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Viaintenance and Service Manua 28000 Powershift & Transmission & R MODEL 3 SPEED LONG DROP ee ora “e COMPONENTS CLARICHURTE> i 31195.246 SMR ZS (Ray 9:85)Service Publications 1-77 at 1-40, Rt. 18, Box 38 Statesville, NC 28677 TOWING OR PUSH STARTING Before towing the vehicle, be sure to lift the NOTE: If the transmission has 4 wheel drive, rear wheels off the ground er disconnect the disconnect both front and rear drivelines. driveline to avoid damage 19 the tans. Because of the design of the hydraulic sysiem, the engine cannot be stared by pushing or towing, mission during towing. Coot Ck Equemane Compa, 1901 Unpubtange sora At agra Enwinment Compa:TABLE OF CONTENTS HOW THE UNITS OPERATE .......0.0c0ecececeeeeeeereeee SECTIONAL VIEWS AND PARTS IDENTIFICATION Basic Design Silhouette . Cave and Front Cover Group ...... cece reese Fig B Three-Speed Case and Clutch Group... cee eceveeeeeeae Fig © Clutch Group... 6... oe eee eee eet Control Valve Assembly . Mechanical Parking Brake ........... Axle Disconnect 0... 2222 Assembly Instruction Drawing ......... cence ‘Typical Three-Speed Power Flow External Plumbing Diagram =... ... Clutch and Gear Arrangement .....eee0eeceeeeenee sees Shielded Bearing Installation 22.2.0... 2.022220ee eee DISASSEMBLY OF TRANSMISSION ....... ve eeeee ee een ee 1 CLEANING AND INSPECTION 1.0.00... 00.66 csceeeeeteree eens 10 REASSEMBLY OF TRANSMISSION .. W SERVICING MACHINE AFTER TRANSMISSION OVERHAUL ..... at SPECIFICATION AND SERVICE DATA Fete 22 LUBRICATION... 0c cc ccc ceeeeeeeeeee eens beet eeeees 22 TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE 22823FOREWORD This manual has been prepared to provide the customer and the maintenance personnel with infarmation and instructions oh the mainten- ance and repair af the CLARK-HURTH COMPONENTS product Extreme care has been exercised in the design, selection of materials and manufacturing of these units, The slight outlay in personal attention and cost requited to provide regular and proper lubrication, inspection at stated intervals, and such adjustments as may be indicated will be ibursed many times in low cost operation and trouble free service. in order ta become familiar with the various parts of the product, its principal af operation, trouble shooting and adjustments, it is urged that the mechanic study the instructions in this manual carefully end use it as a reference when performing maintenance and repait operations. ‘Whenever repair or replacement of component parts is required, only Clark: Hurth Components.approved parts as listed in the applicable parts manual should be used. Use of “will{it"’ or menapproved parts may ‘endanger proper operation and performance of the equipment. Clark- Hurth Components does not warrant repair or replacement parts, nor failures resulting from the use of parts which are not supplied by or approved by Clark-Hurth Components. IMPORTANT: Always furnish the istributor with the serial and model number when ordering parts.NOTESNOTES:NOTES28000 CASE AND FRONT COVER GROUP Hom Description aie. | tem Description ay. 1 Flange Nut Cotter... - 1 | 4B PTO. Gutpur Geer Shett Screw... 2 2 Flange Nut... . 1 | 49 27.0. Qutput Guar Shaft Screw Lockwssher ..... 2 2 Flange Wather . 1 | 80. Front Gover to Case Screw Lockwasher 5 & Fane OR =a as ue 1 | 81 Front Gower to Case Screw . a 5 frp Flange... . - 1 6 ‘npr Flange OW Seal ees 1 |S Se Press Tate Str ooo : 7 mpait Shatt Front Bearing Feetainer FIN 55... 1 - . 4 ode roxere TO) | 8 Low Speed crutch Pressure Tube oe ccee ce E 9 input Shaft Front Bearing Retainge Ring we | Se Gb id Fist Ghote Sees arkonte 4 10. Front Covor & Tube Assembly ...cccceceveeee 1 | S6 Gast te Front Gover Serew - ne 11 Pipe Pug : ©) | 87 Case te Rear Cover Dowel Pin. ced 42 O-Ring 2 | Si Raat Cover to Tronzmitzion Gase Gasket 1 13. Bd Speed Tube Assembly wed | BO Rea Gite oes n eevee snore ot 14 Tubedlip ss. oe 2 | BO Rese Cover to Cate Serew 3 15 GlinSerew Lockwahw “3 | Gt Roar Cover to Case Serow Lockseasher 13 ie apse. . 2 | 62 Clutch Pressure Tube O-Ring. 1 17 Reverse Speed Tube Assembly a q | SF Tubesieee : : 1 1 Bester... a 1 | 84 Reor Cover to Case StUd oe cees 2 id Emmet gover Siero : : 2 | G8 Rese Cover to Cate Stu Lackwasher seve? i Fron Gover Slomee Lack... 2 | G6 Peer Cover to Case Stud Nut... 2 21 Sleeve Lack Screve Lockwasher coved | 87 Pipe Plog - a ! Zi Senwiock Sve... ° > | GB Caso to Front Cover Serow 5 23 Input Shut {| 69 Case ta Front Cavar Serow Lockowasner - 5 24 nput Shaft Rear Bearing « _ 1 | 7 Case Plag cece. see 1 25 input Shatt Geer. ‘ 1 f 7 QW LEMNPI Be es creereerconseeneenre 1 26 ‘tas Sup ing eC eee 1 o : - 1 | 73 Seven Aasernly . 1 z . 4 | TH Seraen Assembly Gasket... 1 i Pea tanpat Gest Barrios 4 | 78 Transmission Case Assembly ose cecceeeees T 30 PTO. Output Gear Shaft 1 | 7S Magnetic Drain Pru a 1 31 PTO OutputGew .. 1 | 72 Suction Line Tutte Clip Washer 1 32 PTO. lier Shaft to Converter Howing Serew ... ¢ | 78 Suction Line Tube Clip 5... .4, vt 33 wii. laer hate. J | 78 Suction Tube Assembly oe ceceesrereees T 34 PLT.O. Idler Shaft Inner Racs & Rollor Assy 1 | BO Retaining Washer Screw .. os 2 23 “RTO lalee Goer 7g | 81 Suetion Line Retoining Washer oo... 1 36 PIT.O. iter Shaft inner Race & Roller Assy... 1 | 82 Suction Line Astemnbiy O-Rings. 00ccysei eens 4 37 Valve Piste Plug Oy | 88 Front Cover Gasket oe eT 38 Remote Valu: Plate Screw | 84 Front Gover Dowel Pin... ce 2 39. Remote Valve Plate Screw Lockwasher ccc... 8 | BS Suction Line Tube Clip Rivet - etarerinee F 4d Hemava Wane FI voce ssc sce; 1 | 88. Convrol Valve Romote Mounting Plate. H AL Remote Valve Plate Gasket cece 1 | BE DatBAR SBF Ce ee : 2 ie Teme ss cscorite, 1 | 88 Dewoe Balt... 2 lanier. {| 88 Control Valve Ascembly : 1 44. Front Cover to Case Serow Loekwasher 4 | 80) Valve ta Converter Hausing Screw «6... a 45. Front Cover to Case Serows 4 | 81 Valve to Converter Housing Serew 46 Front Cover Plug secs. 4 Lockwashar cece 8 47 Front Cover Plug Gasket. cece TL 82 Control Valve Gasket eee ceecteeeereee THA 28000 (SHORT DROP} {OUTPUT} R 28000 HR 28000 MHR 28000 FIGURE AHOW THE UNITS OPERATE With she engine cunning, the converter charging BUM rams oli from she Yranamiscion samp. Whrough she removable wit suction sereen and directs it through the presure regulating valve and oil filter The pressure cegulating valve maintains presture 10 the tracarnission cantrol caver for actuating the direction and speed Clutches. This requires © small portion of the total welume of cil used in the system, The remaining volume of oil is directed! through the torque eorwerter circuit to the ol! cooler anc returns to she transmission for positive lubrication. This regulator valve consists of a hardened value spool operating in a closely fitted bore. The valve soo! is qpring Foaded to hold the valve in 2 clesed position. When 3 specific presauf® i achieved, the valve spaal works against the spring until & port is exposod along the side of the bore, This sequence ef evunts provides the proper system pressure, Alter entering the converter using the ail directed through the stator support to the converter blade cavity and exits in the passage berween the turbine: shaft and converter support. The ail then flows out of the converter to the oll enoler. After leaving the cooler, the oil is eiected toa fitting On the transmission. Then through e series af tubes ond passages lubricates the Vansmisson Georings and clutches, The oil than gravity deaina ta the trsnemussan sump, ‘The hydraulic torque converter consists basically of three elements an their retated parts 2 multiply engine torque. The engine power is transmittest from the engine flywheal to the impeller element through the impeller cover. This element is the pump portion of the hydraulic torque converter and & the primary component which starts the ail flowing to the other components which reguls in torgue mutrplicatian, Thir element can be comparod 12 a centslfujal pump in that it picks ap fluid ot its center and discharges at its outee diomwter. The torque converter turbine & mounted opposite the impeller and is connected to the autpul shaft of the torque converter This clement receives fluid at its outer diameter and discharges at its cantor, Fluid directed! by the impeller out into the ‘design of blading in tha wibine and reaction member ic the means by whieh the hydraulic torque converter The reaction member of thw tarque converter is located between and at the center or inner diameters of the impeller and turbine slements. Its function is to take the fluid whieh & exhausting from the inner portion of the turhing ant change its direction t0 allow correct entry for recirculation into the impetier element, ‘The torque converter will multiply engine Torque te its dessgned maximum multiplication ratio when the output shift is at 2er0 RPM. Thorefore, we can sey that ay the output shaft is decreasing in speed the torque multiplication is increasing, The shift contro! valve amembly consists of a Valve body with sulector valve spools, & datent ball andl spring in the selector spool provides one position for each specd range, A detent ball and spring In the direction sa0l prowidas three positions, one esch for forward, neutral and reverse, With the engine running and! the direetional control lever in neutral pasition, oil pressure fram the regulating valve is blocked at the contial valve, and the trersenission 1 in neutral, Mavement of the forward and reverse sae! will direet ail, under pressure to either Ihe forward o revere direction eluteh as desirod. When aither directional clutch is solected the opposite elutch is relieve! of pressure and vents back through the directign selector spool, The-same peoredure is used! In the speed selector ‘The direction or speed clutch aseembly consists of 2 drum with inteenal splines and a bore to receive # hydraulically actuated piston. The piston is “ail tight” by ihe ust af sealing rings. A steel dise with external splines iS inserted inte tte drum and Tosts against the piston. Next, a friction dis with splines ot the inner diameter is ingertec, Dises are elternatad until the required total is achieved. A heavy back-up plate is then inserted and secured with a snap ring. A hub with OD. splines ingerted into: the splines of discs with teoth on the inner diameter, The discs and hub are free 10 inerewse in speed ar rotate in the opposite direction ws no presaré is present i: that specifie-clutch, ‘To engage the clutch, 2 previnusty stated, the control valve is placed in The desired position, This allows ai! under pressure te flow from the conwol valve, through a tube, to a chosen clutch shaft. This shaft has 9 drilled passageway for ail under Doressure to enter the shaft. Oi pressure staling rings are located on the cluteh shalt. These rings chrect oll under pressure to & desired efuten, Pressure of the oil forces the piston and dises against the heavy back-up piste The discs, with teeth on the outer diameter, clamping aysinst dices with teeth on the inner diameter, enables the hub and clutch shaft to be locked together anc allows thom to drive as @ unit ‘There are bleed balls in the clutch piston which allow quick escape for oil when the pressure to the piston is relewsed.TRANSMISSION ASSEMBLY “The transmission and hydraulic terque portion of the ewer train anaets an impartant role in transmitting engine power-ta she deiving wheels. [n order 19 properly maintain and service these units it ig important to first understand their function ond hhow they operate The transmission and torque converter function together and operate through 6 commen hydraulic system. It is necessary to ‘consider both units in the study of their function and operation ‘To mpplemept the taxt below, and for reference use therewith, the following illustrations are provided Basic Design Sithoustta Fig & ‘Case and Front Cover Graup Fig. 8 “Thme-Speod Cos and Clutch Grau Fig. ¢ Clute Group Fig. 0 Control Valve Fig Mechanical Parking Broke Fig F ‘Axle Disconnect Fig. G ‘Assembly Instauction Drawing Fig H Typical Three-Speed Pomer Flow External Plumbing Diagram ‘Clutch and Gear Arrangement Fig. K Shioleedt Bearing Installation Fink ‘The R, HR and MHR Model Transmissions are of three basse designs. ‘The A Madel consists of = separate torque converter, mountad to the engine with the powershift transmission remotely mounted snd connacted to the tomue converter with a-drive shaft. ‘The HF Model consists of # torque converter and pomershifted transmission in one packoge mounted dis ictly to the engine. ‘The MH version is a mid:mount torque converter and transmission assembly connected to the ongine by means of a drive shaft. (See Fig. A for busie design sithavette,) The shift control valve assembly may be mauntad ditscily on the side of the converter housing or front transmission cover, oF remote mounted and connected to the transmission by means of flexible hases. Tha function of the control valve assembly is to direct oil under pressure to the dested directional and spowd ohitch, A provision is made on certain models to noutralize ‘the transmission when the brakes are applied. This is accomplied through use of a brake actuated shutoff value. The spesd and direction slutch assemblies ae mounted inside the transmission ease and are cannected to the output shaft of the onverter either by direct gearing or drive shaft. The purpose of the speed or directional clutehes iso direct the power flow Unaugh the geo tain to provide the desired speed range and direction. An axle disconnect is optional andi Is located on the output shaft. The drive te the front or rear axle can be disconnected or connected by manual shifting.MECHANICAL PARKING BRAKE hem Description ary. 1 Backing Plate Assombly <<<. <0. c00cc00 ose ones se eees ver eeetsneeeretteeterneetnterteeress 2 Actusting LOVE 6... esc cs cgeceeseesveeseerseteeveaevetssensees coed 3 Brake Shoe and Lining... 2 4 Brake Flange 5 Brake Dram. ces es eee 6 Brake Drum to Flange Screw Lockwasher . . 7 Brake Qrum to Flange Screw... eee eee reer 8 Return Spring... a Brake Shoe (See em 3)... 66 ccs cere cence eens e eres ne eens 10 Brake Lining... n Rivet occ sses Ww Backing Plate Screw 13 Backing Plate Screw Lock washer FIGURE FCONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY ‘tom Deseription ay. 1 Valve Spool Oit Seal . 1 2 Velve Spool Oil Seal Retainer Ring Jot a Valve Shoo! Oil Seal Waser, Jot 4 Forward and Reverse Valve Snot a J 4 5 Control Valve Assembly — Incl. items 1 thru 9, 15, 16 and 18 thru 20 . cae : 1 8 Neutral Switch Detent Ball voveeecevevees coe 1 7 Neutral Switeh Jot a Valve Housing Flug Bae 1 9 Vales Housing Plug . ot 10 Qvershift Sasser, ,, . ot u Detent Spring Plug (Or 1 2 DBetent Spring Plug Washer (Optional) . vevevees 1 a Detent Spring WOationall |, . voces bes ves OF “4 Detent Ball (Optional! . . 1 15 Spoed Selector Shoo! Pipe Plug, Jo 16 Sheed Selectar bcctseeee . J " Quershift Seacor sebpere 1 18 Valve Speco! Oil Seal Washer... 1 19 Valve Spo! Oil Seat Retainer Ping. Jo 20 Valea Spool OW Seah cows 1 2 Hydraulie Piston Housing Assembly |, boveeeee Jot NOTE: Items 22 thru 25, 22, 33 and 37 are-various dectutch options, 38 Adaptor to Converter Housing Serew 4... . 4 2 ‘Adaptor to Converter Housing Serew Lackwasher . 4 40 Volve Adaptor Housing... errr od a Converter Housing to Valve Adaptor Housing Gasket 1 aa Adaptor Howsing to Converter Housing Serew . 5 43 Adaptor Housing to Adaptor Piate Gasket, 1 Valve Adoptor Plat... peasepeewee aureest onuy a ao 8 lane HYDRAULICALLY OPERATED CONTROL FIGURE E VALVE | ] ore “@ | mo [5 . e | a—e J a2LOW CLUTCH GROUP tae 1 End Plate Retainer Ring 2 End Plate o.oo. ee a Clutch Inner Disc. 4 Chetch Outer Dise 5 Chuteh Piston 6 Cluteh Piston Outer Seat 7 Chuteh Piston Inner Seal Rings... < - 1 a Low Speed Ciuteh Deum and Shatt . cote F REVERSE AND rd CLUTCH GROUP Foe Deseripion ory. 1 End Pate Retainer Ring... 00002. ceecee wtredyremsecentttersonmmeeneonscrmntennsense 2 End PARE eee eevee veces ee cee sees vena ee eeeeseveesseeccuereeceserteerieteecseeeee 3 Clutch Inne Disc. cesses sehEE EEE ERs cout eeeeeeeees wees 12 4 Clurah Outer Dise ceceeeeeeteereeee cee seteeeereecennreeees cevneeee 1B 5 Gluten Pista eee eee eee eee ee sees eat Abe apt iene .2 8 Clutch Picton Outer Seal Ring... coceeees coceeceevebevtecssteeeeteersneeesee 2 ? Chuteh Piston Inner Seat Ring... < : 2 8 Rovorse and 3rd Clutch Brum and Shaft. : aa FORWARD AND 2nd CLUTCH GROUP teen Deszription ity, 1 End Plate Retwiner Ring 5 cee cece ecceeeeee cee cee cee dceeeeeeceseegettneeeteectseene 2 2 End Plate... ws . . : cece B a Dlutch Inner Dis eee 2 4 Clutch Outer Disc - cusserne cee cece 2 5 (Clitoh PICO ose eee eee eset eect teee cnet eee seeneeennees winseens 2 6 (Cluteh Piston Outer Seal Ring oe eee eect eete eee sconsisapns 2 7 (Gluteh Piston Innar Seal Ring ee eee eee eect e ee eeeeetetectteeeeeees 2 8 Forward and 2nd Clutch Drum and Shaft... os eee 128000 THREE SPEED CASE AND CLUTCH GROUP Deseription oy. | trom Deseription omg Rens 3 BRISSSIRALARISSELSSRSSLSSSLSRL ASL ERVRLERYBBABZssaaxass Low Gear Bearing Retainer Ring .. Retum Spring Retainer Snap Fing - Snap Aling Retainer wt Return Spring Retainer Reverse and 3rd Glutch Shatt Piston Ring... Front Bearing Retainer Ring siseusernd Reverse and 3d Snafi Front Bearing. Front Bearing Retainer Ring ‘Cluich Driven Gear Blearing 0... Return Spring ‘Clutch Drivan Gear Bearing Snap Return Spring ftetainer «022 22> Clutch Driven Gear........ Low Sheed Glutch Shaft and Drum ‘luton Hub O11 Battie Ring Bearing Cap Screw = Clutch Driven Gear Bearing’ : ‘Cluteh Driven Gear Bearing 0... Return Spring Rotainer Sap ing -.<-.-- Snap Fling Retainer co Spring Retainer Beating Cap Screw Lackwashor Drive Gearfetsiner Ring. Low Speed Drive Gear : Idler Shaft Gear... cee Low Shaft Rear Searing... - iston Futur Spring Lew Shalt Rear Gearing Retainas Ring. | Spring Retainer... : Low Shatt Piston Rags Flaverse ang are Ciuteh Shalt and Brum Low Shatt Piston Ring 21) Spring Retainer pied Rear Bearing ap Gasket ; Piston Return Spring. _ Rear Bearing Gap "0" Ring. : Spring Retainer : Low Sha!t Rear Bearing Cap Snap Ring Fistainer . Return Soring Retainer Snap Ring 31d Gear flearing 3rd Gear fearing Snap Ring ‘Clutch Hub Gil Baffle Ring - rd Gear ST 3d Gear Bearing Spacer... - ‘Sed Gear Bearing Snap Ring 3rd Gear Bearing, Reverse and 2rd Shaft Fear aitis Ring - 2nd Gar Retaines Ring - Return Spring Retainer Soap Ang Snap Ring Retainer... Low Shaft Rear Bearing Cap Plug. Idler Shatt Bearing Cap Screw ..° Idler Shaft Bearing Gap Screw Lackwasher Idler Shaft Rear Bearing Lock Ball Idler Shaft Rear Bearing... Fear Bearing Locating Ring Icter Shaft Nut : Idler Shaft Bearing Cap Gasket idler Shaft Bearing Cap ....... Rear Bearing Cap Oil Seal... ‘Rear Gearing Cap "0" Ring : Rear Bearing Cap Screw : Rear Bearing Cap Screw Lockwasher ‘Output Shalt Rear Bearing Cap : Bearing Cap "0" Ring . : Spring Retainer ‘ ‘ Rear Bearing Cup... : Piston Return Spring ......00.. Rear Gearing Cone |. : Spring Retainer .....- ‘Output Shaft Gear Forward and 2nd Clutch Shaft and rum |... ‘Output Shatt Spring Atainer 2 ‘Oulput Shalt Gear Spacer. 0. o Piston Return Spring Pon Spring Retainer 3 Snap Ring Retainer . Return Spring Ratainer Snap Ring Clutch Drivan Gear Bearing... Gluten Driven Gear Bearing Snap Fing i Glutch Hubs Oil Battie Ring : ‘Output Shaft Bearing Cone =. ‘uiput Shall Bearing Cup... . Front Bearing Cap"O" Ring... Front Bearing Gap Shim... Front Bearing Gap . . Front Basring Cap Screw Lockwasher Front Bearing Gap Screw - Clutch Briven Gear. Flange Nut Gluteh Driven Gear Bearing Snag Ring - Flange Nut Washer --- Clutch Driven Gear Bearing Flange Nut "O" Ring Front Bearing Retainer Ring - ‘Qutput Flange Front Bearing Locating Ring. aoe Forward and 2nd Shatt Front Bearing . | Front Braring Retainer Ring - Forward and 2nd Shaft Piston Ring Frant Bearing Cap Oil Seal 115 Bearing Retaining Ring... 02...) 118 Idler Shaft Front Bearing : 1? IdierShaft..0.. Low Speed Clutch Shaft Pilot Bearing. 118 Idler Shaft Gear’ Locating Ring ‘ 2nd Gear Bearing hee Flanga Nut .. Low Gear Beating Retaines Ring 120 Flange Nut Washer ..- : Low Gear Bearing... : 121 Flange Nut "O" Ring ||| Low Gear Beating Lesating Fing 122 Companion Flange =. Low Gear : trans 123. Output Shaft (Used with Disconnect only} Low Gear Gil Battle Ring - Low Gear Bearing Lecatiag Ring Low Gear Bearing....... 124 Bushing (Used with Disconnect only) 425. Disconnect (Optionall . SUES ULEE BEL" AXLE DISCONNECT tien Be Ory. 1 Disconnect Housing Capszren Piers enrewease cranes es 4 2 Disconnect Housing Capscrew Lockwasher 4 3 Disconnect Housing 1 4 Disconnect Housing Plug. . 1 5 SHCHUD Lees eeeecseeseeeceeceeeretrsenstereeteatine 1 6 SHI FOI esses 1 7 Shift Fork Lockwerew 1 & Disconnect Shaft 1 8 Detent Ball 1 10 Detent Spring ' Shift Ra. 1 12 Shift Rail Oilseat .., 1 13 Bearing Retainer Ring... e.eessecceessesceesseeetereeesetine 1 4 Bearing... 1 15 Bearing Retainer Ring ' FIGURE GFIGURE HMAINTENANCE AND SERVICE ‘Tho Instructions contained herein cover the disassembly and reassembly of the transmission in a sequence that wauld normally be followed after the unit hes bean removed from the machine: and is to be completely aver hauled. It mrusst also be understood thet this Is a basi 28000 transmission with many options. Companion flanges and output shafts with and without disconnect assamblies may vary on spacific models. The units are very similar to trouble shoot, disassemble, repair, and reassemble. CAUTION: Cleanliness is of extrome importanée and a absolute must in the repair and overhaul of this unit Before attompting any repairs, the exterior of the unit must be thoroughly cleaned to prevent the possibility of ‘of dirt and foreign matter entering the mechanism. DISASSEMBLY Figure 9 Remove control valve bolts and washers. Remove contol valve. Use caution a8 not to: lose detent springs and bells Figure 2 Remove companion flange nut, washer and O-ring. Figure 3 Remove front cover plug Figures Remove bolts sscuring front cover to transmission hour ing,* 5 Figure 5 t cover with a chain fall. Using spreading type S88p ring pliers, spraad ars en forward beating retaining ring, Holding snap ring apen pry front ove from transmiasinn bau" Figures It forward and 2nd elutch comes out with front cove, spread ears on feont bearing Sn8p ring and separate elute from frant cover ta Figure 8 ‘ved, tap on threaded end af ‘gear anc bear If input shaft is 10 be shaft, remove input sha Figure 3 Figues ? and 31d clutch in transmission ©23e. Figure 10 Rear view of 1fénsmission utilizing » mechanical parking brake option,Figure 11 Figure 14 Remove autput flange nut, washer and O-ring, If parking Remowe brake shoes brake ls not used, remove companion: flange and proceed to Figuee 17. Figure 12 Figure 15. Remove parking brake drum and flange Remove brake actuator erm. Figure 12, Figure 18 Rameve upper and lower brake sioe return springs Remove brake backing plate boltsFigure 17 Figure 20 Remove idler shaft bearing cap bolts, bearing.cap anc! idler Remove low clutch rear bearing locating ring. shaft nut, Figure 21 Remave rear cover botts. Using pry stots provided, pry cover from transmission housing tapping on low clutch and idler shalt to allow cover ta be removed without staft binding Figure 19 Remove low clutch rear bearing cop. Figure 22. Remove low etuten rear bearing retaining Ring. WOTE ‘See page 24 for disessembly of low stutch utilizing a re. double taper baacing (helical gars}Figure 20, Remave lovr cluteh assemtsly Figure 30 Remove rear output shaft bearing cap bolts and cap. Figura 21 Remove front ouxput Hange nut, wesher, O-ring and com: anion flange. Figure 32 Ramave output shaft front bearing cap balts and cap. Figure 23 Bleck output gear. Push output shalt fram rear through bearing snd gear, CLUTCH DISASSEMBLY NOTE: Two clutches are shown being disassembled. The low chiteh, and the forward and seeand, All clvtchss ane disassembled in 9 similar manner. The quantity of elutch dives will differ between the low alutah and the forward, reverse, second and third, Oo not mix the frietiondises in the low cluteh with the frictiondises of any of the other clutches. (San note, Figure 68). LOW CLUTCH DISASSEMBLYFigure 34 Remave low clvteh shaft reer bearing. Figure 35, Remove low speed gear retainer ring Rlemova low seed gear Figuie Remove clutch end plate retainer ring, vay € - Figure 36. Remove cluteh and plate aad inner ard outer clateh discs, Romove low goss inner beFare 40 Fismove clutch piston return spring. & sleeve with Portion remaved is recommended tor removing the clutch piston return spring, washer, and rotainer ring, Sleeve shown is 8 common pipe, with a 12" wide x 1” high (39,0 x 26,0rm) opening. The pipe is 6 lang 34/4" O.D,, 2314" LD. [155,0 x 85,0 x78mm). Com: press. snap ring retainer washer. Through opening femove spring retainer snap ring. Releaae tension on relainer washer. Remove spring retainer and spring, ‘Turn clutch over and tap clutch shatt on & block ot wood to remove clutch pisten. FORWARD AND 2ND CLUTCH DISASSEMBLY Figure 47 Remove clutch shaft piston rings Figure a2 Remove front bearing retainer ring. Fepure 43, Flamowe front bearing. Figure 44 Remove tront beasing loesting ring. Figure 46. Fomowe eluich driven gear and outer besring,Figure a6 Figure 49 Remove inner besring, Compras return spring retainor, Remove retainer ring from groove. Figure 47 Figuee 60, Remove and plate retainer ring Relieve spring compression. Remove retainer ring, retainer and spring. Figure 48 Figure 31 Remave oad plate, Remove inner anu outer chiteh dises Turn elute’ aver and tap clutch shaft on a block af wood te remove clutch paston,CLEANING AND INSPECTION CLEANING Clean all parts thoroughly using solvent type cleaning fluid. {tis recommended that parts bs insmersed in cleaning fluid and moved up and down slowly until all ald lubricant and foreign material is dissolved and parts ars thoroughly cleaned. CAUTION: Care should be exercited to avake iatolatian oF {apors and skin razhee wher using aikaf cleaners, Bearings Remove besrings from cleaning fluid and strike flat against a block af wood to dislodge solidified particles of lubricant, Immerse again in cleaning fluid ta flush out particies, Re peat above operation until bearings are thoroughly clean. Dry bearings using moisture-free compressed sir. Be earetul +o direct gir siream aeross baaring te evoid spinaing. Do nat spin bearings whee drying. Bearings may be ratated slowly bby hand ta facilitate drying process ‘Suction Sereen: Remave suction sceten located at the lower left hand sicle ‘of the transmission housing. Clean sersen thoroughly or replace if necessary, AFTER housing is clesned, reinstall serean and gesket Housings Clear interior and exterior of housings, bearing caps, ate. shoroughly. Cast parts may be cleaned im hat solution tanks ‘with mild alkali solutians providing these pertsda not have ‘ground or plished sirfoces, Parts should remain in solution tang enqugh to be thoroughly cloanad and heated, This will aid the evaporation of the cleaning solution and rinse water Parts ciganed in golttion tanks must be thoroughly rinsed with clean vigter to remave all traces of alkeli, Cast parts ay alsa be cleuned with staarn cleaner CAUTION: Care should be exercised to avoid intatation af vapors amet skin rostias when using alal/ cleaners. All parts cleaned wst be thoroughly driad immediately by using moisturefroe compressed air or soft, listless absor bent wiping rags fae of abrasive materials sueh os metal ilings, contaminated ail oF lapping compound. 0 INSPECTION ‘The importanes of careful and thorough inspection of alll parts cannot be overstessed. Replecement of all parts showing indication of wear or strass will eliminate costly and avoidable failuces at « Ister date Bearings Carefully inspect all rollers, cages and cups tor wear, chipping oF nicks to determine fitness of beurings for further usa. Do not replace » beating cone or euip ind: vidually without replacing the mating cup or cane at the same time. After inssection dips bearings in recammended ‘type Automatic Transmission Fluid and weap in slaan tint less clatt or paper to protect them until installed. Oil Seals, Gaskets, Ete. Floptacement of spring load oil seals, O-Flings, matal seating Fingg, goskets and snap rings is more economical wher: unit is disassembled than prematura overhaul ta replace these arts et a future time, Further lose of lubricant through # worn seal may result in failure of other more expensive parts af the assembly, Sealing members should he handled carefully, perticularly when being installed, Cutting. Scratching. oF curling under of tip of seal seriously impairs its efficiency. Apply e thin coat of Permatex No. 2 on the outer diameter of the oll seal to asfure an oil tight fit into. the retainer, When assembling naw metal tyBe sealing rings, same should be lubricated with coat of chassis grease to stabilize rings im their groves for case of assembly of mating members, Lubricate all Q-Aling: and seals with recommended type Automstic Transmission Fhuid before assembly. Gears and Shafts Hf magna-flux process is available, use pracess to check arts. Examine teeth on all gears carefully for wear, pitting. chipping, nicks, cracks or scores. I gear teeth show spots whore case hardening is worn through ar eracked, replace with new gear, Small nicks may be removed with svitable hone. Inspect shafts and quills to make certain they are not sprung, bent, ar splines twisted, and that shafts are true. Housing. Covets, Ete Inspect housings, covers and bearing caps ta be: certain they are thoroughly cleaned and that mating surfaces, baring bors, ele, are free {rom nicks of burrs, Check all parts carefully Yar evidence of cracks or condition which would cause subsequent oil lesks or failuresREASSEMBLY FORWARD & 2ND CLUTCH REASSEMBLY [Sem page 28 for Modulated Clutch Crass Section.) Figure 55 Install one friction disc. Alternate steel and friction discs Figure 52 Until the proper amount of discs ere installed. Flest disc Inatall new clutch piston inner and outer gealing rings next to:the piston is steel, last dise installed is friction: Figure 96 Insert eluted piston in clutch drum. Use eaution as net to Install end plate. ‘damage sealing rings. Fs Unstall cluteh piston inner return sorina retainer, return Figure 87. spring, cxstar spring retainer, shap ring washer, and snap Install ead plate retainer ring. fing, Insert one steel dite. "> th Figure 58 Install clutch driven gear inner boaring Figure 61 Insta front bearing locating ring Figure 59 Install clutch driven gear inte clutch drum. Align splines on cluteh gear with intorsal teath af friction discs. Tap. gear into position, De not force this operation. Gear splines must ba in full position with internal tveth of all friction dises & ‘ a0 Fin Inetall driven gasr euter bearing, Bearing shiokd must face in. Figues 62 Install front bearing. MOTE: Snap ring groovn in front bearing must be down, Figure 63 stall front bearing retaining ring.Install clutch shaft olf sealing rings. Grease rings to facili tate reassembly inte front housings. LOW CLUTCH REASSEMBLY Figure 65 Install new clutch piston Inner and outer seating ring. lngert piston into clutch drum using caution sf not to ainage seals, Position inner raturn spring rexsinr, rewen shring, auter spring reteinor, snap ring washer and snap ving For reassembly of low clutch ul ‘he low clutch gear see page 26. 19 taper bearings in Figure 68. Install tow gear inner bearing. 13 Install one stoet dix Se ee we Figure 63 install one friction disc. NOTE: The frietion dises in the low clutch has @ higher co-efficient rating than the friction discs in the other clutches, thorefare the discs must not be mixed. The low elutech inner dise can be idantifiad by an "XC" stamped on one side of the inner testh, The low ‘oluteh innor disc also has a strip of non-solublo yellow paint sprayed on the outer edge of the dise, Alemnate steel and friction discs until the proper amount of discs are installed, First ise next to the piston is steel, Inst ise installed Is triction, Install and plate and retainer ring.Go = Figua 70 Figu Install low gear into clutch drum. Align splines on low Ista Fow clutch shaft rear be: ear with internal testh of friction discs. Tap gear into position. Do net force this operation. Gear splines must bbe in full position with internal teeth of el friction discs, ~ Furs . View ot cata salto teu be poston in wae igure 3 mission cage, Note front cone beari ul it Ins tw ger utr wero MOTE nan inating ne ‘unin ea, Note ont cane barge on sa rd gear inthe 3rd spoed clutch a beering specer fs used between the inner sad outer Sed gear bearing. Figure 78 Peuncéa Position ourput gear in transmission case with protruding testa = hub toverd troat of case. See Fig. 74, Insert output shaft, sac See et png stg, ear spacer and twoer bearing fram front of case and hrough output guar lastall {cont taper bearing cup. Block output shaft and instell veer taper bearing with large sdiarmater in, “4Figuee 76 install nav oil seal (soe Figure Hi for position & depth) Using naw O-Rings, install rear output bearing cap.oil caal and taper bearing cup on transmission ease. Lube opening in bearing cap must be aligned with lube opening in ease, Tighten bearing cap bolts to specified torque. (See torque chart) Figure 97 Install front bearing cap and shims. Tighten bolts. to specifind corque, Tap eutput shaft front and rear to sext er bearings. Loosen froat bearing cap bolts Figure 72, Using an inch Ib. torque wrench, determine the rolling torque of the output shaft and record, Tighten frant bear ing cap bolts to specified targus, Chock roiling torque with bolts tight. Torque must be 6 to & inch lhe [ Nm.) more than whee bearing cap bolts ware loose, Add or amit shims on the front bearing cap ta achieve the proper preload. Figure 79 Inctall eutpue shaft fromt campanion flange, Hange O-Ring, washer and flange nut. Block autput gear. Tight specified torque. [See elastic stop nut torque chart. | Figure 8 From the rear of the transmission case, install the low clutch assembly, Figure 81 From the front af the transmission ease, install the reverse il 3rd clutch assembly.Figure 82 Fig Install 2nd speed! gear on low clutch shat Figure 86 Install tow cluteh rear beating with bearing ring groove to the tear, MOTE: Far reassembly af low cluteh utilzivig rear double taper bearings see nage 24 thalical goa. Figure 84 Figure 87 Install low speed drive gear and retainer ring, Uostall low elute rear beering retainor ring.Figues 98 Figure 97 Positian a naw gasket on rear transmission gase. Align lac Install low eluteh shaft piston rings Install maw gasket anal ball in idler shaft rear bearing with notch in rear transmis- ‘O-Aling on tow shatt bearing cap. sion cover, Tan cover in place and secure witn bolts and lockwashers, Figuee 89 Figure 82 Torque rear cover bolts to specified rorque, Install bearing cap and secure with lockwashers and bolts. Tighten ta specified torqus, Figure 90 Figure 92 From front af transmission casr, tap low clutch and idler Install ier shaft rear bearing Locating ring. shaft 10 rear. This will allow clearance to install rear besring snap ring. "Figure 94 Figuee 97 tall idler shaft nut, Block idlar gear, tighten nut te. Locate brake shoes pacified torque. (See elastic stop rast torque chart.) With new gasket in position, instal! idler shaft bearing cap. Tighten bolts to specified torque. Ifa mechanical parking brake (8 not Used, proceed to Figure 100. Figure 95 Figure 98 Install brake backing plate ascombly. Tighten bolts wa Install upper and lower brake show return springs. specified torque. Figure 98 Figure 99 Position brake: actuating erm Install brake drum and flange assembly.Figure 109 Secure flange with @ new "70" ning, washer and flange nut, Block output shaft and tighten nut te specified torque. (See alastic stop nut torque chert.) Figure 101 Install 2rd speed cluteh shaft rear oilot bearing of shaft Position forward and 2nd speed clutch an dist hub igring splines ef disc hub with internal teeth of 2nd spord clutch friction discs. Dise tah must be in full past friction dises. Do not fares this operatic. tae GEAR RETAINER RING ef INPUT SHAFT 7. Ley NOTE: LONG HUB OF DRIVE GEAR TOWARD RETAINER AING Figure 102 shaft, rear bearing, drive gear and snap ring. 0 sna Figure 10% Install input shaft inte front bearing. Figure 104 Forward clutch front bearing lorating ring. Figuee 105 Support front cover with a chain fall, Spread fonwarst clutch frant bearing retainer ring, Pasition front cover to treasmission case. Tap cover into place using caution 38 not te damage any of the tluteh shaft piston rings.Figura 105 Install cover te case bolts, Tighten to specified torque Figure 107 Install front cover plug. Figure 108 Install companion flange, flange "0" ring, washer and fut. Tighten standart siotted nut or elastic stop nut specified torque. (See elastic stop nut torque chart.) Locate detent palit and springs in conteat valve, Position naw gesket Secure valve with bolts and washers. Tighten to specified torque.SERVICING MACHINE AFTER TRANSMISSION OVERHAUL ‘The transmission, torque converter, and its allied hydraulic system are important tings in the drive tine between the {engine and the whests The propar operation of either anit, apends greatly on the condition and operation of the other; therefore, whenever repair or overhaul of one-unit is performed, the balance of the system must be considered before the job can be considered completo Alter the overhauled or repaired wransmission has been installed in the machine, the ail cooler. and comnesting hydraulic system must be thoroughly cleaned, This can be soomplishad in several manners andl a degree of judgment must be exorcised as to dhe meviod emplayed, ‘The following are considared the minimum steps to be taken: 1. Drain entire system thoroughly 2 Disconnect and clean all hydraulic lines. Wheee feai- ble, hydraulic Hines sould be remoued fae machine for cleaning, 3, Replace oil filter clements, cleaning out filter cases thoroughly, 4, Tho oll cooler must Be thareughly eles, The cepoler should bbe “back flushed” with oil and com [pressed air until all focoign material fas been 4 moved. Flushing in direztion of normat oil fiow will ot adequately clean the cooler. If necessary, cooler awambly shauld be removed from machine for clean ing, using oil, compresied air and steam cleanar for that purpose, DO NOT use flushing compounds for ‘leaning purpases, 5. Qn remate mounted tonque converters remove dain plug from toque converter and inspect interior af converter housing, gears, atc. If presence af consider: able foreign material is noted, it will be necessary that converter be removed, disassembled and cleaned thoreughly, tis realized this entails extra labor; how: evar, mich labor if a minor cost compared to cost of difficulties which can result from presence of such foweign material in the system, 6. Fleassemble all components and use only type oil recommanded in lubrication section, Fill tanamission through filler opening until fluid cames up to LOW marke on transmission dipstick. NOTE: If the dipstick is not accessibia oll lnvel check plugs are provides, Remove LOWER check plug, fill until ofl runs from LOWER ol! hole, Replace filler snd level pig, Alun engine two minutes at 500600 RPM te grime torque converter and hyctrautic finas, Rocha lovel of fluid in transmision with engine nenning at idle (500.600 APN) Add quantity necessary to bring fluid level to LOW mark on dipstick or runs freely fran LOWER it lavel ccheck plug hole. Install eit level plug or dipstick Racheck with hot oil (180-200°F) [B2, 2.93, 3°C) Bring oil level to FULL mark on dipstick or rune {resty fear UPPER oil leve! plug 7. Recheck all drain plugs, lines, cannections, leaks and tighten where necessary. ae, for TORQUE IN (LBS.~FT.} BOLTS, GAPSCREWS, STUDS AND NUTS Grade 5 identification, 3 Radial Dashes 120° Apart on Head af Bolt LUBRICATED OR PLATED Grade 8 Identification, B Radial Dashes 60° Apart on Head of Bolt Nominal Fine Thon Coarse Thread i ‘Torque Lbs. FLINLI, Torque Lbs. Fim Fine Thread Torque Lbs. Ft/N.m. Coarse Thad Torque Lbs. Fe/H. 16:20 129,7-27.11 26-29 135,3-39.3) 28-32 138.0-43.41 37-41 (50,2.55,81 26-30 139.3-40.71 41-45 155,6-61,01 37-41 150,2-55,6) SB-4 [78,6-86.8) S287 170.5 77.31 54.70 186.8-94.91, 57.83 197, 20-98 (172,0.134.2) | 80.a8 [ 5625 | 91-100 [123.4.135,6) 12.90 (191,2.122.01 128.149 (979,5-197,2) | 115-127 1166.0-172,21 21SPECIFICATIONS AND SERVICE DATA—POWER SHIFT TRANSMISSION AND TORQUE CONVERTER CoMvERTER Gu PRESSURE Seve att tm 10-200" F mre. ‘Tanusicn i NEUTRAL, (Goer tbescatona 25 PS. [N72 APs] resume prasare at 2088 REM. agi sped AND maint TD PSL [BD (Pal aco! prune walnuogine searing at toad goveined weeed. Forward and Revaeae — Manus Soved Selecson — Manoa! Mugla cass, ecrasicly achat, spring PMRERES. Ruomarie HAW competion and. Ho {Sotorrmes a ehaenar- cooled snd utes Frio. cowrnaus -cLUTON TM LUT INNER Bes CLUTCH OUTER OSE Stee (Of FETRATION Full ew teat oy pone sen enna cn [sue a ballon lararntinn eae, 71656 8 1030,6 bal — Wm peking ote ta fone ete il tampertire TR 200" [822° - 983°C], engine atte [200 10 #50 MFM, Hit mu diretcn ona spas lucha Al etch Prescare muck be equal iin pou [385 45) H ‘utc ereasureveriee any he ELE gt hen [4 Aa ropa ome NOTE: Naver wie Sifvce Broken wile making eh prasiure hacks. Unita Raving brake ‘nctaned seehctching Taal ator cewuene ‘eine ve roe raping ALWAYS USE PARIANG BRANE WHEN MAKING CLUTEN PRESSURE Chex. LUBRICATION TYPE OF OM fa Lube Char, capaci? tyre mvt be weneldered etermine capacity HECK PERIOD Check sil lee! CARLY with tog (G2, 2- 92.3" Ch Maintain oll level 92 FULL nek MORMAL A fagey $00 baurn, shang il filer lament RAIN PERIGO Evocy 1000 hour, drain and rfl epson a3 follows Basin wih al 10" 49 200" F Wese- oa cL OTE: Ib raammmended shat (arn ‘Ser 3 00 hears of ape sepa oth Deni all Fates, semove sed acre ‘ler steam. ines tar sll ra natal nee lem afl fememision to LOW mack fun engino st $0080 RPM to pine stanvieer and lin ‘neaheck leva wth engine running at 300-400 PM and sad ol bo Bog laval io LOW mach. Wie ail tampa fire i haptisoaoo" F) [232-90.3"c] ae finel ofttvml check, BRING OF. TEVEL To FUU, WARK. gusscorny "GET ecines TERE Bitar isaac tot ee wae or mgs erent aoe ene ae See : a ‘Normal drain pariads and filtor change intervals are for average environmental and duty-cycte conditions. Severe or sustained high operating temperatures of very dusty simespheric conditions will cause accolar- ated deterioration and contamination. For extrame conditions judgment mus! be used to determine the required change intervals. 22‘TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE For The and HF Model, 28000 Transmission The following data is presented a5 an oid te locating the source of difficulty in a malfunetioning unit, I necomary fo consider the torque converter charging pump, tans mission, ait cooler, and connecting lines ax a complete system when running dawe the source of trouble since the Oper Operation of ary Upit therein depends westly On the eungition and operations of the others, By studying the principles of operation together with data in this section, it may be possible to correct any malfunction which may ‘occur in the system. TROUBLE SHOOTING PROCEDURE BASICALLY CONSISTS OF TWO CLASSIFICATIONS: MECHANICAL AND HYDRAULIC MECHANICAL CHECKS Prioe to checking any part of the system from = hydraulic standpoint, the following mechatical checks should be made’ 1. A check should bo made to be sure all control lever Finkage is Braparly connected and adjusted at all connecting points. 2. Chock shift levers. and rods for binding oF restrictions in travel that would prevent full engegement, Shift levers by hand at control valve, if full engagpment cannot be obtained, difficulty may be in control cover and valve assembly, HYDRAULIC CHECKS Before checking on the torque converter, transmission, aed alliad hydraulic system tor pressures an rate-of oil flow, it is essential that the following preliminary checks be made. 1. Check olf level in transmission. This should be done ‘with oil temperatures of 180 to 200°F. [82,2-93,3°C) DG NOT ATTEMPT THESE CHECKS WITH COLD OIL. ‘To bring the oll temperature to this specification it necessary to either work the machine oF "stall" out the ‘eprwerter. Where the farmer means. is impractical, the ‘atter means should be employed as follows: shift levers in formate and high spect and apply brakes, Accelerate engine half to three-quarter Engeg pat throttle, Hold stall until desired converter outlet temperature i reached. CAUTION: FULL THROTTLE STALL SPEEDS FOR AN EXCESSIVE LENGTH OF TIME WILL OVER, HEAT THE CONVERTER LOW CLUTCH PRESSURE Couse 1. Low al faved Clutch pressure regulating valve spool stuek open, Faulty charging pump, Broken ar worn eluteh shaft or piston sealing rings. Clutch piston bleed walve stuck open Rlomedy 1. Fill to proper level. 2. Clan walve spool and housing. 3. Replace pump, 4, Replace sealing rings. ‘5. Clean bleed valves thoroughly, LOW CONVERTER CHARGING PUMP OUTPUT Low aif level Suction screen plugged ‘ar asks at pump intake hose and cannections or collapsed hose |R-28000 only 1. Fill to: proper level 2. Clean suction screen. 3, Tighten all connections oF replace hase if necessary, 4, Defective oi! purse, 4, Replace pump, OVERHEATING 1. Wee of sealing rings 1. Remove, disassemble, and rebuild converter sssernibly 2. Warn oll pump. 2. Replace, & Low oil level 3. Fill to proper level 4, Pump suetien line taking air. (R-28000 only) 4. Check oil line connections and tighten securely. NOISY CONVERTER 1, Worn coupling geaes. 1, Replace 2, Wore oil puny, 2, Replace. 3, Worn or damaged bearings. 3, A-camplete disassembly will be necossary to determine what bearing is faulty LACK OF POWER 1. Low engine RPM at converter sta 1. Tuneengine check governor 2 See “Querheating” and make same checks. 2. Make corrections a explained in “Over-Heating.”REVERSE a . =|ronwaro| COLOR KEY Mammist (Lowy i MEAD (Hi R MODEL 3 SPEED TRANSMISSION FIGURE |R28000—C270 EXTERNAL PLUMBING DIAGRAM. Chak pein “E Gost wit ere, (hack pane“ Coane Buta areseuro ne 40 Goat at tempera. Fina suzombly (coe chad, Now {Eine bom pup et bm connacind ee sie af oe iw nm ura 9 ite arc Wom ther fo c25, wv. (hack pon “8 corer at pes — Pressure reo. vee ‘ehsch piet*2° BunZAD PS! [ISOS iP] eal rane? ans adap in nghest | Soomter an beaten ‘Solet sono eametin Sepa ota tans cetpon-oe | ett wend shai iain main meso seo rene heck pant °C" arwsetar une panne, Soon sant sesame Nas gunn ee sain ger, ian grasg aS. ae rs ase — fil Temon see enlarge pnts rE eer a Bat sete ag ti denna ae Seen eae, Sevens meant eee neminecap me ST crea eee a JSHZI0FT Feelmuic “ese Specteaion, 2 Suction Line be preterm cole by lineman el ine Ra AE Sper 8 “Brora byorauto Hose Eowerieatn usable tr operation tm arent HUE (IZLE, Continuous opsrating wmporsee. |. Gewvty Orin Line=Suitaele far aperagon from ambient i 250° (1210) eonenuoue panting mmperstre. Rat SAE. Spee No, 817.9008 Fickle Hooe Speciation “4 Bll Hose Lines el a conform to SAE Spas No 019 Tot Pasa br Fgh Trp. Tansmisen Ca mene ‘5 Be Lutricaion Specacatinns FIGURE J28000 SERIES-3 SPEED CLUTCH & GEAR ARRANGEMENT FIGURE K Fonwano on REVERSE Eu18THO FOR SAE nano On AE “RING FITTING suppLy (ALL MODELS) REMOTE CONTROL vs? (PuURaED aN 2A200 SETHE 2NO (1BT On 26700 SERIES) ser eLuacen On tH (RUGGED ON, ‘28200 SERIES) dame a 2300 Sere) AD 20 ON $00 (12. 7)1.D. LINE -SUFPLY eT TMD fom Sa periie ae STD" ING FITTING SPRY 2D NST ON ine re. ‘TRANS VALVE eae PLATE RD AND ON hee Th. =H 2700 SERIES) STKE. S16 "0" RING FITTING. 378 (9.58) U0 LINE FORW REY 487,200, 980, 4TH GENERAL HOSE Une ‘OPERATING REGUIPEMEMTS |. 20°F 112100) TEMP, RANGE FOR CONTINUOUS: romeo on 1825 ]05.08] 1b. LINE ORIN | GRERATING ITH 00% [1494] TERLATTENT (ALL MODELS) Panes [ACL MaDEL St S006 8. (2000 xP) COwTINUOUS OpEmATION WITH ara pues on 00 P 8 [4198 hPa} SURGE PRESSURE, ‘amo 8 32300 SERVES] Sio-oanonrtina REMOTE MOUNTED CONTROL VALVE PLUMBINGBEARING SHIELD MUST FACE ME BEARING SHIELO MUST FACE OUT BEARING SHIELD BEARING sitEio__-™ saugT FACE OUT = BEARING SHIELD MUST FACE IN FIGURE L SHIELDED BEARING INSTALLATIONDISASSEMBLY OF LOW CLUTCH UTILIZING REAR DOUBLE TAPER BEARING (HELICAL GEARS) Figure a Remove low clutch double bearing cup, outer cone and ‘spacer. Figure a CAUTION: Outer cone, double bearing cup, spacer and Innes bearing cone are replaced as a set. Figuie Remove low clutch inner beating cone. NOTE: To remove the inner cone besring without damage, a Special Dearing puller must be made (see diagram Fig. Djor the outer cage and rollers may be pulled from the bearing inner race and the inner race can be remaved after the low cluteh assembly has been removed from the transmission. Son caution in Figure B. CUT WITH ie RUBBER TWHEEL AFTER HON, Figure D A timian bearing cup, No, 29520 must be used with the above bearing puller. REASSEMBLY a7 install [ow cluteh inner taper bearing. NOTE: Heal bearing in hot oil beth prior to installation. Figure F Install bearing spacer,Figure install bearing cup. z w/ Figure Install outer taper baring. NOTE: Heal bearing In hot cil bath prior to installation Figure! lnstall retainer plate, inner diameter chamfer towara bearing, 2s Fiquies Install bolts and block gears. Torque bolts to specifies tions and lack wire together Figure k Install low clutch shalt sealing ring.‘LOW CLUTCH DISASSEMBLY UTILIZING ‘TAPER BEARINGS IN LOW CLUTCH GEAR Figure & Fomove elutch end plate retainer ring Remove clutch end plate and innar and outer clutch dises Ps Femve low each sat bring er 05 Flemove low gear inner taper bearing, REASSEMBLY Figure 2 Remove low speed gaar taper bearing retainer ring, Figure 6 I ovr eae inner taper bearing Install one steat dise, Install one friction disc. NOTE: The friction discs in the tow clutch fas a higher cowfficient rating than the ‘rietion dises in the other clutches, therefore the aliscs must not be mixed. The fow clutch inner disc can be identified ay an "x" stamped an one side of the inner teeth, The jaw clutch inmer disc alco has & sirip of nonsofuble yellow paiat sprayect an the Outer edge of the Figure 2 disc, Alternate steal and frigtion discs untfl the proper Remove low speed gear and auter tapar besring, amount of disc: are installed. First dise next to the piston is stool, last dsc installed is frition.igure 7 Install end plate and retainer ring, Figure 10 (netati iow geer euter taper hearing. Figure 8 Indtall low eluteh taper bearing spacer Figure 11 Install Jow clutch taper bearing retainer ring. NOTE: Retainer ring i sslocted at assembly far proper thiokrass, A snap ring kit is available, Select the thickest of the three rings in the kit that con be fitted into the srvap ring groove ta assure a nraper taper bearing tightness Check ring ae shown for tight ring to bearing fit, Figura ee Install low gear into clutch drum. Align splines on iow ~ ‘ear with internal tweth af friction discs, Tap gear into Figure 12 Position. Ba not farce this operation. Gear splines must Install towr clutch shaft front bearing inner race with boa in full pasitian with internat teeth of all friction dives, ge diameter of race down,28000 CLUTCH MODULATION CROSS SECTION © PLATE MODULATIONCLARIC-HURTE> COMPONENTS Statesville, North Carolina Brugge, Belgium Arco, Italy Sao Paulo, Brazil OHT-0010 PRINTED IN U.S.A,
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1954)
Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
From Everand
Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Frank McCourt
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (443)
The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
From Everand
The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
Meik Wiking
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (434)
The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
From Everand
The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2281)
Brooklyn: A Novel
From Everand
Brooklyn: A Novel
Colm Tóibín
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2029)
A Man Called Ove: A Novel
From Everand
A Man Called Ove: A Novel
Fredrik Backman
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (4952)
The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (99)
The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
From Everand
The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
Viet Thanh Nguyen
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (125)
Yes Please
From Everand
Yes Please
Amy Poehler
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1961)
Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
From Everand
Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (273)
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
From Everand
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (4264)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
From Everand
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1934)
The Woman in Cabin 10
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The Woman in Cabin 10
Ruth Ware
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2599)
A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
Dave Eggers
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (233)
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
From Everand
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (235)
Wolf Hall: A Novel
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Wolf Hall: A Novel
Hilary Mantel
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (4059)
Fear: Trump in the White House
From Everand
Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (805)
On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (75)
Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Jay Sekulow
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (139)
Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (883)
The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
George Packer
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (45)
John Adams
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John Adams
David McCullough
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (2520)
The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
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The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
M.L. Stedman
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (789)
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (109)
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Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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