J Matpr 2021 04 498
J Matpr 2021 04 498
J Matpr 2021 04 498
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Environmental friendly inhibitor system MF-Zn2+ was investigated by Gravimetric process. The inhibitor
Received 17 April 2021 system of Mussaenda Frondosa Extract (300 ppm) and Zn2+ ions (50 ppm) offers a better inhibition pro-
Accepted 28 April 2021 ficiency of 96% in well water. Potentiodynamic Polarization analysis expose that this inhibitor system
Available online xxxx
affords a mixed nature of inhibition. AC impedance spectra studies confirmed that the binary system
was effectively coated over carbon steel. The surface morphology of inhibited and uninhibited carbon
Keywords: steel was studied using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX)
Mussaenda Frondosa Extract
Spectroscopy was performed to analyze the elemental composition. Fourier-transform infrared
Carbon steel
Corrosion inhibitor
spectroscopy technique was used to analyze any formation of surface layer.
Well water Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
MF-Zn2+ system Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 12th National Confer-
ence on Recent Advancements in Biomedical Engineering.
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 12th National Conference on Recent Advancements in Biomedical Engineering.
Please cite this article as: X. Joy Pradeep and J. Sathiyabama, Corrosion inhibitory action of leaves of Mussaenda Frondosa Extract on controlling corrosion
of carbon steel in well water, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.04.498
X. Joy Pradeep and J. Sathiyabama Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 2
Results of CR and IE (%) of the carbon steel within inhibitor and without inhibitor system for 24 h of immersion in well water obtained by gravimetric method.
MF (ppm) Zn2+
0 25 50
IE (%) CR (mdd) IE (%) CR (mdd) IE (%) CR (mdd)
Blank – 50.63 15 43.03 22 39.44
100 45 27.82 53 23.77 62 19.69
200 55 22.75 62 19.20 79 10.60
300 63 18.73 75 12.64 96 2.01
400 56 22.73 64 18.18 85 7.57
500 51 24.76 57 21.76 72 14.13
2.8. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy protective film is not stable for longer immersion period as a result
of corrosivity of well water [21]. This identical finding is also con-
The EDX images were measured in JEOL-JSM-6390 LV SEM tained in the Phyllanthus amarus extract [22] and Banana Peel
model found with an energy dispersive X-ray device, it has acceler- Extract [23].
ating voltage of 10 kV before and after immersion of binary system.
3.3. Potentiodynamic polarization studies
2.9. FT-IR spectroscopy
Potentiodynamic polarization analysis was used to study the
The functional group of the binary system was measured in a role of surface layer on the bare metal surface throughout corro-
Perkin-Elmer 1600 spectrophotometer. The Potassium bromide sion inhibition process [24,25]. The tafel plots for the carbon steel
pellet was used to study the scratched. dipped in solution that is blank and binary inhibitor system are
given in Fig. 2 (a) and (b) respectively. The Potentiodynamic Polar-
3. Results and discussion ization analysis on corrosion parameters is discussed in Table 4.
When bare carbon steel is dipped inside the well water, it dis-
3.1. Gravimetric studies played a corrosion potential of 690 mV Vs SCE. While Ecorr value
has shifted to 688 mV Vs SCE by the addition of inhibitor formu-
The Table 2 illustrates that the 300 ppm of MF (Mussaenda lation of 300 ppm of MF and 50 ppm of Zn2+. The binary system has
Frondosa) has exhibited a poor corrosion inhibition. After addition controlled the anodic and cathodic reaction mutually as observed
of Zn2+ ions, the inhibition efficiency (IE) was found to be increased from anodic slope and cathodic slope (167.78 mV/dec and
with highest efficiency of 96% for MF (300 ppm) and Zn2+ ions 163.03 mV/dec) correspondingly [25]. It can be concluded that
(50 ppm). The existence of synergistic effect between Zn2+ and the MF-Zn2+ system performed as an assorted form of inhibitor
MF was noted [16]. Individually Zn2+ and MF exhibits a poor corro- [26]. The value of icorr and LPR for well water is 3.9912 105 A/
sion inhibition of 22% and 63% respectively. Therefore it is clear cm2 and 2894.2 X cm2. The existence of surface layer over carbon
that over than individual inhibitors, the mixture of inhibitors is
observed to show better IE. However in case of Zn2+, the concentra-
tion is increased from 25 to 50 ppm the IE is also increased in pres-
ence of MF. It may be noted that the formation of MG-Zn2+ complex
involves the MF molecules and Zn2+ ions in the solution [17]. The
inhibition efficiency was significantly decreased by MF-Zn2+ sys-
tem and increase in concentration of MF was observed. This can
be due to the fact that in the bulk of solutions, of MF-Zn2+ complex
precipitates [18,19]. All these results indicates that the concentra-
tion of 300 ppm of MF and 50 ppm of Zn2+ is constituted the good
protection for carbon steel against corrosion [20].
Table 3
Effect of immersion period on the inhibition efficiency of MF-Zn2+ system.
X. Joy Pradeep and J. Sathiyabama Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 4
Potentiodynamic Polarization parameters derived from tafel plots of the carbon steel in well water alone and in the presence of inhibitor system (MF-Zn2+).
Concentration (ppm) LPR (X cm2) ba (mV/dec) bc (mV/dec) icorr (A/cm2) Ecorr (mV vs SCE)
0 0 2894.2 122.42 107.08 3.9912 105 690
300 50 8301.9 167.78 163.03 1.0133 105 688
Fig. 4. SEM micrographs of carbon steel in well water a) bare b) Blank c) MF-Zn2+ system.
Fig. 5. EDX images of the carbon steel in well water a) bare b) Blank c) MF-Zn2+ system.
4. Conclusions
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