Smartphone Sensor Accuracy Varies From Device To D
Smartphone Sensor Accuracy Varies From Device To D
Smartphone Sensor Accuracy Varies From Device To D
Smartphone usage is increasing around the globe—in daily life and as a research device in behavioral science. Smartphones offer
the possibility to gather longitudinal data at little cost to researchers and participants. They provide the option to verify self-report
data with data from sensors built into most smartphones. How accurate this sensor data is when gathered via different smartphone
devices, e.g., in a typical experience sampling framework, has not been investigated systematically. With the present study, we
investigated the accuracy of orientation data about the spatial position of smartphones via a newly invented measurement device,
the RollPitcher. Objective status of pitch (vertical orientation) and roll (horizontal orientation) of the smartphone was compared
to data gathered from the sensors via web browsers and native apps. Bayesian ANOVAs confirmed that the deviations in pitch
and roll differed between smartphone models, with mean inaccuracies per device of up to 2.1° and 6.6°, respectively. The
inaccuracies for measurements of roll were higher than for pitch, d = .28, p < .001. Our results confirm the presence of
heterogeneities when gathering orientation data from different smartphone devices. In most cases, measurement via a web
browser was identical to measurement via a native app, but this was not true for all smartphone devices. As a solution to lack
of sensor accuracy, we recommend the development and implementation of a coherent research framework and also discuss the
implications of the heterogeneities in orientation data for different research designs.
Keywords Smartphone . Experience sampling . Ambulatory assessment . Sensor data . Tilt . Pitch . Roll
Smartphones present themselves as a powerful tool for re- can be investigated in real-time include many everyday activ-
searchers. They offer the possibility to gather data from par- ities, as most smartphone users carry it around everywhere
ticipants in everyday life, largely independent of location and they go. In addition to subjective measurements, smartphones
time. In addition, the measurement device is already familiar offer the availability of physical sensors that are already inte-
to participants and causes little to no intrusion or additional grated and easily accessible (Miller, 2012). These include,
costs (Miller, 2012). Smartphones have been widely imple- among others, GPS, Bluetooth, and data on spatial orientation.
mented as part of experience sampling designs (ESMs, e.g., Data from these sensors can be gathered via apps and
Stieger & Reips, 2019) and in the health sciences (Bert, browsers and the advantages of using these data are more
Giacometti, Gualano, & Siliquini, 2014). In experience sam- and more evident in the behavioral, social, and health sci-
pling designs, smartphones are implemented as tools to gather ences. In the health sector, the data are used to recognize
data from participants at specified times in a diary study or to physical activity, mostly using data from the accelerometer.
gather data when events in their lives occur. The topics that Studies have shown that smartphones are capable of achieving
similar accuracies for physical activity recognition as dedicat-
ed devices, such as smart watches and heart rate monitors
* Tim Kuhlmann
(Brajdic & Harle, 2013; Case et al., 2015). Sensor data can
also be used to identify falling or other medical emergencies
(Yavuz et al., 2010) and to improve accessibility for wheel-
Differential Psychology, Assessment & Research Methods,
chair users (Gupta, Holloway, Heravi, & Hailes, 2015). The
Department of Psychology, University of Siegen,
Adolf-Reichwein-Str. 2a, 57068 Siegen, Germany Bluetooth sensor has been implemented to detect whether a
2 person is in a work or social situation (Lathia, Pejovic,
Research Methods, Assessment, & iScience, Department of
Psychology, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany Rachuri, Mascolo, Musolesi, & Rentfrow, 2013). In the social
3 sciences, studies have further been conducted that link a
Faculty of Engineering, University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain
Behav Res
person's well-being to their surroundings via GPS code (i.e., Java/Kotlin for Android devices, Objective-C/Swift
(MacKerron & Mourato, 2013; Stieger & Reips, 2019). for iOS devices). Web apps run within a web browser (Google
Stieger and Reips (2019) investigated data from both Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox) and use web APIs
smartphone sensors and from open-access Internet databases (Application Programming Interfaces) through JavaScript
on temperature, longitude, latitude, altitude, wind speed, rain- code. Moreover, there are some application development
fall, and further environment-based variables to predict fluc- frameworks (Xamarin, Appcelerator, Adobe PhoneGap) that
tuations of well-being by using a smartphone-based mobile are able to port their code to multiple platforms such as
experience sampling method. In their study, they found a high Android through different approaches. Embedding a web
correlation between smartphone GPS measurement of alti- browser within a native app to run JavaScript code is a com-
tudes and Google Maps measurement of altitudes, but a con- mon strategy for these cross-platform frameworks. Therefore,
sistent difference in absolute measurement. we have to know how an app was developed to categorize it as
In order for the sensor data to be useful to researchers, it has native or web app.
to be accurate and a valid indicator for the behavior. If the data The distinction between native and web apps is important
from the implemented devices shows a large amount of error, when we are gathering information from mobile device’s sen-
conclusions drawn from the data are necessarily unreliable. sors. Native applications are able to collect data from hard-
This fact is much more important in the context of smartphone ware sensors directly while web applications are unable to do
studies as compared to previous research studies where the so, for security reasons. However, most native mobile appli-
measurement device was given out by researchers to the par- cations do not take values directly from sensors but use what
ticipants (Miller, 2012). Previous studies allowed researchers mobile operating systems call "software sensors". Software
to pick an adequate device, preprogram all the necessary parts, sensors provide estimates of actual position, orientation, and
and check the reliability of the data. Error might still be pres- motion values by combining the readings of various hardware
ent, but it can be investigated and potentially mitigated. sensors such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers,
Furthermore, it is largely homogenous across the sample. In or barometers. Hardware sensors in today’s smartphones are
most smartphone studies, participants are using their own de- similar to circuit chips in appearance and work electronically.
vice and only download an app or open their web browser to Using software sensors is a good development strategy
participate. This presents researchers with additional prob- because it allows developers to forget about the peculiarities
lems, as there may be a large heterogeneity of data across of each hardware sensor and delegate the integration of their
devices. Naturally, over the Internet it is impossible to check values to the mobile operating system. Considering this is the
all devices for their idiosyncrasies (Reips, Buchanan, Krantz, approach followed by mobile web browsers, the differences
& McGraw, 2015). between native and web apps should be minimal.
With regard to data from the objective sensors, this prob- The focus of the current study is sensing the smartphone’s
lem is rather new to behavioral and social scientists. Data on spatial orientation. Data from the orientation software sensor
the devices’ location and orientation telling us indirectly about is used to take photo sphere images or when playing games
fine-grained motion behaviors of a large number of people that use the tilt of the phone as input. In the behavioral sci-
have only been introduced with the development of ences, this data has been implemented as a proxy measure-
smartphones. Their implementation has for the most part been ment for body posture (Kuhlmann & Reips, 2020) and posi-
focused on games and interactive apps. The implementation tion of wheelchairs (Milenković et al., 2013). In future studies,
of sensor data in behavioral and social science research is only possible implementations include the measurement of motor
beginning, meaning the requirements for accuracy of tasks in experience sampling designs or the measurement of
measurement via user devices are not well investigated. the environment by placing the phone in the surrounding en-
Blunck et al. (2013) developed a taxonomy of heterogeneities vironment. Questionnaire items or tasks could also be an-
and their sources in mobile phones. The focus of the present swered by tilting the phone instead of responding on a typical
study is heterogeneities due to the device, i.e., resulting from scale.
the platform, hardware, and OS. Thus, here we are investigat- On-board technology provides information about the tilt
ing a special case of using heterogeneous consumer-grade of the smartphone across three different axes, x, y, and z.
equipment in Internet-based research. The rotation around one of these axes, z, indicates the car-
dinal direction of the phone. The other two rotations de-
scribe the rotation of the device itself around the other two
Gathering a device’s orientation from sensors axes (see Fig. 1). As mentioned before, data about the
location of the smartphone is gathered by using a software
Social and behavioral researchers run their experiments on sensor that integrates information from the accelerometer,
mobile devices using native and web apps. Native apps run gyroscope, and magnetometer of the device to provide ac-
on top of the operating system of the device and use compiled celeration data from gravity. If the device is lying on a flat
Behav Res
H2: The accuracy of the orientation data differs, to a small along both axes. These values were within 0.15° of the
degree, between modes of measurement on the same proposed pitch and roll values, confirming the precision
smartphone of the mount and procedure.
H3: The inaccuracies of the orientation data are consistent
across measurements of different angles of the same
smartphone with the same software, i.e., deviations from Sample of smartphones
real values correlate across measurements
A total of 56 different smartphones were measured, 31
Android devices, 24 iOS devices, and one Windows 10 de-
vice. All devices were measured via the browser implementa-
Method tion. In addition, a subsample of 39 devices was also measured
via the native apps. A complete list of the smartphone models
RollPitcher, the smartphone mounting device with their OS is shown in Table 1. The smartphones were
selected to represent a typical sample of smartphones imple-
Two RollPitcher devices were custom built by the scientific mented in the research setting during a smartphone study. We
workshop of the University of Konstanz, one made of metal used smartphones from participants who took part for course
and one entirely out of plastic, except for small parts. They credit or remuneration. The phones cover different manufac-
consist of a solid base, on top of which the mount was attached. turers, models, and operating systems. We did not alter any of
A technical drawing of the mounts is shown in Fig. 2. They the settings, OS updates or installed browsers to follow the
have two different hinges, which allows for the separate adjust- logic of simulating a real study situation as close as possible,
ment of pitch and roll values. The mount for the smartphone apart from the objective position of the device.
itself is made out of solid plastic in both RollPitchers and has a
cut-out in the base to allow all smartphone models to lie flat on
the surface despite possible bumps from cameras on the Measures
The actual metal and plastic devices weigh about 8 The values of pitch and roll were gathered via two different
and 3 kg, respectively. The metal and plastic devices software implementations, a website and native applications
are shown in Fig. 3. The base can be adjusted via four in Android and iOS. The measurement on a website was im-
different screws and thus allows leveling of the base plemented via the DeviceOrientation Event Specification
precisely to 0°. Levelling out the base was achieved (Tibbet & Volodine, 2018). This specification provides sever-
by adjusting the position with a high-precision digital al DOM events related to the orientation and motion of a
mechanic’s level, the Stabila STB196E-2-60P, with a device. The deviceorientation event supplies the physical ori-
maximum error of .05° at 0°. To ascertain the precision entation of the device, the devicemotion event supplies the
of the objective angle positions, the mechanic’s level acceleration of the device, and the compassneedscalibration
was used on some occasions to measure the pitch and event is used to warn web apps about the need of recalibration
roll of the smartphone by placing it on top of the screen of the compass being used to provide data for one of the other
two events. Considering this, we created a simple web app,
available in the OSF archive, and registered it to receive
deviceorientation events. The events provide four attributes,
of which two are of interest to the present study (see Fig. 1).
The pitch of the device is represented by beta. It describes the
top-down orientation around the x-axis, represented in degrees
with values ranging from – 180 to 180. The roll is represented
by gamma, which describes the left–right orientation around
the y-axis, represented in degrees with values ranging from –
90 to 90. The code to register deviceorientation events via the
web app is the following:
function(event) {
Fig. 2 Technical drawing of RollPitcher, the smartphone mounting // process event.beta and event.gamma
device }, true);
Behav Res
Fig. 3 RollPitcher metal mounting device with smartphone and mechanic’s level (left) and plastic mounting device (right)
The beta angle is 0° when the device's top and bottom are We developed the native application for Android ourselves
the same distance from the earth's surface. If the device is in a following the guidelines provided by the Android official doc-
vertical plane and the top of the screen pointing upwards, the umentation. Although the orientation sensor was deprecated
value of beta is 90°. The gamma angle is 0° when the device's in Android 2.2 (API level 8), the Android sensor framework
left and right sides are the same distance from the surface of provides alternate methods for acquiring device orientation.
the earth. The orientation angles are computed by using a device's
Samsung A5 1 Android
Samsung Duos 1 Android
Samsung J5 1 Android
Samsung S4 1 Android
Samsung S5 1 Android
Samsung S6 1 Android
Samsung S7 2 Android
Samsung S8 12 Android
Samsung S9+ 1 Android
Huawei P8 1 Android
Huawei P8 Lite 3 Android
Huawei P9 Lite 3 Android
Huawei P20 Lite 1 Android
Xiaomi Pocophone F1 1 Android
Apple iPhone 5 1 iOS
Apple iPhone 6 9 iOS
Apple iPhone 6s 2 iOS
Apple iPhone SE 2 iOS
Apple iPhone 7 6 iOS
Apple iPhone 8 1 iOS
Apple iPhone XR 1 iOS
CAT S61 1 Android
Nokia Lumia 950 1 Windows 10 Mobile
Honor 9 Lite 1 Android
Motorola G4+ 1 Android
Behav Res
Fig. 4 Browser-measured deviations of the sensor gathered pitch values Fig. 5 Native app-measured deviations of the sensor gathered pitch
(top) and roll values (bottom) from the objective position of the values (top) and roll values (bottom) from the objective position of the
smartphones across all devices smartphones across all devices
values, the mean deviation was 0.21°, ranging from – 14.7° to devices were included as a between factor. Results for the
10.3° (SD = 2.0°). deviation values of pitch are shown in Table 2.
The correlation between the values from the browser and The heterogeneities in pitch deviations due to smartphone
the native app was r = .91 for pitch and r = .90 for roll. Overall, device did show very strong support for an influence of the
the results show a high, albeit not perfect, overlap between the smartphone device, with a Bayes factor of BF10 = 1.32 *
two modes of measurement. 10 103 . The explained variance in pitch deviations by
smartphone device amounted to η2 = .38. Also, the Bayes
factor for the repeated measures supports a difference of pitch
Comparison of devices and mode of measurement
deviations due to mode of measurement, BF10 = 75.81, but the Table 3 Bayesian repeated measures ANOVA of absolute roll
explained variance was very small with η2= .001. When in-
cluding the smartphone device in the null model and comput- Models BF 10 Error %
ing the Bayes factors for adding the interaction it showed very
strong support for improving the model, BF10 = 9.64 * 109. Null model 1.000
This result signifies that the mode of measurement, browser Mode of measurement (repeated) 0.08 1.042
vs. native app, did not affect all devices equally, with some Smartphone device 1.73 * 10136 0.212
devices showing larger differences than others. The mean ab-
solute deviations and their standard deviations for the browser
values of pitch are shown in Fig. 6. that for some smartphone devices, the mode of measurement
Results for the Bayesian repeated measures ANOVA of does change the values, but not as a main effect. The mean
deviation values of roll are shown in Table 3. The results for absolute deviations and their standard deviations for the
roll are consistent to the ones for pitch. The Bayes factor for browser values of roll are shown in Fig. 7.
the repeated measures did provide evidence against a differ- The following analyses are only reported for the browser-
ence of roll deviations due to mode of measurement, BF10 = based measurements because the differences between browser
0.08. The explained variance was very low with η2 < .001. and native measurements were very small and the browser
The heterogeneities in roll deviations due to smartphone de- data was available for all devices.
vice did show very strong support for an influence of the A linear mixed model with smartphone device as a random
smartphone device with a Bayes factor of BF10 = 1.73 * effect was calculated to compare the deviations in pitch values to
10 136 . The explained variance in roll deviations by the deviations in roll values. The analysis confirmed the impres-
smartphone device was higher as compared to pitch devia- sion from the descriptive plots. Deviations from objective roll
tions, η2= .57. values were higher than the deviations from pitch values by an
When including the smartphone device in the null model average of 0.36°, t (3260) = 10.91, p < .001, d = .28.
and computing the Bayes factors for adding the mode of mea- Hypothesis 3, the consistency of the deviations within the
surement and the interaction, the main effect for mode of same smartphone device, was tested via ICCs. We were inter-
measurement did not improve the model, BF10 = 0.08, but ested in the consistency of the deviations across the different
the interaction again did, BF10 = 4.23 * 1013. This signifies objective angles that were measured. For the pitch values, the
Fig. 6 Mean browser-based absolute deviations from the objective pitch values and their SDs by smartphone device
Behav Res
Fig. 7 Mean browser-based absolute deviations from the objective roll values and their SDs by smartphone device
inaccuracies did show a moderate amount of consistency each device were calculated. The dependent variable
within devices, ICC = .26, p < .001. This signifies that pitch was always the absolute tilt deviation and the angle,
measurement deviations within a device were somewhat con- pitch, or roll, was included as a covariate. As there was
sistent across measurement occasions. For the roll values, the only one device with a different OS than Android or
consistency of inaccuracies within devices was smaller, ICC = iOS, the Nokia Lumia 950, the analysis compared only
.07, p < .001. Roll measurement deviations were not as stable these two operating systems. The OS of the device did
within the measured devices. show an association with the accuracy of measurement,
t(52.94) = – 2.39, p = .021. iOS devices showed slightly
smaller inaccuracies, but the effect size was very small
Comparison of operating systems and manufacturer with η2= .03. The mean inaccuracy for pitch and roll of
both operating systems is shown in Fig. 8.
To compare the impact of the operating system and the The manufacturer of the device, e.g., Samsung, Apple,
manufacturers of the device on the accuracy of measure- Huawei, did not predict inaccuracies in pitch or roll deviation,
ment, linear mixed models with random intercepts for t(53.95) = – 0.174, p = .86.
4 4
Pitch deviation (absolute)
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
Fig. 8 Absolute browser-based deviations of pitch and roll aggregated for operating systems
Behav Res
to find in manuals, as they pertain to a very specific the symposium New methods and tools in Internet-based research at the
48th Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology (SCiP)
topic not usually of interest to everyday app developers.
in New Orleans, Louisiana, US, November 15, 2018.
A recommendation for developers of research-oriented
frameworks is to provide a coherent API where re- Open practices statement The data files, R scripts and the browser app
searchers can forget about device particularities and are available at The study was not preregistered.
get similar values in cross-platform setups. Such an
Funding Information Open Access funding provided by Projekt DEAL.
API would make comparisons easier for researchers
and solve many of the problems of comparability before Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
they arise in data analysis. Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adap-
tation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as
you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, pro-
Limitations vide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were
made. The images or other third party material in this article are included
in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a
The present study is limited by the number of devices that credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's
were investigated. Though they were selected to be compara- Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by
ble to the situation in a typical smartphone study, they do not statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain
cover the complete range of possible devices in a research permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this
licence, visit
design. This is not the aim of the present study, though. We
want to investigate whether there exists a problem when
implementing the orientation sensor and provide researchers
with an estimate of possible effects. Our study finds there is a
problem and the effects are substantial. References
Another limitation is the value of the angles of pitch and
roll that we investigated. They do not cover the entire range of Bert, F., Giacometti, M., Gualano, M. R., & Siliquini, R. (2014).
possible angles, but merely represent a typical combination Smartphones and health promotion: a review of the evidence.
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phone upside down, or reflect every other possible combina- Lukowicz, P., & Wüstenberg, M. (2013). On heterogeneity in mo-
tion of angles. We do provide a meaningful number of com- bile sensing applications aiming at representative data collection.
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Ubiquitous Computing Adjunct Publication, 1087-1098. doi:
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racies are usually between 0.5 and 3° (except for 85° pitch
angle), large enough to potentially influence results. They dif- Curran, P. J., & Bauer, D. J. (2011). The disaggregation of within-person
fer depending on the smartphone device. Future studies could and between-person effects in longitudinal models of change.
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database could be created as a reference for researchers. A
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Acknowledgements We would like to thank Stefan Stieger for advice JASP Team (2018). JASP (Version 0.9)[macOS10.14.2].
and input during the early stages of study design. We would also like to Kuhlmann, T. & Reips, U.-D. (2020). Smartphone tilt as a measure of
thank Jonathan Buchholz, Johanna Hoppe, Maria Krasnova, and Leonie well-being? Evidence from two experience sampling studies.
Ripper for assistance in measuring. This article was presented as part of Manuscript in preparation.
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