Info Tech Word Assignment
Info Tech Word Assignment
Info Tech Word Assignment
Micro- Computer
The term "microcomputer" refers to a type of personal computer that is specifically made for
home use. It typically consists of a single chip that houses the CPU, data memory, I/O buses,
and other components. One person at a time may utilize it. Microcomputers of all kinds, such
as desktop, laptop, workstation, and server models, fall under this category. Think of a
laptop, a desktop, an IBM PC, etc
For word processing, desktop publishing, inventory management, accounting software like
QuickBooks, and spreadsheets, the business community employs personal computers. Users
conduct online gaming and web browsing at home.
Mini is another name for a minicomputer. It belongs to a group of portable computers that
first appeared in the world in the middle of the 1960s. A minicomputer is a computer that is
smaller than a large computer yet has all the same functionality. Because it is larger than a
microcomputer and smaller than a mainframe, a minicomputer is situated between the two. A
mid-range computer is another name for a minicomputer. Minicomputers are primarily multi-
user systems that allow multiple people to work at once.
Minicomputers can accommodate multiple users concurrently, or you could say that they are
multiprocessing systems. Additionally, the processing power of minicomputers is comparable
to that of mainframe and supercomputers. Examples include smartphones, tablets, drawing
Process management
The majority of the time, businesses use minicomputers to control the manufacturing process.
The two main roles of process control are feedback and data collecting.
For instance, companies employ minicomputers to manage the production process. It
recognizes the change and makes the necessary modifications if a problem arises in any step
of the process.
Handling of data
The minicomputers we employ for data management are capable of doing any activity
involving data, including taking, restoring, or creating data.
Minicomputers serve as a conduit between a human operator and a more powerful processor.
With the aid of a minicomputer, the user can carry out tasks like mistake checking and use
the tool to make improvements as well.
Processing speeds are measured in millions of instructions per second (MIPS), and depending
on the setup, can cost anywhere from one million to five million dollars. With its well-known
mainframe series IBM System 390, IBM still controls close to 80% of the mainframe market.
It is a personal computer It is small computer introduced in
introduced in 1970 and used for 1960 and used for operating
general purpose. business and scientific applications.
These computers are used by These computers are used by It is also an expensive or costl
people for education and companies for manufacturing computer.
entertainment. control of process.
It is composed of single It is composed of double processing
processing optimization. optimization.
It uses single microprocessor for It uses Multiple processors.
CPU that performs all logic and
arithmetic operations.
Storage capacity is in terms of Storage capacity is in terms of It has high storage capacity an
Gigabyte (GB). Terabyte (TB). great performance.
They are primarily used for word They are primarily used for process
processing, managing databases control, performing financial and
or spreadsheets, graphics and administrative tasks, such as word
general office applications. processing and accounting.
It is more cost effective and easy It is more costly and difficult to use
to use as compared to as compared to microcomputers.
It is very slower in speed and It is faster in speed and performance It can process a huge amount o
performance as compared to mini as compared to microcomputers data (like data involved in th
computers. because it contains multiprocessing banking sector) very quickly.
system that is capable of handling
different users simultaneously.
It uses tapes and disks as storage It uses magnetic disks or tapes for
devices. secondary storage.
It is less powerful as compared to It is more powerful as compared to It runs smoothly for a long tim
mini computers. microcomputers. and has a long life.
In recent years, computers have spread throughout society, especially in schools. However, in
the late 20th century, requests for a rethink of the pedagogical basis for the use and
incorporation of information technology (IT) across the curriculum led to several new
concepts and uses. Initially, classroom use by instructors tended to duplicate past "skill and
drill" techniques.
Computers have revolutionized how schools teach and prepare their students in the age of
technology. Using computers in school is now needed for all daily activities, whether they
take place in the school administration or the classroom.
A firm must develop a product or service that meets a market need in order to succeed, but a
compelling idea by itself cannot guarantee profitability. For small firms to succeed, they must
persuade customers to try new products and figure out how to get those things to customers.
Computers may be an effective tool for helping small businesses in a variety of ways with the
promotion of new goods and services. With so many free programs and applications available
to assist firms in tracking their client interactions, technology's use in marketing is becoming
an increasingly crucial component of the sales puzzle.
Web-Based Marketing
Businesses now have access to a global advertising channel that could potentially reach
millions of consumers thanks to the internet. Web advertising comes in a variety of formats,
such as banner and in-text ads on well-known websites, emails addressed to previous or
prospective clients, and video ads that are broadcast before or during online videos.
Computers are utilized to assist in the creation of ads for other media, even though the
internet makes it possible for businesses to use computers for distribution, promotion, and
research. For instance, computers are frequently used in contemporary print publications and
newspapers to assist with page layout creation. Computers are used by graphic designers and
media specialists to edit audio for radio spots, video for TV commercials, and images for
print media advertisements.
Government's use of computers includes the following departments and agencies within the
executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the government:
I. legal action
II. IDs , Birth Certificates and Passports from the Registrar Office
III. Public libraries and Social Security
There are many uses for computers and related technology, including: