VII. Typist Clerk LD Typis
VII. Typist Clerk LD Typis
VII. Typist Clerk LD Typis
PART - I ( 10 Marks)
General Knowledge
Facts about India
Geography of India – Physical features – Climate – Soils – Rivers – Famous sites – etc.
Demography – Economic and social development – Poverty alleviation – Economy and planning
– etc.
Important Events/Movements/Leaders
Current Affairs
Important world, national and regional events related to the political and scientific fields, sports,
cinema and literature etc.
Part II (40 Marks)
MS Word
Introduction, Word Window, Title bar, Ribbon, Status bar, Tool bar
Document - Create, Open, Save, Print, Close
Font – size, style, effects.
Formatting Paragraph - Bold, Italics, Underline, Justify, Bullets and Numbering,
Dropcap, Change case, Alignment, Tab setting, Line spacing, Character spacing,
Styles and Editing, Cut, Copy, Paste.
Shortcut keys & function keys
Insert- Tables, Pictures, Cliparts, Shapes, Page number, Headers and Footers,
Symbols, Links, word art.
Page layout- Page size, Margin, Line spacing, Orientation, Indentation
Creation of Table of contents, Index, Footnotes and endnotes
Mail merge, proof reading , add or remove comments
Views - different page views, guides, rulers
Power point
Inserting & Deleting a Slide, Views
Inserting chart, diagram, SmartArt, Sound, Video, Slide number, Links, Date and
Time, Page setup, Slide orientation, Slide show, Slide Layout , Arrange objects on
the slide
Type Writing
History of Typewriter, Keys of Typewriter, Parts of Typewriter, Cleaning a
Typewriter, Rocker Mechanism, Dog block, Movements of Typewriter, Officials
abbreviation, Functions of Typewriter, Symbols.
Part IV ( 20 Marks)
General English
Module 1 : Comprehension Passage
A comprehension Passage
A comprehension passage is useful (to test the accuracy and clarity) of the student.
Synonyms and Antonyms can be asked from the passage.
It can test the Past tense / Past participle of the Verb of given word from the
Different aspects of grammatical usages can be tested
To give one word answers
Module 2 : Editing
This module aims at sentence correction and the correction of a given passage.
Punctuation eg. (exclamation marks, column)
Sentence Correction
Subject verb agreement (eg. Police are looking for the thief)
Module 3 : English usage in day to day affairs.
Incomplete sentence in dialogues are asked to complete them using question tags /
usages such as had better, not only – but also, if clause etc. conditional clauses (eg.
Module 4 : Idioms and Phrases
Idioms that are commonly use can be asked by giving options.
eg: It is a red letter day for me.
a. Article
b. Preposition
c. Tenses
d. Clauses
e. Phrasal Verbs
Module 7 : Voice
Change of Voice : Active and Passive
1. പദശുദ്ധി
2. വാക്യശുദ്ധി
3. പരിഭാഷ
4. ഒറ്റപ്പദം
5. പരയായം
6. വിപരീത പദം
7. ൈശൈലിക്ള് പഴഞ്ചൊല്ഞ്ചാല്ലുക്ള്
8. സമാനപദം
9. േചേര്ത്തൊല്ത്തെഴുതുക്
10. സ്ത്രീലിംഗം പുല്ലിംഗം
11. വചേനം
12. പിരിൊല്ച്ചെഴുതല്
13. ഘടക് പദം (വാക്യം േചേര്ത്തൊല്ത്തെഴുതുക്)
1. Word Purity / Correct Word
2. Correct Sentence
3. Translation
4. One Word / Single Word / One Word Substitution
5. Synonyms
6. Antonyms
7. Idioms and Proverbs
8. Equivalent Word
9. Join the Word
10. Feminine Gender, Masculine Gender
11. Number
12. Sort and Write
1)Correct Word
2)Correct Structure of Sentence
4)Single Word
6)Antonyms / Opposite
7)Phrases and Proverbs
8)Equal Word
9)Join the Word
10) Gender Classification – Feminine, Masculine
11) Singular, Plural
12) Separate
13) Adding Phrases
NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed above,
questions from other topics prescribed for the educational
qualification of the post may also appear in the question paper.
There is no undertaking that all the topics above may be covered in
the question paper