Werewolf - 200 BSD Kinfolk
Werewolf - 200 BSD Kinfolk
Werewolf - 200 BSD Kinfolk
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Section 1 3
Black Spiral
Dancer Kinfolk
“Get together like brothers, but work together
like strangers.”
— Arab Proverb
Much like the tribe’s garou, their kinfolk are a
Introduction mish mash of the stolen, the corrupted, and the true
bred. While some of the kin are monstrous, twisted
into horrors by the taint of the Wyrm, others are
In the time of Rome’s expansion, the White
surprisingly average. A look deep into their eyes
Howlers were all that stood between the legions
often reveals the madness that lurks within them,
and domination of the land that would come to be
though, and that dark insanity is what unifies them
known as Scotland. Fanatics, warriors, and mystics,
more strongly than history, faith, or bloodline.
they delved deeper than they ever should have in
Some are disaffected, turned away by their birth
the defense of their homeland. While they found the
tribes. Others are brought low by their own pride,
power to repel the invaders, they sold their souls
hatred, or cravings. A few may even see the Wyrm
and their sanity to do so. Corrupted, and driven
and its gifts as a means to an end. When all is said
mad, they bent their heads to the Wyrm, and in so
and done it doesn’t matter… they are all lost within
doing they joined the side of the great destroyer
the dark Maze that will unmake the world.
in its march toward Armageddon. They renamed
themselves the Black Spiral Dancers, and since
then they have worked in opposition to the other
tribes, while also working to corrupt their warriors’
hearts and minds; forever trying to persuade them
to lay down their arms, and dance the spiral.
15. Blood Price: Red Talons are well known for their
hatred of man’s arrogance, and their desire to push him
back down where he belongs. While many members of
the tribe may talk about restarting the Impergium, most
18. Jenna Longtooth: Rat’s children are legion They fed the poisoned well in him, and Dario grew
throughout the cities, and it’s said there’s no corner of ever more twisted beneath his handsome face. A dozen
any place that deserves the name they do not know. scalped braids now hang from the ceiling of his home
The Bone Gnawers have their cautionary tales, though, beneath the hills, but there is still room for many, many
and Jenna is one of them. It’s said she wandered the more.
abandoned railway stations beneath New York City,
finding the lost ruins of another time. Not satisfied, she 21. Lydia “Wilder” Williams: Lydia grew up in the
always went deeper, and deeper, drawn on by a song north. With her thick, curly hair so dark red that it
she could barely hear. When she found a small cavern, almost looked black, she was always considered a beauty
she at first thought it was an ancient caern, built over by the Fianna throughout the Scottish lowlands. Since
and forgotten. It wasn’t until she put her hand on the she was old enough to attend moots, fights broke out in
heart stone, a hand that she had cut pushing ancient her wake. While she didn’t mind the brawls, what did
brickwork out of her way, that the hive started to wake. trip her temper was that the winner often felt entitled to
Her screams echoed through the tunnels, and theurges a prize she’d never offered in the first place. When she
around the city woke in cold sweats. Jenna has fed the shouted down her so-called suitors, most chalked it up
heart ever since, luring back those who wander too far to the tribe’s temper, but that only made her anger burn
away from the lights of the safe places. It’s said that the hotter. It wasn’t because of the blood in her veins; it
tunnels warp around her, allowing her to walk along was because they saw her as nothing more than a thing
insane geometries in order to bring her new friends back to be won, possessed, and used. When a cub followed
to the belly of the awakened beast. her out into the darkness because he thought she was
playing coy, and he tried to take her by force, something
19. David “Trashman” Waters: Tall, broad, black, and out in the shadows silenced him. A small man, pale
handsome, David has a charisma about him that’s hard to and nearly bloodless, stepped into the moonlight, and
ignore. With rippling muscles that look like something apologized to her for intervening. Something about
out a Hollywood special effects studio, people tend to him was repulsive, but she couldn’t get his black eyes
listen to him when he talks about health. Unfortunately and his gentle words out of her head. She returned to
for his fans, his videos and websites are a cesspool of that place of death time and again, feeling his eyes on
unproven supplements filled with tainted goods, and her. He came closer slowly, one day at a time, until she
the misinformation he spreads about trash programs, came to trust him. By the time the metis called Death
what can and can’t be recycled, and how, “Gaia will of Nations revealed his birth form to her, it no longer
take care of herself,” have led to entire communities of bothered Lydia. She’d seen garou eaten alive by their
poisoned soil, and degrading fomori. passions, and of all the suitors she’d had not one of them
had paid her court or given her respect the way he had.
20. Dario “Ladykiller” Corrino: Dario was born in the If that was madness, she had no wish to live among the
countryside of northern Italy, and he wanted nothing sane.
more than to have his first change. Not for the prestige,
or so he could fight for Gaia on the front lines, but so
he would be taken away from his mother and his sisters.
Excluded from the affairs of the Black Furies, he felt
that he deserved more. That he deserved a beautiful
mate, and to have his name heaped with glory the way
warriors of other tribes were. He nursed his resentments
until they spilled over into hate. When the moment
presented itself, he set fire to the Wyld patch his family
cultivated and laid in wait for those who came to save
it. He killed his mother with a silver crossbow bolt, and
when his sisters were crippled by the traps he’d set, he
finished them off with a hunting knife. Then he tucked
tail and ran to the only place he could. Those who’d
walked the spiral not only took him in, but they praised
him for what he had done. They told him how righteous
his anger was, and how courageous his actions were.
200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 9
22. Aiden Proust: A numbers wizard, Aiden learned at within the Maze, he has committed barbaric, shocking,
a young age that if you were determined and ruthless and brutal acts against his parent tribe and the nation…
enough that you could make a profit no matter which but the Wyrm has unshackled him from shame, and for
way the winds of the market were blowing. His need that gift he will do anything it asks of him.
to drive up his numbers steadily eclipsed the reason for
acquiring wealth in the first place, though, and soon 25. Damon “Doomsday” White: Raised in the rural
he was supporting the very things the Glass Walkers south, Damon learned young there was always one more
were trying to stop. Trading in oil pipelines polluted threat coming his way. Hurricanes, oil spills, government
the soil and destroyed water, but they were a profitable overreach, being black when the police showed up, if it
investment. The suffering in the diamond trade wasn’t one damn thing it was another. That was why
corrupted thousands of souls and soaked the ground when he found the galliard called Wyrmspeaker in his
with blood, but it diversified his portfolio nicely. Child house, he expected to die. But as Wyrmspeaker talked,
labor and field slavery were easy to ignore when they Damon saw the light. Like a man dragged out of Plato’s
were little splotches of pixels on his earnings page. proverbial cave, he saw the truth behind the shadows
Barely able to keep one step in front of the head hunters on the wall. There was no winning for the nation. No
dispatched by the tribe to make an example of him, way for them to put things back on their proper course.
Aiden fled America and took refuge in a tiny banana Even if they killed everyone who had ever danced the
republic where he could keep playing the game. Now, Spiral (and there were many), they could not fight
though, the profits he reaps are poured into the coffers every nation in the world. The tribes were just slowing
of those who have walked the Labyrinth, and who bow down the natural progression of events. Better by far to
their heads to the Wyrm. rip the band-aid off all at once, and have done with it.
That’s why he, and his cadre known as the Enders, are
23. Red Eye Toma: Born in a womb of glass and steel, so adamant in their cause. They want Gaia to heal, but
Toma’s muscles strain beneath her skin, and her teeth as long as the war goes on, she never will. Not until
are so large that she cannot close her jaws. In constant everything is wiped clean.
pain, few things bring the twisted, red-eyed she wolf
pleasure, but the screams of her prey are a rare comfort. 26. Alexandra Harrison: Born in Colorado, Alexandra
Sharing her agony with another helps take her mind off was blessed with a unique gift. Though she couldn’t
of how much she hurts, but the experience rarely lasts harness her gnostic talents fully, they often manifested
long. Fortunately there is no shortage of bloody meat for in strange, prophetic dreams. A great boon to the
her to shred in her powerful jaws. Children of Gaia, she was kept safe and off-the-radar…
until the Black Spiral Dancers came for her. Slaying
24. Gustav Demidov: Gustav knew what others said her protectors, they kidnapped her, and held her deep
about Silver Fangs. That they were remnants of a within a polluted hive. She tried to flee, and for her
time long passed, weak-willed and too closely bred. trouble was crippled by her new watchers. Now armless
He struggled to show that wasn’t true, to be as clever, and legless, utterly dependent on her keepers, the
courteous, strong, and skilled as the kings of old. The raw essence of the hive fills her mind. It’s twisted her
thing that truly haunted him, though, was the way he dreams, turning her into little more than a tool of flesh
loved his sister… and the ways he was forbidden to. He to be used by the fallen. Alexandra has long given up
tried to find solace in other women, and even other hope of rescue; instead she prays for an end, and to be
men, but no one was like her. When she discovered returned to the cycle.
his journal, and he saw the revulsion in her eyes, he
fled. He might have killed himself that night, but for
the intervention of Raya “Serpent Skin” Igorevich:
Her words soothed him, clouding his mind like a strong
drink. They spoke, and Gustav slept. They spoke
again, and again, every conversation leading him down
another turn of the Maze. It wasn’t his fault, she told
him. He couldn’t control the way he felt. And who were
the Silver Fangs to deny him? Nothing but hypocrites
of the highest order. By the time he left Serpent Skin’s
clutches, Gustav had drunk deeply of her poison. Lost
27. Mark Sturgeon: With a rap sheet as long as most 30. Doug “Shooter” Kemper: Doug had always been
men’s arms, Mark’s history reads like a horror story. small. A target. A victim. He learned early that if you
Found abandoned, with his parents murdered, he could hide from the predators to avoid being noticed,
suffered from intense psychotic delusions. Violent then you should. It was when he went camping with
outbursts as a child were made worse by abusive foster the scouts that he learned to shoot, and felt the surge of
parents who attempted to “discipline” the behavior out power run through him as he watched the bullet do its
of him. Deemed unfit for military service, he picked deadly work. Doug soon became obsessed with the idea
up charges for drug use and distribution, as well as for that even a small bullet could end a big man’s life. He’s
violent assaults. A suspect in the Key West werewolf taken hundreds of lives since that day, from overpass
murders, where victims were found shot to death with shootings to hunting “accidents,” and while many of his
silver bullets, Mark was released when the evidence victims are unremarkable, there have been several kin,
against him mysteriously vanished. He was approached along with one or two garou, that have found themselves
not long after by the Black Spiral Dancers, who found it on the wrong end of his barrel.
all too easy to worm their way into Mark’s broken mind
and flip a few of the switches left in there. They hadn’t 31. Helen Giardano: Helen grew up hearing how strong
killed his family, they told him. They would never do she would need to be to make her way in the world.
that. They merely want to give him the tools, and the She was told constantly that she would be a great
power, to find those responsible and take his revenge. warrior, a great leader, and a force to be reckoned with.
Mark feels better now that he’s been given a purpose, But as puberty came and went, and the time for her
and the pelts he’s taken grow every year, stripped from first change passed her by, she started to hear different
every tribe whose path he’s crossed. A dozen skins left messages from the Black Furies all around her. That she
as monuments to a damaged little boy who was thrown had to find a man, have children, and carry on the line
to the wolves. for the tribe. While not said aloud, the implication was
that perhaps her daughters would achieve the potential
28. Lendry Beauregard: The third child in the Beauregard she hadn’t. The fury of being denied burned in her,
household, born in the cellar like all the others, she’s and all it took to make her stumble off the path was a
rarely left the dreary Alabama backwater she’s lived sympathetic ear. Someone who told her the tribe had
in her whole life. The old manor house is crumbling given her unrealistic expectations. Someone who said
and decrepit, but it’s as much her home as the swamp she was enough, and that she could still do great things.
surrounding the property. Lendry has always held to the Someone who told her she was worth more than her
old rules of hospitality, just like her papa taught her, womb, and her unborn children. Helen embraced the
and she tries to enjoy what time she has with the few Wyrm with open arms, and she has been a plague on the
guests they host. Lendry always tries to be friendly, but Black Furies ever since.
she knows sooner or later there’s gonna be a hunt. She
tries not to get too attached to the guests, though… but 32. Griffith Monahan: Contamination is so much easier
she does hope that someday one of them makes it to the than people seem to think. A little powder in a train
other end of the gauntlet. If that happens, maybe they’ll station vent during rush hour, and hundreds of people
get to join the family, and she won’t be quite so lonely are carrying spores throughout the city. Opening up a
anymore. canister in a bus depot can spread disease across the
country. Even something as simple as an unnoticed squirt
29. Grace “Sabotage” Mathers: Getting around unseen of bacteria onto the keys of a credit card reader can have
is easy if you know how. A train hopper, turnstile devastating effects. Outbreaks weaken the systems all
jumper, joyrider, and stowaway, Grace was always on the around us, but disease imbued with the potency of the
fringes of the Bone Gnawers instead of in and among Wyrm can create contagion bearers that mutate into
Rat’s brood. Ever since her first car wreck, sending a fomori, wreaking death and destruction when their fever
big BMW on a collision course with a tanker truck, reaches its crescendo. Griffith, in his casual clothes and
she’s been hooked on destruction. All it takes is one with his unremarkable, smiling face, is a plague farmer.
“accident,” one uncoupled train car, or one gas leak to Keeping cultures in his basement laboratory, he prepares
cause widespread devastation. Nothing puts a smile on them, ships them, and carefully plans outbreaks to cause
her face more than watching entropy in motion, and the greatest amount of suffering.
being the driving force behind it.
40. Kurt Donneger: Kurt was little more than a pack 43. Harriett Grossman: A meal with a smile has always
mule for the Fianna his whole life. Driving back and been Harriet’s way. A delight to have in the kitchen,
forth across Germany he hauled equipment, garou, and always delivering free meals to the elderly and the
messages, and more without question and with few poor, her cooking is something people rave about. What
complaints. Any hour, day or night, he was on-call with most don’t see are the cleaning products, venoms, nuts,
never so much as a thank you spoken or a tale told in and tainted meat that she adds to the batches. It’s rarely
his honor. If anyone took the time to mention him, it all at once, but the infections, weakness, and death
was that he wasn’t fast enough, respectful enough, or she’s caused are no less heinous for taking their time.
helpful enough. So when he was drunk on his own one Her efforts have proven particularly effective when it
night, and a figure appeared across the table from him, comes to reducing the population of ratfolk kin and
he didn’t realize what it was at first. Too far gone to Bone Gnawer kin, and she’s been a silent thorn in the
be afraid, he listened while they spoke. He listened City Mother’s network for years.
while the giggling ragabash with the too-sharp teeth
recounted the glory Kurt could have. The tales that 44. Dale “Dumper” Rackett: Living on his old fishing
would be told about him, not just by the Black Spiral boat Troubled Waters, Dale is a man who’s been playing
Dancers, but by his own people. They would make his the long game with his efforts. Making side money
name live forever… even if it was as the most infamous disposing of junk, hazardous waste, and other difficult-
of traitors. Kurt smiled at that, making the decision in to-break-down chemical slurries, he’s been poisoning
that moment to turn his coat. He told the ragabash the swamplands along the Gulf Coast for years. While
everything it wanted to know. Names, phone numbers, some cleanup efforts have pushed back the clock on his
locations; he knew it all, and in a few hours he destroyed plans they’re sporadic at best, and it’s only a matter of
networks and havens that had taken decades for the time before the dominoes start falling. When the do,
tribe to assemble. the final damage could collapse the ecosystem for the
entire region.
41. Rot Bite: The pups who emerge from the pits tend
to be either the strongest, or the strangest, of their
broods. Stunted, with hairless legs and a ragged, rat-like
tail, Rot Bite has the Wyrm’s own maw. Filthy, diseased
gums, jagged teeth, and smoking spittle means that her
bite will eat someone down to the bone sooner or later.
The stink of her is enough to curdle one’s stomach, and
dozens of kin have lost limbs (or lives) to the infections
brought on by her disgusting jaws.
66. Christopher Franks: A deacon for a huge megachurch, 70. Captain Tarkus Crowder: Tall, deep chested, and
Christopher does his part to bilk the praying public for heavily tattooed, Tarkus sails under the flag of the
every dollar he can. While more and more of the church’s Black Spiral Dancers. A saboteur whose best known for
profits end up in the coffers of the Black Spiral Dancers, disabling deep sea drilling operations (and the massive
Christopher also uses the machinery of the church spills of crude that bloom from such endeavors), Tarkus
to help plant seeds of corruption into the minds and also transports members of the tribe and inserts them
hearts of those who enter its doors. Giving everything along coastal waterways. The Gulf Coast, the Florida
one has in sacrifice to a higher power is baked into the Keys, and island chains in and around the Caribbean
consciousness of those who pray at the altar, but the are his primary scuttling grounds, and they’ve all had
thread of selfishness, greed, and willingness to sacrifice their share of destruction wrought by Crowder and his
others that lurk at the heart of the prayer-for-profit loyal crew of sea dogs.
industry and seed-faith doctrine have all been turned to
feed the Wyrm. 71. Rizzie “Rat” Thompson: It’s tough being broke. It’s
tough being black. It’s tough being a woman. It’s hard as
67. Kirsty Silks: There are taboos all around the world; hell being all three at once. Rizzie was always hustling,
dark rites forbidden to any without the courage to reach scraping by, having to decide between surviving, and her
beyond the limits of sanity and morality. Kirsty studies pride. To make things worse, it seemed like every time
these rituals, and her skin is a testament to the dark she got just a little bit ahead, one of the Bone Gnawers
paths she’s already trodden. She bears rituals scars from messed it up for her. A loud-mouthed pack got her evicted,
cannibal tribes who were all but forgotten, tattoos only a brawl with a fomori destroyed her car, lost her job, and
given to headhunters with proven kills, and her teeth sent her back to square one. So when money turned up in
have been carved with the corrupted glyphs of the Wyrm her mail with a mysterious note attached to it, she didn’t
itself. While one of the most knowledgeable scholars of stop to check the gift horse’s teeth. More money came
the corrupt, most agree that Kirsty’s knowledge is second every month, along with letters from the mysterious figure
only to her madness. Rizzie came to think of as her secret admirer. She’d never
been courted, not like this, and soon enough her special
68. John Ratskill: Once kept on retainer by the Glass someone was emailing her on a regular basis. He wove a
Walkers, John was thrown under the bus when an spell of words around her, showing interest, curiosity, and
operation went sideways and the tribe needed to protect empathy like few others did. When someone ratted her
their own behinds. His handler, Simone Weiss, had out to the tribe, telling them she had a sugar daddy she
gone over to the Wyrm years before, and John didn’t wasn’t talking about, she ran. The tribe was looking for
realize until it was too late. He was collateral damage as her, but her secret admirer found her first. He was tall and
the tribe tried to cut off the infection. He didn’t much strong, well-groomed and handsome, just like she’d always
care for that, so when Simone found where he’d hid imagined he was. He promised to dress her in velvet, and
out, she offered him his old job back… just working for make love to her in the shadows. He did all that, and
a new client. John’s still a private eye, but these days more, and Rizzie loves him for it. More than that, though,
he’s paid well, and at least he knows the score. Over the she fears him. Dante would never hurt her, not knowingly,
years he’s picked up a bit of a drinking problem, but it’s but as time’s gone on she’s realized he’s crazy… and spirits
the only way he can get to sleep. Even then, the dreams help her, she’ll walk the spiral alongside her man, if that’s
usually chase him out of bed by dawn unless he’s tanked what it takes.
73. Jamie Konnig: A former CIA contractor, Jamie’s 77. Felicia Goreman: A daughter of privilege, Felicia’s
methods were deemed too extreme even for the black father died under very mysterious circumstances. Since
sites. While no charges were officially brought, those then she’s taken his fortune and grown it through the
who have seen the classified photos in her jacket can worst practices she could find. Strip mining, fracking,
rarely manage to keep their gorge down. While she’s “clean” coal, illicit dumping, and worse are all things she’s
kept herself busy since parting ways with the Company propped up with her fortune all across the East Coast.
(allying herself with coup attempts, assassinating Buying influence, and using it to excuse herself from the
government leaders, and other such things), she still consequences of her actions, she’s been responsible for
maintains a stranglehold on certain agency personnel. poisoning thousands of acres of previously recovering
None of them have ever spoken about what she has land, and leaving contagions that have twisted the
on them, but the agents she has her claws in have spirits into fields of polluted banes.
nightmares about what she might do if they refuse her.
78. Shane Rodriguez: Shane was taught many lessons
74. Ari “Black Bag” Twill: Ari doesn’t look like much at growing up, but empathy was not among them. The
a glance, and that is very much by design. From his lank strong take what they want, and the weak suffer and
hair, to his slightly too big clothes, he has engineered die. That is the way of the world, and that is how it
himself to be forgettable and non-threatening. should be. His family’s influence means that Shane is
Necessary in his line of work, which is making people never arrested when he breaks the law, and that many of
disappear. Sometimes it’s for money, sometimes it’s to his crimes are chalked up to either “misunderstandings”
pay off a debt, and sometimes it’s because the tribe needs or “youthful indiscretions” by law enforcement. Every
someone special snatched, but Ari is one of the best time he manages to escape punishment, he grows that
there is at this particularly awful profession. And once much bolder. Drugs, battery, sexual assault, and worse
he hands off his hostages, he doesn’t ask what happens are all on his rap sheet... or at least they were until the
to them. Generally speaking, he doesn’t want to know. charges were summarily dropped.
75. Hate: The big red wolf has the markings of the 79. Ekidna: Whatever Ekidna once was, they’ve become
Fianna, but it’s hard to see anything noble left in the something else entirely. Surgically and chemically
panting, snaggle-toothed brute. Covered in scars from modified, Ekidna’s strength, speed, and endurance have
years of savage fights, his fangs are long, and his eyes all reached superhuman levels, and their long-term
have gone black. There’s no kindness left in the wolf exposure to toxic “treatments” from Pentex has made
anymore. No mercy, no compassion; only the twisted, them poison to the touch. Often kept under lock and
poisonous emotion that the Black Spiral Dancers key, Ekidna rarely speaks. Those who have conversed
turned into his new name. Whatever he was before he with them learn that Ekidna seeks the apocalypse in
was taken, Hate has been beaten down and hammered order to end their own suffering. Only in the fires of
into an engine of murder by the servants of the Wyrm. battle are they truly free, and they will do anything to
Men or wolves, kin or garou, it doesn’t matter when the hold tight to that small slice of freedom.
chain comes off, and Hate is let loose to vent his wrath
upon the field of battle.
80. Melinda Banes: Obsessed with the lore and power of something disappear. Sometimes that means writing
the undead from a young age, Melinda spent her youth it off as just another incident in the paperwork, but
studying at the feet of Blackwater Hattie. Hattie was sometimes it means he’s going to have to mask up and
known as a potent bane binder and servant of chaos, but get his daddy’s old straight razor. He knows the latter is
in Melinda she saw something very useful; a vessel that more dangerous, but that’s part of why he enjoys those
could be used to mix a forbidden brew. A living altar errands so much more.
whereby she, and allies of the Black Spiral Dancers,
could combine the essences of the vampiric with the 84. Chayne: Who or whatever Chayne was in their
bloodline of the garou. Such a thing has been done early days, they have embraced transformation on a
before, though rarely, and the offspring were always grand scale to turn themselves into something beautiful,
hunted down and destroyed immediately. Hattie is and terrible. Their neck is long, supported by dozens of
convinced that Melinda may be the key to unlocking thick, stainless steel rings worked with the corrupted
a new generation of garou who will be primed to glyphs of the Black Spiral Dancers. Their skull is
become undying children after their first change, and smooth and elongated, and their torso compressed
she believes with the right rituals in place they could be into an impossible hourglass shape. Their skin is inked
controlled. Despite her surety, she keeps her activities to with a rite so complex that it took a dozen theurges to
herself, lest her own tribe undo all her hard work with complete it, and beneath their skin are subdermal plates
fire and fang. that act as the anchor point for potent banes. At rest,
Chayne feels like a storm on the horizon. When they
81. Harry Willett: The owner and proprietor of the release the forces bound to them, the dark energies
seedy Harry’s Bar in Omaha, Nebraska, Harry makes become a whirlwind of devastation.
sure the proper palms are greased to keep cops and
health inspectors alike out of his business. A distribution 85. Hunger: It’s said Hunger was born in the bleak wilds
point for all sorts of free-based chems and stims, Harry of the northlands, left alone after her pack died. There
is all too happy to sell whatever poison someone wants was nothing to eat in the woods because the soil, the
to buy. Perhaps the go-to place for big-time users and birds, and even the water had been poisoned by man
small-time gangs, it’s said you can track the number of digging too greedily, and too deep. Hunger ate what she
broken lives in the city by the extra zeroes in Harry’s found rather than starve, and the Wyrm’s taint took
offshore bank accounts. hold as the toxins ran through her body. She grew, and
she changed, but the bigger she grew the greater her
82. Candace “Baby” Owens: With her silver studs and hunger became. She wandered to the fringes, and found
filed teeth, Candace looks like something out of an 80s isolated settlements of people. Their flesh sated her for
era monster movie. Her bloodlust, and her predilection a time, but the yawning hole inside her was never truly
for dismemberment (more than once using her teeth to full. So she keeps eating, leaving shredded tents and
do it in a very literal sense), are far beyond any small empty cabins in her wake as she draws closer to the full
screen slasher, though. A favorite among the pack larder of a true town.
known as the War Hounds, some of her scars are from
her “pleasures” among the pack rather than their battles. 86. Scott Burr: Conceived in the darker parts of an
She’s born several children over her time, as well, and asylum before such institutions largely vanished, Scott
there’s speculation about which ones will end up as the was provided for by the foster system once he was
new generation of the Wyrm’s warriors. discovered. A counter-culture artist during the 1980s,
rumors followed his bizarre canvases wherever they
83. Robert “Bobby” Mills: The Metropolitan police turned up. Violence sparked at his showings, and those
see a dozen examples of the brutal, the awful, and the who purchased his pieces often committed gruesome
callous every single day before they’ve even had time crimes before killing themselves. The Wyrm whispers
to make a proper cup of tea. It never gets old for Bobby, to him, and Scott barely remembers some of the things
though, and his “dedication” allowed him to move up he’s painted. They build up in his mind like vomit,
the ranks at double time. Like a firebug who can’t get and though it’s a relief to purge them, he’s afraid of the
enough of the blaze, though, Bobby never feels more darkness that lives within the images he conjures.
alive than with the scent of blood in his nostrils, and
the excuse to bust any head he can justify. He gets a call
from the tribe from time to time, telling him to make
200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 19
87. Erin Branche: The deserts of the Southwest are Geneva is a master of the art of legal torture, and as
dotted with small, fake towns. These structures were an environmental lawyer her briefs have opened the
built during the chilliest parts of the Cold War, and floodgates for men in love with profit to drown Gaia in
many of them were used to test the effects of new a sea of heavy metals and poisonous waters.
and unique devices of death. The rad counter is high
enough that pits beneath the sands should glow in the 92. Razorback: Some born from breeding rites conducted
dark, but while early generations of kin birthed there down in the darkness are blessed with the gifts of the
were twisted, malformed, and often short-lived, some of Wyrm; Razorback is one such child. With this fur that
their offspring have shown promise. A petite girl with feels more like spines, this wolf naturally excretes a
a wan face, a raspy cough, and a completely hairless noxious chemical that coats him from snout to tail.
head, Erin has dozens of invisible friends. Invisible, but Those pierced by his fur may find their wounds going
not imaginary, as many of Gaia’s warriors have found to septic, and those unfortunate enough to bite him will
their dismay. find that the poison runs through his veins even more
88. Erik Quint: As long as there are people with dirty jobs
that need done, there will be mercenaries like Quint. 93. Marilyn Marsden: A motivational speaker with a
With a long scar down one side of his face, stinking of rough edge, Marilyn is known for her most famous book
sweat, blood, and the toxic fumes of whatever chemical Angry Gets Shit Done. Anything in life, she says, can be
concoction kept him wired through his last job, he’s accomplished through anger. Getting fit, getting that
a blunt instrument of the first order. A leg breaker, a new job, achieving your potential; anger is the fuel that
killer, and worse, Quint is the sort of man who gets will propel you forward to where you want to be. While
twitchy if he hasn’t sown a crop of misery before the sun her message may seem innocent enough at first, the wider
has reached its zenith. it spreads, the more time bombs her encouragement has
set off. Spousal abusers, mass shooters, spree killers,
89. Joanna Marsh: There are dark secrets in the remote and others, have all taken her sermons as permission…
corner of New England where Joanna resides, and it’s which is exactly what she intended them to do.
fallen to her to keep the faith. Tall, thin, and colorless,
the young woman ensures that sacrifices are made on 94. Ron Burton: Horrors are common in the great
the harvest moons, and that the old altars receive the nowhere of the open road. The empty wastes of the
obeisance they expect. Dozens of hitch hikers have Southwest, and the endless barrens of the northern
gone missing from the nearby highways over the years, highways, have been Ron’s hunting grounds for years.
and when Joanna had everything she needed of them From lot lizards to hitch hikers, there are dozens of
she piled their bones beneath the old cypress grove. For bodies rotting away just off the road with the marks of
if one must choose, as Joanna says, it is better to be the depravity scarred into their bones. Far away from the
right hand of the devil than in its path. cameras and the lights of civilization the worst impulses
of the human race are allowed to run free, and Ron
90. Argus Baker: A heavily bearded man who isn’t shy embraces them with abandon.
about using his fists or his gnarled walking stick should
the occasion call for it, people in certain neighborhoods 95. Contessa Gold: One cannot serve god and Mammon
of south Dublin, Ireland tend to walk shy of him. When both, or so the scriptures say. Contessa wields the
something happens in the community, though, he’s the sort of wealth that is corrosive to morality, and toxic
first to raise his voice against it. His words can get the to one’s honor. Often she will seek out the poor, the
blood boiling, making sense desert the aggrieved until disenfranchised, and the abandoned purely to see what
only blood will satisfy them. Knowing his countrymen’s sort of lengths they will go to for even a crumb of what
minds, Argus is often the hand behind the acts that is on her table. She’s seen mothers kill their babies
outrage them, even as he stokes the fires and directs their with their bare hands, men disfigure themselves, and
fury at targets who were innocent of any wrongdoing. children old before their years turn into feral monsters
just to snatch her rewards. The gold she gives them is a
91. Geneva Cliff: The letter of the law is meant to false salve, though, as the deeds one commits to earn it
provide a housing for the spirit and intent in which often leave them hollow inside.
it was written. However, a clever grasp of wordplay
and argument can twist the rules until they scream.
105. Sherman Morton has a framed picture of 108. Berzerk-Killer is the formidable scion of a
himself shaking hands with the mayor on the wall proud Red Talon, and he loves humans. More
behind his desk. Right next to it is a certificate of accurately, he loves the salty-sweet taste of human
commendation from the governor, acknowledging flesh. Red Talons will not provide fresh, hot
his many years of work running the Loving human meat to Berzerk-Killer, which fills the
Hearts Halfway House. The run-down facility behemoth elder wolf with sorrow. Fortunately,
doubles as a homeless shelter, designed to “care there are Black Spiral Dancers: amusing, friendly
for” approximately a quarter of the population it creatures more than happy to allow Berzerk-Killer
currently serves. Mr. Morton couldn’t be happier access to as much “people-food” as he can devour
with the arrangement: the overcrowding gives in exchange for all the cubs he is able to sire upon
Sherman & select members of his overworked staff their she-wolves. This arrangement suits Berzerk-
the opportunity to routinely cull the population: Killer just fine.
recruiting some of his charges into gainful
employment within Pentex, selling others off as 109. Murray Cagle and his boys sell a lot of
labor and spare parts, and a arranging for a favored fireworks to a lot of people: wholesale, factory-
few to enjoy short-lived careers as “exotic” models. direct, shipped same-day to wherever you’re setting
up shop. If it goes boom, Cagle & Sons sells it.
106. Dewey Miller is dumber than a sack of bricks Sure, most of this is grey-market. And some of it
and meaner than a boot full of vipers. Of course, in is outright illegal. But when did a couple of good
his line of work – underground pit-fighting – this ol’ boys like Murray, Wade, Cooper, Tracy & Duke
is not considered much of a liability. Big Dewey Cagle ever let Johnny Law get in the way of his
likes to hit people, preferably in the face, and he havin’ a little harmless fun? Cagle & Sons can get
is exceptionally talented at that singular skill; he you anything your little pyromaniac heart desires,
also likes to sing karaoke, a task for which he has hauled in freight across state lines in the middle of
a great deal less aptitude. Between prize-fights, the night by a Cagle so high on meth he can’t see
arranged by his manager Bill, Dewey spends his straight. And if you need a place to lay low for a
days in the gym and his nights in an endless series bit, there are always plenty of guys with big tents
of backwater honky-tonk saloons. As a professional & seasonal shops full of contraband – just off the
fighter with a creative sadistic streak and a flair for interstate – that owe Murray a couple of favors.
performance, Dewey rotates through a long list of
wealthy clients dedicated to hosting private bare-
knuckle boxing tournaments in a variety of exotic
five-star locales.
166. Ollie Sherrill works the late shift. As a clerk 169. Elliot Kiefer has this stage magician thing
at a 24-hour truck-stop in the middle of the ass- down. He’s handsome, athletic, charming, quick-
end of the Midwest, in a location whose sole witted and has some of the fastest hands you’ve
importance is that several interstate highways all ever seen. Or … failed to see, as the case may be.
produce a single brightly-lit tangle of off-ramps The fact that his identical twin brother Ethan is
in the same glorified, diesel-scented cornfield, in on the act is just icing on the cake, of course:
that mean Ollie sees some weird shit. Most of it is between the two of them, the Kiefer twins could
meth-deals, biker-brawl, sleep-deprived motorists have made a mint turning their talents to con-
and drunk lot-lizards, of course. But sometimes – artistry, burglary, cheating at high-stakes poker or
just sometimes – it’s weirder. Darker. Tied-up in running a chain of successful used car dealerships.
the old black magic of the deep, endless caves that But a love of a showmanship and the open road
run underneath the town, and out into the woods lead the two of them to the glamorous world of
where hikers disappear every couple of years, near stage magic: where they go, there’s chaos and
the abandoned drive-in. When that happens, Ollie wonder, confusion and the occasional dead body.
doesn’t bother calling the incompetent, racist local With a single call to either of their cellphones, the
sheriff’s department. Ollie calls his gran-gran, and boys are happy to lend their talents to any pack of
sometimes she sends … ‘things’ to investigate. Black Spirals who need a distraction, misdirection
or case of mistaken identity.
167. Michelina Winfrey can personally assure you
that all of the Native antiquities you see before
200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 33
170. Shemeka McCorkle is a proud men’s is a sleaze connoisseur, which he’s very cleverly
rights activist, a proud white woman, a proud spun into a career as a highly successful sleaze
heterosexual, and she won’t be silent about entrepreneur. Look: you would be shocked and
the mistreatment of strong, white, masculine horrified out of your mind if you knew just 1%
individuals in our overly-sensitive, overly- of 1% of what of kind lurid, obscene, degrading,
feminized multiculturalist society a single moment violent and monstrous filth is floating just under
longer. A former deep-south, bible-belt beauty- the edge of mundane perception, drifting across
queen turned gun-toting, liberal-offending talking imageboards and file-sharing sites like a cancerous
head, Shemeka is a cagy political fighter: picking algal bloom on a black ocean of secret data. It’s
her battles with care, surrounding herself with not Marcos’s fault that society is sick; all Marcos
loyal operatives, weaponizing her beauty whenever does is find, collate, organize, review, edit … and,
convenient, and maintaining plausible deniability yes, occasionally create or commission novel new
between her own carefully-manicured brand of horrors, all for the benefit of wealthy people who
home-spun fascism and the ‘violent, isolated, lone- simply find themselves too jaded to be appalled
wolf extremists’ who commit hate-crimes after by ordinary, everyday atrocity anymore. For those
attending her rallies. seeking a more refined degree of indecency,
something to quench the strangest & darkest
171. There are texts it’s illegal to read. Images of thirsts, for the delicate palate of the truly
it’s illegal to see. Files it’s illegal to own, and discerning pervert, a discreet care-package from
dangerous to open, and even potentially lethal to Mr. Steele is worth whatever exorbitant fees he’s
comprehend. And Waylon? Well, Waylon has charging these days.
access to all of them. Waylon Smallwood – AKA
‘aaron a. anonymous’ – is the digital ‘Font of 174. People get hurt, people get sick, people die
Forbidden Media’: trained in the quasi-mystical … and all of that, frankly, is terrific for business.
arts of enlightened dark web data-collection and Ebony Blanco drives an ambulance, and he’s very
information manipulation by no less a monster good at it. He’s learned a lot, looping the woo-
than the Nephandus called Jennifer King – AKA woo wagon through the empty, neon-lit & blood-
‘The Green Dragon’ (Mage: the Ascension; The splattered streets in the dead of night for so many
Fallen Tower: Las Vegas, pg. 84-85), Waylon is an years. Ebony knows the parts of town to avoid,
army onto himself: commanding a swarm of bots even in the daylight, and – much more importantly
& banes to weave horrors as he desires, where the – he knows the fancy, secret-password places an
long shadow of aaron a. anonymous passes, lives outsider can only access if somebody inside calls
fall like soiled dominoes. for the cops & the carrion-carriage. Ebony knows
where to get good drugs, certainly, but he also
172. Did you know that vaccine-injury and autism knows where to score bad drugs, if that’s the sort of
cause more deaths each year than firearms and thing you want to get your hands on for whatever
car-accidents combined? Beverly Carswell knows, reason. Ebony he knows where to dump a body …
and so do the smart, hip, fierce wine-&-yoga but he also knows the places where the dead don’t
moms who read her blog. And subscribe to her stay down. You’d be surprised the things Ebony
newsletter. And follow her videos, with updates knows. If you’ve got his cellphone number, he’d be
five days a week. Bev has a small but passionate happy to give you a private tour.
fanbase, growing every day; she makes bundles
of cold, hard cash railing against the so-called
‘mainstream medical industry’ and heaping praise
on the few TRUE health-positive products out
there … like the new All-Organic Fast Fresh Freak
Salad, available NOW at O’Tolley’s. Note, as an
aside, that the Fast Fresh Freak Salad is ‘organic’
only insomuch as it technically contains bits of
organic matter.