Trees Dead Load
Trees Dead Load
Trees Dead Load
Green Roofs/Terraces, a Brief Overview
Built in the 1960s, the Oakland Museum designers were typical feature of an intensive roof. I.e. terrace or
faced with numerous challenges. These challenges included plaza. Intensive green roofs require higher capital
1) the fact that few green roofs had been built in the US (art costs and maintenance.
rather than technical field), 2) Waterproofing techniques and
performance related to green roofs was relatively unavailable, Coordinating with the Landscape Architect’s Design
and 3) Optimally engineered soil mixes for green roofs were
at an infant stage. Built-up asphaltic membranes were the Coordination with the landscape architect during the initial
standard of the time. Leaks attributed to waterproofing design stages is critical to the success of the design. The
failures occurred. Modern green roofs advise against the use following is a list of questions that should be asked:
of such membranes. The soil mixes used were developed to
grow plants quickly in nurseries and weren’t appropriate for a Questions for Dead Load Determination:
green roof. Such mixes contained large amounts of organic
material, which over time decayed, and in turn the soil 1) What type of green roof is being designed
volume decreased by 60% (Osmundson 1999). Other issues (extensive, intensive, terrace, etc…)?
with the Oakland museum included the lack of drain slopes in 2) Is the green roof sloped?
planters and plugged drains. 3) Is there a section of a typical green roof assembly
available? What is the depth of the assembly (soil,
The Kaiser center also experienced several challenges, but insulation, drainage layer, etc…)? See section
appears to have performed better than the Oakland Museum. below.
The main issue identified was the decomposition of the filter 4) What types of plantings are being planned? (This
fabric layer, which allowed the soil to mix with the drainage question verifies that the landscape architect has
layer, resulting in clogged and blocked drains. Such situations provided a reasonable soil thickness that is within
have the potential for developing structural overload typical ranges. See section below for additional
conditions such as ponding. One must note that this issue has Information.)
been solved in modern times through the use of synthetic 5) Will there be trees? What are the tree species, size of
filter fabrics. the trees (see discussion), and plan distribution? Are
the trees bearing on the flat structure (require
Types of Green Roofs mounds or retaining walls), or will they require the
structure to be recessed? Will the trees be confined
The FLL guideline, FM Global data sheet, and Dunnet 2008, in planters?
classify green roofs into three major types: Extensive, Semi- 6) Will there be boulders, water features, art work,
extensive, and Intensive. Each type is associated with a heavy seating structures, etc… that will impose
specific green roof assembly and has certain load concentrated loads? What is the layout?
characteristics. 7) Will there be water storage/retention on the roof or
at a different location on or near the structure?
1. Extensive: The least costly of the three types of 8) What future green roof layouts are possible? Should
systems, extensive roofs are intended as ‘ecological’ we set a criteria (ex. Mounds over 5 ft and trees over
roof gardens rather than amenity space. Substrate 12 kips within 10 ft of a column)?
depths range between 0.8 and 6 inches. Roof
vegetation typically consists of low growing Questions for Live Load Determination
herbaceous plants, such as succulents, mosses, and
grasses. 1) Is the green roof accessible to the public? Or will it
2. Semi-extensive / Simple Intensive: Semi-extensive have limited access for maintenance purposes?
roofs use the same design principles as extensive 2) Will this terrace have vehicular traffic?
green roofs, but have substrate depth ranges between
4 to 8 inches. Some documents cite 6 to 8 inches. Questions for Drainage & Water Proofing Determination
Plant selection is increased to include grasses,
shrubs, and coppices. 1) What is the drainage plan?
3. Intensive: The intensive green roof system 2) What type of water proofing is being provided?
essentially mimics traditional gardens at ground 3) Will a leak detection system be in place?
level. Soil media is generally greater than 8 inches.
Intensive green roofs can support trees, shrubs,
herbaceous planting, and lawns. Pools and water
features, trees, and publicly accessible space are a
2) Growing Media/Engineered Soil Layer: Based on the
Components of Green Roofs and Terrace plant selection, the depth of the growing media/soil can
Assemblies be determined. Structural Engineers should consult the
Green Plant Directories presented in Snodgrass, 2007
Green Roof Assemblies are typically composed of two and Dunnet, 2008 to confirm that the soil depths
systems: a) Roof base assembly and b) above membrane specified by the landscape architect are within reasonable
vegetated Roof System. The Roof Base assembly includes the limits. The actual depth of the soil media will be
water proofing membrane, rigid insulation, protection board, determined by the landscape architect and/or green roof
and structural system. The typical modern vegetated roof specialist based on various parameters, including climate
system requires a minimum of eight (8) functional layers. The and plant species.
system layers include the vegetation, engineered fill,
insulation, filter fabric, drainage layer, root barrier, The growing media should also:
waterproofing membrane, and structural support (See Figure 1) Have a minimum amount of organic content to
4). Each of these components (layers or courses) is described prevent settlement
below. Under certain circumstances there are cases where 2) Have a minimum amount of silt and clay content
layers are not required, while other situations may call for 3) Be lightweight
additional layers or components. The order in which these 4) Have good water storage characteristics
layers are assembled may also be modified. For Terrace 5) Have suitable chemical parameters (for ideal
assemblies, the plant layer is typically replaced by paving, growth)
topping slabs, rocks and boulders, and/or water features. 6) And have a good particle size distribution
Details provided by the landscape architect and green roof
designer should be consulted. FM Global Data Sheet 35-1 2007 recommends that
standard landscaping soil or loam should not be
substituted for green roof media. Landscaping and
nursery soil is engineered differently than a green roof
soil, and thus should be avoided. The FLL guideline also
provides gradation and performance requirements for
engineered soils.
dryness. There are three main types of drainage layers: Water proofing membranes should be elastic, must
Drainage plates, Granular media, and Drainage Mats. For withstand ponded water, be non-biodegradable, and
additional information and construction details, the resistant to root penetration. Water proofing membranes
“Green Roof Handbook,” published by Resource can be: fluid-applied asphalt based, torched applied
Conservation Technology, is a great resource. bitumen, thermoplastic single ply, or thermoset polymer-
based single-ply. Due to reduction in temperature
Drainage Plates are typically waffled rigid fluctuations, European studies have indicated that
thermoplastics (polyethylene or polystyrene) that are placing soil and plant media over a water proofing
easy to install and are available in a variety of sizes, membrane can double the membrane’s life span when
depending on the type of green roof. See Figure 5 and compared to a conventional roof (Peck NA). Thicknesses
Figure 6. The drainage plate system is typically 1 inch to and weights vary.
2-½ inches tall. When concentrated loads are imposed
on the drainage plate, such as trees, the drainage plate
manufacturer should evaluate its load bearing capacity.
Under certain circumstances, the drainage plate can be
reinforced or filled with granular material to provide
additional load bearing capacity.
Design Loads, Combinations, ASTM Standards, and building structure under maximum/minimum base shear and
Structural Checks overturning conditions.
Design Loads: The following is a brief discussion of the ASTM Standards and FLL Tests: The two ASTM standards
various loads applicable to green roofs that structural related to green roofs are ASTM E 2397, “Standard Practice
engineers must consider. The FLL “2002 Guideline for the for Determination of Dead Loads and Live Loads Associated
Planning, Execution and Upkeep of Green-Roof Sites,” and with Green Roof Systems,” and ASTM E 2399, “Standard
the 2007 FM Global “Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1- Test Method for Maximum Media density for Dead Load
35 – Green Roof Systems,” provide the most comprehensive Analysis of Green Roof Systems.” FM Global 35-1 indicates
discussion to date on structural engineering related design that if green roof assemblies are not tested per ASTM E2397
items for green roofs. and E2399 then the design load should be based on a
saturated density not less than 100 pcf.
1. Dead Loads: As discussed above, the landscape
architect has a variety of green roofs assemblies to The FLL Guideline should also be consulted for testing
choose from. Appendix A provides various design requirements related density, water retention, water
load references. Chapter 13 of the FLL Guideline permeability, and root penetration resistance determination.
provides additional reference design load and
geometric data for materials used in drainage and Miscellaneous Structural Checks related to Green Roofs:
vegetation support courses. A 15 percent increase in 1) Seismic mass irregularities shall be verified for the bare
the specified depth is recommended to account for roof and fully saturated roof condition.
future additions of growth media (FM Global 2007). 2) Gravity beams, seismic drags/collectors, and connections
2. Live Loads: Should be determined based on the supporting green roofs need to be carefully evaluated for
type of occupancy and local building code high bending combined with axial loads
requirements. FM Global recommends that 3) Punching Shear of concrete slabs shall be carefully
extensive green roofs be designed for no less than 12 evaluated
psf when considering live load reduction, and a 4) Formation of expected plastic hinging mechanisms in
minimum of 20 psf for intensive and simple lateral systems should be carefully evaluated.
intensive green roofs. 5) Construction sequencing of brace and shear wall
3. Transient Live Loads: Per ASTM E 2397, transient installation, to prevent dead loading should be
live loads are the weight of transient water contained considered.
in granular drainage materials and geocomposite
drain layers. This load is treated as a live load in the Contract Documents: Load Maps, Submittals,
building code load combinations. Details, Specifications, and General Notes
4. Snow and Rain Loads: Should be based on the
local jurisdiction’s building code requirements. The best way to communicate your basic design assumptions
5. Wind Loads: Several performance requirements is to create load maps, indicate the design loads on the
related to wind uplift of membranes, soil media, contract documents, or provide a performance specification
wind-borne debris, and building height restrictions of the weight characteristics of the green roof. This will
are discussed in FM Global Data Sheet 35-1. Roofs require appropriate coordination with the landscape architect.
should be designed for the envelope of wind uplift By properly specifying and coordinating reasonable design
on a 1) bare roof and 2) saturated green roof. criteria, several green roof manufacturers can bid the job. The
6. Seismic Loads: Current recommendations appear to landscape architect, though, maintains control over the
indicate that the full saturated dead load of the green required soil thicknesses and green roof components
roof structure shall be used as part of the seismic appropriate to the plant selection and hardiness requirements.
mass. Transient live load is not included in this mass
calculation. General Notes: As part of the general notes, it is
recommended that the contractor provide submittals of the
Load Combinations: Building structures should be verified selected engineered fill (density and permeability), and the
for two building conditions: 1) Building Structure with bare waterproofing/green roof assemblies to the structural
roof (conventional roof) and 2) Building Structure with engineer for structural impact review. It is also good measure
saturated green roof. I.e. essentially doubling the number of to request a mockup of the final selected assembly be
load combinations that include the dead load component. constructed and tested according to ASTM E 2397,
This design strategy essentially envelopes the design of the “Determination of Dead and Live Loads associated with
Green Roof Systems” and ASTM E 2399, “Standard Test
Method for Maximum Media Density for Dead Load 4) Or molding the structural system.
Analysis of Green Roof Systems.” Although, these standards
will usually be indicated in the landscape architect’s Each method should be evaluated based on constructability,
specifications, it is highly recommended that a dedicated sequencing, loading, flexibility in design, and cost. Molding
general notes section be provided on the contract documents. the structural system appears to be the most expensive and
Appendix B provides a sample general notes section that least flexible of all the alternatives available.
should be modified for the particular project.
The California Academy of Sciences, in San Francisco, is one
Details & Sections: For additional clarification, a typical particularly interesting project that molded the 2.5 acre
section of the assumed assembly should be provided in the structural roof system to create seven mounds, with slopes as
structural design documents. Details are the best way to steep as 55 degrees. Curved roof steel beams not only formed
communicate to the design team during the design process these hills, but were also expressed as an exposed ceiling.
what the basic weight and geometric assumptions of the (See Figure 7). To prevent erosion, a framework of criss-
green roof assembly are. crossing gabions (an epoxy coated wire cage containing
lightweight volcanic rock) was installed over mound areas. In
Load Maps: Load maps are probably the clearest way to between gabions, modular planting trays were easily
indicate structural loading limits and design criteria. These installed.
maps can be used as a coordination tool as well as a
documentation tool for future structural plan review. It must
be understood that green roofs can change over time.
Designing for flexibility is an item that should be addressed
in the design phase. I.e. not mimicking the actual design, but
adding value to the structure by enveloping various scenarios
through a load map. For example, a load map could indicate
that all mounds over 5 foot and trees over 12 kip shall be
placed within 10 ft of a column.
Once these parameters have been determined, an engineer is One item that must be recognized is that the estimated
able to estimate the total dead load, estimate the wind loading weights are typically for trees culled in a forest environment,
imposed by a tree, and the root structure behavior. rather than grown in a controlled environment such as a
nursery. Data on trees grown in an urban setting on sidewalks
ANSI Z60.1 “American Standard For Nursery Stock,” and streets is also available (Peper, 2001). Data and
published by the American Nursery & landscape Association algorithms for nursery grown trees do not appear to be
is a useful document that should be consulted to understand available at the time of this paper.
the landscape architect’s specifications. ANSI Z60.1 provides
information on height-diameter relationships for various Once the dead load of the tree has been estimated, two basic
species groups as well as container, box, and root ball size. dead load cases should be checked. 1) The point load
imposed by the tree during installation, concentrated over the
Based on the information provided by the landscape architect, projected area of the root ball/plate and 2) The point load of
there are two general routes that should be pursued. The first the maximum expected weight of the tree during its life time
route is to communicate with the local nursery. The second over a slightly larger projected root area (unless restricted by
route for determining tree weight and geometry is through a planter or pot). It is not clear whether arboriculturalists have
forestry information. Foresters have developed several determined what the effective bearing area of the root plate
algorithms to estimate physical parameters of several tree is, once its root system has been established (See discussion
species. Physical parameters may include volume, weight, below on root plate estimates). The manufacturer of the
height to diameter ratios, crown width, leaf area, drainage layer should verify the load carrying capacity of the
etc…(Schlaegel 1984, Clark 1990, Temesgen 2007, Peper green roof system for such point loads.
2001). The algorithms are typically based on a data set where
regression analysis was performed to obtain an easily Wind Loading and Trees: Wind induced moments, caused
calculable equation. Even though there may be some error in by trees, imposed on structural support systems have been
the regression analysis, such methods provide an insight to known to cause serviceability failures. Thus, it is important
the order of magnitude of the parameter sought. for the structural designer to be aware of such conditions and
consider this load case for design.
Tree Dead Loads: The dead load of a tree includes the green
weight of the root ball, trunk, and tree canopy. Several The general behavior of trees under wind loading is to
resources and documents are available for estimating the naturally reduce their surface area, through rotation of its
weight of a tree. leafy parts, elastic bending and sway of its branches, and
energy loss within the wood and root/soil system. In an urban
Communicating with the landscape architect and/or the local setting, trees may experience more wind loading action than
nursery should be the first route pursued. Some nurseries will trees in a forest, which take advantage of the protection
provide tree weights based on box/ball size and species. provided by their neighbors. Trees confined and protected by
Based on regional differences, nurseries may have different building structures will also be subjected to less wind
weights for the same species and box size. Some nurseries are loading. An interesting paper on tree damage and behavior
not keen on providing preliminary weight data due to liability during hurricanes discusses correlations between pre-storm
concerns. Older nursery catalogues sometimes contain weight tree conditions to branch resistance, strength, defoliation, and
information. If information is wanting, table A-4 (Appendix crown loss (Francis 2000).
A), can be used for preliminary design estimates. As can be
seen from Table A-4, there can be substantial differences In the paper “Dynamic Loading of Trees,” Ken James (2003)
between container and field grown trees. Verifying the describes three damping systems a tree employs to reduce
landscape architect’s specifications for container or field forces on the main tree trunk: hydraulic damping, mass
grown items is required. Once a project is under construction, damping, and viscoelastic damping. Hydraulic damping is
though, trees selected from the nursery can be individually attributed to aerodynamic drag forces of the foliage in the
weighed. wind. Mass damping is provided by the interaction of the side
branches attached to the main limb. Viscoelastic damping is
In the second route, algorithms developed by foresters to provided by tree’s stem and root system. Although, dynamic
estimate the dead load of a tree can be used (Schlaegel 1984, response and stress analysis of tree structures have been
Clark 1990). A small sample set of algorithms has been performed, simple static approaches to estimating base
provided in Appendix A. Some algorithms estimate weight of reactions are available, but wanting.
the above ground portion. To determine the root weight, it is
suggested that 20% of the above ground weight be used Even though, there is extensive research available on the
(Schlaegel 1984). wind loading and failure of trees, there does not appear to be
a consensus amongst tree specialists and arboriculturalists on Now that the wind overturning moment has been estimated,
how to estimate wind loading of trees. Simple static what resists the load? The root structure of a tree serves to
approaches based on “bill board” type structures having resist wind lateral loads. For the typical tree, the root plate
porosity have been used (James, 2003; Sterken, 2005; Coder, radii are approximately nine (9) percent of the total tree
2000). Even though simple, some arboriculturalists are of the height. The root plate can vary between two (2) and twenty
opinion that the overturning moments calculated by this (20) percent of the total tree height (Coder, 2000). This data,
method are significantly overestimated (James 2003). Sterken of course, has its limitations to trees that have root systems
(2005) on the other hand indicated that dynamic wind loads that are laterally extensive but shallow. Some tree species use
can excite resonant motion, generating dynamic responses a combination of deep bayonet-like roots and lateral roots
that can be far larger than what equivalent static loads would (Niklas, 2002). These deep bayonet roots effectively acts as a
indicate. laterally loaded pile. It is uncertain whether trees having deep
root structures would be able to adjust and resist wind loads
In the paper “Estimating Wind Forces on Tree Crowns” by in a green roof setting. It has been documented, though, that
Dr. Coder (2000), a simple table is provided to convert a the geometry of the root structure changes and adapts in
wind speed exposure to an applied projected surface area proportion to the loads transmitted by the trunks (Niklas,
loading. In this case, the crown density, a measure of velocity 2002).
drop across the crown, is used as a wind drag factor. Once
this pressure has been determined, the appropriate surface Tree Roots: Although green roofs have root barriers as part
area of the crown shape should be selected based on the tree of the green roof assembly, root behavior and control cannot
species. “Crown Shape Factors & Volumes” (Coder 2000) be disregarded and must still be understood. Roots pose a
provides guidance on shapes varying from cylinders to direct threat to a roof structure’s structural and water-tight
parabaloids to thin neiloids. Wind loading on the stem, below integrity. (The following concepts and strategies also apply to
the crown, can easily estimated using approaches similar to vegetation other than trees).
pole analysis. With this information, the reaction overturning
moment can be determined. As indicated above, the root structure of a tree provides the
vertical and lateral resistance of a tree system. A tree will
Sterken (2005), on the other hand, uses a code based tend to expand its root and trunk system in response to
approach taken from EuroCode 1 to estimate the force available resources and structural loading. The root tips are
imposed by wind loading on a tree crown. In this method, able to generate force through the expansion of tissues in new
though, engineering judgment must be used when spaces. Several arboricultural resources indicate that roots
determining the aerodynamic coefficient. The aerodynamic can only take advantage of cracks and faults already in
coefficient describes the flexibility that the tree uses to reduce materials (Coder 1998). Once a root tip enters a pore space,
wind demands. For a Eucalyptus camldulensis a drag it expands the pore space, progressively elongates the space,
coefficient of 0.25 is recommended. Sterken (2007) studied until resources are consumed, or the penetration resistance of
the stability of palms as well, but did not publish an estimated the material is greater than the pressure that can be developed
drag coefficient. The calculation of the wind exposed area for by the root tip. Such growth characteristics should be
this method can either be estimated or calculated using controlled in a green roof and terrace environment.
specialized software (Sterken, 2005; Niklas 2002). Since
drag coefficients do not appear to be readily available, There are eight primary strategies to control root growth in a
engineering judgment should be used when using this free field or urban environment (Coder, 1998). These
method. processes are based upon limiting root, adjusting/controlling
resource availability, and using soil attributes. The eight
One last note on the exposed area that all engineers should be strategies are: Intelligent development, Kill zones, Exclusion
aware of is the design of trees in winter climates. Wind zones, Air Gaps, Barriers, Directed Growth, Species
pressures on trees coated with ice can double or triple the Selection, and Avoidance. These strategies alter resource
wind force on a tree (Coder 2007). Snow and ice dead availability/volume (water and oxygen) and redirect or
loading should also be accounted for. destroy the root system.
Other factors that play into the wind loading equation is The Exclusion zone strategy prevents root growth by
pruning. Crowns can be reduced in height and extent; raised modifying the surrounding soils physical (compaction), or
above the ground; or thinned (Coder, Sept 2000). Such chemical composition. Compaction of soil around a tree tends
methods will reduce wind forces and can be effectively used to decrease the pore space, limits water permeability, and
to limit the size and weight of trees. oxygen through the soil (Coder 1998). Use of slurry and clays
are also effective, but this strategy should be avoided in the can pose a safety hazard. Box bracing uses underground
green roof setting. wooden braces nailed to the tree box that are able to rot away
as the root plate establishes itself. Root ball tie downs and
The air gaps strategy is an attempt to create large air gaps cabling can also be concealed beneath the surface and has the
having poor water holding capacity that dries out the space ability to improve a tree’s resistance to toppling (Coder,
and prevents root growth. Providing a stone drainage matrix 2000a). Root ball anchorage is usually anchored deep into the
around a tree is one method to achieve the air gap strategy. soil or into the structure itself.
The Barriers strategy includes traps, deflectors, and Permanent Tree Bracing: There are several manufacturers of
inhibitors. Traps allow root tip growth through the material, permanent cable-spring and bracing systems. The main intent
but constrict and strangle radial root growth. Solid pieces of of such systems is to prevent excessive tree leaning, which
plastic, wood, and metals can be used as deflectors to reorient may ultimately lead to instability and toppling (Coder 2000a).
and prevent root growth in a certain direction. An inhibitor Bracing also helps to limit the impact force of the tree as it
barrier uses chemical herbicides to inhibit root tip growth. strikes the ground or adjacent structure. “An engineering
Some disadvantages to inhibitor barriers, are that they have a Study of Tree Cables” by Ken James can provide additional
limited life span, are prone to damage by the structural action information for the curious.
of the roots on the fabric, as well as the possibility of roots
pushing thin zones (Coder 1998). Containerization is also a Special Case: Sloped Roofs
barrier strategy that should not be excluded from
consideration (Osmundson 1999). Sloped roofs perform and behave differently from flat and
low sloped roofs. Moderately sloped (3:12 to 5:12) and
The Directed Growth strategy essentially directs root growth steeply pitched (5:12 to 12:12) roofs require special attention
by providing healthy resources in one area and poorer from the landscape architect and engineer. The water holding
resources near infrastructure. Use of culverts, raceways and characteristics of the green roof vary along the slope, with
trenches can also lead roots away from infrastructure (Coder most of the water accumulated along the lower edge. I.e. Dry
1998). conditions near the top edge and moist, oxygen deprived
conditions near the lower edge. Plant selection, drainage
In “Methods for Root Control,” Coder provides several tables strategies, maintenance (due to loss of nutrition), and
under the Species selection discussion that provides estimates irrigation systems to achieve a balanced sloped based green
of the structural rooting distance and critical rooting distance. roof are design elements that must be considered (Snodgrass
These estimates can be used to offset trees from infrastructure 2006). For the structural engineer close attention to the
in order to minimize damage. These tables are only typical drainage patterns and areas of water accumulation in order to
estimates. Species specific guidelines should be consulted. avoid ponding should be considered.
These tables could potentially be used in determining root
plate size for distributing the laterally induced wind moments Two additional structural requirements related to green roofs
and vertical dead load of a tree. is related to green roof slope stability and anchorage under
static and dynamic loads. Under static load it is recommended
Of these strategies, several are applicable to green roofs and that slopes steeper than 2:12 should incorporate slope
should be considered in the design and detailing by the stabilization measures to prevent slipping and slumping
landscape architect and green roof installer. It would be (Dunnet 2008, COLA 2006, FM Global 2007). Slope
diligent of the structural engineer to pose the question of root stabilization is provided by structural anti-shear stability
growth control to the design team. For additional information, layers or anchorage. The maximum possible slope is limited
the “Tree Root Growth Control Series” compiled by Dr by the smallest coefficient of friction between the various
Coder provides a wealth of specific strategies for the membrane and fabric interfaces within the green roof
landscape architect. assembly. In “Green Roofs and Living Walls,” Nigel Dunnet
indicates that the use of strapping, laths, battens (underneath
Temporary Tree Bracing: During the initial stages of waterproofing), or grids can be readily used for roof slopes
planting a tree, wind throw is an issue. To prevent trees from up to 7:12. The FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data
tipping over, prior to establishment of its root structure for Sheet 1-35 2007 recommends against roof slopes greater than
support, trees are braced or anchored in some manner. 40%. The FLL Guideline provides additional information,
Bracing techniques available are: collar bracing, box bracing, requirements, and execution for protection against slipping
and root ball anchorage. Collar bracing/guying, with concrete and shearing.
dead men, can use cables or lumber stakes to provide tree
latter support. This bracing is usually visually obtrusive and
There are several products on the market for anchoring slopes Special Case: Pavings, Boulders, and Water
under sustained static loads. Some products include a tension Features
cable system attached to a cellular confinement grid that
provides free drainage as well as slope restraint. FM Global As part of an intensive green roof program, hardscape
Data Sheet 1-35 2007 also indicates that the shear/sliding features such as pavings, boulders, water features, and
loads induced by a slope should not damage any underlying artwork can be incorporated into design. Such components
layers. One recommended method indicated by the FM convert a roof space into an amenity space. Each element
Global data sheet to increase the shear resistance of the should be evaluated for its imposed loading on the structure.
growth media is to add crushed aggregate to the soil, limit Boulders and heavy art works can pose a particular challenge.
fine aggregate, allow good root penetration, and limit
washout and erosion. When thinking about storm water management, specialized
pavers can be incorporated. Pervious concrete pavers can
Beyond 7:12, specialized devices and engineered media must simultaneously provide interesting texture and drainage
be used to stabilize the static green roof loads. Certain capabilities. PCA and ACI should be consulted for additional
manufacturers have developed green wall systems that can be information on pervious concrete surfaces. For vehicle
adapted for green roofs (GLT 2008). Typically these systems accessible terraces, engineered grass pavers can be also be
call for a modular construction approach. included. Manufacturers specializing in engineered grass
pavers should be consulted for weight and drainage
Based on the research performed for this paper, it is unclear capabilities.
whether the slope limitations indicated by several authors
were also applicable for dynamic lateral loads. Similar to flat Special Topic: Blue Roofs
roofs, the design lateral load to be used for anchorage design
is unclear. It is also unclear how seismic slope stabilization Blue roofs are essentially urban beaches that may provide
analysis of a sloped green roof is performed. Additional rooftop water play areas, eco showers, misting sprays, water
research needs to be performed by green roof manufacturers sculptures, etc…Water runoff from blue roofs can be used to
in this area. Use your engineering judgment until research is irrigate green roofs and cool the roof structure. Blue roofs
available. make efficient use of roof space in a city. Like a green roof,
the structural impact of such programming should be
assessed. One structural approach that could be incorporated
into the blue roof, as part of the structural system, is a tuned
liquid damper (TLD).
Serviceability Considerations
maintained, monitored, and installed correctly is the also cause plant damage (FM Global 2007). Relocation of
waterproofing membrane and drainage system. Usually, such rooftop mechanical equipment is a possibility.
systems are not under the purview of the structural engineer,
but the SEOR should be aware of the issues in order to limit Green Walls, Living Structures, and Surfaces
liability. Several different types of membranes are available
(See previous discussion). Some membranes are more prone One other “living” strategy that can add value to a structure is
to degradation than others. Several different drainage layer the use of green walls. As will be discussed in the synergies
systems are also available, each with their own issues. Since section of the paper, the use of green roofs to reduce energy
leaks are difficult to detect, locate, and expensive to repair in requirements is limited by the ratio of the roof surface area to
a conventional green roof system, owners have the choice to the total building surface area. Well designed green walls
install electric field vector mapping (EFVM). EVFM uses compliment the benefits reaped by the use of greens roofs. In
water as an electrical conductor that establishes a circuit once Europe and Asia there are claims that green walls are
water contacts the structural support system. EVFMs used considered more valuable than green roofs (Sharp 2007).
with modular systems appear to be the easiest to remove in Benefits of green walls include reduction of building
order to repair damaged areas. Other methods for leak temperature (shading, insulation, evapotranspiration), dust
detection include creating water proofing “zones” or panels reduction, pollution containment, reduction in storm water
where water is contained within an area beneath the volume flow rate, increased bio-diversity, noise reduction,
waterproofing membrane. Such techniques allow repairs to be and used for ornamental purposes. Green walls are not
made in an isolated region. Each waterproofing manufacturer limited to building structures, but can be added to site walls,
has specialized systems designed for green roof applications. structures, and surfaces. Awareness of the implications of a
green wall strategy from a structural perspective needs to be
Retrofit of Existing Structures understood. Even though green wall practice isn’t a new
strategy, it is documented that façade greening is a relatively
Retrofitting existing roof structures for installation of a green new discipline (Dunnet 2008). It also appears that
roof is an absolute possibility. Under certain conditions, the information on structural loading of green walls is wanting.
existing structure need not be retrofitted. One of these Thus, items and issues a structural engineer should consider
conditions is where the roof ballast is removed and replaced will be presented. Additional research regarding the structural
with an extensive green roof having the same superimposed loading imposed by green walls will need to be performed.
dead load and live load criteria (COLA 2006, Snodgrass
2006). For this sort of approach a careful review of the Green walls can be grouped into two types: Green Facades
modified drainage plans and water proofing should be and Living Walls.
considered. One item for the landscape architect to note is
that plant selection is limited in the ballast replacement Green Building Walls/Façade Greening: In the context of
strategy. buildings, green walls can also be referred to as façade
greening. Because green walls are living, façade greening is a
Additional strengthening of the roof structure to self-regenerating cladding system for buildings that changes
accommodate larger depths of green roofs is also possible. shape and structure over time. Thus, the possibilities that
Basic structural strengthening techniques can be used. One structural loading can change over time, as well as issues
item to note when verifying new green roofs is that a related to durability, are present.
transient live load must be considered as part of the structural
engineering load combinations. Green façades are composed of climbing or cascading plants
that are rooted at the base of a structure, an intermediate
As with new roofs, whenever the retrofit of an existing roof is planter, or on a rooftop. Traditional green walls used self-
being performed, additional considerations related to plant clinging climbers, but modern green wall systems prefer to
survivability, drainage, and fire safety provisions must be use a network of cable-ropes or a trellis, offset from the
coordinated. It is recommended that a non-vegetated building façade system. Trellis systems can either be attached
perimeter around the edges of the roof, skylights, roof to the building structure or are free standing (Sharp 2007,
hatches, and drains be provided (COLA 2006). A non- Dunnet 2008). Examples of plants requiring support
vegetated perimeter should also be provided around existing structures include twining vines, leaf stem climbers, and
mechanical equipment and exhaust structures in order to scrambling plants.
prevent the possibility of fire initiation of plant structures and
to prevent scorching (plant stress and mortality) of the green Self-clinging wall climbers require no additional structural
roof plants due to the heat produced by these elements support and either use a root or an adhesive sucker to attach
(Snodgrass 2006). High velocity exhaust by HVAC units can themselves to the façade. Root hair attachments will typically
penetrate cracks and gaps of rough surfaces. To prevent deep Trellis systems used to support green walls vary. Based on
root penetration, root clingers should not be used on walls the trellis system selected the load can either be imposed on
having soft mortar and tiling (Dunnet 2008). Climbers using the building structure or through the trellis system itself. Four
adhesive suckers are less likely to cause damage than root varieties include 1) direct wall fixing, 2) hanging system
clinging climbers. Surface damage attributed to adhesive (roof), 3) Standing or rigid rod with foundation, and 4) Steel
climbers can usually be attributed to improper removal. In all cabling and tensioned system (Dunnet 2008). Variations of
cases, one should avoid greening historic buildings with self- these systems are available.
clinging green walls. Damage can include marks left by
pulled suckers and/or aerial roots. Durability, structural support, placement, and maintenance of
the green façade wall should be assessed in the design
Twining climbers require a vertical support structure for process. Damage to the building structure and failure of the
growth and load support. Their weight can become trellis support structures have been documented and can be
considerable over time due to formation of tree-like trunks attributed to a variety of reasons. The reasons appear to be
and branches. Large twining climbers also have the ability to related to insufficient strength and anchorage of the trellis
twist their supporting structure with the result of anchorage system to the structure as well as structural overloading due
failure (Dunnet 2008). Anchorage issues can be solved to plant growth and other environmental loads. “Fassaden-
through the use of overload clamps and extra length of cable. und Dachbegrünung by Brandwein and Köhler (1993) should
Tendril and leaf twining climbers attach themselves to the be consulted for additional details.
vertical load carrying support system through tendrils.
Usually the trellis support system for these types of plants is Living Walls, Structures, and Surfaces: Living walls are
made of equidistant horizontal and vertical supports. also known as biowalls, “muir” vegetal, or vertical gardens.
Ramblers and scramblers typically use their thorns as a This is also known as “eco-technology.” Such living systems
means of attachment. Usually, ramblers grow better in are usually composed of modular pre-vegetated panels or
horizontal direction. fabric systems that are either anchored to a structural support
system and/or held away from the structure. One other form
Seventy eight (78) feet appears to be the maximum height a of living walls is the integration of plants into engineered
green wall can attain (Dunnet 2008). To extend beyond this structures such as retaining walls, slope stabilization, or bank
height, intermediate planter levels can be installed up the protection of streams and rivers. This second living wall
building. category is usually referred to as bioengineering.
Bioengineering can be an effective strategy that replaces civil
The factors affecting the choice of the green wall support engineering strategies that incorporate concrete and other
system are: Climbing mechanism, plant size, local climatic heavily engineered systems.
conditions, and architectural design factors. Of these, climatic
conditions and plant size have particular structural In the living wall system, product manufacturers should be
implications. Plant weight is related to the type of climber, specifically consulted for modular panel and fabric mat
species, and regional growth conditions. Plant weights can weights. Modular, gabion, mortared, and cast-in-place
vary between 2 and 110 psf of wall area (Dunnet 2008). The retaining walls have great potential and can be planted to
additional weight of rain water and dew should be serve as green walls. Attention to durability issues as well as
considered. When snow fall is a possibility, the weight of consideration of plant root behavior should be considered.
snow should be accounted for. For snow and rain, the load Manufacturers of modular walls should be consulted for
recommendation is two times the plant weight for deciduous additional information on their green wall systems. A
plants, and three times the plant weight for evergreens. maintenance program to keep plant growth under control
Where trellis systems are offset from the building façade, the should also be incorporated. For additional discussions on
potential for increased façade axial load and moment, beyond green civil engineering walls, Dunnet (2008) should be
typically loaded facades, is apparent. consulted.
In terms of wind loading, shallow profile climbers impose a Specifications and General Notes: Similar to green roofs,
much smaller load than climbers having leaves and branches. green walls will also require quantitative performance data.
Maintenance to remove extended growth appears to be the Specifications will typically be controlled by the Green Wall
key to preventing overloading due to plant extensions. As far designer. It is advised that structural general notes be
as surface roughness effects of green walls are concerned, it included in the contract documents. Appendix B provides a
is unclear whether building code recommendations cover this sample general notes section for green walls.
Special Topic: Green Roof & Wall Synergies Controlling the rate and quantity of storm water prevents the
overload of public utilities and potential release of
The advantages of using Green roofs were presented in a contaminated water into the ecosystem. Berlin, Germany and
previous section. Some specific strategies taking advantage of Portland, Oregon have seen the benefits of increasing the use
characteristics of the green roof system are presented below. of green roofs as storm water management tools (COLA
The topics are by no means the only synergies where a green 2006).
roof can be incorporated.
In “Ecoroof Questions and Answers”, The City of Portland
Solar Panels and Green Roofs: Probably one of the greatest Bureau of Environmental Services, indicated that green roofs
synergistic combinations of sustainable strategies is the capture and evaporate between 10% and 100% of
incorporation of a green roof structure with solar panels. precipitation incident on the roof. Several different studies
German research has indicated that solar panels perform indicate different retention and release rates. In almost all
optimally at temperatures under 77°F (Earth Pledge 2005). cases the storm water that isn’t retained by the green roof can
Green roofs have the ability to cool the surrounding area, and be stored as grey water. This grey water can be used to flush
thus can assist in increasing the performance of unrinals and provide irrigation water for ground level plants
photovoltaics. Structural verification, detailing, and or the green roof itself. Incorporating storage structures such
coordination of both elements should be performed. as tanks into the structural system should be considered.
Storage tanks can be located at the roof level or in the
Several projects have been constructed using this combined foundation system. When stored on the roof, the pumping
strategy. The Primary and Secondary school in requirements are reduced, but the structural system required
Unterensingen, Germany incorporates a 3 inch, 15000 sf to support it becomes more extensive. When storage systems
green roof. Because of solar incentives provided by Germany, are incorporated into the foundation system, additional
for renewable energy, it was estimated that it would take 10 coordination with the foundation and the use of larger
years for the photovoltaic panels to payback the entire roof pumping systems are required. One other strategy to consider
system. Not only will it pay back itself, but this component of when incorporating storage systems is the possibility of
the school doubles as a student laboratory and is used as part integrating it with a mechanical system. I.e. Pre-cool intakes
of the school’s science curriculum (See Figure 9). using the thermal mass of the water.
space, storm water management, etc… In “Roof Envelope popular green building rating systems available through
ratio impact on green roof energy performance,” by Martens USGBC. A few other notable USGBC rating systems include
and Bass (2006), the final conclusion indicated that low, flat, LEED for Schools, LEED for Healthcare, LEED for Homes,
single story buildings had the greatest energy savings over a and LEED for Multiple Buildings/Campuses. Although
conventional roof. In 2005, the paper “Energy performance of adapted from LEED NC, these rating systems are customized
green roofs in a multi-storey residential building in Madrid,” to the end-user. Each rating system uses a credit based
by Alcazar and Bass, indicated that for an eight story certification system to attain certain levels of achievement.
building, only the upper three stories showed energy savings
due to the installation of a green roof (25% in summer and Green Roofs & Walls qualify for several of the following
12% in winter). Of course, this data is based on a specific LEED NC credits:
building structure. It is apparent, though, that a green roof on a) Sustainable Site Credit
a high rise will not have as great an impact as one installed on a. Green Walls & Façade Greening:
a low-rise structure. If the energy performance of a building Credit 7.1 - “Heat Island Effect Non-
structure is to be assessed, it is recommended that the green Roof”
roof be modeled. b. Green Roofs: Credit 7.2 – “Heat Island
Effect Roof”,
Green roofs are not the only option for reducing energy usage b) Water Efficiency Credit 1.1 – Reduce potable
and providing temperature control. Green walls can provide water consumption by 50%,
substantial reduction in daily temperature fluctuations. c) Water Efficiency Credit 1.2 – Eliminate the use
Studies appear to indicate as much as a 50% reduction of potable water and surface/sub-surface water
(Dunnet 2008). Green walls can simultaneously cool walls, resources
provide window shading, and use evapotranspiration to pre- d) Water Efficiency Credit 2 – Use Innovative
cool air entering and surrounding the structure. Use of Waste water technologies to reduce wastewater
evergreens in green walls can provide winter insulation, generation (i.e. rainwater capture, recycling
while deciduous green walls can allow solar heat gain during grey water)
winter months. e) Energy and Atmosphere Credit 1 – Achieve
increased levels of energy performance. (See
One potential application of a green wall is as an air discussion above on energy).
biofiltration or precooling system. In the biofiltration system, f) Innovation in Design Credit 1 through 4 –
plants are placed in a biofilter media. The plants are selected Going beyond the LEED NC Green Building
based on their ability to assist in the biofiltration process. Rating System.
Using a fan system, installed on the backside of the wall,
indoor air contaminants are removed by drawing air through Green Globes™: The Green Globes “Design for New
the biofilter. As the air passes through the moist biofilter, it is Buildings and Retrofits” rating system is an online
also cooled. This “pre-cooled” air can be distributed through questionnaire based system that provides early feedback and
the building’s HVAC system as part of an energy recommendations through the design process. This system is
conservation and temperature regulation strategy (Margolis aimed at commercial buildings. Green Roofs can contribute
2007). to several points towards a Green Globe Rating. The
assessment areas that green roofs can potentially contribute to
Green Roofs, Walls, and Sustainable Metrics are listed below. These assessment areas are similar to the
USGBC LEED NC Credit areas.
Several United States based sustainability metrics are a) Site B.2 – “Eco Impact – Reduced Heat Island
currently available. Two of these metric systems currently Effect”
allocate a credit (point) for the use of green roofs. Each b) Site B.3 –“Water Shed Features”
credit’s intent is to address a specific environmental or social c) Energy C.1 – Energy Performance
issue. Each metric has its own method of addressing and d) Energy C.2 – Reduced Energy Demand
weighting the importance of these issues. Every engineer e) Water D.1 – Water Performance
should think beyond the point system that these metrics f) Water D.2 – Water Conserving Features
typically use, in order to pursue a truly integrated and g) Water D.3 – On-Site Treatment of Water
sustainable design project. For specific requirements and
strategies, please consult the latest guidelines. Green Roof and Wall Case Studies
USGBC LEED® NC Version 2.2: LEED NC V2.2, “New Several resources are available for review of case study
Construction & Major Renovation” is one of the most projects. Probably the best resource available is the 2005
Earth Pledge text titled “Green Roofs – Ecological Design References
and Construction.” This invaluable text covers over 40
worldwide projects. Each case study includes the green roof Appl, R., and Ansel, W., “Future Oriented and Sustainable
size, assembly details, plant selection, soil depth, cost, and Green Roofs in Germany,” Greening Rooftops for
weight information. Nigel Dunnett’s, “Planting Green Roofs Sustainable Communities, Proceedings of the Second North
and Living Walls,” is interspersed with case studies of green American Green Roofs Conference, Portland, June 2004
roofs and walls. The “Design Guidelines for green roofs,”
produced by the Ontario Association of Architects, is also a ASCE, 2005, ASCE 7-05: Minimum Design Loads for
useful document to consult when determining standard costs Building Structures, ASCE Press, Reston Virginia.
for green roof implementation. Manufacturers should also be
consulted when specific case studies are sought. ASTM, 2005, ASTM E 2397-05: Standard Practice of Dead
Loads and Live Loads Associated with Green Roof Systems,
Areas Requiring Further Research & Next Steps ASTM International, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.
Based on the research performed for this paper it is clear that Beattie, D. and Berghage, R., “Green Roof Media
additional research on the following topics is warranted: Characteristics: The Basics,” Greening Rooftops for
1) Dynamic behavior of green roofs under seismic Sustainable Communities, Proceedings of the Second North
loads. This may require shake table testing. American Green Roofs Conference, Portland, June 2004
2) Anchorage design and detailing of green roofs for
seismic loads: flat & sloped roofs. This may require City of Los Angeles (COLA), “Green Roofs – Cooling Los
shake table testing. Angeles, A Resource Guide,” Environmental Affairs
3) Additional literature review of wind loading on trees Department, City of Los Angeles, 2006 edition,
and a clear method for calculating base reactions on, City of Los Angeles.
the structural system. I.e. understanding wind loads
and root structure distribution (structural root plate Clark, A., and Saucier, J., “Tables for Estimating Total-Tree
size) for unconfined trees. Weights, Stem Weights, and Volumes of Planted and Natural
4) Additional research related to load determination of Southern Pines in the Southeast,” Georgia Forest research
green walls. This research should include weight Paper 79, September, 1990.
estimations of the plantings and other environmental
loads (snow, wind, rain) imposed on the green wall Coder, K., “Storm Wind Load on Trees,” Outreach
support structure and/or building structure. Publication SFNR07-03, February 2007, University of
5) Additional review of green roof structural failures. Georgia.
The research behind the structural engineering of green roofs Coder, K. “Pruning Guide For Storm Force Reduction in
and walls is not yet complete. This paper was merely an Tree Crowns,” Tree Biomechanics Series, Sept. 2000,
attempt to collect information, based on extensive literature University of Georgia
review, relevant to structural engineers. Additional research,
testing, literature review, and interdisciplinary cooperation Coder, K. “Estimating Wind Forces on Tree Crowns,” Tree
will be performed in order to address and quantify these Biomechanics Series, Sept. 2000, University of Georgia
Coder, K. “Estimating Leaning Tree Failures,” Tree
Conclusion Biomechanics Series, Sept. 2000, University of Georgia
This document has provided an in-depth discussion on the Coder, K. “Tree Fall Distance Estimate,” Tree Biomechanics
structural implications of intensive green roofs/terraces, Series, Sept. 2000, University of Georgia
extensive green roofs, and green walls. Design data,
resources, and structural engineering strategies have also Coder, K. “Estimating Weights of Branch Segments,” Tree
been provided. It is hoped that this document will provide a Biomechanics Series, Nov. 2000, University of Georgia
resource for engineers looking to easily, safely, and
effectively facilitate the integration of green roofs, terraces, Coder, K. “Crown Shape Factors & Volumes,” Tree
and walls into their sustainable design projects. Biomechanics Series, Nov. 2000, University of Georgia
Coder, K. “Root Growth Requirements and Limitations,” Green Living Technologies (GLT), LLC, website accessed
Tree Root Growth Control Series, March. 1998, University July 4, 2008.
of Georgia
Hayden, T., “California Academy of Sciences Aims to be
Coder, K. “Root Control Barriers,” Tree Root Growth Greenest Museum on Earth,” Wired Magazine, issue 15.08,
Control Series, March. 1998, University of Georgia dated 7/24/07,
Coder, K. “Soil Constraints on Root Growth,” Tree Root 08/st_greenmuseum
Growth Control Series, March. 1998, University of Georgia
ICC, 2006, IBC 2006: International Building Code,
Coffman R., and Martin, J., “The Sustainability of an International Code Council, Club Hills, Illinois.
Agricultural Roof Garden,” Greening Rooftops for
Sustainable Communities, Proceedings of the Second North James, K., “Dynamic Loading of Trees,” Journal of
American Green Roofs Conference, Portland, June 2004 Arboriculture, 29 (3): May 2003
Dines, N., and Harris, C., Time Saver Standards for Kinkade-Levario, H., Design for Water: Rainwater
Landscape Architecture, 1997, 2ed, McGraw Hill, New York Harvesting, Stormwater Catchment, and Alternate Water
Reuse, 2007 edition, New Society Publishers, Gabriola
Dunnet, N., and Clayden, A., Rain Gardens: Managing Island, BC, Canada.
Water Sustainably in the Garden and Designed Landscape,
2007 edition, Timber Press, Portland, Oregon. Lee a., “Life Cycle Cost Analysis – Green Roofs From an
Investment Perspective,” Greening Rooftops for Sustainable
Dunnet, N., and Kingsbury, N., Planting Green Roofs and Communities, Proceedings of the Second North American
Living Walls, 2008 edition, Timber Press, Portland Oregon. Green Roofs Conference, Portland, June 2004
Earth Pledge, Green Roofs: Ecological Design and Liu, K. and Baskaran, B., “Thermal Performance of Green
Construction, 2005 edition, Schiffer Publishing Ltd., Atglen, Roofs Through Field Evaluation,” Greening Rooftops for
Pennsylvania. Sustainable Communities, Proceedings of the First North
American Green Roofs Conference, Chicago, June 2003
FM Global, “Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets: 1-35 –
Green Roof Systems,” FM Global, January 2007, Factory Loder, A., and Peck, S., “Green Roofs’ Contribution to
Mutual Insurance Company Smarth Growth Implementation,” Greening Rooftops for
Sustainable Communities, Proceedings of the Second North
Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung American Green Roofs Conference, Portland, June 2004
Landschaftsbau e.V (FLL), Guideline for the Planning,
Execution and Upkeep of Green Roof Sites, 2002 english Margolis, L., and Robinson, A., Living Systems: Innovative
edition, FLL, Bonn, Germany. Materials and Technologies For Landscape Architecture,
2007 edition, Birkhäuser Verlag AG, Basel, Switzerland.
Francis, J. “Comparison of Hurricane Damage to Several
Species of Urban Trees in San Juan, Puerto Rico,” Journal of Miller, C., “Moisture Management in Green Roofs,”
Arboriculture, 26 (4): July 2000. Greening Rooftops for Sustainable Communities,
Proceedings of the First North American Green Roofs
Frentress, D., “Green Roofs and Amenity Spaces in the Asia Conference, Chicago, June 2003
Pacific Region using Impervious Concrete,” Greening
Rooftops for Sustainable Communities, Proceedings of the Miller, C., “Performance-Based Approach to Preparing
Second North American Green Roofs Conference, Portland, Green Roof Specifications,” Greening Rooftops for
June 2004 Sustainable Communities, Proceedings of the Second North
American Green Roofs Conference, Portland, June 2004
Gerhold, H. & Johnson, A., “Root Dimensions of Landscape
Tree Cultivars,” Journal of Arboriculture, 29 (6): November Niklas, K., “Wind, Size, and Tree Safety,” Journal of
2003. Arboriculture, 28 (2): March 2002.
Green Building Initiative, Green Globes, accessed July 24,
Oberndorfer, E. et. al., “Green Roofs as Urban Ecosystems: Szewcyyk, Z., “Green Roof Design 101,” Greening Rooftops
Ecological Structures, Functions, and Services,” BioScience, for Sustainable Communities, Proceedings of the First North
November 2007, Vol. 57, number 10, BioScience Magazine American Green Roofs Conference, Chicago, June 2003
Osmundson, T., Roof Gardens: History, Design, and Temesgen, H., and Hann, D., and Monleon, J., “Regional
Construction, 1999 edition, W.W. Norton & Company, New Height-Diameter Equations for major Tree Species of
York, New York. Southwest Oregon,” Western Journal of Applied Forestry, 22
(3): 2007.
Packard, R.T. Editor, AIA Architectural Graphic Standards,
1981 edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York, New York. U.S. Green Building Council, New Construction & major
Renovation Reference Guide V2.2, 2nd edition September
Peck, S. and Kuhn, M., “Design Guidelines for Green 2006, USGBC, Washington, DC
Roofs,” Ontario Association of Architects,
Velazquez, L., “Modular Green Roof Technology: An
Peper, P., McPherson, E., and Mori, S., “Equations for Overview of Two Systems,” Greening Rooftops for
Predicting Diameter, Height, Crown Width, and Leaf Area of Sustainable Communities, Proceedings of the First North
San Joaquin Valley Street Trees,” Journal of Arboriculture, American Green Roofs Conference, Chicago, June 2003
27 (6): November 2001.
Appendix A: Design Load Reference Material
Post, N., “Sand Francisco Museum’s Green Redo Keeps
Team on Slippery Slope,” Engineering News Record, Vol. Table A-1: Weights of Common Building Materials
260 No. 21, June 23, 2008, McGraw Hill Construction Ref. Dines 1997
RCT Inc, “Green Roof Handbook,” Resource Conservation Material lbs/ft3 (kg/m3)
Technology, Inc., May 2006, Granite & Marble 170 (2757), Baltimore, Maryland. Slate 160(2595)-180(2919)
Sterken, P., A Guide for Tree-Stability Analysis, 2005, 2nd Special commercial soil, wet 110 (1784)
edition, Topsoil, dry 80 (1298)
Topsoil, wet 120 (1946)
Peat, dry 9.6 (154.3)
Peat, wet 10.3 (165.5) Coppices (up to 150 cm tall) 4 (20)
Humus, dry 35 (568) Simple Intensive Roofs
Humus, wet 82 (1330) Lawn 1 (5)
Low Bushes and Coppices 2 (10)
Table A-2: Planting Media Weight
Shrubs and Bushes up to 150 cm tall 4 (20)
Ref. Dines 1997
Bushes up to 10 ft (3 m) tall 6.1 (30)
Large Bushes up to 20 ft (6 m) tall 8.1 (40)
Material lbs/ft3 (kg/m3)
Small Trees up to 33 ft (10 m) tall 12.2 (60)
Fine Sand, dry 90 (1447)
Trees up to 49 ft (15 m) tall 30.5 (150)
Fine Sand, damp 120 (1929)
Cedar Shavings, dry 9.25 (149) Table A-4: Weights of Containers and Field Grown Plants
Cedar Shavings, damp 13 (209) Ref. Dines 1997
Notes: 1. Table lists shipping weights, including the box, 2.
Peat moss, dry 9.6 (155)
Cross Reference with “Container Class Table” of ANSI
Peat moss, damp 10.3 (166) Z60.1-2004, 3. Increase in weight due to growth should be
Red Lava, 5/16 in max, dry 50 (804) estimated as part of the design process. I.e. This table
Red Lava, 5/16 in max, damp 54 (863) represents only shipping weights, 4. Container grown
weights are based on mushroom compost. Nurseries should
Redwood Compost and shaving, dry 14.8 (238) be consulted if different compost is used in your region.
Redwood Compost and shaving, damp 22.2 (357)
Fir and pine bark humus, dry 22.2 (357) Container Size Container Grown/Field
Grown Weights - lbs (kg)
Fir and pine bark humus, damp 33.3 (535)
Perlite, dry 6.5 (105) 15-gal can (56 L) 80 (36) / --
Perlite, wet 32.4 (521) 20 in (510 mm) box 200 (90) / 400 (180)
Vermiculite, coarse, dry 6.25 (100.5) 24 in (610 mm) box 400 (180) / 725 (325)
Vermiculite, medium, dry 5.75 (93) 30 in (760 mm) box 800 (360) / 1500 (675)
Vermiculite, fine, dry 7.5 (121) 36 in (900 mm) box 1300 (585) / 2500 (1125)
Topsoil, dry 76 (1221) 48 in (1220 mm) box 3500 (1575) / 6000 (2700)
Topsoil, damp 78 (1254) 54 in (1370 mm) box 4000 (1800) / 7000 (3150)
60 in (1520 mm) box 5000 (2250) / 8000 (3600)
Table A-3: Design Vegetation Surface Load 72 in (1830 mm) box 7k (3150) / 12k (5400)
Ref. FM Global 35-1 2007 & FLL Guideline 2002
84 in (2130 mm) box 9k (4050) / 16k (7200)
Note: This table represents minimum design loads. Consult
green roof supplier or installer to verify vegetation weight. 96 in (2440 mm) box 12k (5400) / 20k (9000)
120 in (3050 mm) box 14k (6300) / 24 k (10800)
2 2
Form of Vegetation lbs/ft (kg/m )
Table A-5: Tree Weight (Green) Algorithms
Extensive Roofs Ref. Clark 1990
Moss - Sedum 2 (10) Note: This table includes only a few species. Consult the
appropriate forestry and nursery guides for weight algorithms
Sedum - moss - herbaceous plants 2 (10)
for other tree species. D = Diameter at Breast Height (inches)
Sedum - grass - herbaceous plants 2 (10) H = Height of Tree (feet)
Grass - herbaceous plants (dry lawn) 2 (10)
Tree species Size Algorithm (weight in lbs)
Simple Intensive Roofs
Southern Pine Coastal < 5 inches 0.32214(D2H)0.91330
Grass, rough grassed area 3 (15) plane
Wild Bushes, coppices 2 (10) > 5 inches 0.19821 (D2)1.06419
Coppices - shrubs 3 (15) Southern Pine Piedmont < 5 inches 0.28557 (D2H)0.92236
> 5 inches 0.18703 (D2)1.05385(H)0.92236 4D. DRAINAGE PLAN AND STORAGE TANK CUT
Hard Hardwoods < 11 0.38315 (D2H)0.92045 SHEETS (IF APPLICABLE).
> 11 0.11710 (D2)1.16763(H)0.92045 WEIGHTS, SPECIES, AND BOX SIZES USED ON THE
Soft Hardwoods < 11 0.26153(D2)1.12422(H)0.93871
> 11 0.10743(D2)1.12422(H)0.93871
Sweet gum < 11 0.24512(D2H)0.95220 VERIFICATION OF GREEN ROOF COMPONENTS.
> 11 0.09605(D2)1.14754(H)0.95220 FOR REVIEW.
Yellow Poplar < 11 0.16258(D2H)0.99008 GREEN ROOF ASSEMBLY FOR REVIEW AND
> 11 0.12701(D2)1.04157(H)0.99008 TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E2397 AND
Appendix B: Sample Structural General Notes for ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND REQUIRMENTS.
Green Roofs and Walls