1 s2.0 S0266114419300974 Main
1 s2.0 S0266114419300974 Main
1 s2.0 S0266114419300974 Main
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Gazi University, Ankara, 06570, Turkey
Keywords: Large-scale laboratory equipment was developed to assess interaction between soil and 3-D honeycomb shaped
Geosynthetics geocell reinforcement under normal and interface shear stress. An understanding of this interaction is vital in
Geocell assessing mechanical behavior of geocell-reinforced soil mass. Specifically, the equipment allows evaluation of
Pullout the load transfer mechanism with the measurements of strains, displacements and loads, including friction and
Theoretical analysis
passive resistance on the side surfaces and inside the cells of geocell reinforcement. Additionally, the device
visually presents sequence of movement response of each reinforcing cell in the direction of the pulling force,
thereby showing the contribution of each cell to the total capacity. Overall, it is concluded that the pullout
capacity of geocell reinforcement in cohesionless soils is limited to the seam peel strength at junctions of
longitudinal and transverse of geocell strips, which creates the cells in layout of geocell reinforcement. Finally, a
theoretical approach was established to predict the pullout capacity of geocell-reinforced soil mass.
1. Introduction forming bases for embankments fills and sloped retaining walls. The 3-
D shape of geocell materials have the advantage of accommodating
Soil mass reinforced with geosynthetics materials has been widely large particles inside the cells, as well as providing large anchorage
recognized as an established method in the design of geotechnical capacity in soils.
structures such as; reinforced slopes, channel bed liners, increasing The behavior of reinforced soil structures is mainly governed by
bearing capacity of soft soils or footings and constraining lateral interaction mechanism that develop between the reinforcement addi-
movement of structures. The use of soil reinforced with geosynthetics tions and soils. The load transfer due to the interaction between the
materials has been discussed by many researchers (Dyer, 1985; reinforcement and soil results in making the reinforced soil mass to act
Palmeira and Milligan, 1989; Fannin and Raju, 1993; Alfaro et al., as a composite in resisting the applied loads. However, load transfer
1995; Lopes and Ladeira, 1996; Ochiai et al., 1996; Lopes and Lopes, mechanism of geocell reinforcement as a tensile material in soils has
1999; Dash et al., 2001; Dash et al., 2003; Chen and Chiu, 2008; been quite limited (Kiyota et al., 2009; Mohidin and Alfaro, 2011; Han
Lamberta et al., 2011; Gurbuz and Mertol, 2012; Gurbuz, 2012; Chen et al., 2013; Manju and Latha, 2013; Han, 2014; Haussner et al., 2016;
et al., 2013; Biabani and Indraratna, 2015; Biabani et al., 2016; Isik and Gurbuz, 2018; Mehrjardi and Motarjemi, 2018) due to more
Mehrjardi and Khazaei, 2017; Song et al., 2017; Correia and Zornberg, complex interaction mechanisms between soil and geocell reinforce-
2018; King et al., 2018; Rahimi et al., 2018; Venkateswarlu et al., 2019; ments and is still under consideration unlike other geosynthetic mate-
Rowe and Yu, 2019). rials.
A lack of suitable soils in terms of quality and quantity in urban In evaluating the pullout resistance of geocell reinforcement the
areas has resulted in the design of new reinforcing elements by re- total pullout load is commonly calculated as a sum of friction and
searchers (Zhang et al., 2006; Teixeira et al., 2007; Khedkar and passive resistance developed along the side surfaces and inside the cells
Mandal, 2009; Horpibulsuk et al., 2011; Suksiripattanapong et al., of the geocell reinforcement, respectively. This interaction between
2013; Mosallanezhad et al., 2016; Horpibulsuk et al., 2017; mechanisms not yet well understood nor has it been quantified. Hence,
Mosallanezhad et al., 2017; Shen et al., 2019; Morsy et al., 2019). a large-scale laboratory equipment with instrumentation in this study
Geocell is one such new form of geosynthetic reinforcing materials with was developed to assess the interaction between soil and geocell re-
3-D honeycomb shaped structure. It is made from polymeric strips ul- inforcement under both different vertical normal and horizontal shear
trasonically welded or new polymeric alloy (NPA) materials. It has been stress conditions. Overall, the device allows the visualization of se-
extensively employed in several geotechnical applications such as quence of movement response of each cell in the layout of geocell
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: gurbuzayhan@yahoo.com (A. Gurbuz).
Received 17 June 2019; Received in revised form 16 August 2019; Accepted 21 August 2019
Available online 22 September 2019
0266-1144/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Isik and A. Gurbuz Geotextiles and Geomembranes 48 (2020) 71–81
A. Isik and A. Gurbuz Geotextiles and Geomembranes 48 (2020) 71–81
A. Isik and A. Gurbuz Geotextiles and Geomembranes 48 (2020) 71–81
Fig. 4. A general view of clamp system and position of strain gauge on the side surfaces of cells of geocell reinforcement.
Table 1
The basic properties of sand.
Average particle size, D50 (mm) 1.6
Coefficient of gradation, Cc 1.1
Coefficient of uniformity, Cu 3.2
Particle diameter corresponding to 85% finer, D85 (mm) 3.3
Maximum particle size, Dmax (mm) 5.0
Specific gravity, Gs (ASTM D854-14) 2.64
Dry unit weight at Dr of 50% 16.11
Maximum dry unit weights (kN/m3) (ASTM D4254–16) 18.10
Minimum dry unit weights (kN/m3) (ASTM D4254–16) 14.52
Internal friction angle (φ') at Dr of 50% 390
Internal friction angle (φ′) at Dr of 45% 330
Maximum void, emax 0.79
Minimum void, emin 0.43
Table 2
Properties of geocell reinforcements.
Geocell Material 1 Material 2
A. Isik and A. Gurbuz Geotextiles and Geomembranes 48 (2020) 71–81
Table 3
Experimental testing program carried out in the study.
Test No Configuration of Height, h, Specimen Specimen Normal Number of cells in Number of cells in Total of cells Measured
specimen (nbxnl) (mm) width, B, (mm) length, L, (mm) Stress (kPa) direction of geocell direction of geocell numbers in geocell pullout load
width (nb) length (nl) (S = nbanl) (kN)
Material 2.
reinforcement itself during the pullout tests (Palmeira, 2004). Ad- Bergado et al., 1996; Palmeira, 2009; Horpibulsuk and
ditionally, it is observed that as normal stress exceeds 18.10 kPa, the Niramitkornburee, 2010; Isik and Gurbuz, 2018). The pullout re-
pullout capacity-displacement curves show a strain hardening behavior, sistances in this study are normalized by ratio of the total number (S) of
with a progressive increase of pullout resistance with a rise in the dis- cells, indication of size of the tested geocell layout, to length (L) times
placement (Moracia and Recalcati, 2006). Moreover, the pullout be- width (B) of geocell layout in order to detect the effect of size of the
havior of geocell reinforced soil is strongly influenced with the appli- geocell reinforcement on the pullout capacity of geocell reinforced soil
cation of normal stress (Fig. 6). (Fig. 7). It is seen from the tests that the pullout capacity of geocell
The 3D honeycomb shaped geocell reinforcement is formed by reinforcement in cohesionless soil, under a low normal stress of
connecting the longitudinal and transverse strips to each other. 10.12 kPa, reaches a peak and then remains constant when number of
Consequently, the pullout resistance of reinforced soil geocell increases cells in the direction of pullout exceeds three (Fig. 7a). However, a
with an increase in the height of geocell and with increase in the rupture is observed throughout testing at the intersection of long-
number of transverse and longitudinal strips (Bergado and Chai, 1994; itudinal and transverse strips welded to create the 3D structure of
A. Isik and A. Gurbuz Geotextiles and Geomembranes 48 (2020) 71–81
A. Isik and A. Gurbuz Geotextiles and Geomembranes 48 (2020) 71–81
Fig. 8. Effect of layout configuration of the geocell reinforcement on the pullout capacity geocell reinforced soil.
under normal and pullout force usually is inevitable when a geocell 4. Theoretical considerations
reinforcement is embedded into a soil. The strain gauges for purpose of
measurement of friction forces were attached on the midpoint of side The pullout capacity of a grid reinforcement such as geogrid and
surfaces of cells along the length of geocell reinforcement. The averaged wire mesh can be obtained from the sum of the friction and passive
and generalized distributions of strains measured with help of strain resistance (Jewell et al., 1984; Roodi and Zornberg, 2017; Shen et al.,
gauges located on cells along the length of geocell reinforcement are 2019; Morsy et al., 2019). The passive resistance is formed on trans-
illustrated in Fig. 11 for samples with layout of length of 170, 340, 510 verse members, while the friction resistance is formed on longitudinal
and 850 mm of geocell reinforcement under the normal and measured members in the direction of pullout. The passive resistance on trans-
pullout forces. It is determined that the strain increases up to 8–9% with verse members depends on internal friction angle, normal stress, stiff-
increasing the normal stress (Fig. 11). Moreover, the strains on the ness of material and reinforcement geometry in relation to the sizes of
geocell height of 150 mm are comparatively larger than those of geocell the transverse members. The friction resistance on longitudinal mem-
height of 100 mm. Additionally, large amount of strain develops around bers depends on roughness of reinforcement and interface friction angle
the front of wall and it decreases gradually thorough the length of the with soil and stiffness of reinforcement (Ingold, 1982; O'Rourke et al.,
geocell reinforcement due to a decrease in load distribution along the 1990; Jewell, 1996; Milligan and Tei, 1998). However, the pullout
length of geocell reinforcement. behavior of geocell reinforcement in soils is still under development
A. Isik and A. Gurbuz Geotextiles and Geomembranes 48 (2020) 71–81
where Pu is the ultimate pullout load, Ppi is the passive resistance de-
veloping inside a cell and Pfi is the friction resistance emerging on a side
face of cell, n is the number of longitudinal member in the direction of
pullout and Tu is the seam peel strength at a junction of longitudinal and
transverse of geocell strip. In this study, the measured pullout loads of
tests for geocell reinforcement under the normal stresses were mea-
sured and compared with theoretical approach proposed here.
A. Isik and A. Gurbuz Geotextiles and Geomembranes 48 (2020) 71–81
p = ( h + q ) Kp (3)
Kp = tan2 45 +
2 (4)
5. Conclusions
Fig. 14. A plan view of cells for determination of factor of area contributing to
passive resistance.( p)
Fig. 12. A view of passive and friction resistance of geocell reinforcement areas.
Fig. 13. A plan view of cells in geocell reinforcement before and after pullout test.
A. Isik and A. Gurbuz Geotextiles and Geomembranes 48 (2020) 71–81