10.1007@s00784 020 03415 0
10.1007@s00784 020 03415 0
10.1007@s00784 020 03415 0
Is there evidence for the use of lesion sterilization and tissue repair
therapy in the endodontic treatment of primary teeth? A systematic
review and meta-analyses
Maysa Lannes Duarte 1 & Paula Maciel Pires 1 & Daniele Masterson Ferreira 2 & Andréa Vaz Braga Pintor 1 &
Aline de Almeida Neves 1,3 & Lucianne Cople Maia 1 & Laura Guimarães Primo 1
Objective To assess whether lesion sterilization and tissue repair (LSTR) technique resulted in similar clinical and radiographic
success outcomes as compared with pulpectomy in primary teeth.
Materials and methods Randomized clinical trials comparing LSTR with pulpectomy by means of clinical and radiographic param-
eters were included. Risk of bias was assessed using Cochrane methodology and the certainty of evidence was determined by GRADE.
Results Six articles were included. Conventional pulpectomy was favored with respect to radiographic success frequency in the
systematic review. Four studies were included in meta-analyses. Based on the clinical results at 6 months (RR = 0.99, 95% CI, 0.94–
1.04, p = 0.67; I2 = 0%), 12 months (RR = 0.97, 95% CI, 0.90–1.04, p = 0.34; I2 = 0%), and 18 months (RR = 0.89, 95% CI, 0.77–
1.04, p = 0.14; I2 = 0%) and radiographic findings at 6 months (RR = 0.91, 95% CI, 0.78–1.06, p = 0.23; I2 = 9%), 12 months (RR =
0.87, 95% CI, 0.65–1.18, p = 0.38; I2 = 64%), and 18 months (RR = 0.84, 95% CI, 0.69–1.02, p = 0.08; I2 = 0%), there was no
difference observed regarding success between the two treatments. The quality of evidence ranged from moderate to very low.
Conclusions No difference between the LSTR and pulpectomy approaches could be confirmed by meta-analyses. The quality of
evidence according to the GRADE scheme ranged from moderate to very low.
Clinical relevance The present meta-analyses could not demonstrate the superiority of one treatment over the other.
Keywords Pulpectomy . Root canal preparation . Root canal treatment . Primary tooth . Antibiotic paste
materials [2]. However, the inherent characteristics of the root Information sources and search strategy
canal system in primary teeth make this procedure an end-
odontic challenge, especially in molars. The presence of later- The PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane, BVS
al branches as well as accessory channels at the apex and (LILACS and BBO), ClinicalTrials.gov databases, and the
furcation regions; the anomalous root canal anatomy; and, gray literature (Google Scholar and Trip Database) up to
finally, the fact that the roots of the primary teeth are located December 2019 without language or publication year
close to the germ of the permanent successor and are physio- restrictions were reviewed.
logically programmed to exfoliate [1, 3] all contribute to in- The search strategies, presented in Table 1, were adapted
crease the level of difficulty. according to the syntax rules of each database, using the com-
Given that root canal infection was a common problem in bination of MeSH terms, synonyms, and free terms. A librar-
the primary dentition [4] in the 1990s, a new technique called ian experienced in systematic searches (DMF) guided the pro-
lesion sterilization and tissue repair (LSTR) was proposed as cess. Following article selection, an additional hand search
an alternative biologic approach that sought to facilitate the was performed among the reference lists of each selected ar-
disinfection of dentinal carious lesions, pulp, and periapical ticle in order to elucidate publications that might not have
lesions in primary teeth [5–7] with the advantages of being been found otherwise during the database investigations.
simpler and faster [4, 8]. LSTR has been proposed as one
option to potentially replace pulpectomy as it is simpler and Selection of studies
quicker to perform and does not necessitate multiple visits be
completed, even for teeth with periapical lesions [4]. LSTR is Two of the authors (MLD and AVBP) conducted the search
also known as noninstrumental endodontic treatment (NIET) independently and selected the articles for inclusion.
and consists of the nonmechanical instrumentation of the root Consensus meetings with an expert in systematic reviews
canals and placement of a paste made of a mixture of antibi- (LCM) were held whenever there were any disagreements
otics at the entrance of the root canals [9]. between these two authors. Articles present in more than one
Given the above, the present systematic review sought to electronic database were considered duplicated and, thus, only
answer whether there is adequate scientific evidence to favor included once. The remaining titles and abstracts were evalu-
the use of LSTR therapy in primary teeth as compared with ated, and all potentially eligible studies were read in full.
conventional pulpectomy treatment. Moreover, studies with insufficient data in the title and ab-
stract were read in full to facilitate the making of a clear deci-
sion regarding their inclusion.
This systematic review was reported according to the Preferred The same authors (MLD and AVBP) carried out the data
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis extraction process independently. The data extracted from
(PRISMA) guidelines [10] and the protocol was registered in each included study included (1) authors, year of publication,
the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews and geographic location; (2) study design; (3) age range and
database under the number CRD42018107312. mean age of the participants; (4) tooth type; (5) intervention
group(s) and sample size; (6) follow-up time and evaluation
criteria of the treatment; (7) treatment outcomes; and (8) main
Eligibility criteria conclusions.
Based on the PICO strategy, randomized clinical trials (RCTs) Risk of bias in individual studies
involving primary teeth (P) submitted to noninstrumental end-
odontic treatment (I) in comparison with conventional The methodological quality and risk of bias of each selected
pulpectomy (C) with respect to their clinical and radiographic study were evaluated in accordance with the Cochrane
success (O) were identified. Those studies that compared the Collaboration Tool by the same authors (MLD and AVBP),
clinical and radiographic outcomes of LSTR therapy and con- who conducted their evaluations independently and then com-
ventional pulpectomy in primary teeth with at least 6 months pared the results. Disagreements were resolved during consen-
of clinical and radiographic follow-up were included. Review sus meetings with a senior reviewer (LCM).
articles, case reports, editorials, letters to editors, in vitro or in The following key domains were analyzed: selection bias
situ studies, and clinical studies in which, in the LSTR group, (random sequence generation and allocation concealment),
the pulp tissue was extirpated or manipulated using files were performance bias (blinding of participants and professionals),
excluded. Duplicated studies were also removed. detection bias (blinding of outcomes assessment), attrition
Clin Oral Invest
PubMed ((((Pulpectomy [MeSH Terms]) OR (Pulpectom*[Title/Abstract]) OR (Root Canal Preparation [MeSH Terms]) OR (Canal Preparation
Root [Title/Abstract]) OR (Root Canal Therapy [MeSH Terms]) OR (Root Canal Therapy [Title/Abstract]) OR (Canal Therapies
Root [Title/Abstract]) OR (Root Canal Procedures [Title/Abstract]) OR (Root Canal Treatment [Title/Abstract]) OR (LSTR
[Title/Abstract]) OR (NIET [Title/Abstract]) OR (Noninstrumentation Endodontic Treatment [Title/Abstract])))) AND
(((Metronidazole [Mesh]) OR (Metronidazole [Title/Abstract]) OR (Ciprofloxacin [Mesh]) OR (Ciprofloxacin [Title/Abstract]) OR
(Minocycline [Mesh]) OR (Minocycline [Title/Abstract]) OR (Tinidazole [Mesh]) OR (Tinidazole [Title/Abstract]) OR (CTZ
[Title/Abstract]) OR (Chloramphenicol [Title/Abstract]) OR (Tetracycline [mesh]) OR (Tetracycline [Title/Abstract]) OR (Zinc
Oxide [Title/Abstract]) OR (Eugenol [Title/Abstract]) OR (Anti-Bacterial Agents [Mesh]) OR (Agents Anti-Bacterial
[Title/Abstract]) OR (Agents Antibacterial [Title/Abstract]) OR (Agents Antimycobacterial [Title/Abstract]) OR
(Antibiotic*[Title/Abstract]) OR (Antibiotic Paste [Title/Abstract]) OR (Antibacterial Drugs [Title/Abstract])))
Web of Pulpectomy OR Pulpectom* OR “Root Canal Preparation” OR “Canal Preparation Root” OR “Root Canal Therapy” OR “Canal
Science Therapies Root” OR “Root Canal Procedures” OR “Root Canal Treatment” OR LSTR OR NIET OR “Noninstrumentation
Endodontic Treatment”
Metronidazole OR Ciprofloxacin OR Minocycline OR Tinidazole OR CTZ OR Chloramphenicol OR Tetracycline OR “Zinc Oxide”
OR Eugenol OR “Agents Anti-Bacterial” OR “Agents Antibacterial” OR “Agents Antimycobacterial” OR Antibiotic* OR
“Antibiotic Paste” OR “Antibacterial Drugs”
Scopus (TITLE-ABS-KEY (pulpectomy OR pulpectom* OR “root canal preparation” OR “canal preparation root” OR “root canal therapy” OR
“canal therapies root” OR “root canal procedures” OR “root canal treatment” OR LSTR OR NIET OR “noninstrumentation
endodontic treatment”)) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY (metronidazole OR ciprofloxacin OR minocycline OR tinidazole OR ctz OR
chloramphenicol OR tetracycline OR “zinc oxide” OR eugenol OR “agents anti-bacterial” OR “agents antibacterial” OR “agents
antimycobacterial” OR antibiotic* OR “antibiotic paste” OR “antibacterial drugs”))
Cochrane #1MeSH descriptor: [Pulpectomy] explode all trees
#3#1 or #2
#4MeSH descriptor: [Root Canal Preparation] explode all trees
#5(“Canal Preparation Root”):ti,ab,kw
#6#4 or #5
#7MeSH descriptor: [Root Canal Therapy] explode all trees
#8(“Root Canal Therapy”):ti,ab,kw
#9(“Root Canal Procedures”):ti,ab,kw
#10(“Root Canal Treatment”):ti,ab,kw
#11#7 or #8 or #9 or #10
#13#3 or #6 or #11 or #12
#14MeSH descriptor: [Metronidazole] explode all trees
#16#14 or #15
#17MeSH descriptor: [Ciprofloxacin] explode all trees
#19#17 or #18
#20MeSH descriptor: [Minocycline] explode all trees
#22#20 or #21
#23MeSH descriptor: [Tinidazole] explode all trees
#25#23 or #24
#28MeSH descriptor: [Tetracyclines] explode all trees
#30#28 or #29
#31(“Zinc Oxide”):ti,ab,kw
#33MeSH descriptor: [Anti-Bacterial Agents] explode all trees
#34(“Agents Antibacterial”):ti,ab,kw
#36(“Antibiotic Paste”):ti,ab,kw
#37(“Antibacterial Drugs”):ti,ab,kw
#38#33 or #34 or #35 or #36 or #37
#39#16 or #19 or #22 or #25 or #26 or #27 or #30 or #31 or #32 or #38
#40#13 and #39
Clin Oral Invest
Table 1 (continued)
LILACS e (tw:((mh:“pulpectomy” OR “pulpectom*” OR mh:“root canal preparation” OR “canal preparation root” OR mh:“root canal therapy”
BBO OR “root canal therapy” OR “canal therapies root” OR “root canal procedures” OR “root canal treatment” OR “LSTR” OR “NIET”
OR “noninstrumentation endodontic treatment”))) AND (tw:((mh:“metronidazole” OR “metronidazole” OR mh:“ciprofloxacin” OR
“ciprofloxacin” OR mh:“minocycline” OR “minocycline” OR mh:“tinidazole” OR “tinidazole” OR “CTZ” OR “chloramphenicol”
OR mh:“tetracycline” OR “tetracycline” OR “zinc oxide” OR “eugenol” OR mh:“agents anti-bacterial” OR “agents anti-bacterial”
OR “agents antibacterial” OR “agents antimycobacterial” OR “antibiotic*” OR “antibiotic paste” OR “antibacterial drugs”)))
Google (pulpectomy OR pulpectom* OR “root canal preparation” OR “canal preparation root” OR “root canal therapy” OR “canal therapies
Scholar root” OR “root canal procedures” OR “root canal treatment” OR LSTR OR NIET OR “noninstrumentation endodontic treatment”)
AND (metronidazole OR ciprofloxacin OR minocycline OR tinidazole OR ctz OR chloramphenicol OR tetracycline OR “zinc oxide”
OR eugenol OR “agents anti-bacterial” OR “agents antibacterial” OR “agents antimycobacterial” OR antibiotic* OR “antibiotic
paste” OR “antibacterial drugs”)
Trip Database (pulpectomy OR pulpectom* OR “root canal preparation” OR “canal preparation root” OR “root canal therapy” OR “canal therapies
root” OR “root canal procedures” OR “root canal treatment” OR LSTR OR NIET OR “noninstrumentation endodontic treatment”)
AND (metronidazole OR ciprofloxacin OR minocycline OR tinidazole OR ctz OR chloramphenicol OR tetracycline OR “zinc oxide”
OR eugenol OR “agents anti-bacterial” OR “agents antibacterial” OR “agents antimycobacterial” OR antibiotic* OR “antibiotic
paste” OR “antibacterial drugs”)
Clinical trials (pulpectomy OR pulpectom* OR LSTR OR NIET OR “noninstrumentation endodontic treatment”) AND (metronidazole OR
ciprofloxacin OR minocycline OR tinidazole OR ctz OR chloramphenicol OR tetracycline OR “zinc oxide” OR eugenol)
Web of Science (n = 269)
Scopus (n = 1.610)
Cochrane (n = 280)
LILACS e BBO (n = 158)
Google Scholar (n = 79) Addional records idenfied
Trip Database (n = 152) through other sources
Clinical Trials (n = 1) (n = 0)
Studies included in
quantave synthesis
(n = 4)
Fig. 1 PRISMA flow diagram of the search results from the databases
Miami, FL, USA), an iodoform, calcium hydroxide, and zinc coronary restoration were evaluated and classified as treatment
oxide powder added with propolis instead of eugenol [14]; failures. Among 53 teeth followed in this study, seven showed
zinc oxide and eugenol paste (ZOE) [12]; zinc oxide- restoration failure with marginal leakage, including six in the
ozonated oil-based paste [13]; and calcium hydroxide and zinc intervention group and one in the control group.
oxide paste [15]. For the LSTR technique, four studies [9, 12, In the respective control groups, the reported independent
14, 16] used 3-Mix antibiotic paste composed of ciprofloxa- rate of clinical success at 6 months was 100% [9, 13, 14] and
cin, metronidazole, and minocycline in different proportions 89.4% [16], while at 12 months, it ranged from 88.8% [16] to
and distinct vehicles, while Doneria et al. [13] used a mixture 100% [13, 14] and at 18 months, from 88.8% [16] to 100%
of ornidazole, ciprofloxacin, and cefaclor. CTZ, a combina- [13]. Meanwhile, the rate of radiographic success ranged from
tion of chloramphenicol, tetracycline, zinc oxide, and eugenol 40.0% [14] to 100% [13] at 6 months, from 56.0% [9] to 100%
were also investigated in another study [15]. [13, 14] at 12 months, and from 83.3% [16] to 94.4% [13] at
Regarding the final tooth restoration protocol, stainless steel 18 months.
crowns were used in five studies [9, 12–14, 16] and composite Among the intervention groups, the rate of clinical success
resin was used in one [15]. In the latter, the visible failures of ranged from 90.0% [16] to 100% [9] at 6 months, from 83.3%
Table 2 Description of the included studies
Author, Study Participants Tooth Initial Group Follow-up Time Success Rate p-
Year Design Type Diagnosis in Months value
Country Total Age Range Sex Control (n) Intervention (n) Control Intervention
Number (mean)
Author, Study Participants Tooth Initial Group Follow-up Time Success Rate p-
Year Design Type Diagnosis in Months value
Clin Oral Invest
Country Total Age Range Sex Control (n) Intervention (n) Control Intervention
Number (mean)
Author, Study Participants Tooth Initial Group Follow-up Time Success Rate p-
Year Design Type Diagnosis in Months value
Country Total Age Range Sex Control (n) Intervention (n) Control Intervention
Number (mean)
Allocation concealment (selection bias)
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
Selective reporting (reporting bias)
Other bias
[16] to 96.0% [9] at 12 months, and from 82.3% [16] to 89.5% concealment. Due to differences between the treatments and
[13] at 18 months. Furthermore, the rate of radiographic suc- radiographic final images, participants, operators, and radio-
cess at 6 months ranged from 20.0% [14] to 84.0% [9], while graphic assessors could not be blinded. On the other hand,
at 12 months, it ranged from 60.0% [14] to 79.2% [13] and at blinded clinical evaluations were feasible and reported by
18 months from 76.4% [16] to 80.9% [13]. Agarwal et al. [12], Doneria et al. [13], and Nakornchai
No difference between the success rates of the groups at any et al. [9], which were then classified as having a “low risk of
experimental time was disclosed in two studies [9, 16]. On the bias” for the detection bias domain. The studies that did not
contrary, Agarwal et al. [12] disclosed statistical differences in perform blinded clinical evaluations [14–16] were classified
overall success considering the clinical and radiographic per- as “high risk.” In one of them [14], only the statistical assessor
formance at both 6 (p = 0.003) and 12 months (p = 0.016), with was blinded. Doneria et al. [13] excluded overfilled teeth from
better outcomes achieved in the conventional pulpectomy the sample; the study was classified as having a “high risk” in
group. Likewise, Divya et al. [14] and Doneria et al. [13] also the domain attrition bias. Similarly, Zacharczuk et al. [16]
observed better radiographic outcomes (p < 0.05) for the con- were considered “high risk” due to missing data was not prop-
ventional pulpectomy treatment (Table 2). erly reported.
Examples of reported treatment failures included gingival In summary, one study was classified as showing an “un-
abscess [9, 13], new fistula [15], pathological mobility [13], clear risk” of bias per the authors’ judgment even after
increased radiolucency in the furcation area [13, 15], exten- contacting the authors via email, one was classified as having
sive external root resorption [15], internal radicular reabsorp- a “low risk,” and four were deemed to show a “high” degree of
tion [9, 13–15], and deviation in the eruption path of the suc- risk. Figure 2 presents the bias descriptions of the six selected
cessor [14]. Two studies [12, 16] did not report on the reasons studies.
for treatment failures.
Staining of the dental crown on 12 teeth after LSTR therapy
and statistically significant lower survival rates for teeth treated Meta-analyses of the comparison of the clinical and
with LSTR therapy (p = 0.024) were also reported [15]. radiographic performance
at 6 (RR = 0.91, 95% CI, 0.78–1.06, p = 0.23; I2 = 9%), Certainty of the evidence
12 (RR = 0.87, 95% CI, 0.65–1.18, p = 0.38; I2 = 64%),
and 18 (RR = 0.84, 95% CI, 0.69–1.02, p = 0.08; I2 = 0%) The GRADE evidence summary is presented in Table 3. The
months, respectively (Fig. 3). quality of the evidence ranged from moderate to very low.
Clin Oral Invest
Number of Study design Risk of bias Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Other LSTR Conventional Relative (95% Absolute (95% CI) Certainty
studies considerations Treatment CI)
LSTR, lesion sterilization and tissue repair; CI, confidence interval; RR, risk ratio
Total number of events less than 300
Estimation of effect variation in included studies
Considerable and significant heterogeneity
Upper and lower confidence interval limit greater than 25%
Clin Oral Invest
temporary and final restoration influence the success of good methodological quality and longer follow-up could pos-
pulpectomies [28, 29] and LSTR [28]. The other five studies sibly disclose differences between the treatments.
employed stainless steel crowns as a final restorative material.
However, the time between endodontic treatment and the final
restoration ranged from the same appointment [9, 14], after Conclusion
24 h [12], after a week [16], and even 15 days later [13]. The
clinical success among those who employed stainless steel Considering the six studies included in the present systematic
crowns was similar for those patients who underwent the res- review, three demonstrated that conventional endodontic
toration at the same appointment [9] and after 15 days [13]. treatment for primary teeth was statistically more favorable
Considering radiographic success, Nakornchai et al. [9] re- based on the radiographic criteria. However, through the me-
vealed that those who experienced restoration immediately ta-analyses, it was not possible to disclose any difference be-
obtained worse results as compared with the findings of tween the treatments, regardless of follow-up (6, 12, or
Doneria et al. [13]. Despite the importance of the restoration 18 months) and type of evaluation (clinical or radiographical).
to the prognosis of the treatment already demonstrated in the GRADE indicated the quality of evidence was from moderate
literature, the authors did not correlate the success of endodon- to very low.
tic therapy with final restoration.
Considering the qualitative analysis of the clinical and ra- Funding information This study was financed in part by the
diographic results in this systematic review, there were lower Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Brasil
(CAPES) (finance code 001) and Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de
radiographic success rates than clinical performance rates Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) – APQ1
achieved with the LSTR technique. As observed in our results, 2010.352/2019 and E-26/202-399/2017.
most treatment failures were exclusively radiographic in na-
ture [15] as revealed through the finding of a statistically sig- Compliance with ethical standards
nificant difference when comparing the outcomes for radio-
graphic success between the two techniques [13, 14]. Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
This result corroborates with those of a previous retrospec- interest.
tive study that describes failures in LSTR treatment as being
Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies with human
mostly related to radiographic aspects [28]. Though Qadeer participants or animals performed by any of the authors.
et al. [30] showed that a reduction in periapical radiolucency
was statistically higher in teeth treated with LSTR when com- Informed consent For this type of study, formal consent is not required.
pared with pulpectomy, this result should be interpreted with
caution, due to the short follow-up period of the study of only
6 months. In view of this, it should be emphasized that the References
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