522443-Hunter - The Imbued-1.1
522443-Hunter - The Imbued-1.1
522443-Hunter - The Imbued-1.1
A Hunter the Reckoning 5th edition Character Guide
Written by Batro
Proofing and additional writing and ideas by SuperNoah999
Layout by Intyzlah
Art by White Wolf team
Table of Contents
The old Creeds..................... p. 6
The Second Calling............. p. 7
New Rules.......................... p. 9
New Edges........................ p. 10
New perks......................... p. 13
Loresheets......................... p. 14
Hunter Code..................... p. 19
World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Dark Ages, Victorian Age: Vampire, Werewolf: The Apocalypse,
Werewolf: The Wild West, Mage: The Ascension, Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade, Wraith: The Oblivion, Wraith: The Great
War, Changeling: The Dreaming, Hunter: The Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen, Mummy: The Resurrection, Orpheus, Exalted,
Chronicles of Darkness, Vampire:The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, Changeling: The Lost, Hun-
ter: The Vigil, Giest: The Sin Eaters, Demon: The Descent, Mummy: The Curse, Beast: The Primordial, Promethean: The
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©2018 World of Darkness, White Wolf Entertainment AB, Västgötagatan 5, SE-118 27 Stockholm, Sweden.
Who are
The 2022 edition (or “H5”) published by Paradox and Rene-
gade Game Studio is a reimagined game, without the Imbued
mythology (this sourcebook is specifically made to fill this ab-
sence). However, H5 has chosen a rules-light approach and
the Imbued?
we think it’s a good move. We will add as few as possible new
rules but we will try to keep the spirit of the first game alive
and the essential lore elements: Second Sight, the Messengers,
Hunter-net, the Code, some old-school Edges. We don’t re-
make the old Creeds nor all their Edges, but we integrate these
changes in-universe.
If you don’t know who are the Imbued, here’s a little
You will play the Imbued as default characters. The other
Hunters (the default PCs from the H5 corebook and the org
The Messengers (or Heralds, or Ministers), mysterious en-
members) are “Bystanders” who can see the monsters but
tities from beyond this reality, have empowered normal people
don’t have any Endowment edges or are simply normal people
(not Rambo-style military guys!) with strange powers (Apti-
who didn’t witness, hear or understood the Messengers’ call
tudes and Endowment Edges) to take back the night: the Im-
and didn’t receive supernatural Edges.
bued. They can see through the monsters’ illusory masks, and
However they still want to overthrow the monsters domina-
are immune to their mental powers.
tion and do have a « sixth sense » to see the creatures for what
The “imbuing” is violent because they suddenly see the crea-
they are.
tures in the streets, with exaggerated and monstrous faces.
Beware: the Imbued are more powerful than most other Hun-
They hear the Messengers voices or see messages that urged
them to face the darkness, to « inherit the Earth » everywhere.
It’s a slow apocalypse.
However, they’re people with a day-to-day job, and a family
Original Hunter : the Reckoning to care for. Some of them are just kids and teenagers. The
bibliography brutal visions sent by the Messengers, the weird Edges and
the shocking revelation of an entire society secretly controlled
by creatures of darkness push the Imbued to a paranoid state.
If you want more informations and tips about THEY ARE EVERYWHERE! If they talk about it to their
old-school Hunters, read these books: loved ones, they will be mocked, associated with the crazy
Qanon conspiracy theorists or sent to the asylum.
So they use a safe and encrypted app and online network,
• Hunter Players Guide (Bystanders, Waywar- Hunter-net. The Messengers themselves keep it safe. Only
ds, Hermits, children PCs, how to hunt and the Imbued know how to use it. Each Creed has developed
live a double life) some kind of an alter-culture and share tips and information
on “H-N”.
• Hunter Storytellers Handbook (FAQ, meta-
plot, how to GM the Imbued)
It’s a cycle. It’s not the first time the Messengers empowered heroes to defend humanity against
the creatures of darkness. At the beginning of the world (the First and Second Age, now we’re in
the Sixth), they already did that, but their chosen went mad and abused the people they swore
to protect. They became monsters themselves. Now the Messengers try to make new heroes,
but with lesser powers.
Dear Storyteller, the Messengers are whatever you want. In the first edition, they were angels
trying to do the job of an absent God, or even the souls of ancient Solars from the game Exalted.
They can even be aliens from another dimension, the humanity’s collective unconscious who
can no longer tolerate these predators or other unknown entities that Mages or Wraiths fear. In
the World of Darkness, no one has the definitive answer. Keep it like that!
You can find more details in the original HtR Storyteller Handbook, p. 14-17.
-Avengers (warriors)
-Defenders (protectors of the weak)
-Judges (every monster needs to be judged and not all are guilty)
-Martyrs (wanting to sacrifice themselves for the greater good)
-Redeemers (wanting to break the curse of the monsters)
-Innocents (each creature is different, perhaps unwilling to be a monster, curiosity and naïveté
-Visionaries (knowledge and understanding of the monsters first)
-Waywards (mad extremist tacticians and terrorists too fond of “collateral damage”)
-Hermits (they were mad because they directly channeled the Messengers’ orders and visions)
If you want to play an original Imbued, create a new character with the H5 rules and this guide,
and buy the Old Creed Culture Loresheet. We don’t have the place to do a full conversion system
here. Roughly, the Creeds (H5 p. 33-51), Drives (H5 p. 129) and Edges (H5 p. 90) correspon-
dences are:
In addition, all the Imbued PCs have Sense and Thwart the Unnatural for free at character crea-
tion (it’s the equivalent of the first edition Second Sight) and if they choose the Repel the Unna-
tural Edge, they gain the Hands-free Perk (H5 corebook p. 98) for free, see below.
Birth of the
Second Inquisition
Hunter-net was shut down months later for unknown rea-
sons. More than ten years follows in silence. Several years ago,
some Hermits and Waywards, guided by the visions and voices
of the Red Star, helped some orgs to create the Second Inqui-
sition (the destruction of a vampire nest in Vienna was a suc-
cess because of them, they insist).
A new generation
Now the Messengers seem to care about our world anew;
their Second Calling is heard everywhere. The Red Star has
disappeared (or at least, it’s what everyone thinks). This new
generation has different Creeds and Edges. Perhaps it’s ano-
ther experiment on humanity. Or someone has convinced the
Messengers to come back (Lucifer, Fyodor, or the new, young
Other rules modifications lue judgment on the part of the chosen. It’s
an awareness presumably imposed by the
Messengers as a warning or a mandate to do
something about the thing.
• Arsenal Edge errata: Change the Arsenal Edge rules (H5
corebook p. 91) this way: make the Edge test between or be-
fore fight scenes, not during the scene.
• Investigation can lower Danger: At the Storyteller dis-
cretion, PCs can lower the Danger level by one each time they
find two or more important clues about the monster they
hunt, because the investigation part is a major milestone of a
good Hunter story, as explained p. 26 and p. 150 of the core-
New Edges
All the Imbued can learn this new Endowments Edges.
However, we suggest Martyrdom or Break the Curse for the
Faithful Creed and The Code for the Underground Creed.
Multiple aspects: the Hunter can choose another aspect to
on the same creature. This perk can be acquired mul-
tiple times.
• Balance: You no longer require the monsters’ consent when
using this Edge, meaning you can use it offensively, such as by
cutting off the source of their supernatural power. This often
terrifies and/or angers the Monster. Replace Insight/Persua-
sion with Intimidation in the edge test.
The Code
You can draw strange glyphs on the walls and doors which
indicate safe zones, monsters nests, hidden weapons and re-
sources. The glyphs are invisible to all the monsters and visible
to all the hunters who have the Sense the Unnatural Edge.
• Heal: the glyph is not a message; it’s a sigil of healing. If •bol of Hunter Code into their body. The player must explain
Brand: The Hunter can touch a monster, burning a sym-
The Imbued is ready to suffer for his cause, for the Messen-
gers, and to protect his friends. He knows monsters can feel
pain, too…
Martyrdom Perks
• Revelation: the Hunter can force the monster to feel the
pain and fear of his victims. The monster is paralyzed: his Dif-
ficulty or action dice pool is reduced by the Desperation level
until the end of the scene. This perk works only one time per
combat scene. The Danger rises by one more level.
• You can feel it, too: If the monster manages to hit the cha-
racter, his Touchstone or a cell member through a single one
attack, the monster takes the same number of damage. This
Perk works only one time per combat scene. The Danger rises
by one more level.
• Cut me, fuck you: the Hunter cuts off or removes a leg, an
eye, an hear, an arm or another important body part of theirs
during a scene. The monster is permanently impaired and can-
not use the same body part (however, the monster can heal
through supernatural or natural means).
At the Storyteller discretion, the character and the monster
both suffer a negative modifier, or their appropriate Attribute
is reduced (we suggest -2 to -4). If the Hunter heals or “re-
places” the body part, the monster heals the same way.
The perk creates some kind of “pain link” between the two:
both can feel each other’s pain or sensations appropriate to the
body part lost, like a “phantom limb”.
This perk doesn’t work on ethereal entities like ghosts or spi-
New perks
deformed face and body. People will panic, puke, flee or try to
help you, at the Storyteller’s discretion, and the monster will
be shocked that everyone can suddenly see him.
Global Access
subforum of the same name on the app.
(instead of 3 XP per dot) if the character regularly enters the
H-N app to exchange ideas and experiences.
The Loresheets are a special Advantage who link a PC to the
Imbued past metaplot. You can buy Loresheets at charac-
ter creation only, at the cost of 1 Advantage point per
Loresheet level.
At the Storyteller’s discretion, you can also adapt Loresheets
from other World of Darkness 5th edition games.
In memory of…
Perhaps you didn’t believe him back then. Even if you didn’t see anything yourself, you’ve heard the weird stories
of your parent. You are the child of an Imbued and you’re just heard the second calling from the Messengers. He’s
been dead or lost for too many years. You miss him. And now you feel and see what he told you years ago: monsters
are everywhere but there is hope… You found a new family. You’re an heir to the Hunt and you will finish what your
parent tried to do: inherit the Earth!
The gift: your lost parent left you a gift. A strange map, with a lot of Code symbols (see our new Edge “The
only visible with Unnatural Sense. Your Storyteller is free to choose his secret and develop a story about it
and your family’s secrets.
Your “uncle”: your lost parent was the friend of a monster, named Carpenter. He’s a manipulative vampire and
hacked the old H-N forums. Now, this monster is searching for you. It doesn’t want to hurt you. It needs
to talk about something very important: ghosts will enter our dimension and will possess the living en masse. It’s
somewhat linked to your parent, but how?
• • Printed archives of the old Hunter-net: your lost parent printed hundreds of pages of conversations, reports,
guides, identities of lost imbued, information on creatures’ nests and how to dodge traps and supernatural
surveillance. All these things are now lost online. Even if parts of this treasure are outdated, a lot of orgs will be very
eager to acquire it…
•It can
• •be•used
Family values: you still have a notebook full of telephone numbers and addresses written by your parent.
to track other imbued families, even some of them that are still alive (somewhat damaged…) and share
the veterans experiences and memories. You can lower the Danger level to 1 one time per chapter if you take time to
build a “veteran’s families network” and develop it.
• •your
• •parent,
Ties that bind: Kim “Witness1” Sun is the founder of the original Hunter-net.org. He’s still alive and
but he’s hunted by an infernalist and powerful Imbued, Béatrice. He needs your help to stop her,
because “she’s possessed by demons”. He sent you an invitation to the new H-N app.
You gain our new perk “Hunter-net access” of the Edge “Global Network”. If you already have it, gain Witness1 as
a 4 dots Mentor.
Don’t Look Up
Anthelios (NASA nomenclature: 28978 IXION) is a cos-
mic anomaly no one can see without an expansive teles-
cope or a supernatural eye. Governments and the Second
Inquisition don’t know exactly what’s going on with this
phenomena. It shined red since the beginning of the 21th
century and it slowly approached Earth like an interstellar
meteor. But it disappeared some years ago and no one talks
about it now. There are a lot of crazy theories about it on
Hunter-Net and the old Waywards and Hermits say they
still see and hear it.
Even if you’re not one of them, you also still can see it with
your naked eyes. It’s like a big demon eye… it whispers… and
you don’t like it.
Arcanum org (H5 p. 238) has recruited you to study the phenomena for some months and its effects on
creatures who can see it. You need money, so why not? You gain +1 die on Insight and Awareness
Skill Tests and one dot on the Resources Background when you work with the Arcanum or these monsters.
• Thenotstarghosts
has complex cycles of light and darkness. Through the red rays, you can perceive weird specters.
or spirits. It’s them who whispers, not the star itself. They talk about artifacts and mysterious
places where you will find “special tools’’ for the Hunt.
• • TheandSociety of St Leopold (H5 p. 235) broke into your home last year and questioned you about the
Anthelios. But the Red Star protected you, they didn’t use torture and let you run. You understood
they have an artifact related to Anthelios in their famous “vault”, but they don’t understand. A clock, or something
like that.
• • them
• A new kind of monster emerges from the red rays. Doppelgangers, creatures who prey on some Imbued,
and steal their appearance and powers. Why? Who are they? Heralds of judgment? Souls of dead Im-
bued? Avatars of the Messengers? (The Storyteller’s choice.)
• • • All
The Reckoning is the name of this star. It will soon reappear, as big as the Moon, and all humanity
Imbued will be judged by it, in the name of the Messengers (or some other evil force?), and they
will need to convince them to not exterminate humanity with the monsters, so the cycle begins anew.
The Shining Ones: You understand there are two Messengers left, the Ebon Dragon and the Scarlet Woman. At
each day, they offer you a vision of another place, at the same time (the Storyteller chose).
•cred• imbued
Blood: Fydor was an ex KGB member and did horrible experiments on Imbued to find what he calls the “sa-
bloodlines”. He wrote they had telepathy powers. Actually, you can now hear the thoughts of your cell
members and talk to them directly in their heads, even if they’re far away from you.
• Beware of the Dark Ones: the Messengers are ancient gods of light and hope or powerful fallen heroes. If
aloud Apocrypha texts to a crowd, they can see the monsters like you do. If there are creatures of darkness
who hear your voice, they despair and flee, sometimes erupting in flames spontaneously!
• •you• Days of Fire: You know of another “prophecy book” called “Days of Fire”, written by Lucifer himself.
draw the Apocrypha symbols, it tells you where you can find the book. Beware: he’s in the hands of a
powerful demon, who searches for Lucifer… and hates him.
• •you
• •canTranscend: you memorized some Apocrypha citations about other planes of existence. If you repeat it
project your soul out of your body and reach another plane of existence (the werewolves spirit world,
the death dimension of ghosts discovered by the Orpheus org, etc.).
(If you already have the new Edge “The Code” and his perk “Otherworldly gate”, add +5 die to this Edge Test.)
•nearA friend inside: you know a Second Inquisition analyst or operating officer. He’s an old Hermit and he cannot be
the presence of other Imbued because of some kind of “mental static” they provoque in his head. In exchange
for a strange service from you linked to the Red Star, he can warn you of the next SI assault in your city.
A call for freedom: one time per chapter, your friend can offer you a single call to God45, a mad Wayward.
a lot about the local SI organization, needs and tactics. In exchange, he will ask the cell to help him to flee
from the SI prison, one little service or tool at a time.
• •werewolves,
You know something very specific about a monsters’ inner culture and factions (the Camarilla vampires,
one of the sorcerer’s Traditions, etc.) and how it works. Lower the Danger by -3 if you and your
cell hunt a creature of that inner culture.
• • • You possess an abandoned FIRSTLIGHT vehicle of the Second Inquisition (NSA/CIA joint operation),
with top notch equipment and ideal for supernatural surveillance. You gain +4 die equipment bonus
when you use this vehicle to follow the quarry. Inside, there is a secured phone line. Who will respond? Why was
this vehicle abandoned? The Storyteller will choose.
• • •deep
Cog is your friend, because he knows and likes Imbued. “He claims to be a whistleblower working for
state that controls several world governments through blackmail, blood magic and an ancient pact
with moon aliens.” (Second Inquisition sourcebook, p. 122). He has a cult and can send you people devoted to his
cause. However, they’re crazy conspiracy theorists and fanatics that talk to aliens through an “interstellar commu-
nication mirror”. Are they Bystanders? Are the Moon aliens Messengers?
When you spend Advantage points in this Loresheet, choose one of the old Creeds.
Avenger: during the last 10 years, you didn’t really abandon the Hunt and you even worked for some orgs, like
(H5 p. 264). So you’re still surprising, sharp and trained. One time per chapter, lower the Danger equal
to the Old Creed Culture dots when you attack a monster.
•to the
Defender: you built a fortress where your loved ones live and the Messengers protect it. A number of times equal
Old Creed Culture rating, when your cell members (not you) spend XP or Advantage points on the Safe
House Background (H5 p. 78), add a perk for free.
Judge: you’re good at navigating institutional complexities and you use them against the monsters. You need to
and judge your carry before you can decide to execute it. One time per chapter, add bonus dies equal to
the Old Creed Culture dots bought when you use the Politics Skill when you hunt.
•it toInnocent: if you possess at least 2 dots in the Craft Skill, you can craft a “Messenger amulet” per chapter and give
people (a human, not a Hunter). This small amulet will give a number of bonus die to an Awareness roll equal
to your number of Old Creed Culture dots.
•withMartyr: a number of times per chapter equal to the dots in Old Creed Culture, the character can seal an oath
a human he loves very much. The first time after this oath this person suffers Willpower or Health damage
through a single attack, the Martyr suffers this damage instead of his loved one.
•youRedeemer: if you possess at least 2 dots in the Medicine Skill or 1 Medicine dot and the Trauma Care specialty,
know how to perform a psychological therapy on a supernatural creature type (vampire, werewolf, sorcerer,
etc.). At the end, the creature will be your friend and will want to become human again or die in peace. The Story-
teller decides how much time and effort you need to complete it.
Visionary: a number of times per session equal to your dots in Old Creed Culture, the Storyteller grants you a
and prophetic dream useful for this session.
Wayward: A number of times per session equal to dots in Old Creed Culture, you can draw special symbols on
each increasing a chosen attribute by 1 if you kill a monster. This benefit lasts until the end of the chapter.
These symbols are unlike any others in Hunter Code, and can’t be understood by other Hunters.
•postHermit: Once per session, you can send a “message in a bottle.” Whether through writing on a piece of paper, a
on the internet, or any other means of indirect communication, the character can cast a message out into the
world. Later in the session, a number of Hunters equal to the dots in Old Creed Culture will appear to aid you due
to receiving the message.
Hunter Code
Danger Man-beast
Heralds Witch
The Hunt Hope Walking Dead
A Character Guide for
Hunter : the Reckoning 5th Edition
The Reckoning is a long agony. It’s a process, a judgment. The Messengers are still
here. A new imbuing has begun.
This small sourcebook offers you quick, easy alternative rules and chronicles ideas to
bring back the Imbued from the first edition of Hunter : the Reckoning, published
by White Wolf Publishing in 1999.