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Issue 3
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October 2005

Airbus Test Method

Fibre Reinforced Plastics

Determination of Compression Strength

After Impact

Published and distributed by :

31707 BLAGNAC Cedex

© Copyright AIRBUS S.A.S 2005. All rights reserved

Ref. no. AITM1-0010

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Issue 3


1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Definitions

4 Principle of the method

5 Designation of the method

6 Apparatus

7 Test specimen

8 Procedure

9 Presentation of results

10 Test report

Annexes and figures

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Issue 3

1 Scope
This Airbus specification defines a method to determine the low speed impact resistance characteristics of fibre
reinforced plastics. The method measures material response to a specific set of impact parameters to allow
comparison between materials. This specification is applicable to laminates manufactured from unidirectional or
woven fabric reinforcement.
It shall be applied when mentioned in the relevant standard, material specification, process specification, drawing,
order or inspection schedule.

2 Normative references
This Airbus specification incorporates by dated or undated reference provisions from other publications. All
normative references cited at the appropriate places in the text are listed hereafter. For dated references,
subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this Airbus specification only when
incorporated in it by amendment of revision. For undated references, the latest issue of the publication referred to
shall be applied.

AITM 6-0011 Airbus Test Method – Non Destructive Inspection of Composite Parts
AITM 6-4002 Airbus Test Method – Ultrasonic through transmission Inspection of fibre composite
AITM 6-4005 Airbus Test Method – Ultrasonic pulse-echo inspection of fibre composites
EN 2374 Aerospace series - Glass fibre reinforced mouldings and sandwich composites.
Production of test panels.
EN 2760 Aerospace series - Steel FE-PL78 – 1760 ≤ Rm ≤ 2000 MPa – Bar De ≤ 75 mm
EN 2565 Aerospace series - Preparation of carbon fibre reinforced resin panels for test
EN 2823 Aerospace series - Fibre reinforced plastics - Determination of the effect of exposure
to humid atmosphere on physical and mechanical characteristics.
ISO 2818 Plastics - Preparation of test specimens by machining.
ISO 7500-1 Metallic materials - Verification of static uniaxial testing machines
Part 1: Tension/compression testing machines - Verification and calibration of the
force-measuring system.

3 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard the following definitions apply.

3.1 Compression strength after impact

Maximum compression load experienced by the impacted specimen divided by the initial gross cross sectional
area. It is calculated using the formula given in sub clause 9.2 (for compression strength) or 9.3 (for normalised
compression strength).

3.2 Dent depth

Dent depth ddent is the depth of an indentation at a given time after impact.

3.3 Energy at 1.0mm (E1mm)

The E1mm is the impact energy corresponding to a dent depth of 1.0mm

4 Principle of the method

4.1 General
Specimens are subjected to impact at a defined range of impact energies and the compression strength after
impact measured.

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4.2 Details of the method

A single specimen is impacted for each of a specified range of impact energies. The dent depth and delaminated
area are measured, and the impact energy to cause 1mm dent depth (E1mm) is deduced. Additional specimens are
then subjected to impact at E1mm All specimens are tested to determine compression strength after impact.

Note: 1mm dent depth will typically cause 0.3mm dent depth after relaxation.

5 Designation of the method

This type of Standard shall be designated according to the philosophy of the following example:

Description block Identity block

Fibre reinforced plastics
Determination of
compression strength
after impact AITM 1- 0010


Number of Specification

Test Method Group number

Sequential number

6 Apparatus
The calibration of equipment shall be undertaken in accordance with the equipment supplier, a recognised
standard or as detailed within this test method.

6.1 Test machine calibrated to Class1 of ISO 7500-1 and accurate to within 1% in the relevant load range.

6.2 Chamber compatible with the machine to permit tests at specified temperatures. The chamber temperature
shall be controllable to ± 3°C.

6.3 Timer accurate to the nearest 1 second.

6.4 Thermocouple, accurate to the nearest 1°C, with recorder for determination of the test temperature for tests at
temperatures other than ambient.

6.5 Flat faced micrometer with 5 mm to 7 mm diameter faces, accurate to ± 0.01 mm.

6.6 Calliper accurate to ± 0.1 mm.

6.7 Impact machine: drop weight impact tester with accuracy on the height of drop: ± 5mm, capable of capturing
the impactor after the first impact so that a restrike cannot occur (see figure 4).

6.8 Impactor with the characteristics shown in figure 2.

6.9 Depth gauge with hemispherical adapter, diameter 3 mm and calibrated to within 0.01 mm.

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6.10 Compression tool (see figure 6 and figure 7). The compression tool shall introduce the load by end loading.
Load transfer through the anti-buckling side guides shall be kept to a minimum.

6.11 Vacuum bag sealant (or similar) to isolate the thermocouple from the chamber atmosphere during tests at
temperatures other than ambient.

6.12 Strain gauges and suitable automatic strain recording equipment shall be employed for calibration of the
compression loading tool.

7 Test specimen

7.1 Test panels

Test panels shall be prepared in accordance with EN 2565 method B for carbon fibre reinforced laminates and EN
2374 type B for glass fibre reinforced laminates.
The test panel lay-up shall be specified in a qualification test plan (QTP) or equivalent accompanying
documentation. A typical lay-up would be quasi-isotropic and approximately 4.0 mm thick. The variation in the
thickness measurements for any laminate shall be within ± 2% of mean measured thickness.
The panels shall be subjected to NDT (e.g. C-scan) to establish freedom from detectable defects. The test panel
shall comply with the quality requirements specified in the relevant AIMS or specification invoking the test.

7.2 Test specimen

Test specimens shall be extracted from defect free test panels in accordance with ISO 2818. Adequate care shall
be taken to ensure that no delamination occurs during the machining of the test specimens.
Dimensions and tolerances are defined in Figure 3.
The specimens shall be extracted ensuring the longitudinal edges of the specimen are within ± 2° of the specified
test direction.

7.3 Number of test specimens

To assess the impact resistance, 12 specimens shall be tested:

– One specimen for each of the 6 energy levels defined in section 8.3;

– Three specimens at 30J as defined in section 8.3;

– Three specimens tested at the E1mm as defined in section 8.5;

The number of specimens shall be the same whatever conditioning is applied (see section 8.1).

8 Procedure

8.1 Test sequence

The sequence is summarised as follows:

– Measure and record specimen dimensions.

– Impact 9 specimens at the energies defined in section 8.3, measure and record the corresponding dent depths
as defined in section 8.4.

– Determine E1mm as defined in section 8.5.

– Impact the remaining three specimens at E1mm, measure and record dent depth.

– Perform ultrasonic scan to determine damage length, width and area.

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– Condition impacted specimens if required.

– Measure and record dent depth again on conditioned specimens after conditioning.

– Perform compression test.

8.2 Determination of dimensions

Determine the dimensions before impact testing. Use a micrometer (see section 6.5) for the thickness and a
calliper (see section 6.6) for the width.
Measure the thickness (t) at three points in the central area of the specimen (see figure 1) and check they are
within tolerances. Record the mean value.
Measure the width (w) at three sections (see figure 1) and check they are within tolerances. Record the mean

8.3 Impact tests at defined energies

The specimen shall be impacted on its tool face.

– Secure the specimen to a flat mounting plate using four snap fasteners as shown in figure 4 and 5. This leaves
a clear central window of 75mm ± 0.2 mm x 125mm ± 0.2 mm.

– Set the drop height according to the selected impact energy (see formula 9.1). The drop height shall be
greater than 0.5 m. The impactor mass shall be adjusted to deliver the energy levels with an impact velocity ≤
15 m/s.

– Subject the specimens to impact with energy:

The first specimen is to be impacted at an energy of 50 J, and the corresponding dent depth measured.

• If this dent depth is greater than 1.0mm, the remaining specimens are to be impacted at one specimen
per energy level of 10, 15, 20, 25 and 40J; and three specimens at 30J.

• If this dent depth is less than 1.0mm, the remaining specimens are to be impacted at one specimen
per energy level of 20, 25, 40, 60 and 70J; and three specimens at 30J.

Three further specimens are to be tested at E1mm, see section 8.5.

Each specimen shall receive only one impact. Bouncing shall be prevented using a suitable device.

8.4 Dent measurement

The dent depth has to be measured within 30 minutes after the impact.
To measure the dent depth, place the impacted specimen on suitable supports. Using a depth gauge (see section
6.9), measure the dent depth on the impacted face to within 0,05 mm using the following procedure or equivalent:

– Measure the depth gauge value at the deepest part of the dent, dmax

– Measure the depth gauge value on 4 points as shown in figure 3, d1, d2, d3, d4 and calculate the mean dmean.

– Calculate ddent = (dmax – dmean) and record.

For specimens that have been conditioned, measure the dent depth again after conditioning.

8.5 Determination of E1mm and corresponding impact tests

Using the results from the tests defined in section 8.3, plot dent depth ddent as a function of impact energy.
Where possible, determine the energy E1mm using linear interpolation.

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When the maximum measured dent depth plotted on the curve is less than 1.0mm, a suitable extrapolation curve
may be used to determine E1mm up to a value of 77J, providing the extrapolation curve has a confidence level (R-
squared value) of at least 80%.
Subject three specimens to impact with energy E1mm; measure and record the dent depths

8.6 Inspection of impacted specimens

Visually inspect each impacted specimen, assess and record, on the impact face and the opposite face:

– The visibility of the damage.

– Any breaks in the fibres.

Carry out ultrasonic inspection to assess the damage according to AITM 6-0011 and AITM 6-4002 or AITM 6-4005.
Record delaminated area, maximum length, and maximum width. The default attenuation level used to assess the
delaminated area is 6dB.

8.7 Conditioning
The conditioning is carried out after impact. Unless otherwise defined by the specification invoking the test, the
specimens shall be tested at (23 ± 2)°C.
‘Hot Wet’ specimens shall be conditioned in accordance with EN 2823 and be tested within 4 hours of removal from
the conditioning chamber or from the sealed container used to avoid any decrease in water uptake.
For all conditioned specimens, the dent depth shall be measured and recorded again after completion of

8.8 Validation of the compression tool

The compression tool has to be validated once a year using the following procedure or equivalent:
Four strain gauges shall be attached to an unimpacted specimen at the locations defined in figure 3. The gauges
must be oriented parallel to the loading axis within ± 1º.
The gauges, surface preparation and bonding agents shall be selected to provide optimum performance on the
laminate. The gauges shall be connected to suitable automatic strain recording equipment during the compression
The tool will be considered as valid if, for a mean strain of 3000 microstrain, all the gauges are within ± 10%.

8.9 Compression tests on impacted specimens at the specified temperature

Compression strength after impact shall be determined on all the specimens subjected to impact testing.
Use a compression tool validated according to section 8.8.

Place the specimen in the tool and clamp the top and bottom ends . The clamping force must be sufficient to
ensure a valid failure mode (see section 8.11). The side supports must be positioned in contact with the specimen
in order to stabilize it without excessive friction during loading.

Select the range of loads so that failure occurs between 20% and 80% scale.
Select a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min.
Note the Break Failure Load (Pr).
Record the curve load versus time.

8.10 Testing at temperatures other than ambient

Apply a thermocouple (section 6.4) to the laminate as close as possible to the centre of the specimen and seal the
thermocouple from the surrounding air by using vacuum bag sealant (section 6.11).
After a dry specimen has reached a temperature of 2°C below the required elevated temperature or 2°C above the
required depressed temperature, the specimen shall be maintained at the specified temperature for five minutes
prior to testing.
For specimens that have undergone humidity conditioning, apply EN 2823. The time necessary for the specimen to
reach the test temperature shall be as short as possible to avoid drying of the specimen. This time shall be stated
in the test report.
After the conditioned specimen has reached the test temperature, as above, the specimen shall be maintained at
the specified test temperature for 1 minute prior to testing.

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If a different dwell period prior to test is used, this time shall also be stated in the test report.
Follow the same procedure specified at section 8.9 for testing at ambient.

8.11 Impact damages and Failure modes

Due to the limited size of the specimen the delaminated area could reach or extend past the edges of the window
in the supporting impact frame. When the delaminated area from the ultrasonic inspection is less than 12.5 mm
from the edge of the specimen, the delaminated area is to be reported as influenced by the supporting structure.

The typical failure mode following compression testing is obtained when the failure occurs through the impact
Failure within 10 mm from the top or bottom of the specimen (loaded ends) is invalid.
Other failure modes shall be reported and documented with appropriate drawing or picture.

9 Presentation of results

9.1 Impact energy

Impact energy E is expressed (depending on the test machine used) in joules using the formula:

E = m.g.h or E = ½ m.v2 (J)

where: m is the impactor mass (Kg)

g = 9.81 m/s2
h is the drop height (m)
v is the velocity at impact (m/s)

9.2 Compression strength after impact at a specific impact energy level E

σr (E) = Pr / w.t (MPa)

where: Pr is the break failure load (N)

w is the specimen width (mm)
t is the thickness of the specimen(mm)

9.3 Normalised compression strength after impact at a specific impact energy level E
σr n (E) = Pr / w.t n (MPa)

where: Pr is the break failure load (N)

w is the specimen width (mm)
tn is the cured ply thickness specified in the relevant material specification multiplied by
the number of plies in the test laminate (mm)

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10 Test report
The test report shall refer to this test method and shall include at least the following:

10.1 Complete identification of the material tested, including at least: material designation, manufacturer/supplier,
batch number, roll number or other identification system, fibre areal weight, filament count, processing
details, laminate configuration, test orientation.

10.2 All details regarding specimen preparation

10.3 The specimen dimensions

10.4 Conditioning (including temperature, humidity, saturation level, start date, finish date) and/or further
treatments prior to testing

10.5 Date of impact test, date of compression test

10.6 Test facilities and identification of individuals performing the test work

10.7 Equipment, method and test parameters used

10.8 For each specimen record:

– impact energy,

– each dent depth measured

– observed impact damage area detailing extent of visible fibre breakage, delamination and indentation on both
faces of the specimen,

– full scale NDT image or dimensional drawing illustrating extent of the delamination area including overall
length and width

– compression strength after impact

– compression failure mode and damage development

10.9 Curve of initial dent depth versus energy and curve of dent depth after conditioning versus energy for
conditioned specimens

10.10 Curve of compression strength after impact versus energy

10.11 The E1mm energy and corresponding value of compression strength.

10.12 Any incident which may have affected the results and any deviation from this standard.

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= t3

= = = =

W1 W2 W3
Figure 1 - Determination of specimen dimensions


Diameter: D = (16 ± 0.5) mm

Hemisphere radius: r = (8 ± 0.25) mm
Material: steel Rm = 2000 MPa according to EN 2760 or a steel of equivalent hardness.
Roughness: Ra < 0.8 mm

Figure 2 – Impactor

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All dimensions in mm.

// 0.02

0.02 25 ± 0.5

25 ± 0.5

100 ± 0.2

4 strain gauges


25 ± 0.5
25 ± 0.5

150 ± 0.2


// 0.02

Indented area at the impact location

Points used as reference for the measurement of the dent depth (see section 8.4)

Strain gauge: for compression tool calibration only

Figure 3 – Impact specimen

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2 4

7 5


1. Release system 9
2. Guide tube
3. Impactor (see figure 2)
4. Support beam 10
5. Specimen (see figure 3)
6. Steel base, thickness: 20 mm 11
7. Anti-bounce device
8. Rubbers
9. Guide pins
10. Window 75 mm x 125 mm
11. Clamping system

Figure 4 – Illustrative example of Impact Test Equipment

All dimensions in mm.

125 ± 0.2

The rubbers have to

75 ± 0.2

6 clamp the specimen

mm at 6 mm (each


direction) inside the

6 mm open window of the
steel base

Figure 5 - Position of the clamping rubbers on the specimen

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Figure 6 – Illustrative example of Compression Test Tool

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1-Top Clamp area depth

from 5 mm to 10 mm 3-unsupported area
depth < 10 mm and
width < 10 mm

Radius :
from 0.5 mm to 2 mm

2-Side contact position :

from 2 mm to 5 mm

Side contact detail


3-unsupported area
1-Bottom Clamp area depth depth < 10 mm and
from 5 mm to 10 mm width < 10 mm

1- Clamping on top and bottom edges by tigthened bolts

2- Side edges simply supported,
3- Unsupported area at each top and bottom corners shall be less than 10 mm x 10 mm

Figure 7 – Compression test tool requirements

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Issue Description of modification

1 New Standard

2 all revision

3 all Full revision


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