Vmdjoo2016 Reload Xlts
Vmdjoo2016 Reload Xlts
Vmdjoo2016 Reload Xlts
AbstractMotion sensor embedded smartphones have pro- activity recognition. Prior works on automated activity recog-
vided a new platform for activity inference. These sensors, nition, like Bao and Intille [1], required the use of dedicated
initially used for cell phone feature enhancement, are now being on-body sensors. Prior approaches that rely only on cell phone
used for a variety of applications. Providing cell phone users in-
formation about their own physical activity in an understandable sensors such as ours either required calibration or require users
format can enable users to make more informed and healthier to keep their phones in a particular way. Kwapisz, Weiss and
lifestyle choices. In this work, we built a smartphone application Moore [2] require the phone to be in a pant pocket. A recent
which tracks users physical activities and provide feedback study by Lane et al. [3] implements jigsaw continuous sensing
requiring no user input during routine operation. The application [4] to develop an application based on physical health, sleep
reports estimates of the calories burned, broken up by physical
activities. Detectable physical activities include walking, running, and emotional well being. The physical activity section of
climbing stairs, descending stairs, driving, cycling and being inac- this application focuses only on three main activities walking,
tive. We evaluated a number of classification algorithms from the sitting and running. Another drawback of the system is that
area of Machine Learning, including Nave Bayes, Decision Tree, the report of the activity classification can only be viewed on
K-Nearest Neighbor and Support Vector Machine classifiers. For a desktop web portal. A basic level mobile application uses
training and verification of classifiers, we collected a dataset of
510 activity traces using cell phone sensors. We developed a graphical user interface to display physical well being along
smartphone app that performs activity recognition that does not with a score which is computed using Metabolic Equivalent
require any user intervention. The classifier implemented in the of Task (MET). Classification is performed using a split and
Android app performs at an average true positives rate of greater merge technique [4]. Although classification accuracy of more
than 95%, false positives rate of less than 1.5% and an ROC area than 90% is achieved, the downside of using the split and
of greater than 98%.
merge method is that the classifier is designed offline and
I. I NTRODUCTION merged at runtime. Another drawback is the development
A. Motivation & Problem Statement of multiple classifiers for various activity subclasses which
The last decade witnessed a virtual explosion of mobile adds to the classifiers complexity. Most apps available on
communication infrastructure and services. With the tech- app marketplaces today that seek to track calorie consumption
nological advancement of cell phones a new platform for require extensive user input.
computing is quickly gaining popularity. These state of the
art mobile phones are becoming more popular than computers C. Proposed Approach
as they wireless computers of the new era. The current
smart phones are not just communication devices rather its Our proposed approach is to develop a classifier while
a personal computer packed into a small gadget. Smartphones adhering to best machine learning practices. We collect a large
are now equipped with a number of embedded sensing devices data set for classifier training and verification. We target the
such as an accelerometer, gyroscope, digital compass, micro- recognition of 7 different activities, which include walking,
phone, GPS and camera. These sensors are now being used running, climbing stairs, descending stairs, cycling, driving
in various fields for human gesture and activity recognition and remaining inactive. Cell phone physical sensor readings
based applications which are opening the doors to new areas were collected while performing all these activities, while the
of research and significantly impacting our daily life. Thus, cell phone was kept in different orientations. The data set so
the recognition of human physical activities from cell phone collected was pre-processed to extract a number of features
sensor measurements is formulated as a detection problem. from the data that have not been explored in previous studies.
The most informative features were chosen for further use by
B. Limitations of Prior Art ranking features according to information gain. The data set
The explosive growth in the global penetration rate of cell was partitioned into 10 sets for 10-fold cross validation. Var-
phones and, more recently, smartphones has led to interest ious classification algorithms were trained using the training
in leveraging this connectivity for the delivery of health care set and then evaluated using the test set, iterating over all
services to the most remote regions. One of the many health 10 data sets. The best performing classifier was chosen for
care applications that cell phones are being leveraged for is implementation in the Android app.
D. Experimental Results & Findings in sensors requires analysis of fewer signals thus reducing
We designed four separate classifiers, namely C4.5 Decision computational power. Restricting the user to or adopt a par-
Tree, Nave Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Support ticular lifestyle will result in a low adoption / acceptance rate.
Vector Machine (SVM). For verification, 10-fold cross valida- Recent studies have shown the use of a single device fitted with
tion was carried out. It was determined that the C4.5 Decision multiple sensors on a Multi-modal Sensor Board (MSB) ( [12],
Tree classifier outperforms the other classifiers on average [13]). Lester et al. used a MSB for activity recognition and
with a true positive rate of 95.2%, false positive rate of 1.1%, a Bluetooth device to send the data to a hand held device or
precision of 94.4% and recall rate of 94.2%. laptop for offline analysis [14]. On the downside these devices
have limited battery power.
E. Key Contributions Accuracy rates of up to 91% have been reported if phones
Our contributions are three-fold: are allowed to be carefully positioned in pre-determined loca-
1) We created a data set comprising 510 activity traces. tions ( [1], [2], [12], [15]). Sun et al. [16] investigated orienta-
These comprise of measurements taken from cell phone tion and position independent classification schemes whereby
physical sensors collected while their carriers were en- a separate classifier is implemented for each position. This
gaged in various physical activities. approach yielded an accuracy of 93% but is not practically
2) We developed four different classifiers for the task of feasible as it requires high computational resources. Some re-
activity detection, the best of which provides excellent cent studies show behavioral analysis based applications using
average performance in terms of hit, false alarm, preci- activity recognition techniques. In [17] the fluctuations in the
sion and recall rates. signal strength of GSM signals are used to infer activities
3) We developed an Android app that implements the clas- like sitting, walking and driving. The use of GSM signals
sifier and performs live activity detection and reporting. is not a very efficient approach as there are sudden spikes
Paper Organization: The remainder of this paper is or- and troughs that cause complexity in GSM cell strength and
ganized as follows. Section II describes some of the related visibility. Real time activity inferences also leads to accuracy
work in the area of physical activity detection. Section III and privacy issues. Recently, smartphone GPS sensor data was
describes details of the data set collected for this study. also exploited to establish mode of transport used to commute
Section IV describes the pre-processing, feature extraction and over duration of time. Consolvo et al. [18] used a mobile
training of classification algorithm. Section V reports detailed sensing platform called UbiFit for activity recognition which
performance results of the classification algorithm. Section VI transfers data to a Nokia smartphone which uses blooming
describes the finished Android app. Section VII concludes the flowers to encourage increase in physical activity. Similarly,
paper. Denning et al. [19] worked on BALANCE which estimates
the calorie expenditure in routine life. Nevertheless both these
II. R ELATED W ORK solutions rely on additional body sensors.
Activity recognition has a number of leading application In the last few years attempts have been made to implement
areas. Wearable accelerometer based body sensors have been activity recognition for limited sets of activities using mobile
used to infer human mobility levels. These sensors have phones. The CenceMe system developed by Miluzzo et al. [20]
favorable have small size and high level of accuracy. Earlier explored basic level activities like idle walking and running
works explored the use of multiple on-body sensors placed at for continuous mobile sensing with the help of back-end
the waist, arms, knees and ankles [1] to accurately determine classifiers using accelerometer data along with conversation
physical activities ( [5][8]). Other works investigated activity data. This approach achieved an overall classification accuracy
recognition outside laboratory conditions but lacked accuracy of 72%. Hausmann [21] classified idle, walking and running
( [9], [10]). The positioning of sensors was crucial for precise into activity levels using median thresholds which are vali-
inference, e.g. eating, typing and brushing teeth were easier to dated by empirical experimentation (rather than using Machine
determine if placed at the wrist and arm with an accuracy of Learning algorithms).
96.67%. However, if the same activity is performed with sen-
sors on waist or knee, detection accuracy drops to 66% ( [6], III. DATA S ET
[10]). Other disadvantages of using multiple accelerometers The development of the proposed activity detection classi-
include discomfort of numerous wires attached to the body as fier will proceed using a supervised learning algorithm. This
well as the irritability that comes from wearing sensors for a requires a data set comprising of a large number of cell phone
long duration. sensor measurements collected during all targeted physical
A few works have been performed whereby only one tri- activities. To this end, we developed a separate cell phone
axial accelerometer located at the waist or back is used for app for the purpose of collecting such a training data set (see
movement recognition. However accuracy drops to 35% in screenshots in Figure 1). Like the main app, the data collection
comparison to 5 on-body sensors ( [7], [8], [11]). Nevertheless app is also developed for Googles Android operating system.
using single sensor is more preferable and convenient in real Data collection was performed on a Samsung Galaxy Y phone
world scenarios. These sensors were capable of recognizing with Android Gingerbread version 2.3.3. The choice of a low-
basic activities such as lying, walking and running. Reduction cost smartphone was deliberate to demonstrate the viability
First Workshop on People Centric Sensing and Communications 2013
First Workshop on People Centric Sensing and Communications 2013
Auto-correlation function of d1[t] (Walking) Period: Most physical activities whose detection is sup-
1 Auto-correlation ported by the app are periodic and involve repetitive motion.
Local Maxima
R sqr. (0.78) We expected this to be reflected in the signal along some axis
0 of the accelerometer signals, and expected the frequency of
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
lag t the persons motion to match the dominant frequency of those
Auto-correlation function of d2[t] (Walking)
signals. A first attempt was made to isolate this dominant
1 Auto-correlation
frequency by analyzing signals FFT coefficients. However, it
Local Maxima
R sqr. (0.75) became immediately clear there is no discernible difference
0 between the frequency spectra of signals with or without
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
lag t obviously identifiable period in the time domain. We explain
Auto-correlation function of d3[t] (Walking)
1 Auto-correlation
this failure by the noise in the time domain signal. Therefore,
we adopted the step-wise approach based on the correlation
Local Maxima
R sqr. (0.99)
coefficient function. Operating on the autocorrelation function
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 serves to denoise the signal.
lag t
The period of the signal is estimated from the correlation
coefficient function ri [t] by the following steps.
Fig. 2: Auto-correlation function of a coordinate transformed
1) Identify samples that are local maximas.
activity trace collected while walking, highlighting local max-
2) Compute the time difference (in number of samples)
imas and an optimally fitted linear model f (t).
between successive maximas.
3) Estimate the period of the signal as the median inter-
maxima delay. Its inverse is the frequency.
Figure 2 are three stem plots of the auto-correlation func-
tions of r1 [t], r2 [t] and r3 [t] of d1 [n], d2 [n] and d3 [n],
respectively, for an activity trace in which the cell phone user
is walking. The green stems among the mostly blue stems are
the ones that are identified as local maximas by the three-step
method described above.
Goodness of Linear Fit: The goodness of linear fit, denoted
R2 , of a linear model for the correlation coefficient function
ri [n] of di [n], where 1 i 3, is a measure of the variability
Fig. 3: Feature rank by information gain. of the data. The R2 goodness of fit measure is computed
according to Equation 5.
Relying on features derived solely from the time domain sig-
nal representation is computationally less expensive because it R2 = 1
avoids computation of FFT. Exploratory analysis of the three St (5)
transformed accelerometer signals D showed that the Prob-
ability Density Functions (PDF) of the samples comprising
di [n], where 1 i 3, are Gaussian. Furthermore, we also X 2
X 2
computed the autocorrelation function of all accelerometer St = (r[n] r) andSe = (r[n] f [n]) (6)
n=1 n=1
signals and included its features to our feature space. The
correlation coefficient function of di [n] where 1 i 3
is defined in Equation 4. We observed that the R2 measure of activity traces with
low levels of activity is higher compared to the R2 of the
N ! ! corresponding signal in activity traces with high-levels of
1 X di [n] di di [n + t] di
ri [t] = activity. In Figure 2, the red line is the optimum linear fit
N 1 n=1 i2 (4) f (t) for the auto-correlation functions ri [t] where 1 i 3.
It is used in Equation 6 to compute St and Se which are in
turn used to compute the R2 goodness of fit in Equation 5.
Mean: The means of all transformed accelerometer signals
over 5 sec intervals: di where 1 i 3. These, as it would C. Classifier Training & Validation Strategy
later turn out would not prove very useful. Therefore, we also We trained and evaluated four different classification algo-
computed the means of the autocorrelation function: ri where rithms: Navve Bayes, C4.5 Decision Tree, K-Nearest Neigh-
1 i 3. bor (KNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). We used
Variance: The variances of all transformed accelerometer information gain as a measure to rank all features according to
signals as well as the autocorrelation function computed over their usefulness to classification. We discovered that features
2 2
5 sec windows: di and ri where 1 i 3. derived from the transformed accelerometer signals (d1 [n],
First Workshop on People Centric Sensing and Communications 2013
d2 [n] and d3 [n]) ranked significantly lower than features Nave Bayes classifier treats all features as independent and is
derived from their autocorrelation functions. Similarly, the by far the simplest of these four classifiers. For all classifiers,
gyroscope sensor measurements were also found to be of no we report True Positives (TP) rate, False Positives (FP) rate,
value. This confirms the findings by Brush et al. [22] who tried Precision, Recall rate and ROC curve area. Table II shows
to use gyroscope measurements in addition to accelerometer the performance of the Nave Bayes classifier in terms of TP
measurements. Therefore, the means and variances/standard rate, FP rate, precision, recall rate and ROC curve area for
deviations of the accelerometer signals and all features derived each activity. Among the classifiers we trained Nave Bayes
from the gyroscope sensor measurements were removed from is the only one that makes the assumption that all features
further consideration. The ranking of remaining features by are independent. The last row in Table II consists of the
information gain is shown in Figure 3. Based on this ranking, weighted averages of these metrics (weighted by the number
only the top 9 features were used for classification. The KNN of examples in each class). With the exception of climbing
classifier permits for different values of K in its use. Each stairs, the FPs of all other activities are below 20% with most
value of K produces, in effect, a separate classifier. Following all other rates above 80%.
some exploratory analysis, we determined that increasing the Table III is the same table of performance metrics bro-
value of K beyond 1 leads to a consistent decrease in perfor- ken up by activity for the C4.5 Decision Tree classifier. Its
mance metrics. Therefore, the performance numbers given in performance is significantly better than that of the Nave
the subsequent section are for KNN with K = 1. Bayes classifier and matches or beats the performance of the
For performance evaluation we used 10-fold cross valida- subsequently evaluated KNN and SVM classifiers. All FPs
tion. This means, activity traces in the data set were divided are below 5% with all other rates ranging between 89% and
into 10 sets. One set was selected to serve as test data, while 98%. Due to brevity constraints, and due to the fact that the
the remaining 9 were used for training the classifier. This C4.5 Decision Tree classifier yielded the best performance,
procedure was performed 10 times while iterating the test set we provide the confusion matrix for only the Decision Tree
over the 10 partitions of the data set. classifier in Table IV. Subsequent Tables V and VI are tables
TABLE II: Detailed Accuracy By Class (Nave Bayes). of performance metrics for the KNN with K = 1 and SVM
classifiers. Both are clearly outperformed by the C4.5 Decision
Class TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall ROC Area
Walking 0.801 0.082 0.784 0.801 0.952 Tree on all performance metrics.
Running 1.000 0.009 0.935 1.000 1.000 TABLE V: Detailed Accuracy By Class (K-Nearest Neighbor).
Climbing 0.616 0.054 0.707 0.616 0.933
Stairs Class TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall ROC Area
Descending 0.868 0.03 0.817 0.868 0.973 Walking 0.789 0.042 0.544 0.789 0.776
Stairs Running 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Driving 0.914 0.024 0.881 0.914 0.982 Climbing 0.705 0.020 0.585 0.705 0.812
Cycling 1.000 0.002 0.950 1.000 1.000 Stairs
Inactive 0.925 0.000 1.000 0.925 0.994 Descending 0.905 0.018 0.792 0.905 0.932
Weighted 0.847 0.0401 0.838 0.84 0.968 Stairs
Average Driving 0.832 0.018 0.714 0.832 0.776
TABLE III: Detailed Accuracy By Class (C4.5 Decision Tree). Cycling 0.824 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Inactive 0.842 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Class TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall ROC Area Weighted 0.887 0.011 0.805 0.887 0.894
Walking 0.978 0.049 0.890 0.978 0.976 Avg
Running 1.000 0.002 1.000 1.000 1.000 TABLE VI: Detailed Accuracy By Class (Support Vector
Climbing 0.837 0.01 0.846 0.837 0.989
Stairs Machine).
Descending 0.925 0.007 0.905 0.925 0.978
Stairs Class TP Rate FP Rate Precision Recall ROC Area
Driving 1.000 0.007 1.000 1.000 1.000 Walking 0.897 0.275 0.550 0.897 0.834
Cycling 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Running 0.966 0.002 0.982 9.996 0.998
Inactive 0.943 0.000 1.000 1.943 0.978 Climbing 0.442 0.027 0.929 0.422 0.898
Weighted 0.952 0.011 0.944 0.942 0.985 Stairs
Avg Descending 0.388 0.005 0.776 0.388 0.902
TABLE IV: Confusion matrix (Decision Tree). Driving 0.778 0.031 0.829 0.778 0.943
Cycling 1.000 0.004 0.905 1.000 0.998
a b c d e f g Classified As
Inactive 0.894 0.004 0.957 0.894 0.968
Actual Activity
Weighted 0.738 0.086 0.791 0.738 0.911
133 0 0 2 1 0 0 a Walking
0 57 1 0 0 0 0 b Running
13 0 72 3 0 0 0 c Climbing Stairs VI. ACTIVITY D IARY A NDROID A PP
3 0 0 62 1 1 0 d Descending Stairs
0 0 0 0 78 0 0 e Driving One of the key contributions of our work is the imple-
0 0 0 0 0 19 0 f Cycling mentation of a smartphone app that performs live activity
0 1 1 0 1 0 50 g Inactive detection of the person carrying it without human intervention.
V. P ERFORMANCE E VALUATION A primary design consideration has been minimization of
In this section we report detailed results of the performance user input in the working of the app. The Activity Diary
analysis we conducted for all four types of classifiers. The app provides users a report of their physical activity level
First Workshop on People Centric Sensing and Communications 2013
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