Phy 619
Phy 619
Phy 619
Course Outcomes:
The student is expected to gain a good understanding of various types of phase transitions
and their description. Obtain a considerable insight of the modern theory of critical
phenomena and of the behavior of canonical theories and models, and the skills required to
solve problems useful for future professional activity
Level: Mastery
Course Description: Thermodynamic systems exist in various stable homogeneous states
(phases) which differ in their structure, symmetry, order or dynamics. At certain (critical)
values of the thermodynamic variables the system undergoes an abrupt change from one
phase to another phase which is called a phase transition. Critical phenomena investigates the
relevant observable physical properties exhibiting singularity or discontinuity in the vicinity
of a critical point. It is often the existence of phase transitions that give materials the
properties that are exploited in technological applications and therefore, forms an important
subject of interest to physicists, chemists, and material scientists.
Course Objectives:
(1) to provide insights into the Physics of phase transitions and critical phenomena
through a systematic presentation of the formalism and the models
(2) to train students in the analytical and numerical methods of modern statistical
mechanics to solve the exercises proposed during the course.
(3) to enable the student to recognize the nature and type of the phase transitions that
occur in nature and to study the main implications of critical phenomena in various
branches of Physics independently.
Phase equilibrium and phase transition. Examples. Critical point exponents, inequalities and
universality classes. Overview of simple models. Mean field Approximation, Landau theory,
Beyond mean field, correlations and fluctuations, Scaling hypothesis, Renormalization
Group and Crossover Phenomena, Dynamics of phase transitions (nucleation, spinodal
decomposition, critical slowing down, mode-coupling)
Prerequisites of the Course: Statistical Mechanics