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KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY, KURUKSHETRA. Established by state Legislature Act XII of 1956 (At Grade, NAAC Accredited) Master of Technology in Advanced Manufacturing Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering (w. ef. Session: 2021-22) SEMESTER-I sr re. Examination Schedule (Marks) Duration No. Course No. Course Name LiT:P) Week Credits Major Minor Practical Total bor Test Test ” 4 | MTAMT-101 Advanced Manufacturing Technology 3:0:0 3 3 60 40 - 100 3 2_[MTAMT-103___| Mechatronics 3:0:0| 3 3 60 40 - 100 3 3 Program Elective | 3:0:0| 3 3 60 40 - 100 3 4 Program Elective =I 3:0:0| 3 3 60 40 - 100 3 5 | MTRM-111A Research Methodology & IPR 2:0:0 2 2 60 40 - 100 3 6 _[MTAMT-113 | Advanced Manufacturing Lab o:0:4| 4 2 — 40 60 100 3 7_[MTAMT-115 | Mechatronies Lab doa] 4 2 — 40 60 100 3 a "Audit Course «| 2:0:0| 2 - - 100° - 100" 3 Total 2 18 300 280 120 700 List of Programme Elective -1 List of Programme Elective - 1 _[__MTIP-105A _| Tool Engineering 1 MTAMT-107 __| Industry 40 2_|__MTIP107 A | Advanced Enginooring Materials 2 MTAMT-109 | Procision Engineering 7 3_|_MTIP-109. _| Non-Conventional Machining 3 MTAMT-111 | Sustainable Manufacturing 4_|_MTAMT-105 | Advanced Metal Forming 4 MTIP-111A___| Product Design and Development List of Audit Courses -1 1 MTAD-101 A __| English for Research Paper Writing 3 MTAD-105 A Sanskrit for Technical Knowledge 2 MTAD-103 A __| Disaster Management 4 MTAD-107 A Value Education *Notet: The course of program elective will be offered at 113 or 6 numbers of students (whichever is smaller) srengih of the class. “Note2: Along with the credit course, a student may normally be permitted to take audit course, however for auditing a course; prior consent of the course coordinator of the course is required. These courses shall not be mentioned for any awardicalculation of SGPAICGPA in the DMC. A certificate of successful completion of the audit course will be issued by the Director/Head of institution, wef. 2021-22 Somester 1 MTAMT-107 "ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Tecture Tutorial] Practical | Credits) Major Test | MinorTest | Total | Time (Hrs.) 3 0 0 3 Gy 0 100 3 Objective | Atthe end ofthis course the students are expected to understand advanced machining processes, rmicro-machining process and rapid prototyping. Course Outcomes ‘Students willbe able to Know the advances in diferent metal machining processes, ‘Students wilbe able fo discuss various casting processes, heir defecis and remedies, ‘Sudenis wil be able To know the advanced machining processes. They wil also learn aw To perorm the surface treatment processes and surface analysis. UNIT-1 : Tool geometry; Different systems of representation; Mechanics of metal cuting—chip formation, types of chips, cutting ratio, shear angle, shear strain; Orthogonal cutting: Heat generation and cuting tool temperature; Tool wear, geometry of tool wear, wear measurement; Analysis of shaping & turning; Tool ife and machinabiliy; Cutting Muids; Surface finish in machining. Micro Machining, theory of micromachining, chip formation-size effect in micromachining, micro tuming and micro milling, UNIT-1L ‘Advances in Casting Processes: Classifcaton of Pattern, consideration in selection of material and allowances Melting of metals—fumaces, gases in meals; Gating desigr—aspiration effect, friction effect and velocity distribution; Cooling & solidiicatin—mechanism of solidification, rate of solidification; Riser design and placement Continuous casting; Investment casting; Centifugal casting; Die casting, Casting defects, causes and remedies, UNIT - I ‘Advances in Machining Processes: Introduction, need, AJM: principle, parametric analysis, process capabifes, USN-Mechanics of Cutting, models, parametric analysis , WJM- principle, equipments, process characteristics, performance, EDM: principle, equipment, generators, analysis of R-C Circuits, MRR, Surface finish, WEDM. Surface Treatment: Scope, method of cleaning, types of surface coating, ceramic and organic method of coating, chemical vapour depostion, thermal spraying UNT-v Rapid Prototyping and surface Analysis- Classification principle advantages limitations and applications- Stereo Lithography-Selectve laser sintering-FOM, 3D Printing, surface roughness- measurement, surface roughness indicator- CLA, RMS ete. and their comparisons, Surace fnishing processes: lapping, Honing, Burnshing and Buffing RECOMMENDED BOOKS: "Metal cutting Theory and Practce’, Bhattacharya, New Central Book Agency “Principles of Metal Cutting’, G Kuppuswamy, Universally press "Manufacturing Science"; A. Ghosh, A. K, Malik, East West Press New Delhi ‘Manufacturing Technology: Foundry, Forming and Welding” by P.N, Rao, Tata McGraw Hill Foundry Technology’, D, Kumar & S, K, Jain, (CBS Pub.) Benedict, G.F., ‘Non Traditional manufacturing processes" CRC press, 2011 Fundamentals of Metal Casting Technology’, P. C, Mukherjee, (Oxford & ISH) wef. 2021-22 ‘Rapid Prototyping” by M, Adithan, Atlantic Publishers & Distributors Pvt Lid Note: The paper will have a total of NINE questions. Question No. 1, which is compulsory, shall be OBJECTIVE Type and have contents from the entire syllabus (all Fur Unit) ‘Al questons will have equal weight of 12 marks. The student will attempt a total of FIVE questions, each of 12 marks. No, 4 is compulsory, The student shal attempt remaining four questions by selecting only one question from each unit wef. 2021-22 MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY IN ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Semester -| MTAMT-103 MECHATRONICS Lecture Tutorial | Practical | Credit | MajorTest | Minor Test | Total | Time 3 0 0 3 0 0 700 [Shs ‘Objective | The objective of the course iS to acquaint the Knowledge of electron devices and electromechanical systems, hydraulic & pneumatic systems, CNC, Robots and PLC's. Course Outcomes Cor ‘Students wil be able fo describe the concepts of Mechatronics, fundamental of electronios and digital circuits and electrical actuating circuit coz ‘Students willbe able to explain hydraulic systom with its practal applications C03 ‘Students willbe able fo explain pneumatic system with its practical applications. cos ‘Students will be able fo describe CNC, Robotics and programmable logic controlers| (PLC's) and their use UNIT-1 Introduction: Defrition of Mechatronics, Mechatronics in manufacturing, Products, and design. Comparison between Traditional and Mechatronics approach, Data conversion devices, sensors, micro-sensors, transducers, Fundamentals of Electronics and digital circuits: Number systems: Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, Conversion from Binary to Decimal, Octal and Hexadecimal and vice-versa, Binary arithmetic: Addition, subtraction, Multiplication and division, Boolean Algebra: Laws, De-Morgan’s laws, Logic Gates, Truth tables, Kamaugh maps and logic circuits. Generation of Boolean function from truth tables and simplification, Electrical actuating system: Basic principle of electical switching, Solenoids, Electrical relays, Representation of cutout devices, Electrical motors: A.C. mators, Stepper motors, Induction motor speed control UNIT- IL HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS: Direction Control Valves: Poppet Valve, Spool Valve, Sliding Spool type DCV, Check Vale, Pilot operated check valve, Restriction check valve, 2 Way vale, 3 way valve, 4 way valve, Manually actuated valve, Mechanical actuated valve, Pilot operated DCV, Solenoid Actuated valve, Rotary Valve, Centre flow path configuratons for three position four way vahe, Shute valve. Pressure Control Valve: Simple and compound pressure Relief Valve, Pressure Reducing Valve, Unloading valve, sequence valve, counterbalance valve, Brake Valve. Flow Control Valves: Fixed and non-adjustable valve, adjustable, throtling, non-pressure compensated pressure contral valve, Pressure / temperature compensated flaw contol valve, Shutle and Fast exhaust valve, Time delay valve, Flow Control Valves, Fluid Conditioners, Hydraulic Symbols (ANSI), Hydraulic Circuit design: Control of Single and double acting cylinders, double pump Hydraulic System UNIT PNEUMATIC SYSTEM: Air Generation and distribution: Air compressors, Air Receiver, Filter, intercooles, After-coolers, Relief Valve, Air dryers, Primary and secondary lines, Piping layouts, Air Fiters, Air Regulators, Air Lubricator, Actuators and output devices, Direction control valves, Flow control valves, junction elements, Pneumatic circuits, Contrl of Single and double acting cylinders. wee. 2021-22 UNIT-IV PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS: Intoducion- Principles of operation - PLC Architecture and specications - PLC hardware Components, Analog & gil YO modules, CPU & memory module - Programming devices - PLC ladder dagram, Converting simple relay ladder diagram in to PLC relay ladder ciagram, PLC programming Simple instructions - Manualy operated switches - Mechanically operatod Proximity switches - Latcing relays, Applications of PLC RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1.W. Bolton, Mechatronics, Pearson Education, 2. Majumdar, Pneumatic system, TMH. 3. Andrew Parr, Hydraulic and Pneumatic systems, TMH, 4, MP. Groover, Automation, Production systems and computer integrated manufacturing, TMH, 5. Shetly and Kolk, Mechatronics System design, Thomson learning 6. Mahalix, Mechatronics, TMH 7. Anthony Esposito, Fluid power wth application, Pearson Education, 8. KP Ramachandran, M.S Balasundaram, Mechatronics, Wiley india Note: The paper will have a total of NINE questions. Question No. 1, which is compulsory shall be OBJECTIVE Type and have contents from the entire syllabus (all Four Unit). ‘Al questions will hve equal weight of 12 marks. The student will attempt a total of FIVE questions, each of 12 marks. No. 4 is compulsory. The student shall attempt remaining four questions by selecting only one question from each unit wef. 2021-22 MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY IN ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Semester | WTIP=109. NON-CONVENTIONAL MACHINING Lecture Tutorial] Practical | Credit) Major | Minor | Total Time Test_| Test 3 a a 3 Go 40 100 Shrs, Objective To aoquaint he students wit he advanced technologies and processes in various steams of Non-conventonal machining Course Outcomes Cor ‘Students will be able to explain the non-conventional machining processes, mechanical working processes, technology, process parameters and analyze these processes for metal removal coz ‘Students wil be able to explan and distinguish between chemical machining, clactrochemical machining processes and electrochemical arnding processes, cos ‘Siudents wil be able fo explain various kinds of Electric discharge machining processes, analyze the process parameters associated with these processes and various process characteristics, coe ‘Students willbe able to elaborate the working and technology associated with Laser Beam ‘machining and Electron beam machining processes, UNIT Introduction, Need of Non-conventional machining processes, Characteristics of conventional and Non-conventional Machining processes. Mechanical Working Processes: Abrasive Jet Machining: Machining setup, Abrasives, Process Parameters, Machining Characteristics, Material removal models in AJM, Process capabilty, Advantages, limitations, Applications Water Jet Machining: Basic mechanism of Water jet machining setup, Process parameters, Catcher, Process capabilies, Advantages, limitations, Applications Abrasive Water Jet Machining process: Working Principle, AWuM Machine, Process Variables, Mechanism of Metal Removal, Cuting Parameters, Process capabiltes, Application, Environmental issues. Uttrasonic Machining: Fundamental principles, Equipment, Magnetostriction, Elements of process, Mechanics of cuiting, Analysis of Process Parameters, Process capabiites, Economic considerations. Application, Limitations UNIT-IL Chemical Machining: Introduction, Fundamental Principles, Process Parameters; Maskants and Etchants, Advantages, Limitations, Applications. Electrochemical Machining Processes: Introduction, Classifcation of ECM Processes, Fundamentals Principles of ECM, Elements of ECM, ECM Machine Tool Process, Determination of Metal Removal Rate, Evaluation of Metal Removal of an alloy, Electrochemistry of ECM, Cathode and Anode reaction, Dynamics of ECM, Sel-Regulating feature of ECM, Process Parameters, Process capabilities, Electrochemical Deburing, Electrochemical Grinding: Schematics, Electrochemistry, Process Parameters, Process capabilities, Applications, Advantages, Limitations, UNIT. EDM: Introducton, Basic Principles & Schematics, Process Parameters, Characteristics of EDM, Dielectic, Electrode Material, Modelling of Material Removal, Spark Erosion Generators, Analysis and Metal Removal Rate in RC circu, Selection of Tool Material and Tool Design, Di-Electric system, Process Variables, Dielectric Polluton and its effects, Pracess Characteristic, Aplications, Electric Discharge Grinding and Electric Discharge Diamond Grinding; Wire EDM Working Principle, Wire EDM Machine, Advances in Wire-cut EDM Process Variables, Process Characteristics, Applications, wef. 2024-22 UNTTAV Laser Beam Machining: Back Ground, Production of Laser, Working Principle of LBM, Types of LASERS, Process Characteristics, Metallurgical effects, Advantages and Limitations, Applications. Electron Beam Machining: Electron Beam Acton, Generation and control of Electron beam, Theory of Electron Beam Machining, Process Parameters, Process capabilies, Application. High Energy Rate Forming, Eicto-Hydrauic Forming, Explosive Forming, Hot Machining Analysis ofthe Process. RECOMMENDED BOOKS: VK. Jain, Advanced Machining Processes, Alied Publishers Pvt. Lid P.C. Pandey and H,S, Shan, Modern Machining Processes, Tata McGraw- Hil M.K, Singh, Unconventional Manufacturing Process, New Age Publishers 4J. A. Mogeough, Advanced Methods of Machining, Springer. Benedict, Non-Traditional Manufacturing Process, CRC pub. P.K. Mishra, Nonconventional manufacturing, Narosa Publishers, Note: The paper wil have a total of NINE questions. Question No. 1, which is compulsory, shall be OBJECTIVE Type and have conten from the entire syllabus (all Four Units). ‘Al questons will have equal weight of 12 marks. The student wll atempt a total of FIVE questions, each of 12 mars. Q. No.1 is compulsory. The student shal attempt remaining four questions by selecting only one question from each uit wef. 2021-22 MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY IN ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Semester | MTAMT=108 PRECISION ENGINEERING Lecture | Tutorial [Practical | Credit | Major Test | Minor Test | Total | Time 3 0 0 3 60 40 100 | 3hrs ‘Objective | The student wilbe able to understand the striving need for Precision engg. applications Course Outcomes COT__| Understand te concent of Accuracy & Precision, (C02 | Apply fils and tolerances for pats and assembles as per ISO standards (CO3___| Evaluate the machine tool and part accuracies (CO4 | Estimate the surface quay of machines components (COS | Applicaton of Nano-Technology in Precision Engg. Unit-1 Introduction : Accuracy & Precision — Need, application of precision machining, alignment testing of machine tools, accuracy of numerical control system, specification of accuracy of Parts & assemblies Tolerance & Fits: Tolerance & Fits, Hole and Shaft basis system, types of fits, types of assemblies, probability of clearance and interference fits in transitional is Unit -11 Concept of Part & Machine Too! Accuracy: Specification of accuracy of parts and assemblies, accuracy of machine tools, alignment testing of machine tools, Errors during Machining: Errors due to compliance of machine-fxtute-tookwork piece (MFTW) System, theory of location, location errors, errors due to geometric inaccuracy of machine tool, erors due to tool wear, errors due to thermal effects, erors due to damping, Statistcal methods of accuracy analysis. Unit = Surface Roughness: Defirion and Measurement, Surface roughness indicators (CLA, RMS etc) and their comparison, influence of machining conditions, methods of oblaining high quality surfaces, Lapping, Honing, Super- Finishing and Burnishing pracesses. Unit Fundamentals of Nanotechnology: Inroducton o Nanotechnology, System of Nanometer accuracies - Mechanism of Metal Processing - Nano Physical processing of atomic bit units. Nano Technology and Electrochemical atomic bit processing. Concept of Nano-Metrology. RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 4. RL. Murthy, ’Predsion Engineering in manufacturing’, New Age temational Publshers. «JL. Gara, "imersonal Conta nPrecson Men atng’ MoGraw Hl Pushers Debison A, “Handbook of Precisn Engineering” 4A MeGeough,"Atvanced methods of machining’, Chapman and Hal, London, 1968 \VKovan, ‘Fundamentals of Process Enginering’, Foreign Languages Publistng House, Moscow Noro Taniguchi, ‘Nano-Technology, Oxford University Press. ‘SK Kulami ‘Nanotechnology Principles’, Ceptal Publishing Company Note: The paper wil have a total of NIVE questions. Question No. 1, which is compulsory, shall be OBJECTIVE Type and have contents from the entire syllabus (al Four Unit). ‘Al questions will have equal weight of 12 marks. The student wil attempt a total of FIVE questions, each of 12 marks Q. No. 1is compulsory. The student shall attempt remaining four questions by selecting only one question from each unit. wef. 2021-22 MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY IN ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Semester | MIRMATTA RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND PR Lecture | Tutorial | Practical | Credits [ MajorTest | MinorTest | Total | Time (Hrs) 2 0 0 2 60 a 100 3 ‘Objective _ | The objecive of fis course is to make the sludents capable of formulating the research problems] proposals and get aware about the intellectual property and patent laws, Course Outcomes COT ‘Student wil be able to explain the orteria of research, approaches and instruments used for te solution of research problem, COZ __| Sludent wil be able to formulae a research problem and construct a research proposal CO3__| Student willbe able explain the Petets, Designs, Trade and Copyright nformaton CO4 | Student willbe able to describe the concept of Patent Rights, Licensing and transfer of technology and able to apply the knowledge in new developments in IPR, Unit Meaning of research problem, Sources of research problem, Criteria, characteristics ofa good research problem, Errors in selecting a research problem, Scope and objectves of research problem. Approaches of investigation of solutions for research problem, data collection, analysis, interpretaion, Necessary instrumentation. Unit Effective literature studies approaches, analysis Plagiarism, Research ethics, Effective technical writing, how to write report, paper. Developing a Research Proposal, Format of research proposal, a presentation and assessment by @ review committee Unita Nature of Intellectual Property: Patents, Designs, Trade and Copyright. Process of Patentng and Development technological research, innovation, patenting, development. International Scenario: Intemational cooperation on Intellectual Property. Procedure for grants of patent, Patenting under PCT. Unit Patent Rights: Scope of Patent Rights. Licensing and transfer of technology. Patent information and databases. Geographical Indications. New Developments in IPR: Administration of Patent System. New developments in IPR; PR of Biological Systems, Computer Software etc. Traditional knowledge Case Studies, IPR and institutions RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 1, Stuart Melvile and Wayne Goddard, ‘Research methodology: An introduction for science & engineering students” Kenwyn, South Africa : Juta & Co, Ltd, 1996 Wayne Goddard and Stuart Melvile, “Research Methodology: An Introduction” Juta Academic; 2nd edition (April 28, 2004) Ranjit Kumar, ‘Research Methodology: A Step by Step Guide for beginners” SAGE Publications Ltd; 4 Exltion Halbert, “Resisting Intelectual Property’, Taylor & Francis Lid, 2007. Mayall, industrial Design’, McGraw Hil, 1992, Niebel, “Product Design’, McGraw Hil, 1974, Asimov, “Introducton to Design’, Prentice Hall, 1962, Robert P. Merges, Peter S. Menell, Mark A. Lemley, “Intellectual Property in New Technological Age", Aspen Publishers; Revised edition (July 25, 2007) 9. T.Ramappa, “Intellectual Property Rights Under WTO", S. Chand, 2008, Note: The paper wil ave a total of NIVE questions. Question No. 1, which is compulsory, shall be OBJECTIVE Type and have conten from the entire syllabus (al Four Unit). ‘Al questions will have equal weightage of 12 marks. The student wil attempt a total of FIVE questions, each of 12 marks. Q. No. 1 is compulsory. The student shall attempt remaining four questions by selecting only one question from each unt wef. 2021-22 MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY IN ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Semester | MTAMT-113 "ADVANCED MANUFACTURING LAB Tocture Tutorial | Practical | Credit | MajorTest | MinorTest | Pract Total] Time 0 0 + 2 zi a oO 100 [Shes ‘Objective fo make the sludents understand the diferent type of machines and manufacturing techniques In production industries. Course Outcomes COT [To practice on CNC & miling machine, (CO2__[Toperform MRR, TWR & Surface roughness using NOM. (COS [To study surface roughness of materal at different parameters, (CO4 [To know about rapid protolyping. List of Experiments: To study the tool wear & surface fnish measurement during machining. Determination of Cutting Forces during miling using Miling Tool Dynamometer. Determination of Chip reduction coefficient during machining process, To study & exercise of cutting Gear on Miling Machine using Indexing Head, To study & experiment with NDT Techniques. To study and observe various stages of casting n a Sand Casting Process. To study & conduct exercises on Non-Conventional Machines, Experimental study of MRR, Tool Wear Rate & Surface Roughness on Non-Conventional Machines. To study the constructional details and working of CNC Lathe, ). To study the variation of surface roughness with different speed and feed during machining process. |. To study & manufacturing of simple components using 3D Printer. To study the constructional detaits and working of CNC Ming To study & conduct exercise on Surface Roughness tester. Introduction of Tool and Cutter Grinding machine Note: Atleast eight experiments should be performed from the above list. MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY IN ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY wef. 2021-22 Somester | MTAMT=115 MECHATRONICS LAB Lecture Tutorial | Practical | Credit | Major | Minor | Practical | Total | Time Test | Test 0 0 4 2 5 0 0 100 | Shs ‘Objective | To praclice on electrical crouls, hydraulic & preumate systems and PLCS for their practical implications. Course Outcomes [To understand the PLC using PLC simulators. TTo demonstrate and actuate the positoning using sensors, actuators and programming. JTo understand the designs of Mechatronics systems withthe helo of PLC eto o design and test on hydraulic and pneumatic acu, List of Experiments: To study and conduct the exercises on speed control of Stepper & Induction Motor To study the various valves & cylinders in Hydraulic Kits for various operations. To study the various valves & cylinders in Pneumatic Kis for various operations. To study and conduct exercises on PLC Simulator. To study and conduct exercises on control of conveyor through programming using sensors To study the automatic door opening & closing system using PLC To study & conduct exercises of PLC for Traffic Light Control To study the various sensors & transducers used in automotives Design and testing of hydraulic circuits such as i) Pressure control i) Flow contol i Directon contol Design and testing of pneumatic circuits such as i, Pressure control i Flow contrl i Direction control iv, Circuits with logic controls ¥. Circuits with timers Vi Circuits wth multiple cyinder sequences in Pneumatic & Electro pneumatic Trainer. Note: Atleast eight experiments should be performed from the above list. wef, 2021-22 MTAD-101 A ENGLISH FOR RESEARCH PAPER WRITING Lecture Tutorial | Practical ora Major Minor | Total | Time (Ars) Tost Test z oo 100 900 ‘Objective | The objective of tis course Is to impart the knowledge of Englsh far research paper wring ‘Course Outcomes cor "To understand that how to improve wriing skills and level of readabily, coz “To Leam about what to write in each section, ‘C03 “To.understand the skils needed when wring te cos ‘To lear the skls required in writing the results, discussion and condusions. Units Planning and Preparation, Word Order, Breaking up long sentences, Structuring Paragraphs and Sentences, Being Concise and Removing Redundancy, Avoiding Ambiguity and Vagueness. Unita Clarifying Who Did What, Highlighting Your Findings, Hedging and Cricizing, Paraphrasing and Plagiarism, Sections of a Paper, Abstracts. Intoducton Unita Review of the Literature, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, the Final Check, Key skils needed when writing a Till, key skils needed when writing an abstract, key skils needed when writing an Introduction, skills needed when iting @ Review ofthe Literatur, Unitav Skils needed when wring the Methods, skis needed when writing the Results, skils needed when writing the Discussion, skils needed when writing the Conclusions, Useful phrases, how to ensure paper is as good as it could possibly be the frst time submission, RECOMMENDED BOOKS: GoldbortR, "Writing for Science’, Yale Univers Press (available on Google Books) Day R, "How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper’, Cambridge University Press Highman N, “Handbook of Writing forthe Mathematical Sciences", SIAM. Highman's book. ‘Adrian Wallwork, “English for Writing Research Papers’, Springer New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London, ott MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY IN ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Semester -|

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