, 37 and some oil seeds like winged bean protein (84.7%), soy
15%. Fermentation increased it by 16.4, 6.1 and 15.0% isolate (87.7 - 89.6%) and cotton meal (85.3%) Hsu et al.
respectively. (1977). Heat processing, especially, moist heat have
The reduction in total phosphorus due to boiling was been reported to improve the digestibility of proteins by
attributed to leaching, Ologhobo and Fetuga (1984), destroying protease inhibitors and opening up of the
while the increase due to fermentation may be due to the protein structure through denaturation, (Tannenbaum
activity of the phytase enzyme that hydrolyses 1974; Abbey and Berezi, 1988). This might explain why
phosphorus compound during fermentation. Processing the boiled samples, B2, C2 and F2 showed highest
significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the phytin phosphorus in digestibility. Natural fermentation has also been
the seed flours. Boiling fermentation, germination and reported to cause significant improvement in IVPD of
roasting reduced the phytin phosphorus of breadnut, pearl millet, Elyas et al. (2002), due to the activity of
cashewnut and fluted pumpkin seed flours by 33.3, 46.7, proteolytic enzymes and reduction in anti nutritional
33.3 and 13.3%; 36.8, 39.3, 28.3 and 35.4%; 69.2, 79.5, factors. It was also observed that the roasted samples,
53.8 and 56.4% respectively. Fermentation is the most B5, C5 and F5 had lower digestibility than raw samples
effective processing technique for reducing phytin (B1, C1 and F1) despite the heat processing applied. The

Fagbemi et al.: Antinutritional factors and in vitro protein digestibility of some tropical seeds

Table 7: Effect of Processing on the In-vitro multi enzyme protein digestibility of Breadnut flours
Sample pH 10 min % Digestibility pH 15 min % (15 min) Digestibility
B1 7.69 71.3±1.0e 7.70 71.1± 3.0e
B2 7.30 78.3±1.0a 7.32 78.0±2.5a
B3 7.38 76.9±2.5b 7.52 74.3±1.5b
B4 7.51 74.5±1.5c 7.53 74.2±1.5c
B5 7.55 73.8±2.5d 7.68 71.4±1.5d
Values with different subscripts on the same column are significant P = 0.05. B1 = Raw dried breadnut; B2 = Boiled breadnut B3 =
Fermented breadnut. B4 = Germinated breadnut B5 = Roasted breadnut

Table 8: Effect of Processing on the In-Vitro multi enzyme Protein digestibility of cashewnut flour
Sample pH 10 min % Digestibility pH 15 min % (15 min) Digestibility
C1 7.25 79.2±1.5c 7.45 75.6±2.0c
C2 7.05 82.8±2.0a 7.09 82.1±3.0a
C3 7.12 81.6±1.0b 7.10 81.9±1.5a
C4 7.52 74.3±1.5e 7.56 73.6±1.0d
C5 7.29 78.5±1.5d 7.31 78.1±2.0b
Values with different subscripts on the same column are significant P = 0.05. C1 = Raw dried Cashewnut; C2 = Boiled Cashewnut C3 =
Fermented Cashewnut. C4 = Germinated Cashewnut C5 = Roasted Cashewnut

Table 9: Effect of Processing on the In-vitro multi enzyme protein digestibility of fluted pumpkin seed flours
Sample pH 10 min % Digestibility pH 15 min % (15 min) Digestibility
F1 7.30 78.3±1.0c 7.28 78.7±1.5c
F2 6.85 86.5±2.0a 6.95 84.7±2.5b
F3 6.88 85.9±2.0b 6.93 85.0±1.5a
F4 7.65 72.0±1.0d 7.70 71.1±1.5e
F5 7.31 78.1±3.5c 7.32 78.0±2.5d
Values with different subscripts on the same column are significant P = 0.05. F1 = Raw dried Fluted Pumpkin ; F 2 = Boiled Fluted Pumpkin
seed F3 = Fermented Fluted Pumpkin seed. F4 = Germinated Fluted Pumpkin seed F5 = Roasted Fluted Pumpkin seed

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