ISSN 1980-9743
An International Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ISSN-e 2675-5475
Keywords Abstract
Geosynthetic The use of granular column is one of the ground improvement methods used for soft soils.
Embankment This method improves the foundation soils mechanical properties by displacing the soft
Granular column soil with the compacted granular columns. The columns have high permeability that can
Soft soil accelerate the excess pore water pressure produced in soft soils and increase the undrained
Finite element method shear strength. When it comes to very soft soils, the use of granular columns is not of
Laboratory test interest since these soils present no significant confinement to the columns. Here comes the
encased columns that receive the confinement from the encasement materials. In this study,
the influence of the column installation method on the surrounding soil and the encasement
effect on the granular column performance were investigated using numerical analyses and
experimental tests. The results show that numerical simulations can reasonably predict the
behavior of both the encased column and the surrounding soil.
Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Universidade Federal de Itajubá, Institute of Integrated Engineering, Itabira, MG, Brasil.
Universidade de Brasília, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Brasília, DF, Brasil.
Submitted on July 9, 2021; Final Acceptance on October 26, 2021; Discussion open until February 28, 2022.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
the geotextile encasement and the adjacent materials (soft the soil to enable lateral prescribed displacement (equal to
soil and column infill), and the strength reduction factor the column radius, 0.075 m). Actually, the column is driven
(Rint – see Table 1) was assigned to specify these interactions. into the soil, and during penetration the soil is displaced
An axisymmetric model (6-noded elements) in PLAXIS laterally. However, in this numerical analysis, the cavity
2D was analyzed using consolidation analysis to evaluate the approach (Castro & Karstunen, 2010) was required to
installation effects (excess pore water pressure, undrained apply lateral displacements. Results of laboratory column
shear strength and soil heave) on the surrounding soil. A bearing capacity tests were back analyzed using PLAXIS
cylindrical cavity with a radius of 0.02 m was applied to 3D (Alkhorshid, 2017; Alkhorshid et al., 2019). Hence, the
prescribed settlements and their corresponding loads were
compared to the laboratory results.
The encased RCDW numerical prediction (Figure 4d) 1.5 to 2 hours. P3 and P4 show better comparisons between
was the least accurate regarding the results obtained in the predicted and observed results than P1 and P2. During the
tests. The predicted variation of settlement with load is quite loading stages, small values of excess pore water pressure
linear, whereas the experimental variation is a curve, resulting were obtained by the piezometers. Piezometer P1, located
in a difference of 26% at the final loading stage for G3. The at the bottom, close to the column, showed higher values of
RCDW grains were broken bricks, concrete, and gravel that excess pore water pressure, as shown in Figure 6.
may significantly influence the column mechanical properties.
3.3 Soft soil undrained shear strength
3.2 Excess pore water pressure
Predicted and observed results in Figure 7 show some
The piezometers installed show the excess pore water improvements in the undrained shear strength of the surrounding
pressure produced during the column installation. The soil after the column was installed and the excess pore pressure
column loading tests started after the excess pore pressure dissipated. The undrained shear strength (Su) in laboratory
was dissipated, which took approximately 45 hours. The tests and numerical analysis was obtained from the vane shear
numerical results compare rather well with those from the tests and principal stresses, respectively. The test results show
tests (Figure 5). The excess pore pressures reached a pick that values of Su at the depths of 20 cm, 40 cm, 60 cm, and
value during column installation and dropped down as 80 cm increased by approximately 200% at 30 mm from the
time went by for all piezometers. However, the predicted column. No increase in undrained strength was observed at 70
reductions of pore pressures are steeper, showing a difference mm from the column. Hence, the diameter of the region (ds,
of approximately 200% at 18 hours of dissipation for P1. smear zone) disturbed by the column installations was 1.8 to
When it comes to the time needed for the full dissipation, the 1.9 times the column diameter (dc). However, the numerical
difference between predicted and measured results is between analysis predicted values of ds greater than 1.9dc as the soil
Figure 4. Load-settlement curves: (a) conventional columns; (b) encased gravel column; (c) encased sand column; (d) encased RCDW
Figure 7. Changes of undrained shear strength with depth: (a) comparison between numerical and measured results and (b) numerical
undrained shear strength increases when it consolidates. The underwent heave (dh), a significant difference can be noted
numerical results at 30 mm from the column depict reasonable between predicted and observed results so that the former
agreements with those from the tests. These results show that is half the latter one.
at 10 mm, the values of Su were approximately 3 times greater
than the initial values (before column installation) at the depths 3.5 Failure and deformation mechanisms
of 60 cm and 80 cm.
The loading tests were carried out to obtain the column’s
3.4 Soil heave maximum loading capacity. As shown in Figures 9a and 9b, the
column failed at a depth of 0.15 to 0.18 m (from the column
The predicted and measured results show that the column top). The load on the column top caused it to bulge, leading to
installation displaces the soil circumferentially (Figure 8), geotextile encasement failure. The numerical analyses indicated
leading to soil surface heave. These results show that the soil that the column experienced excessive bulging at the same
experienced a heave displacement approximately equal to depths, as shown in Figure 9c. Figure 10 shows that the tensile
half the column radius along the column perimeter. However, forces developed in the geotextile encasement slightly exceeded
regarding the diameter of the region around the column that or were close to the encasement maximum tensile strength
Figure 8. Soil heave after column installation: (a) soil surface; (b) predicted and measured results.
Figure 9. Columns after loading: (a) and (b) exhumed columns after testing; (c) column shape obtained from numerical analyses.
(marked with red circles in Figure 10) between elevations significant shear strains (Figure 12) and confinement (from
0.07 m and 0.15 m and between elevations 0.8 m and 0.94 m. the encasement, Figure 13), which can be the reason for the
column infill breakage. Sieving tests on the infill material
3.6 Breakage of the granular column particles did not show any significant level of particle breakage in
sections 3, 4, and 5.
The gravel and RCDW columns were divided into At the end of every test, the region around the column
five sections to evaluate the breakage (Bg) of particles of top experienced an active state of stresses resulting in tension
the column infill material using Marsal’s (1967) procedure, cracks development up to a radius (RTC) of 22.5 cm (Figure 14a).
as shown in Figure 11. The results (Table 3) show that the It can also be verified by checking the tension cut-off points
gravel and RCDW columns (encased with G1) underwent in the numerical analyses that show the region in which the
particle breakage of as much as 15.89% and 20.94%, within soil fails in tension. The predicted results (Figure 14b) show
sections 1 and 2 (2dc), respectively. The numerical results that RTC extended up to a radius of 22.7 cm, which compares
predicted that within these sections the column experienced well with the test results.
Figure 10. The tensile force along the column height (a) G1; (b) G2; (c) G3.
Table 3. Particle breakage index for the encased gravel and CW column.
Geotextile Column type Section Particle breakage index – Bg (%) Average of Bg (%)
G-1 Gravel column Sec.1 14.11 15.89
Sec.2 17.67
RCDW column Sec.1 17.18 20.94
Sec.2 24.7
G-2 Gravel column Sec.1 6.82 7.04
Sec.2 7.27
RCDW column Sec.1 8.11 9.34
Sec.2 10.58
G-3 Gravel column Sec.1 1.34 1.55
Sec.2 1.77
RCDW column Sec.1 2.65 3.3
Sec.2 3.95
Figure 14. Tension cracks at the soil surface: (a) test result; (b) numerical result.
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