ACE Advisory - Finance Bill 2023 Highlights
ACE Advisory - Finance Bill 2023 Highlights
ACE Advisory - Finance Bill 2023 Highlights
1 Bangladesh Finance Bill 2023 Highlights
The Finance Bill 2023 has been introduced with the enactment of new legislation, Income Tax Act, 2023.
Till the time the scripture is published in its entirety we look upon the significant changes proposed
by the Finance Bill as summarized below. We will come up with a comprehensive summary of the
changes introduced to the existing regulations with the introduction of the Income Tax Act, 2023. Till
then, stay tuned with us.
Female taxpayers and taxpayers above the age of 65 years will enjoy tax exemption up to
Tk. 400,000.
Taxpayers of third gender and with disability will enjoy tax exemption up to Tk. 475,000.
2 Bangladesh Finance Bill 2023 Highlights
Parents or legal guardians of disabled individuals will enjoy a further exemption of BDT
50,000 in addition to their existing limit of tax exempted income. If both parents of a
disabled individual are taxpayers then one of them will be eligible for this increased limit of
Individuals obligated to file the income tax return must pay a minimum of Tk. 2,000 even if
their total income falls under tax exempt limit.
Any individual taxpayer whose total net worth as per their Personal Balance Sheet and Lifestyle
Statement exceeds the permissible limit will be subject to surcharge on income tax in the
following manner:
Net Worth
Rate of
Existing Proposed Surcharge
• Owns more than one motor car in • Owns more than one motor car
his/her name, or in his/her name, or
3 Bangladesh Finance Bill 2023 Highlights
Environment Surcharge
Individual taxpayers having more than one personal vehicle will be subject to environment
surcharge on the additional vehicle in the following manner:
In case of more than one vehicle, surcharge will be exempted on the vehicle with the lowest
applicable surcharge.
If registration or fitness renewal is done for more than one year then environment surcharge
for the years subsequent to the effective year of renewal or registration will be charged as
applicable for the concerned subsequent years.
Failing to pay the surcharge at source in the above manner will result to payment in the
following manner:
4 Bangladesh Finance Bill 2023 Highlights
If the registration or fitness renewal is done for more than one year then the environment
surcharge for each applicable year will be collected by the Deputy Commissioner of Taxes
during assessment of income tax return or determination of income tax for that year.
Environment surcharge applicable under this section shall not be associated with any other
tax or surcharge.
“Motor Vehicles” specified under this section shall not include any bus, minibus, coaster,
prime mover, truck, lorry, tank lorry, pickup van, human hauler, autorickshaw and motorcycle.
5 Bangladesh Finance Bill 2023 Highlights
Travel Tax
Individuals travelling inside or outside Bangladesh will now be subjected to travel tax in the
following manner:
North and South America, Europe, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, 6,000
China, Japan, Hong Kong, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia,
Taiwan by air
Exemption from travel tax on individuals is proposed to be applicable in the following manner:
Children under the age of 12 years are proposed to be subject to travel tax at half the
standard rate.
Individuals who are blind, cancer patient or disabled and requires a stretcher.
6 Bangladesh Finance Bill 2023 Highlights
Travelers in transit and without Bangladeshi VISA staying in Bangladesh for less than 72
Employee of any airline who is a Bangladeshi citizen and travels outside the country for
reduced or waived plane fare.
7 Bangladesh Finance Bill 2023 Highlights
Applicable tax
Existing Proposed rate if fails
2022-2023 2023-2024 to meet the
8 Bangladesh Finance Bill 2023 Highlights
Applicable tax
Existing Proposed rate if fails
2022-2023 2023-2024 to meet the
*Condition: All receipts and income must be transacted through bank transfer and
every single transaction above Tk. 5 lakhs and annual investment over Tk. 36 lakhs
of expense and investment must be made through bank transfer.
9 Bangladesh Finance Bill 2023 Highlights
Rate of withholding tax on the supply of tobacco items including cigarette, bidi, chewing
tobacco and gul has been proposed to be increased from 7% to 10%.
Rate of withholding tax on the supply of locally produced cable of 33 to 500 KV has been
proposed to be decreased from 7% to 3%.
10 Bangladesh Finance Bill 2023 Highlights
Invoices issued by a digital payment gateway shall be considered as a tax invoice subject to
fulfillment of certain conditions.
To obtain a VAT refund without carrying the balance forward, Supplementary Duty (SD)
at the import stage needs to be eligible for decreasing adjustment and goods subject to
Supplementary Duty (SD) cannot be supplied at the stage of local supply by the concerned
VAT rates have been proposed to be increased for the following products:
Particulars Existing Rate Proposed Rate
11 Bangladesh Finance Bill 2023 Highlights
Supplementary Duty (SD) rates have been proposed to be increased for the following
Particulars Existing Rate Proposed Rate
VAT rate for confectionary stores (Service code S022.00) has been proposed to be reduced
from 15% to 7.5%.
The definitions of “Online retail sale” and “Marketplace” have been newly introduced under
Service code S099.60 (e-commerce services).
Exporters can now submit application to the Commissioner without submitting Process
Realization Certificate (PRC) to adjust the supplementary duty in cases of export of goods
through Mushak 7.1.
If an entity fails to claim the VAT credit or make adjustments within the stipulated timeline,
VAT returns cannot subsequently be amended/updated on a later date.
Only supplies which are eligible for input rebate can be included in the computation of
partial input tax rebate.
12 Bangladesh Finance Bill 2023 Highlights