3797 F (P)
3797 F (P)
3797 F (P)
Finance Department
Audit Branch
In the said rules, to sub-rulert) of rule 9A, add the fo lowing proviso :-
"Provided that those who are first made liabl to pass the above examination
on elementary knowledge on computer operation an computer typing at the age of
50 or above, shall be exempted from passing of such examination.
Provided further that for allowing exemption rom such examination, if there
is any financial implication regarding annual increme t arising out of such exemption
within the period on and from the 9th day of Nov mber, 2012 to the date of this
notification, the same shall be fixed notionally."
Contd 2
No.3797/1(SOO).F(P) Date Howrah t e 20.072016
03.The Accountant General [Receipts, Works and Local Bodies Audit], West
Bengal, C.G.O. Complex, 3rd MSO Building, 5th floor, Block DF, Sector -1,
Salt Lake, Kolkata - 64 .
04. The Chief Secretary to the Government of West B ngal .
05. The Resident Commissioner, Government of West Bengal, A/2, State
Emporia Buildings, Baba Kharak Singh Marg, N w Delhi - 110 001.
06. The Additional Chief Secretary / Principal Secret / Secretary, _
Department / Directorate.
11.The Director of Treasuries & Accounts, W st Bengal, The New India
Assurance Buildings, 4, Lyons Range, Kolkata - 700 001.
12.The Director I
13.The District Magistrate/District Judge/ Superi ten dent of Police _
15.The Pay & Accounts Officer, Kolkata Pay & Accounts Office-I,
81/2/2, Phears Lane, Kolkata-700 012.
16.The Pay & Accounts Officer, Kolkata Pay & Ai ccounts Office-I1, P-1, Hyde
Lane, Jawahar Buildings, Kolkata - 700 073.
17.The Pay & Accounts Officer, Kolkata Pay & A~counts Office-Ill, LB. Market,
Sector - Ill, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700 091. 1