Corrigendum 21 For VOL I VOL II
Corrigendum 21 For VOL I VOL II
Corrigendum 21 For VOL I VOL II
CORRIGENDUM No. 21 in RFP (Change in Bidding Condition) and EPC Agreement (Vol-II)
dated. 29.12.2022
“RFP Notice No.: RLDA/RFP/CD-69/SRD-15 of 2022 Dated 07.10.2022”
Rail Land Development Authority invites proposals through e-tendering single stage two packet bidding system from
Interested Eligible Bidders as per the conditions of Bid Document for “Re-development of Ahmedabad Railway
Station and construction of associated infrastructure on Engineering Procurement & Construction (EPC) Mode”
as per following details:
This corrigendum No.21 in RFP and EPC document (Volume II ) should be read along with RFP and
EPC document which was already uploaded on 07.10.2022.
1. There may be minor variation in referring to clause numbers and insignificant alterations in the clauses in addition
to the mentioned clauses in the list. It is advised to study the document in detail to ascertain various aspects and
provisions of the tender document.
2. Bidders have to download the Bid documents from the e-procurement portal i.e. after
registering themselves on portal and after payment of Tender Processing Fee & Bid Document Fee before last date
& time of downloading the e-bids online.
3. All Bidders are advised to see Amendments to RFP, if any, before submission of the e-bids. In case the bidder does
not submit the amended bids/amendments, it will be presumed that bidder has seen the amendments/ Amended
bids and e-bid will be evaluated accordingly. The decision of RLDA shall be final and binding.
4. Any Corrigendum/Addendum to this RFP Notice, if any, would appear only on above mentioned websites and will
not be published in newspapers.
Digitally signed by Hemant
DN: cn=Hemant Kumar, o, ou,