ECL Williams

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Question Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4 Correct Explain:

John _____ to the store yesterday. goed going is go went opt4 Past tense. Third person singular. HE WENT.
Steve and Joe ______ students. is was are been are opt4 Present tense. Plural subject. THEY ARE
We _____ to my brother's house tomorrow. will go are go went gone opt1 The time word "tomorrow" needs FUTURE TENSE.

Dogs ______ to chase cats. likes are liking like liking opt3 Present tense. Plural subject. DOGS LIKE
are Time words "right now" require PRESENT
We ______ right now. studies are study studying studying opt3 PERFECT. WE ARE DOING something.
Time words "last week" require PAST TENSE.
I _____ a new car last week. buy bought buyed was buy opt2 IRREGULAR VERB "to buy" I BOUGHT
Third person singular present tense. HE
My brother _____ in a bank. work working is work works opt4 WORKS there at this time.
"Last night" requires PAST TENSE. HE DID
Lt. Smith _____ his homework last night. do has did did done opt3 something. Irregular verb "do"

A general truth about science, nature, or

geography is stated in the PRESENT TENSE. Third
Paris _____ the capital of France. is are is being were opt1 person singular of the "be" verb. PARIS IS
We can use the present tense to indicate FUTURE,
especially with transportation. Third person
is take singular. Phrasal verb "take off" means to leave or
The plane _____ at 0900. take off takes off off taking off opt2 depart. The plane TAKES OFF
were "Last night" requires the PAST TENSE. Irregular
We _____ a lot of songs at last night's party. sing was sing sang sung opt3 verb "to sing" WE SANG
"Right now" with weather and time takes simple
It _____ too hot to play soccer right now. is am are were opt1 PRESENT TENSE. IT IS
"Now" needs the PRESENT TENSE here. First
I _____ to go home now! wants wanting am want want opt4 person singular. I WANT
graduate will is "Next week" requires FUTURE TENSE. HE WILL
Pvt. Jones _____ next week. graduate d graduate graduate opt3 GRADUATE
PRESENT TENSE. Third person plural THE
The students _____ homework. are liking like likes does like opt2 STUDENTS (THEY) LIKE something
Current state or condition. PRESENT TENSE.
My left leg ______. hurts hurted were hurt is hurted opt1 Third person singular. MY LEG (IT) HURTS
"Last night" requires the past tense. Irregular verb
I ______ my homework last night. does do did done opt3 "do" I DID something
Cities take the preposition "in." I went to school
He was born _____ New York City. at of in to opt3 IN PARIS.
When you have an exact time for something, you
Class starts _____ 0730. in to of at opt4 use "AT." The movie ended AT *:45.
After a MODAL, you use the SIMPLE FORM of the
Tomorrow, I will _____home. calling called call calls opt3 verb. I WILL DO something tomorrow.
"Right now" requires the PRESENT TENSE when
we discuss a condition or state of something.
We _____ happy right now. are was am are been opt1 Irregular verb "be" WE ARE
Third person plural PRESENT TENSE MY
Mr friends ______ in a different dorm. lives are live living live opt4 FRIENDS (THEY) LIVE

will You are talking about something in the present.

That car _____ better than this one. look looks is look looking opt2 Third person singular. THAT CAR (IT) LOOKS….
General statement about nature. PRESENT
Horses _____ grass. eat eats are eat eating opt1 EAT….
"Last night" requires PAST TENSE. Irregular verb
I _____ a good movie last night. see will see saw was seen opt3 "see" I SAW something
Plural subject. Present tense. THESE BOOKS
These books _____ heavy. was is am are opt4 (THEY) ARE….\
"Later tonight" requires FUTURE TENSE. I WILL
I ______ my homework later tonight. does will doing have did will do opt4 DO something

am be will should "Right now" requires PRESENT PERFECT.

I _____ right now. studying studying study studied opt2 Subject "I" requires AM. I AM DOING something

would must "IF" clause. FUTURE. Simple present in the "IF"

If it rains tomorrow, I ______ home. will stay have stay staying stayed opt1 clause…FUTURE in the main clause.
is We can express the FUTURE TENSE with the
graduatin graduate graduatio PRESENT PROGRESSIVE. Something IS
My friend _____ tomorrow. graduate g d n opt2 HAPPENING tomorrow.
have Here, the "already" requires PRESENT PERFECT.
I _____ that movie already. see seen seed seen opt4 I HAVE DONE something already.
doesn't Tag question. Affirmative in the main clause
He likes Texas, _____? don't he he do he does he opt2 requires negative in the tag.
The police _____ here to arrest you. is was are has been opt3 ARE
"IF" clause. Present unreal. I do not have the
money, but IF I HAD IT…. A modal like "would"
would would requires SIMPLE FORM after it. I WOULD BUY
If I had a million dollars, I _____ a new car. will buy bought bought buy opt4 something.

is have "Right now" requires PRESENT PROGRESSIVE.

Right now, the baby _____. sleep is sleep sleeping slept The baby IS DOING something.
Make the verb agree with the simple subject
have "price," not with the object of the preposition
The price of cars ____ increasing. is are were been opt1 "cars." THE PRICE IS INCREASING.

Sometimes a compound subject is treated as a

HAM AND EGGS Notice "my favorite meal" is
singular. My favorite meal is rice and beans.
Rice and beans is my favorite meal. Chicken and
Rice and beans _____ my favorite dish. is are will been am opt1 rice is wha
I have to give a speech tomorrow. I ____ give a speech. should must ought to might opt2 "HAVE TO" = "MUST." Modals
Although ending in "s," the word "mumps" is
treated as a singular, especially when called "a
The mumps _____ a strange disease. were am are is opt4 disease."
Two simultaneous actions in the past. They are
While I was reading the paper, the children ______ have were occurring at the same time. PAST PROGRESSIVE
outside. play played playing was play opt3 for both.
"News" = singular, although it ends with an "s."
have Make the verb agree with "news," not with
The news about the storms _____ bad. is were are been opt1 "storms." THE NEWS IS….

After I graduate next week, I _____ to Alabama. am go will go going will going opt2 "Next week" requires FUTURE. I WILL GO
Advice. "Should" is a common modal when giving
must to should would advice. If these questions are too easy, you
If you are tired, you ______. would rest rest rest have rest opt3 SHOULD GO to a higher level.
Sometimes we can use PAST PROGRESSIVE to
indicate a continuous action in the past that was
was am changed or altered in some way by a subsequent
Before I came to DLI, I _______ English for 5 months. study study studied studying opt3 action in the simple past.

I went to bed because I ____ tired. would be are were was opt4 "Went" shows that it is PAST TENSE. I WAS….
Two simple actions in the past, one after the other.
First, I ate breakfast; then, I _____ my family. call do call was call called opt4 Both are in the SIMPLE PAST.
Plural subject. Even if you don't know what
"siblings" are, you can pick the verb "like." THEY
LIKE something. Siblings are brothers and
Siblings _____ to quarrel with each other. likes are like like are liking opt3 sisters. "Joe doesn't have any siblings."
When you finally get back home, please _____ me a IMPERATIVE. A request. "You" is omitted from
postcard. to send send sent be sent opt2 the main clause.
Because of the rain, the Commandant _____ the would will
parade. cancel is cancel cancel cancel opt4 FUTURE. He hasn't done it yet. HE WILL DO it.

PAST PERFECT. Two actions are in the past, one

clearly BEFORE the other. The earlier action can
be in the PAST PERFECT; the subsequent action
can be in the simple past. Put the ADVERB "not"
had not do not did no was not after the first helping verb. I HAD NOT DONE
I _____ English before I came to DLI. studied study study study opt1 something bef
When I was a child, I _____ watch tv eight hours per am used was used To have done something in the past but not now,
day. was used to used to to to opt2 we can use the modal "used to."
Two actions in the past. One was a PAST
was will be PROGRESSIVE, interrupted by the next one in the
I _____ a shower when the phone rang. had taking was took taking taking opt3 SIMPLE PAST.
"Would study" means this structure is the
PRESENT UNREAL among the "IF" clauses.
SUBJUNCTIVE!!! Use "were" even when the
have subject is I, HE, SHE, IT IF I WERE YOU…. I
If I _____ you, I would study more. was were am been opt2 am not you, so this is the PRESENT UNREAL.

The subject is "brother." Don't be confused by the

My brother, but not his sons, _____ coming to visit me presence of "sons." That phrase is set off with
next week. are were has been is opt4 commas and can be omitted. MY BROTHER IS….

PASSIVE VOICE. Sometimes we use "GET"

instead of "BE" in our passive structures. The
first clause is in the past progressive, so the main
clause should be simple past. HE GOT….
was was (passive) HE GOT ARRESTED. HE GOT
Because he was driving while intoxicated, Joe _____. got arrested arrest arresting arrested opt1 PROMOTED. HE GOT ROBBED.

WISH clauses work like the "IF" clauses. This is a

present unreal situation. I wish something WERE
I wish today _____ Saturday. is would be were was opt3 another way. It is not, but I WISH IT WERE.

"Sheep" can be singular or plural, but the word

Those sheep _____ lost. is was has been are opt4 "those" makes this usage PLURAL. THEY ARE….
You ought to go visit the Alamo. You ______ go visit "Ought to" is a modal that means "SHOULD."
the Alamo. should must have to would opt1 Advice…recommendation.

could "IF" clause. PAST UNREAL because of

If you had been here yesterday, you _______ my wife. could meet met will meet have met opt4 "yesterday."
This is a reduced clause. The man (who is) sitting
The man _____ by the door is my uncle. sit sitted seats sitting opt4 by the door….
would FUTURE PERFECT. I have not graduated yet.
will have am have But by the time I do graduate, something else WILL
By the time I graduate, I ______ at least 12 ECL tests. would take taken taking taken opt2 HAVE already HAPPENED.
TAG question. Affirmative "can" in the main
clause takes negative "can't" in the tag. If you
have a modal or helping verb, repeat that modal or
He can sing well, _____? doesn't he can he can't he does he opt3 helping verb in the tag.
PASSIVE VOICE. The word "by" usually indicates
was has been a passive structure. Active voice: Mr. Williams
This exercise ______ by Mr. Williams. is wrote writes written wrote opt3 wrote this exercise."
had been are were will be Two actions in the past. The first action (in time)
By the time the firemen arrived, the flames ______ by extinguishe extinguis extinguis extinguis can be PAST PERFECT. The subsequent action
the homeowner. d hing h hing opt1 can be simple past.
would have
If I were you, I ______ call home tonight. will call call called call opt2 PRESENT UNREAL "IF" CLAUSE.
TAG question. YOU HAVE done something
HAVEN'T YOU? If you have a helping word in the
You've lost your dictionary again, ______? haven't you have you don't you won't you opt1 main clause, repeat the helping word in the tag.

While I was driving to work this morning, I ____ to my was was had been Two actions happening simultaneously. Both can
new Celine Dion Cassette. listen listen listening listening opt3 be in the PAST PROGRESSIVE.
"Go off" is a phrasal verb meaning to explode
(bomb, grenade) or sound (alarm, bell). After the
"DO" auxiliary, put simple form of the verb. The
I was late because my alarm clock didn't ______. go off go on went on went off opt1 alarm clock DID NOT GO OFF.
If I _____ ECL-qualified, I would not have to do a lot of
these extra exercises. was were am would be opt2 "IF" clause. PRESENT UNREAL. IF I WERE….

had have already
already already The first action (rain) can be in the PAST
Before I could get back to the safety of my room, it has already begun beginnin begin PERFECT. IT HAD ALREADY BEGUN before
______. begin to rain raining g to rain opt2 something else happened.
"Series" can be singular or plural, but here we
have "a," which indicates only one. Singular.
There ____ a bad series of accidents near Highway 90 have were Don't be tricked by the plural "storms." The
and Loop 410 yesterday afternoon. was were been being opt1 subject is "A SERIES." A SERIES WAS….
REPORTED SPEECH. Main verb "promised" is in
Last week, he promised me that he _____ attend was the past, so the subsequent verb "will" must shift
yesterday's meeting. will going did would opt4 to past "would."

First action can be PAST PROGRESSIVE. One

was thing WAS HAPPENING when another action
While I ______ for the bus, it started to rain. waiting wait was wait waiting opt4 HAPPENED (simple past) to change or alter things.

If you don't get a high score on the next ECL, you _____ will will have are FUTURE "IF" CLAUSE. The word "next" indicates
in trouble. will be getting gotten getting opt1 this. Something WILL happen….

Here "ought not" in the main clause cannot

become "ought we" in the tag. You must
substitute the closest MODAL equivalent
("should"). However, if we had "ought" in the
should main clause, we could put "oughtn't" in the tag.
We ought not to cheat on a test, _____? ought we we do we will we opt2 We ought to go now, oughtn't we?
Certain adjectives of urgency require the
subjunctive (simple form) in a direct object "THAT"
It is mandatory that Lt. Smith ____ in Col. Jones's office have to must to clause. The teacher ordered that Joe do extra
at 0730. be be be is opt1 homework.
symbolizing symboliz symboliz symboliz Third person singular THE COLOR (IT)
The color red on the flag _____ blood. the e e es opt4 symbolizes PRESENT TENSE
He didn't actually hit me, but he _____ at me twice with
a baseball bat. swing swang swung swinged opt3 irregular verb SWING SWUNG SWUNG
"Nary" is a negative word. Put affirmative in the
Nary a drop of rain fell at the airport last night, _____? didn't it did it is there was there opt2 tag.

In a "neither…nor" structure, if the two elements

Neither the boss nor the workers _____ working are singular and plural, make the verb agree with
tomorrow. is has to be are have opt3 the unit closer to it. The workers ARE
I am, aren't I? This is a strange structure, but
that's the way it is. You could also say "I am, am I
I am scheduled for another ECL next week, _____? aren't I amn't I will I won't I opt1 not?"
If Napoleon _____ more troops, he might not have lost were IF clause. Past unreal. If he had had
at Waterloo. had have were had had had having opt3 something….
This is a fixed structure. If need be. IF the
Someone might have to stay in the office until 1800 if NEED should BE for something, and we reduce it
_____. need be need needing needs opt1 to IF NEED BE.
Even though "dislikes" is negative in MEANING, it
does not make the entire clause negative, so the
She likes fish, doesn't she? Yes, but she dislikes beef, doesn't clause is still considered affirmative, so the tag
_____? does she don't she won't she she opt4 has to be negative.
"KUDOS" is a mass noun (like the word "news").
Just because it ends in "s" does not make it a
Kudos _____ to anyone who can answer all of these plural count noun. The closest synonym would be
questions correctly. go goes going are go opt2 "praise."

will have
were was been "Furniture" is a mass noun. Mass nouns take
All of the furniture ______ by the floodwaters. is damage damage damaged damage opt3 singular verbs.
will have have
By this time tomorrow, I ______ at DLI for 72 hours. been will be been would be opt1 Future perfect tense
A reduced "IF" clause. If it had not been for the
If it Had there barking dogs…. We drop the "If" and reverse the
____________ the barking dogs, we would not have If there would Had it not no been subject and first auxiliary verb. HAD IT NOT BEEN
been alerted about the fire in our house. wasn't not be for been for none of opt3 FOR something….
"Species" is either singular or plural depending on
context, and since the sentence starts out "A
A species of rare fish ____ on display at the Witte will be species," that means there is only one. A species
Museum. is are being are to be opt1 is….
did a d the suicided committe
The captured soldier ______. suicide suicide himself d suicide opt4 This is a fixed expression: to commit suicide
You MAKE a phone call. Answer four is not
possible (even though you can GET a phone call),
My children ______ too many phone calls. do has make gets opt3 because "gets" would re
will be is
The bill ________ to you before the end of the month. will be sent sending sending sent opt1 future tense passive voice
IF clause present unreal I would do
would something. In this case, there is an extra modal
had have to (have to) thrown in. I would have to do
If I were the boss, I ______ you extra work. will give given give give opt3 something….
I had the secretary ______ the letter five times before I
was satisfied. retyping retypes retype retyped opt3 You have a person DO something (simple form).
A past continuous action interrupted by a simple
We were just sitting down to dinner when the phone was past tense verb. One thing was happening when
_____. ring ringing rings rang opt4 something else happened.

I made the children ______ outside. play to play played playing opt1 You MAKE someone DO something. (simple form)
no start no yet not the
not start the class start the class yet Let's DO something. (simple form) This one is
Let's _______. class yet yet class start opt1 negative. Let's NOT DO something.
to stop stopped stops stop the
I finally got the dog _____. barking barking barking bark opt1 You GET somebody TO DO something. (infinitive)
It is my understanding that the subject the students in "The subject" is the simple subject of this
IDS enjoy the most _____ preposition usage. are were is am opt3 sentence. IT IS….
Past progressive action interrupted by a simple
past tense. If "began" is a primary verb, the
secondary form can be either an infinitive or a
began to begun begins gerund. IT BEGAN TO SNOW or IT BEGAN
We were putting up our tents when it _____. began snow snow the snow snowing opt2 SNOWING.

When I was a child, I used to _____ cats. torturing tortured be torture torture opt4 Here "used to" is followed by simple form.

Had I been Was I Have I to If I was Reduced "if" clause. If I had been you…. Had I
______, I would not have gone to that disco last night. you you be you you opt1 been you….
My mother ______ down the stairs three times this Irregular verb. FALL. Present perfect tense. She
summer. has felt has felled has fallen have fall opt3 has fallen down….
If you have the NUMBER and the street name, it
My parents live _____ 253 Oak Street. on in at to opt3 takes AT.
I graduated from college _____ 1994. in on of to opt1 The year by itself takes IN.
This exercise was written _____ Mr. Williams. to of at by opt4 Passive voice. The action is done BY someone.
My uncle lives _____ a farm. to for on in opt3 ON a farm. On base. On a reservation.
The President can, it is widely believed, in no way, The phrase "in no way" makes the main clause
resolve this crisis soon, _______? can't he can he is it does he opt2 negative, so the tag must be affirmative.

would This is a mixed structure "IF" clause. The time

not have words "last night" and "right now" control it, so
If I had not eaten so much pizza last night, I ________ would not will not been that I "would not be" a certain way right now if
so sick right now. be be am not being opt1 something HAD NOT HAPPENED last night.
The fire alarm STARTED RINGING right in the middle of went
my speech. The bell _____. went off went out went up down opt1 To "go off" means to sound, explode, ring….
If Joe really _____ at the meeting (and two people said This is a PAST REAL. It is possible he was at the
they talked to him), I didn't see him there. were has been had been was opt4 meeting. This is not an UNREAL situation.
______I to become a supervisor, I would probably not If I had A reduced "IF" clause. If I were to become….
enjoy it. Were If I was been Was opt1 Were I to become….
There ______ a series of bad accidents on Loop 410 have "A series" is singular. There was a series….
yesterday. is was has been been opt2 There were several series….
I would like to live ______ the country miles from the
nearest town. at in to on opt2 IN the country In the city In a town
We will have another ECL ______ Tuesday. in of for on opt4 A day by itself gets ON.
The students are waiting _____ the classroom. on with from in opt4 A room takes IN.
We will leave _____ noon. to at since on opt2 Specific exact time. At noon. At 12:00.
Americans celebrate Memorial Day _____ May. at on to in opt4 A month by itself takes IN.

I am not talking _____ you! I'm talking _____ Lt. Smith. of to on through opt2 You talk TO a person.
I went ____ Egypt for a two-week vacation. at for of to opt4 You go TO a place.
I went there _____ 1996. in at of with opt1 A year by itself takes IN.
One thing combined WITH another thing or WITH
I like my coffee _____ milk and sugar. of to for with opt4 other things.
IN the street It's a place with marked borders.
The children are playing _____ the street again. in on up through opt1 An area with defined limits.
Class will start ______ 0730. on in to at opt4 specific time
I always take my big vacation _____ the summer. at with to during opt4 IN a season of the year
My car is parked ______ the red Toyota and the white We use "between" when we are taking about TWO
Cadillac. under between on around opt2 specific things.
When you have a specific day indicated by
He will graduate _____ July 23. in during of on opt4 NUMBER, you use ON.
In the world In space In your imagination
The Sears Tower is the tallest building _____ Chicago. to in by at opt2 In the universe
Don't laugh _____ other people's mistakes. at on to for opt1 We laugh AT things and people.
A cheetah is different _____ a lion. than from to of opt2 One thing is different FROM another thing.
I didn't understand what he said _____ me. of to at with opt2 We say something TO a person.
I am tired _____ studying prepositions. for of with to opt2 We say we are TIRED OF something.
In spite _____ the rain, we practiced for the parade. to with for of opt4 prepositional phrase IN SPITE OF
Please don't talk ______ someone else's speech. during since with at opt1 We TALK DURING an event.
The teacher divided the candy ______ all the students Remember: BETWEEN is for TWO things. AMONG
of the class. between with to among opt4 is for more than TWO.
Lt. Smith passed out dead drunk _____ the sidewalk
near his car. in over on to opt3 ON the sidewalk. IN the street.
It would be IN or INSIDE a wallet. In a drawer. In
Is your ID card _____ your wallet? at on in to opt3 a closet. In a box.
The test will start _____ 0745. in at on since opt2 Exact times take AT.
There were five passengers _____ the car when it got
hit by the train. to of onto in opt4 We are IN a car.
He was born _____ New York City. of in to with opt2 IN a city.
He was born ______ 1982. at since in to opt3 A year by itself takes IN.
passive voice structure. His mother bore (carried)
him inside her body. He was born (by his mother).
He ________ in New York City in 1982. born is born borned was born opt4 Therefore, he WAS BORN.
When you give the starting point for measuring
time, we use SINCE, especially with PRESENT
Mr. Jones has been my teacher _____ Oct 24. during for at since opt4 PERFECT VERBS.
Please listen carefully _____ the instructions. to at on with opt1 We LISTEN TO something.
The water will pass UNDER the bridge under
The river runs _____ the old bridge. in over above under opt4 normal conditions.

The dog jumped _____ the bed with his muddy paws. under on of with opt2 You can JUMP ON a higher surface.
Thanksgiving is always celebrated _____ November. at in on since opt2 A month by itself takes IN.
The pictures are touching the surface of the wall,
My son drew pictures _____ the wall of his bedroom. on in at to opt1 so they are ON the wall.
He is staying _____ the Hilton Hotel. on to at of opt3 You stay AT a place.
You hear FROM people when you get any kind of
I have not heard _____ from family lately. to from over with opt2 letter, phone call, e-mail….

When you give the total amount of time, you use

I have not seen a movie ____ five or six months. since before at for opt4 FOR, especially in PRESENT PERFECT sentences.
ON BOARD is a phrase meaning inside a larger
All of the passengers are ____ board the plane now. in at with on opt4 vehicle like a plane, train, bus, ship.
Hurry up! We will wait _____ you here. from for of to opt2 You WAIT FOR someone or something.
Since this is a reference to ONE SPECIFIC DAY, it
It was ____ a cool evening in late June that I first met requires the preposition ON. This is a poetic-
him. on in at with opt1 sounding way of identifying one specific day.
"Sub" is a prefix meaning "under," so it follows
A submarine is designed to function _____ the water for that a submarine can function UNDER the surface
long periods of time. under above during between opt1 of the water.
From one side to the other involves THROUGH.
SEE THROUGH the fog. SEE THROUGH the dirty
That window is so dirty that I can't see _____ it. through over to for opt1 windshield.
Lt. Tdwazjkskwxz comes _____ a small country called
Dramamania. at around from for opt3 You COME FROM a certain place.
This turns out to be a TIME question, so it is
AFTER class, as opposed to a PLACE preposition,
I always take a short nap _____ class. with after on to opt2 "I take a nap IN class."

When you have the total amount of time given, use

I have been here at DLI _____ 8 weeks. since for with during opt2 FOR in these PRESENT PERFECT structures.
We use WITH to indicate what method, tool, or
He was shot twice in the back _____ a Colt .45. with at in for opt1 instrument was used.
Water is composed _____ hydrogen and oxygen. by for in of opt4 fixed expression COMPOSED OF
fixed expression to be IN LOVE opposite: to
I think Lt. Arroyo is ______ love again. of in at from opt2 fall OUT OF LOVE with someone
You can GET INTO certain things: into trouble
He got ______ an argument with his neighbor. into of at on opt1 into an argument get into debt
A common pattern is NOUN + PREPOSITION +
NOUN for indicating things and the way they are
measured or counted. A pack OF cigarettes a
bottle OF wine a deck OF cards a glass
I want another cup _____ coffee. in to from of opt4 OF milk

Present perfect tense. When you have only the

I have been here at DLI _____ October of last year. since for at in opt1 starting point for your measurement, use SINCE.
SIT BY someone. You can sit BESIDE someone,
but the word BESIDES (with the "s" on the end)
does not mean NEXT TO. It means IN ADDITION
TO: Besides German and French, she can speak
I don't like to sit _____ Lt. Smith. besides by to at opt2 English.
You GO TO school. GO TO WORK GO TO just
I went _____ high school in Ponce. of to by with opt2 about any place.
I will meet you in Lab 4 _____ exactly 0736. in for at about opt3 Exact times need AT
POLICE ARE It's plural. If you want singular,
The police _____ waiting for you in the supervisor's say POLICEMAN, POLICEWOMAN, POLICE
office. is was are has been opt3 OFFICER

We will talk to you _____ the supervisor's office. in to for with opt1 When you talk about a specific room, you use IN.
Abraham Lincoln was assassinated _____ John Wilkes
Booth in 1865. by of to for opt1 passive voice! An action IS DONE BY someone.
Last night, I slept _____ 9 hours. at during to for opt4 total amount of time
I think he has a knife _____ his pocket. in to of for opt1 IN a pocket IN a purse IN a drawer
You BORROW FROM someone. You can LOAN
May I borrow $300 ____ you? of to by from opt4 TO. You can LEND to.
This umbrella will not protect you _____ heavy rain. of with to from opt4 We PROTECT FROM
Two things linked together coffee WITH
cream salad WITH dressing ice cream
I ordered chicken _____ rice. of with for to opt2 WITH chocolate sauce
noun OF noun structure…for association
Queen OF England chief OF trainees
She is the supervisor _____ Unit 6. of with around across opt1 leader OF Delta Company
fixed expression You are GOOD AT something
I am very good _____ tennis. of at to for opt2 or BAD AT something.

I am not afraid _____ snakes. of to by with opt1 fixed expression to be AFRIAD OF something
time element BEFORE or AFTER doing
I always brush my teeth _____ going to bed. at during before under opt3 something
two-word verb KEEP (clothing) ON opposite:
Why do you always keep your coat _____? at on in over opt2 TAKE (clothing) OFF
I fell _____ the stairs. of down to for opt2 You FALL DOWN. You CLIMB UP something.
TRICK QUESTION? The name of the street is
Fifth Avenue. The actual number of an address is
Some of the best stores in New York City are located NOT given here. The best store is located AT 645
_____ Fifth Avenue. at on to besides opt2 Fifth Avenue. The stores are on Fifth Avenue.
Name of the street by itself. No address number
Their new business will be located _____ Lincoln Street. at in on for opt3 given.

WITH indicates the weapon used. Cut the bread

He stabbed me _____ a dirty kitchen knife. at for by with opt4 WITH that clean knife, not WITH that dirty one.
We say ON BASE versus OFF BASE. Another
example would be ON a reservation versus OFF a
Do you live _____ base in the dorms? on at in to opt1 reservation.
The policeman showed his badge _____ me. to at by in opt1 You show something TO someone.
IN or INSIDE certain objects like envelopes,
There was nothing _____ the envelope when I opened it. inside of to about opt1 pockets, purses, wallets, drawers, boxes….
Children should walk _____ the sidewalks. in at above on opt4 ON the sidewalk
Children should not walk _____ the streets. at during in for opt3 IN the street
IN the shade IN direct sunlight IN a specific
Let's sit _____ the shade of that big tree over there. at with to in opt4 area
Cities take IN. So do countries, counties,
They honeymooned _____ Paris. in at of for opt1 towns….
I live _____ the third floor of the dorm, the smoking
floor. in on to of opt2 Something is ON a certain floor of a building.
fixed expression APPROVE OF DISAPPROVE
My father disapproves _____ most of my friends. at with to of opt4 OF
You GO TO a place, so you can RIDE TO a place.
May I ride _____ the airport with you? at in of to opt4 place
Something and the item of measurement used for
it. A cup OF tea a slice OF bread a
I want another glass _____ milk. for to with of opt4 bouquet OF flowers
Parts of the day take IN. IN the morning IN
the evening IN the afternoon BUT: AT
My mother likes to take long walks _____ the evening. of since in with opt3 NIGHT or DURING THE NIGHT
Preposition of direction. You STARE AT POINT
AT LOOK AT A rhinoceros can CHARGE AT
Don't stare _____ strangers. It's not polite. of at to about opt2 you.
His party will be _____ Sunday. of to for on opt4 Day of the week by itself
You are IN BED when you have at least one of the
covers OVER you (a sheet, a blanket, a quilt). You
are ON the bed when you are lying on the surface
He stayed _____ bed all day. on in at along opt2 with no covering over you.
I lived in California _____ 13 months. since with for by opt3 Total amount of time is given. FOR
fixed expression You DISPOENSE WITH
We need to dispense _____ these exercises for now. with to of for opt1 something.
When will you retire _____ the military? with from at by opt2 We retire FROM a job.
fixed expression AGAINST THE LAW = illegal
What you did is _____ the law. over for against along opt3 WITHIN THE LAW = legal
You VOTE FOR or you VOTE AGAINST something
I will not vote _____ him. to for of at opt2 or somebody.
You can always rely ____ Lt. Smith to help you. on with for to opt1 two-word verb RELY ON = DEPEND ON
I want to ask you some questions _____ your family. of to during about opt4 You can ASK ABOUT a subject.
The teachers always gives too much homework _____
us. at with for to opt4 You GIVE something TO somebody.
Fixed expression to be CONVICTED OF
My neighbor was convicted _____ car theft. of by with to opt1 First, he was CHARGED WITH the crime.
Present perfect. Only the starting point is given.
I have been in the Army ______ 1993. during for since to opt3 USE SINCE.

A number can be BELOW or UNDER another

They will not qualify him because his ECL is still _____ number. He can't buy alcohol; he's still UNDER
80. to behind with under opt4 21. I wish I could keep my weight BELOW 165.
The number is given along with the street name.
The President lives _____ 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. on in to at opt4 Use AT.
My brother is _____ debt. He owes thousands of
dollars to some loan sharks. at in of to opt2 IN debt opposite OUT OF debt
You should not walk alone in this neighborhood _____
night. at during from since opt1 IN the evening but AT night
That shelf is too high. You need to stand _____ a chair
to reach it. at under off on opt4 You stand ON something for added height.
Sign your name _____ block 21 at the bottom of this The block has a perimeter, so you put your
page. on in for to opt2 signature IN the block.
Take these pills _____ a glass of warm milk. at for to with opt4 Two items together.
part of the day IN the morning IN the
My father always takes a long nap _____ the afternoon. in at of with opt1 afternoon IN the evening
Don't sit with your elbows _____ the table. for in on with opt3 touching the surface only ON the table
The Titanic is lying two-and-a-half miles _____ the
surface of the water. above in with beneath opt4 BENEATH = UNDER = BELOW = UNDERNEATH
I want to talk to you _____ a few minutes. for with during since opt1 amount of time is given Use FOR
He told some jokes _____ me. at with to in opt3 You TELL something TO someone.
the medium, not the tool Write in pencil. Write
We have to photocopy this contract, so write your name in crayon. Don't write in blood. BUT: write
_____ black ink, not blue. in of to by opt1 WITH a pen Sign WITH a pencil.

You GO TO a school. BUT: You ATTEND (no

He wants to go _____ school in London. to at with by opt1 preposition) a college or university or school.
The only one that conveys the idea of HIDING is
The cat is hiding _____ the bed. above with to under opt4 UNDER.
What is the reason _____ his failure? for to with by opt1 We would have a REASON FOR something.
He is currently enrolled _____ a two-year college. in to for with opt1 You enroll IN a school.
You can't go swimming in the river _____ the winter. to from of in opt4 IN one of the four seasons
You must stay today _____ 3:30. until since before during opt1 STAY UNTIL a certain time is reached.
association noun OF noun The role OF a
What is the job _____ a drill sergeant? to with by of opt4 leader
in ink in pencil If you want to use "with," you
Please write the rough draft of your essay _____ pencil. with in to for opt2 have to say "with A pencil."
He hit me _____ his dictionary, and it was the first time The tool or weapon is given. He shot me WITH a
he had ever used it for anything. with to by at opt1 rifle.
Do you believe _____ ghosts? at in of to opt2 fixed expression You BELIEVE IN something.
We will have another test _____ Friday. on at in with opt1 day of the week by itself
for -ing Something is used to cut Used (in
Scissors are used _____ cutting paper. for at to with opt1 order) to do something

Don't brag _____ your accomplishments. Let other fixed expression You BRAG ABOUT something.
people do that. to since with about opt4 But you can BOAST OF or BOAST ABOUT it.
fixed expression DISAPPOINTED IN but
I am disappointed _____ you! in of to for opt1 PROUD OF
It's a place. IN the world INI the universe IN
There is no one _____ the world who can help you now. in to of with opt1 the solar system
The robber snuck up _____ me and held a gun to my If he sneaks up and touches your back, he has to
back. with behind above from opt2 be BEHIND you.
place TURN AT the sign TURN AT the traffic
Turn right _____ the next intersection. on at to for opt2 light.
noun OF noun structure the King OF Fools
Who do you think you are---The Queen _____ England? to for at of opt4 the Governor of Texas
inside a specific building IN the dorms
There was a fire _____ the library yesterday. of in to for opt2 IN the Amigo Inn
fixed expression. Ashamed of. Opposite is proud
I am ashamed _____ myself. of to by for opt1 of.
A tunnel is like a long tube, so something travels
The train travels _____ the tunnel at 90 miles per hour. with across through for opt3 THROUGH it.
area IN the middle of the room IN the
There was a body lying _____ the middle of the road. on at to in opt4 middle of the hall

made of made from made with made out of If

This cake is made _____ eggs, butter, milk, chocolate you want to use "made by," it's passive: made by a
and nuts. of by in to opt1 person…made by using ingredients or utensils.
The children are playing _____ the backyard. at with in to opt3 It's a place with a perimeter or border.
You can cook things IN or WITH butter, oil,
I can't eat anything fried _____ butter. in to for on opt1 margarine….
He walks WITH the aid of a cane. Opposite is
My leg still hurts. I can't walk anywhere _____ a cane. for to without through opt3 WITHOUT.
This sketch of my mother was made completely ____
memory. from to of in opt1 FROM memory also - BY MEMORY
preposition of manner You do something WITH
a certain attitude WITH GUSTO WITH
I will do it _____ pleasure. to since with at opt3 RELUCTANCE WITH ENTHUSIASM
I went to Houston _____ the weekend. by to for with opt3 for a period of time…for two days…for 48 hours
We do things either with or without hesitation. The
The paratroopers jumped out of the plane _____ paratroopers are not afraid, so they do it WITHOUT
hesitation. for by without under opt3 hesitation.
When I neared home, I could see that my neighbor's
house was _____ fire. in on to at opt2 fixed expression ON fire
It's a place, so you can be AT the place. AT
My wife is _____ work right now. at in to on opt1 school AT home
Musicians have to spend most of their time _____ the fixed expression Traveling ON the road by bus or
road. on in of for opt1 car or van.
Be careful! You are _____ danger if you don't leave fixed expression to be IN danger. Opposite: out
now. in of for to opt1 of danger
We might be able to travel quickly to the moon _____
the future. of in to on opt2 a period of time IN the past In the future
I am sick _____ all the political ads on tv. by with for of opt4 fixed expression to be sick OF something
Cats like to sleep all day and prowl the neighborhoods in the morning in the afternoon in the evening
_____ night. in during at on opt3 BUT at night

I would never run _____ political office. of to with for opt4 fixed expression to run for an office or position

ON time means not late. If you are late but you

I was a little late for my appointment, but I still got there still get to do something because they waited for
_____ time for the doctor to see me. on at in with opt3 you, you get there IN time for something.
I want you to accompany us. Come _____ with us. over above along through opt3 phrasal verb come along with
He is serving as a cabinet member _____ present. in at on during opt2 at present or at the present time
fixed expression AT once, meaning without
Report to the Colonel _____ once! at on in to opt1 delay, without hesitation
Who is serving _____ the CO of that unit now? like with to as opt4 AS means "in the capacity of."
ABOARD means to be on a large vehicle like a
There are only 9 people _____ the bus right now. along among aboard across opt3 plane, bus, train, ship, space shuttle
He blamed the accident _____ me. on to for of opt1 You BLAME something ON someone.
You BLAME someone FOR doing something
He blamed me _____ the accident. to of with for opt4 wrong.

When will Lt. Smith be able to retire _____ the Army? of with by from opt4 You RETIRE FROM a job.
We play ON a name, because our names can be
written ON the team roster, ON the paper that lists
Lt. Jones wants to play _____ the basketball team. in to on at opt3 our names.
We will participate _____ the parade next week. on in at to opt2 You participate IN an activity.
All of these prepositions questions were written _____
Mr. Williams. to at of by opt4 passive voice
We will provide him _____ a new dictionary if he has
lost his old one. to of with for opt3 You PROVOIDE someone WITH something.
Neil Armstrong was the first earthling to walk _____ the touching the surface ON the moon ON the
moon. in on to at opt2 floor On the ground
The troops have been standing ______ parade rest for
20 minutes. at in for to opt1 stand AT ease AT attention AT parade rest
My country has been involved _____ wars for most of fixed expression You are INVOLVED IN
this century. in to at of opt1 something.
My unit will not be _____ the parade tomorrow. on in to of opt2 You are IN a parade.
IN a chair (with arms) ON a chair (without
My mother is the lady seated _____ the blue sofa in the arms) ON a sofa (because it's wide and you
corner. in on to of opt2 might not be touching the arms of it).
I am feeling down _____ the dumps today. by to in with opt3 idiom IN the dumps, because it's a place
I was raised _____ the island of Santa Catalina. in on of to opt2 ON an island The island is IN the water.
means of transportation ON foot BUT BY
He comes to class every morning _____ foot. on in at with opt1 CAR BY BICYCLE
She is not supposed to do any heavy lifting because
she is now "_____ child." with by of near opt1 fixed expression WITH child means pregnant.
fixed expression BEYOND HOPE BEYOND
I give up! You are _______ redemption! around across beyond over opt3 SALVATION
Divide these cookies ______ all twelve students in this
class. between to around among opt4 AMONG for more than two
He found himself trapped BETWIXT a rock and a hard
place. beneath behind between beyond opt3 an old-fashioned word betwixt=-between
Last night, we dined _____ lobster and shrimp. on at to in opt1 dine on = to eat formal
You do something ON IMPULSE ON the spur of
I did it ______ the spur of the moment. at to on with opt3 the moment
I did it _____ accident. by to at on opt1 You do something BY accident.
It is difficult ______ me to speak in front of the class. to of at for opt4 Something is DIFFICULT or EASY FOR you.
I fell down when I was trying to run away _____ the pit
bull. at for from in opt3 phrasal verb to RUN AWAY FROM something
preposition of manner. HOW did he do
something? You can do something BY doing
something else. He survived BY drinking melted
He makes a living _____ recycling old newspaper and snow for 4 days. He excelled by writing a
magazines. to by for against opt2 brilliant essay.
noun OF noun structure EXCESS of STUDENTS
We have a certain lack _____ discipline in this unit. for with of at opt3 opposite LACK of STUDENTS
What I am asking _____ you is that you be quiet during You ASK something OF someone. What I'm
other people's speeches. by of at with opt2 asking OF you is that you do your homework.
You ask something OF someone. I need to ask a
Did you have the right to ask that question _____ him? of through by in opt1 favor OF you.
I shudder _____ the thought of giving a speech at the
graduation dinner. to for at by opt3 fixed expression You shudder AT something.
His broken nose should not have a negative influence
_____ his ability to swim in the final race. to in on with opt3 One thing can have an influence ON another thing.
When do you think scientists will find a cure _____
cancer? to for with of opt2 fixed expression a CURE FOR something
noun OF noun structure a champion OF
He is an outspoken critic _____ his country's economic human rights a defender OF freedom a
policies. at of to for opt2 critic OF reforms
agent under suspicion BY the police
Why is he under investigation ______ the FBI? by to of in opt1 under surveillance BY the cops
_____ my opinion, we should not have classes on
Fridays. At In Of To opt2 fixed expression IN someone's opinion
He was a bad father, so the social services agency took
_____ his children. off away up under opt2 two-word verb TAKE AWAY = remove
You serve IN an organization. Serve IN the
He has served _____ the government for twenty years. to on in at opt3 Army serve IN the Peace Corps
You can give an activity FOR someone give a
She gave a party _____ her class, all of whom enjoyed party FOR me give a baby shower FOR my
themselves. to of for at opt3 sister
fixed expression You do something ON purpose.
I did it _____ purpose. in on at to opt2 = deliberately
The contractors are going to tear _____ the old The building is standing UP, so you have to tear it
abandoned house. off up down over opt3 DOWN.
The contractors are going to tear _____ the old road The road is lying flat ON the ground, so you have
and replace it with a modern 4-lane one. down up over off opt2 to tear it UP.
I think I'll take a stab _____ learning French next idiom You take a stab AT doing something. =
semester. to at on of opt2 TRY to do something
IN time, not ON time. ON time suggests there was
The paramedics arrived at the crash site _____ time to an appointment. In time means they were not too
save dozens of victims. on in by at opt2 late to do something.
If I tell you a secret, will you promise to keep it _____
strictest confidence? at of in to opt3 fixed expression to keep IN confidence
Lt. Smith got a 98 _____ his last test. on in of at opt1 You achieve a score or get a grade ON a test.
He is sitting ON top of it. On a horse On a bike
He comes to school every day _____ an old motorcycle. on by in at opt1 On a camel On a motorcycle
method of transportation BY BIKE BY
HORSE but -- ON a bike on a horse
He comes to school every day _____ motorcycle. on by in at opt2 (Look for the article "A" or "AN.")
treatment You do something FOR a
What should I do _____ a sore throat? for of by in opt1 headache. Or ABOUT a COLD.
I found a great 3-bedroom apartment, so I'm going to You either live ON base or OFF base. So you
move _____ base. away off toward aboard opt2 would move OFF base.
A number of students _____ waiting to see the "a number" = plural A number of cars ARE
supervisor. are is has been was opt1 parked illegally near that fire hydrant.
"the number" = singular The number of
The number of students Stancovia _____ decreasing. have is are were opt2 students from Puerto Rico IS increasing.
simple form of a verb after a MODAL WILL BE
The next ECL will _____ easy. being be being be to be opt3 MIGHT BE SHOULD BE
aren't tag question If you have negative in the main
You are not very happy today,________? are you you do you don't you opt1 clause, put affirmative in the tag.
We have to take another test on Friday. We ______ take
another test. might should must can opt3 modals HAVE TO = MUST

The ECL will START at 0745. end conclude begin wind up opt3 start = begin = commence
You see and hear people "do" or "doing"
something, but in this case we can't put the verb
I saw the old man fatally _____ himself once through "shoot" in the "-ing" form because it was not a
the heart. shooting shot shoot shooted opt3 continuous act; it was instantaneous.
The student next to me tried to copy from my paper. He
was trying to _____. cheat cheer chime chore opt1 To copy someone else's answer is CHEATING.
A person who is broke does not have any _____. health time needs money opt4 idiom to be BROKE = no money
subject verb agreement One person IS absent.
I see one empty desk. Who _____ absent today? be is am is being opt2 Who IS it?
You would STAB with a knife, not with the other 3
He stabbed his victim with a _____. rope knife gun table opt2 objects.
It is not It is not
This car is very expensive. It is not old. costly. cheap. It is fast. opt3 expensive = not cheap = costly
The homework _____ easy last night was is are am opt1 past tense (last night)

Today's class was _____ than yesterday's. funner as fun more fun funnest opt3 comparison more fun than

You OUGHT TO see the movie "Saving Private Ryan" as modals ought to = should
soon as possible. You ______ see that movie. must have to will should opt4 (recommendation…advice)
The train will arrive _____ 0955. on in to at opt4 specific exact time
A dog usually likes to chase cats, and a cat usually
likes to chase _____. trucks horses buildings mice opt4 Cats would chase mice, not the other 3 objects.
The last test was not easy. In fact, it was extremely
_____. difficult short painless cheap opt1 not easy = difficult = hard
He is a ROBBER. thief teacher soldier banker opt1 robber = thief= someone who steals = bandit

This handout is not short. It is hard. It is easy. It is long. It is brief. opt3 not short = long
How did she hurt herself? She _____ down when the
bus made an abrupt stop. feel fall felt fell opt4 FALL FELL FALLEN (simple past = FALL)
an an
When snow starts cascading down the side of a avalanch earthqua avalanche = snow falling rapidly down the side of a
mountain, we call it _____. a flood e a stream ke opt2 mountain
method of transportation BY plane BY ship
How did you get from your country to San Antonio? in plane on plane by plane of plane opt3 BY car BY taxi
When frozen stuff starts to warm up, it MELTS
If you leave ice cream out in the sun, it will _____. melt freeze sneeze pelt opt1 (THAWS).
unhappy = not happy = sad = depressed = about to
What is the opposite of unhappy? miserable sad angry happy opt4 cry?
midnight = 12:00 at night Twelve hours later is
What comes exactly 12 hours after midnight? morning noon evening sunrise opt2 12:00 noon.
POLICE = plural The police are. If you want a
The police _____ coming to investigate the robbery in singular, you can say: the policeman is The
just a few minutes. is were was are opt4 policewoman is…. The police officer is…..
science or nature present tense HUMANS
Humans _____ oxygen to survive. needs needing are need need opt4 (THEY) need something.
Joe bought a new car in Houston. He paid cash for IT. pronoun reference He bought a car. He
The word "IT" refers to ____. Joe car cash he opt2 paid for IT. IT refers to the car.

No matter where you live, you need _____ access to a quicknes "Access" is a noun. Modify it with an adjective.
hospital. quickly quick s quickest opt2 What kind of access? QUICK access.
We could hear the FAINT sound of a child's voice (adjective) faint = very soft (verb) faint = pass
calling for help. loud soft constant terrifying opt2 out = black out = lose consciousness
The wind is _____ very hard. running passing blowing doing opt3 The wind BLOWS.
The most common color for snow is _____. black red green white opt4 Snow is white. (We hope)
That bird looks very UNUSUAL. Yes, it looks _____. common strange ordinary nice opt2 unusual = strange = not ordinary = not common
current state or condition mass noun THE
That bread _____ stale. Don't try to eat it. am are is were opt3 BREAD IS….
Yesterday, I _____ tardy for class because my car
wouldn't start. was were will be am opt1 yesterday = past tense Yesterday I WAS….
He had to go to the hospital because he had an _____. original accident nding idea opt2 Only "accident" makes sense here.
my car I want to I need to
my tooth needs cash a cook Bank should involve MONEY. CASH a CHECK for
I need to go to the bank because…. aches gas check. lunch. opt3 the MONEY.
Dust is a mass noun. THE DUST IS…. Only the
is does progressive is possible here. The dust is DOING
A lot of dust _____ through the open window! Close it! come is come coming coming opt3 something.
The tallest student in the class _____ Lt. Jones. are were is am opt3 simple subject = student The student is….

We're going to be late for the ECL. We HAVE TO hurry. must might can should opt1 modals HAVE TO = MUST
takes two-word verb LEAVE = TAKE OFF past
The plane LEFT the airport at 0900. take over took on took off across opt3 tense = IT TOOK OFF
For breakfast this morning, I _____ five boiled eggs. eat was eat eating ate opt4 past tense I ATE
are right now = present progressive PLURAL THE
Right now, the children ______ baseball in the park. are play plays playing playing opt3 children ARE PLAYING.
The police _____ here to arrest you for having a low
ECL. is am are was opt3 police = PLURAL THEY ARE here.
last week = past tense irregular verb BUY
My mother _____ a used Ferrari last week. buy buyed buying bought opt4 something.
I was born _____ August. at on of in opt4 A month by itself takes IN.
The students WERE REQUIRED TO take another ECL were = past tense. The only choice in the past is
test. They ______ do it. had to has to have to having to opt1 HAD TO. They HAD TO DO something.
was third person singular present tense IT
It _____ twenty minutes to drive from here to the airport. takes taking taken take opt1 TAKES….
is Last night = past tense. Irregular verb SLEEP
Last night, I _____ for nine hours. sleep sleeping slept is sleep opt3 SLEPT SLEPT Last night, I SLEPT….
The Empire State Building is located _____ New York
City. in on at to opt1 Something is IN a city IN a country IN a town
Yesterday, the news about the earthquakes in Iran and yesterday = past tense THE NEWS = singular
Mexico _____ bad. are is was be opt3 THE NEWS WAS BAD.
The teacher _____ all day yesterday preparing new yesterday = past tense third person singular
handouts for you. work worked works working opt2 THE TEACHER WORKED….
The cake is TASTY. It is _____. delicious awful terrible very bad opt1 tasty = tastes good = delicious
more bigger biggest bigger comparison one-syllable adjective ONE
Brazil is _____ Peru. than than big than than opt4 THING IS -er THAN ANOTHER.
The next book quiz will be _____ Wednesday. at on in of opt2 Day by itself takes ON.
plural subject future (next week)
Several soldiers _____ being reassigned to this unit PROGRESSIVE PASSIVE THEY ARE BEING
next week. was are am were opt2 REASSIGNED….
vapor = steam Choices A, B, and D all involve
If the water is vaporized, we can call it _____. ice frozen steam cold opt3 COLD. Only C involves HEAT.
"want" is followed by an infinitive. The student
WANTS TO LOOK AT page 4-19 of Book 34 for a
good list of verbs followed by infinitives versus
I want _____ to a movie tonight. go to go going for going opt2 verbs followed by gerunds.
There was a chemical spill in the TAIL of the jet. The
spill was in the _____. rear nose wing cockpit opt1 tail = rear = aft = back part = (ship) stern
modal Put simple form after a modal. You will
What will you _____ tomorrow night? doing do done to do opt2 DO what?
What is the SUBJECT of her speech? length purpose topic source opt3 subject = topic = what you are talking about
When you are finished with your conversation, _____ hanging hanged instructions or orders in the imperative
the phone. hang up hung up up up opt1 (You) hang up the phone.
Opposite of expensive = cheap costly =
Is this CD player very expensive? No, it is _____. cheap nice costly priceless opt1 expensive
seasons of the year FALL = AUTUMN
My favorite season of the year is AUTUMN. winter spring summer fall opt4 (September, October, November in the U.S.)

he wants the car the food

he is entertain won't was hood = the part of the car that you lift up to look at
Why is Joe looking under the hood? Because _____. hungry. ment. start. good. opt3 the engine.

It was EXTREMELY cold last night. very not a little bit not very opt1 extremely = very= awfully = terribly
ankle- wade = to walk, usually with the water not higher
We cannot wade across the river because it is_____. deep shallow narrow deep opt1 than your knees.
My brother and sister _____ older than I am. are am was is opt1 plural subject THEY ARE….
If I finish my homework early, I _____ to the gym and should to IF clause FUTURE might = possibility
work out. will going might go are go go opt2 (WILL = future certainty)
The price of cars and boasts _____ very high right now. is are am were opt1 The simple subject is "price." THE PRICE IS….
correct formation of questions action verb
(mean) present tense simple subject. This
word means something. WHAT DOES THIS WORD
What _____ this word mean? are is does do opt3 MEAN?
I was unable to go to the movie with my friends last I didn't I won't Last Night = past tense. Only answer B is in the
night. I will go. go. go. I can't go. opt2 past. If I was unable to go, then I didn't go.
I am very hungry. I need _____. rest water food money opt3 hungry for food thirsty for water
I _____ late for class yesterday. am were are was opt4 yesterday = past tense I WAS….

What is the normal color of most grass in the summer? black green red white opt2 grass = vegetation, usually green
It's mine It's me It's my possessive adjectives. It's my book. Or It's
Whose book is that? It's my. book. book. book. opt4 mine. (possessive pronoun)
big correctio minor error = mistake = wrong answer serious = big =
I made a SERIOUS ERROR on the math test. great score mistake n problem opt2 major

I have a My shin
my tooth my elbow pain in is very
I need to go to the dentist because aches. hurts my ankle sore. opt1 dentist = person who works on the TEETH.
My father died _____ April 17, 1989. at on in of opt2 specific date Use ON.
Water freezes and becomes ICE. (Steam and
If the water is frozen, it is _____. ice hot steam boiling opt1 boiling are associated with HOT liquids.)
It is It is It is
The river is not wide. It is deep. shallow. narrow. frozen. opt3 Opposite of wide is NARROW.

It was QUITE hot yesterday. very not a little bit not very opt1 quite = very= extremely = really
the car the food
he is today is won't was Of these four answers, the only thing to explain a
Why is the baby crying? Because _____. hungry. Saturday. start. good. opt1 baby's crying would be the HUNGER.
snowstor raging mild
There was a BLIZZARD last night. light shower m flood breeze opt2 blizzard = a lot of snow driven by strong winds
An AISLE is a long narrow space between chairs,
usually in a theater, in a church, in an
You must keep the AISLE clear. surface walkway sofa fence opt2 auditorium….
deep wide
We had to dig a TRENCH to drain off the standing water. long ditch hole steep hill pond opt1 A TRENCH is a long narrow ditch
We found a FLAW in the structural design. insect error tool change opt2 A FLAW is a mistake, error, something wrong.
If he suffered a SKULL injury, where is the heaviest The SKULL is the round protective BONE area
damage? the head the foot the wrist the knee opt1 covering and protecting your BRAIN.
STARVING means very hungry, to the point of
I am STARVING. hungry bored lonely angry opt1 weakness and collapse.

Congress is going to TRIM the budget. cut increase authorize approve opt1 TRIM is CUT. (The barber TRIMMED my hair.)
time for
A General's wife always has a lot of CLOUT. power duties money g opt1 CLOUT = power, influence
BUNDLE = package, stack (usually tied neatly with
I brought you a BUNDLE of newspapers. package lane tub dent opt1 a rope or string)
requirement character backgrou potential
What are the TRAITS of a good leader? s istics nds rewards opt2 TRAITS = distinguishing characteristics
interestin frightenin ERRATIC = not consistent, changing wildly and
His behavior has been rather ERRATIC lately. polite g irregular g opt3 quickly
compete to account for = explain = give reasons for why
How can you ACCOUNT FOR his low test scores? endure with stand explain opt4 something is the way it is
rust = the reddish-brown (almost orange) oxidation
reddish- pinkish- that can form on metal when it's exposed to
What is the most common color of RUST? black brown purple white opt2 moisture.
near the The SHIN is part of the leg, the front part between
near the on the backbon among the knee and the foot. Do not confuse it with
Where is your SHIN? mouth leg e the ribs opt2 CHIN, which is part of your face.
rapid quick slight steady
There was a SURGE in student enrollment. increase decrease change falling opt1 surge = a sudden, strong increase

He SHATTERED the mirror. sold borrowed hid broke opt4 to shatter is to break something, especially glass
The CORE is the center of something. The core of
Don't eat the apple CORE. peel stem leaf center opt4 the earth is very hot.
I got DRENCHED last night as I was walking home from
the movies. soaked lost dizzy lonely opt1 DRENCHED means very very wet…saturated.

The KNUCKLES are joints in your fingers. Have

in your in your in your in your you ever been socked in the jaw by someone who
Where are your KNUCKLES located? fingers ears eyes lungs opt1 was wearing BRASS KNUCKLES?
poked chipped
injured his out his his front hurt his LAME means walking with difficulty because of
Why is Joe LAME? He________ ankle. eye. teeth. fingers. opt1 problems with a leg, a foot, an ankle, the toes.
dead food LOOT is something valuable--money, treasure,
The pirates buried their LOOT. comrades weapons treasure supply opt3 jewels, gold, etc.
The bow is the front end of a ship. Rear and aft
refer to the back part of a ship. The galley is the
The Captain is standing at the BOW of the ship. rear aft galley front end opt4 kitchen of a ship.
dead spilled pieces of SPINTERS are very small pieces of wood, created
The floor is covered with SPLINTERS. water flowers food wood opt4 when you are whittling, sawing, chopping….
HOIST is to raise something up in the air. You
It's time to HOIST the flag. lower replace raise repair opt3 HOIST a flag. A crane can HOIST cargo.
It is RISKY to do that. safe wise proper s opt4 risky = dangerous = hazardous = unsafe
only a insufficie
more than small nt ample = quite sufficient = a lot = enough =
We have AMPLE supplies for the next few months. enough no amount amount opt1 abundant
sour = bad = not good = gone bad (for milk)
SOUR (for lemon or lime) means TART, TANGY,
The milk tastes SOUR. unpleasant delicious sweet good opt1 "attacks" the tongue
fell off a died in stabbed
died in mountain the dry with a
He DROWNED. He _______ water. . desert. knife. opt1 DROWN = to die by suffocation in liquid

not handsom STINGY = miserly = not generous = doesn't want

My brother is very STINGY. tall smart generous e opt3 to help others

agricultur means of
al transport
What is the main CROP of your country? tourist site product city ation opt2 CROP = something grown for harvesting
DUCT = a tube, channel, or pipe for the passage of
liquids or air. What did the ancient Romans use
Hot and cold air is conveyed through a _____. hook duct crank tablet opt2 an AQUEDUCT for?
air- heating FURNACE = a large device designed to heat a
We need to get our FURNACE repaired. conditioner vehicle window device opt4 building.
That kind of problem really ANNOYS me. bothers pleases interests s opt1 ANNOY = bother = irritate = vex = make unhappy
STARE = to look at something or someone for a
Don't STARE AT him like that. talk to play with look at touch opt3 long period of time
POWDER = fine dust It can be legal medicine
(headache powders, foot powder, talcum powder,
thick shoe baby powder)…makeup (face powder) or DRUGS
The police found a white POWDER in his suitcase. fine dust animal liquid polish opt1 (cocaine, heroin)
escape FLEE = run away from = escape from FLEE
The villagers had to FLEE their homes. clean repair protect from opt4 FLED FLED
Don't GRIPE so much. eat complain drink money opt2 GRIPE = complain = say negative things = kvetch

greatly much too extremel

The road is STEEP. inclined narrow very wide y bumpy opt1 STEEP = greatly inclined…far from level
Don't SHOUT. run yell whisper shoot opt2 SHOUT = yell…in a very loud voice

unable to and
I'm not DEAF. hear immature helpless ignorant opt1 DEAF = cannot hear
encourag prohibit
His parents FORBID him to smoke or drive yet. They allow him to e him to him from let him PROHIBIT = forbid, not allow, refuse to give
_____ it. do do doing do opt3 permission to do something

have lost are are loose

some worthles and FADE = losing the color, colors are not bright like
His jeans are FADED. They ___________. are tight color s baggy opt2 they used to be

INFLAMMABLE = will burn. IN- is not a negative

will not is prefix here. It means the liquid is capable of going
This liquid is INFLAMMABLE. It _______. burn. potable. is costly. will burn. opt4 up IN FLAMES. The negative is NONFLAMMABLE.
We SPOTTED the enemy sniper at a sixteenth-floor TO SPOT = to see, to detect, to discern at a
window. detected drew shot sent opt1 distance
WAGES = salary = the money you earn from
His WAGES are not very high right now. hopes expenses salary duties opt3 working
FIB = to tell a lie, not tell the truth, a "little lie," not
He FIBBED when he said he had done his homework. laughed stuttered cried lied opt4 a serious untruth

What would you use to SWEEP the floor? a faucet a brake a coil a broom opt4 BROOM = a device used when you SWEEP an area
DENT = slight damage, especially to metal, when it
If one car bumps into another one, it will leave _____. a dent a lap a shield a tray opt1 is hit by something
intelligen dependa TRUSTWORTHY = deserves to be trusted,
My brother is not very TRUSTWORTHY. wealthy happy t ble opt4 dependable, reliable, you can TRUST him.
I need to buy some new SLACKS. socks trousers shirts glasses opt2 SLACKS = TROUSERS, good pants
little fallen soup pieces of CRUMBS = small loose pieces of dry food like
He had CRUMBS all over his shirt and tie. pictures hairs stains bread opt4 bread, cookies, pizza crust, crackers….

disagree forgets
receives the s with
learns important two-word verb TO CATCH ON = to learn, to
Joe CATCHES ON really fast, doesn't he? ball youthings details opt3 understand, to comprehend
ordered SEND FOR = to order something through the mail
I SENT FOR Mariah Carey's new CD. loaned out borrowed by mail threw out opt3 system

The knee is the joint in the middle of the leg, just

The KNEE is to the LEG as the ______ is to the ARM. wrist elbow ankle hip opt2 as the ELBOW is the joint in the middle of the arm.
The entire meal, including drinks and tip, AMOUNTED got on
TO $512. chipped in came to with took after opt2 AMOUNT TO =COME TO numerical totals
helicopte HOVER = to stay in the air in one stationary place
Which of the following can HOVER? a train a taxi a missile r opt4 (for a while)
uncooke RAW = uncooked, not cooked at all rare = cooked
I do not like RAW turnips. rare big d stale opt3 a little bit
hit with my took a met by complete
I RAN INTO an old friend of mine at Ingram Mall. car picture of chance ly opt3 TO RUN INTO = MEET BY CHANCE

from time RARELY = SELDOM, not very often, only once in a

I RARELY go to movies during the weekend. seldom usually to time often opt1 blue moon
fell out of a somethin fell DROP OFF = to fall asleep (while sitting up in a
I DROPPED OFF during the history lecture. chair died g fall asleep opt4 chair)
If you DOUBLE THE RADIUS of a circle, you get the circumferen
_______. ce curve tangent diameter opt4 RADIUS = half of the diameter
I want you to THINK OVER that job offer before you say THINK OVER = consider, think about it seriously,
"no." refuse forget accept consider opt4 don't refuse it yet
listen to eat
private sleep too harmful EAVESDROP = secretly listening in on someone
Don't EAVESDROP. shoplift talk much foods opt2 else's supposedly-private conversation
TRANSFER OWNSERSHIP = turn over, pass the
He will TRANSFER OWNERSHIP OF his business to his legal ownership to, pass the responsibility to
oldest son next month. turn down turn into turn over turn on opt3 someone else
Let's TALK this OVER tomorrow. rewrite it veto it discuss it about it opt3 TALK something OVER = discuss it

arguing studying
playing with each exploring in their QUARREL = argue, verbal fighting, disagreeing
My kids are always QUARRELING. politely other the yard rooms opt2 loudly
learn at PICK UP = learn randomly, acquire, gain by being
Where did you PICK UP those bad words? select raise random spell opt3 exposed to
brought carried REAR = raise a child, bring a child up, help a child
He was REARED in Ponce by his grandparents. looked over up called up out opt2 develop
land and and farm
My uncle deals in REAL ESTATE. minerals property bonds animals opt2 REAL ESTATE = land and property, buildings
The Captain REPRIMANDED Lt. Jones during the called REPRIMAND = call down, scold, chew out, say very
company formation. called up called off called on down opt4 negative things to
expensiv COARSE = rough, not smooth, very grainy to the
This sandpaper is very COARSE. smooth e common rough opt4 touch
get bring
I cannot ACCEPT any additional duties at this time. take on across back stand by opt1 TAKE ON = accept, agree to perform extra work
light RIPE = mature, ready to be picked and eaten
What color should a RIPE STRAWBERRY be? white green red black opt3 STRAWBERRY = a red berry
Which of these best describes TIN? tasty useless metallic gaseous opt3 TIN = a light METAL
TUMBLE = to fall, sometimes rolling head over
He TUMBLED down the stairs. walked ran fell hiked opt3 heels
He CREATED an interesting game for his students to looked
play. thought up tried on called for up opt1 THINK UP = create, invent, make up
What is the opposite of TIGHT? young cheap long loose opt4 TIGHT = not loose, too restricting, hard to move
He was very sick; THEREFORE, he couldn't compete in THEREFORE = THUS, so, as a result, because of
the race. yet however since thus opt4 this, consequently
We always STORE our sweaters and coats during the STORE = put away, put in storage, put out-of-sight,
summer. take off put away throw out keep on opt2 maybe in the closet or in a trunk
a huge a tiny
There was a TRACE of gunpowder on his finger. amount smell amount a lot opt3 TRACE = a very small amount of something
dead military
The police found a corpse behind the Rialto Theater. killer person person vehicle opt2 CORPSE = dead person, body (dead body)
sudden, slow, calm, comforta ABRUPT =very quick, fast, unexpected,
The taxi made an ABRUPT stop. unexpected steady easy ble opt1 discomforting
SCENERY = scenes of natural, especially the
natural sporting shopping mountains and trees, hills and vast skies, rocks, all
The SCENERY in Northern California is beautiful. views theaters arenas centers opt1 the colors grouped like a picture.
WRECK = destroy, ruin completely, can't be used
My brother WRECKED his car. destroyed sold repainted loaned opt1 any more

MUSTARD = a yellow "sauce" that we sometimes

What is the usual color of most MUSTARD? white red blue yellow opt4 put on our hamburgers and hot dogs
DEFY = oppose, refuse to obey, go against the
Some children openly DEFY their parents. support resemble oppose love opt3 orders of
has a
falls into rises as it good increases
That's the way the cookie CRUMBLES. pieces bakes flavor in price opt1 CRUMBLE = to fall into little pieces
on the
on this sidefarther too far
The gym is located BEYOND the post office. of side of beneath from opt2 BEYOND = past, on the far side of
He is old, YET he is healthy. but and so for opt1 YET = but, however, still, on the other hand
Your TASK is to alphabetize all of these files. desire method reason job opt4 TASK = job, chore, duty, assignment
understa TAKE IN = understand, absorb in the brain,
I cannot TAKE IN all this information at once. say nd translate transmit opt2 comprehend
I cannot STRESS how important vocabulary is on the emphasiz
ECL test. understand explain e agree opt3 STRESS = emphasize, highlight
campaign exercise loan argue RUN FOR = to try to win a political office or
My brother is going to RUN FOR mayor next year. for office with money to about opt1 position
He REJECTED my offer. accepted refused repeated of opt2 REJECT = REFUSE, turn down, say "no" to
PERPLEXED = confused, not understanding,
I'm very PERPLEXED about tomorrow's assignments. confident certain happy confused opt4 baffled, needing an explanation

I loathed I thought
I disliked the it was I liked it a TERRIBLY = AWFULLY, extremely, quite, very
The movie was TERRIBLY GOOD. the movie. movie. awful. lot. opt4 (The key word here is "good," not "terrible.")
I look I I can't
forward to I hate anticipat wait to DREAD = mixture of fear and hatred, strong
I DREAD going to the dentist. it. going. e going. go. opt2 reluctance based on fear
can't can't
I'm very FOND OF chocolate ice cream. I ______. don't like it love it afford it stand it opt2 FOND OF = love something like it a lot
He INJURED his left ankle. cured hurt repaired x-rayed opt2 INJURE = to hurt

Which of these is not an animal? a deer a rabbit a wrench a bear opt3 A WRENCH is a tool for tightening and loosening.
Which of these would not be a good beverage for GASOLINE is fuel. Beverages are liquids you
breakfast? orange juice milk coffee gasoline opt4 drink.
TIED = to be even, to be the same. The score was
undeterm inconseq TIED at 2-2. His home run in the eleventh inning
The score was TIED at the end of regulation time. lopsided ined even uential opt3 finally broke the 3-3 tie.
What does water do a 212 degrees Fahrenheit? It thaws. It freezes. It boils. es. opt3 Water boils at 212 degrees F (100 degrees C.).

He FLUNKED the test. wrote passed corrected failed opt4 FLUNK = fail…not pass
surrende DEFEAT = BEAT. The Green Team WON the
The Green Team DEFEATED the Orange Team. won lost beat red to opt3 game. They DEFEATED the other team.
He as ACNE all over his face. pimples hair freckles wrinkles opt1 ACNE = pimple, a skin condition, zits
HILARIOUS = funny, amusing, makes you laugh
I thought the movie was HILAARIOUS. too long boring funny sad opt3 out loud
to make people because
things are he did
He is leaving here FOR GOOD. better forever happy well opt2 FOR GOOD = forever, for always
I hope you have the OPPORTUNITY to visit the Alamo. time chance money ation opt2 OPPORTUNITY = chance, occasion
I am PLEASED with the results of the test. happy ed unhappy angry opt1 PLEASED = happy, not angry, very satisfied
The policeman CAUTIONED him about speeding. ticketed warned arrested ed opt2 CAUTION = WARN, verbal admonition
We reached the SUMMIT of the mountain after 9 hours
of climbing. base peak side foothills opt2 SUMMIT = peak, highest point, the top point, apex

to hold GOGGLES = protective eye coverings, used when

to stay to protect his pants to appear swimming, working with certain machinery, part of
Why did Lt. Smith wear GOGGLES? warm his eyes up taller opt2 a safety uniform in dangerous jobs
MAIMED = seriously wounded, perhaps the loss of
severely an arm or leg, perhaps with severe disfigurement
After the accident, he was MAIMED. killed injured dead okay opt2 (damage to the face)
The torso is the trunk of your body, the main part
excluding the legs, arms, neck and head. The
Which of the following is not an organ located in the the brain is in the head; the other three are in the trunk
torso of the human body? the liver kidney the brain the heart opt3 or torso of the body.
The eight "arms" of the octopus are called
An octopus is so-named because it has eight _____. tentacles eyes ribs mouths opt1 TENTACLES.

SPRING CHICKEN = young (as young as a chicken

born during the most recent spring) Always in
My aunt is no spring chicken. She is not ______. smart young popular rich opt2 the negative. NO spring chicken = NOT young

group of
There was a big CROWD at the restaurant last night. fire riot people meal opt3 CROWD = large group of people,
TIGHTWAD = stingy, miserly, doesn't want to
spend his money. (Wants to keep all of his paper
argument money rolled in a tight wad, without ever having to
He is a TIGHTWAD. He is _______. ugly stingy ative silly opt2 spend any of it.)
whenever as late as
he wants eventuall he wants PROMPTLY = right away, immediately, no delay, as
Pvt. Jones has to report to the Captain PROMPTLY. right away to y to opt1 soon as possible
If he broke his THUMB, where does he feel the most THUMB = one of the five fingers on the hand. One
pain? his foot his head his toe his hand opt4 of the "digits" on your hand.

was has been

discover discover discover
America ________ by Columbus in 1492. discover ed ed ed opt3 passive voice
are do the
answerin have answer AT THIS MOMENT requires present progressive.
At this moment, you _______ questions. answer g answer of opt2 You ARE DOING something.
combined amount of time. Use "for" in these
I have been AT DLI ________ six months. since during at for opt4 kinds of present perfect sentences.
If I ______ you, I would be more careful with my have IF clause. Unreal present. Subjunctive. If I were
answers. was am been were opt4 you….
DRAPES = CURTAINS window coverings made
of cloth (fabric) NOTE: Rugs and carpets
are basically the same, so answers A and C cancel
What color are the DRAPES in your room? rugs walls carpets curtains opt4 each other out.
handsom intelligen
The boss is very ANGRY. She is _______. upset happy e t opt1 ANGRY = upset, not happy, not pleased
If I _____ ECL-qualified, I would not have to do these
exercises. was were am has been opt2 IF clause UNREAL present If I WERE….
If you check your dictionary, you'll find that these
Dikes, dams, and levees are all intended to control temperat are all engineering structures constructed to hold
_____. speed ure prices water opt4 back large amounts of water.
After certain VERBS of URGENCY, a "that" clause
takes a subjunctive (simple) form. The airline
The policeman ordered that Joe _____ out of the car have to agent insisted that Steve CHECK IN at the counter
with his hands up. gets got get get opt3 two hours prior to departure.
Joe said that we have to be at Lab 3 before 0800, tag question Joe said…didn't he? Affirmative in
_____? hasn't we didn't he did he hasn't he opt2 the main clause needs negative in the tag.
more better good comparative forms GOOD BETTER BEST
American English is _____ British English. gooder than better than than opt3 One thing is better than another.
Neither the animals nor their keeper _____ killed in the have In a NEITHER…NOR structure, make the verb
fire. were are been was opt4 agree with the subject unit that is closer to it.

The guerrillas caused problems _____ the government. of for at on opt2 You CAUSE PROBLEMS FOR someone.

STILL is not a verb. It an adverb. Lt. Smith HAS 8

Lt. Smith ______ 8 more weeks before he graduates. still have still having still has opt4 more weeks. He STILL HAS 8 more weeks.
GIVE OUT = to stop working, to cease functioning
He was just so old and tired that his poor little heart gave The engine finally gave out after about 120,000
________. gave out gave in down gave to opt1 miles.
Video cameras are used in many stores to ______ DETER = to try to prevent something from
shoplifting. deter detour defer demure opt1 happening
"Offer" is followed by an infinitive. See Book 34 p-
4-19 for a big list of verbs followed by infinitives
He offered _____ me move my heavy furniture upstairs. help helping helps to help opt4 versus gerunds.
Introductory participial phrase. It has been
______ toward the ice cream truck, the children waved Having reduced from "AS THEY WERE RUNNING TOWARD
excitedly to the driver. Run Ran running Running opt4 THE ICE CREAM TRUCK."

Affirmative can take "something." I ate something

strange yesterday. Negative takes "anything." I
didn't eat anything for breakfast. Avoid double
I didn't eat ______ yesterday. something nothing anything none opt3 negatives! You must not say "I didn't eat nothing."
After certain connecting words in complex
whose who who is sentences the correct word order is
whose book book is belongs owner of SUBJECT/VERB. Can you tell me where THE
Do you know __________? this is this this book this book opt1 HOTEL IS?

A DOZEN THINGS, not a dozen OF things.

However, you can say A COUPLE OF ROSES. And
you can say something like "There were sixty
people on the plane, and a dozen of them were
a dozen of dozen dozen a dozen injured. However, you cannot say A DOZEN OF
Joe bought _______ for his fiancee. roses rose roses roses opt4 ROSES.
furtherm STILL = but, yet, however STILL can be used for
It is raining; _______, I want to play soccer outside. still therefore thus ore opt1 CONTRAST structures
the the one the one
responsibilit responsi responsi responsi
I am not _____ for writing the scores in the records. y one ble ble bility opt2
What a Such How
How great is great it great it great it Another way of saying "It is great!" is "How great it
It is great! it!! is! is! is! opt4 is!"

When you give only the starting point of measuring

the time, use "since" in these PRESENT PERFECT
I haven't seen my family ______ October 23. until from since for opt3 structures. I have been here SINCE October 25.
When your adjective is followed by a "THAT"
clause, we normally put "so" in front of the
The cheetah ran ______ that the photographers couldn't much very so adjective. I was SO tired that I fell on my bed and
take pictures. quickly quick quickly quick opt3 woke up ten hours later.
AS = preposition of capacity (in the capacity of)
He will be acting AS the company commander for
I am here _____ your teacher, not ______ your parent. as by with to opt1 three weeks.

SINCE = BECAUSE Since you are under the

age of 21, you cannot drink alcohol in Texas.
_____ you are rich, you can pay for everyone's lunch. Since For By Thus opt1 Since it is raining, we will cancel the game.
You have somebody DO something (simple form).
I had the barber CUT my hair short. I had the
I had the secretary _____ the letter five times. retyping retypes retyped retype opt4 bank CANCEL my credit card.

when you eventuall as late as promptly = right away = quickly = as soon as

Report to the supervisor PROMPTLY. right away feel like it y you like opt1 possible = without delay

I hurt my I have no I FEEL I've been

I'm broke. leg. money. GLAD. drinking. opt2 idiom to be broke = to have no money
If he injured his thumb, where does he feel the most The THUMB is one of your five fingers on your
pain? his foot his head his toe his hand opt4 hand.
are Words like "right now" and "at this moment" often
do answerin are take the present progressive tense. You ARE
At this moment, you _________ these questions. answer answer g answer opt3 READING this sentence at this moment.

When you give the total amount of time, you need

to use FOR in a present perfect structure like this.
I have been at DLI _____ 6 months. since during at for opt4 I have been in the military FOR two years.

have SUBJUNCTIVE "IF" clause…present unreal. If

If I _____ you, I would be more careful with my answers. was am been were opt4 I WERE you, I would study the "IF" clause patterns.

autumn = fall the time of the year when it starts

to get colder, the leaves turn yellow, orange, red,
AUTUMN is my favorite time of the year. fall winter spring summer opt1 and brown…then the leaves FALL from the trees.
has no hair cannot is unable cannot
Steve is deaf. He _______. on his head see to hear walk well opt3 DEAF = cannot hear
drapes = curtains…the cloth hangings over the
What color are the DRAPES in your room? rugs walls carpets curtains opt4 windows
handsom intelligen
The drill sergeant is very angry. He is _____. upset happy e t opt1 angry = upset = mad = furious = very unhappy
couch = sofa = davenport = a long piece of
furniture that can seat 3 or 4 adults and it's long
The children are going to sleep on the COUCH. sofa floor table rocker opt1 enough for people to sleep on it.

near your
hometow abroad = in a foreign country, especially after
Have you ever been stationed ABROAD? overseas near here n right here opt1 crossing a large body of water
You MAKE, LET or HAVE somebody DO (simple
form) something. I made the children GO to bed
I made the dog _____ in the garage last night. to stay stays staying stay opt4 early.
Don't let the children play _____ the street. on at in to opt3 IN the street ON the sidewalk
The student FELL ASLEEP during the graduation dropped came two-word verb DROP OFF = to fall asleep for a
speeches. crossed off off got on across opt2 short period of time while sitting up
got along through got got along two-word verb TO GET THROUGH WITH = to
We FINISHED the test 30 minutes early. with with behind in in opt2 finish, complete, end, conclude something
The weatherman says it MAY rain tomorrow. will must has to might opt4 modals MAY = MIGHT (possibility)
He is unable to _____ his ideas very well. formula formulate on formulate opt2 the verb form TO FORMULATE

preposition of time FOR a short period of TIME.

I visited my family _____ Christmas. in to of for opt4 I visited them FOR the two days of Christmas.
subject form of the relative pronoun. I saw the
man. HE shot the guard. I saw the man WHO shot
That's the man _____ shot the bank guard. whom which whose who opt4 the guard.
CAUSE is the simple subject. The verb must
The cause of all the recent accidents at several major agree with CAUSE. The CAUSE HAS not been
airports _____ not been determined yet. is has have were opt2 determined.
guard two-word verb to deal with = handle = treat =
We will HANDLE tag questions next week. deal with get over against do over opt1 study or discuss
INFERENCE MODAL Based on some evidence,
you come to a logical conclusion. There is a lot of
I hear a lot of police sirens. Someone _____ have would laughter in that room. Someone MUST be telling
committed a crime nearby. must should rather shall opt1 jokes.
This room is FILTHY. dirty big blunt mild opt1 filthy = dirty = messy = not clean
The fog was DENSE at the airport. light bleak dusky thick opt4 dense = thick = heavy = not light
If you have a "that" clause following the adjective,
It was _____ hot yesterday that you could have fried an you need to put "so" in front of the adjective. It
egg on the sidewalk. too very enough so opt4 was SO cold THAT I had to wear three sweaters.
He looked at me _____ he didn't understand a word I such a
was saying. already moreover way as if opt4 as if = in such a manner like
My brother is going to FORMALLY VISIT his fiancee's
family next week. call up call on call in call down opt2 to call on = to visit FIORMALLY
Mrs. Goodteacher has _____ students at DLI in her most
Advanced Class. best the best good the best opt4 good = better = best Something is THE BEST.
passive voice structure The conditions are
These drugs must be given top the patients under controlle controllin controlled by someone, so they are CONTROLLED
_____ conditions. control d g controls opt2 conditions.
Don't give the new students too _____ things to do their count noun = things TOO MANY THINGS
first week in class. many some much often opt1 versus TOO MUCH WORK (mass noun)
the four people? Use the superlative. He is THE
Of my four brothers, Tommy is _____. taller tallest the taller the tall opt2 TALLEST one of the four.

"TO" is a preposition. You need OBJECT forms

because this is OBJECT of a PREPOSITION. Give
Joe and she and Joe and the package to her. Give the package to Joe.
Please give this package to _____. he and she she Joe her opt4 Give the package to JOE and HER.
My cousin STOPPED ATTENDING school when he was dropped in dropped dropped dropped drop out of = to stop attending something or to
only 11 years old. on out of over at off opt2 stop participating in an organized group
mass noun The main clause is negative, so "I
don't have ENOUGH of something to do it." I don't
I don't have _____ money to go to the movie tonight. some enough few many opt2 have enough time to iron my shirt.
IS The "h" of "honest" is silent, so it sounds like
NEEDED. "ONEST," a vowel sound. He is AN HONEST
He is such _____ honest person. a the an ) opt3 person. She is AN HONORABLE person.

HOLD the lever tightly. warn persuade avoid grip opt4 grip = to hold tightly
A gauge is a tool or measuring device, usually
Which of these would you not want to eat? a duck a cherry a gauge a turnip opt3 made out of metal. You can't eat it.

We can always RELY ON Bob to help us. count on cross off carry on check on opt1 count on = rely on = depend on
I need to buy _____ milk. a any an some opt4 MILK is a mass noun. I want SOME milk.
DROUGHT = a long period with no rain, when
There has been a terrible DROUGHT in West Texas for We need We need We need We need things start to dry up. Crops and animals are
months now. sunshine. rain. wind. dust. opt2 going to die because of no water.

During the flight from Miami, I felt very _____. nerve nerves nerved nervous opt4 adjective form I was NERVOUS. I felt NERVOUS.
You should REVIEW this vocabulary list before we take send
the test. do over go over be over over opt2 go over = review = look at again = study
Do you think he IS ABLE TO get the job done by had
himself? might must can better opt3 modals CAN = to be able
was has
The escaped prisoner _____ last night near the airport. is catched caught caught caught opt2 past tense (LAST NIGHT) passive voice
CLAWS = the talons = like human fingernails for
Which animal could leave CLAW marks on your body? a snake a lion a shark a toad opt2 scratching and clawing A lion has claws.
The police are INVESTIGATING the murder of my looking looking looking to investigate = to look into = to search for
neighbor's nephew. looking up over across into opt4 evidence

The modal SHOULD is here, and you must put

simple form of a verb after a modal. The bushes
are be SHOULD BE GETTING more water. As a question,
Shouldn't those rose bushes _____ more water? be get getting getting gets opt3 "Shouldn't they be getting more water?"
right now = present progressive I AM
I _____ finishing the report right now. should will am can opt3 FINISHING.
describin descripti describe
She gave the police a good _____ of the robber. describe g on d opt3 noun form = a description
POLICE = plural The police are…. The police
The police _____ waiting outside to talk to you. is was are have opt3 were….
Which kind of dessert did he CHOOSE? pick on pick out pick up pick off opt2 to pick out = choose = select
Here, "kind" is singular. The other choices would
have to go with plural forms. THAT KIND OF
I don't like ____ kind of movie. them those these that opt4 BOOK…. THAT KIND OF CANDY.
Here, the verb must agree with the plural word
"ORANGES" because of the indefinite pronoun
"ALL." All of the PIE was eaten. All of the pies
All of the oranges _____ rotten. is was are have opt3 WERE eaten.
modals Should = advice If he's sick, he
Joe looks very ill. He _____ go to the doctor right now! must to is have to should opt4 should go to the doctor.
My cousin Frankie _____ 21 years in the Marine Corps past tense. He SPENT years in the Corps before
before retiring. spend spending spent spends opt3 he retired.

The repairman _____ we called will not be able to get We called him. Object form is required. The
here today. what which whose whom opt4 person WHOM we called will not come here today.
You want to get married? Please CONSIDER YOUR think it think it to think something through = to consider it
DECISION VERY CAREFULLY. think it up think of it through across opt3 carefully, to weigh all the options
used to = would To have done something in the
When I was a child, I USED TO eat candy all day long. would rather should must opt1 past but not now.
departme noun form = departure = the act of departing or
Lt. Arroyo's date of _____ is April 23. depart departs nt departure opt4 leaving
throw throw discard = throw away = throw out = toss out = toss
Please DISCARD all these old magazines. throw off throw up over away opt4 away = to get rid of
word form = interesting The lesson was
We had an _____ lesson yesterday. It was about interestin interesting. The students were interested in the
biology. interested g interest interests opt2 lesson.
preposition of direction. You stare AT You
It is not polite to stare _____ strangers. for with at on opt3 look AT You point AT
I wish you wouldn't MENTION the subject of AIDS in the get to mention = to bring a subject up = to introduce a
classroom. think up bring up across run into opt2 topic in the discussion
If you have an infinitive directly after the adjective,
put "TOO" in front of the adjective. He is TOO
old TO JOIN the military. It is TOO late TO CALL
This coffee is _____ hot to drink right now. too very so enough opt1 him now.

"mind" takes gerund (-ing) form after it. See Book

34, page 4-19 for a big list of the verbs that take
Would you mind _____ the door for me? My hands are gerunds versus the ones that take infinitives.
full. open to open opened opening opt4 Would you mind CLOSING that window, please?
The unit was unable to ACCOMPLISH the mission as carry carry out = to accomplish = to do = to completely
ordered. carry in back carry on carry out opt4 conclude something
last night = past tense. I SAW something last
I _____ a really good movie last night. see am see saw have see opt3 night.

to be up on = to have knowledge about something,

to be well-informed about it. I'm not up on all the
Joe is WELL-INFORMED ABOUT everything in Bosnia. up on up for up to up in opt1 new rap singers my friends watch on MTV.
If the blank comes after the adjective, put
"ENOUGH" in it. Are you rich enough to buy a
Mercedes? He is tall enough to play on the
basketball team. She is smart enough to join
He is not old ______ to join the military yet. so enough for already opt2 MENSA.
Anytime you use the DO" auxiliary, put simple form
of the verb. DO you GO to the gym every day?
Did you _____ a big breakfast this morning? ate eats eaten eat opt4 DID he SEE that movie?
PUT your hat out in the hall on a hook. Drop off out Get in Hang up opt4 To put something on a hook = to hang it up
Something is ON the floor, touching the surface of
My room is ____ the third floor of the dorm. in on at to opt2 the floor.
PERFECT construction, put "yet" at the end. I
I haven't visited the Alamo _______. none too yet never opt3 haven't passed the ECL yet.
Because the main clause is negative, the only
choice that will work is "enough.' We don't have
I didn't have _____ money to pay for my movie ticket. enough some no many opt1 ENOUGH time for you to give your speech.
You can use either DESPITE or IN SPITE OF.
despite There is no such phrase as DESPITE OF or IN
We will try to play the soccer game _____ the rain. in spite of despite spite of opt3 SPITE.
He speaks too RAPIDLY for us to take notes. slowly evenly quickly hardly opt3 rapidly = quickly = fast = not slowly
humming A frog hops. Snakes crawl. Sharks swim.
Which of the following creatures can hop? a frog a snake a shark bird opt1 Hummingbirds fly and hover.
a lot of lots of a lot of a lots of PROBLEM is a count noun. So you can have A
I have had _____ here at DLI. problem problem problems problems opt3 LOT OF PROBLEMS or LOTS OF PROBLEMS.
Some of these questions are BEWILDERING. easy amusing long g opt4 bewildering = confusing = not easy to understand
Don't jump _____ conclusions. at to on in opt2 You jump TO conclusions. (It's a set phrase.)
Comparison with a one-syllable adjective. ---
more older more older more old ER THAN I am shorter than Tom. He is
Joe is ______ Steve. than older than than opt3 richer than Bill.
screwdri a lug
Which of the following is not a tool? a saw ver a rooster wrench opt3 A rooster is a male chicken, an animal, not a tool.

Because Because
Because it I am Because it might
Why are you carrying an umbrella? is late. unhappy. it is cold. rain. opt4 umbrella = a shield against the rain or sun.

He look DEPRESSED today. happy pleased delighted unhappy opt4 depressed = sad = unhappy
The teacher is QUITE angry with you for chewing gum
in class. not a little bit very never opt3 QUITE = very = extremely = a lot
Yes, this will be your FINAL book before you transfer to
Specialized. first next current last opt4 final = last = ultimate
oven = heating device, cooking device. If it's like
It's like an oven in this room! (How is the temperature?) moderate hot very cold mild opt2 an oven, it's very hot.
expensiv excessiv
The price of that sofa is very low. The sofa is ______. cheap e costly ely high opt1 low price = cheap = doesn't cost much
thermomete A fan has blades that rotate and circulate air,
A device for circulating air to cool a room is _______. r a book a fan a knife opt3 cooling the air of the room.
sometim frequentl ALWAYS (100% of the time) is the opposite of
The opposite of "never" is _____. often es y always opt4 "NEVER" (0 % of the time).
irregular verb…present tense. I FEEL happy. I
I _____ sick right now. fell feel fall felt opt2 FEEL sick.
If I have no friends, I am probably _____ at times. lonely thirsty happy full opt1 Lonely = alone = not with other people
There is a killer wasp right ABOVE your head! under below beneath over opt4 over = above
I found some CASH lying on the table. bills food k money opt4 cash = money
You HAVE TO increase your ECL score by at least 6 modals HAVE TO = MUST requirement
points…or else! must should ought to may opt1 mandatory
difficult = hard = not easy So the opposite of
The opposite of "difficult" is ______. ugly easy hard pleasant opt2 "difficult" is "easy."
Take it Keep it Do it phrasal verb To remove an item of clothing is to
Remove your jacket if you're hot. Put it on. off. on. over. opt2 TAKE IT OFF.
I RARELY watch soccer games on Channel 17. never seldom always y opt2 rarely = seldom = almost never = hardly ever
Can you MAKE UP a good story about foxes and
wolves? attempt forget read create opt4 to make up a story is to CREATE it.
Yoko Ono has a very UNUSUAL voice. strange common ordinary everyday opt1 unusual = strange = odd = not common
modals MUST = have to = mandatory =
Our ECL scores are low. We MUST study. might may are have to opt4 requirement
fewer mistakes MISTAKES is a count noun.
I made _____ mistakes on this test than I did on the one This is a comparative structure. I have FEWER
last week. few fewer less lesser opt2 problems now than I did when I was a teenager.
shin = part of the leg Do not confuse it with
He hurt his shin, so it is hard for him to _____. eat kneel yawn shave opt2 CHIN, the lower part of the face.

One clause is the result of the other. There is a

comma between the clauses, so you use "SO.' If
there were a semicolon, you could use
"THEREFORE." It was extremely hot, so we went
swimming. It was extremely hot; therefore, we
I stayed up all night, _____ I feel very tired today. because so but however opt2 went swimming.
surprisin astonishing = surprising = unexpected =
He told us some ASTONISHING news. boring typical g tedious opt3 unbelievable
After certain VERBS of URGENCY, you have to put
SIMPLE FORM in the "that" clause. The
The Captain ordered that Lt. Smith _____ in the have to policeman INSISTED that Joe GET out of the car
company area at 0500 tomorrow morning. is be be goes opt2 with his hands up.
idiom A little white lie = a small lie = not serious =
I told you a little white lie. I fibbed. I flashed. I forged. I framed. opt1 fib
He was He was idiom to hit the ceiling = to be angry = to be
When I told the Captain my ECL score, he hit the He was He was indifferen overjoye explosively angry, like a bomb. LIVID = to be so
ceiling. happy. livid. t. d. opt2 angry that you might turn purple in the face.

When you turn a number into part of a hyphenated

adjective, you drop the plural of the noun. A
twenty- twenties- twenty- twenty- general wearing three stars = a three-STAR general
If you want to mail that letter, you will have to use three cents cent cent cent a car with four doors = a four-door car A
______. stamps stamp stamps stamp opt3 run that lasts four miles = a four-MILE run
There was a strange RATTLE in the engine. snake smell sound ure opt3 rattle = noise = sound
wallet = billfold A small thing we carry our
Joe lost his WALLET. satchel billfold purse briefcase opt2 paper money (dollar bills) in
modals ought to = should (advice,
We really OUGHT TO go home now. should will might must opt1 recommendation)
My father was ANGRY when I told him I wrecked the
car. mad happy pleased content opt1 mad = angry = very upset = very unhappy
He is ELDERLY. His age is around _____. 20 30 40 70 opt4 elderly = old = aged
since from
during 21 1973 to 1973 to before 21 This past tense sentences needs a FROM---TO
Roger's father served in the marines _____. years 1994 1994 years opt3 structure. Class lasts FROM 0730 TO 1435.
prolonge dazzling = brilliant = impressive = extremely good
He gave a DAZZLING speech. brilliant hideous very bad d opt1 = great
decapitat choke = strangle = stop the passage of air at the
Othello CHOKED Desdemona. stabbed strangled ed shot opt2 throat
The wife of a president or prime minister usually has a
lot of CLOUT. weight income power coloring opt3 clout = power = influence
Soldiers are always GRIPING. working sleeping training ing opt4 gripe = complain = make negative comments
signal storm beacon = signal light, especially for aircraft and
We saw the BEACON in the distance. pork meat airplane light cloud opt3 ships
furtherm moreover = furthermore = in addition = plus that =
I ate a hamburger; MOREOVER, I had some fish. however ore therefore yet opt2 in addition to that = and also
The weather was very MILD throughout our entire mild = moderate = not extreme = in the middle of a
vacation. violent moderate severe hot opt2 range
thus = therefore = hence A formal word used
I became sick; _____ I didn't want to take the test. but thus yet and opt2 with a semicolon.
His room is FILTHY. messy clean large spacious opt1 filthy = dirty = messy = not orderly = not clean
eggplant = a vegetable that is purple when ripe
Sometimes a fabric might be described as egglant
What color are most ripe eggplants? green yellow red purple opt4 (meaning purple).
Throw it rotten = spoiled = not good = probably cannot be
If the food is rotten, what should you probably do to it? Eat it. Serve it. Save it. out. opt4 eaten
A kiwi is a small bird (from New Zealand) that
Which of these birds does not fly? kiwi hawk robin pigeon opt1 cannot fly; it can run very fast.

buying running listening smelling

If he is lame, he probably has trouble _____. luxuries races to music odors opt2 lame = something wrong with the leg or foot
If he broke several ribs, where does he probably feel the his The ribs are located in the upper torso, in the chest
most pain? his foot his chest his hand ankles opt2 and sides area.
The word in the blank must be a SUBJECT form…
I would like to have a neighbor _____ I can feel certain HE or SHE WILL WATCH my apartment. WHOM
will watch my apartment when I'm away. whom who which whose opt2 will not fit here.
my so does my abridged agreement I hate something and so
so do my brother my brother does my brother. I hate something and my
I hate spinach, and _____. brother do too brother so do opt3 brother does too.
snow price
There was a bad BLIZZARD last night. fight storm increase accident opt2 blizzard = heavy snow and powerful wind

The little girl was SOBBING. crying dancing laughing running opt1 sob = to cry loudly = to make noises while crying
dishones handsom intelligen crook = dishonest person = not "straight" =
A lot of people thought President Nixon was a CROOK. great leader t person e man t writer opt2 someone who is "crooked"
Because of the heavy rain, we will have to CANCEL the
parade. call off put off delay postpone opt1 cancel = call off ((postpone = put off))
Can you PERSUADE the Supervisor to let us go home guarante persuade = convince = to get someone to change
early? convince caution e anchor opt1 his or her mind about something
transferr slaughter = to kill savagely, with a lot of violence
Fifty people were SLAUGHTERED yesterday. promoted killed rehired ed opt2 and blood and cruelty
short smart elderly rich
He is a MIDGET. person person person person opt1 midget = short = small in stature = not tall
object forms required…objects of preposition
Give the message to HIM. Give the message to
he and his him and he and him and HIS WIFE. Give the message to HIM and HIS
Please give the message to _____. wife he wife him wife his wife opt4 WIFE.
dead loot = treasure = gold and money = jewels =
The pirates buried their LOOT on the deserted island. comrades maps treasure weapons opt3 valuable items you can steal and carry away
CAREFULLY CONSIDER ALL THE DETAILS before you Get it Think it Come Take it phrasal verb think through = carefully consider
do it. across through over it back opt2 everything in advance
famished I'm starving = famished = very hungry = about to die
I am STARVING. I'm tired. . I'm poor. lonely. opt2 from lack of food
subjunctive unreal present condition Today
is not Sunday. I wish today WERE Sunday. (like
IF clauses) If today WERE Sunday, I would be
I wish today _____ Sunday. were was is would be opt1 happy.
After certain ADJECTIVES of URGENCY, we put the
simple form in a "that" clause. It is essential that
he STUDY tonight. It is vital that she CALL her
It is mandatory that Lt. Smith _____ at the airport before family. It is imperative that he GET 80 on the
0600 tomorrow. be is goes were opt1 next ECL.
There was a typical SNAFU about the outprocessing arrangem snafu = typical problem = acronym for "Situation
schedules. success ent problem routine opt3 Normal : All Fouled Up." S-N-A-F-U.
phrasal verb exist on = live on = subsist on =
Can a normal person EXIST ON just $200 per month in depend survive on Can a prisoner EXIST ON nothing but
San Antonio? insist on live on on keep on opt2 bread and water for six months?
reprimand = call down = scold = give a tongue-
The Captain REPRIMANDED Lt. Smith during formation. called down called on called for called in opt1 lashing to= chew out
That car Lt. Smith just bought cost a lot, _____? don't it didn't it didn't he does it opt2 The car cost a lot (past tenses), DIDN'T IT?
He is In English, we do our ages with the BE verb, not
He has 67 being 67 He does the HAVE verb. My car IS four years old. She
How old is your father? years. years. He is 67. 67. opt3 WAS 56 when she died.
square root = a number which can be multiplied by
itself to give another number 7 x 7 = 49, so the
SQUARE ROOT of 49 is 7. The square root of 81
What is the square root of 49? 5 6 7 8 opt3 is 9
We reached the APEX of the mountain in 15 hours. base peak side foothills opt2 apex = peak = highest point = summit
Two simultaneous events, both of them in the
quarrelin quarrelin work this morning, I WAS LISTENING to my new
While I was trying to watch television, the kids _____. quarrel quarrels g g opt4 Celine Dion cassette.
I feel stymied = impeded = thwarted = blocked =
I am I am I am rejuvenat obstructed = not making any progress = unhappy
I feel STMIED because I keep missing these questions. pleased. impeded. satisfied. ed. opt2 because of no success
Children should not play ____ the streets. on in of to opt2 IN the streets ON the sidewalk
flammable = it WILL burn NONflammable = it will
NOT burn Do not be tricked: inflammable is
NOT a negative; it means "it will go up IN flames.
deflamm nonflam unflamm FLAMMABLE and INFLAMMABLE mean the SAME
Is the material FLAMMABLE? No, it is _____. inflammable able mable able opt3 THING!

barrister = British lawyer. Pass the bar = pass the

qualifying test after law school, permitting you to
practice law in a certain state. The "BAR" is the
When he was in England, he was a successful railing in front of a judge's desk. You can hear the
BARRISTER; he won't be able to pass the bar in Texas. lawyer teacher architect alcoholic opt1 line "May I approach the bar?" in movies w
You MAKE, LET, and HAVE somebody "DO"
something. I let the dog sleep in the garage. I
had the barber cut my hair short. I made the cat
I made my son _____ to bed early last night. to go going goes go opt4 eat dry cat food for two weeks.
disliked loathed despised
liked the the the the terribly = awfully = VERY = extremely terribly
I thought the movie was terribly good. I _____. movie movie movie movie opt1 good = very good terribly bad = very bad
long loud
period time of noisy
long difficult without political celebrati drought = period of no rain = everything dries up =
When will this DROUGHT ever end? test rain unrest on opt2 crops and animals start dying from the lack of rain
His starting SALARY was quite impressive. wages time tasks location opt1 salary = wages = money earned for doing work

In a NEITHER…NOR structure where one element

is singular and the other is plural, make the verb
Neither the lieutenants nor the Captain _____ going to agree with the element closer to it. Neither the
be at E Co today. is are were will opt1 father nor his sons ARE here right now.
discrepancy = inconsistency = something wrong =
an a an a disagreement of data = something that doesn't
There was a DISCREPANCY between his leave an inconsist verificati investiga JIBE with other information = something that is
statement and his paycheck. agreement ency on tion opt2 wrong
boost = raise = increase A booster rocket a
booster shot I can't reach the highest shelf.
We need to BOOST morale around here. measure lower raise evaluate opt3 Give me a BOOST.
His vision was BLURRY. clear sharp focused not clear opt4 blurry = not clear = not focused = not sharp
made a hole punch = make a hole in Punch can also mean
He PUNCHED my ticket. in ripped up ignored stole opt1 to hit with the fist.
DOING things. The progressive would not make
being much sense here, so the simple form is best. I
I saw the man _____ from the bridge. jumps jumped jump jump opt3 SAW the policeman SHOOT the suspect.
In formal English, if the main verb is in the past
tense (PROMISED), the following verbs in the
dependent clauses will also be in the past. The
He promised me that he _____ repair my car tomorrow. would is tries to had to opt1 past of WILL is WOULD.

He He
He closed it He shut it opened it opened it SLAM = to hit with a lot of force. The car
He SLAMMED the door. gently. forcibly. quickly. slowly. opt2 SLAMMED into the wall at 90 miles per hour.
Since a waitress is a woman and the pencil
I believe the waitress dropped _____ pencil on the floor. his their she her opt4 belongs to her, it is HER PENCIL.
I don't like the new printers _____ they're not as fast as since = because The second clause tells us
the old ones. but so and since opt4 WHY, so we need BECAUSE or SINCE.
The soldiers were FULLY briefed before they went on inadequa complete
their mission. partially scarcely tely ly opt4 fully = completely = thoroughly = 100%
He MESSED UP his speech by forgetting his second lengthen
point. ended ruined improved ed opt2 mess up = ruin = make a mistake = fouled up
lease = rent You sign a contract and rent
something big and important like a house, an
I'm going to LEASE that 1996 red Firebird convertible. rent purchase sell lend opt1 apartment, an airplane, a car
My parents are going to DO OVER my grandmother's do over = redecorate = improve the appearance of
house in Houston. redecorate sell loan demolish opt1 = make something look new again
unwashe bare = naked = not covered with clothing =
Children should not play near the dump with BARE feet. naked d healthy two opt1 exposed

It doesn't
IT'S A SHAME that Lt. Jones got kicked out of school It's a good It's too It was surprise
for plagiarizing someone's theme. thing bad inevitable me opt2 shame = bad =disgraceful = not good
jogging access throughw
The RUNWAY has been cleared of snow. landing strip path road ay opt1 runway = landing strip for airplanes
Is there really a LINK between smoking and lung connecti link = connection = one thing is joined to another
cancer? cure on study funding opt2 thing

The Colonel's orders were rather VAGUE, weren't they? precis3e terse unclear succinct opt3 vague = not clear = difficult to understand
costly exquisite yards of
worn piece bolt of piece of imported RAG = an old piece of worn, torn, or faded cloth
I mopped up the spilled milk with an old RAG. of cloth fabric lace silk opt1 used for utility or clean-up work
leak = seep = the very slow, gradual transfer of a
liquid from one place to another. The other three
answers in this question all have the idea of rapid
Water is slowly LEAKING into the basement. seeping gushing pouring rushing opt1 movement of a lot of water.
nozzle = the end of a pipe or a hose that allows you
I can't take a shower because the _____ is broken. frazzle nozzle blizzard buzzard opt2 to control the flow of water.
vague = not clear = unclear = not precise = hard to
The boss's orders were rather VAGUE, weren't they? precise terse unclear succinct opt3 understand
Is there really a LINK between smoking and lung connecti
cancer? cure on study funding opt2 link = connecting = something that joins two things
jogging access throughw
The RUNWAY has been cleared of snow. landing strip path road ay opt1 runway = a landing strip for aircraft
fixed expression Something is difficult or easy
Prepositions are difficult _____ me to understand. for to at with opt1 FOR a person.
Put a gerund ( -ing form) after ANTICIPATE or
I anticipate _____ back home. to go going for to go being go opt2 LOOK FORWARD TO.

by means outside BY MEANS OF = using a certain tool, device,

He climbed up on the roof _____ a tall ladder. because of due to of of opt3 instrument, or method

with very We need an ADVERB ( -ly form) because it tells us

He went down the hall _____. rapid rapid rapid rapidly opt4 HOW he went down the hall. Adverb of manner.
This is a reduced clause structure. The money
The money _____ from the bank has not been reduced down to THE MONEY STOLEN FROM THE
recovered yet. steal stealing stole stolen opt4 BANK…..
exception I AM, AREN'T I? More formal = I
I am scheduled to take one more OPI, _____? am not I aren't I am I are I opt2 AM< AM I NOT?

Rabbits _____ faster than turtles do. move moving moves are move opt1 Plural subject in the present tense.

You can count on Lt. Arroyo because he is such a dependa scatterbr count on = depend on = rely on The adjective
_____ person. unethical ble ained foolish opt2 forms would be DEPENDABLE and RELIABLE.
has been was NEXT WEEK = future The class WILL do
The graduating class _____ a party next week. having having will have has had opt3 something NEXT WEEK.
This started out as the clause AFTER HE HAD
Having Being FINISHED THE TEST…. We can reduced it to the
_____ the test, he stood up and left the room. Finish Finished finished finish opt3 phrase HAVING FINISHED….
You are comparing TWO things (people). OLD is
just one-syllable. Put -ER after the adjective.
Tommy is OLDER THAN the other son. Tommy is
Of my two sons, Tommy is _____. the oldest oldest the old the older opt4 THE OLDER of the two sons.
He's He's He's
He's getting getting getting getting to get along = to make progress = to continue to do
He's making a lot of progress. over. out. back. along. opt4 well with something
was were passive voice The subject is plural. The
All of these sentences _____ by Mr. Williams. were wrote wrote written written opt4 sentences WERE WRITTEN by someone.
would have
If I had known the answers, I _____ well on the test. done will do had done did opt1 PAST UNREAL CONDITIONAL.
Most officers who live at DLI cook _____ own food in POSSESSIVE adjective form. It is THEIR food.
microwave ovens. his its they their opt4 (The subject --officers -- is plural.)
He did something FOR a measurable amount of
He studied English at Harvard _____ two years. ago since during for opt4 time. Lincoln was President FOR five years.
STUNDENTS is a count noun in the PLURAL. The
_____ military students must wear uniforms to class. All Each Every Much opt1 only determiner that fits is ALL.
My brother and sister _____ on a ranch in Utah. living is live live lives opt3 "LIVE"
The Senate _____ on a tax increase last month. vote voted voting will vote opt2 "Last month" requires PAST TENSE.
This is a reduced structure: WHILE YOU ARE
While _____ the street, be very careful to look in both being CROSSING THE STREET…Reduce it to WHILE
directions. cross crossing crossed cross opt2 CROSSING THE STREET.

The main clause contains the "BE" verb, so the

second abridged clause must also contain the
"BE" verb. That means "a" and "b" are the only
so does her two possibilities. You have to say "and SO IS her
so her so is her her daughter daughter." You could also say "and her daughter
Mrs. Smith is a great painter, and _____. daughter is daughter daughter do too opt2 IS TOO."
Based on the facts given, the comparison between
Tom is Joe is Joe is Joe and Jim is the only one that is both factually
Tom is 17 years old. Jim is 18 years old. Joe is 16 Jim is older younger youngest and grammatically correct. Joe (16) is younger
years old. oldest. than Jim. than Jim. . opt3 than Jim (18).
as soon "As soon as" has the meaning of "when" in this
We will start the test _____ Pvt. Jones gets here. as soon whether among as opt4 sentence.
"Which" is used for things. A shirt is a thing.
That shirt, ____ is light blue, costs less than $15. who whom what which opt4 "Who" and "whom" are only used for people.
The package _____ today. Otherwise, it won't get there must be must will be must be
for my mother's birthday. mailing mail mail mailed opt4 Passive voice is requited here. MUST BE MAILED.
along go along with = phrasal verb meaning to
Can we go _____ you to the movies? apart from with due to apart at opt2 accompany
I just heard some bad news _____ the radio. on in for to opt1 ON the radio ON the television

present tense tag question….action verbs needing

doesn't "DO" in the tag…third person singular….She
She enjoys taking tests, _____? don't she do she she did she opt3 studies every night, DOESN'T she?

"Before" is a preposition of time in this sentence.

The object of the preposition must be a noun or
pronoun. The noun form (gerund) of "to hand in"
you is HANDING IN. Before LEAVING your room, I
Before _____ your test paper, verify that you have handing handed handing make sure the door is locked. After finishing his
answered all the questions. hand in in in in opt4 homew

These It has a
They're a It's a big are a big big 100 pounds of sugar = a quantity -= IT is a big
Mike bought 100 pounds of sugar. big quantity. quantity. quantity. quantity. opt2 quantity of sugar.
In fixed expression meaning "if it should happen."
accordance By IN CASE OF rain, the game will be postponed. In
_____ fire, do not try to use the elevators. with In care of In case of means of opt3 case of an emergency, call 911.
Our suitcases are _____ each other. similar to similar as same to same as opt1 similar to…THE same as…
TROUBLE = a mass noun MUCH trouble LOTS
Joe had _____ trouble when he tried to take a bus of trouble A LOT OF trouble TOO MUCH
downtown. lots many not much opt4 trouble

have MAY = modal of possibility You are suggesting
may can have may have been that this is one of the things that MAY, MIGHT, or
Tom can't find his key. It _____ out of his pocket. dropped drop dropped dropping opt3 COULD have happened.
all the DAY in this sentence is singular. EVERY DAY is
We go to school _____. each days every day days all of day opt2 the only one that fits. EACH DAY
need to They did it IN ORDER TO FIX it. We can reduce it:
They took his car to the shop _____ it. to fix for fix so fix fix opt1 THEY DID IT (in order) TO FIX it.

TO is a preposition. The blank requires OBJECT

FORM, object of the preposition. HIM and ME are
he and him and the objects. Give the message to him. Give the
Please give the message to _____. Joe and she her me he and I opt 3 message to me. Give the message to him and me.

You MAKE, LET, and HAVE somebody DO (simple

form) something, no matter what the tense. I will
make the secretary WORK overtime. I will have
the boss CALL you tomorrow. I have my students
I had the supervisor _____ the police. to call call calls called opt2 DO homework every night.
USED TO = WOULD = to have done something in
the past, but not now. It is a modal and requires
SIMPLE FORM. I used to LIVE in Germany; now I
When I was a child, I used to _____ candy all day long. eating ate est eaten opt3 live in Texas.
The traffic was extremely heavy. There were _____ cars CARS = count noun Heavy traffic means TOO
on the road. too much few too few too many opt4 MANY CARS.
You should practice _____ English during the You practice DOING something. Put the "-ing"
weekends. speak to speak speaking speak the opt3 form after "practice."

It's raining outside, _______? is there isn't it doesn't it don't it opt2 tag question It is…isn't it?
Either…or Neither…nor These are
correlative conjunctions. Either Mr. Jones or Ms.
______ Joe or Steve will loan me his car tomorrow. Both Neither Either Also opt3 Smith is going to teach you next week.

REQUEST Would you open the window?

_____ you please hand me that ashtray? Must Would Are Did opt2 Would you please let Sgt. Jones finish speaking?

I want to tell you about some interesting _____ places A place for tourists to visit is a tourist place. Don't
you should visit when you come to my country. tourists touristic touristics tourist opt4 use the word "touristic."
Sometimes we use an infinitive (TO form) as the
______ an excessive amount of Pepsi is not good for subject of a sentence. TO STEAL is wrong. TO
you. To drinking For drink To drink Drink opt3 PASS the ECL is my immediate goal.
SUPERLATIVE The adjective is 3 syllables long,
so you must use "MOST" to express the
superlative. That is the MOST BEAUTIFUL car I
I think these questions are the _____ of all the more most difficulte have ever seen. She is THE MOST
questions I have tried. difficult difficult st difficulter opt2 INTELLIGENT person I have ever met.
He wants to know whose book this is. I tried to tell him possessive pronoun. Whose hat is that? It is
that it's _____. my me mine myself's opt3 MINE. It is MY hat.

As long as = since = because "Due to" needs to

_____ you're up, would you get me the bag of potato Notwithst Furtherm be followed by a noun. It will introduce a phrase.
chips? As long as Due to anding ore opt1 "As long as" needs to introduce a clause.

since more
more than 100 for more
before 100 than 100 years than 100 This is an action in the past expressed in the
The battle for Texas independence took place _____. years years ago years a opt3 simple past, so it happened "years ago."

This is a reduced structure. It started out as the

Because Being clause "Because it was barking continuously," and
_____ continuously, the dog nearly drove me crazy. Bark Barking he bark bark opt2 we can reduce it to "Barking continuously."

CAUSE and EFFECT. The car is not expensive,

SO you should buy it. "Therefore" is a stronger
synonym for "so," requiring stronger punctuation.
That car is relatively inexpensive. _____, I think you Inasmuc Neverthel You are studying a lot. THEREFORE, you should
should buy it. However h as ess Therefore opt4 do well on the next test.
The verb "knows" needs a third person singular
_____ knows Mary's brother. I We They He opt4 form. HE KNOWS…./
tease = to torment = to bother = to irritate = to play
Please don't TEASE the dog. He's in a bad mood today. feed torment look at bathe opt2 with in a mean way

have had been Past tense passive voice They served us

being were being quickly (active) = We were served quickly
We liked the restaurant because we ______ quickly. are serve served served serve opt3 (passive).
He came to class ______ 0735 this morning. in at to on opt2 Preposition of time. AT a specific time.
ONE SPECIES = singular subject We need a
singular verb. One species becomes extinct.
is becomin Three species (plural) BECOME extinct every
At least one species of fish _____ extinct every week. become become g becomes opt4 month.
keep up keep on = to continue Keep on answering these
I want you to CONTINUE studying. keep out keep off with keep on opt4 questions.
PUT OFF = postpone = delay= do it later, not now.
Are they going to put off the next ECL until next
We will have to POSTPONE the picnic until next week. call off put away take over put off opt4 month?

The ball game was CANCELED. put off turned off run off called off opt4 CALL OFF = cancel not to be rescheduled
talks comes looks up
That little boy really RESEMBLES his grandfather. looks like back to across to opt1 LOOK LIKE = to resemble
depend come HOLD ON = wait a little bit = (idiom) hold the
Just WAIT a second. I'll get the answer for you. hold on on over check in opt1 phone…hold your horses

WAKE UP = stop sleeping GET UP = leave the

What time did you STOP SLEEPING this morning? get up stand up wake up drop off opt3 bed You usually wake up first. Then, you get up.
WAIT ON = to serve the customer in a restaurant or
dropped checked store. The store was so crowded that we couldn't
The owner of the restaurant himself SERVED us. took off waited on in on out opt2 find a clerk to wait on us.

Which shirt did you finally CHOOSE? try out look after pick out turn up opt3 PICK OUT = select = choose
In Japan, many people REMOVE their shoes when they TAKE OFF = remove an item of clothing. Take off
enter a house. hang up take off put away drop off opt2 your hat when you enter a building.
forward keep up drop out LOOK FORWARD TO = to anticipate = to be eager
I ANTICIPATE going back home. put up with to with of opt2 about doing something
TO BE UP FOR = to be a candidate for
is behind advancement She is up for soldier of the
He IS A CANDIDATE FOR promotion this month. is up on in us up to is up for opt4 quarter, and she'll probably get it.

TAKE OVER = assume control of something. Mr.

Tom will ASSUME CONTROL OF the family business Smith is retiring next month, and I think Mrs. Jones
next year. get across look up pay back take over opt4 will take over as chief of that department.
The supervisors will not TOLERATE cheating on the think put up look up
tests. through turn over with to opt3 PUT UP WITH = tolerate = let something happen
REVIEW your notes tonight. Think up over Take off Get up opt2 Look over = review = study = examine = look at
I wonder how they INVENTED THE IDEA FOR "The turned thought
Matrix." got up over called on up opt4 THINK UP = to invent = create = make up
He will AID AND SUPPORT you no matter what STAND BY = help = support = aid = assist = give
happens. take after stand by keep on look into opt2 you support
You need to REMAIN INFORMED ABOUT events in come along keep up through drop in KEEP UP ON = remain informed about = stay
Kosovo. with on with on opt2 current by following the news
The children DID NOT GO TO BED until after midnight. waited on turned off up ran into opt3 STAY UP = not go to bed
drop us drop in drop us drop us
Why don't you VISIT US CASUALLY after the game? down on us over off opt2 DROP IN = to visit casually, not at any specific time
I have too much work already. I can't ACCEPT THE look in see TAKE ON = to accept the responsibility for more
RESPONSIBILITY FOR any more. take on on about keep on opt1 work or for more duties
send for report it TURN IN = to hand in = to submit = to give
Please SUBMIT YOUR PAPER before 2:35. look into it it in turn it in opt4 something to someone after completing it
get it bring it TAKE IT OUT ON = to transfer anger from the real
Just because you are angry at your boss, don't take it out across point it back source to an innocent source. He was angry at
TRANSFER YOUR ANGER TO us. on with out to from opt1 his boss, but he took it out on his kids.
You have to EXTINGUISH that cigarette before you put
board the airplane. put off put on put out across opt3 PUT OUT = extinguish a fire or a light
The meeting should CONCLUDE around 3:00. stand by wind up turn off put away opt2 WIND UP = conclude = end = finish
FILL OUT = write information in all the blocks =
You must COMPLETE application in black ink. turn off do over check off fill out opt4 complete all of the form

is ahead TO BE UNDER = to be the subordinate = to be

A captain IS LOWER IN RANK THAN a major. is over of is under is up to opt3 lower = to be underneath in the chain-of-command
TAKE UP = begin to consider = start doing
something He's going to take up tennis next
We must BEGIN TO CONSIDER prepositions next week. talk back to turn over get on take up opt4 summer.

My brother is LATE IN paying his bills. behind in up for out of up on opt1 TO BE BEHIND IN = to be late in doing something

When will your father's flight ARRIVE? come to get over turn over get in opt4 TO GET IN = arrive = reach the destination

GIVE UP = surrender = stop fighting = stop trying

to do something you want to do. He didn't know
The soldiers ran out of ammo and had to SURRENDER. keep on pay back drop off give up opt4 the answer, so he gave up after two minutes.
There was a big nail PROTRUDING from the wall. I tore sticking dependin looking
my pants on it. going on out g on into opt2 STICK OUT = protrude = reach beyond the surface
When you go to Dallas, TRY TO FIND MY COUSIN AND Look him Stand by Wait on Check LOOK UP a person = try to find and visit him = get
VISIT HIM. up. him. him. him in. opt1 in touch with = locate
We EXPECTED HIM TO COME for an hour before we waited for dropped thought made WAIT FOR = not leave until someone arrives =
finally left without him. him him off him up him over opt1 expect someone to arrive
Some students ANSWER DISCOURTEOUSLY the get get along sides TALK BACK TO = answer without politeness =
teachers. talk back to behind in with with opt1 sass = say things to rudely
PICK UP = to learn things at random, not by
studying He's picked up this very bad habit of
Young people LEARN AT RANDOM a lot of bad slang correcting me every time I try to tell him
words in the streets. try on get on give up pick up opt4 something.
handed picked TAKE OUT = remove Take your I.D. card out of
He REMOVED a gun from his coat pocket. sent for in took out off opt3 your wallet.
checked came
I ORDERED THROUGH THE MAIL several new CDs. sent for ran into out across opt1 SEND FOR = to order something through the mail
go LOOK AFTER = watch = guard = protect = keep an
I want you to WATCH my kids while I go to the store. look after run into get over through opt1 eye on
FILL up = replenish = put something in an empty
My glass is empty. Please _____ again. I'm thirsty. wait on it run it out fill it up chip it in opt3 space
keeping running
The Police are SEARCHING FOR clues. looking for on trying on out of opt1 LOOK FOR = search for = try to find = seek
We are planning a big party. Would you like to behind in be out of be up for BE IN ON = participate = be a part of = share in the
PARTICIPATE? be in on it it it it opt1 activity
bring through GET THROUGH WITH = finish = conclude = end
When will you FINISH your homework? hang up back turn over with opt4 doing something
I will BRIEFLY VISIT my friend in the hospital on my come think look in LOOK IN ON = briefly stop to visit someone when
way home tonight. across through turn in on opt4 you are going somewhere else
We Can't REMAIN AT AN EQUAL PACE WITH that car. check up get on keep up KEEP UP WITH = maintain the same speed as
It's too fast. drop out of on with with opt4 someone or something else.
My sister asked me to WATCH her brats while she went run check go TAKE CARE OF = to watch = protect = guard =
to the movie. take care of across out of through opt1 keep an eye on
There is something strange going on. Nobody will tell TO BE UP = to happen. What's up? = What's
me what _____. is up is off is back
it at opt1 going on?
The tour guide CALLED OUR ATTENTION TO a lot of pointed POINT OUT = call attention to = tell people about =
old buildings. got through stood up turned up out opt4 show = demonstrate
How much did the total bill at the restaurant ADD UP
TO? get up come to wait over give up opt2 COME TO = add up to = total
You'd better ADHERE TO the speed limit between here see
and Austin. depend on send for about stick to opt4 STICK TO = adhere to = obey = follow
I paid $25 to see the concert, but I forgot that it took TO BE OUT something = to have lost it = to spend
place last night! Now, ______ $25. I'm under I'm up on I'm out I'm in on opt3 money with nothing to show for it.

I was looking for my car keys when I _____ my father's ran thought RUN ACROSS = to find something unexpectedly,
antique hunting knife. waited on across up sent for opt2 especially when looking for something else.
CROSS OFF = to remove, to eliminate, to omit, to
I want you to REMOVE my name from your mailing list. turn down put off take on cross off opt4 draw a line through so as to cancel

LOOK DOWN ON = to think one is better than other

He considers himself better than other people. He is behind looks takes out people, to treat other people as inferiors, to think
_____ them. gets on with in down on after opt3 one is HIGHER in standing than other people
It's hot now. I think I'll STORE all my sweaters for the PUT AWAY = put something in storage, put
summer. put away take out drop out keep on opt1 something in a different place for later use.
TALK OVER = discuss, converse with someone
I need to DISCUSS a serious problem with the go We talked over all the old times we had in high
supervisor. talk over through take on look over opt1 school.
The police are _____ the bank robbery. They're putting taking looking calling LOOK INTO = investigate, ask questions about,
investigating it. away over into down opt3 CHECK INTO
LOOK UP = search for in a book, try to find in a
You have to SEARCH FOR that word in the dictionary. think up keep on send for look up opt4 book
Frank STOPPED ATTENDING high school when he was dropped kept off looked DROP OUT OF = stop attending a school or
only 14. ran out of out of of off of opt2 organization
The Captain SUPERVISES 138 people in Echo talks TO BE OVER = to be in charge of, to be the boss
Company. looks up to is over back to is up for opt2 of, to supervise or command
GET ALONG WITH = to be friendly, maintain a good
My dog and cat MAINTAIN A GOOD RELATIONSHIP come along go on get get along relationship, not fight, act in a friendly way, to be
WITH each other. with with behind in with opt4 friends
TO THINK OF SOMETHING = to have an opinion.
What is your opinion of this book? What do you take it get You just saw that new movie, didn't you? What
______? put it on over across it think of it opt4 did you think of it?
PUT ON clothing = to wear clothing = to don an
When you go outside, you have to ______ your hat. put on keep off hang up wait on opt1 item of clothing
THINK something OVER = consider it carefully,
Before you ask for a re-assignment, CONSIDER THE get through comes think it check think about all the possible advantages and
MATTER CAREFULLY. it across it over out of it opt3 disadvantages

GET ON = board a large vehicle like a bus, train,

You may ENTER the bus now. stand by get on turn on look into opt2 plane…to enter a large transportation vehicle
When you are driving near a school, BE CAREFUL OF look out sides LOOK OUT FOR = be careful, watch out, pay
children. take on for put away with opt2 attention, be alert
RUN INTO = meet accidentally, meet by chance,
I was strolling through the Mall when I ACCIDENTALLY encounter someone unexpectedly. COME
MET an old friend from high school. looked into stood by took after ran into opt4 ACROSS things…RUN INTO people
am repeated, habitual action present tense in both
If I am hungry after class, I always ______ a sandwich. ate eats eating eat opt4 clauses
Don't DISCARD your DLI books after graduation. You throw THROW AWAY = discard = throw out = put in the
can use them later. drop out of get over away take after opt3 garbage = get rid of
Because of the rain, we will have to _____ the soccer put
game until tomorrow. call off put off through call down opt2 PUT OFF = postpone = delay = do it later
I'm going to SELECT a nice box of chocolates for my
mother. pick on point out take on pick out opt4 PICK OUT = select = choose
It took the firemen over five hours to EXTINGUISH the PUT OUT = extinguish = to stop a fire = to stop the
fire. start up turn off get over put out opt4 light

My parents bought an old house, so they can cross it point it DO OVER = redecorate an old room or house. The
REDECORATE it. do it again off do it over out opt3 house was cheap, but doing it over cost us a lot.

It's very cold. You might want to CONTINUE WEARING Get over KEEP ON = continue wearing an item of clothing.
YOUR JACKET. Keep it on. Call for it. Turn it in. it. opt1 Keep your hat on. We're going right back outside.
The connecting flight was very late, so we had to do go WAIT OVER = to spend time waiting for a
REMAIN in New York for 8 hours. come to without through wait over opt4 connecting plane, train, or ship.
My younger brothers fight each other all the time, but I be under TAKE SIDES = be partisan = show favoritism for
refuse to BE PARTISAN. take sides stand up get along it opt1 one side over the other = not being neutral
DROP OFF = fall asleep while sitting up. The
If I have to sit in that hot classroom another hour, I'll movie was so boring that I dropped off during the
FALL ASLEEP. take off be over chip in drop off opt4 first hour.
COME TO = to regain consciousness after being
unconsciousness. First, you PASS OUT or FAINT.
I fainted. Then I REGAINED CONSCIOUSNESS after 10 When you then "wake up," we say that you "come
minutes. called off came to took after put away opt2 to."
BRING BACK = to make you remember something
That song really RECALLS good memories of when I cheers thinks turns from the past. It brings a memory back to your
lived with my grandmother. brings back up over over opt1 brain.

When you get things at the store, MARK THOSE ITEMS check them check check check up CHECK SOMETHING OFF = to mark items on a list
ON THE LIST. off them out them in on them opt1 to show that you have taken care of them.
I can't answer these questions! I QUIT! keep on pick up give up look out opt3 GIVE UP = to quit = to stop trying = to surrender

CALL ON = to visit formally = to announce ahead of

Before becoming engaged, Joe needs to FORMALLY time that you want to visit and to arrive on time,
VISIT Susan's parents. call on drop off wait on be out of opt1 perhaps dressed up and bringing gifts
We should each CONTRIBUTE $2 and but the teacher a CHIP IN = to contribute money to buy something as
nice present. cross off be up on get on chip in opt4 a group
You don't have to stand up. BE SEATED. lie down sit down wake up over opt2 SIT DOWN = stop standing
Let's STOP WORKING on this exercise for a minute and come drop out PUT ASIDE = move something to the side and not
do something different. look after across of put aside opt4 work with it for a while
You can always DEPEND ON Mary and Joe to give the sides
right answers. get back with count on get on opt3 COUNT ON = depend on = rely on
The CD player doesn't work. I have to RETURN IT to the send for
store. take it back it take it off give it up opt1 TAKE BACK = return something
The police officers will SEARCH your luggage at the go GO THROUGH = to search inside things, looking
airport. put off take out through look out opt3 for something

We neeed to REVIEW chapters 3 and 4 today. hand in pick out figure out go over opt4 GO OVER = review = look at = review quickly
HOLD UP = raise something Hold up your books
If you want a different pencil, RAISE your hand. hold up get up give up bring up opt1 so I can see them.
GET BEHIND IN = stop ddoing something you are
reguarly supposed to do I'm supposed to
I was unemployed for 6 months and STOPPED got behind caught took out kept up translate ten pages of this book everyday, but I've
MAKIKNG my monthly house and car payments. in up with on with opt1 gotten behind because I was sick.
Before you buy that coat, you should DETERMINE IT IF check it
FITS WELL. try it out do it over try it on off opt3 TRY ON = to put clothing on to check the fit
LOOK OUT = watch out = be careful = pay attention
BE CAREFUL! You almost stepped on that snake. Keep on! Pick up! Point out! Look out! opt4 = be careful
GET ON = to board a vehicle, like a plane, bus,
He BOARDED the airplane in Denver. saw about took after ran into got on opt4 ship, train

check check CHECK OUT = to borrow the book from the library.
I need to go to the library to BORROW a book. check out over check in through opt1 RETURN the book = check in the book.
Before you buy a car, you must TEST DRIVE IT TO take it TRY OUT = to test something to see if you like it.
DETERMINE WHAT IT'S LIKE. bring it up out on try it out take it up opt3 You would TRY OUT a car, a gun, a boat…..

Some prisoners have to SUBSIST ON nothing but bread look out LIVE ON = to survive on. You live on food. You
and water for months. deal with keep on for live on opt4 live on a certain amount of money per month.
come do it GO AWAY = leave me alone = stop bothering me =
Tom told me to GET LOST. drop by over go away again opt3 get lost
TELEPHONE the dentist and make an appointment for
me, OK? call in call down call on call up opt4 CALL UP = make a telephone call
CHECK IN = to register = to sign in You check in
checked out checked checked checked at the airline counter at the airport…at a hotel…at a
Tom REGISTERED AT the hotel at 3:30. of in to up on over opt2 new military base….
When will the boss be able to INSPECT the new check CHECK OUT = to look at something = to inspect =
equipment? look out be up on out see off opt3 to see how something is
HOLD UP = to rob When you point a gun at
My brother got 30 years in prison because he tried to get someone, he usually HOLDS his hands UP in the
ROB a bank. take off try out hold up through opt3 air.
turn it turn it
The radio to too lous. Please _______. turn it down loose over turn it out opt1 TURN DOWN = lower the volume of something
GO OFF = to explode = to activate = to ring
Things that can go off are bombs, grenades,
The fire alarm bell RANG at 9:25. went off turned off ran into stood by opt1 alarms signals, bells, alarm clocks, timers
did it called
She got tired of talking to him, so she ______. checked off over hung up away opt3 HANG UP = to stop a phone conversation

The teacher always ASKS ME TO TALK when I don't calls me calls for
calls on CALL ON = to ask someone to talk = to say
know the answer to the question. calls me up down me me opt4 someone's name in order for that person to speak
The number of students from Framolia has dropped DROP OFF = to decrease in number = to lessen =
DECREASED in the past few months. gone up put aside taken off off opt4 to become smaller in number+
get check up ACCOUNT FOR = to explain why something is the
How do you EXPLAIN your unusually high ECL score? account for figure out across on opt3 way it is
He was RAISED by his grandparents after his parents' brought away BRING UP = raise = help something to grow (This
death. lifted up by hoisted with opt2 one is in the passive voice.)
When you go walking in the woods, BE CAREFUL OF look down look out look up
snakes and spiders. on for to look up opt2 LOOK OUT FOR = be careful about = pay attention
He was FORCED OUT OF the military after 13 years of booted out resignate elected
service. from d from out from hired by opt1 BOOT OUT = kick out = fire =dismiss = force out
We EXHAUSTED OUR SUPPLY OF sugar. Go buy some checked got off
more. took up out ran out of with opt3 RUN OUT OF = to use up your supply of something
keeps up insists depends looks
The boss REQUIRES prompt arrival and good work. with on of into opt2 INSIST ON = demand = require
put up
I will not TOLERATE any more cheating on the tests! try on with remind of part with opt2 PUT UP WITH = tolerate = allow to happen

INCREASE the volume. I can't hear anything. turn down turn off turn over turn up opt4 TURN UP = increase volume = make it louder
pays TAKE AFTER = to act like = to do what someone
That little boy certainly ACTS LIKE his father. takes after results in back thinks up opt1 else has done = to imitate
Who will TAKE CARE OF your dogs while you're on keep up LOOK AFTER = take care of = watch = keep an eye
vacation? with look after cross off send for opt2 on = be responsible for
Dogs and cats don't ACT LIKE FRIENDS most of the keep up GET ALONG = be friendly with each other =
time. with look like get along turn up opt3 maintain a good relationship
My father doesn't HAVE A FAVORABLE OPINION OF catch up APPROVE OF = have a favorable opinion of = think
people who smoke cigars. approve of part with be in on with opt1 something is OK
When you drive, you must OBEY AND FOLLOW the
traffic laws. do without help for adhere to renig on opt3 ADHERE TO = follow = stick to = obey
look up bring
Don't RIDICULE other people's mistakes in class. laugh at cheer up to about opt1 LAUGH AT = make fun of = ridicule = deride

CHECK OUT = leave a place = sign out = pay any

check final bills and leave. You can check out of the
I will LEAVE THE HOTEL at 10 a.m. take out out call back put out opt2 hotel or from the military unit you are assigned to.
put up PUT ASIDE = to save a little money periodically in
I try to SAVE $200 each month to buy a new motorcycle. put aside put out with put out opt1 order to make a large purchase later.
There _____ a lot of hard questions in this particular The verb must agree with "hard question." A lot
exercise. is will being are was opt3 of hard questions ARE in this exercise.
housekee LANDLORD or LANDLADY = the person who owns
You pay the rent to the _____. landlord chef tenant per opt1 property and charges people rent.
masterpi COUNTERFEIT = fake = not genuine = bogus =
That painting is counterfeit! It's an obvious _____! treasure ece delight fake opt4 phoney = not real

We have a structure called "the more, the merrier."

You use comparative form of adjectives. The
more you eat, the fatter you will become. The
The older I get, _____ I want to travel less lesser the less theleast opt3 harder I tried, the better I did.

I don't
know the I'm
I'm stumped. I'm broke. answer. hungry. I'm tired. opt2 STUMPED = unable to answer = unable to progress
A DOUBT = an uncertainty = not knowing
I have _____ about question #2. a doubt a root a dude a crunch opt1 something
SKETCH = a quick drawing = a picture that one
He drew a quick _____ of the crime suspect. yacht bloat threat sketch opt4 draws quickly
In our ethics class, we were taught that a good leader INTEGRITY = honesty = sincerity = inner truth =
should have _____. breadth timber integrity ground opt3 basic morality

PRESENT UNREAL wish clause about something

that is NOT true right now. The "wish" clauses
could to work just like the "if" clauses. If I WERE back
I wish I _____ back home with my family. were was am be opt1 home with my family right now, I would be happy.
I fell down because someone _____ me from behind. strayed shoved roasted traipsed opt2 SHOVE = push
SUPERLATIVE FORM…good…better…best. It
takes "the." This is THE HARDEST test I have
She's the _____ student in our class. goodest bestest bests best opt4 ever seen.
was was somebody. PAST TENSE of the PASSIVE. It
This question _____ for you by Mr. Williams. is wrote written wrote writes opt2 WAS DONE by somebody.
It is common to reduce "Go and…" to just "go." I
will GO AND BUY some cigarettes. = I GO BUY
go goes to some cigarettes. I have to GO AND MAIL a letter.
I need to _____ some gas before we start the trip. go get go for get getting get opt1 = I have to GO MAIL a letter.
I hope I can go up ten points _____ the next ECL. on in to since opt1 You get a score ON a test.

The verb must agree with "ONE." "Neither one."

Neither one of those two books _____ mine. are is were are being opt2 Neither one os the children IS at home right now.

When you create a hyphenated adjective using a

number and a unit of measurement, the unit of
measurement goes from plural to singular. The
movie was 4 hours long. = It was a four-hour
a five- a five- movie. The book is 300 pages long. = It is a 300-
The ambassador's wife wants to eat in _____ restaurant. five-star stars five-stars star opt4 page book.

"Accent" is a count noun, so you need either "a" or

"an." The adjective in front of it starts with a
the consonant SOUND. "Unique" is pronounced "you-
He has _____ accent. an unique unique a unique unique opt3 neek." He has A UNIQUE accent.
All of the cake _____ by the dog in no time at all. were eat was eat did eat eaten opt4 passive voice. The verb must agree with "cake."

had been was

All of the cakes _____ by the officers' wives. were baked was bake bake baked opt1 passive voice. The verb must agree with "cakes."
Florida used to be a major _____ outpost. Spain Spaniard h Spanish opt4 The adjective form of "Spain" is "Spanish."

The witness avoided _____ the truth about his the Put the " - ing" form after "avoid." He avoided
involvement in the robbery. to tell tell telling telling opt3 FALLING because he grabbed ahold of the railing.
It is me, It is me It is I who
It is I who who is who are are It is I = the correct formal structure. I AM guilty.
Which sentence is correct? am guilty. guilty. guilty.I guilty. opt1 Therefore, it is I who am guilty.
Certain verbs of URGENCY required the simple
The boss required that Joe _____ at work 30 minutes have to form in a following 'THAT" clause. The policeman
early. is was be be opt3 ordered that Joe GET out of the car.
whose are whose those those are Reported speech. After the connecting words
My mother asked, "Whose shoes are those?" My those shoes shoes whose "whose shoes," the subject "those" must come.
mother wants to know ________. shoes. those are are shoes opt2 She wants to know whose shoes those are.
Here, "another" has the meaning of "additional" or
"more." I have some money, but I need some
I can't afford to buy a new car because I need _____ the additional money. I need another five dollars to
$2000. other another others others opt2 buy this CD.
My son wants a COLLIE. cat dog car jacket opt2 A collie is a specific breed of dog.
had future Use the modal "will" to indicate certainty
If it rains tomorrow, I ___________ in my room. stay stayed stayed will stay opt4 of what you plan to do.
repeated action Use present tense in both
I never answer the phone if it _______ after midnight. rang rings had rung will ring opt2 clauses.
I will be happy if I _______ 80 on the next ECL. get got gotten gets opt1 future Use the simple present in the "if" clause.
If I ________ a million dollars, I would buy my mother a present unreal Use the simple past in the "if"
new house. has have had had had opt3 clause.
You will get good scores on the tests if you ________ are future Use the simple present in the "if"
more. studied studying studies study opt4 clause.
future Instead of "will," which indicates
Mary may come to the party tomorrow if she ______ certainty, we might use "may" to indicate a
time. is having has had had had opt2 possibility.
I would have bought a new television if I ________ my were past unreal Use the past perfect in the "if"
credit cards with me. had have had had having opt3 clause.
If I am not busy tomorrow, I ______ you to the airport. drive drove driven will drive opt4 future
present unreal I am not you. If I WERE you,
If I _______ you, I would drive more carefully. were was am had been opt1 ….
Sgt Jones could get better scores on the tests if he present unreal The modal "could" indicates a
_________. study studied studying is study opt2 possibility.
We would have gone with you to the BX if you have past unreal Use the past perfect in the "if"
_________ us. had invited invite inviting will invite opt1 clause.

will have future We use present tense in the "if" clause.

Will you play soccer tomorrow if it _________? rain is rain is raining rained opt3 In this case, we use the present progressive.
My mother will arrive at 3:45 p.m. if her airplane have
_______ on time. was been were is opt4 future
You could have gone with us to the airport if you
__________. had hurried are hurry hurried will hurry opt1 past unreal Use past perfect in the "if" clause.
I would have bought a shirt for you if I ___________ had
your size. know knows known will know opt3 past unreal Use past perfect in the "if" clause.

We will have a picnic in the park next Saturday if the will have
weather ______ good. is was has been been opt1 future
Sgt. Rhdithwmarghz would study more if he ________ hasn't present unreal Use the subjunctive. If he
so lazy. weren't wasn't isn't been opt1 WEREN'T….
You could have met my father if you ______ here first past unreal Use the past perfect in the "if"
period. are had been are being were opt2 clause.
Which teacher would you have wanted for Basic past unreal Use the past perfect in the "if"
Grammar if you _________ a choice? have has had had will have opt3 clause. HAD HAD = past perfect of TO HAVE
past unreal This one is a question. Statement:
If you _______ better, would you have gone to the are If you had felt better. Question: If you had felt
movie? had felt feel feeling felt opt1 better….
were had
You will feel a little better if you ________ a nap. take taking took taken opt1 future Put simple present in the "if" clause.
You will get a bad headache if you _________ any more had
of that hot Pepsi! drinking drink drank drunk opt2 future Put simple present in the "if" clause.
Your teacher would appreciate it if you _______ English are had present unreal Put simple past in the "if"
in class. speaking spoken spoke spoken opt3 clause.
may future Instead of the usual modal "will," this
If you finish the test early, you __________. leave leave have left are left opt2 one uses the permission modal "may."
If I had not eaten so much pizza last night, I would not would will not am not mixed pattern. Watch the time words. "last night"
___________ so sick right now. have felt not feel feel feeling opt2 "right now"
I will give the message to the Supervisor, ___________ if I am if I have when I reduced "if" clause. Inversion of subject and
her. should I see seeing seen saw opt1 auxiliary verb.

would would
What language ___________ right now if you had been will you be you have do you you be
born in Brazil? speak spoken speak speaking opt4 mixed pattern

If Lt. Smith really did steal something from the BX would have will be would be
yesterday, he ________ back home next week. been sent sent is sent sent opt2 mixed pattern
Had you mastered the "if" clause rules years ago, you will not not be are not don't
_______ trouble answering these questions. have had having having have opt2 mixed pattern

Present perfect in the "if" clause. This is a future

If you have answered all of these questions correctly so should not are not hadn't don't one, but the expectation modal "should" is used
far, you ________ any trouble on the test. have having had have opt1 instead of the 100% certainty modal "will."
If Joe really did get 32 on the ECL yesterday, he will be is been
___________ next week. got recycled recycled recycling recycled opt2 mixed pattern
would This starts out as a present perfect, but that still
If you have ever driven 100 mph in a heavy rainstorm, have will have keeps it present tense. Use present tense in the
you ______ an idiot! will be been are been opt3 other clause.
If I ______ right now, I would probably be sweating am being was in had been being This is passive voice. It is present unreal. It is
bullets. OPI'd OPI OPI'd OPI'd opt4 present progressive.
After five years in prison, the young man looked as if he "As if…" indicates an unreal situation. As if he
_______ 100 years old. was were has been is being opt2 were….
This starts with a reduced clause. It is present
Were it not for the horrible weather, we _________ a could be will have unreal. We use the modal "could" to indicate one
picnic in the park right now. are having having had had had opt2 possible activity.
If I had been born in North Korea, I ________ here at DLI will not have would
right now. am not be been not be opt4 mixed pattern

I would study the "if" clause patterns a little more if were I if I had reduced clause requiring inversion of subject and
_________. were I you you been you was I you opt1 verb
I guess he must speak Spanish if he _____ from Puerto present You are making a logical deduction
Rico. am are is will be opt3 based on present tense information.
future Sometimes we stick extra modals into
I will pick you up at the airport if you _________ me have the clauses. Here, the "can" means if you are
your exact arrival time. gave are given can give given opt3 able to provide the information.
have present unreal I am not old enough to retire,
If I ________ older, I would retire immediately. am were been will be opt2 but if I WERE….
If today _______ Sunday, I would be in my room present unreal Today is not Sunday. Use the
sleeping. were was will be is opt1 subjunctive. If today WERE Sunday,….
I might have gotten a better score on the test if I had am
________. study studied studying will study opt2 past unreal
had will
If it rains tomorrow, we ________ the parade. cancel canceled canceled cancel opt4 future Use the modal "will" in the main clause.
do the
I will buy each of you a new Porsche if I ______ the winning would
lottery tomorrow night. win of won have won opt1 future Use present tense in the main clause.
have past unreal The speaker did not live in the 13th
I _______ a monk if I had lived in the 13th century. would be will be been am opt3 century
future Instead of "will," we can use "can" to
If the movie is bad, we ________. will be leave can leave are leave left opt2 indicate physical possibility
If the teacher gives me too much homework every have had repeated action giving homework happens
night, I ________ unhappy. become became become become opt1 every day
have imperative giving orders or instructions
If you are sleepy, ______ to bed. go goes gone be gone opt1 present tense in both clauses
I will be very happy if the Dallas Cowboys ______ again
next week. won have won had won win opt4 future simple form in the main clause
If you hate DLI so much, ______ back home! go gone going goes opt1 imperative present tense in both clauses
If you can tell me the capital of North Korea, I ______ would might future Instead of "will," we can use "might."
you five dollars. give gave give give opt4 It is a possibility, not a certainty.
could have future Instead of "will," we can use "could" to
If he grows any taller, he _______ a basketball player. become is been were opt1 express a possibility, but not a certainty
If Lt. Smith ______ here, he could help you, but he took
the day off. Sorry. were was is had been opt1 present unreal subjunctive If he WERE here

would will not

I ________ surprised if Lt. Jones got 100 on the next would not not have have
ECL. be am not been been opt1 present unreal
General Jones might have won the Battle of Round Hill had been
if he _______ more troops and supplies. has had had had having opt3 past unreal if he HAD HAD
imperative instructions The subject "you"
proceede is omitted but understood present tense in both
If the fire alarm bell rings, ______ to the nearest exit. proceeding proceeds d proceed opt4 clauses
I am always happy if I _____ a letter from home. got gets had got get opt4 repeated action things that occur often
would future Instead of "will buy," we can be slightly
If my paycheck comes in the mail today, I _______ might have less certain and cay "might buy." Possibility, not
some new clothes. buy buy bought bought opt2 certainty
would have repeated action This happens all the time, so we
If no one knows the answer, Pepito ______ it out. shouts shout shouted shouted opt1 use present tense in both clauses.

If my dog barks in the middle of the night, I always have
______ to go investigate. got up gets up gotten up get up opt4 repeated action happens all the time
have had
If I go by the post office, I ________ your letter. mail will mail mailed mailed opt2 future
present tense Imperative Use the present
If you see Joe, ______ him "hello" from us. told tells tell will tell opt3 tense in both clauses.
Where would you be right now if you ______ 12 years have
old again? was are were been opt3 Always use "were" with "you."
This is advice. It's in the present tense. It's a
more polite version of "Don't drive if you are
You should never drive if you _____ drunk. were are being are had been opt3 drunk."
This is a mixed pattern. "Last night" makes one
If I had gotten eight hours of sleep last night, I ________ would would clause past unreal. But I "would feel" better now
better today. will feel feel feel have feel opt2 (present unreal).
present unreal Today is not Saturday. Use the
If today _____ Saturday, what would you do? were was is has been opt1 subjunctive. If today WERE Saturday, ….
This is a mixed pattern. Be careful with the time
I might be very happy right now if my country ________ does not had not would will not words. This sentence mixes present unreal with
me to DLI last month. send sent not send send opt2 past unreal.
repeated action happens all the time present
My dog always barks if he ______ a cat. see saw is seen sees opt4 tense in both clauses
are This is future. It is in the imperative. Use simple
If you ______ my book, please give it back to me. had found will find find finding opt3 present in both clauses.
am will
remembe remembe remembe future Use the simple present in the main
I will go to your graduation if I _________ to. remember red red r opt1 clause.
present unreal It is not 5:00 right now. If it
Where might you be right now if it _______ five o'clock? was am has been were opt4 WERE 5:00,….

Where would you be right now if you _______ at DLI? wasn't weren't aren't won't be opt2 Use "were" with "you."
you are are you you will
If you are happy, why _________? you cry crying crying cry opt3 This is a question in the present tense.
This is a reduced version of the past unreal "if I
had I if I have had been there." It gets reduced to "had I been
That would never have happened ________ there. if I was been was I been opt2 there."
My boss asked me if I _____ to take off next week, and I were had was planificat This one is real. I was planning to take off. Do
said, "Yes!" planning planning planning ion opt3 not use the subjunctive here.
would can be This is a poetic proverb. Here it is stated as the
If the eyes had no tears, the soul ______ no rainbow. is having will have have having opt3 present unreal.

If I were a teacher who _____ recalcitrant students, I was Because the first verb in the "if" clause is past
would be very upset. has having was had had opt4 tense, the secondary verb must also be past tense.
Because of the "were" as the main verb in the "if"
clause, the second verb needs to be a past tense
form…even if it is not past tense in meaning. If I
If someone were to tell me that I _____ going to be fired, would will be were a person who HAD a billion dollars, I would
I would not panic. be was been being opt2 share it with my friends.

If elephants ______, this would be a much more Present unreal. Elephants can't fly. Here, we use
dangerous world. could fly are fly fly flying opt1 the modal "could" to indicate physical ability.

If I had known that Joe ____ sick, I would have visited bas been Joe really was sick, so that verb needs to be the
him in the hospital. were be being was opt4 simple past "was."
have had future Use "will" in one clause and the simple
I will wait for you if you ________. hurried hurry hurried hurried opt2 present in the other.
present This is a real situation. Use present
If today is Tuesday, then tomorrow ______ Wednesday. was is has been had been opt2 tense in both clauses.

present unreal Use the subjunctive "were" with

If English _______ easier, I would be happy. is was were has been opt3 third person singular. If English WERE easier,….
have present unreal I am NOT an eagle. Use the
I would fly to Paris if I _____ an eagle. were was am been opt1 subjunctive "were." If I were,….
If Joe is still sick tomorrow, I _________ his place on been
the team. takes took taken will take opt4 future Use the modal "will" in the main clause.
We need a past tense form. It needs to be the
During my speech, I started feeling as if I _____ subjunctive "were." I felt as if I WERE…. It is
speaking Chinese under water. were was am has been opt1 unreal.
If (as you insist) Philadelphia really _____ the first have This is a rare pattern. It is the real past. Both
capital of the U.S., what was the second one? was has been were been opt1 clauses are in the simple past.

had it not it was would

We would have won the game, _______ due to if it wasn't been weren't that it past unreal This is a reduced clause. If it
darkness. canceled canceled canceled canceled opt2 hadn't been canceled = had it not been canceled.
This is a fixed expression. If the truth should be
I absolutely hated his speech…if truth _____ told. is were was be opt4 told = if the truth be told
The book says, "Life should be easy and pleasant." If have This is a fixed expression. It reflected the present
only it ______! were was is been opt1 unreal. If only (something) WERE a different way!
I want you to return the extra books---if there _____ happens This is a very formal expression. If there (should)
any----to the Supervisor's closet. be was are being to be opt1 be any = if there be any

I will call my parents tomorrow if I ______ time. had has have had have opt4 future Use the present tense in the "if" clause.

If it _______ tomorrow, we will not try to play baseball. rain is rain rains rained opt3 future Use present tense in the "if" clause.

don't aren't won't repeated or habitual situation Use the present

I am always happy if I ________ any homework. didn't have have have have had opt2 tense in both clauses. If I don't have….
have present unreal Always use "were" with the
I would be happy if you _______ my friend. was were am been opt2 subject "you."
They will not let him join the team if he _______. smoke smoking smokes smoked opt3 future Use the present tense in the "if" clause.
have present unreal Use the past tense in the "if"
Would you help me if I ________ it? needs needed will need needed opt2 clause.
I will be angry if Joe ______ absent again today. am are were is opt4 future Use the present tense in the "if" clause.

present tense in both clauses This represents

will be repeated or habitual action. Here, the present
He is always in a bad mood if it __________. is rain rain raining is raining opt4 tense is expressed as present progressive.
He _______ to the swimming pool every afternoon if the Repeated or habitual action. Present tense in both
weather is good. go went goes had gone opt3 clauses.

had been are

We can have the meeting in Room 204 if the door unlockin unlockin
________. is unlocked unlock g g opt1 passive voice structure
You could talk to him if he _____ in his office, but he's present unreal It needs the subjunctive. If he
not here today. is was will be were opt4 WERE….
I would have made screwdrivers if I ______ some A screwdriver is a mixed drink of orange juice and
vodka. have has had had had opt3 vodka.
future We sometimes use "might" instead of
He might come tomorrow if he ______ busy. isn't weren't aren't wasn't opt1 "will" when we are not 100% certain.
You could have been in a more advanced class if you had have past unreal It needs the past perfect in the "if"
______ a higher score on the ECL. get gotten will get gotten opt2 clause.
had will be future Use the simple present in the "if"
I will call you if I _____ home early. get got gotten gotten opt1 clause.
had am
remembere remembe remembe remembe
I do my homework if I _________ it. d red ring r opt4 present tense repeated/habitual action
I might call my mother tomorrow night if I _______my had will be This is future. It has an extra modal "can" added
AT&T card after class. found found can find finding opt3 to it.
gets the
I will drive to Houston next weekend if my car reparatio will had been future It needs present tense in the "if" clause.
_________ in time. is repaired n repair repaired opt1 However, it is also in the passive voice.
Bob would probably be a perfect husband if he ______ hasn't present unreal It needs the subjunctive "were."
such a slob. weren't wasn't isn't been opt1 If he WEREN'T….
If I _____ free tomorrow, I'm going to the mall with my have
father. was had been been am opt4 future Use the present tense in the "if" clause.
He would have more friends if he _______ such a mean haven't present unreal The "if" clause needs the
and vicious person. wasn't been weren't isn't opt3 subjunctive. If he WEREN'T….
I will hurry if you _____ for me. is waiting waited waited wait opt4 future Use the present tense in the "if" clause.
The rabbit __________ if it had turned to the right would can be have past unreal It needs the modal perfect. It would
instead of to the left. will escape escape escaping escaped opt4 have escaped.
had present unreal Use the past tense in the "if"
Would you still go to the beach if it _______? rains rained is raining rained opt4 clause.

I could have taken a lot of pictures if I ________ my hadn't won't been past unreal It needs the past perfect in the "if"
flash attachment. didn't forget forgotten forget forgetting opt2 clause.
You could have met Mel Gibson if you ______ at the past unreal Use the past perfect in the main
mayor's party. are had been are being were opt2 clause.
What would you have done about your assignment if are
you _______ a choice? have having had had had opt3 past unreal It requires the past perfect.
Would you have gone to last night's party if you ______ are
well? had felt feel feeling felt opt1 past unreal It requires the past perfect.
If they finish with their work early today, they ______ are
football. play played will play playing opt3 This is future. Put "will" in the main clause.
present unreal Use the past tense, the
Something's wrong! I'm sure Joe would call if he subjunctive, in the "if" clause. If he WERE going
______ going to be late. were was had been is opt1 to be late….

This is a complicated one. Since it is possible that

might know he is going to be late, it is not an
He would have called us by now if he had known he unreal situation. It is real. You can use "was"
______ going to be late at the office. were was be would be opt2 after "he." If he knew he was going to be late….

I would understand you better if you ______ more are had present unreal Use the past tense in the "if"
distinctly. speaks speaking spoke spoken opt3 clause.
If it _______, it will get cold tonight. rained rained rains raining opt3 future Use the present tense in the "if" clause.
present unreal Use the past tense in the "if"
could have had clause. Here, we add the modal "can," but change
I would be happy if I _______ five or six languages. can speak speak spoken spoken opt2 it to past tense "could."
will have repeated action/habitual action It needs present
I don't get to work on time if I ______ home after 6:30. left left leave had left opt3 tense in both clauses.

present repeated/habitual situation Here, we

had been have passive voice in the "if" clause. Sometimes,
My car looks better when it _______ clean. is keeping is kept was kept kept opt2 instead of "if," we can change it to "when."

is beingis turned was had been present This is about a repeated/habitual action
I can work better when the television ________. turned off off turned off turned off opt2 The "if" clause is in the passive voice.
had not am not did not past unreal Use the past perfect in the "if"
I would not have come to school today if I _______ well. do not feel felt feeling feel opt2 clause.
The students like to practice if they ______ the work is had This is present tense in both clauses. It is
fun and easy. are thought thought think thought opt3 repeated/habitual action.
If I ______ rich parents, I could have attended better past unreal It needs the past perfect in the "if"
schools. have have had had had will have opt3 clause.
wouldn't won't didn't can't be present unreal In the main clause, use "would"
have to have to have to forced to (in this case negative) plus "have to" do
If I had a rich spouse, I _______. work work work work opt1 something.

will have present unreal Use the subjunctive in the "if"

If Steve _____ 55 years old, he could retire. was been had been were opt4 clause. If he WERE 55….
present unreal Use the subjunctive "were." If I
I wouldn't touch that cobra if I ______ you. was am were had been opt3 WERE you….

you had present tense This is imperative. It's an order

If you know the answer, _____ your hand. raised will raise raise to raise opt3 or instructions. Present tense in both clauses.
are will be had been been
arresting arrested arrested arrested futured It is passive voice with two different
If you shoplift from a store, you _________ back home. and sending and sent and sen and se opt2 verbs. Use the modal "will" in the main clause.
present tense Since this is an order, it uses the
You must salute if you _____ a higher-ranking officer modal "must." It needs the present tense in the
outside. met are meet did meet meet opt4 "if" clause.
present tense This is a real possibility. The
If the Commandant comes to the door of our classroom, be stood main clause in imperative with the "you" subject
please ______. to stand stand up stood up up opt2 understood.
I have I had
gone gone I'll go
If it doesn't stop raining soon, ________!! I am crazy crazy crazy crazy opt4 This is future. "I will" gets contracted to "I'll."
being present unreal a reduced clause If I were
I would not buy that gun _________. were I you was I you if I you you I opt1 you = were I you.
If you find a four-leaf clover, you _______ good luck. are having had had will have having opt3 future Use the modal "will."

had I if I was past unreal reduced clause If I had been you

I would not have said that to the boss _______. was I you been you was I you you opt2 = had I been you
might future But we are using the modal "can" in both
could have clauses because each time it means "if it is
If you can get off work early today, I ______ you a ride have been possible." If you can send me a money order, I
home. can give given giving gave opt1 can buy that DVD for you.
present unreal It is not 6 o'clock right now.
Use the subjunctive "were." If it were 6 o'clock,
If it ______ six o'clock, I would be in by room resting. was is will be were opt4 ….
Present unreal Use the subjunctive "were"
I would quit smoking if I ______ you. was am would be were opt4 with "I." If I were you….
If you can give me the correct answer, I _______ you a have had future Use the modal "will" in the main
candy bar. gave will give given given opt2 clause.
I will go to follow-on training next week if I ______ on had qualifyin
tomorrow's ECL. am qualify qualify qualified g opt2 future Put the present tense in the "if" clause.

I will go to the BX this afternoon if I ______ time. had have had have had had opt3 future Put the present tense in the "if" clause.
You won't be allowed to take the ECL if you ________ don't aren't future will not = won't negative in the "if"
your ID card with you. no have don't has have having opt3 clause If you don't have….
present tense The modal "may" is being used
If you want to go home now, you ______. are may would won't opt2 here to give permission.
am present unreal We put the simple past in the
I would buy a new car if I ______ a lot of money. had has have having opt1 "if" clause.
have will be present unreal We need the simple past. The
If you were my neighbor, I ________ happy. am would be been being opt2 subject "you" takes "were."
future We need the present tense "starts."
starts starts to starts We can put the gerund form "raining" after
I will be upset if it _________ during the game. start raining rain raining raining opt4 "starts."
future This one has an extra modal "can" plus
might have might be might to the possibility modal "might" instead of the
If I can get off work early, I _______ to the gym. gone might go gone go opt2 certainty modal "will."
have have This is present unreal, but it is easy because
I could get better scores if the tests ______ easier. were are been been opt1 "tests" is plural, so you use the plural "were."
will have have will have
been been to be future passive voice present progressive in
If it is raining tomorrow afternoon, the parade ________. canceled canceled canceled canceled opt3 the "if" clause

will have would might be

If 5 plus 9 equals 14, then what _______ 8 plus 6? is been has been being opt1 This is present tense. It is a real situation.
present tense This is a sarcastic comment. If
If Joe is smart, I ______ the greatest genius in the will have one impossible thing is true, then another equally
history of the world! have been had been been am opt4 impossible thing is also true.
starts starting This is imperative. These are instructions in the
Give this toy to the baby if he _______. is cry start cry crying to cry opt3 present tense.
present tense WHO takes 3rd person singular
If you are Lt. Joe Smith, then who _____ Lt. Joe Who is…? This is a real situation in the
Smythe? are has been had been is opt4 present.
are hurry hurrying burried future Use present tense in the "if" clause
I will wait for you if you _______. hurry up up up up opt1 If you hurry….
Would I
____________, everyone would be given the day off Was I the If I was Were I be the
tomorrow. boss the boss the boss boss opt3 This is a very formal reduction of the clause "If I

I would be a little more careful answering these I were if I was if I have present unreal Use the subjunctive. If I WERE
questions if _______. I am you you you been you opt2 you….
If you pass the next ECL, you _______ to Specialized have have future Instead of the modal "will," we can use
next week. went gone can go gone opt3 "can" to express permission and/or ability.

would future Instead of the modal "will," we are using

I might go to tomorrow afternoon's graduation if you have have the modal "might" to express possibility instead of
________ me tomorrow morning. reminded reminded reminded remind opt4 certainty.
If you want to see a good movie, you _______ "The should have This is advice. It is present tense with the advice
Sixth Sense." see see seen had seen opt2 modal "should" added.
If a DLI student shoplifts, he or she _______ in serious have
trouble. will be been were would be opt1 future This is in the passive voice.
If you must guess during a multiple-choice test, always have would This is imperative. It is instructions. Everything is
_______ answer C. will select selected select select opt3 in the present tense.
have This is present tense. This one reflects
You may stop now, if you ______ tired. were are had been been opt2 permission. If you are tired….
are would
Here's an order form if you _______ to join a CD club. wants wanting want want opt4 This is present tense. If you want….

If I see Joe, I ______ him about the party. tell will tell would tell have told opt2 future Put the modal "will" in the main clause.
have This is present tense. It needs the present in both
If at first you don't succeed, ______ again will try tried try would try opt3 clauses.
will not wouldn't have This is in the imperative. Instructions or orders.
If you see a rattlesnake, ________ to pick it up. don't try try try tried opt1 Present tense in both clauses.
This is present tense. You need a present tense
You ________ enter the theater if you don't have a couldn't modal/helping verb in the main clause. You can't
ticket. couldn't can't have doesn't opt2 enter the theater….
If you have Joe for a friend, you ______ the best friend would would This is present tense. Both clauses need to be
in the world. are having have have had have opt4 present.
We would have had a quorum if two more people been This is the past unreal. It requires the past perfect
_______ present. are had been were being opt2 in the "if" clause.

If Princess Diana had been wearing her seat belt, she would have will would past unreal This requires the modal perfect in
probably ________ that fatal accident. survived survive survive survives opt1 the main clause.

You will not be allowed to take the test if you ________ do not will not didn't future We need present tense in the "if" clause.
your ID card with you. hadn't had have have have opt2 In this case, it is negative. If you don't have….

would The "if" clause is in the present perfect. The main

If you have ever killed a dog or cat out of mischief, I have clause needs to be in some present tense form. "I
_____, "Shame on you!" say said have said been said opt1 say" is the best choice.
been will be This is written as a present perfect progressive, so
If you have been eating raw puff fish, you __________ endanger endanger would both clauses need to be in that tense since it
your health. endangering ing ed endanger opt2 demonstrates good parallelism.

If you like chocolate, you ______ the new Godiva Triple would be
Fudge Amaretto truffles. are loving love loving will love opt4 This is future. Put "will" in the main clause.
past unreal Use the past perfect in the "if"
We would have won the game if Joe _______ so many hasn't wouldn't' will not clause. This one is complicated by the use of the
mistakes. hadn't made made ve made make opt1 negative.
could This is a mixed pattern. We would be living (now)
have in a different world. The main clause is present
We __________ in a totally different world if electricity would be would be been unreal. The "if" clause is past unreal in the
had never been harnassed. live living lived are living opt2 passive voice.

If you ________ to DLI to study English, what language are not would don't had not past unreal It needs the past perfect in the "if"
would you have liked to have studied? come not come come come opt4 clause.
One would think that if Aristotle Onassis _______ your This is a past unreal. It requires the past perfect in
father, you would have been happy. is will be was had been opt4 the "if" clause.

wouldn't The "if " clause is reduced and in the passive

wouldn't will you you has voice. It is present unreal. Would you be afraid if
If taken into an alien spacecraft, _________ afraid? aren't you you be not be to be opt2 you were taken into an alien spaceship?

you you will imperative in the main clause. The first clause is
Should you ever be taken as a POW, _____ only your would have in the reduced form. If you should ever = Should
name, rank, and serial number. give you gave have gien given opt1 you ever
If it _______ up to me, I would give you a holiday present unreal Use the subjunctive "were." If it
tomorrow. was am would be were opt4 were up to me….
If he _____ speaking English, it's news to me. I thought
he was speaking Icelandic. was were will has opt1 PAST REAL. He really WAS speaking English.
PAST REAL There really WAS a storm last night.
If there _____ a storm last night, I slept right through it. were is will be was opt4 I just didn't know about it.
been PAST REAL The accident WAS Joe's fault. He
I asked Joe again if the accident _______ his fault. weren't wasn't won't be being opt2 just keeps denying it.
If there ______ a point to his speech, I missed it hasn't have PAST REAL The speaker claims there WAS a
entirely. were been been was opt4 point to his speech. I just didn't understand it.

We need to STRENGTHEN the final paragraphs of this tear take BEEF UP = to make something stronger. (adding
report. bore into down apart beef up opt4 more meat to a weak, watery soup or stew)
beneficie dishones
Some people say President Grant was CROOKED. honest nt short t opt4 CROOKED = not straight = slang for dishonest
PEAR = a fruit, similar to an apple (usually sweet
I ate a _________ for dessert. stone pear sandal billfold opt2 and yellow)
A wallet is a billfold, especially a man's wallet.
(The paper money--the bills--are folded in half
I lost my WALLET. billfold purse satchel briefcase opt1 when it is closed).

If I ________ older, I might retire. am were was would be opt2 PRESENT UNREAL…IF I WERE…
This is tricky. You are a person. The unreal part
If I were a person who ______ a million dollars, I would of it is having a million dollars. IF I WERE A
retire immediately. has have have had had opt4 PERSON WHO HAD…..
This book is BANNED in the high school. read d enjoyed studied opt2 to ban = to prohibit = to NOT allow = to NOT permit
Where is my SHARE of the cake? icing fork money portion opt4 SHARE = part = portion
We will BEGIN at 0700. stop start end cease opt2 to start = to begin = to commence
horizonta rectangul
What is the normal shape of a chocolate bar? circular triangular l ar opt4 A bar is usually rectangular…longer than it is wide.

I am EXHAUSTED. energized weary refreshed happy opt2 exhausted = tired = weary = no energy = fatigued

I hope you will PARDON me. ignore eliminate forgive enrage opt3 to forgive = to pardon

He is always PESTERING me. helping paying bothering assisting opt3 to pester = to bother = to irritate
That horse is FAST. quick slow ugly hungry opt1 fast = quick = rapid
COMBINE all the ingredients in a big bowl. separate mix e frown opt2 combine = mix = put together

His family is not rich. In fact, they are very _________. wealthy scattered poor bored opt3 not rich = poor = not wealthy = not much money

Don't try to SCARE your mother with that dead snake. frighten clutch deny mark opt1 to scare = frighten = terrify = make afraid
infrequen temporar
Who is your USUAL teacher? rare regular t y opt2 usual = common = regular = ordinary
You need ________ experience if you want a job in this Here, "experience" is a mass noun. You need
company. a the an some opt4 some of it.
Conditional…present unreal…IF JOE WERE….
There is an entire section of "IF' clauses in this
If Joe ________ here, he could help us. was has been were could be opt3 databank IF YOU WANT TO TRY THEM.
Put "ing" form after "recall." Book 34 has a good
page that lists the verbs that take the gerund
I don't recall __________ you before. meet meeting to meet met opt2 and/or infinitive after them
Tom is __________ Joe is. as tall tall more tall than opt4 comparative form…one-syllable adjective

Last night, I _________ too much Pepsi. drink drank drunk am drunk opt2 irregular verb DRINK DRANK DRUNK
"Homework" is a mass noun. "Much Homework"
"Too much homework." You could say "Too
many homework assignments," because
The teacher gives us ___________ homework. too many many too more too much opt4 "assignments" is a count noun.
was passive voice. Requires the "be" auxiliary. Past
This book __________ by William Faulkner in 1953. wrote is wrote written written opt4 tense.

Had I been If I was If I were Was I This is the REDUCED SUBJUNTIVE. "If I had been
____________________, I would have helped you. there there there there opt1 there" can be reduced to "Had I been there."
no This is a modal. "He need not" do something = He
You ____________ bring your own pencils to the testing are not needing doesn't need to do it. You need not do it = You
room. We will provide the pencils. no need need need not to opt3 don't need to do it.

I knew it I know it I knew it

I know it will would be is being will be A main verb "KNEW" in the past needs the
I didn't go to that movie because _____________. be bad bad bad bad opt2 following verb to also be in the past.
These questions _______ easy. is was am are opt4 plural subject…plural verb "questions are"
am past tense "yesterday" irregular verb SEE
Yesterday, I _______ a black hawk. see saw seeing do see opt2 SAW SEEN
Put "too" in front of the adjective if there is an
infinitive phrase after the adjective. He is TOO
I am ______ tired to go to the movie with you tonight. too so very real opt1 PLAY basketball for the A team.
If "thereby" is not followed by a complete clause,
you just put the "ing" form of the verb. The
The thunderstorm knocked out the electricity, thereby to make teacher gave us too much homework, THEREBY
___________ impossible for us to watch tv. it made it making it made it it opt2 ANGERING all the students.
An infinitive can be the subject of a sentence. So
To be To can a gerund. TO RUN is good exercise.
_____________ a foreign language is difficult. Learn learn To learn learning opt4 RUNNING is good exercise.

I was I am born I was

I born in big born in a in big born in I was born = passive voice You need the
Which sentence is correct? city. big city. city. big city. opt2 preposition "IN." "City" is a count noun.
I was BROUGHT UP by my grandparents in a small to bring up = to raise = to rear = to bring up = to
town. reared steered leered cheered opt1 help grow up
The verb"need" requires the infinitive form in this
I need __________ a car for the weekend. to rent rent renting rented opt1 structure.
After a connecting word like "where" in an
where embedded structure, you put the SUBJECT first,
where is the the hotel the hotel the hotel then THE VERB. I want to know WHEN THE
I would like to know __________________. hotel is is where where is opt2 MOVIE STARTS.
When you work with the PRESENT PERFECT
tense, you use "FOR" when you are given the total
amount of time. If you are given only the starting
point, you use "SINCE." I have been here SINCE
I have been here ________ two months. since during for at opt3 April 5.
always subject-verb agreement. The PRICE IS… Do not
The price of those books ________ five dollars each. are were is been opt3 make the verb agree with "BOOKS."
The reson for his many absences _______ difficult to
He FLUNKED the test. wrote graded failed revised opt3 FLUNK = to fail = not to pass
Remember: put the SIMPLE FORM of the verb after
I may _______ to the movie tomorrow. going be go went go opt4 a modal.
The verb "ENJOY" requires gerund ( "-ing" form
He enjoyed __________ soccer. playing plays to play played opt1 after it.
fixed expression: TO BE INTERESTED IN
I am not interested _______ studying English. of in to for opt2 something
Subject-verb agreement AND past tense. The
The weather _______ good yesterday. is will be was were opt3 weather WAS good yesterday.
I'm tired ______ studying every night. with to of for opt3 fixed expression TO BE TIRED OF something

Yesterday, I _________ my old friend. meet was meet am met met opt4 Past tense irregular verb MEET MET MET
I like to sit _________ all the flowers. between amidst about during opt2 AMIDST = among (old-fashioned…poetic)
If I _________ in your position, I would not do that. was am been were opt4 present unreal subjunctive IF I WERE….
Someone has been SNOOPING INTO your private life. prying explainin easing
Do you know who and why? helping with into g about up on opt2 to snoop = to pry into = to

pecking order = in the barnyard, the bigger

powerful birds "peck" on the smaller weaker ones.
In a large organization, some people have more
a a power than others. It's like a chain-of-command in
A pecking order is an organization is _________. a tapestry deflation a jowl hierarchy opt4 which everyone knows his or her place.
He is He is He is He is
He is not telling the truth. jogging. starving. lying. working. opt3 to lie = to NOT tell the truth = to say untrue things
a type of
A hatchet is __________. a bird a tool a fish candy opt2 hatchet = a small ax used for chopping
in your in your in your
Where are your molars located? in your hand mouth brain blood opt2 molars = the back teeth
consider impolite = NOT polite = rude = not kind = not nice
He is very RUDE. impolite honest kind ate opt1 to other people
By the time you graduate, you _________ at least 40 will be will have have future perfect tense By the time I retire, I will
tests. took taking taken taken opt3 have worked for this company for 35 years.
When I neared my home, I could see that my neighbor's
house was _____ fire. on in at to opt1 fixed expression ON FIRE
superlative form of the adjective "good." GOOD
That was the _______ movie I have ever seen. good goodest bestest best opt4 BETTER BEST
"BEFORE" is a preposition of time here. You need
a noun after it. "Starting" is the gerund or noun
Before _________, he meditated for three minutes. he start starting start started opt2 form of "to start."
The show was BORING. I was BORED when I
That television show was __________. boring bores bored bore opt1 watched it.
Having He He was After Reduced clause. "After he had finished" can be
_______________, the student left the testing room. finished finished finish finish opt1 reduced to the phrase "Having finished."
After the main verb "keep," you need to put the "-
ing" form of a word. KEEP STUDYING and you
He keeps ________________ my comb! borrowing borrow borrows to borrow opt1 will do fine.

"Eat" is a single action verb, so you need to use a

form of "do" as the auxiliary. Since it is past
tense, use "did." After the "do" auxiliary, you need
to use the simple form of the verb. WHAT DID
did you YOU EAT for lunch? WHAT DID YOU DO last
What ___________ for lunch? do you ate you ate eat you eat opt3 night?
You need an adjective here. "Studious" is the
She is very ___________. study studious student studying opt2 adjective form of "study."
Joe is going to tie the knot next month. What will Joe mail a shoot a "To tie the knot" is an idiom meaning to get
do? get married fail a test package gun opt1 married.
"To bowl over" is an idiomatic phrasal verb
meaning to impressed someone a lot. Like a
impressed sickened left me bowling ball knocking over a bunch of bowling
His speech bowled me over. It _________. me me bored me cold opt1 pins.
The firemen were able to EXTINGUISH the fire in less
than 30 minutes. put off put on put away put out opt4 put out = extinguish
$2,000,00 a grand = slang term for a thousand dollars
That picture is going to cost you TWO GRAND. $2 $200 $2000 0 opt3 FIVE GRAND = $5,000
Although Even Introductory adverbial clause. You cannot use
Despite it it was though Despite it "despite" to introduce a clause. You could say
________________, we decided to try to play soccer. was raining raining raining rain opt2 "Despite the rain" or "In spite of the rain."
turn down = refuse to accept = decline = reject =
He TURNED DOWN a job offer in California. accepted declined took offered opt2 say "no" to
became perk up = become alert = become attentive = pay
He PERKED UP when he heard his name mentioned. hid alert giggled ran away opt2 attention = listen intently
A NUMBER = plural (More than two…maybe more
A number of students _______ waiting to see the than several….) A NUMBER OF PROBLEMS
principal. is was has been are opt4 HAVE ARISEN during your absence.
THE NUMBER = singular (It's only ONE number.)
The number of students _______ decreasing. is were been are opt1 rapidly.
If Joe is going to HIT THE SLOPES next weekend, what go
will he do? go skiing bowling study shop opt1 HIT THE SLOPES = ski down the mountainsides
FOR is a preposition, so you need OBJECTS OF
THE PREPOSITION. "For Joe" and "for me."
It was difficult for __________________ to do the job by Joe and "For Joe and me." It is easy FOR MARY AND ME
ourselves. Joe and I he and I I and he me opt4 to understand Julio's accent.
perplexin confusing = perplexing = hard to understand =
That is a CONFUSING math problem. easy g boring simple opt2 difficult to decipher
We use "IN" for countries. I was once stationed
She was born ________ Latvia. at on in to opt3 IN Egypt.
"Over" can mean to COVER something. He held
She wore a veil __________ her face. over in at under opt1 his hand OVER his mouth.
While I was driving to work this morning, I _________ to was was been Two simultaneous actions in the past, both
the radio. listen listen listening listening opt3 progressive (continuous).
ON the radio There was a good show ON
Channel 4 last night. I found a good story ON
I heard some bad news ______ the radio this morning. in on to for opt2 the Internet.

Future perfect tense One thing WILL HAVE

HAPPENED by the time something else HAPPENS.
By the time you finally graduate from school, you are will have By the time Col Smith retires, he WILL HAVE
__________ with 14 different teachers. study studied studying studied opt4 SERVED in the military for 25 years.

We put SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE in the dependent

clause. Future perfect (or future perfect
prograssive) can go in the main clause. By the
Joe will have been working for this company for 25 will have time she finally moves to a bigger house, she will
years by the time he ________. retires retired will retire is retire opt1 have been living in this one for 40 years.
irregular verb past tense BUY BOUGHT
I ___________ a new car yesterday. buy buyed will buy bought opt4 BOUGHT
DOWN IN THE DUMPS = unhappy = sad = dejected
= in a depressing situation, as if one is LIVING IN
Joe looks DOWN IN THE DUMPS today. rich unhappy talented angry opt2 THE DUMP.
impossib A PIECE OF CAKE = something very simple, easy
The next test will be A PIECE OF CAKE. difficult le horrible easy opt4 to do
probably no yes/mayb NO SWEAT = It will be so easy that we won't even
Can you finish the job by tomorrow? NO SWEAT. no not problem e no opt3 sweat.
WET BEHIND THE EARS = inexperienced, too new
Don't assign that duty to Joe. He's still WET BEHIND uncooper inexperie at the job. Like a new-born baby who was dried
THE EARS. stupid ative clumsy nced opt4 with a towel, but nobody dried behind the ears.
My neighbor drives LIKE A BAT OUT OF HELL. slowly carefully very fast ately opt3 A BAT OUT OF HELL= fast, wild, crazy, dangerous
overanxi TRIGGER HAPPY = nervous, overanxious too
Joe is TRIGGER HAPPY. expert ous militant amusing opt2 eager to shoot his gun
make a BURN THE MIDNIGHT OIL = work all night. To be
12:00 working at midnight and later. Students often
I can't go to the movies with you. I have to BURN THE sleep all work all watch tv phone have to burn the midnight oil the night before a big
MIDNIGHT OIL. night night all night call opt2 test.
eat start save HIT THE HAY = go to bed. In the old days, people
It's time to HIT THE HAY. something fighting money go to bed opt4 slept on piles of hay.
FULL OF BEANS = wrong = doesn't know what he's
intelligen honorabl talking about = FULL OF HOT AIR = incorrect about
He's FULL OF BEANS. hungry incorrect t e opt1 things

touch loan
Don't LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG. Don't reveal the any money to LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG = reveal a secret =
________. secret help pets animals people opt2 tell something that should stay a secret
be late
for take the GO AGAINST THE CURRENT = take the opposite
You can always predict that Joe will GO AGAINST THE help his appointm opposite position = do the opposite of what others do = be
CURRENT. tell lies friends ents position opt4 difficult and hard to get along with

GO WITH THE FLOW = do what everyone else is

doing and don't argue about it = accept what
everyone else wants = float along in the current of
accept leave the river = be passive and let it happen to you =
argue with things be the work don't try to change anything = just do what
Relax! GO WITH THE FLOW. people silently leader early opt2 everyone wants you t
He ____________ a large meal for his entire family
yesterday. cooks cook cooked was cook opt3 Regular verb past tense HE COOKED
He bears an UNCANNY resemblance to President uncanny = very strange =weird = impossibly
Clinton. amusing ordinary weird partial opt3 strange

He really
He's the belong in
He's best this A square peg (piece of wood) would not fit properly
cooperati worker organisat in a round hole. So this means that the person
He's a square peg in a round hole. He's funny. ve. here. ion. opt4 doesn't belong there. The person is a MISFIT.
To hit paydirt is to get good results. If you are a
We didn't We had miner digging for gold or silver, you hope to hit
We bombed do very great We lost "pay dirt"---dirt that is full of gold or silver. You
We hit pay dirt with that idea! out. well. results. money. opt3 will be happy with your good results.
I had no
defense I made
against my I ate my If you shoot at something in the dark, you don't
I took a wild an friend(s) meal know exactly where you are shooting. So you are
I took a shot in the dark. guess. intruder. angry. alone. opt1 GUESSING where the person is. It is a wild guess.

for a
He's He's good
dead and shopping time on a
He's at a in at a big Saturday This is a translation of an American Indian phrase
He's gone to the happy hunting ground. bar. heaven. store. night. opt2 for "heaven." Someone who is there has died.
I'm I'm sure I
I'm on pins and needles waiting for the answer to my confident I'm will be To be on pins and needles means you are very
reassignment application. I'm bored. . nervous. rejected. opt3 nervous.

Play a lot "KID" can mean a baby goat. KID GLOVES are
of gloves that are made out of the skin of baby goats,
practical Tell him so it is very soft to the touch. When you treat
jokes on some someone with kid gloves, you are being very
Treat him Be mean him vulgar gentle and kind to that person---no shocks, no bad
You will have to treat him with kid gloves today. gently. to him. today. jokes. opt1 news, no yell

They are They are LEAPS and BOUNDS are two ways of JUMPING.
They are They are depresse good and When you do something by leaps and bounds, you
That class is making progress by leaps and bounds. slow. stagnant. d. fast. opt4 are doing it rapidly, with no obstacles.

We are near It's time It's time It's time

the critical to go to to wake to quit The ZERO HOUR is a very critical time to do
We are rapidly approaching zero hour. time. sleep. up. work. opt1 something important. THE MOMENT OF TRUTH.

He is sick He is
He is He is and I generous
deceptive friendly need to with his
I'm rather leery of Joe. Sometimes I think he's a wolf in and can't be and avoid time and A wolf who is pretending to be one of the sheep is
sheep's clothing. trusted. happy. him. money. opt1 trying to deceive you and cannot be trusted.

I was I was It would be very difficult for you to run after and
I was given a given catch a wild goose. Therefore, a wild goose chase
I was given given an promotio extra is an impossible job or assignment. Everyone
a great impossib n and a help with knows you will not succeed, but they try to make
The boss sent me off on some wild goose chase. assigment. le task. raise! my job. opt2 you do it anyway.
A wet blanket stops other people from having fun.
So he would ruin your party because he's so
He is boring. So he's a party pooper because he
He is highly He is a doesn't want to have fun. Sometimes we try to
He's a party very skilled at great put out a grass fire by smothering parts of it with a
Joe turned out to be a wet blanket. pooper. smart. the job. athlete. opt1 wet blanket.

I am
I am already
doing I am thinking
two jobs confused about When you wear two hats, you are not only doing
I'm not today about what to your own job, but you are covering the work of
concentratin instead what to do after someone else in the office. You are doing the jobs
I'm wearing two hats today. g on my job. of one. wear. work. opt2 of two people.

RED TAPE is governmental bureaucratic delays

official traffic women that slow you down. Apparently in the old days,
formalties signals putting some government offices tied all their paperwork
and that their up in bundles with red tape and then it took them a
bureaucrati mess and weren't cosmetic long time just to locate the paper, much less
We were delayed because of all THE RED TAPE. c rules trash green s on opt1 process it.

in an
in his enviable THE BOONDOCKS is a very remote, primitive area
in a unit's place far from big cities. There are no cultural amenities
remote, headquar that the within hundreds of miles. Also known as THE
Joe got his next assigment. He'll be IN THE in a nice primitive ters rest of us BOONIES. "After two years in the boonies, it was
BOONDOCKS for three years. metropolis place building desire opt2 great to be back in Houston."

the The low man on the totem pole is the lowest-

the smartest ranking person in the chain-of-command, the
person the person in person with the least power or least seniority. He
with the richest the is often the newest person in the organization.
How does it feel to be LOW MAN ON THE TOTEM least person in organizat This comes from native American Indian culture.
POLE? the boss seniority the group ion opt2 They would car
Hot off the press = very recent = just announced.
It's the It's Like a newspaper that has just been printed
It's most unbelieva It's seconds ago and the paper is still warm from the
Hear's some news. It's hot off the press. incorrect. recent. ble. funny. opt2 machinery.
our is already
is too is very needs out-of- If something fits the bill, it is perfect. It's just what
This new office furniture FITS THE BILL. expensive ugly exactly style opt3 you want and need. It meets your needs exactly.

DIME A DOZEN = very common, ordinary, plentiful.

If you can buy a dozen (12) of something for a
Athletes who want to be bouncers in clubs and bars are expensive not very very rare and dime (10cents), then it is very common, very
A DIME A DOZEN. to hire smart common desirable opt3 ordinary, not unusual or different.
an award OJT stands for "on-the-job training." Instead of
on-the- I will just reading books about how to do the job, you
I'm going to Fort Bliss for a little OJT. I'm going for job receive in actually try to do the job while someone assists
_______. orange juice training vacation public opt2 you and corrects you.
I'm not TO BULGE is to get bigger. Battle of the bulge =
I'm very trying to keep from getting fat. PUDGY = a little
I keep fighting the battle of the bulge to no avail. I'm pudgy. lonely. I'm poor. smart. opt1 too fat.
Answer If you hold your horses, you WAIT. You do not
Hold your horses! Jump! me! Go away! Wait! opt4 proceed.
fight FIGHT. A slang expression for your fists is your
each start drop out DUKES. "Put up your dukes!" = Prepare to fight.
Bill and Steve are going to DUKE IT OUT. get married other dieting of school opt2 Duke it out = fight to the finish

A feather in your cap is a great achievement,

something to be proud of. It comes from the old
days when gentlemen wore feathers in the caps.
an a a proud an The people with big pretty feathers were assumed
Getting 100 on the ECL would be A FEATHER IN YOUR impossible worthles achievem unnotew to be rich or powerful or aristocratic. It was good
CAP. goal s task ent orthy feat opt3 to have
A blue moon is very rare. Once in a blue moon is
Joe answers the questions correctly ONCE IN A BLUE frequentl quite very rare. How often have you looked up in the sky
MOON. very rarely y always often opt1 and seen a BLUE moon up there?
He to take a powder = to leave, often quickly and
departedl He without telling anyone. (When women GO TO THE
He stole y ingested He POWDER ROOM, they leave the table and go to the
We were sitting there eating lunch when suddenly Joe some of my unexpect some cheated ladies' restroom.) It means to go away and leave
TOOK A POWDER. good. edly. medicine. on a test. opt2 someone alone.
eat junk money
I wish Joe wouldn't HIT THE BOTTLE so much. drink booze shoplift food from me opt1 to hit the bottle = to drink alcohol (booze)
discuss talk
serious about argue sell to talk turkey = to talk seriously about something
It's time for us to TALK TURKEY. matters dieting nutrition poultry opt1 important

inapprop He got
He was fired riate very His wife a pink slip = a piece of paper notifying someone
Joe was given a pink slip Friday. from his job. gifts. drunk. left him. opt1 that he/she is being fired from a job.

You were
Tell already
everyone Keep it a It is notified on the QT = secretly. The first and last letters of
You may leave early, but it's strictly on the QT. else also. secret. illegal. about it. opt2 "quiet." QuieT
It's It's
necessar stupid for You are A "Monday morning quarterback" is someone who
It's easy for y for you us to more tells you on Monday what you should have done
you to talk to settle have athletic during Sunday's game. It is someone who tells
about it the attended than you what you something obvious AFTER it's too
It's easy for you to Monday morning quarterback. You AFTER it disagree the intellectu late. He wasn't around to give you the advice when
weren't at the meeting. ended. ment. meeting. al. opt1 you really needed

He ate He century = 100 years. Century mark can mean 100

He turned He fired a and bought of anything. "The temperature reached the
100 years lot of drank too new century mark yesterday" means it hit 100 degrees
Mr. Smith hit the century mark yesterday. old. shots. much. clothes. opt1 F.
Don't Don't Don't to drag your feet = to delay = to do something
Don't drag your feet. Don't hurry. run. stumble. delay. opt4 slowly

people in the bag = certain = guaranteed. When you buy
Your got something at a store, they put it in a bag and you
You will promotio Your promoted can leave. So this means it's like the end of a
NOT get n is 100% promotio instead business transaction. There is no doubt. Your
Your promotion is in the bag. promoted. certain. n is iffy. of you. opt2 "item" is already in the bag.

One side be
has a big continue Both If the playing field is level, both sides have the
The weather advantag d for a sides are same advantages. But if the playing field is NOT
is too bad to e over long evenly LEVEL, one side is obviously going to have a big
We're not on a level playing field here. play. the other. time. matched. opt2 advantage over the other.

n or clerk
in a a coach
business or tainer Someone who deals with numbers, especially in a
gardener or for a very bureaucracy. They think their job is to count and
The BEAN COUNTERS probably won't agree to your cooks and s and governm weak (dis)approve EVERYTHING, even the number of
budget requests. chefs farmers ent athlete opt3 beans in each bag.
A steel trap is something to catch animals. Once
it catches one (by the foot), it is so tight that the
He never He is He never animal can't get away. If your mind is like this, it
He forgets listens to obviousl forgets keeps every piece of information and doesn't "let it
He has a mind like a steel trap. everything. anyone. y crazy. anything. opt4 go."
keep at bay = to keep someone at a safe distance
away while something else happens. Hunting
lend dogs bay (bark) when they near the animal they are
them a hinder chasing. If you can keeps the dogs at bay, they are
I'll try to KEEP THEM AT BAY while you get away. help them kill them boat them opt4 only able to bark at you, not actually catch you.

You are When you grasp or clutch at straws, you are

You are You are wearing desperate. You are using your last, final options.
You are improvin desperat very If you are going to fall off the side of the mountain,
giving good g ely trying attractive you grab at a rope, a tool, anything to help you. If
You are clutching at straws now. answers. steadily. anything. clothes. opt3 the only left for you to grab to keep from fal
If this _____ 1856, transportation to Moscow would be present unreal This is not 1856. If this (the year)
very difficult. was were is will be opt2 were 1856….

We will
We will We will tell
stop it try to everyone To nip in the bud is to stop something in its
We will before it hide it to earliest stages. Frost can NIP a young plant while
make it gets from the disregard it is just BUDDING, so it never grows. Nip = cut off
We need to nip this problem in the bud. worse. worse. boss. it. opt2 bud = a flower before it even starts to open up

He's too He eats argues
young and with A babe (baby) is too young and inexperienced to
and drinks everyone do anything. A baby who is in the woods would
You don't want Joe to lead the mission. He's still a He's old and inexperie too all the be totally lost and helpless, at the mercy of wild
babe in the woods. useless. nced. much. time. opt2 animals and bad weather.

There is
an We will
obvious not know
winner the It wasn't
We already early in outcome even a down to the wire = the final seconds of a race
know the the until the close It's too close to know who the winner is. Nobody
It's going to be down to the wire on this one. results. game. very end. call. opt3 knows the result yet.

No one is is very No one is around to stop you from doing what you
The watching bad, so want to do. (There are no police or authorities
The weather ships are to stop you must patrolling the coastal area to stop illegal
You can leave now. THE COAST IS CLEAR. is bad. big. you. stay. opt3 smuggling or contraband.
It scared
me and
made me It
feel It bored impresse to give someone the willies = to scare or frighten
uncomfor me d me with or make me very uneasy and nervous. Willies
It made me table complete its are the ghosts of dead women. If you have a
That movie gave me the willies. laugh. later. ly. beauty. opt2 bunch of them around you, you will be scared.
He's to do anything UP A STORM means to do it very
He's working He's hard, very seriously, working much harder than
He's making angry at very trying not usual, devoting 100% of one's attention to the job
Look at Joe. He's typing UP A STORM, isn't he? mistakes. us. hard. to work. opt3 at hand.
me showed When you stand someone up, you don't honor an
didn't flowers me a agreement. You don't show up for an
took me even and great appointment. You break a promise to be
My date STOOD ME UP last night. dancing show up candy time opt2 somewhere at a certain time.
He had
divorced He is
He has a and He is living in a
different remarried driving a different
He's PLYING A NEW TRADE these days. job. . new car. home. opt1 a trade = a job to ply a trade = to work at a job

He gave s
He extra, correctly
started better with
In the middle of his speech, he WENT OFF THE DEEP He giggled a acting examples confiden to go off the deep end = to act crazily, insanely.
END. little. berserk. . ce. opt2 To go into a violent rage.
asking to
laughing served a
After a couple of beers, Joe started SPILLING HIS telling a lot at silly lot of to spill your guts = to tell all of your secrets to
GUTS. of secrets vomiting jokes good opt1 confess a lot of serious things
Look at Try to Photogra
Take a gander at that car over there. Steal it. it. buy it. ph it. opt2 gander = look

He tells
He people to horn in on = to intrude or interfere. Imagine an
He praises lies animal with horns. He uses his horns to get
He ignores intrudes me for about my certain things. He could maneuver his way into an
He's always trying to horn in on my projects. them. in them. them. work. opt2 area using his horns as tools.
a funny false clue In mystery stories, we find red
joke or a big a correct herrings, false clues to deceive us and draw our
I think this is A RED HERRING. a false clue story disaster answer opt1 attention away from the truth.
in charge
free of of expected free If a fish is hooked, he is in big trouble.
Someone else volunteered for the extra duty. You're responsi everythin to work If the fish is OFF THE HOOK, he has managed to
OFF THE HOOK. guilty bility g harder opt2 escape and he is now free.
present unreal I am not you. I wouldn't do it if I
were you. (subjunctive "were" is required in this
I wouldn't buy so many expensive DVDs if I _____ you. was am had been were opt4 structure.)
I would not have shot at the police officers if I _______ past unreal It requires a past perfect in the "if"
you. were had been was am opt2 clause. It I had been you….
Sgt Smith thinks the food in the Amigo Inn is AWFUL. great delicious e terrible opt4 awful = very bad = terrible = horrible
Always put the simple form of the verb after a
If it rains tomorrow, I will _____ to a movie. going be go goes go opt4 modal. I will go.
future next week This is specific, so use the
If I have time next week, I _______ my car to the garage. taking will take am took takes opt2 modal "will" to say "I will take…."
dishones not
Maria always tells the truth. She is ______, a liar honest t truthful opt2 HONEST = telling the truth, not a liar
SCARF DOWN = a slang expression meaning "to
We SCARFED DOWN a lot of pizza last night. cooked bought served ate opt4 eat a lot of something quickly."
My father bought a new CAR. hat ball le room opt3 car = automobile
My father was LIVID when he saw the grades on my ambivale livid = very angry = turning purple in the face from
report card. thrilled happy angry nt opt3 rage

The pie was TASTY, wasn't it? expensive delicious horrible bland opt2 TASTY = delicious = good to eat
to sock away = to save = to put in a savings
account in the bank. Maybe it comes from the old
days when people would hide their money in a
Joe SOCKED AWAY over $5,000 last year. spent earned lost saved opt4 sock???
The words "right now" require present progressive
The baby _________ right now. cry is cry crying is crying opt4 in this sentence.
couldn't stalemate HASH OUT = to settle something after
They HASHED OUT their differences. worsened resolve settled d over opt3 discussions…to resolve
WERE I THEY = very formal This is a reduced
If I had version of IF I WERE THEY Most people would
Tom and Mary are quitting. _________, I would stay If I was been Was I say "them" instead of "they," but this is the most
another year. Were I they them them they opt1 formal version.
TO ELOPE = to run away and get married,
Joe and Mary ran away and got married last week. They marginali especially to avoid the expenses and difficulties of
______. thwarted eloped fortified zed opt2 a big family wedding and celebration.
If the sun shines tomorrow, we will _____ our soccer always put the simple form after a modal. WE
game. playing play plays played opt2 WILL PLAY….
future tense Use the modal WILL + BE in the
If Joe passes the next test, we ______ happy. be was were will be opt4 main clause.
future tense Put the simple present in the "if"
I will be angry if it _____ tomorrow. will rain rain rains rained opt2 clause. IF IT RAINS TOMORROW….
exemplar admirabl
His behavior is PUERILE, don't you agree? childish y e mature opt1 PUERILE = childish, silly, immature
present tense subject-verb agreement = WE
It it is 7:25, we ______ to hurry. needing need needing needs opt2 NEED

If Mary
If Mary Had Mary Were hasn't
_________, no one would have known how to solve the weren't not been Mary not been past unreal The "if" clause is reduced. If Mary
problem. there there there there opt2 had not been there = Had Mary not been there.

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