Mohammed Alkhateeb-IT Manager
Mohammed Alkhateeb-IT Manager
Mohammed Alkhateeb-IT Manager
Educations Duties
(2021) MBA University of the • Aligned IT strategies with QIMB business goals.
People-America . • Established annual IT budgets - Develop ITSM Processes.
(2009) Bachelor Degree in • Design and implement IT Solutions.
Information Technology, Modern • Manage IT day-to-day Operations Including Oracle Data Base Adm.
Sciences University. • Mange and monitor IT projects - Team Training Mange software
development and updates.
(2003) 3years –Higher Diploma in • Providing leadership for delivery of high quality technical solutions for bank
Computer Software Application • projects, new system development and system integration, on time and
Technology, Sana’a Community within set budget.
College. • Creating IT project implementation plans, project schedules, estimating
and assigning tasks to team members to achieve department and company
• Analyzing business requirements, identifying technical solutions,
scheduling changes, approving implementation of changes to produce
functional specifications in real-time environments.
• Monitoring progress, quality of work, and use of resources; providing status
updates, and making adjustments as needed as well as customizing the
References solution to the needs of the client.
• Serving as a primary business liaison to the Bank's core processes in
Tawfik Hunaish providing technological direction, contractual compliance, product
evaluation and integration.
• Working with business unit managers to formulate a comprehensive
IT Manager technology plan that is consistent with the overall corporate objectives and
budgetary considerations.
Adel Alkebsi • Recommending information technology strategies, policies, and
procedures by evaluating organization outcomes; identifying problems;
775535353 evaluating trends; anticipating requirements.
• Creating annual and Long-term IT Strategic Plan. - Implementing and
CAC Islamic Bank GM evaluating IT Governance and IT best practices frame works.
Personal Skills :
• Ability to understand and follow
complex written and oral 2019 – 2022 E-Services Development Supervisor TIIB
• Ability to comprehend complex
functions and procedures and Responsible for the following electronic services:
to be able to disseminate that 1- Mobile banking service.
knowledge in a clear and
2- Internet banking service
understandable format to
others. 3- SMS banking service
• Ability to express oneself, Duties
clearly and concisely, both
orally and in writing. • - E-services administration.
• Ability to prepare and maintain • -Make sure that all electronic service channels are working effectively
confidential records and • - Infrastructure management for electronic services.
reports. • -Solving all problems on the infrastructure servers of electronic
• Ability to gather, assemble, services.
correlate, and analyze facts • -Conducting research and development operations for electronic
and develop solutions. services.
• Ability to analyze statistics and • -Deploy updates to the Test environment servers, and live
financial data. environment.
• High level of analytical skills, • - Carrying out all security and functionality checks and tests on
lateral thinking and problem electronic services and ensuring that the services provided to
solving. customers work in a complete manner and in a secure environment.
• Ability to work on several • Contact with providers.
projects simultaneously under
strict deadlines.
• Ability to work effectively as a
team member and leader.
• High level of commitment and
work ethics
• Having excellent time
management, confidentiality &
communication skills.
• Having strong IT, commercial,
planning and budgeting skills.
• Spontaneous, creative, flexible,
loyal, adventurous, helpful,
enthusiastic and optimistic.
2012 – 2019 Projects Manager and Information Security Officer TIIB
Project Manger
Mange the Project Life cycle from Initiation to Post Implementation
Qasmi Islamic Bank
Tadhamon Bank