Cge536 Lab 5

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STUDENT ID : 2022981765

DATE : 12 APRIL 2023

No. Title Allocated Marks (%) Marks

1 Abstract/Summary 5
2 Introduction 10
3 Aims 5
4 Theory 10
5 Apparatus 5
6 Methodology/Procedure 10
7 Results 10
8 Calculations 10
9 Discussion 20
10 Conclusion 5
11 Recommendations 5
12 Reference / Appendix 5


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ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................ 3

INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 3

OBJECTIVES .............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

THEORY .................................................................................................................................... 3

APPARATUS ............................................................................................................................. 6

PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................ 7
Experiment 1: Demonstration of Filmwise and Dropwise Condensation ...................... 7
Experiment 2: The Filmwise Heat Flux and Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient
Determination at Constant Pressure .................................................................................. 7
Experiment 3: The Dropwise Heat Flux and Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient
Determination at Constant Pressure .................................................................................. 7

RESULTS ................................................................................................................................... 8
Experiment 1: Demonstration of Filmwise and Dropwise Condensation ....................... 8
Experiment 2: The Filmwise Heat Flux and Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient
Determination at Constant Pressure ............................................................................. 10
Experiment 3: The Dropwise Heat Flux and Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient
Determination at Constant Pressure ........................................................................ 11

CALCULATIONS ................................................................................................................... 14
Experiment 2: The Filmwise Heat Flux and Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient
Determination at Constant Pressure ............................................................................. 14
Experiment 3: The Dropwise Heat Flux and Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient ... Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Determination at Constant Pressure ................................................................................ 15

DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................................... 16

CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................ 17

RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................................ 17

APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................... 19

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 20


Film and Dropwise Condensation Unit put up the test. The initial goal of the research
was to identify dropwise and film condensation characteristics. The next step was to compare
the outcomes of dropwise and filmwise condensation and to establish the link between heat
flux, heat transfer coefficient, and the impact of air in the condenser. Condensation can
happen in either filmwise or dropwise conditions, according to the experiment. However,
when condensation happens filmwise, the film of condensate that develops on the surface acts
as a conduit for the heat that is being transferred from the vapour. Condensate has entirely
coated the surface in the meanwhile for dropwise. Therefore, a comparison of the two
methods reveals that the dropwise condensation approach has a better and greater heat
transfer coefficient. This suggests that the outcome is consistent with the theory of natural
convection condensation.


Many scholars are interested in the intricate natural process known as condensation.
The experiment was run to investigate and analyse the relationship between the outcome and
the theory. However, the condition's characteristics must be properly managed or the
experiment may not succeed. The vapour mixture, condensate flow regimes, and
condensation modes are used as an example.

Condensation may be divided into two categories: filmwise and dropwise. When
vapour creates a laminar film that covers a surface, filmwise condensation occurs. More
vapour may then be gathered along the route, causing the film to flow downhill and thicken.
Dropwise moved downhill, bringing together the droplets that were still in place as it went.
Dropwise condensation will happen when there is a low rate of condensation, for as when a
non condensible gas is present or when the liquid does not 'wet' the wall. The majority of
engineering components need film condensation because condensation is a crucial stage in an
industrial process because of the significant mass flow of condensed liquid per unit length of
wetted area.

The dropwise condensation's heat transmission coefficient was calculated. According

to Rose, J., Utaka, Y., and Tanasawa (1999), this experiment was first discovered and
studied. Their observation was gathered to show that a big anomaly occurred when the heat
transfer coefficient was between 5 and 7 times higher than that of film wise condensation.
The industries can utilise the results of this experiment and use it to their efforts to increase
heat transfer efficiency. The Rankine Cycle was used as an example of the vapour power
cycle. The total cycle efficiency can be raised while lowering the operational pressure of the
condenser by improving the condenser's efficiency. Industrial equipment is frequently made
to function in filmwise condensation mode as dropwise condensation is difficult to maintain

This experiment may be used in the environment with cold water in a power plant's
condenser, hot water in a heating calorifier, sugar solution in a sugar refinery, etc. As steam
transfers heat to a cooling medium, it must condense. High heat fluxes may be produced by
condensation, and compact and efficient heat exchangers are possible if the heat can be
swiftly transported from the condensing surface to the cooling medium. The lab's equipment
helped students learn a variety of important condensation-related concepts, including
dropwise and filmwise condensation. Students can independently see both phenomena here.


Experiment 1:
To demonstrate the filmwise and dropwise condensation.

Experiment 2:
To determine the filmwise heat flux and surface heat transfer coefficient at constant pressure.

Experiment 3:
To determine the dropwise heat flux and surface heat transfer coefficient at constant pressure.


When vapour and a surface come into contact at a temperature below the vapor's
saturation point, condensation results. The liquid condensate will pour onto the surface as a
result of gravity. When a liquid wets a surface, it spreads out and creates a film, which is

when filmwise condensation happens. If the liquid does not moisten the surface, droplets
form and descend. The name for this process is dropwise condensation. Compared to
filmwise condensation, dropwise condensation has a nearly ten-fold higher rate of heat
transfer. Dropwise condensation is extremely difficult to carry off in real-world
circumstances. The basis of all useful design strategies is filmwise condensation.

By conducting tests, McAdams discovered that the average heat transfer for vertical
surfaces is almost 20% greater than that discovered by applying the Nusselt theory.
McAdams suggested the subsequent equations:

For vertical surface:

The above equation can be written in terms of the Reynolds number (Re < 1800) as:

The other empirical correlation for film condensation on a vertical plate for turbulent flow
(Re > 1800) is:

If the condensing surface is extremely smooth and some oil substance is put to it, the
vapour will condense and form droplets. This type of dropwise condensation has a rate of
heat transmission that is 10–20 times higher than filmwise condensation. When applied, some
fats and waxes, benzyl mercaptan, oleic acid, and others create a very smooth surface that
promotes dropwise condensation.


Filmwise and Dropwise Condensation Equipment

Figure 1: SOLTEQ Filmwise and Dropwise unit (HE163)

Experiment 1: Demonstration of Filmwise and Dropwise Condensation

1. The main switch was checked in the off position.

2. The power regulator knob was turned fully anti-clockwise to set the power to minimum.
3. V1 to V6 were checked and left it in closed position.
4. The chamber was filled with distilled water until the water level stayed in between the
heater and baffle plates. The heater was fully immersed in the water throughout the
5. The water flow rate was adjusted according to experimental procedure by rotating the
control valve.
6. The main switch and the heater switch were turned on and the heater power was increased
by rotating the power regulator clockwise.
7. The water temperature reading was observed and increased by time.
8. Water was heated until pressure reached 1.03 bar then the valve V1 and V5 was opened
for one minute to vacuum out the air inside the condenser. Then both valve were closed
after one minute.
9. The system was observed to let it stable. After that, all the relevant measurement were

Experiment 2: The Filmwise Heat Flux and Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient
Determination at Constant Pressure

1. Cooling water was circulated through the filmwise condenser with minimum value of 0.1
LPM. Then followed by 0.2 LPM, 0.3 LPM and 0.4 LPM.
2. The heater power was adjusted to obtain the pressure at 1.01 bar.
3. After the condition was stabilized, steam (Tsat) and surface temperature (Tsurf), Tin(T1)
and Tout (T2) and flow rate.

Experiment 3: The Dropwise heat Flux and Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient
Determination at Constant Pressure

1. Cooling water was circulated through the dropwise condenser with minimum value of 0.4
LPM. Then followed by 0.8 LPM, 1.2 LPM and 1.6 LPM.
2. The heater power was adjusted to obtain pressure at 1.01 bar.
3. After the condition was stabilized, steam (Tsat) and surface temperature (Tsurf), Tin(T3)
and Tout (T4) and flow rate.

General Shut-down Procedures

1. The voltage control knob was turned to 0 Volt position by turning the knobanticlockwise.
The cooling water was kept flowed for five minutes through thecondenser to cold them
2. The main switch and power supply were switch off. After that, power supply cable was
3. Water supply was closed and the connection was disconnected.
4. Water inside the chamber was discharged using discharged valve.


Experiment 1: Demonstration of Filmwise and Dropwise Condensation

Figure 2: Filmwise and Dropwise condensation

Types of Characteristics Observation

Film-wise Low rate of

condensation Figure 3 :
• Water droplets
flow directly to the
• Wettable surface

Dropwise High rate of

Figure 4 : Dropwise
• Water droplets
flow drop by drop
to the bottom
• Non wettable

Table 1: Charateristics of filmwise and dropwise condensation

Experiment 2: The Filmwise Heat Flux and Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient
Determination at Constant Pressure

Flow Power Tin Tout Tsat Tsur Tsat-Tsurf ΔTm Heat flux Heat

rate (W) (°C) (°C) (°C) f (°C) (°C) (W/m2) coeffic

(LPM) (°C) ient, U


0.1 29.36 32.6 36.8 70.7 40.0 30.0 34.00 7273.26 213.92
0.2 27.87 31.8 33.8 62.0 34.4 27.6 29.64 6904.15 232.93
0.3 14.65 32.1 32.8 61.2 32.4 28.8 32.10 3629.20 113.06
0.4 11.17 32.5 32.9 67.8 32.5 35.3 36.63 2767.11 75.54
Table 2: Filmwise Determination at Constant Pressure

Heat Flux (W/m2) vs Temperature Difference (℃)

Filmwise Heat Flux (W/m2)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Temperature Difference (℃)

Figure 5: Graph Heat Flux (W/m2) vs Temperature Difference


Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient (U) vs
Temperature Difference (℃)

Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient (U)






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Temperature Difference (℃)

Figure 6: Graph Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient,U vs Temperature Difference, °C

Experiment 3: The Dropwise Heat Flux and Surface Heat Transfer

Coefficient Determination at Constant Pressure

Flow Power Tin Tout Tsat Tsur Tsat-Tsur ΔTm Heat flux Heat

rate (W) (°C) (°C) (°C) f f (°C) (°C) (W/m2) coeffici

(LPM) (°C) ent, U


0.4 100.51 31.6 35.2 71.2 43.8 27.3 39.44 24899.03 631.31
0.8 133.91 31.9 34.3 71.2 42.8 28.4 39.35 33173.11 843.03
1.2 167.44 32.0 34.0 71.4 43.3 28.0 39.30 41479.40 1055.46
1.6 201.00 32,2 34.0 71.4 43.5 27.9 39.10 49793.11 1273.48
Table 3: Dropwise Determination at Constant Pressure

Heat Flux (W/m2) vs Temperature Difference (℃)
Heat Flux (W/m2) 35000
27.2 27.4 27.6 27.8 28 28.2 28.4 28.6
Temperature Difference (℃)

Figure 7: Graph Heat Flux (W/m2) vs Temperature

Difference (℃)

Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient (U) vs

Temperature Difference (℃)
Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient (U)

27.2 27.4 27.6 27.8 28 28.2 28.4 28.6
Temperature Difference (℃)

Figure 8: Graph Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient (U) vs Temperature Difference (℃)

Heat Flux (W/m2) vs Temperature Difference (℃)
Heat Flux (W/m2) 35000
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Temperature Difference (℃)

Filmwise Dropwise

Figure 9: Graph Heat Flux (W/m2) vs Temperature Difference (℃)

in a single graph

Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient (U) vs

Temperature Difference (℃)
Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient (U)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Temperature Difference (℃)

Filmwise Dropwise

Figure 10: Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient (U) vs Temperature Difference (℃)

in a single graph


Experiment 2: The Filmwise Heat Flux and Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient
Determination at Constant Pressure

Flowrate 0.1
Volumetric flowrate 0.1 1000g 1min
x x 1.67 g / sec
min 1l 60 sec

Power,qx Q=ṁC∆T

Q = 1.67g/sec x 4.186kJ/kg x 4.2°C = 29.36W

Log mean temperature ΔTm = ΔT1-ΔT2 / ln (ΔT1/ΔT2)

ΔT1 = Tsat - Tin
ΔT2 = Tsat - Tin

ΔTm = (70.7-32.6) - (62.0-31.8) / ln

((70.7-32.6) / (62.0-31.8))

= 34°C

Heat flux,Ø Ø = q / ( ПdL + ( Пd2/4 ))

= 29.36/ ( П (0.0127)(0.098) + П(0.0127)2/4

= 7273.26W/m2
Heat transfer U = Ø / ∆Tm
= 7273.26/ 34

= 213.92W/m2°C

Table 4: Calculation for Filmwise Experiment

Experiment 3: The Dropwise Heat Flux and Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient
Determination at Constant Pressure

Flowrate 0.4
Volumetric flowrate 0.4 1000g 1min
x x 6.67 g / sec
min 1l 60 sec

Power,qx Q=ṁC∆T

Q = 6.67g/sec x 4.186kJ/kg x 3.6°C = 100.51W

Log mean temperature ΔTm = ΔT1-ΔT2 / ln (ΔT1/ΔT2)

ΔT1 = Tsat - Tin
ΔT2 = Tsat - Tin

ΔTm = (71.2-31.6) - (71.2-31.9) / ln

((71.2-31.6) / (71.2-31.9))

= 39.44 °C

Heat flux,Ø Ø = q / ( ПdL + ( Пd2/4 ))

= 39.44 / ( П (0.0127)(0.098) + П(0.0127)2/4

= 24899.03W/m2
Heat transfer U = Ø / ∆Tm
= 24899.03/ 39.44

= 631.31W/m2°C

Table 5: Calculation for Dropwise Calculation


A demonstration of filmwise and dropwise condensation was built using filmwise and
dropwise condensation equipment in order to calculate the filmwise heat flux, surface heat
transfer coefficient, and dropwise heat flux at constant pressure.

The purpose of the first experiment was to determine the characteristics of both
filmwise and dropwise condensation. When saturated vapour enters contact with a surface at
a low temperature, it occurs. The aforementioned graph demonstrates how a temperature
change in the condenser can cause the results of filmwise and dropwise condensation to vary
and be spread. The result of film-wise condensation demonstrates that the water droplets are
deposited in a layer or film that flows laminarly and moistens the condenser's surface. By
increasing the amount of heat transfer resistance, insulation slows the rate of heat
transmission (Mayhew, Y., and Rogers, G., 1992). Instead of spreading over the cold surface,
the condensates created by dropwise condensation are deposited as water droplets of varying
sizes and ultimately descend down the cold surface under the effect of gravity. The produced
water droplets never spread or permeate the surface, in contrast to how they appear on film. It
won't likely serve as an insulator and won't offer much barrier to heat transmission as a result.
The condensation mechanism, in this case the contact between the water droplets and the
surface, controls how effectively the condensation process works. Each droplet that contacts
the condenser in this experiment has an effect on the condenser's efficiency as a result of
filmwise and dropwise condensation. Better heat transmission occurs between the vapour and
the exposed surface in dropwise condensation than in film-wise condensation because the
condensate is eliminated more quickly in the former. The film is a poor heat conductor
because dropwise condensation produces tiny condensates that come in different sizes and
have a propensity to expose the surface. As a result, experiment 1 demonstrates that filmwise
condensation is not a successful condensation process because of its high heat flow
resistance, which inhibits heat from the vapour from being transmitted to the cold surface and
results in a poor condensation rate.

For experiments 2 and 3, it is possible to infer from the heat flux vs temperature graph
that heat flux will rise if the temperatures for both filmwise and dropwise condensation differ.

But it's evident from the graph that dropwise condensation is more effective. Dropwise
condensation is now the focus of the engineer's demonstration. Although it is more expensive
in terms of materials and manufacturing procedures to provide the required surface for
dropwise condensation, dropwise condensation is typically avoided in practical plants.
Compared to film wise condensation, which depends on the steam coming into touch with the
resistive layer of water film around the tube, dropwise condensation has a higher heat flux
since the steam comes into direct contact with the surface. This layer of the film efficiently
and continually alters the impact of heat transmission. Various flow rates were used to study
the condensation of films and drops, but the pattern shows that as fluid flow rate rises, input
and output temperatures fall and heat flux rises. The heat transmission coefficient is the same.


The experiment was carried out using SOLTEQ filmwise and dropwise condensation at
constant pressure. The results of the Nusselt analysis of natural convection condensation and
the filmwise condensation test for pure steam showed good agreement, and the modest steam
flow had no impact on heat transfer. Due to the impact of a few ppm order of air in the pure
steam situation, dropwise condensation only demonstrated 10 to 20 times faster heat transfer
rates than filmwise condensation.

Meanwhile, it can be observed that condensation in steam and air mixtures occurs in a range
of heat transfer rates, both film- and drop-wise. Together, it becomes clear that condensation
modes have less of an impact on heat transfer rates than does the higher air layer's thermal
resistance. Therefore, it can be concluded that dropwise heat transfer is almost entirely
predictable from the relationship between film wise condensation and heat transmission.


Some suggestions that can be made prior to the experiment in order to prevent errors include
making sure that every student has already gone through the procedure of each experiment so
they will understand the objectives and what to do next and the experiments will run
smoothly. In order to avoid mishaps and errors, the experiment's equipment must also be
checked to make sure it is in excellent working order. Students must then wait for the heater
power to stabilise and build up to the necessary pressure before recording any data.

Additionally, in order to prevent parallax error when recording the data, the eyes must be
perpendicular to the scale.

The most crucial piece of advice is to constantly remind one another to be careful around the
equipment since it is hot from the heat of the experiment. Last but not least, it is crucial to
make sure the heater is fully submerged in the water to achieve uniform condensation and
prevent a high operating pressure.



1. Curelja, D., Wlillam, P., & Goss, P. (n.d.). NEW CORRELATIONS FOR

2. Mayhew, Y, Rogers, G. (1992). Engineering thermodynamics: Work & HeatTransfer.

4th ed. Prentice Hall.

3. Balaji, C., Srinivasan, B., & Gedupudi, S. (2021). Boiling and condensation. Heat
Transfer Engineering, 351-396.

4. Rose, J, Utaka, Y, Tanasawa, I. (1999). Handbook of Phase Change: Dropwise

Condensation. Taylor & Francis

5. Bum-Jin, C., Sin, K., Min Chan, K., & Ahmadinejad, M. (2004, November).
Experimental comparison of film-wise and drop-wise condensations of steam on
vertical flat plates with the presence of air. International Communications in Heat and
Mass Transfer, 31(8), 1067–1074.

6. Connor, N. (2019, May 22). What is Film Condensation - Definition. Thermal



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