Mass Nouns and Count Nouns
Mass Nouns and Count Nouns
Mass Nouns and Count Nouns
A. Content Standards The learner listens critically to one-two paragraphs; use appropriate
expressions in varied situations; reads texts for pleasure and
information critically in meaningful thought units; responds properly
to environmental prints likes signs, posters, commands and requests;
and writes legibly simple sentences and messages in cursive form.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to apply what he listens critically to one-two
paragraphs; use appropriate expressions in varied situations; reads
texts for pleasure and information critically in meaningful thought
units; responds properly to environmental prints likes signs, posters,
commands and requests; and writes legibly simple sentences and
messages in cursive form.
C. Learning Competencies Identify important details in expository text listened. ( EN2LC-IIIh-
2. Checking of Attendance
Let me check your attendance. Say present if your name is called.
3. Song.
Let us sing the noun song.
Say, now…
Who can recall nouns?
Do the groupings
G. Finding Practical Application of The teacher presents similar topic on the bulletin board which pupils
concepts and skills in daily living. can look into to review the concept.
H. Making Generalization and What then will you tell your parents about what you have learned
abstraction about the lesson today?
Read the posted tarpapel on the board.
Count nouns are name anyone or anything that can be counted and
whose plural form can be formed by adding s or –es.
Examples: cup, bag, computer, tree, house, chair, pupil, boy, toy, girl,
and teacher The cup is clean. The cups are new.
Mass nouns or non-countable nouns refer to things which cannot be
counted like water, sugar, etc. They usually do not have a plural form
so we add quantifiers or determiners to make them plural.
Examples: dirt, ink, pepper, sand, sugar, powder, sugar, rice, our,
wheat, rain, ice, water, soup soft drinks, juice, tea, vinegar, soy sauce,
milk, syrup, oil, sauce, mud, food, grass, hair, oxygen, smoke The
water is cold.
I. Evaluating learning
Who got 5? 4? 3? 2? 1? O?
J. Additional activities for application In your notebooks, list down
and remediation. 3 count nouns
3 mass nouns
Before we end our class, let us sing the action song “When I look Up”.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who
scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my Teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/ discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Prepared by:
Master Teacher - I
Approved by:
Principal - II