Data Analytics Techniques For Internal Audit
Data Analytics Techniques For Internal Audit
Data Analytics Techniques For Internal Audit
Data Analytics
Techniques for
Internal Audit
April 2023
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© 2023 - The Institute of Internal Auditors - Australia
Data Analytics Techniques for
Internal Audit
Contents Background
Data analytics should be utilised by all internal audit
Background 2
departments irrespective of the size of the organisation
- Purpose 2 and the internal audit team. The extent to which data
- Background 2 analytics is used depends on several factors, including:
Standard Data Analytics Techniques 3 › Capacity of internal audit staff with data analytics
Emerging Data Analytics Techniques 4
› Availability of trusted data sources across the
Summary 4
- Conclusion 4
› Breadth of data analytics techniques at the disposal
Bibliography and References 5 of internal audit.
Purpose of White Papers 5
Author’s Biography 5
Data analytics is typically one of the top skills in demand
About the Institute of Internal Auditors–Australia 5 for internal audit teams. However there often barriers that
Copyright 6 either prevent or limit the use of data analytics including:
Disclaimer 6 › Lack of buy-in – Data analytics is not prioritised due
to lack of awareness about benefits and possibilities.
Introduction Preference for standard audit techniques.
Purpose › Inadequate capacity – Appetite for data analytics
Data analytics are used to test controls and validate exists, however there are either no data analytics staff
that business risks are managed. This would generally within internal audit, or the demand for data analytics
occur at a point-in-time when an assurance activity is exceeds the capacity of existing data analytics staff.
scheduled. Rather than test a number of transactions, › Data is difficult to handle – Data cannot easily be
the entire population of transactions can be reviewed for analysed as it is too poor in quality, too large in
greater coverage. Data analytics includes automated tools volume, not fit-for-purpose, or not easy to join data
such as generalised audit software, test data generators, across multiple data sources.
computerised audit programs, specialised audit utilities
and computer-assisted audit techniques (CAATs). › Guidance required on techniques and data sources
– Internal audit teams require further guidance on
Data analytics has proven to be an effective internal
different data analytics techniques and how different
audit technique as it provides a deeper level of assurance
compared to traditional sampling approaches through the types of data can be analysed.
ability to test full data populations. Audit efficiency is also This White Paper focuses on the last point above to
improved as it is more time consuming to manually assess demonstrate the range of data analytics techniques that
risks and controls when there are sufficient data points for can be used in internal audits, including standard and
data analytics. emerging data analytics techniques.
As organisations are becoming more digitized, there are
higher volumes of structured data (for example data in
spreadsheets, databases and data warehouses) and Data analytics has been used on internal audits for at
unstructured data (for example data in Word documents, least the past 20 years with Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
PDFs and emails) that can be analysed effectively through being the mainstay data analytics tool throughout this
data analytics. time. Initially, audit-focused data analytics tools such as
ACL and IDEA were used widely by internal audit. Around
10 years ago due to the proliferation of databases and
data warehouses, relational database tools like Microsoft
SQL Server and other data analysis tools like SAS were
Many end-to-end business processes involve data There are many different ways to test data quality
flowing across multiple systems that are often managed depending on the field type. Some examples include:
by different teams across the organization. As a simple › Is the field 100% populated or are there missing
example, we will take a business process comprised of the values?
following data flows: › If the field is categorical (it needs to be one of several
› Data is generated by system A. pre-defined values), are there values that are not
› Data then passes to system B for further manipulation
and processing. › If the field is numerical, are there values outside the
expected range? For example are there negative
› Data ends at system C for reporting or decision- values when all values should be positive or any
making. values that are too low or too high?
› If the field is a date, are there default dates that are
impractical? For example dates like 01/01/1900 or
dates in the future.
The Institute of Internal Auditors - Australia, 2020. This White Paper edited by:
Factsheet: Data Analytics and Continuous Control Michael Parkinson BSc (Hons), Grad Dip Computing,
Monitoring. [Online] PFIIA, CIA, CISA, CRMA, CRISC
Available at:
technical-resources/2018-fact-sheets/factsheet-data- About the Institute of Internal Auditors–
analytics-and-continuous-control-monitoring.pdf Australia
The Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc, 2011. Global The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) is the global
Technology Audit Guide: Data Analysis Technologies.
professional association for Internal Auditors, with global
Available at: headquarters in the USA and affiliated Institutes and
recommended/supplemental/gtags/gtag-data-analysis- Chapters throughout the world including Australia.
As the chief advocate of the Internal Audit profession,
The Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc, 2015. Global the IIA serves as the profession’s international standard-
Technology Audit Guide: Continuous Auditing: setter, sole provider of globally accepted internal auditing
Coordinating Continuous Auditing and Monitoring to
certifications, and principal researcher and educator.
Provide Continuous Assurance. [Online]
Available at: The IIA sets the bar for Internal Audit integrity and
recommended/supplemental/gtags/gtag-continuous- professionalism around the world with its ‘International
auditing/ Professional Practices Framework’ (IPPF), a collection of
Purpose of White Papers guidance that includes the ‘International Standards for the
Professional Practice of Internal Auditing’ and the ‘Code of
A White Paper is a report authored and peer reviewed Ethics’.
by experienced practitioners to provide guidance on a
particular subject related to governance, risk management The IIA-Australia ensures its members and the profession
or control. It seeks to inform readers about an issue and are well-represented with decision-makers and influencers,
present ideas and options on how it might be managed. It and is extensively represented on a number of global
does not necessarily represent the position or philosophy committees and prominent working groups in Australia and
of the Institute of Internal Auditors-Global and the Institute internationally.
of Internal Auditors–Australia.
The IIA was established in 1941 and now has more than
Author’s Biography 200,000 members from 190 countries with hundreds of
This White Paper written by: local area Chapters. Generally, members work in internal
auditing, risk management, governance, internal control,
Tariq Islam PMIIA, BEng(First Class Honours),
BMaths&ComputerScience, DCAM information technology audit, education, and security.
Tariq has 17 years of experience across financial services,
professional services and defence, including 10 years of
internal audit experience at CBA, Westpac and PwC. In
2023, Tariq founded RapidLynx Consulting to provide data
analytics and data management consulting services to
organizations in the Asia Pacific.
Prior to starting RapidLynx Consulting, Tariq held
Executive Manager Analytics roles in internal audit at
CBA and Westpac where he led teams delivering data
analytics work across multiple audit teams. Across CBA
and Westpac, Tariq led data analytics work on over
100 internal audits using traditional and emerging data
analytics techniques to consistently identify material
issues across all major business units and risk classes.
Before moving to banking, Tariq spent more than a decade
working in risk and fraud analytics at PwC and defence
Whilst the Institute of Internal Auditors-Australia has
attempted to ensure the information in this White Paper
is as accurate as possible, the information is for personal
and educational use only, and is provided in good faith
without any express or implied warranty. There is no
guarantee given to the accuracy or currency of information
contained in this White Paper. The Institute of Internal
Auditors-Australia does not accept responsibility for any
loss or damage occasioned by use of the information
contained in this White Paper.