AFCAP MOZ 091 Calcrete Mapping Inception Report

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Identification and Mapping of Calcrete Deposits

in Inhambane Province and the Preparation of a

Calcrete Classification System and
Specifications for the Use of Calcrete in Road
Construction in Mozambique

Inception Report
RPN 2277

August 2012
This project was funded by the Africa
Community Access Programme
(AFCAP) which promotes safe and
sustainable access to markets,
healthcare, education, employment
and social and political networks for
rural communities in Africa.

Launched in June 2008 and managed

by Crown Agents, the five year-long,
UK government (DFID) funded project,
supports research and knowledge
sharing between participating
countries to enhance the uptake of low
cost, proven solutions for rural access
that maximise the use of local

The programme is currently active in

Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana, Malawi,
Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, South
Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo
and South Sudan and is developing
relationships with a number of other
countries and regional organisations
across Africa.

This material has been funded by

UKaid from the Department for
International Development, however
the views expressed do not necessarily
reflect the department’s or the
managing agent’s official policies.

For further information visit

1 Introduction 4

2 Project Objectives 4

3 Scope of Services 5

4 Project team 5

5 Roles and Responsibilities 6

6 Proposed Methodology 6

7 Indicative Milestones 9

8 Outputs and Deliverables 10

9 Activities to Date 10

10 Literature Survey 11

11 Comments on the Terms of Reference 11

12 Activity Schedule 12

1 Introduction
The project is part of the Africa Community Access Programme (AFCAP) which is a
research programme supported by the Department for International Development
(DFID) of the Government of the UK.

AFCAP has been approached by the Mozambique National Road Administration (ANE) to
support a research consultancy for the mapping of calcrete deposits in Imhambane
province, preparation of a classification system for Mozambique calcretes and
specifications for the use of calcrete in road construction.

Road-building materials meeting conventional specifications are scarce along the coastal
areas of Mozambique, and in particular in Inhambane Province. The non-availability of
good natural gravels for the construction of wearing course on unpaved roads has
resulted in high maintenance costs for these roads in the province. As the road network
expands, there is a need for locally available materials such as calcretes to be exploited
for the construction of sealed roads. Therefore, the innovative use of locally available
materials, which are considered marginal or rejected by traditional specifications needs
to be investigated for use in the construction of roads in the province.

Calcretes are already widely used in road construction in other countries, where the
different forms have been classified and specifications have been derived for their use in
road construction as a gravel wearing-course material, as a base course on paved roads
and also for surfacing. Recent experience on projects implemented by ANE in Inhambane
has also shown that, depending on their properties, calcretes can be used in the
construction of road pavements. Materials characteristics vary significantly between the
different forms of calcrete and the derivation of specifications for their use in road
pavements offers considerable cost savings over conventional design approaches for
paved roads in the province.

The purpose of the project is to build on existing experience in the use of calcrete in
road construction in the SADC region. Deposits of calcrete will be identified and
mapped using geological and soils mapping, satellite imagery and field investigations.
Technical specifications will be developed for its use in road construction and a GIS
database of calcrete deposits will also be developed.

This report gives details of the Inception Phase of the project and the preparatory work
that has been undertaken, together with issues arising from initial discussions with ANE,
and other activities to date. An outline of the project is given together with the planned
activities and an approximate schedule of activities.

2 Project Objectives
The objectives of the project, as defined in the Terms of Reference are:

a) To provide guidance to ANE and the Inhambane provincial authorities on the location
of calcrete deposits in the province

(b) To develop a classification system for calcretes as road building materials

(c) To prepare technical specifications for the use of calcrete in road construction.

3 Scope of Services

(a) Technical Review

This will comprise a review of previous research, experience and studies in the use of
calcrete in road construction along with any existing guidelines, standards and
specifications. Particular relevance will be placed on research carried out in neighbouring
and other countries in Southern Africa where deposits of calcareous materials may be
similar to those in Mozambique. A provisional list of technical papers is included in this
report. Any other relevant documentation identified later will be included in the Technical

(b) Development of a Calcrete Classification System

This will initially be based on an evaluation of the suitability of existing systems to

classify the Inhambane calcretes. Information from existing laboratory test data together
with the results obtained from additional testing during the course of the project will give
an indication of the applicability of these systems to Mozambique.

The task of the development of technical specifications for the use of calcretes
in the construction of roads in Inhambane will be based on any available existing
technical information in Mozambique together with regional information on
materials properties and road performance data from elsewhere.

(c) Identification and Mapping of Calcrete Deposits

This will be based on a range of exploration techniques including prospecting methods
currently being applied in the province together with an investigation of the applicability of
remote sensing techniques such as aerial photography and satellite imagery.

A GIS database of calcrete deposits will be developed and will include:

• The location of probable deposits identified through the desk study, field
investigations, aerial photos and satellite imagery;

• Proven deposits confirmed through field investigations, sampling and laboratory


(d) Workshop
A workshop will be convened to review the draft recommendations and outputs of the

(e) Guidelines

A Final Report in the form of a Guideline will be prepared, which will include a calcrete
classification system, specifications for the use of the calcretes and a GIS database.

4 Project team
It is proposed that the project team identified in the contract should be supplemented as
shown below:

Team Leader/
Project Manager
PAK Greening

Materials Testing Coordinator Peer

Field Sampling GIS/Mapping
Specialist Investigations Review
M.I.Pinard G. Hearn K. Mukura/A. Otto N. Anderson F. Netterberg

Kenneth Mukura is the Manager of the TRL office in Maputo and he and Andrew Otto are
managing other AFCAP projects in Mozambique. TRL intend to use their presence to
assist with overseeing the laboratory testing programme and local administrative tasks.

Dr Frank Netterberg is an acknowledged materials expert with particular expertise in

calcretes and will carry out an independent peer review of the calcrete classification
system and specifications.

5 Roles and Responsibilities

Name of Staff Role Responsibility

Interaction with ANE, co-ordination of the project

team activities, deliverables and dissemination
Tony Greening Team Leader
workshop. Responsibility for delivery of project
Primary responsibility for laboratory testing
Materials Testing programme and technical review with inputs to
Michael Pinard
Specialist other activities – classification, technical
recommendations and reporting.
Primary responsibility for field investigations with
Coordinator – inputs to other activities – technical review,
Dr Gareth Hearn
Investigations prospecting and mapping materials, technical
recommendations and reporting.

Development of GIS/mapping system with inputs to

Neil Anderson GIS Specialist
other technical and reporting activities.

Mukura/Andrew Assistance with overseeing laboratory testing in
Senior Researcher
Otto Mozambique and other logistical support.

Dr Frank General advice and external peer review of calcrete

Peer Reviewer
Netterberg classification and specification guidelines.

6 Proposed Methodology
Literature review
An extensive review of existing documentation on the use of calcretes will be carried out
including calcrete classification systems and specifications developed by the Council for
Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), TRL and by the road authorities in Botswana
and Zimbabwe. The review will include experience from the recent use of calcretes in


Technical Review – The literature review of previous research, experience and studies
in the use of calcrete in road construction in the region along with any existing
guidelines, standards and specifications is an essential component of the technical
review and will provide guidance on the activities to be undertaken. The consultant will
also visit road sections in Inhambane that have been constructed using calcrete,
including sections constructed under the ANE Targeted Inventions Programme, ANE/KfW
Regional Roads and the Sasol Road Programme for providing access to gas-well drilling

Calcrete Classification System and technical specifications

The consultant recognises that the calcrete classification systems developed principally in
Botswana may not adequately cover the range of calcrete materials found in Inhambane.
A review of the laboratory test results already available with ANE, consultants and
contractors in the provinces will be conducted in order to give an early indication of the
properties of calcretes in past and current use. Sampling and testing of an additional 30
samples will be carried out and the results of these tests will provide additional
information on their properties. The suitability of existing systems to classify the
Inhambane calcretes will then be evaluated.

Additional testing will be organised by the Consultant in liaison with ANE and the
provincial authorities using the standard test methods normally used for the testing of
road building materials in Mozambique. A sampling and testing matrix will be developed
and relevant tests conducted in line with the recommended classification system. It is
expected that most of the testing will be carried out in Mozambique, although provision
is made in the contract for any specialized tests that may need to be undertaken outside
the country.

It has been agreed that ANE will assist in transporting samples to the laboratory. The
Consultant will manage and coordinate the testing and will analyse the test results.

Following the Technical Review and additional sampling and testing of calcrete materials,
a draft classification system for calcrete materials found in Inhambane and technical
specifications of their use will be developed. It should be noted that specifications
developed elsewhere are based on extensive laboratory testing programmes and the
evaluation of results obtained from long-term monitoring of the performance of road
pavements constructed with calcrete.

It is anticipated that similar long-term monitoring data is unlikely to be generally

available in Mozambique for a range of calcretes. In these circumstances, any
classification will inevitably need to be based on information from outside the country
until such time as similar research projects are undertaken in Mozambique. However,
recommendations will be developed to include each layer of the road pavement from
sub-grade to its use as a wearing course and in bituminous surfacings.

Blending of materials in order to achieve a composite with the desirable properties is

widely used and previous research has included projects that have investigated the
blending of calcrete with sand. The draft specifications will cover both the use of
naturally occurring calcrete in road construction and the use of calcrete blended with
locally occurring sands. The use of natural gravel material for road building is not
normally sensitive to the technology used and the recommendations for calcretes are
expected to apply equally to equipment-based and labour-based technology. The
specifications will be in a form that will be suitable for inclusion as part of standard
tender documentation used by ANE and provincial authorities.

Identification and Mapping of Calcrete Deposits – Calcretes generally occur as
relatively small localised and scattered deposits. They are usually overlain by a cover of
soil and vegetation that makes them difficult to locate.

The Consultant will employ a range of exploration techniques to ensure that available
deposits are located as efficiently as possible. The techniques will include:

• Geological and soils information from existing maps and reports;

• Landscape and vegetation information from topographic maps, aerial photos and
satellite images;

• Exploitation of local knowledge regarding the occurrence of calcretes

• Field investigations using pit evaluation and laboratory testing.

The location of proven deposits previously identified by ANE, together with those
identified under the project will be used to assess the feasibility of using remote sensing
techniques to locate calcareous deposits.

A field survey and pit evaluation will be carried out on potential deposits identified within
one kilometre either side of an existing classified road (primary, secondary, tertiary and
vicinal). The output of the calcrete identification mapping exercise will be a GIS database
of calcrete deposits indicating probable deposits identified through the desk study, aerial
photos and satellite imagery.

Proven deposits will be confirmed through field investigations. For these deposits, the
database will include detailed information on the classification of material found in the
deposit as well as an estimate of the quantity of material available.

GIS System
The GIS database will be in a standard format which has been approved by ANE and
which will be compatible with their existing IT systems. It will use the ArcGIS system for
the display of data, linked to a Microsoft Access database storing detailed information on
the calcrete deposits. The structure of this database will be designed to allow for easy
transfer to TRL's Materials Database Inventory System (MDIS) if further functionality is
required in the future. This approach will provide a system that can easily be further
developed, whilst meeting the requirements of the current project.

Stakeholder Workshop – A 2-day workshop will be organised by the Consultant and

ANE to review the draft recommendations and outputs of the study as stipulated in the

Finalisation of Guidelines – The draft classification system, specifications and GIS

database will be finalised for approval and adoption by ANE based on the comments and
feedback from the workshop.

Methodology Summary

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5

Mobilization Develop Calcrete Hold Prepare Final
and Technical Classn Identif- Workshop Report
Review System & ication &
Specs mapping
1. Prepare and 1. Review 1.Field 1. Hold 1. Prepare
submit existing investigations workshop to Final Report
Inception materials test to identify & review draft
Report data map calcretes classn system,
specs, DB

2. Undertake 2. Develop 2.Sampling 2. Compile 2. Undertake

technical review calcrete and lab testing workshop peer review of
and literature sampling and of calcretes proc and Final Report
survey lab testing from pits submit report

3. Visit road 3. Undertake 3. Develop 3. Finalize and

sections additional and populate submit Final
testing as GIS database Report
necessary (DB)

4. Prepare and 4. Develop 4. Prepare

submit draft draft report
Technical classification (classn
Review Report system system,
specs, DB

5. Develop 5. Undertake
technical specs peer review

6. Submit
draft report

7 Indicative Milestones

The total duration of the project is 8 months. The following key milestones are shown in
the activity schedule.

• Preparation of draft Inception Report - Month 1.

• Submission of Technical Review of existing literature - Month 3.

• Preliminary identification of calcrete deposits and development of GIS database -

Month 3.

• Sampling and testing of calcrete materials from inspection pits - Month 5.

• Submission of a Draft Report including the draft classification system, technical

specifications and populated GIS database by - Month 6.

• Workshop to discuss the draft outputs - Month 7. Workshop report to be
submitted within 2 weeks of the workshop.

• Submission of final classification system, technical specifications and GIS

database - Month 8.

8 Outputs and Deliverables

• Inception Report — including a summary of tasks undertaken during the mobilisation

of the consultant's team, a summary of discussions with key stakeholders, a list of
key literature identified for the Technical Review, proposals for the GIS database
format, and a detailed work plan for the remainder of the assignment.

• Technical Review — based on the review of existing research reports,

recommendations of the use of calcrete in road works, technical
specifications, etc. from Mozambique, the SADC region and internationally.

• Draft Final Report — Including recommendations or the classification system,

technical specifications and GIS database.

• Workshop Report — Including a summary of the workshop proceedings,

discussions, recommendations and participant details.

• Final Report — The final report should be updated and finalised based on feedback
from the workshop and comments received from ANE and other stakeholders.

Output Timing (Months after

commencement) *
Progress Reports Monthly
Inception Report 1
Technical Review Report 3
Draft Final Report 6
Workshop Report 7.5
Final Guideline 8

In addition to the above, monthly progress reports will be submitted to the Technical
Manager of AFCAP and ANE.

9 Activities to Date
• Initial meetings by the team leader with the Director of the Maintenance
Department (DIMAN) and other personnel at ANE in Maputo.
• Assessment of transport requirements for the project and procurement of project
• Meeting and telephone conference with members of project team
• Assignment of roles and responsibilities of team members
• Outline planning for field visits
• Administrative tasks including request for letters of visas
• Correspondence with ANE to determine format of database and GIS that will be
compatible with existing ANE systems
• Initial literature survey

10 | P a g e
10 Literature Survey
A list of references obtained from the initial literature search is given in Appendix A.

11 Comments on the Terms of Reference

As indicated in Section 3, supervision of laboratory testing will be assisted by TRL staff
based in Mozambique. It should also be noted that some samples may be submitted to
an independent laboratory for confirmatory testing.

We shall work with ANE in preparing for the dissemination workshop, but suggest that
this may only require one day to demonstrate the GIS system and database and present
findings from the project to key stakeholders.

11 | P a g e
12 Activity Schedule
July August September October November December January February
1. Project Management
1.1. Client Liaison
1.2. Overall planning, programming & management
1.3 Monthly Progress Reports
2. Mobilization and Technical Review
2.1 Inception Report
2.2 Technical Review & Literature Survey
2.3 Visit road sections
2.4 Prepare and submit Technical Review Report
3. Develop Classification System & Technical Specs
3.1 Review existing materials test data
3.2 Develop calcrete sampling and lab testing matrix
3.3 Undertake additional lab testing, as necessary ????? ?????
3.4 Develop draft classification system
3.5. Develop technical specs
4. Identify & Map Calcrete Deposits & Prepare Draft
4.1 Undertake field investigations to identify and map
4.2 Undertake sampling and lab testing of calcrete samples
4.3 Develop and populate GIS database
4.4 Prepare draft report (classification system, specs, DB)
4.5 Undertake peer review of draft report
4.6 Finalize and submit draft report
5. Hold Workshop (Organised by ANE)
5.1 Hold Workshop
5.2 Prepare workshop proceedings and submit report
6. Prepare Final Guideline
6.1 Prepare final guideline
6.2 Undertake peer review of final guideline
6.3 Finalize and submit final guideline

Monthly progress reports

Report submission
Intermittent activity

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Appendix A
List of References

BEAUMONT, T E. (1979). Remote sensing for the location and mapping of engineering
construction materials in developing countries. Quarterly Journal of Engineering
Technology. Vol 12. Geological Society. United Kingdom

BULMAN, N and C LAWRENCE. (1980). The use of satellite imagery in highway

engineering in Africa. 4th IRF Highway Engineering Conference. Nairobi Kenya

GREENING, PAK and ROLT, J. (1996). Calcrete in roadbases in the Kalahari region of
southern Africa. RPN 1390, Wokingham, UK: TRL Limited

HUGO, F. Et al (1982) Four asphalt case studies using a mechanistic approach.

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the structural design of asphalt
pavements. Delft University of Technology. Vol 1 and Vol 2. Netherlands

LAWRANCE, C.J. and TOOLE, T. (1984). The location, selection and use of calcrete for
bituminous road construction in Botswana. TRRL Lab. Rep. 112, Crowthorne.

LIONJANGA, A.V., TOOLE, T. and Newill, D. (1987). The development of specifications

for the use of low-grade calcretes in lightly trafficked roads in Botswana. Trans. Res.
Record 1106, 1, 281-304.

LIONJANGA, AV, TOOLE, T and GREENING, PAK. (1987) The use of calcrete in paved
roads in Botswana. Proc. 9th Reg. Conf. Africa Soil Mech. Fndn Eng., Lagos, 1 Sept.
1987. (TRL Paper PA1185/87).

MOUNTAIN, MJ (1967). The location of pedogenic materials, using aerial photographs,

with some examples from South Africa. Proc. 4th Reg. Conf. Africa Soil Mech. Fndn
Engng, Cape Town, 1, 35-40.

MOTSWAGOLE, K R et al. Mellowing and curing of marginal road construction materials

treated with lime. Unbound Aggregates in roads 4th International Symposium (UNBAR4).
University of Nottingham. UK

NETTERBERG, F and OVERBY, C. (1983). Rapid materials reconnaissance for a calcrete

road in Botswana. Proc. 7th Reg. Conf. Africa Soil Mech. Fndn Engng, Accra, 1980, 2,
765-768. (CSIR Reprint RR 340).

NETTERBERG, F and C. CAIGER. (1986). The geotechnical classification of calcretes and

other pedocretes. National Institute of Transport and Road Research. Pretoria south

NETTERBERG, F. (1967). Some roadmaking properties of South African calcretes. Proc.

4th Reg. Conf. Africa Soil Mech. Fndn Engng, Cape Town, 1, 77-81. (CSIR Reprint RR

NETTERBERG, F. (1969). Pedogenic materials in road construction. Nat. Inst. Road Res.
Bit. Surfacing Lecture Course, NIRR Rep. RS/10/69, CSIR, Pretoria, 13 pp.

13 | P a g e
NETTERBERG, F. (1969). The geology and engineering properties of South African
calcretes. CSIR Monograph, Pretoria, Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 4
vols, 75 plates, 106 figs, 172 tables, 12 maps, 1070 pp.

NETTERBERG, F. (1969). The interpretation of some basic calcrete types. Proc. 1st S. Afr.
Quat. Conf., Cape Town. In: S. Afr. Archaeol Bull., 24, Parts 3 & 4 (95 & 96), 117-122.
(CSIR Reprint RR 104).

NETTERBERG, F. (1971). Calcrete in road construction. CSIR Res. Rep. 286, NIRR Bull,
10, Pretoria, 73 pp. (Received 1975 Holdredge Award of the Assoc. Engng Geols, USA).

NETTERBERG, F. 91976). Experimental Calcrete Bases and Subbases. CSIR Tech. Note.

NETTERBERG, F. (1978). Calcrete wearing courses for unpaved roads. Civil Engr S. Afr.,
20, (6), 129-138. (CSIR Reprint RR 228).(Received 1978 Jennings Award from the
Geotechnical Division and two Best Paper Awards from the S. Afr. Instn Civil Engrs.)

NETTERBERG, F. (1978). Prospecting for calcrete road materials in South and South
West Africa. Civil Engr S. Afr., 20, (1), 3-10. (CSIR Reprint RR 227). (Received 1978
Jennings Award from the Geotechnical Division of the S. Afr. Instn Civil Engrs.)

NETTERBERG, F. (1979). Effect of drying temperature on the index properties of

calcretes. Trans. Research Record 675, 24-32. (CSIR Reprint RR 279).

NETTERBERG, F. (1980). Geology of southern African calcretes: 1. Terminology,

description and classification. Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 83, (2), 255-283. (CSIR Reprint
RR 301).

NETTERBERG, F. (1981). Geotechnical properties and behaviour of calcretes as flexible

pavement materials in southern Africa. Nat. Inst. Transp. Road Res. Rep. RS/4/81, CSIR,
Pretoria, 30 pp.

NETTERBERG, F. (1982). Behaviour of calcretes as flexible pavement materials in

southern Africa. Proc. 11th ARRB Conf., Melbourne, 1982, 11, (3), 60-69. (CSIR Reprint
RR 325).

NETTERBERG, F. (1982). Geotechnical properties and behaviour of calcretes in South

and South West Africa. In: Geotechnical Properties, Behaviour, and Performance of
Calcareous Soils.

NETTERBERG, F. (1985). Pedocretes. Chapter 10 in Brink, A.B.A. (Ed.), Engineering

geology of southern Africa, 4, 286-307, Building Publications, Silverton. (CSIR Reprint
RR 430).

NETTERBERG, F. (1987). Weathering, durability and pedocretes, 14-36 In: Buckle, L.J.,
Netterberg, F. and Oberholster, R.E. Some chemical aspects of road-building materials,

F NETTERBERG AND M I PINARD (1991). Interim Performance-Related Specifications for

Coarsely Graded Plastic Calcrete Gravels. Tenth African Reg. Conf. on Soil Mech. and
Fndn. Eng., Maseru, Lesotho, September.

14 | P a g e
NETTERBERG, F. (1994). Engineering geology of pedocretes and other residual soils.
Proc. 7th Congr. Int. Assoc. Engng Geol., Lisbon, Keynote Address, Theme 4, V, XIX-

NETTERBERG, F. (1996). Prospecting for pedocretes for use as road construction

material; a review. Dept Transport Res. Rep. RR 90/277, Pretoria, 113 pp.

NETTERBERG, F. (1997). Use of calcretes and ferricretes for light to medium duty road
pavements. Proc. AEG Sem. Role Eng. Env. Geol. Urban Plan. Dev., Cape Town, Aug
1997, 20 (extended abstract).

NETTERBERG, F. and CAIGER, J.H. (1983). A geotechnical classification of calcretes and

other pedocretes. In: Residual deposits: Surface related weathering processes and
materials, R.C.L. Wilson (Ed.), Geol. Soc. Spec. Pub. No. 11, Blackwell Sci. Pubs,
London, 235-243. (CSIR Reprint RR 368).

OVERBY, C. (1983). The use of Low Quality calcrete Under a Bituninous Seal in the
Kalahari Region. 26th World road Congress, Sydney.

SMITH, R B and G HAWKINS. (1982). Utilisation of calcretes for road pavement

construction in the arid western region of New South Wales. Australian Road Research
Board. Australia Road Research Vol 11.

STONE, R. J. (1989). Remote Sensing of Salt Damage to the Maun-Nata Road,

Botswana. TRRL Working Paper No. 263, Overseas Unit, TRRL, Crowthorne, Berkshire.

STONE, R. J. (1991). Identification of Saline Areas Along the Maun-Nata Road,

Botswana, from Remote Sensing Imagery. TRRL Working Paper No. 280, Overseas Unit,
TRRL, Crowthorne, Berkshire.

THRISCUTT, A. (1977). Calcretes in Botswana. TRRL Working Paper No. 7, Overseas

Unit, TRRL, Crowthorne, Berkshire.

TOOLE, T. (1984). Calcrete as Surfacing Aggregate. Joint Ministry of Works and TRRL
Research Project in Botswana.

TOOLE, T. (1986). The Use of calcrete in Paved Roads. TRRL Overseas Unit Working
paper No. 211. Overseas Unit, TRRL, Crowthorne, Berkshire.

UPPAL, H L. et al (1968). Survey of hidden calcrete in alluvial plains in India by airphoto

interpretation. Australian Road Research Board.

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