Chemistry Viva Question

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1. FIRE POINT is higher than Flash point up to the range of:

a) 5˚C b) 5-40˚C
b) 5-10˚C d) 50˚C

2. Which apparatus is the best apparatus for the determination of Falsh point :

a) Abels apparatus b) Cleveland apparatus.

c) Penskeymartin apparatus d) Abels & Penskeymartin apparatus.

3. The cup of Penskey martin apparatus is

a) 5.5 deep & 5cm diameter b) 1cm deep & 5cm diameter

c) 1cm deep & 5cm diameter d) 5.5cm deep & 5.5 cm diameter.

4. Abels apparatus is used for oils having Flash & Fire point below:

a) 50˚C b) 30˚C

c) 100˚C d) 250˚C

5. Abels apparatus is used for oils:

a) Volatile inflammable oil b) Volatile flammable oil

c) Non Volatile oil d) all of these

6. Fire point is:

a) Gives fire at least for 5 sec. b) gives fire at least for 25 sec.

c) Gives fire at least for 15 sec. d) gives fire at least for 35sec.

7. Flash point is:

a) Gives momentary flash. b) Gives fire at least for 5 sec.

c) Gives fire at least for 15 sec. d) gives fire at least for 35sec.
8. The lid of the cup containing……………………. Openings

a) Four openings b) two

c) five d) none of these

9. Clevelands apparatus is used for oils having Flash point greater than

a) 175˚F b) 200˚F

c) 300˚F d) 50˚F

10. Which of the following is closed cup apparatus?

a) Abels apparatus b) Cleveland apparatus.

c) Penskeymartin apparatus d) Abels & Penskeymartin apparatus.

11. Thermometer used in Clevelands apparatus up to the range of

a) 50˚C b) 30˚C

c) 400˚C d) 250˚C

12. Stirrer is used in flash 7 Fire point analysis apparatus

a) Uniform temp. in Oilcup b) not necessary.

c) filling the oilcup. d) both a & C

13. A good lubricant should have flash point

a) above working temp. b) below working temp.

c) both a & b c) all of the above.

14. The Flash & Fire point is used to indicate

a) fire hazards b) evaporation losses under high. Temp.

c) both a & b d) None of these.

15. Flash point is determine by :-

a) Abels apparatus b) Cleveland apparatus.

c) Penskeymartin apparatus d) all of the above

16. In penskey martin apparatus heated at constant rate of about :

a) 6˚C per minute b) 50˚C per minute.

c) 25˚C per minute d) 100˚C per minute.

17. In Abels apparatus oil is heated with:-

a) water bath b) heater

c) both a and b d) all of the above.

18. Oil is filled upto the mark which is ……… cm below the top of cup.

a) 1cm b) 2 cm

c) 3cm d) all of the above.

19. The flash point obtained with an open cup apparatus is generally higher than that obtained by closed
cup apparatus:

a) 10˚C to 30˚C b) 30˚C to 50˚C

c) 40˚C to 50˚C d) none of these.

20. Reliable and reproducible result obtained from :

a) open cup apparatus b) Closed cup apparatus.

c) Penskeymartin apparatus d) all of the above.

21.. Alkalinity is due to the presence of ions

a) OH- b) HCO3-

c) CO32- d) all of the above.

22. In which titrations two types of indicator used

a) Alkalinity b) Complexometric

c) Argentometric d) Iodometric.

23. Indicator used in alkalinity titrations

a) Phenolphthalein b) Methyl Orange

c) Potassium chromate d) Phenolphthalein & Methyl Orange

24. For P>1/2M type of alkalinity present in water is

a) OH- & CO32- b) CO32-& HCO3-

c) OH- & HCO3- d) CO32-

25. For P>1/2M type of alkalinity present in water is

a) OH- & CO32- b) CO32-& HCO3-

c) OH- & HCO3- d) CO32-

26. For P=0 the value of total alkalinity is

a) zero b) CO32-& HCO3-

c) OH- & HCO3- d) CO32-

27. For P=1/2 M the value of total alkalinity due to ions

a) OH- b) CO32-& HCO3-

c) OH- & HCO3- d) CO32-

28. The possibility of hydroxide and bicarbonate is ruled out as they combine with each other forming

a) carbonates b) CO32-& HCO3-

c) OH- & HCO3- d) CO32-

29. Highly alkaline water may lead to

a) Caustic embrittlement b) Boiler corrosion

c) Scale formation dFoaming

30.Phenophthalein indicator gives appearance of colour in:

a) alkaline medium b) acidic medium

c) both medium d none of the above.

31. Alaklinity is generally express in

a) ppm or mg/l b) kg/l

c) moles/l d none of the above.

32. For P=M the value of total alkalinity due to ions

a) OH- b) CO32-& HCO3-

c) OH- & HCO3- d) CO32-

33. The SI unit of viscosity

a) pascal b) Stokes

c) centistokes d) decibel.

34. The CGS unit of viscosty

a) pascal b) Stokes

c) centistokes d) decibel.

35. The dimension of oil cup of Redwood viscometer No.1

a) 1.62X10mm b) 1.62X20mm

c) 1.92X20mm d) 20X20mm

36. The dimension of oil cup of Redwood viscometer No.2

a) 3.80X50mm b) 1.62X20mm

c) 1.92X20mm d) 20X50mm

37. The jet rod in Redwood viscometer No.2 is made up of

a) Brass b) steel

c) Copper d) plastic.

38. the relation between viscosity and temperature

a) directly proportional b) inversely proportional

c) no relation d) sometime directly & Sometime inversely.

39. Redwood viscometer No.2 is used for

a) thick oil. B) thin oil

c) both oil d) none of these

40. Redwood viscometer No.1 is used for

a) thick oil. B) thin oil

c) both oil d) none of these

41. The rate of change of viscosity with respect to temperature called

a) Viscosity Index b) Flash point

c) Fire point d)pour point.

42. The receiver of lubricating oil in Redwood viscometer No.1 apparatus called

a) beaker b) Kohlrauschs flask.

c) Conical flask c) all of the above.

43. The Pennsylvanian oil having viscosity index :

a) 100 b) 200

c) zero c) all of the above.

44. The Pennsylvanian oil having viscosity index :

a) 100 b) 200

c) zero c) all of the above.

45. The dimension of orifice of redwood viscometer no. 1 is:

a) Length=10mm.diameter=1.62mm b) length=20mm.diameter=3.62mm

c) Length=50mm.diameter=5.62mm c) all of the above.

46. The dimension of orifice of redwood viscometer no. 1 is:

a) Length=20mm.diameter=3.80 mm b) length=20mm.diameter=3.62mm

c) Length=50mm.diameter=5.62mm c) all of the above.

47. The redwood viscometer No. – 1 is useful for

a) Less viscous oil b) highly viscous oil

c) No effect of viscosity c) all of the above.

48. The redwood viscometer No. – 12 is useful for

a) Less viscous oil b) highly viscous oil

c) No effect of viscosity c) all of the above.

49. The receiving Flask of redwood viscometer No. – 1 is

a) Smaller mouth b) larger mouth

c) No effect c) none of these

50. The receiving Flask of redwood viscometer No. – 1 is

a)smaller mouth b) larger mouth

c) No effect c) none of these

51. Aniline point is used for the determination of

a) Aromatic Hydrocarbon. b) Aliphatic hydrocarbon.

c) Both d) none of these.

52. Aniline point is desirable

a) Higher b) lower

c) Moderate d) all of the above.

53. The temperature at which oil & aniline phase separate out called

a) Aniline point b) pour point

c) Cloud point d) SEN

54. lower the aniline point means

a) deterioration of oil take place b) higher percentage of HC

c) Both a & B d) none of these.

55. In aniline point determination equal volume of oil sample and ……….. is heated together

a) Aniline b) benzene

c) Water d) Chloroform.

56. In lubricating oil aromatic content is:

a) Higher b) lower

c) Moderate d) all of the above.

57. Aromatic hydrocarbon has a tendency to dissolve:

a) Natural rubber and some synthetic rubber b) synthetic rubber

c) both a and b d) none of the above.

58. lower the aniline point means

a) lower percentage of HC b) higher percentage of HC

c) Both a & B d) none of these.

59.The ability of lubricating oil to separate from water called

a) Demulsiblity b) Saponification number

c) pour point d) aniline point.

60. The time in seconds in which water and oil separate out in distinct layers

a) Steam emulsification number b) Saponification number

c) Pour point d) aniline point.

61. SEN is desirable

a) Higher b) lower

c) Moderate d) all of the above.

62. For SEN determination temperature increases up to

a) 50˚C b) 30˚C

c) 90˚C d) 250˚C

63. When water enter in oil system………… formed

a) Emulsion b) Colloidal solution.

c) True solution d) Opaque solution

64.For SEN value oil is heated upto

a) 50˚C b) 30˚C

c) 90˚C d) 250˚C

65. The contamination of lubricating oil contributes to the formation of

a) Emulsion b) Colloidal solution.

c) True solution d) Opaque solution

66. Indicator used in Argentometric titrations

a) Phenolphthalein b) Methyl Orange

c) Potassium chromate d) Phenolphthalein & Methyl Orange

67. Argentometric titration also called

a) Mohrs method b) Hypo method

c) Iodometric d) none of these.

68. Argentometric titration is used for determination of

a)Chloride ions b)Silver ions

c) Potassium ions d) Sulphate ions.

69. In Argentometric titration known solution is

a)AgNO3 b)NaCl

c)Na2S2O3 d) EDTA

70. In Argentometric titration silver ions act as a

a) Precipitating agent b) Diluting agent

c) detector d) emulsifier

71. Argentometric titration was discovered by:

a) Karl Friedrich Mohr b) Chadwick

c) R S Mulliken d) Slator

72. In Argentometric titration end point is signaled by:

a) Appearance of the red colour b) appearance of the blue colour

c) Appearance of the pink colour d) none of the above.

73. In Mohrs Titartion The appearance of red colour due to formation of:

a) Silver chromate. b) chloride chromate.

c) lead chromate. d) None of the above.

74. Silver Nitrate reacts with Chloride ions in the ratio of :

a) 1:1. b) 2:1

c) 1:2 d) None of the above.

75. The standard known solution is taken in :

a)Burette. b) Beaker.

c) Conical Flask d) testtube.

76. Normality is defined as number of…………………………… of solute in per litre of solution.

a) Gram equivalent. b) Moles.

c) Gram d) milli grams.

77. Molarity is defined as number of ………………………………. Of solute in per litre of solution

a) Gram equivalent. b) Moles.

c) Gram d) milli grams.

78. The solution whose normality is known called as:

a) Standard solution b) Unknown solution.

c) Test sloution d) Blank Solution.

79. The Burette has a volume reading of :-

a)0 to 50ml b) 0 to 10 ml

c) 0 to 60 ml d) 0 to 100 ml

80. Argentometric titration is

a) Precipitation titration b) Complexometric titration.

c) acid base titration d) None of the above.

81.The temperature at which oil becomes hazy called

a) Flash point b) Fire point

c) Cloud point d) Pour point

82. The temperature at which oil ceases to flow called

a) Flash point b) Fire point

c) Cloud point d) Pour point

83. The cooling bath used for Cloud & Pour point analysis upto 10˚C

a) Ice and Water b) Ice & NaCl

c) Ice & CaCl2 d) Solid CO2 & Petrol.

84. The cooling bath used for Cloud & Pour point analysis upto -10˚C

a) Ice and Water b) Ice & NaCl

c) Ice & CaCl2 d) Solid CO2 & Petrol.

85. The cooling bath used for Cloud & Pour point analysis upto -26˚C

a) Ice and Water b) Ice & NaCl

c) Ice & CaCl2 d) Solid CO2 & Petrol.

86. The cooling bath used for Cloud & Pour point analysis upto -57˚C

a) Ice and Water b) Ice & NaCl

c) Ice & CaCl2 d) Solid CO2 & Petrol.

87. Higher the peneteration number…………………… the grease

a) Softer b) Harder

c) no effect c) both a & b

88. Peneteration number is a measure of grease

a) Consistency b) Viscosity

c) Saponification Value d) none of these.

89. Consistency number of Grease is

a) Relative hardness of grease b) viscosity of grease

c) SEN of grease d) softness of grease

90. Grease is normally made up of following components

a) Base oil, additive, thickener b) additive

c) Base oil d) Thickener

91. Emulsion have ………………… lubricating properties:

a) Poor b) Higher

c) moderate d) none of these.

92.Lubricating oil causing abrasion and wearing out of the lubricated parts of the machinery due to:

a) Formation of Emulsion b) Formation of precipitate.

c) increase in temperature. C) decrease in temperature.

93. In lubricating oil if the percentage of water is high then, the properties of oil is:

a) Poor b) Good

c) ideal d) none of these.

94.Oil that separates readily from water has good

a) Demulsiblity b) Colloidal solution

c) anilione point. D) all of the above.

95. In cloud and pour point analysis the oil is filled in the jar to a height of:

a) 2 to 2.25 inches b) 3 inches

c) 3.5 inches d) 4 inches.

96. For semi liquid lubricating grease the penetrator is :

a) Perforated Disk b) Hollow cone.

C ) Solid Cone d) none of these.

97. The instrument used for determining the consistency and penetration properties of semi-
solid substances is called a

a) Peneterometer b) Abels apparatus

c) Penskey martin Apparatus d) none of these.

98. If the consistency number is Zero than the working peneteration range is :

a) 355 to 385˚C b) 300 to 400˚C

c) 90˚C d) 250˚C

99. If the consistency number is one than the working peneteration range is :

a) 310 to 340˚C b) 300 to 400˚C

c) 90˚C d) 250˚C

100. . If the consistency number is six than the appearance of oil is

a) Very hard b) soft

c) moderate d) very soft.

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