MXL-H-5593C 3 Superseding l'41L-?l-5593B 23

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I MXL-H-5593C
1. 3 April 1981

,. l’41L-?l-5593B
23 August 196!5

This specification is approved for”use by all” Department6 end ‘

Agencies of the Department Of Defense.

1. SCOPE , ,.

1.1 This specificatican .covers one type of, low-pressure flexible

hose for use in aircraft application.

1.2 Specification part number for items described in this spec-

ification will be formulated as shown in section 6.6.

● 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of
invitation, forbids or request for proposal form a part’of this
specification to the extent specified herein.



,TT-5-735 Standard Test Fluids, Hydrocarbon


M.IL-P-775 Packaging of Hose, Hose .~ssemblies,

Rubber, Plastic, Fabric, or Metal
(Including Tubing, Fittings, Nozzles,
and Strainers)
“tiIL-H-5606 Hydraulic l?luid, Petroleum Base,’Aircraft’
Missle, and Ordinance
MIL-M-6002 lEirking, Standard Hose, Aircraft
M2L-A-38726 Adaptor Assembly, Reusable, Flexible
Hose, Low Pressure


FED-STD-595 Colors
FED-STD-611 Rubber, Sampling anii”Testing

Beneficial comments (recommendations, addictions, deletions) and
~Y Pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document
should Be addressed to: HQ APLC CASO/LODS, Federal Center,
Battle Creek, MI 49016 by using the self-addressed Standardization
Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end~
of this document or bv letter.
FSC 4720
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MIL-STD-129 Marking’ for Shipment and Storage

MIL-STD-1523 Age Control of Age-Sensitive Elastomeric

(Copies of specification; st&dards, drawings and publication

required by contratitore in connections with epecific procurement
functione should be obtained from the procuring activity or as
directed by the contracting of ficer. )

3.1 Qualification. The hose furnished under .thia specification
shall be a prediict which has passed the qualification tests
specified h~rine end has been-listed on & approved for listing
on the applicable qualified producte liet.
3.2 Material. ‘The hoee shall be uniform in ehape, free from
defects in material end of the quality described in 3.3.

3.3 Design end construction. ,

3.3.1 Design. The hose shall be designed for aasemhly with

adapter conforming to MIL-A-38726. The physical requirements
ehall be as specified in Table 1.

● 3.3.2 Construction. The hose shall coneist of an inner tube

which is adequately reinforced end an outer cover fabricated tb
withstand all the test requirements of this specification.

3.3.3 Inner tube. The inner tube shall conaiat of a nonblooming

compound of seamlese construction, uniform in gage and resistant
to aromatics. It shall be free from pitting, dirt, foreign
material end mandrel lubricants consistent with good manufac-
turing practices.

3.3.4 Reinforcement. The reinforcement shall consist of yarn,

cotton or other euiteble material, to provide the necessary added
etrengtb for the hose to meet all the test requirements of, this

3.3.5 Outer cover. The cover shall be of Sbrasion-reeistant com-

pound of uniform thickness, free from cuts end brakes end ehall
be reeistent to fuel end oil. The cover may incorporate longi-
tudinal corrugation not exceeding 1/32 inch in depth and spaced
no more than 1/32 in”ch apart around the entire periphery of the
hose. Surface irregularities, such as meld marks and laps, as
distinguiehad from cracks or cuts, shall not be cause for rejec-
tion. ,-
3.4 Dimensions. <

3.4.1 Length. Unless otherwise specified! hose shall be furnished

in lengths from 20 to 65 feet, except that on ‘such orders, 10
percent may be furnished in random lengthe over 10 feet. m add-
~ttnal 10 percent may be furnished in random lengths over three
. When hose ie ordered in epecified lengths, a telerence of
+1 percent of the length shall be allowed.
I .

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3.4.2 Concentricity.The inside diameter(ID) and o.tsi& diameter (OD)

shall be ~ncentrtc within 0.030 Cotal indicator reading on the -2 and -3
sizes;”on slies -4, -6< -8 and -10 the TD and OD shall be concentric within
0.040 total indicator reading. All readings are to be made on the end of
lc~tlis as supplied.

3.4.3: Tube bore. .The ID of the’base shall not be reduced by more than ‘O.O2O
inch less than the nipple 10 after installccton of adapters conforming to
MIL-A?38726. ‘

3,5 performance.

3.5.1 Performanceof hose. The hose shall eatlafy the performancerequice-

“ofSectLon when subjected to the following teets:
a. Proof pressure. . . . . . . . . . .
b. Adhesion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4..4.2.2
c. Tenst2c strength. . . . . . . . . .
d. 1310ngacion. . . . . . . . . . . . .
e. Buret pressure . . . . . . . . . . . .’
f. swellin g....... . . . . . . .
Flexibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. b.3,2
:: Kinking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
i. Vacuum colhpee. . . . . . . . . . .
Low temperature ff.cxibil.ity.
. . . .
i Water and alcohol realscattce. . . .
1. Oil resistance . . . . . . . . . . .

* 3.5.2 Performance of.hose assemblies. Suitable Lengths of hose, of cnch size

rovere=y this specification, shall be assembled with adapters conforming co
ML-A-38726 and subjected to the followin8 tests:
a. Pruof preswre 4.3,2.1
b. Burst pressure
c. Tenstle strength

3.6 Markina. The hose shill be marked on the outer eurface, pcra12el co the “.
bore, uith the Letters “LP-, the specification number, a numerical character
to indicate the hose size, the date of manufacture in quarter and year and
the manufacturer!s Fe&ral Supply @&. The marking ehall be.yellow, cobr
13538 of FED-STD-595 (gasoline, oil and water resistant), 2e8ib3E with,notmal
vision,at a minimum distance of three feet and shall be repeatedevery 12
inches or less akmg the @“t(r@ length of the hose. (Example: LP-f13f,-H-5593-
6-306S+)0000 designates low pressure sLze.-6 manufactured during third
quarter calendar year 65 and,the manufacturer-e specific co& number.) The
marking ehall wlthatand the test requirements of MIL-H-6002.

* 3.7 ~. Bu3k hose covered by this specification and furnished to the Go-
vernmentstill not _eed the age l~it specified in HIL-ST~1523.

3.8 Workmanship Hose described herein shall be manufactured in accordance

with the highest standard practice for products as covered by this specifi-
ution. Particular attention shall be Siven to the uniformity of diameter,
freedom from cracks and cuts, legibility of @Mrkln8 or other &f ects which
would contribute to the ❑isuse or ~nsatiefactory ~p~atioa of ~he hose.

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4.1 Sesponslbility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the con-
tract, the contractor ia responeible for the performance of all inspection
. requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise.apecifled in the con-
tract,the contractormay use his ouu or any other facilitiessuitablefor
the perform.mceof the inspectionrequirementsspecifiedherein,unless dis-
approvedbY the @ver~ent. The ~Ve-nt reservesthe right to performany
of the inspectioae set forth in the specification where such imapections are
&amed mcceesary to assure supplies and aer:icea confoc!dto the prescribed

4.2 ‘Classification of tests. The inspection and testing of hose shall be

classifled ae follevs:
a. ~lification tests 4.3 “
b. Acceptance teste 4.4
c. Routine tests 4.4.2

4.2.1 Test condicioms. Unless otherwise specified, all test conditions and
preparation of teet apecimena shall be in accordance with PSKH3TD-601.

4.2.2 Rose asseanbliea.Rose assemblies used for test purposee shall be mcde
up ulth adapters conforming to UI.-A-38726.

4.3 Qualificatlon tests.

4.3.1 sampling instructions. QuaUficatiOn test samples sb.dl consist of nut

2.?sschcn 15 feet of each size hose on which qualification ie desired and six
hose aseemb2ies fabricated from the acme size hose us{ng adaptexs conforming
to HIL-A-38726. For qualification of hose 1/4 inch ID or kac, sheets of the
acme stock and cure as the tube shall be furnished for tensile and elongation
teste. AU scmples eball be idcntified with the manufacturerts name and thie
specification number.

4.3.2 ~. The qualification tests nf hose eti-llcnnsist of all the teste

listed herein under qualification tests plue the tests Mated under acce~
~ ., tcnce tests. (The q@.f.fication tests may, at che option of the qualifying
service, be supplemented by tests under actual service conditinns.)

● Prnof preseure test of essemb2ies. All hose assemblies shall be sub-
jected to the appl.iccblcproof prees.ce specified in Table,1 for a minimum
~riod of 60 eecondc and a mcxfmum of five minutes. The test f2uid shall be
I water. There sbcll be no evi&nte of permanent &formacion, damage or

“ ● Burst preesure test of aescmblies. The hose assamb2ies shall be sub-
jected to s preeaure sufficient to burec the assembliesvitb rate of pressure
equal to 300-1,000 psi per minute. The assemblies ehcll be obaarved through-
~t the teet and the type of fai2ure and tt? preesure”at which failure occur-
red shall be recorded. The assembly shall not 2eck or sbnw any evi&ace of
mdfunct ion at any pressure below the apccified pressure shown in Tab2e 1.

I Teneile acrength of asaamblies. The end adaptere of the hose aaae~
bly shall be screvad into the head nf the tension testing machine and sepcra-
tcd at a speed of approximately one inch per minute. The end adapters shell
mt pull off.nor ehall the hose rupture at leas tbm the value for tensile

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.. . .


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strength specified in Table 1.

4.4 Hose acceptance tests. Each individua1 hose submicted for acceptance ,/
under contract shall be subjeqted to the following tests”:

4.4.1 tiinat ion of product. 411 hoses shell be examined for conformance
with this specification with respect to materials, workmanship. size,
Conscn!ction and marking. ~roof pressure test. All hoses ehall be subjected to a proof preesure
specified in Table I for a minimum period of 60 seconds and a maximum of five
m2nutes. The test fkid shall be water. Evidence of permanent defomi.ationor
leakage shall be ccuee for rejection.
,( ?.

4.4.2 Snutine tests. The following number of scmp2e6, taken at random from
each 10.000 feet or fraction thereof the came diameter hose furniehed on
contract, shall be subjected “to the following teete: Sampling for tests. TVO p2etten preee sheets or two 12-inch lengthe
of hose ehall be taken at random for the tenni2eand elongationtests, except
ttmt for hose 1/4.inch 2D or &se the p3atten prese sheets till be required.
lhe platten press sheets ehcll not be Ices than 6 inch by 6 inch by 1/16 inch
thick, but not mre than 1/8 inch thick, of the same cure and stock as the
inner tube. sampling for burst pressure. one hoee, of each diameter, 18 inches
long shall be required for the huret preesure test. Adhesion. The adhesion between all adjacent pcrte shal+ be not Z.cse
than elx pounds per inch on ring epecimcn. Tensile strength. me teaai2c streugth of the tube and cover mater2-
al shell be not lees than 1,250 pounds per 6quare inch. Elongation. Percent elongation ehall be determined at the time Of.

conducting the tensi2e test. Ibe ultimate e20ngation of the tube and cover of
the hose ehall be not 3ess than 175 percent. (Elongation of 2 inchee exte”ided
to at 2,c&t 5 1/2 inches.) Burst pressure test. The hose shell be subjected to a pteesure suffi-
cient to burst the aesemb2iee with a rate of preacure equal to 300-1,000 psi
pcr minute. The asscmhliee shall be observed throughout the teec cud the type
of fni2ure and the pressure at which feilure occurred Phall be recor&d. fie
I acsemb22es eball not Zeak or show any evldcucc of malfunction at by preesure
I bI?20vthe specified preseure shown in Tab2e I.

4.4.3 Periodic control tests. Five hoses, 12 inches 3.OUS,of cacb di.=cter
I shall be taken at random from each 100,COO feet of hose or each 10 days pro-
duction,whicheveroccurs first; and ehcll be subjected to the follow2ng
teats :

I ● 4.4:3.1 Swe12i~. Three”test specimens, cacb of tube and cover, shall bc pre-
pared and tested in eccord.sncaw2th FSO-STO-6Q1, Hcthod 6211, except thet
vohamc change till be &tecmined w’ithinfive minutee after rennval from teet
I f2uid. The tube specimen ehall be subjcctbd to immersionin TT-S-735 Type 111
for 24 haure at room temperature. The vohme chcnge 6hcll be with2n O and +65
I percent. lhe cover specimen shall be subjected to immersion in 2T-s-735


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. .. MIL-H-5593C

Type I for 2k hours at ,ronmtemperature. The volume chsnge shall be within O

and +35 percent. ,,’

● ~. h. 3.2 Flexibility t’est. One 12-inch length shall be mounted in a vertical

position. The lover end shall be gripped in a vice or other suitable device
snd a weight equel to the amount .speclfiedin Table I attached to the
oppnsite end. The hose shall flex sufficiently to allnw the weighted end to
drop to a pnsition not less than the fixed end.

● l%e hose shallbe bent arnund a mcadrel vith a dismetcr con-
formingto the kinkingtest dlsmeterspecifiedin Table I snd c.xpnsed to a
temperatureof 158° ~ 1% for three hours. At the end of the three-hourper-
‘iodthere shall be no evidenceof kinkingor hose deterioration.

* ~.h. 3.4 Vacuum coil.ause. Vacuum shall be applied while the hose is bent
around a mandrel having a diameter equal to 10 times the OD of the hose. Hose
with ID of les,athan 1/2 inch shall be subjected to 20 inches of mercury
vacuum. Eose vlth 1/2 inch ID snd krger shall be subjected to 10 inches of
mercury’vscuum. The decrease In OD shs.1.lbe not mnre th~ co percent Of the
original OD in straight configuration.

● Lnv temperature flexibility. One air-aged cnd one oil-sged sample, 12
inches long, shell be used for thfs test. The test samples shall be placed in
sn oven 8t .9temperature of 1580 ~ 2W, for a period of SeVen *S. me ~il-
sged ssmples shall be fiLled with oil or immersed in oil conforming to
MIL-H-5606. The sir-aged semples shall be open to the oven atmosphere. Both
test ssmples shall then be placed in a cold chamber of a temperature of -6?0
.. :2° F and al.luvedto rain for 72 h-s. After this time snd while at -67°
~2° F the test samples shall be flexed through 18o degrees aver a mandrel of
the sane temperature.havlnga dismeterequal to 10 timss the OD of the hose,
for one cycle. The rate of cyclingis one cycle in faux seconds.The ssmples
shell.then be subjectedto proof pressureteat specifled in Table I: Evidence
of leakage or visible cracks shallbe cause for rejection.

● Water and slcohol resistance. Three teat specl.mens,each of tube snd
cover, be prepared and tested in accordance with F2&2TD-601, Method
6KI, except tbe tensile test stren@h shall bs detemalned vithin 15 minutes
alter remnvsl frnm test fluid. The test specimen shall be subjected to lmmer-
SiOxlin a IU.iXtUreof 50 percent elcnhol and 50 percent nter at a t~erat~e
Of 158° L 2° F for 24 hO~s. me ~ tensile strength“loss”of tube or
cover shall not exceed 35 percent.

● 1!.k,. 3.7 Oil resistance. Three specimens of the tube shall be prepared cad
tested in accordance with ~601, Method 6x?l, except that the cnoling
at rncm tcmperatureshall be four hours minimum.Using MIL-H-5606 as test
fluid, the test spcclmen shall ,beinmersedat a temperature of 158° ~ 2°F for
.8perlcd of aevai dws. Maximum tensile strength lass shall net exceed 35
percent and the maximum elongation 10ss”shall nnt exceed 50 percent.

b.k.4 Rejection and retests. Any ssmple f&ng to meet the re~uirements of
the mutlne. tests shall be cause for rejecting the lot represented. Any hose
fafling to meet the requirements of the individual tests shsll be cause for
rejecting the lnt represented. Rejected lots.may be replaced or the defectx
corrected and ,resubmittedfor tests. Full particulars concerning the re.j
tion sod the action taken to correct the defects shall be furnished to the
procuring agency before resubmitting the lot for tests.

., I

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MIL-H-5593C ,

4.5 Examination of pre pa rat ion for delivery. The preservation, packaging,
packing and marking shall be excmined for conformance tith the requirements
of Sectlo’n5.

* 5.1 Presefiation- pcckcgin~.Rose units shall be pre8ervedand packaged
lcvelcA or C in accordancewith MIL-P-775as specified(see 6.2).
* S.2 Packing.Packing shall be IcvelaA, B, or C in accordancewith MIL-P-775
aa specified(for Army ue,e,fiberboardboxes are wt petmitted for 3evel A)
(See 6.2).
* 5.3 Mcrki%. In addition to any marking required by ~he contract or ordar,”
interior packaged and exterior shipping containers ehall ba marked in accor-
dance with MIL-STO-129.


6.1 Intended use. The hose covered by this specification is lnten&d for uee
as a flexible comectlon on low preseure air and vacuum instrument eystem,
automatic pilots and all types of preeeure gagee in use with these systems.

● 6.2 Ordering dcta. Procurement decuments Shall specify the fOllewing:

8. Title, number and date of this specification.

b. Appllcabla hose size.
c. Seiection of applicable levels of preservation, packcging and packing
(for Army use, f iberbwrd boxes are wt permitted for level A packing) (eee
I 5.1 and 5.2).

6.3 Qualification. With respect to producte requiring qualification, aw’ards

WI11 be mc& only for such producte as have, prior to tbe time see for opcn-
Ing of bids, been tested and approved for inclusion in the applic.ablaQua3i-
fied Pro&cts List whether or not such pro&cte have actually been 80 Mated
by that dcce. me attention of the euppliar ie called to thie requirement
~ aad manufacturers are urged to arrange to have the products that they propose
to offer to the Pe&ral Government tested for qualification in ordar that
they mcy be eligible to bc awarded contiacte or ordere for the products cov-
ered by the specification. The activity responsible for tbe Qualified Prod-
utte List ie the Engineering Divi8ion (99), San Antoa20 Air Logiacica Center,
Kelly APS, Texsw, and.information pertaining to qualification of products mcy
h obtained from that activity. ..
● 6.4 Rec3almed mcterials. “fieuse nf recbimed mcterial.cehall be encouraged
to the maximum extent possib3e.
☛ 6.5 (%nngea fram previous ineua. The margins of this apecification ara mcrkad
with an asteriak to indicate wbare chwgea (additiomg, modff icctiona, correc-
tions, da lationa) f ram the previous iseue were mc&. lhla uaa dene aa a con-
venience only and the Government assumes no Ilability whatsoever for any

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inaccuracies in these notations. Bidders and contractors are

cautioned to evaluate the requiremnta of this document based
on the entir,e content irrespective of the marginal notations and
relationship to the last previous iSSUe.

6.6 Definitive Specification Part Number. .

The specification part number is a definitive part number which

will be formulated as follows:

Definitive Military Specification Part Nuntaer M5i93 - ~

Military Specification Number

Hose size (see Table 1)

custodians: Preparing activity:

Air Force - 99 Air Force - 99
Navy - AS
Project No. 4720-0560

Review activities:

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(.% I.tnulkms - Rfwrie Side)

t4AME OF su8humINa 0ri0m41aT10M


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rubmittlag cnnunenti and sussathm for improvements. All use- of dhrq &adad?d om docuntanti are Intitad to Prmide
sqgmthm W form rainy ba detached, folded &IS tbe lines indicated, taped along the loon HI@ (DO NOT STAPLE), mnd

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. .

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. .

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Department of the Air Force
San Antonio Air Logistics Center (APLC)
ATTN : MMKDo (M. PittMan)
Kelly MS, IX 78241

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