Day 10 MCQs
Day 10 MCQs
Day 10 MCQs
1. How many surah the Quran contains? 114
2. The nisab of zakat in Gold is? 7.5 tolas
3. A verse of Holy Quran indicates the name of which Sahabi? Hazrat Zaid R.A
4. A muslim woman is confined in how many sheets? 5 sheets
5. The original name of Imam Bukhari is? Muhammad Bin Ismail
6. Makkah was conquered in? 8 A.H
7. Qurbani is made during Hajj at? Mina
8. Jam-e-Quran is taken for? Hazrat Usman R.A
9. Pious Caliphate lasted for? 30 years
10. Gathering on Arafat during Hajj is made on? 9th Zil Hajjah
Everyday Science
1. Parsec is unit of? Distance
2. German silver is an alloy of? Copper and Nickle
3. The continent Antarctica lies at the? South Pole
4. Twinkling of stars is caused by? Refraction of Light
5. A body can escape the gravitational pull of the Earth if it is thrown up with the velocity of?
7 miles per sec
6. Myopia is a defect of human eye that is cured b using? Concave lens
7. Which instrument is used to measure the magnification of Earthquake? Richter Scale
8. In Humans, most nutrient molecules are absorbed by? Small intestine
9. What is the normal body temperature of Human body? 37o C
10. Which vitamin is necessary for clotting of blood in human body? Vitamin K
General Knowledge
1. Who introduced the jail system for detention of prisoners? Hazrat Umer R.A
2. Pedro II was the 2nd and last emperor of? Brazil
3. The independence day of Gilgit-Baltistan is celebrated on? 1st November
4. Name of the dog that was projected into space abroad the artificial space satellite Sputnik II?
5. The only president of USA to resign from the position? Richard Nixon
6. The 16th president of USA was? Abraham Lincoln
7. The first Republican to become the US president was? Abraham Lincoln
8. The highest-flying migratory birds are? Bar-headed geese
9. The Statue of Liberty was gifted to American people from the people of? France
10. The Statue of Liberty was officially accepted by the US president on? October 28th, 1886
1. Which is an input device? Mouse
2. Which is an output device? Monitor
3. Which is a processor? Pentium
4. Which shortcut key is used to insert a new slide in PowerPoint presentation? Ctrl+M
5. Spam or fraudulent E-mails are also called? Junk mail
6. Which is the largest hardware company of computers? HP
7. Who was the inventor of mouse? Douglas Engelbart
8. Which is a conventional designation of pre-released software? Beta
9. Temporary storage place for information in a computer is called? Buffer
10. The Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) was passed in Pakistan in? 2016