Werewolf - 200 BSD Kinfolk

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Black Spiral Dancer


A Sourcebook for WEREWOLF: The Apocalypse

Credits Special Thanks to:
Written By:Neal Litherland and Clinton Boomer Special thanks to everyone who helped me expand the
Developed By: Neal Litherland and Josh Heath definition of what it can mean to be a Kinfolk to
Edited By: Josh Heath any tribe!
Art by: Andrea Payne and White Wolf Art Packs
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Black Spiral Dancer

Section 1 3
Black Spiral
Dancer Kinfolk
“Get together like brothers, but work together
like strangers.”
— Arab Proverb
Much like the tribe’s garou, their kinfolk are a
Introduction mish mash of the stolen, the corrupted, and the true
bred. While some of the kin are monstrous, twisted
into horrors by the taint of the Wyrm, others are
In the time of Rome’s expansion, the White
surprisingly average. A look deep into their eyes
Howlers were all that stood between the legions
often reveals the madness that lurks within them,
and domination of the land that would come to be
though, and that dark insanity is what unifies them
known as Scotland. Fanatics, warriors, and mystics,
more strongly than history, faith, or bloodline.
they delved deeper than they ever should have in
Some are disaffected, turned away by their birth
the defense of their homeland. While they found the
tribes. Others are brought low by their own pride,
power to repel the invaders, they sold their souls
hatred, or cravings. A few may even see the Wyrm
and their sanity to do so. Corrupted, and driven
and its gifts as a means to an end. When all is said
mad, they bent their heads to the Wyrm, and in so
and done it doesn’t matter… they are all lost within
doing they joined the side of the great destroyer
the dark Maze that will unmake the world.
in its march toward Armageddon. They renamed
themselves the Black Spiral Dancers, and since
then they have worked in opposition to the other
tribes, while also working to corrupt their warriors’
hearts and minds; forever trying to persuade them
to lay down their arms, and dance the spiral.

200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 5

took precautions tragedy cast its eye on her. A gang
200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk of skinheads dragged her into an alley, and even if she
1. William “Blitz” Bauer: As a tribe, the Get of Fenris
took her share of blood, when they were finished with
consider their obsession with purity to be the cause of
her they doused her in petrol and lit her up. She woke
some of their greatest shames. For William, those dark
in agony, with a shadowy figure seated near her in the
periods are the times he takes the most pride in. Tall,
intensive care ward. Half-blind, his skin glistening with
broad-shouldered, blue-eyed, and shaven-headed, he shiny burn scars of his own, Papa Firebug whispered that
sees no shame in the thunderbolts inked on his neck, he could still see the cinders in her. That she could burn
or the imperial eagle over his heart. Reprimanded time bright again, if she wished. Since the day he poured his
and again for disrespecting members of other tribes, poison in her ear, Bonnie has left a screaming wake of
and for heaping dishonor on his name, he burned one pain behind her, and she’s danced through the ashes
bridge after another. Refusing to examine or change his of a hundred arsons, forgetting her own pain in the
behavior or beliefs, it was only a matter of time until he destruction she has wrought.
fell. When Kristina “Red Hand” Krieger found him, all
it took was a little nudge to push him over the edge. She 3. Twist Jaw: Raised in the darkness of the writhing pit,
whispered in his ear and told him he was too pure to be Twist Jaw ate fire and broke bones until his muscles
wasted among such soft stock. That the tribe feared him bunched, and his teeth were sharp as knives. A white-
for his strength, and his willingness to tell the truth. All furred horror with bulging eyes and a maggot-pale
he had to do was listen to her, and she would unleash tongue, Twist Jaw snaps tendons and crushes joints,
his true potential. William listened, and since that day crippling his prey. Then once they’re helpless and
he has been the most loyal servant the Wyrm could ever screaming, he eats them from the toes on up.
ask for.

2. Bonnie “Burner” Morland: Bonnie was born with

her head high, and confidence in her step. Her black
skin made her a target, however, and even though she


4. Dr. Regina Shen: Once a promising medical student now little more than a weapon to be directed by the
at Stanford University, Regina experienced a serious creature who broke him… when she isn’t using him to
breakdown halfway through her internship. She couldn’t father the next generation of corrupted young.
sleep, dreaming of a black maze filled with laughter that
was also screaming. Her work became erratic, and her 8. Charlene Banks: Long and lean, Charlene always had
methods unorthodox, until she was dismissed under a a hunger glimmering in her eyes as a girl. Thrown out of
cloud of speculation. She eventually found a position as her Alabama home as soon as she turned eighteen, she
a consultant with a unique biotech firm, however, and was originally taken in by the Bone Gnawers. Living
since then her mind has been allowed to run unhampered in hunger and need built a resentment in her, and it
by rules or morals. What happens behind closed doors ate away at her heart one day at a time. Lost in a haze
in her laboratory would be considered monstrous to of paint thinner and cheap prostitution, she had no
anyone with a functioning moral compass, but for those protections against the charms of Antonio Philippe.
who provide her with test subjects and materials, her Handsome and sharp-toothed, the Daytona Beach
results are referred to only as, “promising.” mogul offered Charlene all the things she thought she
wanted. Gems, fine dresses, expensive foods… all he
5. Michael McNair: There are street legends about wanted in return was the names of the Bone Gnawers
a strange rider whispered by those who use London’s she knew, and for her to have his children. She agreed
underground late at night. He wears a normal enough without hesitation, but though she’s a kept woman now,
face, and nothing seems off about him, but if you’re that light in her eyes has been utterly snuffed by the
in the car with him on your own you start to feel like things she’s seen.
there’s something wrong about him. Something that sets
of alarm bells deep in the feral part of your brain. Those 9. Aaron “Chaos” Ramirez: Some say the songs of the
who ride with him might make it to their destination Maze reach out into the world, singing to those who are
with nothing worse than a nagging sensation of being sensitive enough to hear the dark chorus. If there’s any
watched, but more often than not they’ll simply truth to that belief, then Aaron must have been sung to
disappear. Dragged off of a moving train, or vanished by the Wyrm the way a mother will sing to her babies.
from their stop never to be seen again… alive, at least. Since he was a child absolute mayhem has followed him
like an overeager puppy. Fires in his schools, illnesses
6. Jaclin Baptiste: The catacombs of Paris have a deadly in his adopted families, and poisons being found in
lure to them, and it’s whispered that those who aren’t neighborhood pets. Once he was old enough to be
careful will easily get lost in the darkness of the dead. left to his own devices, the “accidents” grew, sowing a
Some explorers and thrill seekers have even claimed thousand kinds of destruction everywhere he tread.
they hear beautiful, mournful singing in the darkness,
but few claim to have ever seen where it comes from. 10. Ruthie “Big Mama” Buckford: Ever since she was a
Those who have speak of a beautiful woman in a dirty little girl, Ruthie always wanted to be a mother. After
white dress, as haunting in her appearance as any specter. years of being unable to conceive, though, she was
Those who linger too long, staring at Jaclin, often fail growing desperate. Desperate enough that she didn’t
to notice her mate circling around from behind. What look too closely at the details when she was offered a
happens after the two of them fall on a luckless explorer revolutionary treatment. The fertility drugs and clinic
is stomach-churning, and there is a fat file in the depths care gave her what she wanted, and then some. Ruthie
of the unsolved crimes division that most officers won’t has given birth to a dozen babies over the years, all
even discuss while sober. of them with darkness in their eyes and violence in
their teeth. Her brood are awful beasts who grow at
7. Bakir al-Amin: As a young man Bakir’s family was an accelerated rate, barely recognizable as human. To
slain by a vampire. Rather than kill him along with the her eyes, though, they’re the most beautiful children a
others, the creature delivered the young Silent Strider mother could ever ask for.
as a gift to a corrupted ally of his. Bakir fought against
his captor every step of the way, but the mind, body, and
spirit all have limits as to what they can endure. The
fallen creature known as Bloody Sekhmet reduced Bakir
to his essentials, and then reduced him until he was
even less than that. Dead eyed and tongueless, Bakir is
200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 7
11. Igor Demidov: A sanitation worker in Kiev, Ukraine, do little to nothing to truly restore that balance. Blood
most people are put off by Igor’s club foot and misaligned Price was outcast for her refusal to follow the dictates
jaw. A quiet man that many think of as simple, Igor of her pack, and the harder she fought, the deeper the
often tells stories about people who have gone missing Wyrm slipped beneath her skin. By the time she came
down in the tunnels beneath the city. Derelicts, urban face-to-face with the Maze in her dreams, it was like
explorers, and others may go in, but they never come coming home for her. She had no trouble finding her
out again. Those who ask him if he knows the way way; the path to the center of the Labyrinth was marked
always get a big, crooked smile, and an offer to show by the blood she had spilled, and the bodies of the men
them into the bowels of the city. Igor knows where all she had slain.
the pits are, and he keeps the meat coming to make sure
he keeps himself off the menu. 16. Delilah Scream: The blade itself incites to deeds
of violence, and Delilah was born with a sword in her
12. Ariadne Grant: Originally a contact for the Bringer of mind. With a gnostic talent that she turned early to
The Light known as Charon, alias Christian Hardwicke, spite, Delilah was first taken in by the Bitter Hex. Even
Ariadne always believed that when the time came she by their standards she was bloodthirsty, and she faced
would stare down the barrel of the Wyrm and spit right sanction several times from those above her station.
in its eye. When her agent’s cover was blown, and the In time she wanted more than the camp was willing to
creature known only as Reaver took her, Ariadne broke teach her, but the Wyrm was all too happy to provide.
under its ministrations. The pain was bad, but Reaver She dipped deeply into that well of corrupt power, and
invaded her mind, and violated her psyche in ways no since then her curses have curdled the wombs and
training could have prepared her for. Now Ariadne will shriveled the tongues of those who once ordered her
say anything, do anything, rather than risk displeasing around like she was nothing more than a pup.
her new owner and having it drag her mind back into
the Labyrinth. 17. Saddiq Khan: Like those who came before him,
Saddiq was trained to fight from a young age. Unlike
13. Cipher: No one has ever claimed to have met the his brother and sister, he never experienced his first
dark web bogeyman known as Cipher, but this figure’s change. This drove him to fight even harder on behalf
allegiance to the Wyrm is never in doubt. The viruses they of the nation, accepting more and more dangerous
craft have layers, and they always lead security programs missions to prove himself. In time, though, the elders
in one direction before rapidly shifting and mutating in forbid him from returning to the field. They said it was
another. They mine bitcoin from government servers, because his talents were needed elsewhere, but he saw
distribute poisoned and expired medicine to desperate the look in their eyes. They thought he was weak, crazy,
communities, spread misinformation on a colossal scale, or both. It was only a matter of time before he sought the
and instigate acts of digital and offline destruction. They Maze himself, and walked its spiral halls. For a weapon
seem to have no real goal beyond suffering and anarchy, wielded has no purpose, and a blade well-cared for will
but there are those among the garou who suspect there never desert your side.
is a deeper method to Cipher’s supposed madness.

14. Tatterface: Bred in darkness and raised on a diet of

pain and violence, the products of any pit are horrors to
behold. The weak die, and the most vicious rise to the
top. Tatterface is a brutal result of this system; a hulking
beast of a man with scarred hands, and a barely-leashed
storm living in his breast. Wearing the coarsely-sewn
skin of his father’s face as a mask, those who look into
the dark holes of his eyes can see the purity of one who
has spent his life with his mind lost in the dark Maze.

15. Blood Price: Red Talons are well known for their
hatred of man’s arrogance, and their desire to push him
back down where he belongs. While many members of
the tribe may talk about restarting the Impergium, most
18. Jenna Longtooth: Rat’s children are legion They fed the poisoned well in him, and Dario grew
throughout the cities, and it’s said there’s no corner of ever more twisted beneath his handsome face. A dozen
any place that deserves the name they do not know. scalped braids now hang from the ceiling of his home
The Bone Gnawers have their cautionary tales, though, beneath the hills, but there is still room for many, many
and Jenna is one of them. It’s said she wandered the more.
abandoned railway stations beneath New York City,
finding the lost ruins of another time. Not satisfied, she 21. Lydia “Wilder” Williams: Lydia grew up in the
always went deeper, and deeper, drawn on by a song north. With her thick, curly hair so dark red that it
she could barely hear. When she found a small cavern, almost looked black, she was always considered a beauty
she at first thought it was an ancient caern, built over by the Fianna throughout the Scottish lowlands. Since
and forgotten. It wasn’t until she put her hand on the she was old enough to attend moots, fights broke out in
heart stone, a hand that she had cut pushing ancient her wake. While she didn’t mind the brawls, what did
brickwork out of her way, that the hive started to wake. trip her temper was that the winner often felt entitled to
Her screams echoed through the tunnels, and theurges a prize she’d never offered in the first place. When she
around the city woke in cold sweats. Jenna has fed the shouted down her so-called suitors, most chalked it up
heart ever since, luring back those who wander too far to the tribe’s temper, but that only made her anger burn
away from the lights of the safe places. It’s said that the hotter. It wasn’t because of the blood in her veins; it
tunnels warp around her, allowing her to walk along was because they saw her as nothing more than a thing
insane geometries in order to bring her new friends back to be won, possessed, and used. When a cub followed
to the belly of the awakened beast. her out into the darkness because he thought she was
playing coy, and he tried to take her by force, something
19. David “Trashman” Waters: Tall, broad, black, and out in the shadows silenced him. A small man, pale
handsome, David has a charisma about him that’s hard to and nearly bloodless, stepped into the moonlight, and
ignore. With rippling muscles that look like something apologized to her for intervening. Something about
out a Hollywood special effects studio, people tend to him was repulsive, but she couldn’t get his black eyes
listen to him when he talks about health. Unfortunately and his gentle words out of her head. She returned to
for his fans, his videos and websites are a cesspool of that place of death time and again, feeling his eyes on
unproven supplements filled with tainted goods, and her. He came closer slowly, one day at a time, until she
the misinformation he spreads about trash programs, came to trust him. By the time the metis called Death
what can and can’t be recycled, and how, “Gaia will of Nations revealed his birth form to her, it no longer
take care of herself,” have led to entire communities of bothered Lydia. She’d seen garou eaten alive by their
poisoned soil, and degrading fomori. passions, and of all the suitors she’d had not one of them
had paid her court or given her respect the way he had.
20. Dario “Ladykiller” Corrino: Dario was born in the If that was madness, she had no wish to live among the
countryside of northern Italy, and he wanted nothing sane.
more than to have his first change. Not for the prestige,
or so he could fight for Gaia on the front lines, but so
he would be taken away from his mother and his sisters.
Excluded from the affairs of the Black Furies, he felt
that he deserved more. That he deserved a beautiful
mate, and to have his name heaped with glory the way
warriors of other tribes were. He nursed his resentments
until they spilled over into hate. When the moment
presented itself, he set fire to the Wyld patch his family
cultivated and laid in wait for those who came to save
it. He killed his mother with a silver crossbow bolt, and
when his sisters were crippled by the traps he’d set, he
finished them off with a hunting knife. Then he tucked
tail and ran to the only place he could. Those who’d
walked the spiral not only took him in, but they praised
him for what he had done. They told him how righteous
his anger was, and how courageous his actions were.
200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 9
22. Aiden Proust: A numbers wizard, Aiden learned at within the Maze, he has committed barbaric, shocking,
a young age that if you were determined and ruthless and brutal acts against his parent tribe and the nation…
enough that you could make a profit no matter which but the Wyrm has unshackled him from shame, and for
way the winds of the market were blowing. His need that gift he will do anything it asks of him.
to drive up his numbers steadily eclipsed the reason for
acquiring wealth in the first place, though, and soon 25. Damon “Doomsday” White: Raised in the rural
he was supporting the very things the Glass Walkers south, Damon learned young there was always one more
were trying to stop. Trading in oil pipelines polluted threat coming his way. Hurricanes, oil spills, government
the soil and destroyed water, but they were a profitable overreach, being black when the police showed up, if it
investment. The suffering in the diamond trade wasn’t one damn thing it was another. That was why
corrupted thousands of souls and soaked the ground when he found the galliard called Wyrmspeaker in his
with blood, but it diversified his portfolio nicely. Child house, he expected to die. But as Wyrmspeaker talked,
labor and field slavery were easy to ignore when they Damon saw the light. Like a man dragged out of Plato’s
were little splotches of pixels on his earnings page. proverbial cave, he saw the truth behind the shadows
Barely able to keep one step in front of the head hunters on the wall. There was no winning for the nation. No
dispatched by the tribe to make an example of him, way for them to put things back on their proper course.
Aiden fled America and took refuge in a tiny banana Even if they killed everyone who had ever danced the
republic where he could keep playing the game. Now, Spiral (and there were many), they could not fight
though, the profits he reaps are poured into the coffers every nation in the world. The tribes were just slowing
of those who have walked the Labyrinth, and who bow down the natural progression of events. Better by far to
their heads to the Wyrm. rip the band-aid off all at once, and have done with it.
That’s why he, and his cadre known as the Enders, are
23. Red Eye Toma: Born in a womb of glass and steel, so adamant in their cause. They want Gaia to heal, but
Toma’s muscles strain beneath her skin, and her teeth as long as the war goes on, she never will. Not until
are so large that she cannot close her jaws. In constant everything is wiped clean.
pain, few things bring the twisted, red-eyed she wolf
pleasure, but the screams of her prey are a rare comfort. 26. Alexandra Harrison: Born in Colorado, Alexandra
Sharing her agony with another helps take her mind off was blessed with a unique gift. Though she couldn’t
of how much she hurts, but the experience rarely lasts harness her gnostic talents fully, they often manifested
long. Fortunately there is no shortage of bloody meat for in strange, prophetic dreams. A great boon to the
her to shred in her powerful jaws. Children of Gaia, she was kept safe and off-the-radar…
until the Black Spiral Dancers came for her. Slaying
24. Gustav Demidov: Gustav knew what others said her protectors, they kidnapped her, and held her deep
about Silver Fangs. That they were remnants of a within a polluted hive. She tried to flee, and for her
time long passed, weak-willed and too closely bred. trouble was crippled by her new watchers. Now armless
He struggled to show that wasn’t true, to be as clever, and legless, utterly dependent on her keepers, the
courteous, strong, and skilled as the kings of old. The raw essence of the hive fills her mind. It’s twisted her
thing that truly haunted him, though, was the way he dreams, turning her into little more than a tool of flesh
loved his sister… and the ways he was forbidden to. He to be used by the fallen. Alexandra has long given up
tried to find solace in other women, and even other hope of rescue; instead she prays for an end, and to be
men, but no one was like her. When she discovered returned to the cycle.
his journal, and he saw the revulsion in her eyes, he
fled. He might have killed himself that night, but for
the intervention of Raya “Serpent Skin” Igorevich:
Her words soothed him, clouding his mind like a strong
drink. They spoke, and Gustav slept. They spoke
again, and again, every conversation leading him down
another turn of the Maze. It wasn’t his fault, she told
him. He couldn’t control the way he felt. And who were
the Silver Fangs to deny him? Nothing but hypocrites
of the highest order. By the time he left Serpent Skin’s
clutches, Gustav had drunk deeply of her poison. Lost
27. Mark Sturgeon: With a rap sheet as long as most 30. Doug “Shooter” Kemper: Doug had always been
men’s arms, Mark’s history reads like a horror story. small. A target. A victim. He learned early that if you
Found abandoned, with his parents murdered, he could hide from the predators to avoid being noticed,
suffered from intense psychotic delusions. Violent then you should. It was when he went camping with
outbursts as a child were made worse by abusive foster the scouts that he learned to shoot, and felt the surge of
parents who attempted to “discipline” the behavior out power run through him as he watched the bullet do its
of him. Deemed unfit for military service, he picked deadly work. Doug soon became obsessed with the idea
up charges for drug use and distribution, as well as for that even a small bullet could end a big man’s life. He’s
violent assaults. A suspect in the Key West werewolf taken hundreds of lives since that day, from overpass
murders, where victims were found shot to death with shootings to hunting “accidents,” and while many of his
silver bullets, Mark was released when the evidence victims are unremarkable, there have been several kin,
against him mysteriously vanished. He was approached along with one or two garou, that have found themselves
not long after by the Black Spiral Dancers, who found it on the wrong end of his barrel.
all too easy to worm their way into Mark’s broken mind
and flip a few of the switches left in there. They hadn’t 31. Helen Giardano: Helen grew up hearing how strong
killed his family, they told him. They would never do she would need to be to make her way in the world.
that. They merely want to give him the tools, and the She was told constantly that she would be a great
power, to find those responsible and take his revenge. warrior, a great leader, and a force to be reckoned with.
Mark feels better now that he’s been given a purpose, But as puberty came and went, and the time for her
and the pelts he’s taken grow every year, stripped from first change passed her by, she started to hear different
every tribe whose path he’s crossed. A dozen skins left messages from the Black Furies all around her. That she
as monuments to a damaged little boy who was thrown had to find a man, have children, and carry on the line
to the wolves. for the tribe. While not said aloud, the implication was
that perhaps her daughters would achieve the potential
28. Lendry Beauregard: The third child in the Beauregard she hadn’t. The fury of being denied burned in her,
household, born in the cellar like all the others, she’s and all it took to make her stumble off the path was a
rarely left the dreary Alabama backwater she’s lived sympathetic ear. Someone who told her the tribe had
in her whole life. The old manor house is crumbling given her unrealistic expectations. Someone who said
and decrepit, but it’s as much her home as the swamp she was enough, and that she could still do great things.
surrounding the property. Lendry has always held to the Someone who told her she was worth more than her
old rules of hospitality, just like her papa taught her, womb, and her unborn children. Helen embraced the
and she tries to enjoy what time she has with the few Wyrm with open arms, and she has been a plague on the
guests they host. Lendry always tries to be friendly, but Black Furies ever since.
she knows sooner or later there’s gonna be a hunt. She
tries not to get too attached to the guests, though… but 32. Griffith Monahan: Contamination is so much easier
she does hope that someday one of them makes it to the than people seem to think. A little powder in a train
other end of the gauntlet. If that happens, maybe they’ll station vent during rush hour, and hundreds of people
get to join the family, and she won’t be quite so lonely are carrying spores throughout the city. Opening up a
anymore. canister in a bus depot can spread disease across the
country. Even something as simple as an unnoticed squirt
29. Grace “Sabotage” Mathers: Getting around unseen of bacteria onto the keys of a credit card reader can have
is easy if you know how. A train hopper, turnstile devastating effects. Outbreaks weaken the systems all
jumper, joyrider, and stowaway, Grace was always on the around us, but disease imbued with the potency of the
fringes of the Bone Gnawers instead of in and among Wyrm can create contagion bearers that mutate into
Rat’s brood. Ever since her first car wreck, sending a fomori, wreaking death and destruction when their fever
big BMW on a collision course with a tanker truck, reaches its crescendo. Griffith, in his casual clothes and
she’s been hooked on destruction. All it takes is one with his unremarkable, smiling face, is a plague farmer.
“accident,” one uncoupled train car, or one gas leak to Keeping cultures in his basement laboratory, he prepares
cause widespread devastation. Nothing puts a smile on them, ships them, and carefully plans outbreaks to cause
her face more than watching entropy in motion, and the greatest amount of suffering.
being the driving force behind it.

200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 11

33. Magda Jiminez: Unrest, if wielded properly, can because they know what lurks beneath his friendly
become a weapon. Magda has a gift for fomenting a face. Behind that mask are the teeth of a predator, and
crowd that would be the envy of most galliards. She David is a master of sowing fear while getting others to
breaks down the ill treatment of her audience, the greed trust him. While several missing persons have left their
that is the boot on their necks, and the dismissal of their blood under his fingernails, far more of his victims have
woes by those who should be caring for them. Once she’s been turned over to the Black Spiral Dancers alive, and
lit a fire under them, and brought her listeners’ fury to a relatively whole. The cubs need to learn to hunt, after
fever pitch, she offers them a tool to do something about all, and there’s no substitute for the real thing.
it. The gun. The blade. The bomb. Unknowing martyrs
in the cause of the Wyrm, Magda uses the speech she 37. Gail Harmon: Long-limbed, dark-skinned, and with
was taught by the Children of Gaia, but perverts it until the big, trusting eyes of a baby doe, Gail looks vulnerable;
it is barely recognizable. something she’s used to her advantage for years. Often
found looking for rides at truck stops, or riding her
34. Dane Grimmer: Born on the shores of the Scottish thumb out on the highway, her story is constantly
coast near where the Dane Law held sway, Dane was shifting. Sometimes she’s a college student on her way
everything one could ask from a Get of Fenris. Strong, to see friends, others she’s a girl making her way back to
determined, willing to fight, and willing to stand, his her mama, or running away from a bad boyfriend. One
name was heaped with glories. But though he survived, piece of sheep’s clothing is as good as another for her
he still grew old. He grew slow. He felt his strength purposes. She’s stolen a fair number of cars and rigs on
leaving him one inch at a time. Rather than step out deserted roads, and if she’s feeling generous she’ll leave
with grace, or endanger others, Dane walked into the the driver in the middle of nowhere with a deep gash to
hills with the intent of ending his life honorably. None remember her by. Otherwise, she’ll bring them with so
among his people would tend his weakness. As his finger they can meet the rest of the tribe.
tightened on the trigger, though, he heard a voice. It
asked if he was strong enough to accept a gift that would 38. Timion “Bane Breaker” Sharpe: Some say the
make him all he once was, and more. In his pride and Wendigo are so vicious because they have had their
desperation, Dane said he was. Filled with the dark backs against the wall for centuries. When Timion
power of the Wyrm, Dane’s rage is now beyond that of awakened the gnostic gift inside of him, the first thing
any Fenrir, and his strength is like that of a dragon. The he did was reach out to the Warpath so he could join
taint has burned away weakness and fear, but it has also in their fight. Over the years, though, the disrespect,
betrayal, and brutality from the other garou tribes caused
taken away mercy, honor, and loyalty. Now little more
Timion to regard them as more of a threat even than
than a weapon, there is not even enough left of Dane’s
the Wyrm. When he found the corrupted Uktena called
mind to mourn the thing he has become.
Black Rock, Timion offered to help him in his quest.
The mad theurge smiled at his new apprentice, and
35. Brandi Marks: A catfisher and scam artist by trade,
since then the two of them have been working to free
Brandi’s skill is telling men (and sometimes women)
the great banes from their bonds across the continent.
what they want to hear. Once she’d bled whatever
The dire rites have left Timion’s hands slick with blood,
resources she can get, she burns down her target’s lives,
and his mind stretched to the breaking point, but if this
and moves onto whoever is next. Ruined marriages,
darkness will achieve the mission he swore to when he
destroyed careers, divulged secrets, and more than a few
first joined the Warpath then it will be a small price to
suicides mark where he sweet, poisonous fingers have
rested. Of course, there are several big businessmen,
lawyers, cops, politicians, and clergymen sitting with a
sword of Damocles over their heads, dreading the day
when she calls in a favor in order to keep their secrets

36. David Grisholm: David looks completely normal to

the eyes of most outsiders. Tall, and just toned enough
to look fit, he volunteers as a coach for the local school,
assists with bake sales for charity, and he even boards
stray animals. The dogs never seem to like him, though,
39. Annie Cortez: Born to Victor “Iron” Cortez, Annie damaged cases in nursing homes, most who know him
grew up surrounded by blood-stained money and admire what Arnold does… but most haven’t seen the
smoking guns. Far from being an innocent bystander, big picture regarding the number of deaths that bob
Annie is bloodthirsty, hard-driving, and more than a in his wake. He moves jobs and locations regularly,
little bit crazy. Since she’s taken over acquisitions for her often citing the emotional trauma of losing favorite
father’s operation she’s enfolded dozens of smaller outfits patients, but there are hundreds of innocents in the
into the cartel, using the foot soldiers to cause problems ground because of Arnold’s actions. With access to
for the garou of the other tribes whenever possible. drugs, tools, and the cloak of respect afforded to persons
While hundreds of her gunmen have been chewed up in the medical profession, he proves that the Wyrm is
by the meat grinder of the nation, her enforcers have not always loud. Sometimes it is the silence that comes
also killed dozens of kin, and wreaked havoc on the after the last breath once an air bubble it put into a
influence networks the other tribes depend on to work vein, broken only by the tone of a flatline on the heart
their will from behind the veil. monitor.

40. Kurt Donneger: Kurt was little more than a pack 43. Harriett Grossman: A meal with a smile has always
mule for the Fianna his whole life. Driving back and been Harriet’s way. A delight to have in the kitchen,
forth across Germany he hauled equipment, garou, and always delivering free meals to the elderly and the
messages, and more without question and with few poor, her cooking is something people rave about. What
complaints. Any hour, day or night, he was on-call with most don’t see are the cleaning products, venoms, nuts,
never so much as a thank you spoken or a tale told in and tainted meat that she adds to the batches. It’s rarely
his honor. If anyone took the time to mention him, it all at once, but the infections, weakness, and death
was that he wasn’t fast enough, respectful enough, or she’s caused are no less heinous for taking their time.
helpful enough. So when he was drunk on his own one Her efforts have proven particularly effective when it
night, and a figure appeared across the table from him, comes to reducing the population of ratfolk kin and
he didn’t realize what it was at first. Too far gone to Bone Gnawer kin, and she’s been a silent thorn in the
be afraid, he listened while they spoke. He listened City Mother’s network for years.
while the giggling ragabash with the too-sharp teeth
recounted the glory Kurt could have. The tales that 44. Dale “Dumper” Rackett: Living on his old fishing
would be told about him, not just by the Black Spiral boat Troubled Waters, Dale is a man who’s been playing
Dancers, but by his own people. They would make his the long game with his efforts. Making side money
name live forever… even if it was as the most infamous disposing of junk, hazardous waste, and other difficult-
of traitors. Kurt smiled at that, making the decision in to-break-down chemical slurries, he’s been poisoning
that moment to turn his coat. He told the ragabash the swamplands along the Gulf Coast for years. While
everything it wanted to know. Names, phone numbers, some cleanup efforts have pushed back the clock on his
locations; he knew it all, and in a few hours he destroyed plans they’re sporadic at best, and it’s only a matter of
networks and havens that had taken decades for the time before the dominoes start falling. When the do,
tribe to assemble. the final damage could collapse the ecosystem for the
entire region.
41. Rot Bite: The pups who emerge from the pits tend
to be either the strongest, or the strangest, of their
broods. Stunted, with hairless legs and a ragged, rat-like
tail, Rot Bite has the Wyrm’s own maw. Filthy, diseased
gums, jagged teeth, and smoking spittle means that her
bite will eat someone down to the bone sooner or later.
The stink of her is enough to curdle one’s stomach, and
dozens of kin have lost limbs (or lives) to the infections
brought on by her disgusting jaws.

42. Arnold Mendoza, The Angel of Death: Thick in

the shoulders and neck, Arnold often receives glowing
performance reviews from his superiors. Always
volunteering for extra shifts as an EMT, or taking the
200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 13
45. Kailee “Brass” Kulusczkowski: Tight and toned, with demand the attention of the other tribes, the results
her hair worn in a tight fade, Kailee never met a gun have allowed him to refine his formula to create more
she didn’t love. Her daddy gave her a live iron when targeted, and reliable, mutations over time.
she was seven, and no matter how many “accidents”
she had with dogs in the neighborhood, or even once 48. Kenny Hack: Missing three fingers on one hand, and
with a neighbor boy who was too scared to say anything, with half his head burned to a shiny, pink scar, Kenny
he never took it away from her. Instead, he reminded is just a country handyman to most in County Down.
her to be careful, and all she learned was to make sure While he tells everyone he was scarred in a house fire,
she was always blameless when someone asked what he doesn’t mention the fire was caused by one of his own
happened. Since becoming an adult Kailee has never bombs which had gone awry. A phantom bomber, Kenny
gone anywhere without being strapped, and she’s never has mailed explosives to government agencies, wired up
felt an ounce of hesitation about slipping her current car parks, and caused dozens of deaths at air ports and
darling into her hand so it can go to work. She’s found train stations over the years. While the body count of
that all it takes is a few tears, and talking about how his explosives is relatively small, it’s the fear they cause
scared she was, and she usually gets sent home with no that’s the point. The paranoia that paralyzes society, and
charges after the cops show up. The three times her act turns people against each other. Every explosion drives
didn’t work on the responding officers, it did work on that fever a little higher, and sooner or later people break
the jury. While she’s been caught half a dozen times, out into violence all on their own.
that’s only a fraction of the amount of shootings she’s
committed. Between ghost guns, and friends who are 49. Louise Marie Baptiste: Raised around the former
always trading weapons back and forth, she’s lost track providence of Gevaudan in France, Marie knows the fate
of what happened to a lot of her pieces, and who might that truly befell La Bete. A creature she proudly claims
be blamed for what she did with them. kinship with, her fierce desire to live up to that legacy
has led to dozens of investigations into the countryside.
46. Brandon Wu: The Black Spiral Dancers have long Inspectors have found bodies torn to pieces, and partially
used the wheels of mankind’s bureaucracies to do their eaten, and tales have filled the more sensationalized
heavy lifting for them. One sinister task they enacted was papers for years now. Darkness lurks beyond the bounds
to steal children, feeding the orphaned and unwanted of the city lights, and Louise Marie is not alone. The
into their cause. The weak, unworthy, or unsuitable blood of La Bete is strong, and she has whelped half a
were used for sacrifice, or merely as hunting bait. Those dozen children who are happy to help their mother carry
with spirit, who could be shaped into something more, on this dark legacy.
were given a greater purpose. With a bloodline that’s
been all-but-forgotten among those who came to the 50. “Father” Hayden Cross: Televangelists are nothing
United States from China, Brandon still carried the old new, but “Father” Cross is on a whole different level
seed inside him. Unmoved by pleas, pain, or blood, he from the hucksters and charlatans that have filled the
was trained in the inquisitor’s art. With a calm, almost airwaves for so long. Operating from the shadows of the
apologetic voice, those who enter his work chambers dark web, his digital sermons are carried by corrupted
rarely leave. Those who do are cringing, broken things Weaver spirits, infecting those who seek the cult known
that no one who knew them would ever recognize. as the New Apocalypse. While some ardent believers
and madmen fall prey to Cross’s compelling rhetoric,
47. Alicia Watts: Relief from pain and misery is a potent others are eaten up by their exposure to the spirits who
drive, and Alicia has turned this desire into a whole bear the message. Since he began preaching his Signal
new front of assault from the Black Spiral Dancers. A from the shadow of the net, police has seen upticks in
provider of opiates, and a pill dealer on a massive scale, mass shooters who claim there are simply too many
Alicia is the public face of Magos the Corrupter. The people in the world, murder-suicides whose notes talk of
twisted metis personally mixes the bad medicine, and the truth found in the digital darkness, and lone wolves
watches as the reports of his handiwork roll in. Most whose acts of depravity turn the innocent into sacrifices
who seek oblivion through his tainted drugs die, their to the Wyrm.
numbers camouflaged by the greater epidemic at large.
Others, though, will change. They become dangerous
fomori who wreak havoc in search of new release from
their mutated agonies. A useful distraction as they
51. Erin Bridger: Short and bespectacled, Erin generation. It makes Richard smile as he watches the
creates dangerous propaganda campaigns that spread broods, hoping that at least one or two of the cubs he’s
throughout the “alternative” ecosphere online. From fathered make it to their naming day.
anti-vax mothers who refuse to touch those “dangerous”
chemicals, to heavily-armed truthers looking for proof 55. Mariska Savage: Born north of the wall, Mariska
of crimes that never happened, to white power radicals, learned early in life how to steal. Grown to womanhood,
she knows just what lies to whisper into the void in order there are even some garou who never hear her coming.
to wind people up. Whether the tribe needs a protest to While her hand has held a blade more than once, she has
act as a distraction, or the want to push lone actors into no true talent for wet work. She’s proven her worth by
blowing up, Erin can create a symphony of discord in no thieving for the tribe, though, and at present dozens of
more than a few hours. artifacts have gone missing from museums and galleries
that didn’t know the true value of what they displayed.
52. Froth Fang: A terrifying wolf with tightly-drawn The fetishes were delivered into the hands of the Black
muscles and gleaming red eyes, Froth Fang’s maw is Spiral Dancer theurges, to be filled with the song of the
always flecked with white foam. Rabid for years, he Wyrm. Not all tools are weapons, as Mariska’s minders
carries this plague without perishing; quite the contrary, say, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t useful.
he flourishes. Where he treads, the sickness spreads in
his wake, sowing chaos. Every bite is a seed, and bloody 56. Dmitri Kasparov: When the Soviet Union fell, many
fruit grows as the illness takes hold. Unpredictable and of its secret facilities in the Siberian wastes were simply
dangerous, Froth Fang is far more wily than one might abandoned. Dmitri, a thin, laconic, long-haired man,
expect. It’s almost as if the Wyrm whispers its wisdom was put in charge of the breeding program housed in the
directly into his twitching ears. Theta Facility. The location was already outfitted with
a medical wing for experiments on prisoners, and the
53. Shayna North: Taken in a raid on a Silver Fang safe cells used to house the enemies of the state were sound-
house, Shayna was regarded as little more than property dampened. Dmitri has been prized by those above his
by her former mate. Ignored during decision making, station for his ruthlessness, as well as for the impressive
and given no agency, she nevertheless kept her ears rate his endeavors produce fresh kin and garou alike…
and eyes open to drink in every secret that flowed past even if the casualties experienced by the unwilling
her. So when the Black Spiral Dancers took her, she participants could best be described as eye-watering.
had things to barter with for better treatment. She had
names, addresses, bank accounts, and more that she’s 57. Santa Muerte: While many have claimed the title
squirreled away in her mind for years. At first she told of this skull-faced saint throughout Mexico, the woman
herself she was just doing what she had to in order to who commands the pack that calls itself Chocmool is
stay alive, but when the choice eventually came down nigh on legendary among the tribes who operate all
to dying or doing the Wyrm’s bidding there was barely throughout Central America. Her followers, who paint
a moment of hesitation on Shayna’s part. She’s led a their faces in the likeness of screaming skulls, believe
dozen operations over the years now, and her constant she is the embodiment of a great spirit of the Wyrm,
efforts to break the garou’s secrets has led to dangerous and that she tethered herself to this bane with blood
security breaches. No one is holding a gun to her head sacrifices made in a forgotten necropolis of the Aztecs.
anymore; the truth is that she’s more alive now than she None among the other tribes have gotten close enough
ever was before, and she would fight tooth and claw to to learn which rumors are true, but any kin powerful
keep that fire in her heart, and the purpose in her mind. enough to command the respect and fear of such a
dangerous pack is not to be taken lightly.
54. Richard Blackhouse: Tall and pale, Richard makes
almost no noise when he moves. Born beneath London,
he’s mapped underground routes, and discovered dozens
of lost and forgotten shelters built during the blitz,
and some that are even older. He’s found stockpiles
of weapons set aside during the second great war,
abandoned safe houses, and other buried secrets. Several
of the sites he’s discovered have been turned into pits,
the walls ringing with the cries and shrieks of the next
200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 15
58. Asher Knight: Called the Ashen Knight by some 62. Akeem al’Ahmed: Born in the midst of a dust
in the Maze, and the Black Knight by others, Asher is devil, Akeem and the others of his family were raised
a true believer in the power of the Wyrm. A bastard in the bowels of the crumbling ruins of a forgotten
child of House Gleaming Eye, he was valuable enough desert necropolis. Wandering among the ancient dead
to train due to his gnostic talent, but not enough to be of centuries past, reciting the prayers and curses left on
recognized. His deeds were often ignored, and his name their walls, ever since he was a boy Akeem knew that he
rarely spoken of except as a curse by those with a purer would grow to be one of the Wyrm’s teeth. His silence
bloodline. The Wyrm found the weakness in his armor, is the quiet of the grave, and his black eyes are holes
and seeped inside him. It gave him strength, power, and that let one gaze into the eternal emptiness where his
armed him with corrupted relics stolen from his tribe, soul should be. Like the assassins of old, death follows in
before sending him into battle against his own kin. He Akeem’s wake, and his trail goes cold as soon as his steps
relished these battles, hatred and wrath pouring from return to the shifting sands of the desert.
him as he drove his weapon Silver Bane through one
noble chest after another. 63. Maneater: Meat gives strength. This simple truth
is at the core of this wolf’s beliefs, and it is what has
59. Consuela Martinez: Born in the badlands, Consuela allowed her to survive as long as she has. She ate her
was raised early to see the beauty in devastation. Empty brood mates first, breaking their necks before chewing
swaths of scorched land, with acid pools beneath a bloody them down to the bone, then cracking their bones to
sky are what she sees in her dreams. Over the course slurp out the marrow. She killed her mother next, and
of her life she’s started dozens of major wildfires, lying ate her the same way. She’s killed hunters in the forest,
in wait to sabotage efforts to fight her blazes. Nothing and she’s slain man’s warriors who come looking for her
makes her heart sing more than listening as Gaia shrieks with their traps and their stinking, metal beasts. Always
in agony, and black smoke covers the horizon. hungry, Maneater is huge for a wolf, and as long as she
keeps eating she knows in her heart that the Wyrm will
60. Jacob “Pestilence” Maddox: Black, bald, and soft- ensure she keeps growing.
spoken, Jacob has the most important gift any mad
scientist can possess; the ability to go unnoticed by those 64. Jack Dane: Of all the emotions experienced by man,
who see him everyday. He’s injected captured rats with fear is probably the greatest as well as the most easily
virulent diseases before releasing them into the wild, manipulated. Jack looks every inch the competent man
injected toxins into local water supplies, and as part of of action, so when he stands in front of a crowd and
his ongoing pet project he’s been attempting to create tells them there is a threat beyond the walls, they tend
bestial fomori in his lab. His greatest successes have to take him seriously. He whips his crowds into a frenzy
been turned loose, and allowed to create havoc in order of fear, and then gives them a solution to deal with
to draw out the other tribes, making them vulnerable to that fear; the power to destroy it. He’s sold more guns
counterattacks. than anything short of a democrat being elected to the
presidency, but the fear he seeds doesn’t go away once
61. Jeannie “Dead Girl” Lafayette: Obsessed with dead his audience has a weapon in their collective hand.
things since she was a little girl, Jeannie’s education That weapon has to be used to truly banish the fear, and
started very young. As she got older she grew to prefer those who shook the devil’s hand are more than happy
the company of the dead over the company of the to fire till the chamber runs dry if it means they can feel
living. The dead never said mean things to her. They powerful instead of afraid of whatever bogeyman Jack
never hurt her. And when she wanted something, they told them tales of. Even if they’re only heroes in their
never told her no. Jeannie always spends one night with own minds.
the dead warriors whose remains are recovered by the
Black Spiral Dancers… and more than once she’s borne
a child from that lifeless union. The Grave Walkers, as
her brood are called, all seem to have an unnatural chill
about them. And while several of them have had their
first change, each of them has developed some strange
skill or unusual taint that makes them aberrations in the
eyes of the other tribes, and treasures among the Black
Spiral Dancers.
65. Regan “Ripper” Daniels: Symbols represent an the entire bottle, and then some.
idea, and over time they can become as much a part of
someone’s identity as their own flesh. Closer for some 69. Sharon Reach: Ill-gotten gains are Sharon’s stock
people, who would shed their own blood to preserve in trade. An accountant for hate groups, drug lords,
a symbol. Regan’s unique mind identifies symbols in and organized crime families from Ottawa to Kingston,
society, and then she destroys them to shake up what she ensures that the bed men of the world have all the
others consider normal, or peaceful. Sometimes all it funding they could ask for in order to maintain their
takes is burning a flag, or toppling a statue, to unleash illicit operations. In return for her services she, and the
a flood of rage that will have people at each other’s tribe, have entire armies of muscle they can call on, and
throats. Then she can sit back, and watch them tear nearly as many weapons as a small country should the
each other down. need arise.

66. Christopher Franks: A deacon for a huge megachurch, 70. Captain Tarkus Crowder: Tall, deep chested, and
Christopher does his part to bilk the praying public for heavily tattooed, Tarkus sails under the flag of the
every dollar he can. While more and more of the church’s Black Spiral Dancers. A saboteur whose best known for
profits end up in the coffers of the Black Spiral Dancers, disabling deep sea drilling operations (and the massive
Christopher also uses the machinery of the church spills of crude that bloom from such endeavors), Tarkus
to help plant seeds of corruption into the minds and also transports members of the tribe and inserts them
hearts of those who enter its doors. Giving everything along coastal waterways. The Gulf Coast, the Florida
one has in sacrifice to a higher power is baked into the Keys, and island chains in and around the Caribbean
consciousness of those who pray at the altar, but the are his primary scuttling grounds, and they’ve all had
thread of selfishness, greed, and willingness to sacrifice their share of destruction wrought by Crowder and his
others that lurk at the heart of the prayer-for-profit loyal crew of sea dogs.
industry and seed-faith doctrine have all been turned to
feed the Wyrm. 71. Rizzie “Rat” Thompson: It’s tough being broke. It’s
tough being black. It’s tough being a woman. It’s hard as
67. Kirsty Silks: There are taboos all around the world; hell being all three at once. Rizzie was always hustling,
dark rites forbidden to any without the courage to reach scraping by, having to decide between surviving, and her
beyond the limits of sanity and morality. Kirsty studies pride. To make things worse, it seemed like every time
these rituals, and her skin is a testament to the dark she got just a little bit ahead, one of the Bone Gnawers
paths she’s already trodden. She bears rituals scars from messed it up for her. A loud-mouthed pack got her evicted,
cannibal tribes who were all but forgotten, tattoos only a brawl with a fomori destroyed her car, lost her job, and
given to headhunters with proven kills, and her teeth sent her back to square one. So when money turned up in
have been carved with the corrupted glyphs of the Wyrm her mail with a mysterious note attached to it, she didn’t
itself. While one of the most knowledgeable scholars of stop to check the gift horse’s teeth. More money came
the corrupt, most agree that Kirsty’s knowledge is second every month, along with letters from the mysterious figure
only to her madness. Rizzie came to think of as her secret admirer. She’d never
been courted, not like this, and soon enough her special
68. John Ratskill: Once kept on retainer by the Glass someone was emailing her on a regular basis. He wove a
Walkers, John was thrown under the bus when an spell of words around her, showing interest, curiosity, and
operation went sideways and the tribe needed to protect empathy like few others did. When someone ratted her
their own behinds. His handler, Simone Weiss, had out to the tribe, telling them she had a sugar daddy she
gone over to the Wyrm years before, and John didn’t wasn’t talking about, she ran. The tribe was looking for
realize until it was too late. He was collateral damage as her, but her secret admirer found her first. He was tall and
the tribe tried to cut off the infection. He didn’t much strong, well-groomed and handsome, just like she’d always
care for that, so when Simone found where he’d hid imagined he was. He promised to dress her in velvet, and
out, she offered him his old job back… just working for make love to her in the shadows. He did all that, and
a new client. John’s still a private eye, but these days more, and Rizzie loves him for it. More than that, though,
he’s paid well, and at least he knows the score. Over the she fears him. Dante would never hurt her, not knowingly,
years he’s picked up a bit of a drinking problem, but it’s but as time’s gone on she’s realized he’s crazy… and spirits
the only way he can get to sleep. Even then, the dreams help her, she’ll walk the spiral alongside her man, if that’s
usually chase him out of bed by dawn unless he’s tanked what it takes.

200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 17

72. Armand Marconi: With thick hands and a heavy 76. Matthew Mason: With his chiseled physique and
belly, Armand grew up with a blade in his grip. A long, curly hair, Matthew seems more like a model
butcher by trade, Armand has always taken great than a philosopher to those who first lay eyes on him.
pleasure in preparing the kills for the delectation of His talks about tearing down walls and embracing
the rest of the tribe. Careful to avoid the brain and the others doesn’t really sound all that radical, either. The
bone marrow, he tries to ensure that nothing else goes longer one listens to him talk, though, the further
to waste. Soup kitchens and collectives are always glad and further they’re led down Matthew’s own, personal
to see Armand’s truck, and they never ask what’s in spiral. The Children of Truth, as he calls his acolytes,
his jerky, or the delicious sausage links that are always have been associated with dozens of attacks, murders,
so spicy and plump. He takes a particular pleasure in and kidnappings, but Matthew himself has never been
sending donations to those whose loved ones have been closer than a few degrees of separation. He still leads
taken by the tribe, ensuring that at least a part of them the Children, preaching quiet revolution while silently
still makes it home again. blessing those who spill blood on his behalf.

73. Jamie Konnig: A former CIA contractor, Jamie’s 77. Felicia Goreman: A daughter of privilege, Felicia’s
methods were deemed too extreme even for the black father died under very mysterious circumstances. Since
sites. While no charges were officially brought, those then she’s taken his fortune and grown it through the
who have seen the classified photos in her jacket can worst practices she could find. Strip mining, fracking,
rarely manage to keep their gorge down. While she’s “clean” coal, illicit dumping, and worse are all things she’s
kept herself busy since parting ways with the Company propped up with her fortune all across the East Coast.
(allying herself with coup attempts, assassinating Buying influence, and using it to excuse herself from the
government leaders, and other such things), she still consequences of her actions, she’s been responsible for
maintains a stranglehold on certain agency personnel. poisoning thousands of acres of previously recovering
None of them have ever spoken about what she has land, and leaving contagions that have twisted the
on them, but the agents she has her claws in have spirits into fields of polluted banes.
nightmares about what she might do if they refuse her.
78. Shane Rodriguez: Shane was taught many lessons
74. Ari “Black Bag” Twill: Ari doesn’t look like much at growing up, but empathy was not among them. The
a glance, and that is very much by design. From his lank strong take what they want, and the weak suffer and
hair, to his slightly too big clothes, he has engineered die. That is the way of the world, and that is how it
himself to be forgettable and non-threatening. should be. His family’s influence means that Shane is
Necessary in his line of work, which is making people never arrested when he breaks the law, and that many of
disappear. Sometimes it’s for money, sometimes it’s to his crimes are chalked up to either “misunderstandings”
pay off a debt, and sometimes it’s because the tribe needs or “youthful indiscretions” by law enforcement. Every
someone special snatched, but Ari is one of the best time he manages to escape punishment, he grows that
there is at this particularly awful profession. And once much bolder. Drugs, battery, sexual assault, and worse
he hands off his hostages, he doesn’t ask what happens are all on his rap sheet... or at least they were until the
to them. Generally speaking, he doesn’t want to know. charges were summarily dropped.

75. Hate: The big red wolf has the markings of the 79. Ekidna: Whatever Ekidna once was, they’ve become
Fianna, but it’s hard to see anything noble left in the something else entirely. Surgically and chemically
panting, snaggle-toothed brute. Covered in scars from modified, Ekidna’s strength, speed, and endurance have
years of savage fights, his fangs are long, and his eyes all reached superhuman levels, and their long-term
have gone black. There’s no kindness left in the wolf exposure to toxic “treatments” from Pentex has made
anymore. No mercy, no compassion; only the twisted, them poison to the touch. Often kept under lock and
poisonous emotion that the Black Spiral Dancers key, Ekidna rarely speaks. Those who have conversed
turned into his new name. Whatever he was before he with them learn that Ekidna seeks the apocalypse in
was taken, Hate has been beaten down and hammered order to end their own suffering. Only in the fires of
into an engine of murder by the servants of the Wyrm. battle are they truly free, and they will do anything to
Men or wolves, kin or garou, it doesn’t matter when the hold tight to that small slice of freedom.
chain comes off, and Hate is let loose to vent his wrath
upon the field of battle.
80. Melinda Banes: Obsessed with the lore and power of something disappear. Sometimes that means writing
the undead from a young age, Melinda spent her youth it off as just another incident in the paperwork, but
studying at the feet of Blackwater Hattie. Hattie was sometimes it means he’s going to have to mask up and
known as a potent bane binder and servant of chaos, but get his daddy’s old straight razor. He knows the latter is
in Melinda she saw something very useful; a vessel that more dangerous, but that’s part of why he enjoys those
could be used to mix a forbidden brew. A living altar errands so much more.
whereby she, and allies of the Black Spiral Dancers,
could combine the essences of the vampiric with the 84. Chayne: Who or whatever Chayne was in their
bloodline of the garou. Such a thing has been done early days, they have embraced transformation on a
before, though rarely, and the offspring were always grand scale to turn themselves into something beautiful,
hunted down and destroyed immediately. Hattie is and terrible. Their neck is long, supported by dozens of
convinced that Melinda may be the key to unlocking thick, stainless steel rings worked with the corrupted
a new generation of garou who will be primed to glyphs of the Black Spiral Dancers. Their skull is
become undying children after their first change, and smooth and elongated, and their torso compressed
she believes with the right rituals in place they could be into an impossible hourglass shape. Their skin is inked
controlled. Despite her surety, she keeps her activities to with a rite so complex that it took a dozen theurges to
herself, lest her own tribe undo all her hard work with complete it, and beneath their skin are subdermal plates
fire and fang. that act as the anchor point for potent banes. At rest,
Chayne feels like a storm on the horizon. When they
81. Harry Willett: The owner and proprietor of the release the forces bound to them, the dark energies
seedy Harry’s Bar in Omaha, Nebraska, Harry makes become a whirlwind of devastation.
sure the proper palms are greased to keep cops and
health inspectors alike out of his business. A distribution 85. Hunger: It’s said Hunger was born in the bleak wilds
point for all sorts of free-based chems and stims, Harry of the northlands, left alone after her pack died. There
is all too happy to sell whatever poison someone wants was nothing to eat in the woods because the soil, the
to buy. Perhaps the go-to place for big-time users and birds, and even the water had been poisoned by man
small-time gangs, it’s said you can track the number of digging too greedily, and too deep. Hunger ate what she
broken lives in the city by the extra zeroes in Harry’s found rather than starve, and the Wyrm’s taint took
offshore bank accounts. hold as the toxins ran through her body. She grew, and
she changed, but the bigger she grew the greater her
82. Candace “Baby” Owens: With her silver studs and hunger became. She wandered to the fringes, and found
filed teeth, Candace looks like something out of an 80s isolated settlements of people. Their flesh sated her for
era monster movie. Her bloodlust, and her predilection a time, but the yawning hole inside her was never truly
for dismemberment (more than once using her teeth to full. So she keeps eating, leaving shredded tents and
do it in a very literal sense), are far beyond any small empty cabins in her wake as she draws closer to the full
screen slasher, though. A favorite among the pack larder of a true town.
known as the War Hounds, some of her scars are from
her “pleasures” among the pack rather than their battles. 86. Scott Burr: Conceived in the darker parts of an
She’s born several children over her time, as well, and asylum before such institutions largely vanished, Scott
there’s speculation about which ones will end up as the was provided for by the foster system once he was
new generation of the Wyrm’s warriors. discovered. A counter-culture artist during the 1980s,
rumors followed his bizarre canvases wherever they
83. Robert “Bobby” Mills: The Metropolitan police turned up. Violence sparked at his showings, and those
see a dozen examples of the brutal, the awful, and the who purchased his pieces often committed gruesome
callous every single day before they’ve even had time crimes before killing themselves. The Wyrm whispers
to make a proper cup of tea. It never gets old for Bobby, to him, and Scott barely remembers some of the things
though, and his “dedication” allowed him to move up he’s painted. They build up in his mind like vomit,
the ranks at double time. Like a firebug who can’t get and though it’s a relief to purge them, he’s afraid of the
enough of the blaze, though, Bobby never feels more darkness that lives within the images he conjures.
alive than with the scent of blood in his nostrils, and
the excuse to bust any head he can justify. He gets a call
from the tribe from time to time, telling him to make
200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 19
87. Erin Branche: The deserts of the Southwest are Geneva is a master of the art of legal torture, and as
dotted with small, fake towns. These structures were an environmental lawyer her briefs have opened the
built during the chilliest parts of the Cold War, and floodgates for men in love with profit to drown Gaia in
many of them were used to test the effects of new a sea of heavy metals and poisonous waters.
and unique devices of death. The rad counter is high
enough that pits beneath the sands should glow in the 92. Razorback: Some born from breeding rites conducted
dark, but while early generations of kin birthed there down in the darkness are blessed with the gifts of the
were twisted, malformed, and often short-lived, some of Wyrm; Razorback is one such child. With this fur that
their offspring have shown promise. A petite girl with feels more like spines, this wolf naturally excretes a
a wan face, a raspy cough, and a completely hairless noxious chemical that coats him from snout to tail.
head, Erin has dozens of invisible friends. Invisible, but Those pierced by his fur may find their wounds going
not imaginary, as many of Gaia’s warriors have found to septic, and those unfortunate enough to bite him will
their dismay. find that the poison runs through his veins even more
88. Erik Quint: As long as there are people with dirty jobs
that need done, there will be mercenaries like Quint. 93. Marilyn Marsden: A motivational speaker with a
With a long scar down one side of his face, stinking of rough edge, Marilyn is known for her most famous book
sweat, blood, and the toxic fumes of whatever chemical Angry Gets Shit Done. Anything in life, she says, can be
concoction kept him wired through his last job, he’s accomplished through anger. Getting fit, getting that
a blunt instrument of the first order. A leg breaker, a new job, achieving your potential; anger is the fuel that
killer, and worse, Quint is the sort of man who gets will propel you forward to where you want to be. While
twitchy if he hasn’t sown a crop of misery before the sun her message may seem innocent enough at first, the wider
has reached its zenith. it spreads, the more time bombs her encouragement has
set off. Spousal abusers, mass shooters, spree killers,
89. Joanna Marsh: There are dark secrets in the remote and others, have all taken her sermons as permission…
corner of New England where Joanna resides, and it’s which is exactly what she intended them to do.
fallen to her to keep the faith. Tall, thin, and colorless,
the young woman ensures that sacrifices are made on 94. Ron Burton: Horrors are common in the great
the harvest moons, and that the old altars receive the nowhere of the open road. The empty wastes of the
obeisance they expect. Dozens of hitch hikers have Southwest, and the endless barrens of the northern
gone missing from the nearby highways over the years, highways, have been Ron’s hunting grounds for years.
and when Joanna had everything she needed of them From lot lizards to hitch hikers, there are dozens of
she piled their bones beneath the old cypress grove. For bodies rotting away just off the road with the marks of
if one must choose, as Joanna says, it is better to be the depravity scarred into their bones. Far away from the
right hand of the devil than in its path. cameras and the lights of civilization the worst impulses
of the human race are allowed to run free, and Ron
90. Argus Baker: A heavily bearded man who isn’t shy embraces them with abandon.
about using his fists or his gnarled walking stick should
the occasion call for it, people in certain neighborhoods 95. Contessa Gold: One cannot serve god and Mammon
of south Dublin, Ireland tend to walk shy of him. When both, or so the scriptures say. Contessa wields the
something happens in the community, though, he’s the sort of wealth that is corrosive to morality, and toxic
first to raise his voice against it. His words can get the to one’s honor. Often she will seek out the poor, the
blood boiling, making sense desert the aggrieved until disenfranchised, and the abandoned purely to see what
only blood will satisfy them. Knowing his countrymen’s sort of lengths they will go to for even a crumb of what
minds, Argus is often the hand behind the acts that is on her table. She’s seen mothers kill their babies
outrage them, even as he stokes the fires and directs their with their bare hands, men disfigure themselves, and
fury at targets who were innocent of any wrongdoing. children old before their years turn into feral monsters
just to snatch her rewards. The gold she gives them is a
91. Geneva Cliff: The letter of the law is meant to false salve, though, as the deeds one commits to earn it
provide a housing for the spirit and intent in which often leave them hollow inside.
it was written. However, a clever grasp of wordplay
and argument can twist the rules until they scream.


96. Taggart Vance: With a friendly smile, and a glad shot and stuffed wolves, tigers, and bears, his favored
hand that’s traveled up and down the highways, Taggart prey takes a silver bullet to die. A dozen garou have
is an iron monger. If there’s a gun show, a survivalist gone down under his gun so far, and he keeps their skins
meet up, or a dealer get-together, Taggart ensures that in his hunting lodge. He even wears them beneath the
he’s always there for it. He’s more than happy to make full moon, or when he feels the urge to stalk new prey.
deals with someone who has “an honest face” as well,
which means he doesn’t usually bother to check licenses
or to make background checks when it’s time to make a 101. Samuel Ashton wanted to be a priest ever since
sale. He’s also more than happy to take cash to avoid all he first heard about God, but he didn’t have an actual
those pesky paper trails. There are two-dozen gangs, and religious experience until the first time he stepped
more than a few doomsday hoarders and ex-cons, who foot into a library full of forbidden texts. Sam is a truly
owe their collections (and body counts) to Taggart’s devout worshiper of the Wyrm, a world-renowned
industrious efforts. scholar of mad profanities hidden-away by the Mother
Church he claims to serve: given time and the trace of
97. Marnie Blake: Nothing is truly secret in this world. a scent, he can track down just about any bit of weird
Those dedicated enough can always turn over the rocks, esoterica, apocryphal revelation or obscene prophecy
and expose what lies beneath. Marnie’s body is withered ever scribbled down by an obscure blasphemer, heretic or
and twisted, but in the digital world she moves with the excommunicated former nun. Even more impressively,
force of a goddess. Bank account numbers, passwords, Father Aston will gladly provide a traveling pack of
communications, and even access to drones and the Black Spiral Dancers, Pentex executives or a First Team
satellites mean that she is everywhere, and nowhere. with the most unexpected of accommodations: a private
While she has no claws of her own, she is the spotter rectory apartment, draped in crosses & gold, situated
who sounds the call for the Wyrm’s hounds that it’s time squarely on sanctified ground.
to run.
102. Brad Carson turns echoing, pristine wilderness
98. Bruce Maynard: Bruce has worked for years as a into filth-splattered, trackless wasteland. Then
focused deconstructionist, which is his personal term for he turns those acres of useless, polluted dumping-
an industrial saboteur. Any time a development would pits into plastic, soulless suburbs & sprawling,
be made that threatens the Wyrm’s interests, he does labyrinthine subdivisions full of McMansions. And
his part to make sure it is destroyed. From power output he’s terrifyingly good at it. You can spot his smiling
being cut at solar farms to make them seem overblown face – and the face of his wife, Barbara -- on bus-stop
and useless, to research on treatments for disease being benches & towering billboards plastered across the
remotely wiped from servers, Bruce ensures progress is tri-state area: the Carson Team wants to sell YOU
halted in its tracks. an affordable dream-home TODAY. The coiling
mazes of plaster, asphalt and glass Brad carves out
99. Sara Freeman: Civil disobedience has long been of the violated earth leak toxins & madness, and
a tool of positive change, but in Sara’s hands it’s they always hold a handful of secrets: unmarked
been turned from a tool to build a better future into sub-basements and hidden passages between crawl-
a bludgeon to smash whatever order is in her and her spaces are Brad’s personal favorites.
followers’ sights. From Libertarian organizers who seek 103. Corpse-Tearer is a wolf, and a fomor, and death
to drown out legitimate debates on property laws and tax incarnate to those foolish enough to walk into her
codes, to sovereign citizens who believe that Stand Your woods without making proper signs of obeisance
Ground means they can kill anyone who approaches to the Wyrm. She has lived for centuries, they
them at any time, to abortion activists who turn shame say, a grey pus-dripping shadow stalking the black
and hate into a social sledgehammer, she sows dissent forest; folklorists & occultists alike claim she has
and harvests chaos anywhere she lays her fingers. established a thousand packs of followers, lovers
and children over the years … only to devour each
100. Robert Van Pelt: Hunting is often considered and every one of them in a feverish tide of rot &
a noble, honorable pursuit among the garou, but for maniacal, cannibalistic fury when the hunger
Robert nothing matters other than that the blood flows. overwhelms her.
He has a particular love of dangerous game, though he
never engages them in an honest contest. Though he’s

200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 21

104. He reeks of cat-piss, stale cigarettes, week-old 107. Pricilla Guerrero isn’t a household name …
vomit & cheap fortified wine … and, worst of yet. As a young, attractive and disarmingly witty
all, “Bob” isn’t even his real name. It’s just what young writer of religious children’s novels, Priss
he calls people. Friends, relatives, strangers, cops, is sure to have one of her books adapted into a
fellow vagrants, mortal enemies, the ghosts only he major motion-picture or online streaming original
can see, it doesn’t matter: every sentence he utters series any day now. No matter who she has to
starts with ‘Hey, Bob …’ No one knows his actual sleep with or how many people she has to kill
name; most likely, no one cares. And no one is to make it happen. Of course, more than a few
quite sure if he really thinks everyone else is called critics have remarked on the rather exceptionally
Bob, or if that’s just the default name stuck rattling disturbing implications of several of her stories,
around in his big, weird, filth-caked & dreadlocked which seem to paint a rather bleak & nihilistic
head. Regardless, the raving street-lunatic known view of a universe ruled by a needlessly cruel,
only as ‘Bob’ is useful to the Wyrm – for whatever insane and bloodthirsty god. Pricilla laughs off
incomprehensible reason – as a stud: so far, he’s all such criticisms. After all, shouldn’t children
sired seven Black Spiral Dancers with five different the world over learn the truth about the undying,
women, only two of them Kinfolk. More are overwhelming, ever-present love of the one living
doubtlessly on the way. god?

105. Sherman Morton has a framed picture of 108. Berzerk-Killer is the formidable scion of a
himself shaking hands with the mayor on the wall proud Red Talon, and he loves humans. More
behind his desk. Right next to it is a certificate of accurately, he loves the salty-sweet taste of human
commendation from the governor, acknowledging flesh. Red Talons will not provide fresh, hot
his many years of work running the Loving human meat to Berzerk-Killer, which fills the
Hearts Halfway House. The run-down facility behemoth elder wolf with sorrow. Fortunately,
doubles as a homeless shelter, designed to “care there are Black Spiral Dancers: amusing, friendly
for” approximately a quarter of the population it creatures more than happy to allow Berzerk-Killer
currently serves. Mr. Morton couldn’t be happier access to as much “people-food” as he can devour
with the arrangement: the overcrowding gives in exchange for all the cubs he is able to sire upon
Sherman & select members of his overworked staff their she-wolves. This arrangement suits Berzerk-
the opportunity to routinely cull the population: Killer just fine.
recruiting some of his charges into gainful
employment within Pentex, selling others off as 109. Murray Cagle and his boys sell a lot of
labor and spare parts, and a arranging for a favored fireworks to a lot of people: wholesale, factory-
few to enjoy short-lived careers as “exotic” models. direct, shipped same-day to wherever you’re setting
up shop. If it goes boom, Cagle & Sons sells it.
106. Dewey Miller is dumber than a sack of bricks Sure, most of this is grey-market. And some of it
and meaner than a boot full of vipers. Of course, in is outright illegal. But when did a couple of good
his line of work – underground pit-fighting – this ol’ boys like Murray, Wade, Cooper, Tracy & Duke
is not considered much of a liability. Big Dewey Cagle ever let Johnny Law get in the way of his
likes to hit people, preferably in the face, and he havin’ a little harmless fun? Cagle & Sons can get
is exceptionally talented at that singular skill; he you anything your little pyromaniac heart desires,
also likes to sing karaoke, a task for which he has hauled in freight across state lines in the middle of
a great deal less aptitude. Between prize-fights, the night by a Cagle so high on meth he can’t see
arranged by his manager Bill, Dewey spends his straight. And if you need a place to lay low for a
days in the gym and his nights in an endless series bit, there are always plenty of guys with big tents
of backwater honky-tonk saloons. As a professional & seasonal shops full of contraband – just off the
fighter with a creative sadistic streak and a flair for interstate – that owe Murray a couple of favors.
performance, Dewey rotates through a long list of
wealthy clients dedicated to hosting private bare-
knuckle boxing tournaments in a variety of exotic
five-star locales.


110. On the surface, Mabel Owens is a fun, herself fed and clothed with the money that
attractive & exciting young lady with a wild list of appears – seemingly at random – in her bank
weird passions and a deep lust for life. She rides a account. This money, she assumes, is deposited by
skateboard to work at her job with some too-hip the same entity that sends her addresses … and
app-company, dyes her hair a different unnatural pictures of families. Sophie doesn’t think about
shade every few weeks, dates terrifyingly good- it much, but her full-time profession is killing-off
looking people, sees old foreign art-films in movie- the foster-parents (and other support systems) of
theaters you’ve never heard of, listens to excellent Lost Cubs: these people die in car accidents, of
music on vinyl and drinks more exotic craft beer apparent drug-overdoses, and from “suicides” that
than you. Scratch that surface, though, and you’ll leave confused young Garou with no one to turn
find a stone-cold sociopath with a sly, eye-rolling to. No one, that is, but the eager Dancers of the
smirk where most people keep a conscience. Need Black Spiral. All of that is beyond Sophie’s job-
someone’s life destroyed? Mable can handle that description, of course. She has another puzzle to
with a flick of the finger and a few moments worth solve.
of internet access. Heck, she’ll do it just for the
lolz. 114. Don’t let the long white braids and hippie
flower-child demeanor fool you: Dr. Sonja
111. Ben Cox used to hate his life. That’s because Byrd runs a tight ship down at the pharmacy.
his life used to suck. Ben works as a fry-cook at At least, that is, on paper. In actual fact, Sonja
O’Tolley’s (W20, Book of the Wyrm pg. 45), and, is as fiercely brilliant at the art of fraudulent
well … that part still sucks. But these days, Ben bookkeeping as she is at recreational – and
has a whole new group of friends. Ever since experimental – biochemistry. Dr. Byrd has made
the monsters in the dark figured out that Ben is herself the number one local go-to for medical-
one of their boys, they have him run errands for grade narcotics, opiates, stimulants, hallucinogens,
them. In exchange for doing these favors – minor steroids, precursor chemicals and generalized crazy-
stuff, really: just taking some pictures, maybe, or pills of any & every type; what she can’t find or
making a phone-call or slashing the occasional tire grow, she’s happy to try her hand at making in her
– they leave him presents. Sometimes it’s drugs. basement lab. In service to the Wyrm as a fountain
Sometimes it’s cash in a blood-spattered envelope. of glittering poisons, Dr. Byrd delights in fulfilling
Twice now, it’s been a car. Ben is enjoying his the strangest requests her family can make of her
newfound patrons immensely, and when they start … and in sending those of her customers who piss
asking him to do some really messed-up stuff? He’ll her off to work as “voluntary” test-subjects for
leap at the chance. Panacea Pharmaceuticals (WTA: Monkeywrench!
Pentex, p. 9-10 and WTA: Freak Legion: A Players
112. Dr. Amos Reid works with troubled young Guide to Fomori, p. 57).
people. Deeply troubled, if at all possible. He
also works with adults, of course, especially those
with complex dissociative identity disorders,
treatment-resistant uncontrollable rage issues and/
or substance abuse problems … but his specialty is
working with Lost Cubs and budding teen fomori,
nudging them ever so gently in the direction of the
Wyrm’s eager, dripping maw. Dr. Reid is famous in
psychology circles for his radical & unorthodox
therapies, some of which have even been known to
produce results. In occult circles, he’s better known
for his eerie, inexplicable acuity in ferreting-out
unclaimed morsels for the delight of the Wyrm.

113. Sophie Webb is not a fighter. She is a puzzle-

solver. And she doesn’t have a day-job. Sophie
lives a remarkably spartan existence, keeping
200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 23
115. Roderick Barber is big, and ugly, and most his mind. All that said, Rex is a fine fair-weather
people figure that he’s at least as stupid as he friend: he’s got access to concert tickets, stolen cars
looks. Those people are wrong. Roddy has what and bootleg tapes out the wazoo, and he’s happy
might be the very least glamorous profession of to let you use his basement storeroom to shoot a
any mortal servant to the Wyrm; after all, very few ransom-video, for example. He’s produced more
creatures in this world are considered lower than than his fair share of bastard children, as well,
the humble sanitation worker. Still … there are which make him a favored plaything of the Wyrm.
distinct advantages to being an invisible, lowly Just don’t expect the greasy fuck to stick around
garbage-man. And it’s not just the free jumpsuits when the cops come calling.
& the big truck, either. Roddy, he has found, can
go where other people are questioned, stopped, or 118. Old Auntie Dorothy runs the ugliest, most
literally just threatened with firearms or federal run-down sort of greasy-spoon roadside diner &
prison until they go away; he can walk just about flea-bag no-tell motel you’ve ever seen, and what
anywhere, so long as there’s trash to be picked-up you see is what you get. Well … most of the time,
and hauled away. Which is, of course, everywhere. anyway. While the Slop Bucket 24-Hour Diner and
Mr. Barber is clever, and hungry and cruel, and his Sleepaway Motor Court might not boast much in
access to all the things people throw away – and the way of amenities, and while both might act as
to the sprawling, uncharted places they dispose of home to more than their fair share of cockroaches,
their waste – makes him a very valuable pawn of the whole profane location serves as an excellent
the Wyrm indeed. spot to commit violent crimes and /or do drugs.
Dorothy Ball built her horrid – but affordable! –
116. Magdalena DeSade is an artist. A visionary. A little lodge directly above a sprawling subterranean
genius. According to KarmaKanic$: A Journal of Hive dedicated to Relshab the Faceless Eater,
the Engine & Her Soul (Spring Issue International), totem of Vorus the Urge Wyrm of Greed (Book of
Ms. DeSade is, quote, ‘the most provocative, the Wyrm First Edition, p. 78.); the despoiled earth
challenging and erotic young extreme-bondage itself here is suffused with desperate, unnatural
photographer currently working in the field; a desires, awakening the most obscene of appetites in
gift to the world of high-fashion from the gods all those who stop to partake of the many offered
above, her unique use of the grotesque & macabre bargains.
in tableaus of intermingled repulsion and desire
assaults the sensibilities even as it elevates the 119. Johnnie Miles is a wilderness-exploration
essential canvas of human suffering from flesh to counselor for ‘Troubled & At-Risk Youth,’ and
spirit’. Not bad for a girl who mostly just gets off his big grinning mug – just a hulking, photogenic
hurting beautiful people and taking pictures of it. blonde boy-scout with six-pack abs – makes him
Need a place to crash for the night? Magdalena has the perfect poster-boy for teen rehabilitation
a spare loft in whatever high-end art district you out in the big, wide woods. So … what do these
care to name. Need cash? Magdalena has more of it teen offenders & pubescent criminals actually
than she knows what to do with. Need a celebrity’s do on their court-ordered expeditions into the
private number? Magdalena has it, or has someone Great Unknown? Well, they learn wilderness-
who does. Need a body disposed of? Well … survival skills. Ropes courses. Trust falls. How
Magdalena has a fine eye for new, undiscovered & to splint a broken leg. Rappelling. Rafting.
unsigned talent. Hunting & cooking their own food. Spelunking.
And yes: sometimes, down in the blackness
117. Rex Garza is a scumbag, even by the standards beneath the mountain, with all the flashlights
of the sorts of people who frequent his low-rent, turned off, Johnny lets-slip a little bit of that old-
filthy biker dive-bar. When he’s not hustling time religion: mad wisdom brought forth out of
customers at billiards, harassing the waitresses, Malfeas by the last blood-splattered creatures to
watering-down his liquor, selling to underage call themselves White Howlers. So what if a few
drinkers, turning a blind eye to illegal activity on campers have gone missing over the years? So
the establishment’s premises or outright selling many of the others have gone on to do such great
contraband to felons, Rex can be counted-on to things.
be some mixture of drunk, stoned or high out of
120. Vincenzo Saint is long, tall, rail-thin and pale, at least, not often. Never called in sick or missed
with slicked-back silver hair, dressed in faded but a shift; never begged-off to attend a funeral or
formal black like an 1800s undertaker; folks would child-custody proceedings. Lean is, in fact, the
assume he was a vampire if he hadn’t been spotted best employee a Lawn Care Specialist company
walking the sunlit streets so often, wreathed in his could ever ask for. Okay, sure … he creeps-out the
ever-present cloud of cancerous smoke. Mr. Saint customers a bit when he stares. But he’s not the
famously goes through five packs of cigarettes a face of the brand, he’s a worker-bee. And when it
day, lighting them one after another, and no one comes to getting the job done, nobody takes to the
has seen Vinnie actually eat or drink anything in poisons and blades quite like old Lean. So when
all the years he’s been in business. And business is he takes one of the vans for a long weekend and
good: when he sits in an operating room, no one brings it back on Monday with the whole interior
dies. He doesn’t even do anything. Just sits there, reeking of bleach, management is inclined to look
reading an old paperback book and chain-smoking. the other way. The ones who’ve been here the
For the honor of having him “attend” your surgery, longest stop checking the missing-persons section
Mr. Saint charges a cool one million dollars. For of the paper for the next week or so, too.
those with the means to keep him on retainer, it’s
highly recommended. 124. He doesn’t advertise. He doesn’t need to.
Everyone who’s anyone knows who he is; the real
121. Guy Roy doesn’t care what kind of screaming, trick is conning his private contact-info out of
twisted insanity you’re interested in getting into, someone already in the know. Raleigh Moen, they
just so long as your check for the security deposit say, will get you in the best damn shape of your life,
clears. You want to host an orgy? Fine. A masks-on guaranteed. You need testimonials? He’s worked
gay Republican convention with kiddie-pools full with the best of the best: action-movie heroes,
of KY? Great. Some kind of art-core punk-rock bodybuilders, Olympic athletes, pro wrestlers, porn
deal with unlicensed live animals, fireworks and a stars, politicians, televangelists and washed-up
wood-chipper? Sure. Go for all of the above. Just celebrities looking to leap back onto the A-list
have the keys back in Guy’s office by 9 AM on with a whole new look & a rocking bod to match.
Monday. Guy is an odd sort of entrepreneur, with a As personal trainer to the stars, Raleigh gets results
rotating menu of offbeat underground venues, each for his clients, one way or the other. Plenty of his
of them selected for ambiance & privacy, ready to regimen is extreme weightlifting and hardcore
host the most debauched shit you can dream up. cardio paired with high-protein, zero-sugar
The fact that each one of these locations is housed nutrition … but for that little bit of extra oomph,
above a Hive, empowering the banes below with he’s willing to let a client bust into his own private
each degenerate thrust, scream and splatter of medicine cabinet. Might want to get an assistant
blood? Well … that’s just icing on the cake. on the job of cleaning up the bodies, though. The
side-effects can be nasty. Worth it, though, for
122. Tammy Noe is pretty as a picture and sly as a someone with enough willingness – enough fire in
fox; as needs be, she can paint herself as petite and their belly – to make a positive physical change.
naïve, as coy and needy, or as voluptuous and lithe: Have you got what it takes, compadre?
a sweet-scented dream of sexual perfection poured
into taut, aching-hot flesh, Tammy becomes
whatever role she desires to assume with a blink of
her big doe eyes. In reality, there’s nothing beneath
Tammy’s dazzling smile but a ragged scream of
insanity … and the men who worship her are very
lucky if they only find their bank-accounts emptied
and their marriages torn to sobs & tatters. After
all, Tammy has brothers. These brothers have
needs. And the brothers like to hunt.

123. Lean Crowley doesn’t ask questions. He

doesn’t complain. He doesn’t take time off. Well,
200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 25
125. Milagros Dortch is not a comedy act, bro. He of Jerlene’s lunacy and the pale emerald light of
is serious as a heart-attack, bro. World-famous balefires, these flickering passages coil around each
Eastern European touring Elvis-impersonator, other: connecting dozens of Hives scattered across
he’s a sight to behold on-stage: no one brings the Midwest.
more energy to the act than Milagros. No one
would dare. But it’s not all high fives, orange 128. Mari Heart is the gorgeous woman at the end
soda, skintight sequined bellbottom jumpsuits of the hotel bar, the one just a little too pretty to
and custom gold-framed aviator shades for be drinking alone: mysterious, fierce, statuesque,
Milagros. No. Milagros is about more than just perhaps a little melancholy, all-but-daring a
beautiful girls, hair gel and fried chicken, bro: he businessman with one too many scotches in him to
is the living servant of ancient entities, inhuman make the first move. Mari draws these men in like
spirits who crawl, howling, beneath deep woods flies to honey, and empties them of their secrets
and jagged mountain passes, slick with cold rain as she plants visions of delicious horror deep in
and blood. Wherever the tour takes him – from their minds. Mari moves on, hotel to hotel, across
Wrocław to Dubrovnik, from Lviv to Beverly Hills, the world … and the men she touches fly home to
Florida – Milagros remains ever-obedient to the their families and jobs, just a little more prepared
whispers. In him, the glory of the Wyrm is made to act on the most gruesome of impulses.
majestic once more.
129. The hulking, squint-faced Honorable Judge
126. Shae Eubanks works in water treatment, which Beauregard H. Winchester has no time for
means that he spends most of his days wading nonsense. There are plenty of journalists who
hip-deep through raw sewage. He doesn’t mind. suspect him of all manner of corruption – taking
The smell doesn’t get to him much, and the quiet bribes & kickbacks from the local for-profit prisons
is pleasant enough. At least compared to home. and keeping his rich friends from ever seeing the
Shae has a simple-enough job: allow full-blooded inside of a jail-cell, mostly – but the Judge has deep
members of the Hive free access to the city’s roots in the community and patrons in powerful
sprawling underground through the cisterns and places. He isn’t going anywhere, and the one
waterways beneath the metropolis, to work the will public attempt on his life by an aggrieved father
of the Wyrm in blood & terror as they see fit. Shae demonstrated to all who witnessed the beat-down
excels at this job, and for this he is left – mostly – that the Judge’s build isn’t just fat.
unmolested by the greater monsters of the Tribe.
Down in the dripping blackness deep beneath the 130. Renaldo Fairchild sells things that are not –
city, Shae has seen horrors … and not all of them strictly speaking – supposed to be for sale: firearms
are the handiwork of his horrid family. with the serial-numbers filed off, sure, and drugs
but-of-course … but mostly? It’s girls. Renaldo
127. Jerlene is the Goddess of the Dead-Mall, does a brisk trade in young women: taking them
and she expects all those who step within her off the streets, breaking them – mind, body and
filth-strewn cathedral to pay her proper homage: soul – then turning a profit off of them in whatever
paying for passage with cigarettes, crumpled and way he can think of before disposing of them. In a
bloodstained dollar bills, pages torn from old world of moral greys, Mr. Fairchild is a creature of
beauty magazines and bits of sharp rust suitable as absolute, pitch-black monstrosity.
decoration. Jerlene is crazy, and not in the sense
that most of her Tribe-mates are barely capable of
acting human: she is authentically out-of-her-skull,
cannot-be-around-unarmed-people, danger-to-
herself-and-others nuts. The cracked shell of the
abandoned mall she haunts is a holy place to the
Wyrm, a splayed-open web of shattered linoleum,
open sores, discarded baubles and untreated
infections teetering above dank, half-flooded miles
of sub-basements & sewer-access tunnels. Made
soft, porous & liquid in the mad, shrieking heat
131. The question is not, as Lamonica Bales phrases important things: that she believes them, and that
it, whether the company is guilty. The question she knows how to kill the monsters. These little
is whether we’re liable. And if we are? Well, let’s teams of monster-hunters don’t tend to last long, but
see ‘em prove it. Ms. Bales is the sort of success the raw damage that Leonia can do to her targets
story that any Hive could be proud of: born from – usually Camarilla vampires, with the occasional
a twisted womb into a blood-slick spawning-pit a freshly-Awakened mage or newly-changed Bone
mile beneath the earth, fighting naked for scraps Gnawer – is truly horrific. She’s killed critters that
of rotten meat with a thousand of her screaming usually punch several weight-classes above her own,
cannibal siblings for the first decade of her life, often at the cost of only a few dozen innocents.
Lamonica has ascended to the upper echelons of
Pentex’s stable of highly-paid corporate lawyers 135. Shanika Dupree is an all-new, 3rd-millenium
with eerie ease. Hell … she’s barely the least- kind of celebrity: an extremely online ‘influencer’
human member of her team. who makes whatever it is she eats, drinks, snorts,
wears, listens-to or buys the latest, hottest trend
132. Anyone on the force will tell you that Nidia of the decade. Shanika makes a relatively good
Beam is a damn good detective. When it comes amount of money at this gig, but not nearly enough
to homicide, she seems to have a sort of … what’s to support her extra-over-extra-lifestyle of mind-
it called, sixth sense? Second sight? Shit, who’s to numbingly conspicuous consumption. She relies on
say. The fact of the matter is that when Nidia steps a stipend from Pentex and the benevolence of other,
onto a crime scene, the whole thing just seems better-heeled kinfolk to keep her in penthouses,
to fall into place in her head: blood spatters, exit ten-dollar lattes & high fashion, leveraging her ever-
points, means, motive, opportunity, they’re all just growing fanbase to promote whatever new dogshit it
little bits of a dark puzzle that click together for is that the Wyrm wants people salivating for.
her out of the whirlwind. Most of her coworkers
would be quite surprised to discover that Ms. Beam
– between solving cases – keeps a very special file
on ‘Family Matters’: sending her colleagues down
precisely the wrong rabbit-hole whenever members
of her extended household leave a big, ugly mess.

133. Officer Andrew Baird is not a particularly bright

man. Hell, even compared to other beat-cops, he’s
below average in terms of pure book-smarts. But he’s
certainly got it where it counts: the ability to accept
bribes from exactly the right people, and to threaten
violent murder whenever that doesn’t quite work
out. Of course, friendly Officer Andy doesn’t have 136. Curtis Pinkerton does not run a prison gang.
enough intellectual wherewithal to live a full-on There are no gangs in this prison, of course … but
double life, let alone a triple, so he leans on his sister even if there were, Curtis has found that he makes
– a well-respected Black Spiral Theurge – to help a better lieutenant than he does a general. Curtis
him keep the various aspects of his life organized, in lives to serve, in fact. For that reason, he spends his
exchange for blanket immunity for her & her pack. days doing hard time in service to the Wyrm: after
all, if he decided that he really wanted to leave, he
134. Leonia Lau puts together teams of violated could make a single phone-call and be out before the
people, recruiting survivors: she trolls 12-step next full moon. Instead, Curtis preaches the word of
programs, support-groups, halfway houses and the Wyrm to those with the mind to comprehend,
homeless shelters, eyes peeled for those haunted sometimes with fists, sometimes with meth, and
few who’ve seen monsters – or at least gotten close sometimes with a shank. In his own strange way,
enough to feel their ripples through the darkness he’s produced more converts than nearly any other
– and lived to tell the tale. Ms. Lau tracks down preacher can boast.
& befriends people who’ve lost everything to the
lurking fiends of the night, and she tells them two
200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 27
137. Valeria Longo knows how to get things ruthless in stomping-out legends & revelations the
through Customs. In many instances, the trick Wyrm does not desire the world to see.
is not to involve Customs at all: in the import/
export business, the most valuable cargo is usually 140. If your home or business is experiencing pest-
best handled as discreetly as possible, flown in problems, Wynell Shumaker is the man to see: with
under radar and offloaded at a private airstrip. a variety of chemicals, specialized tools and three
When it comes to delivery of truly priceless decades of know-how at his disposal, he can rid a
contraband – whether its pre-human artifacts client of anything that might trouble their sleep,
dug from the howling, trackless deserts of what from termites to racoons, from private investigators
is now modern-era Baghdad or bleeding-edge to whistleblowers, from troublesome exes to nasty
tech smuggled directly from the black-ops labs rumors about whatever it is that goes on down in
of Shinzui Industries (WTA: Book of the Weaver, your sub-basement. Although his methods aren’t
p. 87) – Valeria is second to none, with a list of precisely orthodox, and his prices run on the steep
clandestine contacts longer than your arm & a side, Mr. Shumaker specializes in keeping his
proven willingness to engage those who trouble customers completely satisfied.
her clients in the most excruciating of tortures.
141. Trinity Cromwell is a master violinist, world-
138. Shavonne Ochoa has a cult of young men who renowned for her utter command of the instrument;
worship her: violent felons who hang on her every her work has graced the finest amphitheaters in the
word, leaping to obey her most-casual command. world, heard on the bestselling soundtracks of operas
Ms. Ochoa is, according to her resume, but a and blockbusters alike. Trinity travels extensively,
humble corrections officer, kickboxer and former and she travels with an entourage. In this capacity,
beauty pageant winner. In this capacity, however, the imperious and striking Ms. Cromwell serves
she is the living embodiment of desire & power the Wyrm, and the twisting obsession-spirit who
for an ever-shifting, obsessively-loyal congregation grants her gifts beyond the skill of any mortal: in the
of killers, burglars, dealers, car-thieves, smugglers exclusive circles where Trinity walks, inaccessible to
and kidnappers. By her word, contraband enters mere monsters or Pentex corporate brand-managers,
the prison. By her whim, men are released to roam she may work the dark will of her patron in a way
the outer world once again. By her leave, empires unfathomable to lesser artists.
grow or crumble. With a wink, nod, or wave of her
hand, people die ugly deaths, within the walls of 142. Chere Delgado isn’t a tour-guide in the
her fiefdom or far from it. traditional sense of the word. She knows the city
inside and out, of course, from the secret history
139. Dr. Magritte Vanhorn molds young, you won’t find online to the stuff any new arrival
impressionable minds as a tenured full professor, should have the immedite heads-up on, but she
department chair and senior academic doesn’t work for a basic hourly rate plus tips. Chere
administrator at one of the most prestigious works for Pentex, and her sprawling institutional
liberal arts universities in the world, reshaping knowledge of what’s going down in the dark – when,
the consensus of the elite – and thus, the world where, who, why & how, from the Prince of Leeches
– with every syllable she utters. Editor of several and his undying coterie to the Glass Walkers &
distinguished, scholarly journals on anthropology, the various magicians in bed with them – keep the
hominid biology, cultural physiology and the company ready to make rapid, strategic surgical
complete world history of human society, Dr. strikes in the depths of an utterly hostile urban
Vanhorn is a globally-recognized authority on the environment. Ms. Delgado gets paid what most
development of our species. It’s somewhat amusing, people would consider an absolutely astronomical
then, that she treats the whole thing as a sick joke: amount of money to – in effect – party, schmooze,
she spends most of her time manipulating her grad- seduce, attend gallery openings, buy drugs from
students in shockingly cruel ways, setting her many weirdos, befriend gang members and otherwise
subordinates against each other in elaborate games, insinuate herself at every level of several secret
doing her best to generate a steady flow of affairs, societies at once. For the executives who’ve relied
divorces, suicides and other entertainments. When on her expertise, Chere is easily worth twice the
called-upon by her family, however, Magritte is price.
143. The Marines were looking for a few good men. 146. Barry Laney tries to be a reasonable guy.
It took them six weeks to realize Mark Rafferty Because guess what? Food falls on the floor
wasn’t one of them. Not that Mack doesn’t have sometimes. It just happens. In a busy kitchen, it
the majority of the attributes one might hope for can only be expected that sometimes – sometimes!
a Marine to possess … it’s just that Mack doesn’t – an overworked & underpaid cook or server will
really process emotions like sympathy or guilt scoop the crap back up onto a plate and get it out
in any meaningful, human way. Since leaving the door. This isn’t gourmet dining, folks. I mean,
the care of the United States military, Mack has come on. As a supervising Health Inspector with
made a name for himself as a soldier of fortune: a lot of paperwork to be filed, Mr. Laney doesn’t
striding the killing fields of a dozen-some unlucky have the time & resources to investigate every
nations with a gun in-hand and a smile on his little complaint of band-aids, rat-droppings or
blood-spattered face, burying men & fathering Kin. hair in somebody’s food. Look: if people don’t like
Where there’s murder to be done, Mack is happy to eating at O’Tolley’s, they’re welcome to cook at
oblige anyone with a bank account large enough to home. Right? Right. So let’s be reasonable: A+,
accommodate his daily expenses, which run toward perfect score, keep up the good work, see you guys
an expensive taste in whiskey & girls. These days, next year.
it’s mostly Pentex, which works fine-enough for
Mack. 147. Dr. Ossie Conner works in infectious disease,
investigating outbreaks worldwide for Pentex in a
144. Mary-Jane Comstock doesn’t fit the profile of joint effort with the CDC and WHO. His favorite
an international gun-smuggler, which is one of the part is when he gets to shoot someone with a
reasons she’s so well-suited for the job. Mary-Jane tranquilizer, read a bit of legal boilerplate off the
looks like a vapid, wealthy, bitchy blonde teenager laminated card in the pocket of his hazmat suit
on holiday: one who could make a humble public to the horrified witness, and have some orderlies
servant’s life VERY unpleasant with a single angry drag the offending ‘infected’ back to the lab to
phone call to her daddy. Mary-Jane’s youthful ‘run some tests’. Ossie has any number of tests
glow – and terrifying, shocking physical prowess he can run, ranging from invasive to torturous to
in a fist-fight – stems from her regular indulgence theoretically-nonlethal. One of these days, he’s
in vampire blood; she takes payment in the stuff, even going to prevent the spread of a virulent
a price that a surprisingly large number of Leeches pathogen in some 3rd-world country … even if
are willing to pay. Mary-Jane, due to a quirk of it’s just by sheer dumb luck. In the meantime,
her physiology, is immune to the so-called ‘Blood there’s bone-marrow to be extracted jammed into
Bond’ … a fact that would deeply disturb the centrifuges. Whee!
clients who consider her their most-trusted asset.
148. Tashina Duran gets to wield a surprising
145. Milan Baldisseri is six-foot seven-inches, amount of power, considering how goddamn
four-hundred & fifty pounds of bad news, with a crazy she is. Maybe people just don’t consider
sloping Cro-Magnon brow above dark, soulless the fact that an actively malevolent and insane
eyes. Stuffed into a $3,000 pinstripe silk suit, he City Planner can do significantly more damage
makes an imposing bodyguard to whatever Mafia to a struggling community than any wild-eyed
underboss currently pays his daily stipend, while maniac with an assault rifle. Or maybe it’s just that
the long, jagged scars up and down his forearms Tashina is eerily practiced at keeping her passion
– ending in hands like catcher’s mitts – are proof for seeing homeless people soaked in gasoline and
in the flesh that his quiet threats are more than set ablaze by bored, jaded upper-class teenagers
mere bravado. Milan has a higher calling than quietly buttoned-down. One thing is for sure,
just breaking legs and dumping bodies in rivers though: the monied classes have seen a significant
at the behest of his employer, however: Milan return on investment since Ms. Duran took
answers to a secret queen, whose shadowy whispers over her office. Even if the indigent population
guide him through the tangled web of criminal downtown is getting just a bit out of hand.
allegiances with the ease of a chess grandmaster … Someone ought to do something.
always pushing the Families to ever-greater acts of
200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 29
149. You can buy a house from anyone. They sell Of course, Mr. Finch would be pleased to provide
‘em over the internet. Heck, they have a few any number of other services for his clients. One
with wheels on them, for cash, just down by the need only ask, sir, and Mr. Finch would be happy
turnpike. There’s a bunch of empty ones in that to provide.
abandoned subdivision out past the edge of town.
Or, if you’re looking for a home, a place to raise a 152. You wouldn’t believe how much money you
family and to take some pride in, you can speak can charge a police department to clean up a crime
with the offices of Sharyl Archer and Associates. scene. Karon Tilton has made it her life’s work
Sharyl doesn’t sell houses. She sells dreams. The to scrub the blood, brains and bodily secretions
American Dream, specifically. Her business is of every corpse in the tri-state area out of every
lucrative, and not just because she’s willing to cut earthly material one can imagine, and she’s still
corners & double-deal someone dumb enough to surprised every time she sends a well-padded
buy from her: when Pentex needs an empty house invoice to the local PD and sees that fat check
in a suburban neighborhood for a weekend or a come rolling in: all those zeros, it’s unreal. Of
month, Sharyl has a rotating stock available. If course, these days Karon spends most of her time
something needs to be buried in the basement, of managing her sprawling staff of teams, assigning
course, that’s the next owner’s problem. premium-rush cases to her best crews and leaving
the ugliest, ripest horror-shows for those of her
150. There are any number of five-star hotels employees who’ve pissed her off. The best part,
available to the high-powered businessman though, is partnering with local third-party
traveling first class between the elite, financial- organizations. Did you know that “accidentally”
capital cities of the world: Los Angeles to Las losing a bullet-casing you found under a couch can
Vegas, Houston to Dallas, Negril to Nassau. be worth $100,000? And that “finding” a knife
The Hunter’s Hollow Group owns & operates a provided by a client can be worth twice that? And
handful of exactly such facilities: exclusive private that scrubbing-down even a small murder-scene
nightclubs and sleek, black-glass beachfront hotels before the police find it is worth even more? For
designed for exceptional luxury, all tucked far away those with Ms. Tilton’s private number in their
from the prying eyes of journalists, investigators contacts list, her fees are well worth the price.
and the feds. Kortney Harwood, daughter of
founder Bennett Harwood, takes great pride in 153. Christian ‘Kit’ Whitlock is a student of fire. He
maintaining each and every one of her properties, researches incendiaries. He scrutinizes accelerants.
disposing of most ‘problems’ with her own bare He obsesses over everything flammable and
hands. Her intimate relationship with Francesco inflammable … because everything burns, beyond a
(WTA: Book of the Wyrm Second Edition, p. 60; certain heat-point. Kit is what we in the industry
W20: Book of the Wyrm, p. 59) and his closest call a natural-born fire-freak, an obsession he
siblings, of course, makes her ongoing contract has – with great care – developed into a gift for
with Pentex all the more lucrative. sniffing-out arson. When it comes to insurance
investigators, there are very few people who can
151. Marcellus Finch drives a limousine, but the begin to boast the level of care, insight or attention
real money isn’t in getting his big, beautiful black to detail that Kit brings to every case of probable
vehicle from point A to point B safely and in-style. man-made act-of-god. The only problem is that
No. No, you see, people pay Mr. Finch a great deal Kit can’t really be ‘reviewed’: his word is the gold-
of money – off the record & under-the-table – to standard for the tri-state area, and significantly
keep their secrets and to provide the occasional bit more fire-chiefs cite his reports than the other way
of muscle, which are skills at which Mr. Finch truly around. Which serves to provide Mr. Whitlock
excels. Looking sharp as hell in his fresh-pressed, with plenty of opportunities to indulge in his own
double-breasted, jet-black chauffeur’s uniform, personal hobby: he’s growing bolder as he gets
Mr. Finch has moved more bodies into dumpsters, away with burning down bigger and bigger, more &
rivers and drainage ditches than he could begin more public stuff. And pretty soon, he’s going to do
to count. He’s also shot, straggled and ‘overdosed’ some real damage.
a huge number of troublesome guests. Heck, he’s
even helped a client or two torture a guy to death.
154. The Right Reverend Curtis Pugh doesn’t 157. Melvin Barela makes toys. Melvin works for
actually believe in God, but that surely don’t Avalon Inc. (WTA: Book of the Wyrm 2nd Edition,
mean he doesn’t believe in anything. As a traveling p. 62; WTA: Subsidiaries: A Guide to Pentex, p.
revival preacher with perfect jet-black hair, a 82-99), and he loves his job: designing cool new
lantern jaw, flashing baby-blues, vivid descriptions action-figures and games and dolls and sports
of hellfire on his lips and a well-worn bible equipment is, like, the best thing that anyone
clutched, white-knuckled, in one hand, Rev. Curtis could ever get paid to do. In a job like this, with
believes in the power of fear. And of hate. And his own office and drafting table and espresso
of jealousy and suspicion, and most certainly in machine, Melvin gets to stretch every part of
the power of addition. The Reverend wanders the his imagination: the electrical manufacturing
back-country roads in his bright white preachin’ background, the structural & chemical engineering
bus, running through the deep wilderness between degrees, the artistic side of his brain, the … well,
sad, lonely and crumbling communities, sowing the everything! And best of all, the people here at
sorrow as he’s able. Sometimes, that just means Avalon aren’t like his old jobs, where everyone
bedding a lonely wife or impressionable daughter always got ‘weird’ about the sorts of things Melvin
before he moves on. Sometimes, that means riling wanted to make. The jobs where he had to sit
up the people to a lynching. Sometimes, it means a through sensitivity training and censor his work
whole family & their farmstead burn. And in those and go to therapy and apologize to his bosses for is
rare moments, the Reverend allows himself a smile. ‘visions’. Here, they find a big brain like Melvin’s
very useful indeed.
155. Vern Cosgrove doesn’t like quitters. Or wimps.
Or pansies, or crybabies, or any of the rest of these 158. Sulema Wirth is busy, busy, busy. She works
coddled, pathetic Gen. Z whiners. He also doesn’t for the creature known as ‘Deuce’ (Mage: the
like math, which makes his choice of vocation as Ascension; The Fallen Tower: Las Vegas, pg. 48-
a Jr. High algebra teacher somewhat confusing. 49, pg. 90-91), acting as accountant and assistant
manager for the infamous underground Arizona
Still, the position affords Vern the opportunity to
Club, operating with utmost efficiency and
abuse a very small amount of power as an Assistant
obsessive, paranoid secrecy. This job is difficult,
Wrestling Coach, turning lonely bullies into packs
dangerous, frustrating, and more rewarding than
of arrogant meatheads with the skills to seriously
Ms. Wirth can begin to put into words. After
injure or cripple those they torment. In his own
all, her boss doesn’t come close to thinking like
shortsighted and hateful little way, Mr. Cosgrove is
a sane person … or even like a person at all,
responsible for as much horror, sorrow and agony
fundamentally: Deuce is older than written
as any servant of the Wyrm could ever hope to be.
language, sure, but he wouldn’t remember to put
on pants in the morning if it wasn’t for Sulema.
156. Joanne Hirst can make your life very deeply
Teaching him to use a coffeemaker? A month of
unpleasant, if she desires to. That is, if one nightmares. In her rare off-hours, Sulema likes
happens to be employed or enrolled in the to fantasize about what Las Vegas could be, if
Fine Arts Department for which she serves as it weren’t for the mages & vampires, the Glass
administrator and de facto oligarch, or if one would Walkers & the Bone Gnawers: a true Mecca of the
like to depend on the favor of such an institution Wyrm’s legions, capital city of the World of Sin
at some point in the indeterminate future. With to come, with her at the right hand of the blood-
the flick of a perfectly-manicured fingernail, splattered Emperor of Vegas.
Joanne can undo a lifetime of work: shattering
careers, rescinding grants, putting an artist out on
the street or favoring a rival for feature in the next
issue of KarmaKanic$: A Journal of the Engine &
Her Soul. Mrs. Hirst may possess a small kingdom
… but within it, she is god. And if a ‘friend’ of her
extended family happens to need something from
the Department? Joanne would be delighted, of
course, to be of assistance.

200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 31

159. Floozy-Eater is a world-famous, international 162. Neculai Felegheru was once a messenger & spy
superstar. Well … in certain circles. As one of for the Shadow Lords, working in secret against
many ‘main attractions’ featured at the fabulous, the ancient Fiend who ruled over oceans of black
ultra-private Arizona Club of Las Vegas, Nevada, forest from its towering, hideous mountainside
Floozy-Eater is one big, bad, pampered wolf. He castle. That was long ago. One fine spring morning
has two different acts, which he performs nightly so many centuries past, Neculai met a maiden,
in front an adoring live audience and hundreds beautiful and brilliant: Ilinca Zanatosa. To her,
of anonymous high-rolling viewers watching he pledged his love. To her family, he pledged
from the comfort of their own home: one of these his service. In time, Ilinca was raised in darkness
“acts” involves fighting a naked & partially-bound to stand proudly beside her Sire: Ilinca became
captive, and the other one is pretty much exactly Childe of Rachlav the Unquenchable & Blood-
the same thing except that sometimes his costar Sibling of Lukasz, Childe of Nyoritz the Corrupter
lives. of Legions & Voivode of Voivodes, Childe of
Djavkhi, Childe of The Land: Eldest & Founder
160. Horace Williford wants to pay you quick cash of Clan Tzimisce. A millennia later, Neculai yet
for the old stuff sitting around your house! Or, you serves his bride with skill and determination,
know, the old stuff sitting around whatever house walking by day with her blood coiling in his veins.
you happen to come across, if it comes to that. He has smuggled her body, when she sleeps, across
Horace buys gold, silver, jewelry, home electronics, continents and oceans. He has killed scores of
musical instruments, firearms, appliances, men: ghouls, vampires, even Lupines. He has
televisions, computers, books, stereos, art, décor, fathered a dozen or more Black Spiral Dancers, at
furniture … you name it, he buys it! He also sells, the request of his smirking wife. In all this time, his
so swing by Williford Pawn any time: day or night, adoration has not faltered or wavered. To her, and
24 hours, 365, to browse the largest selection of her alone, his soul is ever true.
gently used goods and hidden treasures in the tri-
state area. For those in the know, old man Horace 163. Hollie Bowser has one of the more difficult
and his cavernous junkyard of odds, ends and jobs here at Pentex. You see, it takes nerves of steel
ephemera are the single best source for weird Bane- and balls of goddamn depleted uranium to look a
fetishes on the North American market: willing to hulking, blade-&-muscle-coated 700-pound Fomor
trade stolen goods and contraband of any type for dead in whatever the fuck it has instead of eyes –
just about anything a discerning hunter of humans anuses, most likely – and tell the big ugly bastard
could desire to hold. to drop and give you 20. Of course, compared to
staring-down a full-grown Black Spiral Dancer
161. Hsiu Palacios is not psychic. She’s a ‘psychic,’ who’s fixin’ to eat your fresh kill? It’s dead easy.
though … and a damn good one, at that. As And it’s work that has to be done, unfortunately:
a celebrity ‘spiritual medium and new-age the majority of newborn fomor don’t come from
clairvoyant’ specializing in only the most lurid, any kind of proper military or law enforcement
high-profile and sensationalistic Missing-Person’s background, sad to say, and the average member
cases, Hsiu has spun her gifts for cold-reading, of the species is significantly more confident in its
frowning in a telegenic way, pretending to read ability to win life-or-death fights than it has any
auras and faking sincerity with a sexy pout on right to be. Hollie whips the bastards into shape,
her face into a lucrative career: she’s written one way or the other; some of them live to become
three books, been interviewed for a dozen hyper-efficient killing machines, and the rest of
documentaries, charges an absolutely absurd them get tossed in a blender & churned into fresh,
amount of money for private consultations, and delicious Fomorol. Either way, Hollie don’t lose a
is this close to getting her own show on daytime wink of sleep.
television. Sometimes, she gets a call from her
‘secret admirer’ with a hot tip about where to find
a body, undiscovered bloodbath or suspect on the
run … and when that happened, Ms. Palacios is
hot on the trip, cameras rolling.


164. Gertrude Kinard is a very special kind of you were ethically sourced, taken from sacred
recruiter for Pentex; she doesn’t pass out glossy burial-grounds and ritual ceremony-spaces only
promotional pamphlets or attend college career with the full permission of tribal elders. These
days. Instead, Lil’ Miss Gertie makes her way silver-tongued assurances are worth less than the
through the world picking up the pieces of broken air they pollute, of course, but the sort of tacky,
lives left shattered in the wake of the Wyrm’s nouveau riche white people who can afford the
passing, finishing-off the work of our broken reality unique, exotic home-decor Ms. Winfrey sells aren’t
by refilling people’s damaged souls with something really big on following-up that sort of claim. In
stronger. There are a million ways to attract a Bane the meantime, big-ass ugly-ass McMansions built
to a wounded psyche, and Ms. Kinard knows all of for people with absolutely no taste at all are being
them. She makes monsters out of scared, sad, hurt, filled with priceless ancestral relics, stuck on a wall
and lonely people … and these monsters, she turns or marble foyer pedestal and forgotten. Heck, some
over to corporate. of the ‘works’ she sells are legitimately long-lost
Gaian fetishes & talens. How funny is that?
165. Lotus King Spa and 24-Hour Massage
provides any number of services for the discerning 168. Captain Verena Hornsby runs a tight ship,
gentleman customer, some of them arguably 100% operating a series of luxury yachts and mega-
legal. As manager & owner-operator, Krystle yachts reserved exclusively for the use of Pentex
Nguyen has a lot of work on her plate, not least executives and their private gatherings. While
of which is importing girls from across Southeast other nautically-minded professionals might need
Asia, housing them and putting them to work. to bribed or gently persuaded to look the other
While she’s at it, she does a brisk trade in a way before playing host to the sorts of parties
variety of other imports & exports: drugs, alcohol, her customers enjoy, Verena is beyond delighted
firearms, knock-off designer goods, exotic animals to be of service: if she’s not transporting the
and anything else she can use to turn a tidy profit. occasional bit of illegal cargo, live specimen or
You need unregistered medical equipment or tiger- soiree, Captain Hornsby gets bored. And when the
meat? Krystle is the girl to talk-to. And if you just Captain gets bored, her vessel becomes a much less
need a basement in which to crash-out for a few pleasant place to be a stowaway, captive or junior
hours, well … Ms. Nguyen has one of the largest, crewmember. Verena goes through staff at a rapid
most labyrinthine dungeons you’ve ever laid eyes clip, sure … but those who survive are among the
on. best of the best in the industry.

166. Ollie Sherrill works the late shift. As a clerk 169. Elliot Kiefer has this stage magician thing
at a 24-hour truck-stop in the middle of the ass- down. He’s handsome, athletic, charming, quick-
end of the Midwest, in a location whose sole witted and has some of the fastest hands you’ve
importance is that several interstate highways all ever seen. Or … failed to see, as the case may be.
produce a single brightly-lit tangle of off-ramps The fact that his identical twin brother Ethan is
in the same glorified, diesel-scented cornfield, in on the act is just icing on the cake, of course:
that mean Ollie sees some weird shit. Most of it is between the two of them, the Kiefer twins could
meth-deals, biker-brawl, sleep-deprived motorists have made a mint turning their talents to con-
and drunk lot-lizards, of course. But sometimes – artistry, burglary, cheating at high-stakes poker or
just sometimes – it’s weirder. Darker. Tied-up in running a chain of successful used car dealerships.
the old black magic of the deep, endless caves that But a love of a showmanship and the open road
run underneath the town, and out into the woods lead the two of them to the glamorous world of
where hikers disappear every couple of years, near stage magic: where they go, there’s chaos and
the abandoned drive-in. When that happens, Ollie wonder, confusion and the occasional dead body.
doesn’t bother calling the incompetent, racist local With a single call to either of their cellphones, the
sheriff’s department. Ollie calls his gran-gran, and boys are happy to lend their talents to any pack of
sometimes she sends … ‘things’ to investigate. Black Spirals who need a distraction, misdirection
or case of mistaken identity.
167. Michelina Winfrey can personally assure you
that all of the Native antiquities you see before
200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 33
170. Shemeka McCorkle is a proud men’s is a sleaze connoisseur, which he’s very cleverly
rights activist, a proud white woman, a proud spun into a career as a highly successful sleaze
heterosexual, and she won’t be silent about entrepreneur. Look: you would be shocked and
the mistreatment of strong, white, masculine horrified out of your mind if you knew just 1%
individuals in our overly-sensitive, overly- of 1% of what of kind lurid, obscene, degrading,
feminized multiculturalist society a single moment violent and monstrous filth is floating just under
longer. A former deep-south, bible-belt beauty- the edge of mundane perception, drifting across
queen turned gun-toting, liberal-offending talking imageboards and file-sharing sites like a cancerous
head, Shemeka is a cagy political fighter: picking algal bloom on a black ocean of secret data. It’s
her battles with care, surrounding herself with not Marcos’s fault that society is sick; all Marcos
loyal operatives, weaponizing her beauty whenever does is find, collate, organize, review, edit … and,
convenient, and maintaining plausible deniability yes, occasionally create or commission novel new
between her own carefully-manicured brand of horrors, all for the benefit of wealthy people who
home-spun fascism and the ‘violent, isolated, lone- simply find themselves too jaded to be appalled
wolf extremists’ who commit hate-crimes after by ordinary, everyday atrocity anymore. For those
attending her rallies. seeking a more refined degree of indecency,
something to quench the strangest & darkest
171. There are texts it’s illegal to read. Images of thirsts, for the delicate palate of the truly
it’s illegal to see. Files it’s illegal to own, and discerning pervert, a discreet care-package from
dangerous to open, and even potentially lethal to Mr. Steele is worth whatever exorbitant fees he’s
comprehend. And Waylon? Well, Waylon has charging these days.
access to all of them. Waylon Smallwood – AKA
‘aaron a. anonymous’ – is the digital ‘Font of 174. People get hurt, people get sick, people die
Forbidden Media’: trained in the quasi-mystical … and all of that, frankly, is terrific for business.
arts of enlightened dark web data-collection and Ebony Blanco drives an ambulance, and he’s very
information manipulation by no less a monster good at it. He’s learned a lot, looping the woo-
than the Nephandus called Jennifer King – AKA woo wagon through the empty, neon-lit & blood-
‘The Green Dragon’ (Mage: the Ascension; The splattered streets in the dead of night for so many
Fallen Tower: Las Vegas, pg. 84-85), Waylon is an years. Ebony knows the parts of town to avoid,
army onto himself: commanding a swarm of bots even in the daylight, and – much more importantly
& banes to weave horrors as he desires, where the – he knows the fancy, secret-password places an
long shadow of aaron a. anonymous passes, lives outsider can only access if somebody inside calls
fall like soiled dominoes. for the cops & the carrion-carriage. Ebony knows
where to get good drugs, certainly, but he also
172. Did you know that vaccine-injury and autism knows where to score bad drugs, if that’s the sort of
cause more deaths each year than firearms and thing you want to get your hands on for whatever
car-accidents combined? Beverly Carswell knows, reason. Ebony he knows where to dump a body …
and so do the smart, hip, fierce wine-&-yoga but he also knows the places where the dead don’t
moms who read her blog. And subscribe to her stay down. You’d be surprised the things Ebony
newsletter. And follow her videos, with updates knows. If you’ve got his cellphone number, he’d be
five days a week. Bev has a small but passionate happy to give you a private tour.
fanbase, growing every day; she makes bundles
of cold, hard cash railing against the so-called
‘mainstream medical industry’ and heaping praise
on the few TRUE health-positive products out
there … like the new All-Organic Fast Fresh Freak
Salad, available NOW at O’Tolley’s. Note, as an
aside, that the Fast Fresh Freak Salad is ‘organic’
only insomuch as it technically contains bits of
organic matter.

173. Marcos Steele isn’t a sleaze-merchant. Marcos

175. Carmine St. Clair understands tradition. even hobbyist. It’s the sport of the thing that’s so
He understands heritage. He understands the addictive, after all, not the dull “cash payout”.
refinement of noblesse oblige, and of High Society,
and the esoteric fundamentals of class that separate 178. Nakisha Muun owns and operates a very
families of true wealth & taste from the grasping, exclusive island resort, one that only a very
vapid aspirations of dot-com billionaires and select clientele will ever hear of. On this island,
crude killer-app developers who were shopping at a Bahamian paradise not found on any website or
suburban big-box retailers less than a decade ago. tourist-guide, the obscenely wealthy are given the
As an opinion writer, art-critic, wine snob and opportunity to indulge their most carnal, crimson-
tastemaker amongst the ultra-wealthy, Carmine streaked appetites. Here, the rich hunt the poor
casually shapes & shatters reputations with for sport, and dine on the still-steaming flesh of
meticulous precision and sadistic glee, effortlessly their kills. A luxury, five-star holiday destination
navigating a paranoid, cutthroat maze of whispers staffed by people hand-selected by Nakisha for
and secrets where mere “money” & “power” are their sociopathy and/or disposability, her magical
cheap: what matters is what ‘people’ think. And island in the sun feeds a number of truly ancient
‘people’ think what Carmine tells them to. Banes slumbering-away the millennia beneath the
shallow, pristine, crystal-clear waters. One of these
176. Jamar Coward knows about the abductions. evenings, they’re going to wake up. And on that
About the disappearances. About the tall figures night, the world ends. In the meantime, the fact
in the woods, about the missing time, about that Ms. Muun can provide a fun weekend getaway
the lights in the sky, and especially about the to members of the Pentex Board of Directors just
unexplainable marks on fields, flesh and forest. makes her all the more valuable to the Wyrm and
Jamar, most importantly, is ready to believe you. its minions.
As an unmedicated ‘alien abduction investigator’
with one foot in the most insane kind of internet- 179. Chauncy O’Donnell is not technically a serial
spawned conspiracy theories and one foot planted killer, because the sort of people who fit that
squarely in the terrible truth of Gaia’s slow, terrible definition usually make at least some type of effort
dissolution deep in the belly of the Wyrm, Jamar to not get caught. Such was not the case with
has a complicated relationship with ‘the truth’. Chauncy, who – despite a robust IQ & a seemingly
He’s genuinely trying to piece together the hidden healthy comprehension of risk vs. reward – never
history of the world, and of the cosmos beyond … bothered trying to keep the authorities in the
and it’s not particularly healthy for his sanity. In dark about who murdered all those people. From
the meantime, he’d be happy to help you get your a therapist’s perspective, Mr. O’Donnell is a ‘spree
story to the right group of likeminded kooks. killer,’ and he’s currently safely incarcerated in a
maximum-security mental institution; he can be
177. How much is a single human life worth? That’s visited by anyone with the right set of credentials
an interesting question, although the people who – real or forged – and even removed from the
work for Lucile Monahan don’t tend to be the premises by people with the right connections.
philosophical type, more’s the pity. Lucile works in Chauncy is a genuine savant of applied-
the growing field of involuntary human extraction, mechanical occult lore, capable of puzzling-out the
in which a person is gently – or forcibly, if need rituals necessary to successfully wield some of the
most bizarre bane-fetishes in existence, retracing
be – removed from their preferred environment
the logic of eons-vanished bane-servants in his
and repositioned to a number of secondary &
head … but there’s a reason that even the Black
tertiary locations until such time as a certain
Spiral Dancers prefer to keep Chanucy locked up,
set of predetermined conditions, usually but not
safely away from people.
always pecuniary in nature, are met by the non-
abducted associates of the transported individual.
This is a job at which Lucile excels, serving as a
mercenary “displacement specialist” to members
of the organized crime community who seek to
acquire & ransom a target with a minimum of
fuss. On rare occasions, Lucile turns freelance. Or
200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 35
180. Dr. Jaylen Perales presents herself as a smiling, upon their shoulders, singing of blood & thunder,
warm-hearted woman; as a biologist and zookeeper, glorified to return to her pack.
she fashions her wide-eyed public persona in the
style of an eternally-rapturous mix of Jane Goodall, 183. Allie Laster likes drawing pictures. She’s
the Crocodile Hunter and a vapid teen pop-starlet. good at it, too. Has been since she was little. The
The fact of the matter is that she gives exactly thing is that … well, the sorts of images Allie
zero fucks about the quality of life inflicted upon finds beautiful? They’re not healthy. Nor sane.
the beasts she keeps in captivity, and only very Definitely not the product of an unfractured mind,
slightly more of a fuck about educating snot-nosed nor of a soul born to any kind of decent universe.
brats on the deep wonders & mysteries of the Allie learned to hide her drawings from her foster-
animal kingdom. Her mission is significantly more parents, lest they freak the hell out and call the
ambitious: Dr. Perales provides the Special Projects cops. She struggled to express herself in other ways
Division of Pentex – specifically Project Lycaon – – shoplifting, casual sex, killing stray cats – but her
with the raw materials & field-expertise to build beautiful dreams kept demanding that she carve
Mockery Breeds. Every breakthrough brings her them into the world. Now? The internet has given
closer to her goal: ascendance, in the flesh, to her her a voice once more: a forum for her deviancy.
god-state as the ultimate predator, unquestioned People pay money to see her pictures now. They
apex & alpha, with a hunting-ground that pay more to remain anonymous when they do so,
stretches pole-to-pole. downloading from the Dark Net onto encrypted
hard-drives. And if she inspires someone to make
181. Farrah Funderburk appreciates art at a much their own art – slashing it into the face of an
deeper level than you do; art, after all, is what innocent, perhaps – it fills Allie’s pretty little heart
separates us from the animals. As an antiquities- with joy.
restoration expert specializing in art acquired by
illegal or clandestine means, Farrah finds herself 184. Neville Caulkins does not give one half of
traveling the globe on any number of extralegal a fuck about the people who rent their shitty,
tasks assigned to her by members of the Pentex crumbling apartments from him, and every one
Board of Directors. The fact that this is all vanity- of the human scum trapped in his filth-caked
work, of no actual importance to the greater buildings is well aware of that hard fact. What
interests of the corporation, matters very little to separates Neville from every other slumlord,
Farrah … and it doesn’t matter AT ALL to the however, is pretty simple: Mr. Caulkins will accept
partial payment on rent in the form of favors
Wyrm, who uses her nation-hopping itinerary to
performed. These are strange, deeply unpleasant
sow chaos & horror in the shadowy world of art-
and openly illegal favors, oftentimes, but they beat
thieves, collectors, dealers, exhibitors and their
having to cough up late-fees. When members of
thousands of hangers-on.
his “extended family” call upon Neville to perform
tasks for their pleasure in the name of the Wyrm,
182. Butterfly Love Dandelion was raised in the
he has a private army and a labyrinthine, rotting
Children of Gaia, and it shows: she spent her
kingdom full of broken humans to offer, hallelujah
formative years walking barefoot through summer
and praise the lord.
fields of clover, side-by-side with wolves amid the
company of spirits, dancing naked around a sacred
fire with the sweat of ecstatic worship dripping
from her dreadlocks. But somehow, between the
drugs and the drum circles, something about the
lessons of universal oneness & transcendent joy
just … didn’t click. The first time she found herself
alone in the city, she stabbed a man to death. Then
another. And another, and so on. The first was in
the name of Gaia. The second was for his money.
The third was just for kicks. The fourth? Who
can say. When the Black Spiral Dancers came to
release her from her jail-call, Butterfly Love rode
185. Dr. August Cristóbal is a truly gifted surgeon, off-the-clock capacity.
capable of nearly supernatural feats with a scalpel;
he can re-sculpt the raw clay of humanity into 188. Boss Okura does not fuck around. He is a
something infinitely more aesthetically pleasing, proud samurai of noble birth, descended from an
transforming dull flesh into a wonder of blossoming ancient line of Hakken sworn to the war-banner
nightmare. Of course, none of his jet-setting, of the Wyrm: powerful warriors of the shadows,
morally-insane billionaire clients give a shit. bound in service to the Kumo Goblin Shogun
Terrifying as they are in the corporate boardroom known as Yoshikawa Shigeru. Although he keeps
or as the head of a cartel, they all just want their his offices far from Aokigahara – maintaining
boring black-market, under-the-table carotid residences in Hawaii, Los Angeles, San Francisco,
endarterectomies, angioplasties and cataract Seattle, Las Vegas, Chicago, and New York City
removals like the banal sheep they are, performed – his heart still beats with beautiful calm of the
in secret in five-star chateaus under the watch of Sea of Trees: he is considered a cold-hearted,
heavily armed guards. Yawn. So then, when a rare pragmatic killer with a reputation for ruthlessness
opportunity to really stretch his creative muscles even by the standards of other Yakuza bosses. If you
arises, the good doctor is BEYOND ready to oblige. need something moved out of Asia and can pay
in American firearms, Okura Iwao – the so-called
186. Kallie Strange builds machines. What ‘man of stone’ – is honored to be at your service.
kind of machines? Well, that’s a little bit more
difficult to say. She prefers to refer to herself as 189. Need something delivered into a locked
a ‘watchmaker,’ so the term has stuck, but the building in the middle of the night? Need it there
projects coming out of Kallie’s garage are anything in thirty minutes or less? Need it slipped pat a few
but generic timepieces. Some of them are small guards, who might or might not live through the
enough to fit in your pocket, while others require experience? For a price, we can make this happen.
a forklift to transport, and more than half of them Olga Lukas gets things from one side of the city to
will turn your stomach to look at them; what the other. Some of these things are even legal. All
every one of her engineered masterpieces has of them are high-value, private, and small enough
in common is that they all channel pale green to slip into an envelope or – for deeply expensive
balefire like a mama-jama, providing excellent deliveries – a backpack. This involves using a
raw material for bane-fetishes of every conceivable bicycle, most of the time, although the nimble
type. It’s said that one fifth of the finest weapons & Ms. Lukas is not above employing a skateboard,
torture-devices in the arsenal of the modern Black the subway, a cab, a stolen car, leaping rooftop
Spiral Dancers originated in the laboratory of Ms. to rooftop, or just sprinting down the middle of
Strange, and she is adored by theurges of the Tribe the street with a manic grin on her face. This is a
for her breathtakingly obscene visions. pretty good job for Olga; if she wasn’t working as
a private courier, she’d still be doing small-time
187. Yamazaki Jiro takes his vocation very seriously, breaking-&-entering jobs. It’s just that, in a job
focusing upon the duties assigned to him by his like this, Olga sometimes gets to kill people. Which
oyabun the way that a sculptor might dedicate she’s really into.
himself to the task of reshaping the steel before
him into a facsimile of life. Unlike many of his
fellow soldiers, however, Jiro is keenly aware of
the great spiritual war that rages beneath the
placid surface of the mundane world. When his
superiors within the Yakuza require an assignment
of violence & terror to be executed both with
precision and a certain delicacy – lest mysterious,
half-flesh entities of madness and living darkness
take offense – they grant onto Jiro the grave honor
of calling upon his skillset. And when certain
ancient members of his family call a private
number, Jiro is delighted to serve his daimyo in an
200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 37
190. Alfonso Chávez serves the Wyrm – faithfully, Kay works for the county coroner. The entire
exquisitely, and with every ounce of his cruel, dark medical examiner’s office is, at this point, wrapped
heart – as a mystic, a prophet, a wise-man and an around Key’s little finger through a combination of
oracle. Through him, deep & poisonous mysteries blackmail, seduction & intimidation, which makes
of the Eternal Destroyer unfold into an unwilling Ms. Luna the de-facto sole death-investigation
world; by a twist of his potent word and obscene authority in the tri-city area: with a flick of her pen,
will, pustulant horrors of the spirt-realm spill-forth she transforms gruesome murders into household
into a false reality of corrupted flesh & shattered accidents, ritual sacrifices into routine bear-attacks,
mind to dance at his bidding. In the Wyrm, Señor and the wholesale slaughter of several families into
Chávez is made strong; his enemies, humbled. The a rash of tragic gas-leaks.
only drawback is that Alfonso now finds himself,
day-in and day-out, having to use bullshit names 193. Sgt. Doyle J. Howell leads his own five-man
like ‘Set’ and ‘Horus’, ‘Osiris’ and ‘Apophis’ when First Team, and that’s enough. When he and unit
dealing with anyone in any kind of position to get aren’t folded into a four-team platoon – which is
anything done. The vampire-riddled cult of the most of the time – Howell reports to a Captain,
Egyptian snake-god is simply larger, older and better who reports to a Major, who theoretically reports
organized than anything Alfonso has the time & to a General … but things are done a little bit
energy to build on his own; the work they do is differently in the corporate sector, which suits the
useful, and the connections they have are beyond Sergeant just fine: so long as he keeps his house
priceless. So … all hail Set, apparently. Sigh. clean, Howell & his boys are free to do as they
please. The plain fact of the matter is that Pentex
191. Do you know how difficult it is to smuggle has been good to Sgt. Doyle; when they found
something that growls through airport security? him, he was a mess. Close to rock bottom. Too
Do you have any idea how hard it might be to land many felonies. Too many drunk nights. Too many
a bird on a snowed-over private airstrip in the gambling debts, ex-wives and assault charges.
Canadian wilderness in the middle of the night Pentex made that all go away. They wanted a man
while arrows are being shot at you? Do you have ready to dive into the chaos, lone blade drawn at
the foggiest notion how terrifying it is trying to the shattered & blazing gates of heaven, and they
pull wheels off the ground when a snarling, 800 damn well found one.
lbs. Crinos is riding the windshield? Jong Jameson
knows. He knows all of these things, and more. A 194. There are plenty of people who underestimate
pilot working for a host of businesses with ties to the Hoyt Boys. Several of those people are in law
Pentex subsidiaries, Jong is go-to for getting servants enforcement, and lots more of ‘em are dead: fed
of the Wyrm from one side of the globe to the other, to the dogs, with the rest of their bits all buried
lightning fast & just under the radar. If a First Team out in the back holler. Robbie, Jessie & Skeeter
or pack of Black Spiral Dancers wants to make a ‘Cheesedick’ Hoyt are, admittedly, not particularly
surprise, death-from-above party-entrance, the first imposing in terms of raw intellectual muscle … but
step is usually shaking Jong out of bed, filling him what they lack in book-learning, they more than
with the strongest stimulant you can manage to make up for in mechanical aptitude, sheer cussed
get your hands on, pointing him in the direction of determination, willingness to do violence and a
whatever suicide mission you need flown and then low kind of cornered-rat cunning. Not so long ago,
getting the hell out of the way. the family were moonshiners and bootleggers; these
days, they’re third-generation methamphetamine
192. Kay Luna is a funeral director, and a damn good producers, with a sprawling family that includes
one. She’s particularly well-suited for a job like plenty of truckers, strippers, bartenders, auto-
this: while Kay doesn’t actually care whether people mechanics, factory workers, waitresses and even
live or die, she’s very damn convincing at the a big city lawyer name of Brannigan Hoyt. The
delicate art of faking it. Young, pretty, confident, Hoyt compound ain’t much to look at, maybe, but
smart and sociable, Kay wears an expertly-carved it’s covered in home-made hillbilly deathtraps &
mask of sanity, one that even experts in abnormal guarded by Ol’ Crabby: a meth-addicted fomori bear
psychology have difficulty spotting … much less with an appetite for processed sugar and human
piercing. More importantly for her own purposes, flesh.
195. Although she carries an official security-badge, his last showing -- KILLGOVERNMENTKILL
drives a company-issued car and has a corporate- -- was a flop. Critics tore him apart. Commissions
branded, silver-bullet-loaded Desert Eagle tucked and work-offers dried up. No less than three of
into her purse, Alejandra Wells is not an employee his long-term partners left him. In the words
of Pentex. She is, rather, the personal assistant to of KarmaKanic$: A Journal of the Engine & Her
Dr. Harold Zettler (Werewolf: the Apocalypse; Book Soul (Fall Issue): “Veinermobile’s recent work is
of the Wyrm Second Edition, p. 50, 56, 59), and surreal, certainly, and confrontational ... but does
she reports only to the Malkavian elder himself. it actually mean anything? Does his ‘transcendental
She has served as Dr. Zettler’s ghoul since the message of fleshy awakening’ represent anything
mid-1950s: arranging his travel, scheduling his deeper than a wall of discordant noise, vandalized
itinerary, organizing his files, sorting his mundane corporate logos, purposefully ugly spasm-dancing
obligations, watching over him while he feeds & an orgy of spray-painted robots in lingerie
& slumbers. If anyone asks, she is very loyal hurling bloody feces? His newest offering seems to
to Pentex, to the Wyrm, to the Sabbat, to Dr. suggest an emphatic NO.” Ignatius needs his next
Zettler’s Pack, to her kin within the Black Spiral show -- Art of Omnicide -- to be a hit. He needs it
Dancers, to … whoever, whatever. In point of more than banal, sad little people like you need
fact, Alejandra is loyal to exactly one creature: oxygen. Ignatius has a lot of connections. He
Dr. Zettler. In theory, there are things she would has to, seeing as his shows routinely incorporate
not do – lines she would not cross – to protect her controlled substances, unlicensed explosives,
immortal master. In practice, Ms. Wells is beyond industrial quantities of lubricant & fertilizer, exotic
willing & eager to subvert human and natural law animals, live performers of questionable legal status
alike in service to the ‘good doctor’ and his grand and machines that represent large-scale electrical
vision. engineering projects. One of these contacts found
him something: a potent Bane-fetish of elaborate
196. Rot-Blister is thin. Long-limbed. Lean & design & esoteric origin. This next show? It’s
hungry, he stalks the sewers. Has since the ‘70s. gonna be something to see.
He likes it down here: there’s always plenty to eat,
mostly big fat rats and the occasional stray pet … 198. User Notfound, formerly a white-collar
along with those most special treats of all: severed wage-slave of the Glass Walkers, is a shocking
fingers, ears & tongues. Most wolves are too scared rarity among the Garou Nations: a kinfolk born
to come down here, of course, but Rot-Blister with the mysterious gift of Arcane (M20 pg.
doesn’t mind. He likes being alone. Alone, that is, 305). Mr. Notfound has leveraged this peculiar
except for the Ugly Dead People who hide in the talent into a career as a most-insidious agent of
shadows, drinking hot blood, sleeping as corpses the Wyrm, one capable of infiltrating the sterile
through the daylight hours. Rot-Blister likes the offices & bloodless institutions devoted to the
Ugly Dead People. They leave coils of their sickly- Weaver … then bringing them down from the
sweet, curdled-scarlet magic-juice in pools and inside in a wave of gore-splattered terror. User’s
cisterns throughout the endless miles of twisting remarkable success in striking at the very heart of
dark. At each crimson oasis, prey gathers. And the Weaver’s antiseptic strength – ever bearing-
when something truly foolish comes creeping down forth her dripping, plastic-scented treasures ripe
into the black, hunting for the Ugly Dead People, to be tainted into Bane-Fetishes – has heaped his
the slender old wolf gets to eat very well. name in glory. Of course, Mr. Notfound is still just
a Kinfolk, incapable of besting even the sickliest
197. Ignatius Q. Veinermobile is a pompous, Corax in a toe-to-toe brawl. For that reason,
arrogant hipster ‘anti-anarch-artist’ asshole with User has a full pack of low-ranking Black Spiral
more connections, good looks & hyperkinetic Dancers on speed-dial: a slavering kill-squad in an
personality than actual talent. He’s also a unmarked panel-van, ever-ready to transform some
sociopath, but that hardly matters. The fact is sterile enclave of the Weaver’s austere majesty into
that his “vision” is a very obnoxious smokescreen the most grotesque, carnage-draped slaughterhouse
covering for little more than a fixation on imaginable.
obscenity & exploitation. And the experimental-
art world is beginning to catch on, is the problem:
200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 39
199. Dr. Elijah Vargas is this damn close to getting 200. The art of the haruspex is ancient and
his beautiful, precious, infinitely-frustrating mysterious, dating back to the glory of Rome: by
goddamn were-shrikes to stop dying of sudden means of practices both secret and sacred, passed
traumatic total organ failure on him at seemingly from enlightened priest to worshipful supplicant,
random intervals. At this point, he’s not even the celebrant may divine the future – the literal
trying to get them off the fucking ground; his now- will of the gods – by careful reading of fresh-spilled
abandoned experiments with were-whippoorwills, entrails, transforming a living sacrifice into a holy,
were-nightjars and were-barn-owls have proven eternal relic of spirit-passage. Is it any wonder,
that heavier-than-air semi-organic machine-assist then, that the viscera of Garou is the most potent
flight is actually the easy part to engineer in, window into the machinery of the divine? Jamika
biomechanically. But his filth-streaked, plexiglass Brantley doesn’t get a chance to practice her art
aviary is full of dumb, scrawny, fantastically nearly as often as she would like. But when her
sociopathic bastards who just won’t stop coughing cousins come calling, sacrificial wolf bound in
up all their internal organs like hot beef stew every silver & spirit-talon, Jamika is ready to get to
time someone look at them funny. As a valued senior immediate work. Some of the predictions she
researcher with Project Lycaon and a longstanding
makes, they say, are even creepily accurate.
fellow of the Special Projects Division, Dr. Vargas
has utterly impeccable credentials: he’s overseen
far too many successful cutting-edge gene-editing
proposals to be drummed-out of the company just
for wasting a few hundred homeless people. But if
we’re being honest, the stress is starting to get to
the good doctor: the rest of the research staff are
sweating, since Eli is a little unhinged these days
… even by his standards.


200 Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk 41

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