Lingga, Ebook Indonesia Post Pandemic Outlook Energy
Lingga, Ebook Indonesia Post Pandemic Outlook Energy
Lingga, Ebook Indonesia Post Pandemic Outlook Energy
Strategy towards Net-Zero Emissions by 2060
from the Renewables and Carbon-Neutral
Energy Perspectives
OVID-19 has disrupted all aspects of human life. To mitigate the impact of
the pandemic, several efforts have been taken, including by Indonesian
scholars abroad. This book entitled Indonesia Post-Pandemic Recovery
Energy Perspectives
from the Renewables and Carbon-Neutral
Strategy towards Net-Zero Emissions by 2060
Outlook: Strategy towards Net-Zero Emissions by 2060 from the Renewables and
Carbon-Neutral Energy Perspectives explores energy sustainability and climate
change issues and how it can progress further. There are also discussion on the
delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to a few major renewable energy
projects that should have been done in 2020-2021.
Comprising of 14 chapters, this book is divided into three sections. The first part,
Indonesia's Current Position and Strategy for Renewable Energy, explores
Indonesia's current position and strategy on New and Renewable Energy. This
chapter also explores Indonesia's commitment towards Net-Zero Carbon
Emission 2060. Second, Carbon-Free and Renewable Energy in Indonesia,
discusses the status of renewable energy use in the world, elaborate on the
carbon impact of energy shift from fossil to renewable sources, and introduce a
new criterion in renewable energy: carbon-neutral energy. The last part,
Published by:
BRIN Publishing
DOI: 10.55981/brin.562
ISBN 978-623-7425-83-0
Directorate of Repositories, Multimedia,
and Scientific Publishing
Gedung B.J. Habibie, Jln. M.H. Thamrin No. 8,
Harun Ardiansyah
Kb. Sirih, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat,
Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10340
Whatsapp: 0811-8612-369
Putty Ekadewi
E-mail: 786 237 42 583 0
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Buku ini tidak diperjualbelikan.
First published in 2022 by BRIN Publishing
Available to download free:
Cataloging in Publication
Indonesia Post-Pandemic Outlook: Strategy towards Net-Zero Emissions by 2060 from the
Renewables and Carbon-Neutral Energy Perspectives/Harun Ardiansyah & Putty Ekadewi
(Eds.)–Jakarta: BRIN Publishing, 2022.
xxiii p. + 306 p.; 14,8 x 21 cm.
ISBN 978-623-7425-82-3 (complete printed number series)
978-623-7425-83-0 (printed)
978-623-7425-86-1 (complete e-book number series)
978-623-7425-87-8 (e-book)
Published by:
BRIN Publishing, member of Ikapi
Directorate of Repositories, Multimedia, and Scientific Publishing
Gedung B.J. Habibie, Lantai 8
In cooperation with:
Overseas Indonesian Students' Association Alliance (OISAA)
Mayapada Tower 1, Fl. 19,
Jln. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 28,
Jakarta Selatan 12920
List of Figures
Figure 4.3 Total CO2 Emissions at (a) Global Scale and for (b)
Indonesia .....................................................................................53
Figure 5.1 Indonesia’s Global Horizontal Irradiation Map ....................65
Figure 5.2 Indonesia’s Solar Energy Potential for Its Regions ...............66
Figure 5.3 Indonesia’s Solar Energy Potential Estimation in Recent
Figure 5.4 Significant Reductions in Photovoltaic Module Price and
Levelized Cost of Electricity .....................................................67
Figure 5.5 Options for Carbon-Free Energy Storage Solutions..............69
Figure 5.6 Potential 150 GWh Greenfield Off-river Pumped Hydro
Energy Storage Sites in Indonesia ...........................................70
Figure 5.7 Various Recycling Techniques of Solar Panels.......................73
Figure 5.8 Floating PV Cumulative Global Installed Capacity .............74
Figure 5.9 Solar Panels Cost Comparisons................................................75
Figure 5.10 Schematic Diagram of Floating Solar PV System with Its
Key Components ........................................................................76
Figure 5.11 Pure Floats Design (Ciel Et Terre)............................................78
Figure 5.12 Pontoons and Metal Frames Structure by Scotra .................79
Figure 5.13 Floating Solar Technology Based on a Thin Hydro-elastic
Membrane (Ocean Sun).............................................................79
Figure 5.14 Distribution of 5,807 Lakes with a Total Area of 5868 m2 In
Figure 8.2 Bioenergy Power Plants Projects Based on National
Electricity Supply Business Plan (RUPTL) for 2019–
2025............................................................................................. 140
Figure 8.3 Steam power plants implementing co-firing method
commercially with 1–5% biomass portion. ........................ 141
Figure 8.4 Biomass Potential per Province ............................................ 146
Figure 8.5 Biomass Potential per Type.................................................... 147
Figure 8.6 3D Representation of Hemicellulose Linking to
Cellulose and Lignin................................................................ 150
Figure 8.7 Direct Biomass Combustion-Diesel Hybrid Power
Generation System................................................................... 153
Figure 9.1 Indonesia Geothermal Potential............................................ 161
Figure 9.2 D CAD Modeling for 8-1/2” PDC bit.................................. 165
Figure 9.3 Relationship between Exploration Results, Geothermal
Resources, and Geothermal Reserves................................... 167
Figure 10.1 U.S. Postal Service Stamp to Commemorate “Atoms for
Peace” Speech ........................................................................... 183
Figure 10.2 Generations of Nuclear Reactors .......................................... 186
Figure 10.3 Calder Hall Power Station in the United Kingdom........... 187
Figure 10.4 Pressurized Water Reactor Schematic Diagram.................. 188
Figure 10.5 Boiling Water Reactor Schematic Diagram......................... 189
Figure 10.6 Schematics of Light Water Small Modular Nuclear
Figure 11.2 Indonesia’s Renewable Energy Potential ............................. 211
Figure 11.3 Hydrogen Technology Value Chain ..................................... 212
Figure 11.4 Schematic Diagrams of Alkaline and PEM
Electrolyzers............................................................................... 217
Figure 11.5 Hydrogen Production Cost as a Function of
Electrolyzer Capital Cost, Electricity Price, and
Operating Hours ..................................................................... 218
Figure 11.6 Gravimetric and Volumetric Energy Density of
Hydrogen Compared to Other Fuels.................................... 219
Figure 11.7 Power-To-X Framework for Decarbonizing Hard-To-
Abate Sectors Using Hydrogen ............................................. 224
Figure 11.8 Levelized Cost of Hydrogen Production by Technology
in 2020 and the Estimated Cost in 2030 and 2050
Under the Net-Zero Emissions Scenario ............................ 227
Figure 11.9 Prospective Locations for the Green Hydrogen Hubs
According to Renewable Potential and Installed
Capacity Including Variable Renewables (Solar, Wind,
and Tidal) and Controllable Renewables (Hydropower,
Biomass, and Geothermal) .................................................... 231
Figure 12.1 The Scope of the Chapter....................................................... 240
Figure 12.2 The Relationship between Energy, Economic
Development, and Human Welfare....................................... 241
Figure 12.3 Population and Economic Development (Left) and
Figure 12.10 The Value Chain of renewable and carbon-neutral
energy and Its Level of Skill Required ................................ 258
Figure 12.11 The Value Chain of renewable and carbon-neutral
energy and Its Level of Skill Required ................................ 263
Buku ini tidak diperjualbelikan.
List of Tables
Table 9.1 Top 10 Countries Developing Geothermal Capacity
in 2021........................................................................................... 171
Table 11.1 Selected Five Shades of Hydrogen ........................................... 213
Table 11.2 Selected Characteristics of Alkaline and PEM
Electrolyzers ................................................................................. 217
Publisher’s Note
Indonesia Post-Pandemic Outlook: Strategy towards Net-Zero
Emissions by 2060 from the Renewables and Carbon-Neutral Energy
Perspectives highlights some key aspects of energy in Indonesia that
can contribute to achieving net-zero carbon emission by 2060. In the
earlier part, this book explores Indonesia’s current position and strat-
egy for renewable energy. This book also offers a new nomenclature
that will accurately describe net-zero carbon emission, carbon-free,
and renewable. Furthermore, this book also covers the technical and
non-technical aspects of energy: the potentials and challenges of
carbon-free and renewable energy technology. Finally, this book sug-
gests several points to re-strategize Indonesia’s energy targets which
help the country stay on track to its vision for a net-zero future by
On this account, we hope that this book can offer valuable inputs
and great recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders. Be-
sides, it is expected that this book can provide knowledge and insight
for the readers on how we can meet the net-zero carbon emission
As a final note, we would like to deliver our heartfelt gratitude
to everyone taking part in the process of this book.
BRIN Publishing
as well as all cabinet members of PPI Dunia and BRIN, for their hard
work and dedication to publishing this book which I believe will
provide invaluable insights into our beloved country.
The publishing of this book is timely as Indonesia is being as-
signed to hold the G20 Presidency. It is a historical role that provides
an excellent opportunity for us to lead the global initiative, particu-
larly accelerating the transition toward cleaner and more sustainable
energy. This issue has been chosen as one of three priority issues of
Indonesia’s G20 Presidency, along with establishing the global health
architecture and implementing the digital transformation. As the
impact of climate change has begun to affect local and global develop-
ment, Indonesia believes that an urgent transition toward sustainable
energy is essential. President Joko Widodo has frequently mentioned
that our local farmers and fishermen have already borne the brunt of
climate change. Their output, for example, has begun to decrease as
the weather is becoming increasingly difficult to forecast. Therefore,
a global effort, mainly through the G20 forum, to ensure a transition
to cleaner energy would be critical to avert a more serious climate
crisis in the future.
However, it is evident that chairing this year’s G20 forum will also
pose enormous challenges, particularly in the current global complexi-
ties. The world is still struggling to bounce back from the COVID-19
This situation has elevated the urgency of accelerating our
transition to carbon-neutral and renewable energy. Our country has
enormous potential to become a leading renewable energy source,
such as solar, wind, and hydro energy. We, for instance, have ap-
proximately 4,400 rivers across the country that could be utilized to
generate hydropower. Moreover, Indonesia has abundant geothermal
and the wind energy potential in several regions, particularly in South
Sulawesi and West Java. In total, the Government calculates that our
potential capacity for renewable energy could reach 418 gigawatts.
It is then great to know that this book addresses this potential
and provides solutions to boost the competitiveness of our renewable
energy industry in the global market. I believe this book is valuable
in assisting Indonesia’s transition to sustainable energy. This book
provides an independent perspective on developing an action plan
to achieve Indonesia’s net-zero carbon emission goal. The ideas and
contributions of overseas Indonesian students will be an important
part of the building blocks of our future together on this planet. Hence,
I would like to appreciate once again and congratulate PPI Dunia
and BRIN—particularly the Energy Committee of the Directorate
of Research and Policy Studies (Ditlitka), for publishing this book. I
hope this great initiative can be maintained in the future to contribute
to sustainable energy.
Buku ini tidak diperjualbelikan.
Opening Remarks
Coordinator of OISAA
as a methodology for integrating multi-stakeholder and governance
in response to all the current challenges and issues in Indonesia.
With this model, OISAA has collaborated and synergized with the
government, universities, industries, media, and community. It takes
a strategic synergy between the whole elements of Penta Helix so
that the goals of Golden Indonesia 2045 can be accomplished. These
components are linked to the five directorates and three bureaus; one
is the Directorate of Research and Policy Studies (Ditlitka), which
focuses on facilitating Indonesian scholars to contribute their scientific
knowledge to Indonesia’s development.
The Indonesia Post-Pandemic Outlook series is one of the most
crucial works by Ditlitka of OISAA. The books highlight the persistent
changes and impacts due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Not only that
matter, but the essence of these books will also articulate the mitiga-
tion plans for the future pandemic or crises in Indonesia. Written and
researched carefully by the authors, the books tell various topics within
four categories: “Rethinking Health and Economics Post-COVID-19”,
“Social Perspectives”, “Environment and Technology Role for Indo-
nesia Development”, and “Strategy towards Net-Zero Emissions by
2060 from the Renewables and Carbon-Neutral Energy Perspective”.
Above all, what are the hope and possible solution to this global
super-pandemic for all humanity, especially Indonesia? Those are
In this opportunity, I greatly appreciate all the parties involved
in finishing this book series, namely the authors, editors, reviewers,
board of directors, commission chairs and members, and the National
Research and Innovation Agency publishing house (BRIN Publishing).
After all, the collaboration from all the parties who worked tirelessly
has enabled the achievement of this critical goal.
Although many possibilities and challenges will happen in the
future, I believe these books will encourage legacy to the scientific
knowledge in Indonesia. Moreover, this legacy is proof of Indonesian
students’ awareness of their country, even though they live and study
Buku ini tidak diperjualbelikan.
Opening Remarks
Directorate of Research and
Policy Studies OISAA
sions, covering a wide range of topics, including digital health,
virtual tourism, international corporate taxation, and green
2. Social Perspectives by the Education, Culture, and International
Relations Commissions, covering a wide range of topics, includ-
ing international relations, social and culture, and education.
3. Role of Environment and Technology for Indonesia’s Devel-
opment by the Environment and Technology Commissions
covering a wide range of topics, including disaster and greening
management, food defense, and security, waste and pollution
management, as well as human resource and public service.
4. Strategy towards Net-Zero Emissions by 2060 from the Re-
newables and Carbon-Neutral Energy Perspectives by the Energy
Commission, covering a wide range of topics, including renew-
able energy and carbon-neutral related strategies in achieving
Net-Zero Emissions in 2060.
Through this book series, the Directorate strongly believes there
are many lessons from the current crisis that provide valuable refer-
ences as the guides for us to anticipate future pandemics and other
crises. The books emphasize the need for comprehensive joint efforts
between government agencies and the various components of our
nation and the need for forward-looking policies to benefit future
nation, we hope this series will leave a lasting positive impact on
society and promote a legacy of knowledge translation from OISAA
Cendekia APIK.
On behalf of the Directorate, we extend our deepest appreciation
and gratitude to all the parties involved—authors, reviewers, com-
mission chairs and members, OISAA Cendekia APIK’s President
and Board, national-level Indonesian Student Association chapters,
and the National Research and Innovation Agency publishing house
(BRIN Publishing) that made all of this possible.
Buku ini tidak diperjualbelikan.
Chapter 1
Harun Ardiansyah & Putty Ekadewi
Introduction 3
new energy because the term new energy still includes some energy
sources that heavily emit carbon. The examples are gasified coal,
methane, and dimethyl ether. Carbon-free energy should be the term
broadly used to describe energy transition. After introducing carbon-
free and renewable energy, we discuss the current status, potentials,
and challenges of carbon-free and renewable energy technology. The
chapters discusses mainly the technical aspect of each technology. The
technology includes solar power, hydropower, wind power, biomass,
geothermal, nuclear energy, and hydrogen energy. Carbon capture
technologies are also rising to push the net-zero carbon emission
target even further. Technologies such as Bioenergy Carbon Capture
and Storage (BECCS) are being made around the world. However,
this book focuses on the primary energy producer technologies from
renewables and carbon-neutral technologies. There are a lot of things
that can be expanded and implemented better in each type of energy.
For example, the use of hydrogen should be boosted because hydrogen
is one of the most versatile types of energy carrier. Energy storage is
still a problem on a renewable energy-based grid, and hydrogen as an
energy carrier can create stability and reliability in the system. Another
topic explored in each technology is the future of the technology and
how it can be improved to tackle climate change. For example, the
idea of floating solar panels has been discussed in several conferences
and academic presentations in solar energy. It is said that it can help
Introduction 5
Buku ini tidak diperjualbelikan.
Section 1
Indonesia’s Current Position and
Strategy for Renewable Energy
Buku ini tidak diperjualbelikan.
Chapter 2
Dewan Nasional Perubahan Iklim. (2010). Indonesia’s plan to reduce GHG
Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR RI). (2021). Naskah akademik rancangan
undang-undang energi baru dan terbarukan.
Rancangan Undang-Undang Energi Baru dan Terbarukan. (2021) (testimony
of DPR RI).
Hayden, F. G. (2002). Policymaking network of the iron-triangle
E. Wahyuni
Technical University of Munich, e-mail:
Buku ini tidak diperjualbelikan.
Chapter 4
P. Ekadewi
Nantes Université, e-mail:
Note: Renewable and non-renewable energy sources are separated by a dash (--) line.
Figure 4.1 Energy Resources Typing and Classification
1. Solar
Solar energy is one of the most famous forms of renewable energies.
The technology relies on converting sunlight to electricity as a usable
form of energy. Sunlight is captured using specific light-harnessing
panels, called Photovoltaic (PV) panels. The challenge with solar power
2. Wind
Wind power can be converted into electricity using turbines. However,
wind turbines are large in scale and difficult to install due to the
3. Hydro
Hydroelectric energy is one of the biggest contributors to the renewable
energy market. Power generated from hydro is bigger than all other
renewables combined. However, its electricity generating potential also
comes with a major drawback. The nature of hydropower installations
involving dams has concerned many. If we look at hydropower from
the perspective of the environment, this type of electricity generator
is not sustainable in the long run. Dams have shifted water flows and
disrupted the seasonal migration of water organisms. To overcome
5. Biomass
Living matter contains energy in the form of chemical substances. In
principle, biomass is similar in utilization to fossil fuels. However, the
time needed to regenerate usable biomass is much shorter than fossils.
Hence, they are categorized as renewables. The main energy storage
of biomass can be found in the forms of fats and oils. Vegetable oils,
i.e., palm oil, are already utilized as biofuel in the form of biodiesel
E. Conclusions
Asian Development Bank (ADP) and The World Bank. (2015). Unlocking
Indonesia’s geothermal potential.
Table 5.1 Summary of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Pure Floats, Pontoons,
and Metal Structure, Membrane, and Mats Floating Technology
References (2021, November 24). Kementerian ESDM sebut potensi
energi Surya capai 3.294 GWp. Antara News. https://www.antaranews.
Puspitarini, H. D. (2021). Beyond 443 GW: Indonesia's infinite renewable
energy potentials. Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR). https://
Chowdury et al. (2020). An overview of solar photovoltaic panels’ end-of-life
material recycling. Energy Strategy Reviews.
Hydropower Technology:
Potential, Challenges, and the
Harun Ardiansyah
H. Ardiansyah
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, e-mail:
1. Geographical Challenges
Although some experts approximated that the hydropower potential
in Indonesia is relatively more enormous than in some countries.
Undeniably, Indonesia’s geography can create challenges that need to
be solved or worked around. Indonesia indeed has many rivers that
flow across the country. However, the rivers are relatively short. This
geographical issue will create problems when a large-scale hydropower
plant is constructed. The construction of a large-scale hydropower
2. Ecological Challenges
Around the world, large-scale hydropower plants have affected fish-
ing activities and fishery production. These effects include direct and
indirect impacts of the large-scale hydropower project. The immediate
result is that the fish are killed, injured, or physically blocked from
their migration. This consequence is likely to happen, especially in
large-scale hydropower construction, where dams are the way to
generate electricity. Fish can get drawn into the turbines and can
injure the fish. Hydropower plants can also alter the habitat upstream
and downstream of the river. First, the existence of upstream and
downstream will create a barrier effect to the living organisms in the
stream. This separation will affect the population of fish and other
living organisms. These challenges can be avoided by implementing
mitigation measures to the dams. However, it will increase the cost
1. Micro-hydropower Plants
As mentioned in previous sections, the geographical landscape is not
always suitable for large-scale hydropower plants. Although large-scale
hydropower plant is essential to provide baseload from renewable
energy, micro-hydropower plants can also be considered to expand to
provide reliable electricity for residential purposes. Micro-hydropower
plants can also be a decent option for delivering electricity and farm-
ing irrigation. Some locations of micro-hydropower plants are shown
in Table 6.2.
E. Conclusion
Indonesia has great potential in hydropower. However, those poten-
tials are limited to Indonesia’s geography and socio-economic issues.
Indonesia’s rivers are typically not ideal for constructing a large-scale
hydropower plant. Also, the ecological problems due to the possible
destruction of the river ecosystem and NIMBY syndrome can af-
fect large-scale hydropower plant projects. Although hydropower
plants are necessary to be the renewable energy baseload, the use of
hydropower can be expanded in different ways. One way is to reduce
the capacity of the hydropower plant and create micro-hydropower
plants. Micro-hydropower plants will be an essential addition to
residential and farming areas. The other way is to use pumped-storage
hydroelectric plants. PSH offers flexibility and reliability to fulfill the
Abdulrahman, M., & Wood, D. (2017). Investigating the Power-COE trade-
off for wind farm layout optimization considering commercial turbine
selection and hub height variation. Renewable Energy, 102, 267–278.
Ahmedov, A. (2016). Investigation of the performance of a hybrid wind
turbine Darrieus-Savonius (Issue June 2016).
T. Hidayat
King Abdulaziz University, e-mail:
Two-bladed Savo- Less starting Lower energy pro-
- Daer-
nius with three- speed; duced compared
bladed helical Self-starting to Darrieus rotor
Darrieus (Pallotta
et al., 2020)
b. Objective Function
Several objective functions can be defined in WFLO programming,
some works of literature use a single objective, and others use multi-
objective. The most widely used metrics are the wind farm Annual
Energy Production (AEP), the instantaneous power conversion, and
the Cost of Energy (CoE).
F. Noise Reduction
Noise is the next problem of wind power generation that should be
tackled. Numerous experimental and numerical techniques have been
developed for noise mitigation by using the knowledge of the noise
mechanisms, which offer a perception of the aero-acoustic character-
istics of wind turbines. Some techniques and related research that can
be implemented to reduce the noise is shown in Table 7.5
Bio-inspired leading-
edge serrations based
on adaptations of the
barn owl (Chaitanya
et al., 2016)
Leading-edge slits
serrations for the
reduction of aerofoil
interaction noise (Pa-
ruchuri et al., 2018)
With trailing edge
serration (Oerlemans
et al., 2009)
Reduction of
tip noise Reference tip and
shark tip (Maizi et al.,
Abdulrahman, M., & Wood, D. (2017). Investigating the Power-COE trade-
off for wind farm layout optimization considering commercial turbine
selection and hub height variation. Renewable Energy, 102, 267–278.
Ahmedov, A. (2016). Investigation of the performance of a hybrid wind
turbine Darrieus-Savonius (Issue June 2016).
Biomass Energy
Matthew Hardhi
M. Hardhi
IMT Atlantique, e-mail:
C. Feedstocks
Once biomass has been processed through heating, microbial activities,
chemicals, or any combinations of these processes, it will be termed
“bioenergy feedstock.” Biomass needs to be converted to feedstock as
aside from direct combustion. Biomass cannot be directly converted to
electricity. Biomass has a relatively low value in bulk density (weight
per volume) (McKendry, 2002). This means for the same amount of
volume, biomass has a relatively low energy value than other energy
sources. Thus, we need to process more volumes of biomass to obtain
the same amount of energy as the traditional energy source, like fossil
fuel. Still, more logistics are also required to transport the biomass,
Biomass Energy
Source: Nyoman & Kumara (2020)
Buku ini tidak diperjualbelikan.
Buku ini tidak diperjualbelikan.
Source: Nyoman & Kumara (2020)
Figure 8.5 Biomass Potential per Type
H. Rice Husks
Rice husk is the main biomass by-product of rice harvesting, amount-
ing to almost 20% of the total cereal production in the rice industry
(Cacua et al., 2018). It has a low density at around 122 kg/m3. Cur-
rently, rice husks possess close to zero economic value and are often
thrown away post-rice harvesting. Rice husks waste contributes to a
significant part of total biomass waste generated from rice cultivation.
Moreover, rice husk contains low nutrients yet a high level of silica.
Thus, it is not suitable to be processed as fodder. Instead, it is com-
The Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (CPR) & Autorité
des Marchés Financiers (AMF). (2021). Sectoral policies and fossil
fuel exposure of French financial market participants. https://
Amrullah, I., & Hambali, E. (2021). Bioethanol prospect from agricultural
crops and its biomass in Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth
and Environmental Science, 749(1).
Ardolino, F., & Arena, U. (2019). Biowaste-to-Biomethane: An LCA study
on biogas and syngas roads. Waste Management, 87, 441–453. https://
B. Drilling
The first step in developing geothermal resources is exploration activi-
ties. This activity aims to confirm the size of reserves below the surface
than other countries. Second, the most critical equipment of the wells,
the casings, are chosen from the lowest cost option. Third, Turkey has
more competence and experience in drilling activities, resulting in a
Adams, J. W., Koeberle, S. G., Roome, J. A., Drees-Groos, F. R, &
Jayawardena, M. (2019). Geothermal clean energy investment project.
The World Bank.
H. Ardiansyah
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, e-mail:
1. Generation I
The first generation of nuclear reactors, usually referred to as Genera-
tion I, refers to the prototype and power reactors that launched civil
nuclear power. This generation of reactors consists of early prototypes
of commercial reactors that started commissioning in the 1950s and
1960s. These reactors were early proof that the concept of nuclear reac-
2. Generation II
3. Generation III
5. Generation IV
The next generation of nuclear reactors, Generation IV, is a brand-new
generation that expands nuclear power technology. All Generation
1. Energy Density
Energy density is the amount of energy produced per unit volume
of fuel. Nuclear energy is the densest energy source in the world. A
comparison by IAEA stated that a chicken-egg-sized amount of ura-
nium fuel provides more than enough power for a lifetime of energy
use for an average person. This is because each individual atom of
Uranium-235, the isotope commonly used for thermal fission inside
a reactor core, can produce energy as much as 200 MeV (equivalent
to 3.2044 x 10-11 Joule) in every fission reaction (Lamarsh & Baratta,
2001). Though the number seems very small, 200 MeV is energy
produced by each atom in a single fission reaction. This equates to
around 85,000,000 MJ/kg, compared to other energy sources such as
coal (24 MJ/kg) and natural gas (50 MJ/kg). A nuclear power plant
that generates 1,000 MW of electricity will only consume around
3.5 kg of Uranium-235 per day. This means that electricity can be
generated using considerably fewer resources than any other source
2. Capacity Factor
The capacity factor is the ratio of actual energy output over the maxi-
mum possible electrical energy output in a given period. This measure
shows how often the energy source is running at maximum power
and is used to measure the reliability of an energy source. The capacity
factor is a unitless ratio and usually computed over a year. In 2019,
the capacity factor of nuclear energy was 83.1%, which means that
on average, nuclear power plants produce 83.1% of their maximum
possible energy output in a year. Nuclear energy has maintained a
capacity factor of around 80% for the last twenty years (World Nuclear
5. High-Paying Jobs
The nuclear energy industry has created long-lasting, high-paying
jobs for future generations. In the era of post-COVID-19 recovery,
the nuclear energy sector has supported economic recovery, keeping
the pace of energy transition, creating jobs, and leading the effort
towards a more sustainable future. For example, the refurbishment of
six reactors by Bruce Power in Canada will provide low-cost, reliable,
1. Nuclear Waste
Nuclear waste is the most common topic when nuclear energy is being
discussed. Some would argue that nuclear waste is why nuclear energy
should not be implemented, due to the high level of radioactivity and
radiological impact on the future. However, some information and
news about nuclear waste might need to be clarified.
Nuclear energy waste is generally classified into three categories:
low-level, intermediate-level, and high-level waste. These categories
are divided based on how radioactive the waste is. Low-level waste
is waste that is exposed to low-level of radiation. These are generally
common things that can be found not only in a nuclear facility, but
also in laboratories. For example, gloves, laboratory coats, and labora-
tory equipment. Low-level waste contributes up to 90% of all nuclear
waste, yet it can be disposed in near-surface repositories without
Abram, T., & Ion, S. (2008). Generation-IV nuclear power: A review of
the state of the science. Energy Policy, 36(12), 4323–4330. https://doi.
Atomic Heritage Foundation. (2016). Chicago Pile-1. https://www.
Berkman, M., & Murphy, D. (2015). The nuclear industry’s contribution
to the U. S. economy. The Brattle Group, Inc. https://www.brattle.
Bowen, M. (2021). Forging a path forward on US nuclear waste management:
D. Gunawan
University of New South Wales, e-mail:
1. Hydrogen Production
a. Gray Hydrogen
Gray hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels via SMR or coal gasifica-
tion. This shade of hydrogen accounts for 96% of current worldwide
hydrogen manufacturing (Taibi et al., 2018). In SMR, natural gas reacts
with steam at elevated pressure and temperature to generate syngas
(a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide gases). On the other
hand, coal gasification involves a reaction between coal with oxygen
and steam at high temperatures and pressure to produce hydrogen
and carbon monoxide gases. SMR and coal gasification are mature
2. Hydrogen Storage
Hydrogen storage is a crucial technology if widespread applications
a. Physical-Based Storage
The physical-based hydrogen storage system comprises compressed
3. Hydrogen Transport
The delivery of hydrogen from the producers to end users is essential
for a viable hydrogen infrastructure. Currently, hydrogen is typically
produced near industrial facilities that use hydrogen as the feedstock.
For instance, SMR and coal gasification plants in Indonesia are pre-
Phase 4 (2041–2050)
Indonesia scales up its electrolyzers to a total capacity of at least 200
GW (Tampubolon et al. (2021) proposed 229.1 GW capacity as the
best policy scenario in 2050) by upgrading the facilities in selected
Buku ini tidak diperjualbelikan.
Chapter 12
Socio-Economic Impacts of
Renewable and Carbon-Neutral
Energy Development
Nevi Cahya Winofa
N. C. Winofa
Rice University, e-mail:
1. Energy Security
Maintaining an adequate and stable supply of energy at a reason-
able price has become a serious problem when facing the possibility
of economic upheaval. This concept refers to energy security. It is
known that energy is the input to economic activity. An inadequate
and unstable energy supply potentially disrupts economic activity,
leading to macroeconomic dislocation. The probability of disruption is
higher when the country relies on other countries to meet its national
demand. Any political action restricting the energy supply can be
a major national threat. Indeed, by engaging in international trade,
the country must face the uncertainty of the world price of energy.
In addressing energy security, the idea of diversification of energy
sources and reducing imported energy has been echoed. It is known
that energy transition plays an important role in those areas while
4. Human Welfare
While decarbonizing the economy, the impacts of renewable and
carbon-neutral energy on welfare are equally important. Even though
GDP measures country’s standard of living, it does not show the full
impact on the human welfare of the country. IRENA (2016) reveals
that the benefit of an energy transition to human welfare can surpass
the GDP growth. Human welfare also needs to consider the effect of
the natural resource depletion and health and environmental cost
associated with energy resource extraction. Therefore, to understand
the impact of renewable and carbon-neutral energy on human welfare,
it can be seen from economics (increase in real income and household
consumption), social (increasing life expectancy by improving air
Agarwal, R., Hansmann, T., Tan, K. H., Agarwal, V., Lath, V., & Yi, Z.
(2020). Ten ways to boost Indonesia’s energy sector in a post pandemic
2. Solar Energy
Indonesia has a large potential for solar energy deployment. Even
among ASEAN members, Indonesia has the largest solar energy po-
3. Hydropower
Indonesia has a great potential in hydropower. However, those
potentials are limited to Indonesia’s geography and socio-economic
4. Wind Energy
As mentioned in strategic planning in Directorate General of New,
Renewable and Conservation Energy, MEMR, 2020–2024, the techni-
cal potential of wind power notes in the MEMR is about 60.6 GW,
with the utilization being about 0.15 GW until 2020. This utility is
still far from the target in RUEN that in 2020, at least 0.6 GW of wind
power is already installed in Indonesia.
Several locations have been developed into PLTB, such as in
Jeneponto and Bantul. The Jeneponto PLTB, located in Jombe Village,
Turatea District, Jeneponto, will contribute around 70 MW to the
Sulselrabar PLN System. Meanwhile, the PLTB Bantul is the larg-
est PLTB in Indonesia and is part of the Electricity Infrastructure
Program (PIK), better known as the 35,000 MW Electricity Program.
With 30 wind turbines installed, 50 MW of electricity can be harvested
later. Other PLTB locations are in Bangka Belitung, Bali, and Nusa
Penida, each with one unit, Selayar Island with three units, and North
Sulawesi with two units (2007 status). In addition, the government also
plans to build PLTB in various areas, such as Sukabumi, West Java.
Some solutions can be implemented to advance the development
7. Nuclear
Nuclear energy has been developed for more than 70 years. However,
there are still a lot of controversies surrounding the technology. This
is because the first introduction of nuclear energy to the world was
through atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Since
then, nuclear energy has experienced its ups and downs. Just like
any other technology, nuclear energy is not perfect. Few things need
to be resolved by the nuclear energy industry and the government,
mainly nuclear waste and financial problems with investing in nuclear
energy. Some steps have been taken to solve this problem, from an
engineering and public policy standpoint.
8. Hydrogen
Hydrogen plays a crucial role as a versatile clean energy carrier and
industrial feedstock in decarbonizing hard-to-abate sectors. As one
of the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitters, Indonesia could har-
ness the benefits of hydrogen to meet its climate targets. The main
driver for developing an economically sustainable hydrogen industry
in Indonesia is its abundant renewables across the country, includ-
ing solar, hydropower, wind, biomass, geothermal, and tidal. As the
global hydrogen market is estimated to reach US$201 billion by 2025,
Indonesia has a huge opportunity to export renewable resources in the
form of hydrogen and its derivatives, such as ammonia and methanol,
thus ramping up national revenues.
Abbreviation Description
AEP Annual Energy Production
AGR Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactors
APV Agrophotovoltaic
BaU Business as Usual
CoE Cost of Energy
COP Conference of the Parties
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
CPO Crude Palm Oil
CSP Concentrated Solar Power
DME Dimethyl Ether
EBR Experimental Breeder Reactor
EFB Empty Fruit Bunches
EU European Union
FPV Floating Solar Photovoltaic
FB Financial Balanced
FCEVs Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
FFB Fresh Fruit Bunches
GEA Geothermal Energy Association
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GHI Global Horizontal Irradiation
GW Gigawatt
GWh Giga Watt-hour
HAWT Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine
HPHT High Pressure High Temperature
HTGR High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors
H2 Dihydrogen
Data, 35, 39, 61, 106, 166, 195, global horizontal irradiation, 64,
207, 266 273
Disadvantages, 77, 78 greenhouse gas emissions, 13, 34,
Drilling, 162, 176, 178, 179, 277 195, 212
Green hydrogen, 216, 232
Ecological Problem, 113
Economic growth, 1, 267 hard-to-abate sectors, 71, 223, 228,
Electricity, 11, 18, 31, 32, 67, 90, 279, 280, 301
94, 140, 154, 158, 174, 206, horizontal axis wind turbine, 115
207, 218, 244, 255, 265, HTGR, 191, 192, 290
275, 276, 289, 292, 300 Human welfare, 250
Electrolysis, 235 Hydro, 49, 70, 79, 87
Electrolyzer, 217, 218, 229 hydro dam, 91
Energy storage, 4, 71 Hydrogen, 55, 56, 60, 61, 69, 70,
Energy transition, 287 86, 209, 210, 212, 213, 214,
Exploration, 49, 102, 128, 166, 215, 216, 218, 219, 220,
167, 174 221, 222, 224, 225, 226,
externalities, 252, 253 227, 228, 229, 231, 233,
234, 235, 279, 301
fission, 57, 182, 193, 198 hydrogen economy, 56, 211, 222,
227, 228, 229, 232
floating solar photovoltaic, 64, 72
hydrogen value chain, 212, 229, 280
Footprint, 71
fossil energy, 56, 60, 159, 160, 162,
202, 272 IAEA, 57, 61, 181, 183, 190, 193,
Index 297
vertical axis wind turbine, 103, 107, Waste, 72, 88, 156, 157, 158, 197,
115, 129, 132 206, 207, 292
Harun Ardiansyah earned his bachelor’s
degree in Nuclear Engineering from
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia in
2018 and his master’s degree in Nuclear
Engineering from University of Michigan,
United States in 2021. He is currently a
PhD student at the Department of Nu-
clear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineer-
ing in the University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, United States. His current
Putty Ekadewi is working as a doctoral
student in Laboratoire GEPEA, Univer-
sité de Nantes, France since 2019. Her
current research work is aimed at opti-
mizing biobased hydrocarbon production
as biofuel candidate using a novel photo-
enzyme. Prior to the doctoral work, she
received her master’s diploma in Micro-
algae Bioprocess Engineering from Poly-
tech Nantes (2019). Her undergraduate
degrees were each from Universitas Indo-
nesia in Bioprocess Engineering (2020) and Indonesia International Institute
for Life Sciences in Biotechnology (2018). Her interest and personal research
focus on renewable energy and biofuels have led to her contribution to this
book. Mail:
Denny Gunawan received his bachelor’s
degree in Chemical Engineering from the
University of Surabaya, Indonesia in 2017.
He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the
Taufal Hidayat received the B.Eng. degree
in electrical engineering from Universitas
Indonesia in 2012 and the M.Eng. degree
in electrical engineering from the same
university in 2013. He is currently a Ph.D.
No. Position Name Origin of PPI University
8 Chair of Student Tiara C. Gusman, PPI Australia Monash University
Protection Study Team S.I.Kom
9 Chair of the Middle Ahmad Luqman PPMI Arab King Abdulaziz
East Studies Hakim, M.A Saudi University
10 Chair of the Health Gabriele Jessica PERMIAS Harvard University
Commission Kembuan, MBBS
11 Chair of the Riani Sagita, SE PPI Jepang National Graduate
Economics Institute for Policy
Commission Studies (GRIPS)
12 Chair of the Tourism Dwi Sulihati Sri PPI Australia James Cook
& Creative Economy Sugiharti SE, M.Ec. University
Commission Dev, M.Ec.
13 Chair of the Education Budy Sugandi, M.Sc PPI Tiongkok Southwest University
14 Chair of the Irawan Jati, S.IP., PPI Australia The University of
International M.Hum., M.S.S Queensland
Relations Commission
15 Chair of the Social and Muhammad Ammar PPI Australia The University of
Cultural Protection Hidayahtulloh, M. Queensland
Commission Dev. Prac., PhD
16 Chair of the Fefi Eka Wardiani, PPI Taiwan Chung Yuan Christian
Environment M.Sc Unversity
Indonesia Post-Pandemic Outlook Buku ini tidak diperjualbelikan.
COVID-19 has ravaged the world’s economy, upend existing social
support structures, and strongly impact global geopolitics.
Strategy towards Net-Zero Emissions by 2060
from the Renewables and Carbon-Neutral
Energy Perspectives
OVID-19 has disrupted all aspects of human life. To mitigate the impact of
the pandemic, several efforts have been taken, including by Indonesian
scholars abroad. This book entitled Indonesia Post-Pandemic Recovery
Energy Perspectives
from the Renewables and Carbon-Neutral
Strategy towards Net-Zero Emissions by 2060
Outlook: Strategy towards Net-Zero Emissions by 2060 from the Renewables and
Carbon-Neutral Energy Perspectives explores energy sustainability and climate
change issues and how it can progress further. There are also discussion on the
delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to a few major renewable energy
projects that should have been done in 2020-2021.
Comprising of 14 chapters, this book is divided into three sections. The first part,
Indonesia's Current Position and Strategy for Renewable Energy, explores
Indonesia's current position and strategy on New and Renewable Energy. This
chapter also explores Indonesia's commitment towards Net-Zero Carbon
Emission 2060. Second, Carbon-Free and Renewable Energy in Indonesia,
discusses the status of renewable energy use in the world, elaborate on the
carbon impact of energy shift from fossil to renewable sources, and introduce a
new criterion in renewable energy: carbon-neutral energy. The last part,
Published by:
BRIN Publishing
DOI: 10.55981/brin.562
ISBN 978-623-7425-83-0
Directorate of Repositories, Multimedia,
and Scientific Publishing
Gedung B.J. Habibie, Jln. M.H. Thamrin No. 8,
Harun Ardiansyah
Kb. Sirih, Kec. Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat,
Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10340
Whatsapp: 0811-8612-369
Putty Ekadewi
E-mail: 786 237 42 583 0